SERVICES OF PRAISE AND REJOICING TOMORROW CELEBRATING CHRIST'S RESURRECTION SPECIAL SERVICES AT GRACE CHURCH Easter Is to Predominate in Methodist Congregation's Worship Hours Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, State street near Third, will close its gpecfal Easter week services by two unusual meetings on Sunday. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock, Dr. Robert Bagnell will preach a special Easter sermon on, "The Return From Beyond the Grave." This Easter service will also be solemnized by the reception of a large class of members to the church, and the usual gold Easter offering will be taken. Special Easter hymns will be sung by the congregation, and the chorus choir will render unusually at tractive Easter anthems. The Sunday School, which is thor oughly departmentalized, and which Fleets from 12.10 to 1.10, will have espe cially attractive Easter programs in the Various departments, that will add •fveatly to the Easter spirit of the day. In the evening at 6.30 o'clock, the Epworth League will hold an Easter Bervice. with the Grace church pastor speaking on "Eternal Life, and How to Live It." One of the most enjoyable meetings of the year Is anticipated. At the evening service, at 7.30 o'clock, the augmented Grace church chorus choir, under the leadership of Trot. John IV. Phillips, will render a cantata, "The Resurrection," by Manney. The solo parts of this beautiful cantata will be rendered by Miss Mary Buttorf, so prano; Mrs. Robert Reeves, contralto, and Mr. Wm. S. Hoover, bass. Besides the rendering of this beautiful cantata, there will be two beautiful selections rendered by the following trio: Miss "Margaret Kennedy, celloist; Harold Marsh, violinist, and W. R. Stonesifer, organist. On Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, Grace church will give a reception to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bagnell, who are starting another year of their splendid service for Grace Church: to the Dis trict Superintendent of the Harrisburg District of the Central Pennsylvania Conference, and bis wife, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Heckman, and to Wm. Ray Chapman, new educational director of Grace church. The social union of Grace church is in charge of the social time and refreshments, and a most en joyable reception is planned . Easter Schedule at Park St. U. E. Church The Rev. Ralph C. Deibert, pastor of the Albright College Church and Professor of Btble in that institution will he the preacher at the 10.45 services next Sunday morning in the Park Street United Evangelical Church. Baptism will he adminis tered at. this service, lie will also teach the Sunday school lesson of the day to the Brotherhood Bible Class and the Ladies' Bible Class, both of which meet in tho auditor- J ium of the church at this time be cause of the increase in attendance j in the departments meeting else- ! where. These two classes are aim- j ing to have an attendance ot' no j less than a total of 160 for both on | Sunday morning. I At tho 5.45 Junior Christian En- I deavor Society meeting the members I of the Senior Society will be the | guests of the Junior Society and j its superintendents, Mrs. W. E. 1 Rickert and Mrs. J. 11. Smith. The ! Senior meeting at 6.30 will be in j charge of C. K. Curtis and Ressler [ Shultz. | At 7.30 the pastor will fill the pul pit and will preach on the subject. , "If a Man Die shall He Live Again?" I The day's services will be ushered | in with an early Easter morning I prayermeeting at 6 o'clock. I Christ Lutheran Church Thomas Reisch, D. D., Pastor Big Rally in Sunday School, 2 P. M. Hear the Great Organ Chimes Played by Mr. Amos Hubcr Fine Vocal Music Big Men's Bible Class Easter Cantata, 7.30 P. M. EVERYBODY INVITED Bethlehem Lutheran Church Green and Cumberland Streets Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor The Hour of the Morning Service is 10 O'clock At 7.30 P. M., an Elaborate Musical Program will be rendered. The quartette will be assisted by an accom plished Violinist. "The Church With The Chimes" Christ Is Risen EASTER morning should be observed by every Christian Man, Woman and Child attending Divine Services. Special Easter Music Zion choir will have a special program Sunday evening at 7.30 P. M. Zion's music is always of the best. A reception will be held Monday evening for the new members who have united with the church within the year. Zion Lutheran Church South Fourth St.. urnr Market S. W. Herman, I), 1)., Pastor "Zion's Door, Are Open Every Day" r SATURDAY 1 EVENING, Hjlrhisburg TELEGRiVPH APRIL 19, 1919. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOW BRANCHES OUT TO NEW WORK Interesting Easter Topics to Be Presented With Special Pro grams Tomo rroiv Night After thirty-eight years of suc cessful effort in Christian work, the Christian Endeavor Society has branched out into world wide labor and responsibility. It is needless to | recount its many channels of bless jings, and its many opportunities of 'fered to the consecrated worker, both I young and old. From its inception, the movement has attracted and held the best workers in an organization j for the good of humanity. New 1 opportunities and sudden emergen | cies stimulated the leaders to new i plans and methods to supply the I need. New workers constantly en- I rolled under the banner of C. E., I while older workers continued in I the interest and faithful allegiance, j The thirty-eight years have seen enrolled a magnificent "Old Guard, ~ ' we are not active because of other calls, and the responsibilities which time brings, yet desire to assert and i declare their allegiance to the cause. ' For these there has been organized I the Alumni Association, both world ! wide and local. The Alumni Association of the United Society of Christian Endeay | or is organized to support the world • wide work of Christian Endeavor, 'to strenghten the bonds of fellow : ship between former active En deavors and those now in service, : and fo give to older Christians wider opportunities for continued useful ! nesti . Any former or present En ' deavorer may become a member ot the Association by contributing reg -1 ularly to the work of the organiza tion." Pledges arc urged covering a i period of five years, payable in an nual installments. Those living in i a given locality may be organized isociallv into a Group or Fellowship, I consisting of all who contribute one ' dollar or more annually. The Alumni Association of Penn sylvania C. E. Union is organized to advance the interest of C. E. at large to support financially the State Union, and to strengthen the bonds of friendship already forni [ed in C. E. work. Any resident of I Pennsylvania of live years' service 1 in O. E. work may be enrolled as a member, upon payment of one dol lar contribution. Regular meetings are held bi-ennially at State C. I*.. conventions, and special social gatherings are then held for the members. Three-fourths of the con tributions paid is given to State work, and one-fourth to the inciden tal expenses of the Alumni Associa tion. The Association is duly or ganized with a constitution and corps of officers. Those now serving are: President. John W. Cunningham, Pittsburgh: vice-president, T>r. Clar ence IT. Chain, Philadelphia: sec retary-treasurer, Archibald Garvin, 1028 Schackamaxon street, Phila delphia. Advisory Committee. Miss Gertrude C. Schwab, Ashley: Frank M. Shubert, Kittanning; and John Li. Pandel, Burnham. C. E. NOTES Christian Endeavor workers are planning and putting "pep" into the great work of the organization and will meet in many conventions dur ing the next few months. The schedule of conventions and rallies are as follows: Alabama, state con vention, Montgomery, April 11-13: Arkansas, state convention, Pine Bluff, June 13-13; California, state convention, Long Beach, June 28- July 2: Colorado, state convention. Rocky Ford, June 5-8: Florida, state convention. Quiney, June 12-15; Georgia and South Carolina, inter state convention, Augusta, Georgia, May 2-4; Indiana, state convention. Fort Wayne, June 26-29; Kansas, state convention, Lawrence, June 10-12; Kentucky, state convention. * rWPBMJKiffiSi JHBnBU DR. SHAW Winchester, May 9-11; Louisiana, state convention, Shreveport, June 10-12; Michigan, state convention, | Grand liapids, June 25-29; New I York, Otsego, county convention, lOneonta, May 16, 17: Four-county • convention, Ulster, Sullivan, Orange, (and Dutchess, at Kingston, May 26, i 2 7 ; North Carolina, state convention, j llurlingham-Graham, June 5-8; | Ohio, state convention, Cleveland, | June 24-27; Oklahoma, state con vention, Enid, June 11-14; Oregon, I state convention, Portland, June 19- 122; Tennessee, district conventions, I Chattanooga district, San Antonio, i June 11-15; Virginia, state conven- Itiori, Richmond, June 17-19; West I Virginia', stale, convention, Clarks | burg, June 10-12. | "Eternal Life and How to Live lit," will be the Easter topic for study I at the Endeavor services at the var ! ious churches on Sunday evening, j Russell Itupp will have charge of the C. E. meeting at the St. John's I Lutheran Church, Steelton, to-mor- I row evening. There will bo some | thing of interest for all persons de | siring to attend at this meeting. The Evangelistic committee of the Philadelphia C. K. Union reports: "Special meetings were conducted as follows: missions, 1,188; street meet lings, 499; institutions, 1.841; police land fire stations, 100; car barns, 4; park and squares, 166; tent services, 104; cottage prayer meetings, 1,114: church services, 1,097; mills, 28; J visits to the sick, 5,029; Bible classes, 112. Total, 10,682, resulting in 739 known conversions, and 31 life work I recruits." j William Shaw, LL. D., general .secretary of the United Society of | Christian Endeavor, Boston, is "boosting" for a great international gathering to be held at. Buffalo, I August 5-10, this year. Dr. Shaw is in the habit of seeing big things in Christian Endeavor and a good program is promised. The joint Christian Endeavor and Sunday School convention of the j East Pennsylvania Eldership of the Churches of God will meet at Col | unibia. May 13-15 th. The various [schools and societies are urged to elect delegates and send the names to the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Wiggins, Columbia. Miss Mildred Burkholder will have charge of the program at the C. E. services at the St. Matthew's Lu theran Church to-morrow evening. Harris Street Keystone Leaguers will study an Easter topic on Sun day evening. Miss Ethel Batdorf will speak on the theme specially prepared for Easter day. Dr. Daniel A. Poling, of Boston, who delivered addresses at the big mobilization of C. E. Societies in this city recently, visited seventeen large cities and organized Alumni Associations. To-day and to-mor row he will ho at Detroit, Michigan. His intinerary will continue until June 20th. Mrs. Etta Raysor, president, will be the speaker at the Endeavor meeting at the Westminster Presby terian Church, to-morrow evening. A cordial welcome is extended to all persons interested. At. Christ Lutheran C. E. Society, Miss Nellie Reitman will he the lead er and a good program is promised for to-morrow evening. C. S. Meek, Miss Sadie Clouser and Mrs. Sennett will make the program interesting at the Fourth Street Church of God C. E. services on Sunday evening. Seven new Intermediate Societies have been organized in the State, recently. Miss Margaret A. Spencer, State Intermediate Superintendent. Pittsburgh, is doing excellent work in her department. Miss La Vene Grove, of the St. Matthew's Lutheran Society, and a prominent Endeavor worker in the city union circles, delivered an in teresting address at the United Evan gelical K. L. C. 10. services, at Car lisle, on last Sunday evening. Endeavorers of the First Church of God Society, New Cumberland, will hold an Easter service on Sun day evening Miss Carrie Sweeney will have charge of the service. Miss Carrie Knaby, a well known Endeavorer in C. E. musical circles, will be the leader at the Zion Evan gelical Lutheran Society, Enola, on Sunday evening. Centenary United Brethren En deavorers, of Steelton, will have an Easter service to-morrow evening Miss Esther Ligan will he the leader and everybody is welcome to attend. "Redemption's Song" to Be Presented at Sixth St. A sacred Easter cantata entitled "Redempt'on's Song," by Fred B. Holton will be rendered bv a choir of twenty-five voices at the Sixth Street U. B. Church, Easter evening at 7.30 o'clock. The soloists will be: Lillain Good year and Mrs. Eva Conrad, soprano; Maude Goodyear, alto; S. K. Bell and Frank S. Goodyear, bass. A special feature will be a tenor solo entitled, "Open Ye the Gates of the Temple" to be sung by Lewis Len liart. TO GIVE CANTATA The Bible school of Second Baptist Church, will render "The Easter King." Sunday evening at 7.30 p. m., in the Odd Fellow's hall, on the corner of Briggs and Cowden streets, under the direction of William Hicks, superinten dent and W. 11. Neal, chorister of the Sunday school, and Mrs. Mary A. Scott, who has charge of the training of the j children. 1 [Other Church News ou Page 7.] EASTER PROGRAM j AT MARKET SQ. Splendid Resurrection Day Service to Be Presented at Downtown Church The annual service of Eastertide music will be given on Sunday aft ernoon at 4 o'clock by the choir of I Market Square Presbyterian Church, j Preceding the service there will be a fifteen-minute organ recital. The j choir is under the direction of Mrs. j Wilbur F. Hurris, with Mrs. John R. Henry as organist, and the assist ance of Harold Walsh, violinist. The following is the afternoon program in detail: Organ recital. 3.45; Prologue, Rogers; "To Spring," Matthews; "Easter Morning," Baumgartner; "Springtime Sketli," Bebbe; "O Sacred Head Now Wounded." Hass ler-Bach: Hymn 221, "Alas, and My Saviour Bleed," Wilson; Old Testament Scripture, Isaiah LIII; "On an Old Picture." Waif, Mrs. Harris: New Testament Scripture, I Corinthians 1-23; "Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Sons of Men," XVI Century; "Hark, the Easter Bells Are Ring ing," Borch, women's chorus; prayer; offertory, "Cavatina," Raff, Mr. Malsh: "Young Men and Maids," Lcisring, XVII Century, Mr. Moyer, Air. Henry, Mr. Kelker, Mr. Wat kins and the choir; address; "Christ's Resurrection," Cui, Miss Middaugli; Hymn 224, "Jesus Christ Is Risen To-day," Lyra Davidica, 1798; prayer; "A Joyous Easter Song," XVII Century, soloists, Mrs. Good and Mr. Moyer; benediction; "Souls of the Righteous," Noble, (Benediction carol); Postlude, "Eas ter Alleluia," Ottenwalder. | The music at the morning service ; will be: Prelude "Gethsemane," I Kr.vsinger; "Resurrection Morn," I Johnston; anthem, "Now Late on t lie Sabbath Day," Coleridgc-Tay- I lor, soloist, Mrs. Harris; offertory, i "Spring Song," Macfarlane; Easter I carol, "At Datvn When They Sought i With Weeping," XVI Century; post ! lude, "Hallelujah Chorus From the '■ Messiah," Handel, i At the evening service at 7.30 the music will be as follows: Prelude, Organ Hymn, Bridge; Evening Vespers, Boellman; offer i tor.v, "Easter Dawn," Ashmall; an i them, "Praise to Our God," Vulpius; | postlude, "Grand Chorus in A, Guil rnant. Attractive Program to Be Given at Tabernacle Church Every arrangement is being made to make the Easter services appropriate I and attractive to-inorrow at the Tab | ernacle Baptist Church, Sixth and Fors ! ter streets of which the Rev. Millard I Osmore Peirce is pastor, i The Committee which has the decor i ating in charge promises to lay the in j terior of the church in greens, inter | mingled with white Easter flowers. Electrical effects have been conceived to aid greatly in the scheme of decora ! tion. A lattice work has been built over the baptismal waters for the pur pose of casting rays of light and holding decorative material. At the morning service a special pro gram of music will be rendered by the choir and the pastor will preach on the theme, "He died ! But Not in Vain." In the afternoon a Baptismal sorvieo will be held by the members of the Taber nacle Baptist chapel. This service will be conducted by the associate pastor the Rev. David Jovian. The evening service promises to carry with it an un usual uplift and inspiration to all those who attend. A feature of the service will be the baptism of several candi dates. Also special music. On the ensuing Wednesday evening the Central Baptist Church of Steelton, will unite with the Tabernacle congre gation in their Mid-Week prayer service. At the close of the service the Rev. Walter 11. Hallman, acting supply for the Steelton church, will baptize a num ber of candidates from his field. Large Increase in Membership at Zion The Easter season in Zion Luther an Church has an added emphasis because of the largo additions to the communicant membership during the week. The vestry approved of more than a hundred applicants. The holy communion will have an added signficance to-morrow. The service will begin at 10 o'clock, and the early part, of the service will bo dqvoted to the baptism of children. A special Easter program has been provided by the Sunday School. At 7:15, there will be an evening com munion administered in the lower church and at 7:30, the Easter praise service of the choir will be rendered. During the day the pastor will ad minister private communions. The evening theme of Dr. Herman will lie "The New Beginning." On Monday evening there will be a re ception for the friend and members of Zion witli tho new members as special guests. A pleasing program has been arranged by the retiring vestrymen. Tiie pastor will conduct (he mid-week service. On Thurs day evening, the men of Zion Broth erhood will hold a "Get Alquatnted Meeting," another of their delightful informal social evenings. All other regular meetings will be held as scheduled. Big Easter Festival at Stevens Memorial The Easter festival will begin in the early morning in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Ep'scopal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon Streets. At 6:30 the folk of the church and community will gather for a beautiful service of worship. Music and flowers will predominate in the Sunday school services. The many departments have arranged special programs for Easter Sunday. The people will gather at 10 o'clock for the feast. Al. K. Thomas is to be in charge of the meeting. The' Resurrection Dawn message for the day is to bo given by Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker at eleven o'clock, on "The Fash'on in which the World War has Reinterpreted the Resurrection." Reception of new members will follow the address. Special Easter music is scheduled for the service. Frank Rines, of Washington, D. C., is to tell the story of the day in crayon at 7.30 P. M. This platform cartoonist of unusual ability will be in the city to-morrow on the special invitation of Dr. Smucker. Ho gets in front of his board, a piece of crayon in his hand and an idea in | his head, and he starts to unravel the idea to those who form his audi ence, losing no time doing either the one thing or the other. He has been doing platform cartooning for twe'.vo yeurs. His work is very I clever. In connection with this ad dress Sergeant Humphrey J. Robert I will sing. CHURCH DIRECTORY LUTHERAN Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Shafer. 10.30, reception of members and Holy Communion ; 8, "No Night in Heaven." Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. Han son, D. D. 10, Holy Communion ; 7.30. Easter Cantata, by choir. 2, Sunday School. St. Peter's, Higlispire—The Rev. Er nest L. Pee. 10.45, "The Great Hope;" 7.30, "The Story of Easter." Cantata. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stamets. 10.30 and 7.30, Communion. 2, Sunday School. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Metsenhelder. 10.30, Communion; 7, Easter entertain | nient by Sunday School. 2, Sunday I School; Sunrise service, 6.30. Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. Early services at 6, "Leaven for the New Festivalthe Rev. Edmund Manges, of York, at 7.30. 2, Sunday School. ! Bethlehem—Tho Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D. 10 and 7.30, Holy Communion. 1.45, Sunday School. Trinity, Camp Hill—Sunday School, 9.30: 10.30, Holy Communion; 3, Bap tismal service; 6.30, Luther League; 7.30, Holy Communion. Shiloh, Riverside—The Rev. E. E. Snyder. 3, Holy Communion ; 2, Sunday School. St. Matthews—The Rev. E. E. Snyder. 11, Holy Communion; 7.30, Easter cantata. 9.45, Sunday School. Zion —The Rev. J. Wnifleld Herman. 10. Baptism of nnfants and Holy Com munion ; 7.30, Easter praise service. 1.45. Sunday School. Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Resurrec tion," (Lord's Supper) ; 7.30, Children's Easter praise service. 9.30, Sunday School. Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paat. 11, "Christ's Grave on Easter Morn ing Easter service by Sunday School. 10, Sunday School. UNITED HRETHRKN First—The Rev. W. K. Daugherty, 10.30, "Ministry of the Risen Christ," and at 7.30, Evening of Music; Sun day school at 1.45. Trinity—The Rev. A. R. Ayres. •pastor, at 10.30, and at 7.30; Sunday school at 9.30. Sixth Street—The Rev. J. Owejn Jones, pastor will preach at 10.30, Holy Communion and Baptism, and at 7.30, Cantata: Sunday school at 1.45, C. E. at 6.20. Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Lytcr, pastor will preach at 10.30, Easter Meditation, and at 7.30, "From Olivet to Calvary," Maunder; Sunday school at 2. Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp 10.30, Communion, Baptism, Evening esrvice 7.30, "The Power of the Re surrection," Sunday school at 2, and Christian Endeavor at 6.30. West Fairview, Grace —Holy Com j munion, 10 a. ni., Sunday school at i 1.30. Senior Young People's Society ] Christian Endeavor, 6.45; Holy Cora j munion and sermon, "Immortal Life," 7.30. I Stat" Street —The Rev. H. F. Rhoad, ! pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Is Death I Merely Good-by," and at 7.30, the | choir will render a cantata, entitled, "Redemptions Song"; Sunday school, j 9.30, other services. Young People's Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30; special announcements: An early ! praise service at 6 p. m.: Baptism of children, and reception of members at 10.45 a. m. CHURCH OF GOD Higlispire—Tlie Rev. Jay C. Farn crook. 10.30, "The Risen Christ"; Sunday school 1.45. Linglestown—The Rev. J. M. Waggoner. 10.30, "Illustrated East er Sermon; Sunday school 9.30. Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag goner. 7.30, Illustrated Easter ser mon; Sunday school 9.30: C. E. 6.30. Nagle—The Rev. Elmer li. Kauff man. 10.30, "The Fact of the Ites surrection of Christ"; Sunday school, 1.30. Penbrook —9.30, Sunday school and church services combined: 7.30, cantata "The Conquering King." Green Street—The Rev. H. S. Hershey. 10.30, "The Risen Life": 7.30, "He is Risen"; Sunday school 2. Pleasant View —The Rev. Geo. W. Ilarper. Sunrise prayer, 6; Sunday school 9.45; 10.45, "The Easier Mes sage"; 7.30, "Our Hope In the Res urrection of Jesus. Fourth Street —The Rev. William x. Yateu. 10.80, "Meaning of the Resurrection; 7.30. "Easier Evening Meditation: Sunday school 1.40: special Easter praise service at 6 A. M. METHODIST Fifth—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30, "Tho Joy of Kastcr;" 7.30, Easter cantata. 2, Sunday School., Coxestown—The Rev. John G. Davis. 10.30, Holy Communion and Baptism; 7.30, Resurrection Candle service. 9.30, Sunday School. Epworth—Tho Rev. Homer Knox. 6, Prayer service; 10, Sunday School; 11, "An Easter Sermon;" 7.30, services, Junior Department. Camp Ourtin—The Rev. John H. Mor timer. "The Tremendous Contingent, IF." Program by Sunday School, "The Life Abounding," at 2. Riverside—The Rev. George Murray Klepfer, D. D. 11, Easter Meditation: 7.30, Sermon to young people. 10, Sun day School; 6.30, Epworth League. Ridge Avenue—The Rev. H. R. Ben der. "Life's Other Side;" "The Spirit of Adoption." 10, Sunday School. Camp Hi 11—9.45. Sunday School; 11, "Christ's Resurrection;" 6.45. Epworth League ; 7.30. "The New World and the Living Christ." Dauphin—The Rev. Geo. L. Schaf fer. 10.30. Music by choir and young folk's chorus; 2. Sunday School; 7.30, Easter service at Heckton. REFORMED Salem —The Rev. Elils N. Kremer. Communion 11 and 7.30; Sunday school 2. Second —The Rev. Alfred Nevine Savres. 10.30; Holy Communion; 7.30, Holv Communion. "The Burn ing Heart"; Sunday school 1.45; C. E. 6.30. " Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyies May. 10.45. "L'fe," the Holy Com munion; 7.30, The Holy Commun ion and address: Sunday school 9.30; Young People's service, 6.30. St. John's—The Rev. Clayton H. Rauck. Communion, 6, 11 and 8; Sunday school 10; C. E. 6.30. EVANGEI-ICAL Sixth Street—The Rev. W. E. Pot tieger, Sunday school 10, 11 Easter Lessons." Penbrook—Tlie Rev. W. S. Harris, 10.30, "Tho Living Christ," at 7.30, the Rev. W. E. Pottieger, Sunday school, 9.30; Keystone League at 6.45. Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Hang en, Sunday school, 9.30; 10.45. by the Rev. Ralph C. Deibert. Albright Col lege Church, 7.30 by pastor, "if a Man Die Shall He Live Again?" Harris Street—Sunday school, 9.30; Easter cantata, 10.30, 7.30 sermon by the Rev. R. C, Deibert, Albright Col , lege, , i PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street.—The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D.D., the Rev H. 11. Baldwin, Assistant. 10.30, "The Ab solutely Impossible": 7.30, "The Hero's Grave"; 1.40, Sunday school; 6.45, Senior Christian Endeavor; Division Street Chapel—3.oo, Sun day school; 7.30, "The Victory of the Cross." Bethany—The Rev. John Martin Warden, 7.30, "Now is Christ Risen"; Sunday school 9; C. E., 6.30. Imnianuel—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman will preach at 10 and 7: Sunday school 11.15; C. E. morning 6.30. Westminster-—The Rev. Henry W. Miller. 10.30, "Begotten to a Living Hope"; 7.30, Cantata, "Cross und Crown"; Sunday school 1.45; C. E. 6.30. Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer. 10.30, "Easter Teachings"; 8.00, choir will sing "Tho Easter Alleluia"; Sunday school 2. Olivet—The Rev. Samuel A. Bow er. 7.30, Early morning service C. E.; 10.30, Sacrament of Lord's Sup per; 2, Sunday school: 7.30, "The Risen Christ the Hope of the World." Market Square Presbyterian Church.-—The Rev. George Edward Hawes, D. D., the Rev. Howard Rodgers, assistant.. 11.00, "Christ, tho Ever Living One"; 4.00, Easter musical service; 7.30, "Will Our Bodies be Raised in the Resurrec tion ?" Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King. 11, Sacrament of the Cord's Supper and reception of new members; 5, Vesper prase service and Easter music by the choir. Camp Hill—The Rev. Raymond A. Ketchledge; 11. Sacraments of Baptism and Cord's Supper, recep tion of new members; 7.30, "The Witness of His Resurrection"; Sun day school. 9.45. Capital Street—The Rev. Bullard. 10.45, "The Resurrection—lt's Pow er; 8, "The Resurrection —It's Significance; 12.15; C. E. 6.45. BAPTIST First—The Rev. William J. Cock hart; 10.30, "The Resurrection in the Garden"; 7.30, "The Resurrec tion in Doctrine Mold"; B. Y. P. U. 6.45; Bible school 10.30. Tabernacle—The Rev. Millard Os niore Pierce. 11, "He Died! But not in Vain"; 7.30, "Baptismal serv ice: Sunday school 9.45; Young People's Meeting, 6.30. St. Paul—The Rev. E. Cuther Cunningham. 10.30, "He is Risen"; 7.30, "Easter Classics"; Sunday school 12.30; B. Y. P. U. 6.30. Market Street—The Rev. W. S. Dunlap: 10.30, "The Empty Tomb"; 7.30, "The Ordinance of Scriptural": Sunday school 11.30; Baptism will be administered. Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene. 10.30, "The Easter Sun"; 7.30, "The Easter King" by the Bi ble school; B. Y. P. U. 6.30; prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30. EPISCOPAL St. Stephens'.—The Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer. 7, Holy Communion; 11, Holy Communion: "Triumphant Cife"; 4, Children's service. St. Paul's.—Easter Day. 6.30, 8 and 11, Communion service; 3, Chil dren's Carols; 8, Festal Evensong. St. Michael's, Middletf wn —Tues- day, 7.30, Easter service sermon. Trinity, Steelton —The Rev. Wm. Chas. Hcilman. Holy Communion, 7: High Celebration, 11; "The Im port of Easter." Children's service, 3; evening prayer, 7.30. CHURCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street—The Rev. J. Boyd Wenger, 11 "Christ's Resurrection Night." and at 7.30 cantata by choir; Sunday school at 10. Cemoyne—The Rev. Ira P. Har baugh, 6.30 prayer service, 9.30 Bible school, 10.30 "The Resurrection," 7.45, "Man's Cast Enemy and How to Overcome it." MISCELLANEOUS Christian and Missionary Alliance —Sunday school at 9.30; preaching, 10.30 atul 7.30. CHRIST SCIENCE First Church of Christ Scientist, | "Doctrine of Atonement," morning at 11 and evening at 7.30. Sunday school 11. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Church of the Brethren—lo-11.45, Easter services Sunday school 6.45- 7.30, Easter program. Christian Worker Society, 7.30, "The Two Res urrections." A. M. E. Bethel—The Rev. IT. 11. Cooper, 10.30, "The Resurrection its Benefits to Stan." Sunday school at 1, C. K. 6.30, 7.30 Easter program by choir and Sunday school. Easter Services at the Penbrook Church of God Sunday Night The Church ot <od of Penbrook will hold Easter festivities Sunday, April 20, 9:30 a. m. Of special sig nificance. closing the big drive for increased Sunday School member ship and the cancellation of the $1,200 indebtedness, which makes the church free from ull financial obligations to date. The money has been secured by the Sunday School classes and the results of the activl- I ties will be made known Sunday morning. How the various classes j raised the money, and brought the church "over the top," will be of i unusual interest, as ingenuity shown | by the ladies especially will make a istory as replete with amusing anec : dotes and self-sacrificing experiences las where a bunch of live-wire Cib erty Bond salemen relate how they got their team over the top. In the evening, at 7:30, the choir will render the Easter cantata en titled, "The Conquering King." AUGSBURG'S SERVICES The day will begin with a sunrise prayer and praise service at 6 a. m. in Augsburg Cutheran Church. At 10 o'clock, the sacrament of the i Lord's supper will be administered and new members received. In the evening, the Catechetical Class will be received. The names of those belonging to the class are: Margar etta Hendrickson, Viola McNaugh ton, E'izabeth Schrauder, Genetta Sloop, Margaret Rick, Hilda Spotts, Charlotte Snyder, Martha Shumaker, Miriam Witmyer, Catharine Hollin ger, Alice Warren, Mabel Chronister, Mary Showers, Eslclla Brown, Rus sell Asper, Harold Asper, Paul Burns, Orvil'e Deibler, Andrew Drumheiser, Harold Frock, Ralph Hoffman, Harry Manning, Franklin Rinlz, James Hay, Harry Schrauder, Edgar Rowe and John Shuman. The choir will sing special Easter music. And the Mens Chorus will render several selections. On Monday evening. April 21, the congregation will tender a. reception to the new members received at the; > Eastertide and during the past year.J / EASTER SERVICE AT PINE STREET Program Rich in Inspiration at Popular Downtown Church Easter Sunday will be this year, as usual, a day of inspiration and joy at the services of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church. The pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mudge, will preach morning and evening, presenting at each service themes of deep inter est. At the morning service, tho sub ject of the sermon will be "The Absolutely Impossible." In the even ing, the final sermon in the series on "The Hero of Heroes," will be given, the subject to be "The Hero's Grave." Easter music of the best quality will have a prominent place at both services, the church quar tette being assisted by a selected chorus. On Monday evening, the Mrs. John Y. Boyd Bible Class will hold its regular monthly meeting in tho Boyd Memorial Building, at which matters of Importance will be con sidered. On Tuesday evening a post poned meeting of the Home and Foreign Missionary will ho held in tho Women and Girls Building. Miss JcVa Warden will speak on "The Church in France," and Miss Sarali Wood will present a paper on "Japan." The regular mid-week service will he held on Wednesday evening at 7:45. On Thursday even ing, the closing meeting for the sea son of the Bethany Mothers' .Meet ing will be held at Bethany Cliapcl. There will he the usual gathering for quilting in the afternoon, then a delicious supper, to which all con nected with the meeting look for ward from year to year, and a most* attractive program of entertainment I and instruction in the evening. On I Friday, tho Red Cross Auxiliary will' meet from 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. ni., with! the usual delightful luncheon at mid-! day in the Women and Girls' Build- j ing. On Friday evening, at 7:45, in j the Social Room of the cliurcli, Mrs. Andrew Todd Taylor and her assis- • tant, Miss Van Doren, of York, with I the assistance of local talent, will give "The Missionary Clinic." This dramatization, which is being given [ under the auspices of the Home and; Foreign Mission Circle, i.s clever and] amusing and has been given by Mrs. i Taylor in many parts of Pennsyl-1 vania. The time and date have been j arranged with great care that all the men and women of the church might have opportunity to attend and give Mrs. Taylor a largo audi ence. y CHURCH | yjjcp Third and Pine Streets --> Nm|| | ||| Sunday, April 20, 1919 !i|| y- ii f.V I'rcnolior, Rev* I*. S. Mimlko, I>. D., Pnwtor ! |II 10.30 A.M. "The Absolutely Impossible" ai '(I: | Mnster ANMiirnnoo In Mrhsaffe and 6 v. Qnnrlct—Chorus—Ornnn if j 111 7.30 P.M. ?|j| > | "Easter Eve and Morn" |j||J v|j % Cnntnta For the llantiT Tide £ft's £'. li Huiirtct—( horuN—Orßiin Jft iji Interpreted By n Short Sermon, Hntitlcd, ssJ|£; vl|i "The Hero's Grave" JjU J \n Knatcr fireetlnn' it ml \\ eleonie A tvnlt Yon—Ooine! .jSljl iLiLLI—-i— I—. /..-j.aj in. St. Stephen's Church REV. ROLLIN ALGER SAWYER, Rector Easter Day 7 A. M. Hoi}- Communion. 11 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon on "Triumphant Life." 4 P. M. Children's Service. EASTER OFFERING FOR DIOCESAN MISSIONS Who Will Lead The Nations? . . . / ■ H. H. RIEMER Fackler's Hall Thirteenth and Dcrry Sts Sunday 2.30 P. M. Public Invited No Collection 3 EASTER SERVICES AT MEMORIAL Pastor's Father to Preach; In-* tcrcsting Easter Program Will Be Given An early morning Easter service will be held in Memorial Lutheran Church, Fifteenth and Shoop Streets, the Kev. L. C. Manges, pastor, at 6 a. m. Sunday morning, at which time Dr. Manges will deliver his Easter sermon. Holy communion will be given at the regular morning service, which will begin at 10, in stead of at the usual time, 10:30. The sermon of the vesper service at 7:30 p. m., will be preached by the pastor's father, the Rev. Edmund Manges, of York. On Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, a reception will be tendered to the new members of the congregation. Tli arrangements for the reception are in the hands of the men of Memorial, and an interesting pro gram has been arranged. On Wednesday evening, April 23, the annual congregational meeting will be held, at which time new of ficers will be elected for the church, and reports will be received from the various departments and organiza tions of the church. COMMVXIOV SERVICE The Sixth Street United Brethren Church will observe holy commun- I ion at both the morning and evening services to-morrow. Members will jbe received into church fellowship at the morning service. At this ! service, there will also' be infant land adult baptism. Following the j communion serwtce in the evening, ! the choir will render the Easter fcantata, entitled "Redemption." In j keeping with the present drive for ] the Armenians, the church will do | n:\te one half of its Easter thank | offering to this splendid cause, the j other half to be given to the fund I for aged ministers. i We nntlrlpate u Inrge number of bookings for picnics at Beautiful Hershey Park llershey. Pa.. this Benson nnd recommend thnt picnic committees ' miike application for such privi leges ns early as possible In order j to sreure desirable dates. Apply MANAGER HEItSHEY PARK Hcrslicy, Pn.
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