Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Cadillac car, 5-pas sengtr, electric lights and starter. In good condition. For particulars call, or address, 313 Cocoa avenue, Her ■hey, l J a. _____ AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service In town. Hat; ,t4sburg Auto Radiator Works, SUJ North Third Street. BUICK—I Ms-ton truck, solid tires on rear; electrically equipped. "1 sacrifice at $525. MAXWELL. —Roadster. A 1 shape; a real bargain at $230. OVERLAND COUPE In exoellent Mi ape; good tires; a baigain 10 some one. CHELSEA AUTO WRECKING CO., 22-28 NORTH CAMERON ST. WANTED All kinds of used auto tiros Wo pav highest cash No junk. 11. Esterbrook. 012 North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR SALE—IOI" Roo. 6 cylinder: 10 7 Paige cvUnder: 1017 Chovio el touring: 1018 Ford: 1916 OW.oWe. 1913 Overland roadster: 101 l ladiHac touring. Inquire of Mr. llunioi, La.t l.nd Auto Co., rear of Thirteenth and IV alnnt St. BARGAINS Premier. 101S, electric gear sluft, run 280 miles: 7-passenger. Hudson 0-51. roadster, fite new tir Denbv 2%-ton trucks, overhauled, In lire condition: dump body. outer" used trucks on hand. Full '^l^BV^Xl.Es'c^hl^RATlON. 1203 CAPITOL si HE LI OLD AUTOS Wanted- used, wrecked or oldtimers. ?n",:.!y rendition. See nio Woro s. - rifieing elsewhere ( hclsea An! Wrecking. A. Sihtffnian. 2-.-i, -8 North Cameron street. Bell IH7 FORD touring demountable l.inglestown. Dauphin Counts, la., near liarrisburg. AUTOS FOR HIRE CI TV GARAGE 118 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure ivy, KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO All sorts of auto tops and cushion wot k done by experts: also repair work. Reasonable rates. i~-i8 boutli Cameron street. -MAGNETOS AH types; 4 and G Bosch high tension. Elsman. Dixie. Snlitdorf. Men. liemy and uifferent makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. Schiffinan. 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633, ______ WM. I'ENN GARAGE 324-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral parties and ba'l'U f ca, ?,„ l {} drivers; open day and night. Bel 4 564. FOR SALE l9lB Maxwell tour ing ear. Ford touring car. 191. Buick touring car. 1911 ipg ear. Rex Garage, 1911 North Third street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND PLEASURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford ton trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-ton Republic truck, 4-passengcr Mitchell •Club roadster. 7-passenger Haynes Kyuring car. international Harvester Company of America, Truck Depart ment. 619 Walnut street. TRUCK FOR SALE Targe sized 5-ton truck, with Dump tsodv for sale. Big bargain to quick buver. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 2" North Cameron street. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Packard Twin "Six," 191" model. Good as new. Traveled only 5.000 miles. Address E, 7062, Care of Telegraph GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS THE RAY'FIELD CARBURETOR. For YVillys-Knlght, will in crease your mileage from 30 to 40 per cent. Also more power and a quicker get away. Agency at FEDKRICK'S GARAGE. 1807-09 North Seventh Street. BODY! BODY! BODY! New 1917 Ford Touring Body for sale teasonable. HORST, Linglestown, Pa. Neur Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR RENT Newly-built garage; all Improvements; size. 20x47; twice as large if necessary. Apply E Capiu, 1731 North Third street. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by an expert. Road jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANKR, WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycle, with sidecar, for sale. 301 South Fourteenth street. IOR SALE l9lB Harley-David son Motorcycle, with sidecar, electric equipped. Good as new. Call 1912 Lenox street, Cloverly Heights. Har lisburg. Pa. PUBLIC SALE Watch this space for date of salo of unclaimed express shipments of trunks, suitcases, etc., to be held at 110 South Fourth street. (West end of Mulberry Street Bridge). LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that ap plication has been made to The Pub lic Service Commission of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Public Service Company law. by the PKNN-HARRIS 'I AXI SERVICE COMPANY, for a cer tificate of public convenience, evi dencing the Commission's approval of its incorporation, organization and i .cation and beginning of the exer cise. of the rights, powers and priv ileges granted thereby. A public heuring upon this applica tion will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg. on the Ist day of May, 1919, at 9:30 A. M., when and where all persons in inter est may appear and be heard, if they so desire. P EN N-H ARRIS TAXI SERVICE COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given that Let ters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, on the . state of Aaron T. Stall), late of the Borough of Dauphin, Dauphin County. ]'a.. deceased. All persons being in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them for payment to IDA STAHL Administratrix. Or X Dauphin, Pa. STROI'P A- FOX, Attorneys. Kuss Rldg., Harrisburg, Fa. i THURSDAY EVENING, LEGAL NOTICES The following ordinances were read in place of the City Council at a meeting held Tuesday morning, April 1, 1919, and are published as required j by Article 5, Section 3, Clause 10 of the act of assembly approved June 27th, 1913: AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and curb ing of Home street from Berryhill street to Kensington Street, and pro viding tor the payment of the cost thereof. I Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of liarrisburg,'and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That Home Street from Berryhill Street to Kensington Street be and the same is hereby authorized to be paved with first class sheet as phalt, on a concrete base, and curb ed with granite or granolithic curb ing. the cost and expense thereof to be assessed according to the toot front rule, j Section 2. That all proceedings and j work incident to the improvement herein authorized shall be tuken and done, and the cost and expense thereof paid for, and the assessments levied on abutting properties shall be col lected, as provided by Ordinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915, and Ordin ance No. 24, Session of 1914-1915; the total amount of said assessment is hereby appropriated to the payment of the contract price of the work and other necessary expense. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and curbing of L>avid Street from Park Street to Whitehall Street; Helen Street from Nineteenth Street to David Street; Kunkel Street from Sixteenth Street to Seventeenth Street, and provid ing for the payment of tho eost thereof: Section 1. Bo it ordained by the Council of the City of liarrisburg and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That David street from Park Street to Whitehall Street; Hel en Street from Nineteenth Street to David Street; Kunkel Street from Six teenth Street to Seventeenth Street bo and tlio same arc hereby authorized to be paved with first class sheet asphalt, on a concrete base, and curb ed wtih granite or granolithic curb-l ing, tho cost and expense thereof to be assessed according to tho foot front rule. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvements herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the costs and expense there ol paid for, and the assessments levied on abutting properties shall bo col lected, as provided by Ordinance No. IP, Session of 1914-1915, and tho Or dinance No. 24, Session of 1914-1913; ; the total amounts of said assessments are hereby appropriated to the pay ment of the contract price of the work and other necessary expense. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the opening of Y'ork Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of liarrisburg, and it is hereby ordained by author ity of the same, That the City Solic itor be and he is hereby directed to take the necessary proceedings to have York Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street, as marked on the otficial map of the city, legally opened, and for that purpose he is authorized, subject to the approval of Council, to agree with the property owners whose property will be taken. Injured or destroyed by said improvement upon proper compensation for the damages to be .done or caused by the suid opening of Y'ork Street as herein authorized. Section 2. That in case the City Solicitor, in behalf of the city, and the property owners along said York Street, between the points desig nated, cannot agree upon the amount, of compensation proper to be paid, or Council subsequently fails or re fuses to confirm any such agreement, or does reject the same, the City Solicitor may, if the property owners do not, apply to the proper court for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages and benefits according to law. Section 3 That the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements be and he is hereby directed, as soon as the damages mentioned in the first and second sections hereof shall have been properly adjusted, to cause all obstructions now on the line of said street, between tile points named, to be removed, so that said highway may be hereafter graded. It. ROSS SEAMAN, Clerk to City Council. Office of tho City Clerk, Harrlsburg Pa., April 2, 1919. SEALED PROPOSALS In compliance with the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Board of Com missioners of Public Grounds and Buildings invites sealed proposals for furnishing supplies to the various De partments, Boards and Commissions of the State Government as described and below the maximum prices as shown in the schedules for the year ending May 31, 1920: Schedule A: Paper, envelopes, boxes, twine, etc. " B: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing and duplicat ing machines. " C: Office Supplies: Pens, Pencils, Inks, etc. " CI Filing Cards-Cabinets: Globe Wernicke, Li brary Bureau, Yaw man & Lrbe. " C 2 Desks and Tables, per specifications; metal lic furniture (Art Metal). " D Miscellaneous books and subscriptions. " EGeneral Supplies: Brushes, soaps, carpets, rugs, fiags, etc. " F Laboratory and Engi neering supplies. " G Paints, upholstering, aud hardware supplies. " H Lumber and Park Sup plies, Itepairing and Hauling. " I Power Plant and Plumb- ing Supplies. The Schedule of Supplies will be is sued in sections as shown above, and it is teiiuested that parties desiring same indicate clearly the section or sections wanted. \. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified check or bond in such form and amount as provided in the Instructions to Bidders attached to each schedule. Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve (12) o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, May 13, 1919, at which time bids will be open ed and awards made as soon there after at practicable. v Blank bonds and schedules with all necessary information may be had by communicating with the Department of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg. Pa. By order of the Board. GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL. Secretary. NOTICE Is hereby given that Let ters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of JOSEPH C. EICHEL, late of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., deceased; all persons being indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them for payment to LAURA E. SHAMBAUGH, Administratrix, Or Harrisburg, Pa. STROUP & FOX, Attorneys, Russ Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that J. B. Welsh and J. M. Welsh, trading as the Gibson Cheese Company, has pur chased the business, including good will, fixtures, etc., of F. A. Gibson ft Co., wholesale dealers in cheese at 1119 James street, in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., and succeeding said firm will continue to conduct a wholesale and Jobbing trade at the. above named location. All b|lls dated previous to March 3, 1919, are pay able tc F. A. .Gibson & Co., and all bills dated March 3 or later will be settled by the undersigned. GIBSON CHEESE CO, I MARKETS ISTEELS CANCEL MODERATE RISE j Uncertain Trend of Market in First Half Hour Due to Confusing Orders By Associated Press. i New York, April 17.—A confusion | of buying and selling orders was re | sponsible for the uncertain trend of j the stock market in the first half i hour of to-day's trading. American | International, Hide and Leather pfd.. Tobacco Products and United Cigars were the chief features of strength, with Baldwin Locomotive and some of the petroleums. United States Steel soon canceled its ver ymoderate rise and Bethle hem and Crucible Steels also yielded to pressure, as well as General Mo tors Industrial Alcohol and Texas LEGAL NOTICES | NOTICE OF SALE —Following prop erty of United States will he sold for cash to highest bidder on sealed pro posals which will be publicly opened at 10 A. 31., April 28, 1919, at State Draft Headquarters, liarrisburg, Pi.: 25 typewriters: 6 typewriter tallies; 7 typewriter desks; 2 flat top desks; 1 1 st< el tiling cabinets; 7 wooden filing cabinets; 10 chairs; It boxes writing fluid and other articles of office equip ment. listed may be in spected daily between hours of 9 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Further infor mation upon application. NOTICE The following ordinance was road in place in the Otty Council at a meet ing held Tuesday morning, April 8, U.'l'.l, and is published as directed by Article 5, Section 3, Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly approved Juno 27, 1913. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the paving of a ten foot wide alley from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street, the north side of raid alley being parallel with, and one hundred feet south of the south side of Market Street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of liarrisburg, and it is hereby ordained by authority of itie same, That a ten foot wide alley from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street, the north side of said alley being parallel with and one hundred feet south of the south side of Market Street, be and the same is hereby au thorized to be paved, from house lino to house line with sheet asphalt on a concrete base, the cost and expense thereof to be assessed according to the foot front rule. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvement herein authorized shall he taken and done, and the cost and expense there of shall be paid for and the assess ment levied on the abutting proper tits shall he collected as provided oy Ordinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915, and Ordinance No. 21, Session of 1914- 1915. R. ROSS SEAMAN, Clerk to City Council. Office of the City Clerk. NOTICE The following ordinance was read in the City Council at a meeting held Tuesday morning. April 15. 1919, and is published as directed by Article 5. Section 3, Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and curbing of York Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of liarrisburg, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That York Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street be and the same is hereby au thorized to be paved with first class sheet asphalt, on a concrete base, and curbed with granite or granolithic curbing, the cost aid expense thereof to lie assessed according to the toot front rule. „ Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improve ment herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the cost and expense thereof paid for. and the assessments levied on abutting properties shall be collected, as provided by Ordinance No, 19, Session of 1914-1915. and Or dinance No. 24, Session of 1914-1915; the total amount of said assessments is hereby appropriated to the pay ment of the contract price of the work and other necessary expense. R. ROSS SEAMAN, Clerk of City Council. Office of the City Clerk, liarrisburg, Pa. Application Docket Nos. 1834, 1835 and 1836 l9lB. In re: Abolition of existing grade crossings at points where the tracks and right-of-way of the Philadel phia and Reading Railway Com pany cross a public highway known as State Highway Route No. 139, at a point about one mile east of Hummelstown, Derry township. Dauphin county; where the tracks and right-of-way of said railway company cross said public highway at a point 300 feet east of Swataru Stntion, Derry township, Dauphin county, and where the tracks and right-of-way of said railway com pany cross a public highway known as Hockerville Road at a point about 50 feet west of Swa tara Station, Derry township, Dau phin county. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the State Highway Department of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company have prepared and filed with the Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania revised plans and specifications providing for the abolition of the fol lowing crossings at grade in Derry township, Dauphin county on the line of the Philadelphia and Readjng Rail way Copipany: Grade crossing where tracks of said railway company cross State Highway Route No. 139 at a point, about one mile east of , Hummelstown; Grade crossing where tracks of said railway company cross a public highway known as Hockerville Road at a point about 59 feet west of Swatara Station; Grade crossing where tracks of said railway company cross State Highway Route No. 139, bout 300 feet west of Swatara Station. For the purpose of the adoption of plans and specitications providing for the abolition of the aforesaid grade crossings, the apportionment of the costs and expenses incident, thereto, including damages due to owners of adjacent property taken, injured or destroyed by said aboli tion, the Commission has fixed Thurs day, May Ist, 1319, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon in its rooms in the Cap itol at Harrisburg as the time and place of hearing. No testimony will be taken at said hearing on claims for property damages. Copies of the revised plans pre pared by the State Highway Depart ment and the railway company are now on file in the offices of this Com mission in. the Capitol Building at Harrisburg and open to the inspec tion of all persons. At the aforesaid time and place fixed for hearing all persons interested in arfd affected by the abolition of the aforesaid grade crossings are hereby notifled to be present and present such testimony as desired. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has caused to be set hereunto its seal, duly attested by its Secretary, this 14th day of April, 1919. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE COM- MONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Attest: A. B. Miller, Secretary, harjrisburg aSSAt telegraph: Company. Southern Pacific was the only railway issue to show any de gree of strength. PHILADkI,mi A "HODIICB By Associated Press. I'hlliiilrlphln, April 17. Wheat No. 1. soli, red. $2.20; No. 2. red. 44.24; Np. 3, soft, red, $2.24. Corn The market Is firm; No. 2, yellow, as to trace aud iucaltuu, $1.70© 1.75. Oats The market is steady; No. 2, white, 78@7SVsc; No. 3, white, 76 li @77c. Butter The market is higher; western, creamery, extra, 6514 c; near by prints, fancy, 72@74c. Reiineu Sugars Market steady; powdered, 8.45 c; extra lino granulat ed, 9c. Cheese The market is easier; New 4ork und Wisconsin, lull mug, new, 32'/&@33c; do., old, 35@38c. new, 33c, do., old, 35®38c. Eggs Market firm; Pennsylva nia und other nearby firsts. lieu cases, $13.20 per case; do., current ieceipts, free cases, $12.90 per case; western, extra. firsts. free cases. $13.20 per case; do., firsts, free cases, 812.90 per cuse; fancy, selected, pack ed, 48® 50c per dozen. Give Poultry Hull; fowls lower; fowls. S7@3Bc; spring chickens, large sizes. 39®40c; fowls, not leghorns, 42 ©36 c; white leghorns. 34@3fc; young, softmuated roosters, 32©33£; old roosters. 26@27c; staggy, young ri esters. 30@31c; spring chickens, not leghorn. 30®32c; wmie leghorns, 29® 30c; broiling chickens. Ili to 2 pounds, 50®55c; large.', 50@55e, roasting chickens. 3U©36e; ducks. Peking, 42@46c; do., old, JU®33c; In dian Runners, 4o@4tc; ducks, Uclig Island, 34®36c; ducks, western, 46@4Sc, turkeys, 31@36c; geese, near by, 30c; do., western, 30c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice, to fancy, 46@4Sc; do., western, choice to tancy, 45©46 c; [ turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 40 !©43c; turkeys, common, 30©35 c; old [turkeys, 40@42c; capons, seven to I eight pounds, 44© 15c; do., smaller sizes, 4b@43c; fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 38@39c; do., smaller sizes, 30@34c; roosters, 27c; western roasting chickens, 2f@37c; western broiling chickens, 42©44e; ducks, western, 38@40e: Pekln ducks. 5s @ 4uc; old ducks, 30©32 c; Indian Runners, 36@37c; spring ducks, Luug Island, 30@4Ue; geese, 26@30a. Potatoes The market is quiet; New Jersey, No. 1, 65@85c; per basket; do.. No. 2, SU@6Uo per basket; do., 100-lti. bags, No. 1, $2.50© 3.C0, extra quality; do., No. 2, $1.50© 2.25; Pennsylvania, No. I, 100 lbs., $2.25®2.50; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, $2.90©3.10; New Jersey. No. 1. 100 lbs.. $2.25 ©4 2.4 0; do.. No. 2, 100 lbs., $1.25.@1.75; western, per 100 lbs., $2.00 @2.25; New York state, per 100 lb., $2.25©'2.40: Maine, per 100 lb., $2.25® 2.60; Delaware and Maryland, per 100 lb., $2.00® 2.25; Florida. per barrel, hamper. 75@85c; Florida, per 150-lb. bags, $1.60@3.00; North Carolina, per barrel, $3 fru®4.oo; South Carolina, per barrel. $1.50@4.00; Norfolk, per bar rel $3.25: Eastern Shore. per barrel, $2.00@2.75; fancy, Macunglc\ No. 1. per barrel, $2.95@3 00. do.. No. 2. per barrel. $1.25® 1.60. Flour The market is firm; winter straight, western, $11.25© 11.60 per barrel; do., nearby. $11.10©11.25 per barrel; Kansas straights. $12.10©12.3'> per barrel; do., short patents. $12.60 @12.75 per barrel; spring, short pat ents. $12.50@12.75 per barrel; do., spring patents, $H.70@12.10 per bar : rel; spring firsts, clear. $10.00@10.65 per barrel. I lay-—The market is firm; timothy. No. 1, large and small bales. $37.50 @38.00 per ton; No. 2. do.. $36.50® 37.00 per ton; No. 3. do., $32.50® 33.50 PC Clovcr Mixed: Eight. $36.50©37.00 per tun: No. 1, do.. $35.50@36 00 per ton; No. 2, do, $33.00 ©334.00 per ton. RHEUMATICS - GO TO IT ALL OVER THE COUNTRY THEY ARE TAKING "NEUTRONE PRESCRIPTION 99" "Neutrone Prescription 59" removes the poisonous accumulations that lodge in the blood. After one week's use you will he looking; at other sufferers Instead of being an object of misery and pity. , Your joints and muscles will bo loose and limbered up, ail aches and misery will be gone, you will feel liko new. As soon as you take "Neutrone Pre scription 99" you can feel the pain and misery leaving and comfort and happi ness coming in. Go to your druggist today and get a 50c or JI.OO bottle, then enjoy life, feel like doing things again. Mall orders filled on JI.OO size. George A, Gorgas, the Druggist, and leading Druggists everywhere. I Have Come .to Harrisburg to Stay! I Will Stop Your r Pains and Aches! I I Ant tlie "Magic" Joint-Ease IB ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ABOUT ME I come in small convenient tubes. Folks who have stiff and swollen joints, sore muscles, rheumatic twinges, lumbago, tired, aching feet, neurnlgia, neuritis, headaches and colds in head, throat and chest, take me on their finger and rub me into the skin where needed : 1 disap pear then out goes your pain and inflammation as if by magic! I am better than mussy old plasters and liniments that stain and destroy your clothes. AND 1 NEVER BLISTER! I have a delightful odor and LEAVE YOUR SKIN SOFT AND SMOOTH! No wonder so many women like me! Old men love me and chil dren cry for me. I am relieving thousands who suffer. Take me home with you today and surprise the whole family. 1 am waiting for you here at Geo. A. Gorgas" Drug Stores and Kennedy's Drug Store. Other good druggists have me also. If your local druggist don't, tell him to get me for you from his whole saler. Ask for "Joint-Ease." Refuse substitutes. Aches Pains =- And Soreness When you want to stop pain and do the job quickly and surely —get the original improvement on the old fashioned mustard plaster Begy's Musturine—the kind that contains real yellow mustard. It cannot blister and there are no disagreeable fumes to irritate the nos© ( and eyes. Just rub It on for any ache or pain it penetrates quickly and re lieves almost instantly by gently stimulating the circulation and diffusing all inflammation and congestion. Always in the yellow box—be sure to ask for Begy's Mustarine Tallow—The market is firm; prime city, loose, HHfcc; prime citv, special loose, 1114 c; prime country. 9 lie; dark 6><.@7c! edible, in tierces, 15®20c. Bran The market is steady; soft winter, in 100-lb. sacks, apot, $47.09© 48.00 per ton; spring, spot, in 100-H). sacks, J46.00w47.00 per ton. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, April 17. (!'. s. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 32,000; market opened 10c lower, but weakening and mostly 15c to 25c lower than high time of vesterdav. Bulk of sales, J20.35® 20.70; heavy weight. $20.35® 20.70; heavy weight. $-0.50®20.80; medium weight, $20.40® 20.75; light weight , $19.90®20.60; light lights, $18.75®20.35; sows. $18.50 ©20.10: pigs, $17.50® 18.75. Cattle Receipts. 8,000; beef steers and butcher stock 15c to 25c higher; calves slow; feeders steady. Heavy beef steers. $11.75© 20.00; light beef steers, $10.25® 18.50; butcher cows and heifers. $7.75@15.65. Ban ners' and cutters, $6.15@10.25: veal calves, $14.00® 15.75; stocker and feeder steers. $8.50® 15.75. Sheep Receipts. 12,000; market s o\v; good and choice lambs, Easter specialty, sold at S2O. I,ambs, eightv four pounds or less. $18.00@19.75: eighty-five pounds or better, $17.75© 19.60; culls, sll.oo® 17.75. Kwes, me dium and good, $12.00@15.59; culls and common, $6.00@12.00. PREPARE FASTER PROGRAM An interesting Easter musical pro gram has been arranged for presen tation in the Market Square Pres byterian Church on Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. The clioir will have the assistance of Harold Mulsh, violinist. Among the unusual fea tures of the program will lie the XVI Century carol. "Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Sons of Men"; 1 lie XVI Century carol. "Young Men and Maids." in which the men's quartet, Gerald Mo.ver, John R. Henry, Henry A. Kelker and Owilym Watkins, will sing antiphonally with the choir: an other XVII Century carol. "A Joyous Easter Song." in which Mrs. o. E. Good and Gerald Mo.ver will sing the solo parts; and (he benediction carol, "Souls of I lie Righteous," the words from the Rook of Wisdom and the music by T. Tertius Noble. The service will lie preceded by a fifteen-minute organ recital, begin ning at 3.45. The choir is under the direction of Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris, with Mrs. John R. Jicnry at the or gan. dandruff mean rjjood-byto | k Hair f! f.l Dandruff literally smothers the i j-.r life out of the hair roots and ' .■■V. eventually brings baldness. i. },\ Wildroot is guaranteed to clean ylf't up dandruff and remove it-but it /■ "it does more; it cleanses, softens and v iff loosens the scalp and stimulates W V the hair to normal, healthy growth. Ji ft/ For sale here under a 'u i J; money-back guarantee Jf I H. C. KENNEDY 1 R Wildroot Shampoo Boar. when tiaed ' in connection with Wildroot, will haaten the treatment. THE GUARANTEED HATI^TO>nC jlilttbfiiihf SlAWjtffH ' VBl SEALS £. STENCILS PS MFG.BYHBC. STENCIL WORKS ° m) t1 130 UOCUSTST HHG.PA. to There IS an Effective Treatment for the Drink Disease ORRINE! Secret Home Treatment—powder, to be given in food or beverages. Pills, for Voluntary Treatment. ORRINE destroys the appetite for drink. Its beneficial results are guaranteed or money back. Many men are fooling them selves. They think they will be able to 'quit, abruptly, when Prohibition comes! They'll have a lot of trouble—their nerves will crave the usual false nour ishment and then —perhaps a death-dealing substitute ! Your happiness depends on the help you give them now! Or- RINE treatment means safety, preparedness, a new start in life when drink can't be had. Delay For Sale by Geo. A. Gorgas and Heading Druggists. Free booklet mailed In plniii. nonlert envelope. THE OMIIVE COMPANY, 1140 15th Street, N. W, Washington, 11. C. Atlantic Petroleum Present Earnings Market Position Future Possibilities All contained in our latest Bulletin just issued. Sent upon request. Do you realize what consistent saving means. Send for our latest booklet EFFICIENCY IN THRIFT which explains how good stable seasoned securities can be purchased systematically. LEARN TO SAVE BROWER & CHILDS Bell 2817. A. W. ROBERTS RESIDENT MANAGER 7 North Third Street. New York—Trenton—Wilmington—Philadelphia lowa Lawmakers Rebuke Governor Harding; Fail in Impeachment Action DPS Moines, lowa, April 17. — Governor W. L. Harding was cen sured for his action in Ihe Kathbun pardon case in a resolution adopted by the lowa House of Representa tives early to-day, marking the de feat of efforts to impeach him. The minority recommendation for censure of the Governor was sub stituted for the majority report urg ing impeachment—'seventy voting for and thirty-four against the sub stitution, with four members absent or not voting. Ernest Rathbun, young son of a farrper. was con victed of criminal assault and sen tenced to life imprisonment. The pardon was granted last No vember, and in February it was re voked. r => | For Itching Torture J There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim ples, rashes, blackheads in most cases give way to zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, SI.OO. It will not stain, is ! not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. * The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, Q. ~ Auditing; Special lii vcNtignt lon* Accounting; SynteniN liiMtnlled H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant & Auditor 4Kt-tt I iiion Trim! t'w., Illdg;., llnrrlMlHirg;, I*n. Hell l'lionc 1013 r H. M. HOFFMANN Professional Funeral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Phone Itcll lllil. or Coll at 310 N. SECOND ST. "J* The Safest Bonds For Investors Wo own and offer one of the lurgest lists of munic ipal bonds of any invest ment banking house. Twenty-seven slates are represented by the obliga tions of counties, cities, towns and school districts. The income returns are H satisfactory to those who desire primarily great safety for their principal. Particulars on request I A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities I 115 S. 4th St., Philadelphia H New York, Chicago, Boston I Baltimore. Buffalo, Scranton IB I.EE A, I.AEHEXSTEIX Representative ■ 2208 X. 3rd St., llarrlitliurg Phone 4776-It. means almost anything! ORRINE, remember, has treat ed men and women successfully for twenty years. Two forms—- No. 1, Powder, for Secret Homo Treatment. No. 2. Pills, for Vol untary Treatment. Hither form, $1.25 a package; 4 packages, $5.00. All druggists, or postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. Order today an early start means early preparedness for the rigors of nation-wide Pro hibition. Quick results will be apparent. Wise people never take unnecessary chances. APRIL 17, 1919, STRIKE STOPS FOOD PROGIU2SS Berlin, April 17. —The unloading of American food ships at Bremen has been stopped by the strike ihei - e. The big stores an dordlnary shops in this city have been if'.osed, but there is no sign of a general strike material izing on a large scale. "Mason" writes: "For years I have been taking medicine to cure con stipation. liver trouble and the usual disease that come from that source. Headaches, sallow skin, kidney trouble, dark spots before my eyes, dizzy spells and twinges of rheuma tism are getting worse. Answer: Take three grain Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur). They arc parked in sealed lubes with direc tions and are convenient, effective and highly curative for such ailments as arise from chronic constipation. If you are dyspeptic, also take tab lets, triopeptine. "Ed" writes: "Being past middle age and observing that my nervous system is in bad shape, I write for a prescription. I do not' gain strengtli from my food, am weak, listless, for getful, sleepless at times, tired, and unable to act the part of a strong man of health, such as I was at one time." Answer: Oft from a well-stocked pharmacy a sealed tube of Three- Grain t'adomene Tablets, which are especially made for those needing a strong, harmless, rejuvenating tonic. Astonishing and pleasing results fol low and life and hope arc renewed. "Header" writes: "What should I do to relieve a severe case, of kidney and bladder disease? Urine is dark, foul of odor, and passage is irregular, painful, etc. Have depression, fever, chills, pains like rheumatism, and soreness in region of bladder." Answer: For such symptoms as you describe 1 prescribe my favorite formula under the name of Balmwort Tablets. This is a splendid effica cious remedy for such abnormal con ditions. Begin their use as per di rections on each sealed tube. !" II H~ll,iral Filing Cabinets IB) || ES O JS3_ JE3 L 1 ■ Every Conceivable kind of cabi {3 £3 Q ■ net for any business. Wood-Steel -=* 1 I A " Blzea — all styles elt her sing — H ' y or ,n com hlnation. fagj Our representative will call at 0 ® ■ your request to explain and sug ■ gest the proper filing system for =• your business. D. W. Cotterel LJ N. MARKET SQUARE < The Peace Time Quality of i I King Oscar Cigars ===== will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has been forgotten, ... John C. Herman & Co. 7c worth ,t. Makm jCOAL ATLAST"! ffl We believe that we can SOLVE ALL YOUR COAL | J] TROUBLES with our NEW HARD COAL. Ask any- X n one who has tried it what they think of it. Coal is expensive. Why not get what you pay for— ... the Best? There's no slate and bone in j;j Our New Hard Coal—Burns j down to a fine white powder ; j 1] —no more big ash piles SI From a hundred or more new customers who have tried -I our New Hard Coal, we have had but one answer— X jj "IT IS THE VERY BEST COAL WE HAVE EVER USED" |ll{ A trial order will convince you that we have THE fin | BEST COAL ON THE MARKET. I McCREATH BROS. | | 567 Race Street Both Phones, CHICAGO ROAnD OF TRADE By Associated Press. Chlrngo, April 17.—Board of Trade closing: Corn—May, 1.59; July, 1.52%. Oats—May, 6914 : July, 67%. 5 Pork—May, 52.55; July, 48.75. Lard—May, 20.10; July, 29.02. ltlbs—May, 28.65; July, 26.60. The questions answered below are general in character; 1 the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers should apply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Building. College-Kllwood streets, Dayton, 0., enclosing self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only initials or ilctit.ious name will be used in any answers. The rem edies can be obtained at any well stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. "Gloria" writes: "I would like you to prescribe a good hair and scalp treatment. I am bothered with itch ing scalp dandruff. My hair is faded and falTlng and none of the remedies 1 have tried have done any permanent good." Answer: Go to your druggist and obtain a 4 oz. jar of plain yellow Minyol. Apply as per directions. The dandruff and itching are conquered with two or three applications, while it. makes the hair glossy, wavy and full of intense natural color. "Myrtle" writes: "Owing to my ex treme thinness I am frequently em barrassed by slighting remarks of young people. Can you prescribe a. safe remedy to increase my weight?" Answer: I have so many gratify ing reports from the users of three grain Hypo-Nuclane Tablets, that T have become to regard these valu able little tablets as a specific and prescribe them to all who are aenetnic, thin, wasting, nervous and debilitated. "Sick M. O." writes: 'T have been affected for some months with rheu matism and have taken much medi cine in vain. Please give prescrip tion that will cure." Answer: The most effcient pre scription I have ever given for rheu matism is: lodide of potassium, drams; sodium salicylate, ( drams; wine of colchieum, one-half ounce; comp, essence Cardiol, l*os.; comp. fluid Balmwort, 1 oz.; and syrup sar saparilla comp. 5 ozs. Mix and take a teaspoonful at meal time and at bedtime. John R. Mc asks: "Don't you think it is wise to take medicine to reduce my weight? 1 weigh about 55 pounds too much." Answer: Ido think so; and a verv convenient and effective flesh-reducer medicine is sold in sealed tubes with full directions for home use. It is called 5-grain Arbolone Tablets and any well-stocked pharmacy can supply them. They are essentially good. 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers