"When a Girl " By AXX MSI.B A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CI.XVI. Hardly had Virginia departed, leaving me the dlflicult commission of trying to persuade Phoebe to be a simple little girl instead of a gay young society woman, when Jim phoned. "Annie!" ho exclaimed, with an air of breathless hurry. "Will you rtjuft a few duds into a bag and send tihem down to the station by mes senger? Cosby wants to chase across the liver to meet a couple of the big l'bqit men from the (.'oast. He asked me as a favor to come along." An inspiration came to me then, and because of it, I acquiesed so amiably that 1 could hear Jim gasp as he went on: "Can't be back till to-morrow. Do yon mind being alone " "Don't worry about me," I an swered. "1 wouldn't particularly mind being alone, but I think I'll, ask Jeanio or Phoebe to come overj and stay." "Ask 'cm both. And take 'em to ; a show if you like. Call Drysen and get decent seats while you're i about it. I'll ring you tip first thing when 1 get back. You'rs a good [ sport, Anne. So long." At once I executed .Tim's com- i nvands. Then 'I called Virginia's! apartment and asked for Phoebe,! and when her voice eanic to me \ over the wire, plunged right into | the midst of my plan. "It's Anne. Phoebe. I'm homesick! for you. It's months since we had ] a good talk. Arc you ready for a reunion "Of course," replied rhoebe with indifferent politeness. Clear Your Skin 111 ™ thG^ ura B Dept. E, Boston." jy Bad Feet —Bad Tempers An irritable and impatient disposition arc usually found with people whose nervous systems arc constantly disturbed by foot misery. Vet it is a mystery why anyone try to endure aching, burning, tcn- sweating or calloused feet when imme diate relief and permanent results can be so easily and positively obtained. Your own druggist or foot doctor will tell you i that the Cal-o-cide foot-bath treatment sim ply works wonders for bad feet, bringing : results with the first explication. A pack age of Cal-o-cide costs only a quarter and it also contains little plasters specially ' made for removing stubborn corns. Start today to enjoy foot comfort and a happy nature.—Adv, mww—l*7 M—mmmm FINEJ^ ■ isß StandardofPurity- | I _ u:_ „ The Franklin -f IB The Fran Ki m Sugar Refining Companf t 1 K <; ut rar Refining Ccmpany . A lK| pHiupaP" 1 * jr ~,lli i lf * I protected from flies I and ants You can't keep flies and ants from seeking' sugar— you can prevent their getting it. No insect not even a speck of dust —can reach Franklin Cane Sugars. All Franklin Sugars, Granu lated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners and Old- Fashioned Brown, come in sturdy cartons or strong cotton bags. Not a hand has touched the sugar—it is accurately weighed, packed and sealed by machine. Franklin means purity, cleanliness, convenience and correct weight. The Franklin Sugar Refining Company *'A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use" Granulated. Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown FRANKLIN CANE SUGARS^ THURSDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH m APRIL 10, 1919 "Jim's called out of town for the night," 1 went on, trying to arouse her enthusiasm. "Why can't you and 1 go to a show and then you come back here to protect me from ghosts and things?" "I'm sorry, Anne. I'd like to, but I have other plans. Shall I call sis | ter? She may be able to come." "No. Virginia and I had a —little discussion this afternoon." That was intended to make Phoe ; be recollect the clays when my "dis cussions" with Virginia hadn't left Us on speaking terms. Phoebe's reply showed that my plan was be ginning to work. "Oh, Isee. Well, I don't like to leave you alone. How would it be if I came to you after the party? No—wait; I've a real idea. Will you join us " I accepted prompty. This was even better than 1 had dared hope—.| iit would give me a chance to study 1 |at lirst hand the situation Pat had reported, and it might present an j J opportunity I could use to wean I j Phoebe away from Kvvy and her | whole dangerous group. I When Sheldon's car was announc [ ed, 1 hurried downstairs with a | cocky feeling that the situation was j in my hands and that Phoebe was as I good as "saved." The first hard ! bounce to my calculations came with j the realization that we were a party jof six—that Tom Mason had been brought along as'my partner. | All through the dinner at a ga i ish place called the lied and Black I Club, Tom behaved with a quiet dig nity pleasantly* in contrast with the conduct of the other men—the hil arity of which Pat had warned me. And all through that dinner, Phoebe, sitting between Sheldon and Hick West, and flinging at each in turn, glances that seemed to lure and tan talize—reminded me rather sadly of a snowflake misdirected into July instead of January. "Where do we go from here?" Sheldon demanded toward the end of the meal, flinging his arm across | Phoebe's chair as be spoke, and 'j catching Ihe end of her floating chiffons between'hls long fingers. Phoebe didn't stir, but Dick West , turned and staled at Sheldon's •straying lingers. i There was a sullen glint in his I slightly close-set eyes. "Why not to Cheng Fuey's as •usual'." he demanded. "Maybe Anno would .rather" — began Phoebe. * "Afraid of Anne?" purred Evvy. "She's no goody-goody, and she | likes Oriental things as well as the ,' rest of us. Tommy, 1 saw a fan of i peacock feathers in a shop down ;in Chinatown the other night. And jit seems to me-it would just match I that blue robe you"— I "Peacock feathers- are unlucky," 1 interrupted Tom solemnly. "I car- Bringing Up Father Copyright, 191& International News Service -*- By McManus I I HOW TINIER 1 II TOO DON'T KNOW I I DON'T "TELL. Mt:. TO (bE || ~~ CREAT W PAR.DOM - I'VE PSEEN I HWEITOLD\OU I N A*TTH\N4 • TOO LaUIET- IF IT V/A"SrVT EOR AMI IN TRTIN 1 TrC ' / MOT TO BE ( J OUHT TO ISE BACK . ME - /D, 1T b "t>tß THE WAT? TELL TOO HE IN THE parlor- • I MtXtf-V MORTAR ( _ J UVIN' lIS A J| f CHARLES WUZ . ry a rabbit's foot on my watch chain, and a four-leaf clover in my watch and under my coat lape! reposes a pin I once found head toward me. So you can't lure me to Chinatown after peacock feathers. But if that pretty little Toy Yen is going to dance again—l should think any properly jealous blonde would try to lure us away." Every one laughed as if Tom were being trenmedously clever. And I, who knew just how clever he. had been to defeat Evvy's malice, forced" a quavering little smile. "Want your chicken chow mein and a dance or two to give you the appetite for it, baby?" asked Shel don, his voice a little fuzzy as he' leaned toward Phoebe. "The waltzes are mine!" challeng ed Dick West, also leaning across toward Phoebe. • As we got up to go. Evvy came and slipped her arm through mine. "I didn't realize what I was do ing when T almost gave away that you were the girl to whom Tommy was making presents of wonderful blue robes. Forgive me, Anne?" she purred. "It doesn't matter," I replied with far more indifference than 1 felt. "I'm glad," acquiesced Evvy with an air cf understanding. "Isnt it amusing what a little flirt our Raby is turning into? Picky and Shelly are quite mad about her. She puts my nose out of joint, but T love her for all that. And 1 do try to keep an eye on her. You believe that, don't you. Princess Anne." "Oh, yes," I # replied dryly. Then Evvy made the final over play of her weak hand: "You know wo have to keep her from being too lonesome while that sweet brother of your's is away. By the way, isn't Xeal due back pretty soon ?" To Be Continued. LITTLE TALKS BY BE A TRICE FAIRFAX Don't, as you value your peace of mind, arouse slumbering romantic possibilities on the part of "Himself" Irish for the head of the house— by silly, unfounded jealousy. The average man, in the role of pater familias, paints a portrait of himself and hangs it in the chamber of his inner consciousness. The por trait is that of a comforrtable law abiding citizen, fond of his wife, his children, his ease, boasting a hobby or two, perhaps, and as en tirely done with romance as with the white flannels he wore the sum mer he graduated from high school. All said and done. Pater Familias is rather attached to his portrait, he likes to see himself upholding the best traditions of the country— and his wife, children and home as the accessories to the benevolent figure in the foreground. It will have to be something pret ty overwhelming to make Father de stroy his masterpiece and hang in its place a less flattering picture. So whatever you do, do not de stroy your good man's belief in his portrait; make him feel that not only the family, society, but the State itself rests on such founda tion—as indeed it does. t Pater Familias' belief in himself as a settled married man, done with romance and philandering, must not bo disturbed. Let it be assumed that these things are as inevitable as death and taxes, don't joke about the head of the house in the role of Lothario, for men have a way of feeling that as long as they have the name, they might as well have the game too. And if Pater Familias ever takes it into his head to replace the staid, highly respectable portrait of him self that adorns the chamber of his inner consciousness by one of those dashing, poster effects, depicting a middle aged charmer, suave, subtle, and irresistible, then prepare to definitely abandon your peace of mind. For middle-aged men, once they DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS A SIMPLE APRON 2 770—This style is a good "cover all' model, and suitable for ging ham, percale, seersucker, lawn, sa teen and a.paca. " The pattern is cut in 4 sizes: Small, 02-34; medium, 36-38; large, 40-42; extra large, 44-46 inches bust measure. Size medium requires 5 yards of 36-inch material. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Tclcgrnpli Pattern Department For the 10 cents inclosed please send pattern to the following address: Size Patterns No Name Address City and State have formed a taste for seeing them selves in this posterish guise, never go back to the respectable oil por trait ideal with the wife, children and home as agreeable accessories in the background. Next to destroying Father's faith in his portrait, the most fatal form of indoor sport for Mother to in dulge in, is unfounded accusations regarding some woman with whom Father may have chatted for a few I minutes 'regarding the lawn mower, or something else equally vital. Champion n Dangerous Role. | Many a woman's jealousy of a prettier woman has merely called I her hushanr's attention to the wom an's good looks. And in the act of defending her from his wife's absurd 1 jealousy, he has made himself the other woman's champion—rather a dangerous role for a sorely badger ed husband. Do not drive Pater Familias into thcheroje attitude of defending as in nocent womal.as a situation fraught with the possibilities of romance, there is nothing equal to it either in life or literature. If Father does converse brilliantly about the lawn mower or the pruning shears with some neighbor's wife or sister whom he happens to meet, do not act as if they were fleeing: "Two souls with but a single thought" and possibly a single suitcase. bather probably is unaware of the woman, what he is really looking for is an Ear into which he may pour the kuowledge and eloquence he has call ed from a choice assortment of hard ware catalogs. He contemplates imesting in a new lawn mower, Daily Dot Puzzle 4i • 44 • 4 4o • 42 • •45 \ 43 •£4 / 1 • T 53 h 57 * '-J .2 .it. • *3 37 I • S / f *43 4 v 53* ,5l • So • 34>~ , ® * 6 • • as 85 -*1 . 3z* 7 3i" .lo •30 • • ~ 7 - bZ V|| - 27 23 •* 26 '.J_. * fe 4- • .13 2o 26 ~ • .14 . . IS ** 21 * • • Ife .24- -= '8 '7 7 Draw from one to two and so o :o the end. NOW FREE FROM RHEUMATISM . BLISS NATIVE HERB TABLETS HEARTILY RECOMMENDED Don't neglect the care of your system, and good health will add many happy hours to your exist ence. Danish headaches, indi gestion, constipation and rheu matism by the regular use of Bliss Native Herb Tablets. They are wonderfully efficient in purifying the blood, cleansing the kidneys and toning up the system. For thirty .years they have been recognized as the standard herb remedy. They contain nothing of a harmful na ture, consisting only of herbs, roots and barks. Bliss Native Herb Tablets are the favorite household remedy in thousands of homes and have maintained their supremacy by the quality of the ingredients used. Mrs. S. C. Walker, Hay's, N. C.. suffered many years as a re sult of stomach catarrh and hence his impassioned speech to a ! brand new audience. Furthermore, the continued wor | rying about Father and his possible i romantic upheavals convinces him 'that he is still a devil of a fellow, I and inspires him to try out these I qualities with which his wife so generously endows liini. He invests in clothes ol' a more youthful cut, his socks, ties, and, not infrequent a flower in his button hole, pro claim the new faith in his powers to fascinate. lie May Meet a Woman Father, thus appareled, may flash across the horizon of a woman who has just dropped a dollar at the for tune tellers, and who may be on the still hunt for the dark gentleman turning a bit gay "that means the love of your life, ma'am." Anything, indeed, may happen to Father if you persist in raising these mad fancies in his consciousness re padding his fascinations and the power he has over women. Especial ly if he begins to dramatize his be lief in these things with new suits, socks, ties and a straw hat with a colored ribbon. Rename Father a Lothario and he will set tip the properties, regardless of the expense. Akin to the folly of inspiring him with a belief in his almost demoni acal powers of fascination, is the fol ly of watching every breath he draws, making him prove an alibi I for every hour, opening his letters and demanding a strict accounting of everyone who calls up on the telephone. You are only pitting Pater Fam ilias' wits against yours, the whole sorry business becomes a game in wliieh each plays to win. A jealous woman ignores one of the great bas ic laws of human nature, and that is, we all hunger and thirst after forbidden fruit.. You have only to look about you, and see the extent to which temper ate men are making provision against the coming national drought to realize the truth of this. We never thinking of walking on (lie grass till the policeman puts up the sign. Nor is there any way of pre venting a tendency to philander, on the part of the husband, so sure and effective as for a wife to accept, as natural and norma), bis little entlius isms about agreeable women. j Stop Itching Skin There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed.' Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads,eczema,blotches,ringworm and simitar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. Resident Has Awful Experience "I was twice confined in hospitals, in the last one nothing but gruel water was injected into me 4 times a day, as my stomach would not re tain any food. I suffered terribly; was reduced to a skeleton. My folks saw an ad of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and it has surely saved my life. I weigh 180 lbs. now." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and intesti nal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. Geo. A. Gorgas, H. C. Ken nedy and Clark's drug store. rheumatism. She started taking: Bliss Native Herb Tablets. She writes that she is now "free from rheumatism and the dis tressing stomach catarrh that not only impaired my health! but created a bad breath. I can not say enough in favor of Bliss Native Herb Tablets and I heart ily recommend them to all who suffer as I have done." Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put up in a yellow box containing 200 tablets, enough for six months. The genuine have the photograph of Alonzo O. Bliss stamped with the trade mark. Price, $l. In any (yfjj case where Bliss Native Herb Tablets fall to fulfill all that is claimed for them, money will be promptly refunded.' Book for our money-back guarantee on every box. Sold by leading druggists and local agent 3 every where. Advice to the Lovelorn He Gave Her Ills Picture DKAIt MISS FAIRFAX: I am a business girl, and like a young man who works in the same office with me very much. Recently he gave me one of his pictures. Was it proper for me to accept this, and to offer him mine in return, as he asked for it? Would like to know whether to go out with him or not, in the event of his asking me, as I think our acquaintances should be strictly business tike. ONE WHO WAITS. As long as- y oil tbwtc the young man's picture, it would be quite proper for you to go out with him in case lie asßed you. I believe it would be wiser to wait until the friendship develops a little further gHBGet on tw our l§g||^®22l^L I Easy Convenient No Worry All you need do to get that new Spring outfit is to come in here, choose whatever you desire and arrange the payments to suit your convenience. We Clothe The Family 1 Ladies' Suits $18.50 up Boy's Suits $5.95 up 1 Men's and Young Men's Suits $lB up 36 t I Famo Dissolves Dandruff Scale and Destroys Bacilli *sm t. fi, Sv , e P S ,i L*k!. O Vd, F nd™ir ,0U Hair I. Grown • If the case is stubborn, a little ma* New "air growth from Famo is coo remain. but not for long. stantly being reported. The germs will be dead and dying— Some of the caies are so remarkable the new growth begun. that they cannot be reported in print. Your hair will be like the hair of because they would taa your credulity, healthy children: your scalp like a , You rau,t le,rn ,rom personal exper baby'a scalp. All itching will be gone. J e , nce : the experience of your . Irtenda. Famo contains no alcohol to Famo Will Will Fight dry the scalp and produce gray hairs. If it is falling out, your hair is fighting , A * Pa 7° "I" 1 ™* . no "x'P m"ge. for its life. i; 5 appbcation is simple. Famo will win that fight by killing the Every member of the family should usa bacilli which kill the hair. evety day. Dandruff it a disease which scientists * •mo sold at all toilet goods counters call Seborrhea. * n two **—• small size at 35 cents Freed from the bondage of that diseaae ?. n< ' * n extra large bottle for tI.OO. by Famo. the hair leaps into luxuriant Your money will be returned if you are new growth. not satisfied. Healthv Brnutifiil Hni. Seborrhea it tfia medical nam* for m neglioy, neautllul nalr morbidly increased /low from tha se lf Is, we repeat, like renewing the bacaoua glanda of tha acalp. Tha aa youth of the scslp—giving beck to your borrhaan axcration forma in ecafse or hair its early strength and beauty. ffakaa and ia commonly known aa Famo will keep the head continuously dandruff. stnooth t and| , gioss" ,h ' Mfd ' by The Co., Detroit If your hair ever had a natural tend- , Oroll Keller C. M. Fornev ency to wave. Famo will bring back „ _ ' the wav-neaa and intensify it. '" Special feme Agents. Stops Seborrhea GroWs Healthy Hair 7 before you give him your photo graph. An Endless Chain Hero is the endless chain of rec ommendations for Lydta E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. There is hardly a town or village in the United States from which women have not written letters telling of health restored by I.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. If you are suffering from some female trouble, ask your neighbor if she has ever used Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound. In many cases you will find that she has rc ' gained health by its use and will | recommend it to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers