18 Give Your teal Estate AdlYertisiig Mure Force 6y Proyldliig For It lore Space SDeatba HESS Sarah Hess. wife of George Hess, died Wednesday, April 9, at 3:3u P. M.. aged (i 7 years, 11 months and 19 days. Funeral services on Saturday, April 12, at 1:30 I'. M., from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ever hari, 4SI State ltoad. West Fair view. Relatives and friends are Hin vited to attend without further no tice. Interment. Mt. Olivet Ceme tery. New Cumberland. STACKPOLE: —On Tuesday. April S. 1919, Mrs. Margaret Glasgow Stack pole, widow of K. H. H. Stackpole, in her SOtli year. Funeral services at the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Friday morn ing, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Mc- Veytown. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. IN MJ3MORIAM IN memory of Mrs. Helen Stabr Sees, who died seven years ago to day. Gone, but never shall be forgotten. PARENTS, n ROT 11 Fit AND SISTER LOST AND FOUND LOST Wfistwateh. Monogram on back. Reward If returned to 220 Lo cust. LOST French Poodle dog. male. Finder please return to 229 Liberty streets and receive reward. lAJST Gold oval brooch set with barouque pearls , 114-inch longest diameter. Reward if returned. Mabel M. Miller, 1511 State. LOST Sigma Chi fraternity pin. Initials on back. R. B. G. Lost Sun day afternoon. Reward. Bell 4835 J. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL Y'EAIt. Enter any time. Bell 123, Dial 1016. BECKLEYS BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 Market St. Chas. K. Beckley HELD WANTED—MALE FACTORY WORK We need a large number of unskilled men for production work in the rubber industry. Ages IS to 15. Opportunities " to learn trade. $3.00 per day while learning, after which you are able to earn $l.OO to $6.00 per day and better. No pnvious experience neces sary. We will assist you in secur ing board and rooms or houses at lowest rates. Physi cal examination of heart, eyes and for hernia required. Apply in person, or commu nicate with Factory Employ ment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. > WE NEED A NUMBER OF Boring Mill Operators. All-around Machinists and Bench Men. Also a large number of Carpenters, Pipefitters and Tinners. High rates. Steady work. No labor trouble. Physical examination required. Apply in person, or commu nicate with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIP.E & RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. PAINTERS WANTED First-class mechanics only need apply at once to Jos A Gill. 1913 Rhoads avenue, or at job, 2103 North Third street. WANTED Several good metal buffers and chandelier makers. Ad dtess Elmer H. Catlin Co., 309 Thir teenth street N. W„ Washington. D. C. BOOKKEEPER WANTED For business office. Must be experienced and competent. Address 8., 8121. care of Telegraph. WANTED Able-bodied white man to act as keeper of the Prospect Hili cemetery. Must be willing to work. House rent free. Apply at office of Miller Bros. & Co., Locust and Court streets. WANTED Woodsmen for cutting timber and peeling barlt, one mile east of Roekville on first mountain. Call or address Samuel Wlttenmyer, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Experienced tailors for ladies' tailoring. Appiy LOUIS, 111 North Third Street. WANTED Solicitor and collector for established route. Salary and commission to producer. Apply, with particulars as to your qualifications, to Box N, 7137, care of Telegraph. WANTED Men to learn to re pair automobiles and aeroplanes. Full course, $5O. Call, or write, 25 North Cameron street, or Training Quarters, 260 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. CIGARMAKER WANTED At once for hand work. Apply to C. L. Boak. '-29 Broad street, Harrisburg, Va. Both Phones. r ■> FOR SALE On Gettysburg State Road Mt. Holly Springs 2 acres, improved with a new 2- story stucco house, with all mod ern improvements. Contains 8 rooms and bathroom with white finisli and shower bath. Hardwood .floors and finish. Cemented cellar with hot and cold water and laun dry. Front, side and rear porches Stone and concrete 20 ft. cess pool Steam heat. Electric light. Would mukc a beautiful home. Miller Brothers & Co. ttrnl Estate Insurance Surety Honds l.ncMsl nnd t'ourt Streets Members Hb(. Henl Estnte Hoard \ ai I, f "ONIN3AH AVaSHfIHX HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL' 10, 1919. IIEI.P WANTED—MAI-E WANTED Delivery boy in Job - Printing Department. Second Floor. ' The Telegraph Printing Co., Harris t burg, Pa. 3 • WANTED Young man, with tal -1 ent for sign painting. Apply to Jos. " S. Poolton, 307 Market street. WANTED Experienced night - porter. Good wages. Apply Alva ■ Restaurant. 19 South Fourth street. i SALESMAN Good, live man with - car. to sell truck tires and oil on corn el mission. Dial 3312. ' 1 HELP WANTED—FEMALE i WANTED " | EXPERIENCED OPERATORS We are wanting Sewing Machine Operators, positions are permanent, regular work, and good wages. together with a bonus every pay day. Old operators are welcome - | to return to work again. . | FOLDERS We are also wanting girls | for our Folding Department. [ Must be over 16 years of age. Good wages are paid in : s this Department. together j with a bonus every pay day. ;| BLOUGII MANFG. CO.. Inc., Reiiy and Fulton Sts. WE HAVE A PERMANENT POSITION i FOR A FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY SALESLADY. AT GOOD WAGES. APPLY CARE OF BOX 242, P. O. OPERATORS WANTED Apply HARIUSBURG APPAREL CO., Third Floor, City Star Laundry Bldg., Sixth and Herr Streets. | WANTED Experienced weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL, North and Second Streets. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED —Bookkeeper and stenog rapher lor factory otfiee. Thorough ly experienced, efficient and well I educated young woman. Salary, $2O to ?r5 per week. Apply Belgrade j Knitting Mill. Twelfth and Bridge | streets. New Cumberland. Pa. j WANTED A girl for general housework. Small family. No wash ing or ironing. Apply imp North Sec ond street. j WANTED Dishwasher. Good wages. Apply Alva Restaurant, 19 South Fourth street. Yt ANTED A young, white woman of good character, as child's nurse. Must be able to sew. Address Box L, 7140, care of Telegraph. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us on 'Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars. 3c stamp. Department 116, Auto Knitter Co., 821 Jefferson street, Buffalo. N. Y. j Y\ ANTED Seamstress, to sew on .awnings. Apply Star Carpet Clean ing Works. Eleventh and Walnut streets. WANTED Eyeletcr, experienced operator on a Peerless eyelet machine. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co. WANTED—Experienced salesladies for Shirtwaists, Muslin Underwear. 'Petticoats. Only those who are thor oughly experienced need apply. Kauf man's Underselling Store. V Ol'NCf LADY To clerk in music store, one who can play music anil , read at sight preferred. Steady posi tion to tight party. Apple between 8 and 9 A. M. at Oyler's, 11 South 1 Fourth street. I WANTED Lady stenographer. I t\ |if riter and bookkeeper for gen ie ral office work. Call, or address. jWittonmyer Lumber Co.. Seventh and | Schuylkill streets. WANTED A child's nurse, with | reference. Apply 5 South Front street. I LADIES Do you want to make $3 daily. I will help you. Every wom an needs one. Send 23c for sample Money refunded if not satisfactory . I Box 275. Miilersburg. Pa. 3l " , 1 WANTED Colored woman for , general housework. Reference ' quired. Apply 315 Market street. ;| GIRL WANTED - For general . ; housework in small family. Amiv . i H I E. as street. PPi - i W , AN T, KIJ ~,9 1rl for general house. r I work. No washing or ironing. Fainiiv 1 of four. Apply 1919 North Second or ; j call 2519J Bell. -j 5\ ANT ED V hite girl for genera! ! ihousework. Resident of Stecdton pre i felted. Inquire 201 Christian street | Steelton, Pa. i ' 5.V ANTED Reliable woman to I cook and do general housework. Few - in family. Apply 1915 North Front j Riverside Apartment No. 7. ! WANTED A white woman '"or j general housework in small family 'No washing. Address 122 Spruce „| street, Steelton, Pa. i WANTED Reliable woman for | cooking and general housework Methodist family. Permanent home Address Box K, 7133, care of Tele graph. r WANTED—White woman for gen -1 eral housework; seashore during , summer. Apply 2011 North Second i, street. City. ; HKl.l' WANTED—MaIe and Female ' $2.30 PER DAY' paid one man or woman in each town to distribute free ■ circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Permanent position. F. E. " Burr & Co.. Chicago. '• TAILOR Experienced alteration hand for men's clothing: also a wom „ an to work on ladies' garments. Ap . ply to H. A. Plank, Assistant Manager of The Globe, 322-324 Market street. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN With car, for Penn sylvania territory. Automobile spec ialty that affords capable salesman $5O to $lOO weekly. Strictly commis sion. See Mr. Conrad from 5 to 9 P. M.. Metropolitan Hotel. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE M ANTED Situation collecting or woik on bread wagon. A 1 reference front last employer, or work of any {kind, by a married man; sober and re liable. Call Bell phone 3931 R. I WANTED Y'oung, married man desires a position as shoe salesman; experienced In buying and selling I ladies' and children's wear: can fur nish reference. Address C. N. K„ "if N. West street, Carlisle, Pa. I SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ' WANTED Y'oung man desires po • sition with auto firm as demonstrator; ■ j lias had eight years' experience; best : references. Address Box L, 744 1, care -jof Telegraph. WANTED Position as chauffeur j by young man: can do own repairing. ~ Call Bell phone 659 R. 1 [ WANTED Boy, 15 years of age. j wants work on a farm near Harris- j ' burg. Fa.; reference. 1419 North; 1 Sixth. j WANTED A man wishes posi- i ' I tion painting tin roofs, or job work. I I Call, or address, A. M. Meyers, 621 | -Muench street. AY ANTED Man wishes work of any kind, either city or country. Ap- j j ply 1601 North Fifth. ! CELLARS AND YARDS white-! washed. Anyone desiring white- [ washing of any kind send postal, or { j apply to Edward Miller, 1411 Marion! j street. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe I W ANTED Colored woman desires ; houscclcaning or washing and ironing; by the day. Apply 1217 AVallace j street. YVANTED School teacher would ! like a position as secretary and com- ! panic.il to old lady; can drive a car.; Address T., 7511. care of Telegraph. | i WANTED Colored woman wants 1 ] housework, or dishwashing. Call, ori I address. 1526 Vernon street. I I WANTED Stenographer, experi- i ee.red knowledge of bookkeeping, de j sires position; best of references. Ad-; jaress Box D. 1281, care of Telegraph. j SECRETARIAL POSITION —By . j young lady stenographer; eight years'! " experience, mostly legal. Unless you! have a permanent position to offer, with a first-class salary. lo not, | answer. Bell phone 842 or 726. AA'ANTED General housework by colored woman. Inquire 1320 North Front street. City. AVANTKD Day's work of any I kind by colored woman. Apply 1107 Currant avenue. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nicely-furnish ed front rooms, for light housekeep- j •ing; ali conveniences; light, heat, ; bath and use of laundry. Fine loca- [ tion. Rent very reasonable. Inquire l 2118 Fenn street. i FOR RENT Furnished room, and j j board, third lloor front, in private i family; all conveniences. Inquire 14 'I South Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j single or en suite; first-class in every way: ten minutes' walk to Square. | jCall Bell phone 621, or Dial 1957. | ' FOR RENT lairge, unfurnished j ! livingroom, first floor front, suitable; | for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. I Oil RENT Two rooms, one fur- j nished, other unfurnished, in private I lamily; ladies preferred; Green, near; Peffer stieet. Address Box G, 7063,' care of Telegraph. EOR RENT Furnished room in' apartment; all conveniences. Apply; !,.. 7112. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT. ROOMS Two on sec-, onci liter front and one double room; on third Moor front; all furnished. Call' 1 at 327 South Front street. ii FOR KENT Furnished room, with all con\cniences; use of phone. In- ■ ' quire 1238 AA'alnut street. FOR KENT—Furnished front room,! .vith bay window. electric light,!- heal, use of bath and telephone, cen-| (trally located, private family with no other roomers. Gentleman pre-! ferred. Address R., 7138, care of {Telegraph. j ! FOR RENT Two unfurnished looms, on setemd floor, suitable for' light housekeeping; all conveniences.! I Call Roll 332951. FOR RENT Furnished front; room, in private family; all conveni- ; ■ nces. Call Second F'loor, Apartment No. 4, 1101 North Sixth. FOR KENT Two rooms, com-! 'ipletely furnished for light house-! keeping, on third floor; use of bath) ; 1 and phone. 2123 Moore street. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms 1 for light housekeeping; steam heat; all conveniences; no children; second i ' floor. Apply 1814 Green street. FOP. RENT Housekeeping rooms, 1 ; with kitchenettes attached. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and ! bathroom privileges. Storage lock- 1 ' crs, AA'eokly payments. Inquire 429 j ' Broad street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, I $2.50 per week and up; warm room*; j running hot and, cold water; light; housekeeping and private bath. Wil- : son Apartments. 143 South Third. ROOMS WANTED ■ TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS . ; WANTED Between Boas and Broad, I below Sixth street. Call Bell 2064. ! WANTED Two unfurnished ; , | rooms, centrally located, for light j '! housekeeping. Address Box B, 743 1, ! ; care of Telegraph. HOARDERS WANTED I ; BOARDERS AVANTKD —ln private! . family. Apply 1922 North Fifth ? | street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT •! FOR RENT Three rooms, second! . floor, unfurnished: use of bath. 911' | North Sixth street. :•! Y'Ol'NG APARTMKNTS—For Adults' . i only, possible vacancy May 1. Third ' floor front bay. facing Second street, i three rooms, hath and kitchenette.! -; $37.50. Suitable only for family of; rltwu permanent tenants. No transient.' - This location and Apartment will ao- ! .{peal to those desiring refined, quiet ■ quarters. House under management jof the owner. Inspection by appoint -; meiit. Apply to A. C. Y'oung. 34 North ■ ; Second street. i ! FOR RENT 3-room apartment ; private bath, all conveniences. Price'. -. $lB.OO. Only desirable people, with I . reference, need apply. No childrjn. ; i Apply r-24 Reiiy street. r j FOR RENT Two rooms and bath. ' j suitable for office or apartment, rear 'I first floor. 132 AValnut street. Apply •Ito Commonwealth Trust Company. FOR RENT Apartment at 1101 'I North Sixth street, four rooms and I bath, for light housekeeping; all ' I modern conveniences. Apply Louis " j 41 4 North Third street. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -I FOR SALE Real estate property -' in AVormleysburg, known as "Half King's Lodge.'! named in honor of the I'lndian warrior "Half King," who was - buried near the resting place of John j Harris, on Front street, Harrisburg Lot, 58 feet by 150, fronting on river - front street. 3 squares from Walnut street bridge. Improvements, 10. . room house and bath; roof Peach Bot p torn slate; all modern equipments; up , to-date: electric lights, gas stoVe; . yard filled with choice fruit and . I shrubbery, chicken pens, etc. Prop erty can be inspected any time. Geo - R. Chambers. AVormleysburg. P a . • FOR SALE • 621 North Fifteenth 7 , reet corner North street, has been I reduced &",• Kcpapered. Occupied i nv owner. Look at it. M. o, J' e dj u v 3 South Thirteenth street. v " I ;v a 33 n i 1 II if m IF YOUR FUTURE EMPLOYER jyy is ready to give you a trial lie Avill, i most likely, "find you" through your classified advertisement. This often j fxjj happens. It's not a mere accident. It's fey getting to be the rule. Business men, Ly s£3 confronted with the problem of finding [ ©M efficient people for their organizations, |Sy ; jMI are drawn naturally to the classified jCD columns. They "look over" the "pros- ujfo ; m pects" there. ' 1 I ii ii m 0 S]3IBE IS . v 7-\ - v i 8 pj ' HEAL ESTATE lOK SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDER LIN." STOP PAYING RENT MOVE AT ONCE. I Wiconiseo St., 625 Vacant; three story brick: eight rooms and bath; all improvements; front porch; driveway jin the rear; same as rent. Mahantongo St., 618 Three-story brick; eight rooms and bath; all im provements; front porch; same as j rent. | Fulton St., 1937 Vacant: new. I j two-story brick cottage; all modern | ; improvements; this home is in a class j by itself; same as rent. ] Fulton St.. 1627 Vacant: corner! ■property: two-story frame; six rooms; [water and gas; in fair condition; j same as rent. I S. Sixteenth St., 512 Vacant; two ! story trick; seven rooms: all modern I improvements; a dandy little home;! i same as rent. j Perry St., 2337 New; finished in a few cays; nine rooms; brick; hard wood floor; steam heat; fireplace; ;he last word in a home; terms to suit. j Derry St., 2407 New; finished in ■ a few days: two-story brick; six ! rooms and bath; steam heat: nard- I wood floors; sun parlor; one-half of a ■pair; very desirable home; terms to j suit. D. ASA SANDERLIN. ■ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. ! CALDER ST., 270 Two fra ne dwellings on lot 62x69. Fine j ment liou*© vJ right fori quick buyer, b. IN. Kchr, 204 Chest-! nut street. LOT FOR SALE Hudson street. Icioverly Heights. A bargain to quick buyer. C. Copman, 19 North Fif jteenth street. City. i FOR SALE A few cottages at a | low price. Call J. Purand, 107 Chest i nut street. RESIDENCE FOR SALE 1008 North Second Street, 3-story brick, 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to wide al ley in rear. Room for two garages. Owner requires smaller house, only reason for selling. Quick purchaser can secure a bargain. Immediate possession. For particulars address BOX O. 7433, Care of Telegraph. Or on the premises after 5 o'clock. I VACANT. POSSESSION AT ONCE ! 2-story brick, 6 rooms, all imp., porches. 2-story brick, 7 rooms, all impr., porches. 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all impr., j porches. These houses are all on the Hill, in i [good repair; drive alley; room for! ! garage. Small amount down. Pay as ' rent. j O. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, j j Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. FOR SALE Two-story brick house on ! Wiconiseo street. All im provements. Garage and workshop on rear. GRACE MacWILLIAMS, Bell 4028. 2217 North Fifth. FOR SALE 427-429 Maclay ■ street, facing b ifth street. Nice io- ! ■ cation. J. K. Kipp. 1721 North Second.! I Bell phone 1640 K. ! BUY YOUR HOME on our rental! payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every nan of the city and suburbs. Audiv !'a 1' Duvanr.. 1225 North Sixth st,y e , ■ FOR SALE —On easy terms. 20Jo' 'to 2UIS Susquehanna street. Possess- ; jsion on Apr" 1- A PP'y A. p. Doranz, 1225 North sixth. FOR SALE 1815 North Second Street. Open view over river. A fine, medium-priced home in good location. Immediate posses sion. • A. NV. SWENGEL, Real Estate, 2131 North Second Street. Bell 257 SJ. POSSESSION APRIL L t , , Price. Down. 2207 Logan St., brick... .$2,00 ssuo 916 N. Sixteenth 5t.... 6,400 2427 N. Sixth St. 5,700 600 421 Maclay St., brick.. 4,600 423 Maclay St.. brick.. 4.10U 1032 S. Hth St 2,800 500 1943 N. Fourth St 3,000 300 1820 Fulton St 2,000 D. A- CALEY. Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. * THREE-STORY FRAME On Evergreen street, $2,700. All modern improvements, 8 rooms. 2 V4 -story frame, 6 rooms on Bailey street, $1,650. Three-story brick. 1531 Wallace street. Price given on investigation. Thrte-story frame on Muench street, with all im provements. $2,500. All of these houses will be sold on easy payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • i FOR SALE N. Second St., No. 1412—Fine location! for Physician or Dentist. AY'iil make! a line APARTMENT, too. Rear driveway, hot water heat, 10 rojr.is! and butli. A'acant soon. N. Sixtb St.. No. 2110 Another fine! location for a professional or Inisi- i i news enterprise. Now vacant. Rear j driveway. IN. Cixth St.. No. 3358 Nice home in! I suburbs of city at attractive price. N. Sixth St., Nos. 3219-21. So. Twenty-first St.. No. 957. Bailey St.. Nos. 1186 to 1194. Boyd St., No. 631. Camp St., No. 635. Crescent St., Nos. 3 17-47 !j-19. Emerald St.. No. 626. Kensington St.. Nos. 2014-16. Muench St., No. 630. | Nectarine St., Nos. 34 1-46-4 S. | Peffer St., No. 341. Ross St.. Nos. 623-25. I Susquehanna St.. Nos. 1401-1407. | Susquehanna St.. Nos. ISO 3-05-07. Swatara St., No. 1818. jAA'ailace St., No. 1128. ! AA'hitehall St., No. ISSI This beau-! | tifui home, located at intersection ! of Whitehall and Regina Sts., now occupied by Dr. Orwig. is now open ! for inspection. The "refined" rest-: dence of the Hill, in it's most beau- I tiful location. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Bldg. j Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. | OXFORD ST., 612 Brick house for 1 sale; eight rooms and bath, gas. fur- j "ace, porch front and rear; possession; soon: price right. Bell Realty C 0.,; Bergner Building. FENN ST., 2320 Brick house with I six rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, concrete cellar, front; Porch and side entrance, for sale: 1 price right and terms easy. Bell 1 Realty Co., Bergner Building. ! FOURTH ST., N„ 2229 For sale,; eight rooms and bath, gas, furnace. I porch front and rear, side entrance. I stationary tubs; price. $3,600. Bel! 1 Realty Co., Bergner Building. EIGHTEENTH ST.. S„ 425 For! sale, 3-story brick house, at reason- j able price. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner! Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE ror sale; seven rooms and bath, gas. electric light; furnace; porch front and rear; garage. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. CATHARINE ST., 1610 For sale trick house with six rooms and bath, other improvements; drive alley on, rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- ' ing. | FOR SALE A cottage between ! street cai line and river. betf. ! Roekville bridge and Marysvill e; elec trie lights, water and all iniprovo-! mcnts. Inquire J. Iv. Kipn J7, | North Second street. Bell phone 1645K ' FOR SALE 1 have several Dror. ci ties tor sale on easy tcm.. '/°j'.' ; KiPP. V" ru° r Second street. B eli! phone 164jK. street I ,' Em-la; 2%-story '"'frame ' X faVttfc ".Of ! size of lot. 2ax152, including 2 lots K152. Possession at once. Price die Chas. Da vies, 204 Calder' Llmd | ing. Market Square. uuj | FOR SALE 2008 Forster street- Uy-story, s rooms und attic; lot j„v 110 feet. Lot of fruit trees. \v I Favorite, AVormleysburg, p a . " ,v -; I FOR SALE—A modern, attractive (residence, for refined family, built be fore war. Slid at a low figure. Lo cated at 1214 N. Fifteenth street For (tcinis apply S. Friedman, Real Estate , & Insurance, Kunkel Bldg.. or 217' j Peffer street. ""j — j REAL ESTATE FOR RENT i I-OR RENT A fine summer home ! In good location, as a whole or in, part, by the day, week or month. Good river view along state road to Sun-' bury. Running spring water on back! ■ porch. Call at 327 South Front. Bell! I 1 649 J. FOR RENT Plot of land for sea- i son. Size. 125x140. Ideal for trucic raising. Location, Thirty-first ami Derry streets. Address H., 1610. care! ot Telegraph. ( HOUSE AND BARN —On 2 acres ; of ground, for rent or sale; 2V& miles northeast, of city, near Shutt's Mill. I Inquire 213 Rroad street, city. i Rear Estate for Rent—Suburban FOR RENT Dwelling in Bella' Vista, Adjoining New Cumberland,' newly icmodeled, 7 rooms, bath, elee-i trie light, gas, water, pipeless fur nace. porches, lawn and garden. One I block Horn trolley. Rent, $22.00 with' garage or $20.00 without. Possession April 1. Call Bell phone 3139 It 1, or address P.aron Bcsticki, Box 94, New Cumberland, Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To purchase, good sized ooltage at Mt. Gretna Chautau qua Grounds preferred. Must have conveniences and contain no less than four large sleeping rooms. Large, rooiny porch desired. Address letter' giving description and price, to A. B.' S., Lock Box 237, Lebanon, Pa. FARMS FARMS 1',4 to 16 acres; also 116 I acres 3 to 4 miles back of New Cum- j berland. 40-acre farm, without build ings, near Harrisburg, $1,300. Call ati Durand's, 107 Chestnut street. I Offices anil Store Rooms for Rent I STOREROOM 250 Hamilton j street, suitable for a barber shop. The only one left out of seven storerooms. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT Desk room and office. {lnquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, 3x | North Second street. Bell phono 307 J. ! FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ~ j EVERY MAN WHO OWNS "The Five Senses" Should be interested ill HITE'S ELASTIC ROOF COATING AUCTIONEER HITE—Bell IS7SJ, 422 South Thirteenth. PARLOR SUITE, consisting of eight | pieces, including stand, music cabi i net. two stands, bed, spring, mattress, j two carpets, sideboard, portieres, und a number of pictures. All in good condition nnd at reasonable prices. Apply corner Holly and Hillside Roid. I FOR SALE Soda fountain, liack |bar. electric carbonator on hand Cash oi terms. Prices reasonable (Box 7., 7428, care of Telegraph. ; FOR SALE Mahogany finish roll , tep typewriter desk; never used. 238 I Hummel street. I FOR SALE Gas range and reed I baby carriage, reasonable. Inquire 1 2429 Nortli Sixth street. j MORRIS SAY'S save money buying I .new and second-hand furniture here' 1 High prices paid for furniture. Morris I Sehmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 40S5R. I j BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ~ | i The store across from Y*. W. C. A 1 offers you the biggest and best bar-i I gains ill Men's and Boys' Suits. Over-I ! coats. Mackinaw Coats. Underwear iHr.ts. Caps, and Shoes. We are fain 'ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial ! OUTLET CLOTHING CO., ' 1 23 North Fourth Street.* I FOR SALE Riltus Red Belgian ! [Hares. Fine stock. Heavy weigh" I type Excellent color and condition' I Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich. 4i?i I South Seventeenth street. j TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHF.UM THEATER. BOTH riIONKS. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS j | HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID fori Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at-1 jtention. Newmnrk & Cown, 368 Broad' {street. Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705R | ' YVANTED 3-piece parlor suite i •with M movable plush cushions. Must' 'be in good condition. Call Bell 22771! i [between 8 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. BELL PHONE 3370-J. S. TMFKIN, CLOTHING. -HOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID ! 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. MAX SMELT 7. Second-hand furniture bought and I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call 'Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max | Smeltz 1016 Market street. Will call I | city or country. ' J L. COHEN &• COMPANY. York and 1 Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. : —! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING ; Experienced Packers of Furniture, I [China and Bric-a-brac. EXPERT AUCTIONEER. A. H. SHENK Bell Phone 399 W. CHANCE to get on ground iloor with $5OO- I $l,OOO as partner with a company j to lie formed in a business Which I offers splendid opportunity. L. 7443, care of Telegraph. | i FOR SALE—OId-established stand, j [doing good business. Good reason fori selling. Address Box P. 7139, care of! Teiegiuph. | BUSINESS PERSONALS I ! [TRYING TO DO BUSINESS without advertising is like winking in the dark; you know | what you are doing, but nobody else does. (THAT'S WHY I ADVERTISE. ii want YUU to know about j HIT E'S ELASTIC ROOF COATING, jlhat good ROOF COATING that stops I It alis, prevents rust, checks decay land adds years of life to any old. leaky loof. AUCTIONEER IIITE, Hell IS73J. 422 South Thirteenth St. | | NEVER PAINT TO-MORROW l the ROOF you can paint to-day. AUCTIONEER HITE—Bell 1875 J. 122 South Thirteenth. i DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. 11. | OA PLAN CO., 206 Market street. ! UPHOLSTERING Of the best ; i kind. Work guaranteed. We call and 1 I deliver. SOS Broad street. Dial phone I 4826. Bell phone 4705 R. j MACHINE SHOP Specialty of [light machine, models, experimental, mill, factory repairing, odd parts tor 'autos made. Variety Machine and Ke !pair Shop. 1704 Fulton street. Harrts ; burg. Pa. I OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 'Any metal welded. Work guaran ; teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. [Capital City Welding Co., 7538 Logan 1 street. Bell 4396 J. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge. 25c doz.; double edge, 35c doz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to ;atch you this chargeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PIIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it olf if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 'll9 Market street I FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. ; J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. A. LANE I New nnd second-hand furniture [bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought. Sold. Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst. Linglestown, Pa. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES. STOCKS AND BONDS. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR., 130 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518 J. MONEY To LOAN ... I WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als ir need ot ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay | mcnts to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. | MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES (TATK iJirgo or small amounts. D. A. Calcy, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. r MONEY TO LOAN I ~ MONET If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. Wo lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BEKGNER BLDG.. j THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. ' LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE i MONEY FOR 'NECESSITIES If employed and Housekeeping, our legal rate money service on louns from s>ls to $3OO, payable in weekly or monthly instalments is worth in vestigating, if you are in need of I funds and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. MUSICAL J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. BARGAINS THIS WEKK I $550 Ilardman Upright, mahogany lerso. large size, excellent tone; price, ! $2OO, easy payments. ! SSOO Angelas player. SB-note, like | now, 25 rolls included; price. $585, easy payments. | $650 Story & Clark Player, SS-note, new sample; price. $350, easy pay ments. Any of the above Instruments is | ready for Immediate delivery. J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 13 S. MARKET SQ. $77.50 BUYS $250 size phonograph, i plays all records, selection of records and two jewel point needles free, also 120h steel needles, new, never used, i Will ship C. O. D. on approval. City ! Storage Co., 3119 Lincoln avenue, Chi jengo. | VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYL'-'R'S, 14 South Fourth street. I PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls lot music, for sale; slightly used; must !be sold at once; cheap to a quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 1 North Sixth street. ! TALKING MACHINES promptly and j cart fully repaired by an expert onlv OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES ! FOR PALE - A good horse. Apply | Grand Union Tea Co., 20S North Scc j ond street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving 'a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 9i; Capital street. Both phones. j HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped i for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. .1. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, manager, liershey. Pa. Bell i phone 15R6. ; GENERAL HAULING AND FAST | EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns I with auto trucks. Only experienced! i and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, | or Dial 2263. I FOR HIRE—Two-ton auto truck. Apply 11 MS South Ninth street. Bell i phone 2455 R. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE | CONRAD BROS., 311 ICELKER ST. RF.LL PHONE 623 W. I DIAL PHONE 3518. ■ AUTO HAULING Local and long | distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell 623-J. ! HICKS Local and long-distance j hauling and storage. 421 Iteily. Both phones. | LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE ! HAULING Furniture moving, i Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. 656 I Calder street. Both phones. Bell J 3636-J. Dial 3683. STORAGE „TOEAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. | THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD., Highspire, Pa. Phones: Bell: Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton 9439. j | STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. i STORAGE—In brick building, rear 498 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. O. Diener. 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437- 'ir South Second street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate (lining rooms. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLKR, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICE K, Funeral Director and Einbalmer. 511 North Second Street BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS TOR SALE PROSPECT IULL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east cf Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. "lhe prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. Cleaners unci Dyers WHY buy new clothing, when we ! clean your old ones as good us new? I Now Is the time for spring cleaning. ! Goodman's. 1306 V 4 North Sixth. Both I Phones. Call and Deliver. I . AUTOMOBILES ; Al'TO RADIATORS ot all kinds re ! paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Uar- : risburg Auto Radiator Works. 8051 Nrrth Third street. I WANTED All kinds of used auto' tires We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North; itolrd street. Dial 4990. I AUTOMOBILES BUICK—lj£-ton truck, solid tires o rear; electrically equipped. Wil sacrifice at $525. </ MAXWELL—Roadster, A 1 shape; i real bargain at $250. OVERLAND COUPE In excellen shape; good tires; a bargain fo some one. a CHELSEA AUTO WRECKING CO, 22-26 NORTH CAMERON ST. RAYFIELD CARBURETOR will cut your gasoline bill from 15 to 30 per cent., maybe 1 more. Drive around to-mor row and see the RAYFIELD EXPERT. , Agency at FEDERICK'S GARAGE, j lSt'7-09 North Seventh Street FOR SALE ' ONE 1917 KISSEL ROADSTER—Vers ; beautiful; equipped with wire wheel and sonri-Victoria Summer Top. One 1917 OVERLAND TOURING One 1916 FORI) TOURING, i M. BRENNER A SONS MOTOR CO.. | Third and Hamilton Streets, | SMALL CHEVROLET FOR SALE ■j 1 :>I 7 Model. Cloud condition. Tire good. Price, $425. American All 11 Front and Forstcr streets. 801 l I Phones. | HUDSON SPEEDSTER. ! LIBERTY DEMONSTRATOR—S-pass r'! IE V 1 ;r LET ROADSTER. I AMERICAN Six TOURING. | HARRIS BURG AUTO TIRE AND REPAIR CO.. 131 SOUTH THIRD ST. j FOR SALE 1914 Touring Car. it good running order. Good tires i Price, $275. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. i FOR SALE One Ford Tourini , Car; self-starter, electric lights. AT I dress Yolin Bros., 13 North Fourth . street. VULCAN ROADSTER FOR SALE jOr will exchange on Ford Tourins ; car. Inquire at 2151 North Fourth i street. Third Floor Apartment, aftel 3:30 P. M. TRUCK FOR SALE 1 Large sized 5-ton truck, with Dumc bodv for sale. Big bargain to quick ; buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. 1 FOR SALE Rco 6-cylindcr, 7-pas songer, fully equipped. Had it only four weeks. Cause of sale, death ol J owner. Apply 1439 Market street. FOR SALE j Seven-passenger Packard Twin , "Six," 1917 model. Good as new. Traveled only 5.000 miles. Address E, 7062. Care of Telegraph. . I OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmers, in any condition. See me before sao rilicing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto ! Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22. 24. 26 North Cameron street. Eell 3633. 1917 FORD touring demountable rims: fine running order: sold account I sickness. Price, $390.00. S. Horst, I LingUblown, Dauphin county, l'a., near Harrisburg.. FOR SALE—I9I7 Reo, 6 cylinder; | 1917 Paige, 6 cylinder; 1917 Chevrolet touring; 1910 Ford; 1916 Oldsmobile; 11915 Overland roadster; 1914 Cadillac touring. Inquire of Mr. llumer. East | End Auto Co, rear of Thirteenth and Walnut St. AUTOS FOB HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914 WM. PENN GARAGE 324-6 Muench street. Limousines fot | funeral parties and balls; careful ' drivers; open day and night. Beil I 4r ' 6 l FOR SALE. 1918 Maxwell tour ing car. Ford touring car. 1917 ; Bulck touring car. 1917 Velie tour ing car. Rex Garage, 1917 North Third street. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO I All sorts of auto tops and cushion 1 work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rales, 72-78 South Cameron street. BARGAINS Premier. 1918. electric gear shift, run 200 miles; 7-passenger. Hudson 6-54, roadster; five nevi tires. Denby 2V4-ton trucks, overhauled. In fine condition; dump body. Reo, 2-ton. I Other used trucks on band. Full ilne of Denby chassis. I DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 CAPITAL STREET. ! SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND i PLEASURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford i ton trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck, 2-ton I Republic truck, 4-passenger Mitcnell I Club roadster, 7-passenger Haynei ! touring car. International Harvester Company of America. Truck Depart ment. <ll9 Walnut street GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS FOR RENT Entire Garago or Part. Capacity of six cars—contains pit and washstand, also heated by hot | water. APPLY HARRY W. HAAS. 559 Race Street. RAYFIELD CARBURETOR Will give your car the same rapid acceleration it had when it was new and at ita best. ( See the Rayflcld expert at FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 1807-09 North Seventh St Hupmobile Service Station. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto r pairing by an expert Road Jobs i specialty. Charges reasonable. Botl Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 Nortl Cameron street MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANEH. WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. Additional Classified Ads i on Opposite Page iL i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers