THE STORE THAT CLOSES THE STORE that CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX I HEM, '•!— MM UNITED llAlllllsniltli, FRIDAY, APMII. 4, 11)10. FOUNDED 1871 Saturday Piece G^dT" 1 f T~\ Spring and Summer Shoes Specials h* J { f For Women and Children V- lust as vour feet feel, so do you. Chirop- No samples cut, no phone or mail orders, filled on any J \ odists ha y e told us that for years ]> ar ticn- t JgS . a N s P ecia \ . ... . , , jlßfc N V_ larly sensitive are vour feet in Summer tinu 2wf *1 40-inch Crepe de Chine. A fine quality with a smooth 1 and to insure honest-to-goodness comfor.*SL f??4° U a%o n S to se lect N i Over 100 styles to select from. $1.89 yard. ! , \ 1 A Women's grav kid lace hoots with grav 36-inch Fancy Silk in an endless variety of stripes; / ' ■ \vU M ,M/\ • . T J \ 11VT\ buckskin tops," light welted soles anil plaids or checks; satin or taffeta grounds, $1.69 yard. / /X""'' llf 5 ] lr A' < \\ j \ Pvf leather Louis heels, $5.95. 34-inch Sporty SUks; plain and fancy for combination —a ' Ifw jEwr I I Women's gray and brown kidskin lace shoes. Turned soles 1 ttjnch p"a"n Vd? *alT'ccdon^ 4& l yard° m ' ? * C || I d'> f■ g| • }\J *** 54-lnch Mannish Serge Suiting:' navy only. $3.15 vard. ' y \ \ \ ; Jjgi '.JBj t\ ill I With a Wedge Heel, Sizes 4to B—Black8 —Black kid button, $2.50; 54-inch Covert Suitings; tan, putty and sand mixtures, j W **" patent leather button, brown kid button,^2.9s. CI/A T r/Ar r li { iCSMB Sizes to 2 White canvas lace, $4.25; patent leather VIl()\t sI( )I 1 All St U1 i > ... • button, $4.95; gun metal lace, $4.95; tan calfskin lace, $5.95; J ts genuine white buckskin lace, $6.25. In full bloom at our Glove Department, either as gifts or IS;, y wm BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' ' for the woman who is giving attention just now to the prep- @ - - Bra Best of all gloves comprising this collection are makes, the , ■ - i?TOt 1 fine qualities you arc already acquainted with. Therefore you can choose from the assortment with the satisfaction of l-l knowing that any pair you pick will be sure to gain recom- Y/ £" ' !l sasßlSlk mendation on their qualities and service. They come in French tEMgr 1 kid in grav, brown, tan, black, white, champagne and vssz A Varied and Smart Collection of ItW!/* _ln the silk gloves are every shade and every style and size, —————————^ Children's silk and chamoisette gloves, 50c and $l.OO. ■■ BOWMAN'S- Main Floor. f W | I.A fl \ \ I \§&Y/ - j9wY 7l g ul | S p or £ as t er Wear Arrivals in New Blouses for 4? ? With but two weeks till Easter, suggests prompt and intelligent selection. Promptly, because the assortments are now most \-i A complete and to select intelligently means to buy the most dependable in style and quality that your purse will permit. The , JT - y 1 T merchandise that gives the best service and satisfaction is the most economical to buy. f" O SPI I 'it* nS j* \ Bowman Suits express in line and fabrics, the newest mode, expressing every style innovation and every nicety of tailoring r >*% *- *r * AK U \__y t? that is approved by the best dressers, without the ultra extreme. /X/ ~ Suits of fine Mannish Serge, featuring both strictly tailored and elaborately braided effects; box coat and Russian Blouse Color plays a very important part in these new Blouses. fa models. Biege and Navy Blue have a long following of admirers. ~** Suits of Gabardine, Poiret Twill, Silvertone and Serge Suits in strictly tailored effects, featuring belted and box coat Materials are Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Cotton *l 1 5 T T . , _ models, come with vestees in contrasting materials. Voile, Silk Pongee, Habutai Silks, etc., adorned with square U>nilQrcll S U>O3.LS Suits of Tricotme, Silvertone and Poiret Twill, elaborately embroidered or braided, with vests of silk Tricotine and other and round collars, bands, blithesome little tucks and pleats. — ■ fancy silks. Choose to your heart's content among them at these sums. Why not come and sec them! I Georgette crepe and crepe de chine blouses in a variety of and Dresses 00 00 S4S 00 and 11 n c^ed**. with b J UVCI V' e Millinery Section is abloom jh cse davs dIJU U|J bright new hats for Spring. There are the bnght-hued or orchid, also apple green, $2.98. e sr" ,c^ ar y go ° ia USS Beautiful Capes Smart Dresses JMsi-vlaS TsttflsrJsrmz c " inc and The GirVs New Easter Coat bowman's Third Floor Not a girl whose thoughts are not turning to her new Spring f\ | I r\ [ HAv jl I Coat. And not a style in Spring coats we believe these girls 1 \~ TI7"L *.+ d ltrrl, #/!# 7 n n-f will like is missing from these especially assembled assort- JflzfalLzA—L £_ JL ££. ments in velour, taffeta, serge, checks, moire; 6to 14 years Among the many coats of the Cape and Dolman types that j These come in taffetas. Georgettes and interesting corn sizes, at $7.50, $9.50, $10.95 to $27.50. arc the most favored for Spring wear, we have some excep- binations of taffeta and Georgette. Mostly made in the pre- -rj \ t i . tional values in capes in velour, French blue, navy and black; | dominating straight line style. Some with rows of tucks JL ECLIV InCCIv\VC3T CoCltS For Little Girls coat-effect front with pockets and belts and throw collar. ! or ruffles on skirts. Trimmed with heads and buttons in at- sZ_ Lined throughout with figured silk, and excellent value at ; tractive arrangements. Colors arc taupe, copen, sand, gray, For girls, two to six years, we have coats with yoke, high $29.50. 1 flesh, white, navy and black. Splendid values at $29.50. ' fVe HaVe Here For YOil waist and tailored stvles, in serge, taffeta checks, silk poplin and velour, $5.50, $7."50. $8.50, $10.50 to $25.00. BOWMAN'S Third Floor BOWMAN' S— second Floor. If you wish to see the daintiest of the newest organdy collar and cuff sets, Vests, F"ilet Collars, etc., which have been TlPfir thp Np7Pl ; created by Fashion for your personal adornment you will find licuf IflC .lYctv |M ~ jbis| them here. You may be sure their prices will not prevent . 1 - Tr | - I raj Iff y° u fro" 1 owning those you most admire; for they are very Aeolian-Vocalion Records % C t ,v%™.k 1 fc A .< v„,i-^i We herewith list a few of the late popular numbers. j&j 111 II 1 IVIII II I 1 I V IV I V Ift I Uj velour - matalasse, pique, brocades, and other novelty mate- Call in the Aeolian Parlors on the sth floor; we will gladlv W— J >L A J X JL rials, 50c to $6.95. play any of the Vocation Records for you. uj ■ _ 00 New dainty organdie collar and cuff sets. Lace and net No. 12096—1'1l Say She Does—Yerkes Jazarimba Band. m 'pS trimmed, $l.OO and $1.50 set. No. 12094—1' m Forever Blowing Bubbles. w y m QO Uniform. 0 POT F(IStCV IT| (Sophie Tucker) • |bs No. 12074—Come On Papa. ————Specials in organdie collars and sets, 15c each; 2 for 25c. No. 46003—Hjre Katri—Violin Solo. m dMF Collars and sets, vests of pique, georgette, organdies, crepe (Pilzer) .. A revelation in Correct Millinery awaits Mfl de chine, etc., 55c each; 3 for $1.45. BOWMAN'^Fifth I^ Floor. S V those in quest of Easter hats in the Millinery fTOr ffl Organdie, pique, georgette, collars and sets. Wonderful Section. Our own adaptations of the most / /jSm \ © values at 25c each, 5 for $l.OO. ( ■'<&! select and advanced modes characterized y I BOWMAN s—Main i loor. wC Kedfern C_>OrSUtS i I by attention to individual type requirements / \ 01 — II which women of discriminating judgment ap- / BuSBHIf/ llis TT* C ttt . . .. . . fjM f / preciate as the "exclusive" feature of Bow- | W | iIOISCrV TOE Yv 001611 lnVlte 1 OUr Inspection /( T man's Millinery offerings. The trim-fitting ( v \ y\ 'jgtf j if - ky I /[V, X Turban, the piquant poke, the upturned brim \ m . Affpr boincr + „ Si ill ' W an< l the tailored Sailor all find their place in \ mX)V / Us They will match the suit or §T Y dis. r> jr • , W \\ I II this expertly prepared collection. Ostrich is \ /\ \ / M the frock or if one so desires, &*.{% . JwtL' V em* - ou a S ree with us |Jg \\ / ) much favored for adornment purposes—wings \r li! V. I\& 6 shoes of Spring. Colors that the ease with which the i \\ j JI and flowers find new and altogether charming / I W m arc here in abundance, par re-shaping is accomplished ij II ways of posing on crown or brim. j/l r ticularly the tans and browns r ' S a revo ' ut i° n ' n corsetry — j( \Jf An excellent assortment for choosing, mod- ' m h' om thc lightest rn \ bu, the mode! for your fig- | 1 Y era,c.y priced a. i II tl \ ure mus t be selected and . dyj are a i so those other colors that i \ raasssss I fio $695 $7 50 $lOOO I "ZZXZX.*, 'if IF wfW wflcf\' 111 OUr de P artnient where tap \J\J y Vp / *|yAVyVyV/j m lar colors rn hosiery and the [ I 'liL. there is a range of beautiful m demand is big. U '■ ; Lb' Kedfern models at different NN O CTA "I CT CM Showing today a full fashioned medium weight silk lisle '•'■fl prices. I 1 I I 111 I ATlft 1 I ffl top a "d lisle sole. A beautiful shade of cordovan, $2.00. I rlmt.M ffi I vP 1 ailU optional fine lot of men> cotton hose, black and jff, J tf you like a nice corset, ||§ brown. Made of a combed yarn with extra re-inforced heels Iwfftf TWK the Redfern will give you BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. and toes and elastic top. j ifl'/f P satisfaction. Prices moder- sp A hose of medium weight that will give service and com-, ate, $3.50 to $15.00. Jl_J_2 L-LJ_J J-lU-1-1- . Jfp fort, 25c pair. y - 4| \ A FRIDAY EVENING, HAWUSBURG fiQftl TELEGRAPH ' APRIL 4, 1919. 3
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