"When a Girl Marries" Br ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife "I'm going to ask you to act as cashier again to-night," said our lieu tenant when I arrived at the canteen. "You handle the money so quickly and accurately, Mrs. Harrison, that it might be a good idea for you to give bond and take the cashier's place regularly." "Oh. I'd much rather be a waitress and do the cashier's work just in emergencies," I replied quickly. Then, as I took my place in the little cage, it flashed through my mind that someone else would have to go my bond since I hadn't a possession in the world with which to back a money pledge. And as I sat making change I found mvself a little sullen and abused over things. The lieutenant had just said i that I had a real aptitude for handling money, but Jim didn't regard me as | important enough to have any to j handle. Surely, surely, I must go into this matter with him. As a matter of fact it was many j days before I found my opportunity i to discuss an allowance with Jim. In the meantime a number of other | matters surged up to the surface of | life and demanded immediate attention. There was no denying them, so my own problems had to be side-tracked for the time being. Just before closing time Tom Ma-. son strolled into the canteen and be gan looking around in evident search for some one. Carlotta Sturges came to his rescue at once. Tray in hand, she smilingly piloted him to the cashier's cage. I found myself brist ling a little with resentment that any one should take for granted that Tom M" son must be looking for me. so 11 greeted him with a rather sharp: "< iood evening. Were you looking I fee some one?" "t was." he replied imperturably, j.-.'ting it up to me again. "WellT asked, no more eordial ; • ban I had at flrst spoken. "All"is well," said Tom. and ehuck -1 ! a bit at my discomfiture. "Take jn'ir time; I'll wait. "Why wait?" I asked in exaspera te i. and then p:ot out my best smile f,,r a young: marine with an empty ek >ve and brave, cheery eyes. "For you—obviously," returned , Tom, and disappeared outside to re turn a moment later with Pat Pal- | ton. Obviously that meant that he was i waiting aiso for Carlotta and my j blood boiled at the effrontery that arranged a party of four, in which I must be paired off with a man other than my own husband, and see an other girl as the partner of the man 1 still regarded as A'irginia s hus band. And the maddening part of j it was that unless I made an ab- | urd scene there was 110 way out. Finally the last boy was served, j my change counted and locked into | the cash box, and then Tom ap- 1 proached me with his handsome [ A Woman's Testimony j I Mrs. Ettie Warren, a farmer's wife, of Emmittsburg, Md„ openly deelares how she has found health through reading a newspaper ad vertisement of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. So great is her relief after fifteen years of suf- j fering that she asks to have this' information published. I ' Buy them by the box Food experts agree in urging greater consump tion of oranges to properly balance meals. Physicians advise the more general use of or anges as a help to keeping well and fit. Government officials favor eating oranges to conserve meats, grains and other solid foods. Sealdsweet oranges are the tree-ripened, sweet, juicy ones, real good all the way through. Buy Sealdsweet oranges by the box, saving money—dealers prefer to sell them that way. Your fruit store will supply you Sealdsweet oranges if you insist on having them. Write us for free book, "The Health Fruits of Florida," and Kitchen Calendar and Chart, O^ FLSrMSA TAMPA, FLORIDA THURSDAY EVENING, I gray head flung high, but a look of shy pleading In place of the usual devil-may-care expression in his dark I blue eyes. "I want to see you, Mrs. Jimmie. I was hanging around outside waiting my chance when Pat comes along and says Jim has commis sioned him to fetch you home. So we Joined forces. I must see you. You won't run away will you?" "No, 1 won't run away," I replied wondering if his pica had anything to do with our encounter that after noon. "I'll be ready in a minute." "We've got to feed these Cantcen ers, Pat. Shall it be the Clinsarge? | That's nearest," said Tom with the I chummiest possible air when Car : lotta and I joined thorn. Pat agreed, and Tom seised my | elbow and began piloting me down j the street. I "Did Jim send you for me?" I i asked breathlessly. | "Yes, but don't let that offend I you." replied Tom enigmatically, i Then he went on to explain. "I | dropped into the office, and found West on his way to keep a date ' with some girls, and Jim booked | to take a big new customer out for an equally big evening. I asked where you came in, Jim said you were playing patriot again and asked me to run around here and explain that he and this mining man of his might end up in a Tur- ! kish bath, and you needn't be sur- j prised if he didn't show up all j I night." "I see," I returned in a voice that ( I I tried to keep from letting Tom 1 j know how I felt about his being | (made Jim's messenger, and about! the message. "Exemplary wife!" exclaimed j Tom. "She doesn't even ask who hubby's new customer is—but I'll tell. It's that new western mining man, I-ane Cosby—big. upstanding chap about fifty—the fellow who startled the coast seven or eight years ago by marrying little Vale rie Demmerais, the old fruit king's ' daughter. N'o one saw why a pretty j kid with money and position want -1 ed to marry a man almost as old as | her father. But they've got along I fine so far." ' "So far'."' I asked, interested in spite of myself in this very human 1 bit of gossip that seemed imping ing 011 the edges of my life. "So far!" repeated Tom. "They've been living in a little town out there and now they're booked for i the Big City. The Cosby woman is | beautiful, rich and young—the kind the city eats alive. Watch out for | snags, says I." | "Welt, I don't see where I come in ! to watch out for snags," I replied i indifferently. By now we had arrived at the Clinsarge and .were following the Captain to the corner table, which I seemed to be Pat's special posses sion. As Pat picked up the menu and consulted us about the order Tom leaned over and answered my last remark as studiously as if it had been a question: "Oh, you're to be Valerie Cosby's guide and mentor when she gets here in a week or so. Jim prom ised her husband." i "So; I'm booked as her guide," II stammered, groping for words to | hide my own unhappy realization I that now indeed Jim was taking ! me at my word and treating me as | a "pal." I But all through the evening that Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus SM- MWCiIC - HOV/ LON£( HEN"! LET ME H/SVE. MIMO DO XOU THINK I'M 40NNA HAVE A CUP OF COFFEE Jr \ F AV HE! II IST 1 1 V/AIT FER ME BREAKFAST- WHILE I'M WAITIN' FER \ , f ' „t* > dU ? T £ L —) THE REST! ( !///„ % '^A MINOTE! \V k§ ' ?T } -Jjj vJ J ' ✓ - "ft" 1 y ' • ! ~ g 3 name, "Valerie Cosby," kept flash Ing back into my mind. (To lie Continued.) Ohio, Disabled At Sea, Reaches Dock; Crank Shaft Damaged Philadelphia. April 3.—The battle ship Ohio, disabled at sea, docked at the Philadelphia navy yard yester day with a damaged crank shaft. The Ohio sailed March 25 for Brest to bring back troops. Three days later when 800 miles off the coast trouble developed with the crank shaft. The engineers were unable to make repairs and she turned back. With one propeller working she was caught in the terrific gale of ast week and had a rough time of it. Germany Likely To Put Soviet System In Its Government Berlin, April 3.—The Vossische Zeitung's AVeimar correspondent says the negotiations of the majority parties with the government have progressed so far that the govern ment shortly will place a new ar ticle in the constitution providing for the incorporation of the Soviet sys tem. Germany Has Big Housing Problem Coblcnz, April 3.—Assertion that there is a deficiency of 800,000 dxx*ellings in Germany due to cessa tion of construction during the xvar xvas made recently at a meeting of the Grunexvald German Democrats in Coblenz. One contractor said that 160,000 nexv dwellings should be erected annually in Germany to meet the needs of expansion. It xvas proposed to begin construction of small buildings on a large scale throughout Germany as quickly as possible. MOTOR GOVERNORS TO MEET The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of the Motor Club of Harrisburg will be held in the club headquarters. 109 South Secoed street, Friday evening. I DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS AN "EASY APROfc 2785 —This model is nice for seer sucker, gingham, lawn, percale, drill and Jean. The body portion is fin ished with strap ends that are crossed over the back and fastened to the front at the shoulders. In this de sign, all waste of material is avoided, and the garment is cool, comfortable and practical. The Pattern is cut in 4 sizes: Small 32-34: Medium, 36-38; Large, 40-42; and Extra Large, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size Medium requires 3% yards of 36-inch mate rial. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in sliver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department For the 10 cents Inclosed please send pattern to the following ad dress: Size Pattern No Name Address City and Btate HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH" LITTLE TALKS BY BE A TRICE FAIRFAX Several letters have come to nie from women who have their soldier sweethearts and husbands safely back from "Over There," but who are sorely puzzled by the change that has come over them. In every case, the men in question I have been in the front line trenches, . and have gone through the shot and shell of those last terrible, lighting days. They felt, rather than heard, the numbing silence more awful than the din that began at 111 o'clock, that fateful November morn- i ing when the order to "cease firing" | was given. j "It was the silence that got me— | I could stand everything but that," | one woman quoted her husband us j saying, and she goes on to say that \ after the first enthusiasm of home- I coming was over, he seemed to care j for nothing but to sit quietly and j think. The old amusements about ; which he had been so keen, before ■ he went to France, now fell fiat, and ■ even the especial interest of a gar den, that formerly occupied every spare moment, fails to exercise any charm. There seems to be nothing else j to suggest to those women but to | wait and let time, the all-healing j unguent, work its habitual miracle.'i Some men are pre-eminently fitted to be soldiers, men of rugged fibre, iron nerve, slow sensibilities, such are capable of shedding the harrowing specter of war by rea son of their temperament. Others, more sensitive, are ob sessed by their experiences, and find it impossile to erradicate war impressions immediately. They live over and over these scenes, until something more compelling comes along to replace them, or until time gets in its handiwork. Quiet the Best Restorer This period of adjustment is the time for a conscientious wife to be what Sir Walter Scott calls* "a min istering angel." Produce pipe, slip pers and house coat, and be prepared to cultivate a sympathetic silence, if that is what is demanded by the lacerated nerves of your man. Don't expect one who has just escaped death —and has seen his friends drop around him by the score—to call for his dancing pumps and betake him self to the nearest cabaret as soon as lie has hung up his trench helmet. However, it is all a question of nerves and their sensitiveness to receiving and retaining impressions. The cabaret may be exactly the medicine that will work wonders in restoring a certain type, it may give the necessary stimulus craved, or, again, it may be an added horror. So if you are a wife, or a sweet heart, and are puzzled by having a soldier man given to long, deep re flection, don't despair, it may be only natures way of restoring the balance. It is hardly fair to expect a sensitive man who has been through the hell of the trenches to come back to you as if he had re turned from a jolly weekend, and is feeling particularly fit after the ex perience. In the first enthusiasm of getting back it may even seem that Way, but the energy for. frivolity is more than apt to flag, and a pipe and slippers to win the day. A correspondent who signs her self "Louise" is feeling particularly discouraged at this state of affairs. She was married pust before her husband sailed for France, and she has taken great pride in her loy alty. sternly declining to attend any of the meetings of the dancing club, of which they were both enthusias tic members before the war began. She had fully expected to find her young husband quite as keen on dancing after he got back as ho was before he sailed. And I think, in spite of all her determination to be a model wife, she is beginning to feel just a little sorry for herself. | Louise tells me that she is just i eighteen so it is not difficult to I understand why she expects her i man to display the customary ardor j for dancing and musical comedy 1 that he had before he went march ! ing off. He has been 'through an | experience that Is likely to exer cise a sobering influence for years, j if not for life. I No man ran have been through j the hell and glory of Ohateau | Thierry and not have reached the | climax of human emotion.. He has [ taken part in the greatest conflict I the world has ever known. He has | drunk his coffee in the gray of I early morning with his comrades. ! and at night he has come back j without them. He has made a crony of death, week in and week Out in the trenches, and there have been times when death would have been I easier than living. [ Whatever life has to offer in the way of emotion, keyed to the ut; most limit, the men who fought dur ing those last days experienced to the full. And a man cannot drain the cup to the dregg and in a few weeks accommodate himself to the pace of a suburban husband, inter ested in his former dancing club and the lawn mower. He can easily manage to drop back into his old place if he went over there and got no further than | one of the big training camps, but it is not quite reasonable to expect it if he xvent "over the top" and has come back to you either gassed or wounded. Dropping tlic 'Heroic Attitude All along the line there is be ginning to be a general let-down in the heroic attitude taken by women during the war. The "Near East" may demand their charity and sac rifice as much as Belgium, but it is difficult to get them keyed to the necessary pitch of enthusiasm over further horrors; they have been "fed up" on atrocities and the pen dulum is beginning to swing back again. They saved, rationed their fam ilies, sewed for the Red Cross and practised amazing economies. Now they went to eat. dress and be merry and realize that all of life is not wailing and lamentation. But it would take nn incorrigible pessimist to believe that they xvill ever go back to the utter frivolity of their pre-war existence. Shopping for amusement, shopping when thev never intended to buy, matching scraps of bright colored ribbons to xvhile away a morning. Judging their friends by the initials on their dollies and the size of their motors, and the names—that always rose like cream to the tops of their card baskets no I don't believe xvill go back to these things: a little abiding light must have come to them while they rolled bandages for their men over there. Advice to the Lovelorn 1N FATI AT I: I) SK VEXTEKN DEAR MISS FAIRFAX : I am a bookkeeper, seven month out of business school. While there I took a great liking to my teacher, and can not forget him. He was very good to me, giving me a great deal of private help. I thought it was because of his kindness to me and because I saw him so often that I thought of him so much. But since I have left school he is con stantly in my thoughts. No matter what I may me doing, if I give myself up to thought, my mind turns to him. At night 1 even dream of him. I have tried very hard to put him out of my mind, but I cannot do so, and this makes me very miserable. You see, I do not care for boys in general, and have very little to do with them, but this man seems to have some magne tism about him that attracts people to him, and . now I cannot free myself from this infatuation. I am seventeen and do not know what to do. This teacher does not know anything at all about this. Please advise me as to how I can for get him (if that is possible, which does not seem so to me). A VERY .MISERABLE GIRL. Unfortunately, there is no magic means of recovering from an infatu ation. But accept my assurance that time will restore to you your composure. You are very young. Accept all the opportunities you have to meet other men. FINDS CO XSTA XC Y TIRESOME DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I am engaged to a soldier who is now overseas. I expect to marry him just as soon as he returns. Before he left he made me promise that I would not go with other boys. Now Miss Fairfax. I have not as yet, but it is really monotonous to only keep company with girls. Very often I am left alone because they have ap pointments with boys, and I am unable to join them on account om my pro mise. I am sure I would never fall in love with any one, but would like to entertain a few boys. My mother' would permit me to have them for sup per and to remain evenings at our house. I think this would be pleasant on all sides but I do not feel as if I could break my promise. E. F. K. I I think it unwise either to ask or to I SICK HEADACHE AND BILIOUS ATTACKS YIELD TO BLISS NATIVE HERBS TABLETS "I have been afflicted for sev eral years with Stomach, Liver and Kidney disoi ders, and have used several remedies, all of which were practically of no avail. I suffered gieatly with bilious attacks, dizziness, head ache, and restlessness at night, due to the inactive conditiph of the vital organs. 4.our Bliss Nu tive Herbs were recommended to me. 1 purchased a box of the tablets and they have certainly made a wonderful change in my condition. I can gladly recom mend Bliss Native Herb Tablets to those who suffer from these ailments. HENRY THOMPSON, "Elwood, Ind." These attacks are usually the result of constipation, which is the most easily acquired disorder make a promise of tliis sort, but since ] you did make it, and have not asked your fiance to release you. I should say you are still bound by it. A MOVE FOR LIBERTY DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: We are business girls, aged twenty and twenty-one, and like a great deal of fun, but our parents will not permit us to go out with young men. We feel we are entitled to some recreation and as' we are denied, we have decided to e a furnished apartment In the city where we can entertain as much as we choose. Some of our friends, however, advise us not to do this. Will you kindly give us your opinion in the matter? FOUR UNHAPPY MAIDS. Sensible girls of your age ought to he able to talk such a matter over with your parents. I am not sure that you are wise enough to undertake living by yourselves. BUTTKR AT SS A POI ND Butter is worth $S a pound; su gar, $3.50 to $4 a pound, and all other food in proportion, at Foil stanza, a once famous watering place on the Black Sea, hut now a total ruin, says a letter from Miss Lucile Nathan, of Kansas City, to her father, Theodore Nathan. Miss Nathan is with the Rumanian com mission of the American Red Cross. "The suffering of the peasants in this territory is terrible," the letter says. "The land is claimed by Bul garia, Rumania and Russia; is po liced by the French and fed by Hoover," and is commonly called in ternational. While the commission was here a cargo of American flour arrived in the harbor and probably relieved more suffering than a simi lar amount of food ever did before. High-priced low grade flour is the chief article of food. Many lives in Rumania have been saved by the American Red Cross." The American commission has done relief work in Athens, Messina and Constantinople, and has lately 1 established headquarters at Bucha rest. Daily Dot Puzzle lb • in • 14. • '7 19 •''• to , 21 12 . .*! 20* . I '• ? 10. 2P t 3* •9 r" ® ' ' *6O . V & 25 7 45 43 • • 5*3 t 29 42* *45 * 49 3o 4,. ' -47 57 ' '4' 4B • 32 , s° "• •3.A • *5l 58 54. 37 • I v. . ) 53 y v Draw from one to two and so on to the end. of the human system. It is the hub around which nearly all liver and kidney diseases radiate. Take a Bliss Native Herb Tablet at night, and you will escape the many ills caused by this afflic tion. Bliss Native Heib Tablets are a safe, mild laxative which gently and thoroughly expel all waste, tone up the system, sharp en the appetite, clear the com plexion, and give that glow of health so much desired. Bliss Native Herb Tablets aie put up in a box of 200 tablets. Each box bears the photograph of the founder, Alonzo O. Bliss, and every tablet has our trade-mark. Look for the money back guarantee in every box. Price, $l.OO. Sold by leading druggists and local agents every where. APRIL 3, 1919. Prohibition Men Held For Murder of Bootleggers Woodstock, Va., April 3.—Four Vir ginia state prohibition ngonts, charged with murdering Lawrence Hudson and ltaymond Shackleford, alleged bootleg gers killed near here last week, were held without bail for the grand jury after a bearing here yesterday before a magistrate. The accused, Harry F. Sweet, ,T. H. Sullivan. W. C. Hall and AV. M. Dun leavy were ordered taken to the Fred ericksburg jail under protection of the Richmond militia company which had stood guard in and about the court house during the hearing. Merchants Help Swell Collection of Clothing Three boxes of clothing from Kaufman's Underselling Store nr.d another contribution of ooats and sweaters from the Globe helped to swell the total o£ clothing received in the Red Cross campaign for gar ments to he sent war sufferers ' n Ar menia and the regions devastate I by the recent conflict. The total is now approximately five tons. H.irrisburg's quota is thirty-five tons. RIBLK CIABS TO 1)1X11 Fifty young men of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Bible cli.ss will beentertained at a banquet in the Penn-Harris Hotel tonight by John W. Appleby and Walter S. Schell, associate teachers. Friday Shoe Bargains BOYS' CORDO BROWN /^^vSf LACE SHOES LjHg English Model. Dark Cordo Brown Shade. Pliable Calf Upper Stock. Solid Oak Soles. mjj Style As Illustrated. ALL SIZES "Every Day Is Starting Day" At the S. of C., but the Best Time to Begin is NOW This will be the time when thousands and thousands of young men and women throughout the United States will enroll in one of the many Accredited Business Schools of our Country. They will enroll for intensified training in Commercial Work, because the year 1919 will demand more than ever before, people who are trained to do one thing well. It will be the year for those who have STANDARD TRAINING. This is an Accredited School—We have a Standard to follow (Clip tills mid sciul it in at once for full information) j. School of Commerce Troup Building 15 S. Market Square Cut out this coupon and send it to us now t Gentlemen: Please send me complete information about the subjects I have checked—also the correlative branches. Typewriting Secretarial .... Civil Service .... Bookkeeping Shorthand Stenotypy Name Street or R. I). No Ctty State | A. M. ni'TiiKßKoitn FUNUHAI, SUKVICKS ON FRIDAY I Funeral services for A. Mitchell j Rutherford, who died from apoplexy i at Pittsburgh yesterday, will ho held | Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home -of his sister, Mrs. Arthur H. ! Bailey, raxtnng. Burial will he made 'in the Paxtang Cemetery. ; Skin Tortured ffilxf Babies Sleep ter Cuticura | All druggists; Soap2o, Ointment H anil6o, Talrora 25. ' Sample each free of "Caticnra, Dept. E, Baiton." " Thought 3 Little Children Needed Mother's Care "My stomach suffering was so | severe that I could not have lasted ; much longer. I did not care so j much for myself, but did not want jto leave my three little children, I who needed a mother's love and care. A cousin in California wrote | me about Mayr's Wonderful Reme- Idy and I took a course of it. I I have since been entirely well." It jis a simple, harmless preparation j that removes the catarrhal mucous j from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and [ intestinal ailments, including up i pendicitis. One dose will convince lor money refunded. George A. Gor gas, 11. C. Kennedy and Clark's I medicine store. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers