Hope Is Expressed in Peace Conference Circles inPaw That Treaty Be Signed by HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 0k P ®)c Slut-3nDcptni)tnl. • \ I.XXXVIII—NO./+ 22 PAGES T.'Z.tIVZ'L"U?,'AT r ?'" HARRISBURG. PA. FRIDAY EVEXIXG, MARCH 28, 1919. O! "!iSJSSSSSuESuSn. SS m "SSSfHOME EDITION HEROES OF 28TH DIVISION TO PASS IN GREAT REVIEW All Pennsylvania to Pay Honor to Veterans of Mighty and Victorious Battles TO LAND LATE IN MAY Former Guardsmen to Be Mustered Out of Service From Camp Dix The famous, fighting Twenty < uhth, sons of proud Pennsylvanians who won for their organization the name of Iron Division, will parade n Philadelphia probably late in May. It will be Pennsylvania's proudest day and arrangements are being made to accommodate a mil lion people to view the great page ant. Included in this division arc hun dreds of boys from Harrisburg and vicinity, many of them members of the 112 th Regiment, who will be in iine, and it is certain that many relatives and friends of the boys will make the trip to Philadelphia to see the Keystone unit march. The occasion will be the first and only chance the State will have to honor the magnificent old N. G. P. and plans are being made to take ■ are of hundreds of thousands of \isitors in Philadelphia. Mothers, wives, fathers and children of the famous lighters together with the plain home folk whose best wishes were with the division in the gruel ing battles of the war will have the opportunity to cheer the men who made the name of Pennsylvania ring j ■ hroughout France. Three regiments of the division will be brought to the Philadelphia docks, permission being given by other units will disembark in New York. Go to Camp Dix The soldiers will be taken to Camp j Dix at once from both ports as fast ! as they leave ship and after passing through sanitary measures will re turn to Philadelphia for the big parade and reception which will be accorded them. When the parade in held in Broad street, Philadelphia, the men who will march will lie the original mem bers of the Keystone Division except those who are so seriously wounded that they can not be moved from France. Others who are wounded j nd convalescing will be taken over | the route in automobiles. Arrive May 28 Adjutant General Frank D. Beary j and J. Jarden Guenther. executive manager of the Philadelphia Council j of National Defense, obtained per mission from the War Department for the debarkation of the 1091 li. | ll&tli and lOSth Field Artillery, and j • Iso for the big parade. These three regiments will arrive at Philadelphia probably Slay 22 and at intervals of two or three days thereafter, as five transports will be needed to J bring the men over. The division j v. ill probably embark overseas about i Slay 10. Search for Casual* Efforts will be made by State of ficials to locate every original mem ber of the Keystone Division, in < luding those invalided home and those brought back to be demobiliz ed so that no one will be omitted In the parade. Replacements of men front other States will he given the option of marching in the parade or going home directly front Camp Dix Hist before the event. No man who over fought with the Iron Division will ntiss an opportunity to march. Slectings of relief organizations of the State will he held next Wed nesday when additional plans for the reception will be discussed. Al ready many residents of the city are ; t ranging to visit Philadelphia on •die day of the parade to join in the history making welcome which will be given the returning heroes. Military Men Meet Big Four in Peace Conference By .Associated Press• Paris. March 2S. —The council of four yesterday afternoon called in Marshal Foch and Generals Wilson, Pershing and Diaz. It is presumed that the military leaders were de sired for a consideration of the sit uation in the near east. The Temps believes that the coun cil of four will complete the draft of the preliminary treaty to-day and will then examine each article sepa rately. The council of the President and Premiers, now known as the council of four, divided its labor yesterday i between the "White House" and M. I b'lemenceau's private office, adjoin ing the war office. HERE'S A GOOD ONE IF THE REPORTER GOT THE FACTS Secret of Near-Perpetual Motion Is Found by Hotel Stew ard Whose Memory Fails Him at the Wrong Time L. H. Vanderslice, steward of the Penn-Harris Hotel, to-day believes he has discovered the principle near-perpetual motion. His rule is simple. "Buy a new automobile, get in and start ott£ he says. Here's why as explained to a reporter who admits he knows nothing of the me chanics of automobile engines: The steward purchased a new car recently. Yesterday afternoon he started on his first trip, bowling up Front street and on to Riverside Drive. When he reached a spot near Front and Bewis streets he decided he'd turn around, but couldn't re member how to stop. Naturally he was compelled to go on and finally i ■ ■ .— — ; Why Wait For the Millennium? INSANE MAN DIES OF EXPOSURE IN MIDDLE OF STORM Body of Xegro Who Escaped From Asylum Is Found Near Wildwood The body of Kdward Glover, aged • 30 years, was found in a creek near 1 Wildwood Park this afternoon. Glov | er was an inmate of the Pennsylva nia State I-unatic Hospital and had | escaped last night. It is believed death was due to exposure. Glover, who was colored, is said to come from Virginia. 11c was ad mitted March 11. He escaped from the hospital lust night and in some way tramped through the storm to Wildwood Park where he was found. I He was fully clad. Authorities do not believe the ; death was due to drowning and at tribute it to exposure and exhaus tion. Coroner Kekinger was investi gating the case this afternoon. Fruit Trees Not Injured by Freezing Temperature Fruit trees and crops are not be- I lieved to have been harmed by last | night's cold weather, Farm Agent jH. U. Niesley said to-day. The | freezing temperature was not of suf j ficient duration he says, adding that I if the weather again warms up, no j harm will have been occasioned. MAY ORGANIZE I'NION Delegates of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers have called a meeting to be held in the Hoard of Trade i building on Saturday evening at T t o'clock at which time a branch of (the organization may be formed to include employes of the big local plants. I found a nice, wide spot in the road ! above Dauphin. He turned around 1 in good form and drove very de ! lightfully down to Harrisburg. "X ; landed in South Cameron street ana | every other street in the citv. Talk | about your sights of Harrisburg. I I surely saw them." The last chapter in the miracil , lous journey was written when after a three-hour ramble the gasoline supply was exhausted on the corner J of Second and AValnut streets, block ing street cars and traffic for several minutes. • Finis'' was written when j an employe of the garage brought I the car into its shelter—and Vander -1 slice has decided to hire a chauffeur 1 when he goes motoring again. t . ]f MARCH MADNESS [ New York, March 2$. —Xcw ' York experienced a somewhat i topsy-turvy early morning to-day, j due to a heavy wind, blinding [ i snow and frozen sidewalks and ! 1 streets. Cars collided with each I j other or with automobiles, signs I and fences were blown down and ' trees uprooted, pedestrians were ! knocked over by trolley or motor | cars or by mail trucks, one worn- ! 1 an was blown into the East river, j | but was rescued, a frozen rail I caused a short circuit which set j tire to an elevated train and the I rush hour traffic generally was hampered. A dozen persons were ; injured, several being removed to hospitals. \ J RAIL STRIKE IN VIENNA AFFECTS FOOD DELIVERY | L'prising Due to Demand For Higher Pay and Sym pathy NVith Reds i B Associated rress. Vienna, March 2S.—A railroad i strike has been called and threatens j to spread to all the roads in thisj country. The strike was called part | ly for higher wages and partly be- J j cause of sympathy with the Hun- I ; garian revolution. It is feared it | ; may lead to the establishment of j | a Soviet republic in German Aus- ! | tria. | The trouble began on Wednes • day night when men employed py j the Southern Railroad walked out. ' | All traffic over this road is at a j complete standstill, even allied food i trains from Trieste being stopped, j As a result of this interruption of J transportation of supplies, Vienna, ! is threatened with famine. The sit- ! I uation is considered extremely ji i grave. i J THE WEATHER] For Mnrrlsburg and vicinity) Fair, continued cold to-night, with low cut temperature übout 28 de- ! 1 green; Saturday fair and ' 1 j warmer. i For Eastern IVnnsyl vania: Fair ] 10-nlght and Saturday, freezing temperature to-night, rising temperature Saturday; north- j' went gules diminishing to- ! ! nlglit. < River ! ] The Juniata and the upper por tions of the North and Mrs! branches will fall to-night and Saturday; the lower portions of ! 1 the North and West branehes ! ' will rise to-night and begin to fall Saturday or Saturday night. . The mnln river will rise slowly. i A stage of about tl.t feet Is In- I ' dlented for llurrlshurg Satur- j 1 id&y morning. !; * MAYOR CALLS ON CITY TO TURN ITS CLOCKS FORWARD Bells and Whistles to Sound Signal at Ten O'clock Tomorrow Night Mayor Daniel L. Keister in a proc amation issued this morning called upon people of the city to turn their clocks ahead an hour when the clock strikes ten to-morrow night, and thus to put the daylight savings law into effect. He also called upon the owners of industrial plants of the city to have the whistles sounded at 10 o'clock to-morrow night as a re minder to the citizens. The text of the proclamation sign ed bv tlie mayor foilows: "Whereas, the new daylight sav ings plan inaugurated and so suc cessfully put into operation last summer is to be continued and the change of time is to be put into ef-l feet Saturday, March 29, 3 919: "And, whereas, some confusion may be caused on the part of the public unless all co-operate to make! the system a success, I suggest that at 3 0 o'clock Saturday evening everyone turn their clocks and watches to 11 o'clock. "Therefore. I, as mayor of the! City of Harrisburg call upon all own ers of industrial plants in tlie city to' sound the whistles on their plants at! 10 o'clock Saturday night so that! the public may be reminded of the: change in time." EATS AT PEN X - HARRIS Bl'T REFUSES TO PAY For refusing to pay for a hearty i meal which he ordered at the Penn llarris last evening, a man giving his j name as Adam U. Devaney is in the ! hands of Harrisburg police. He will be given a hearing in police court I during the afternoon. MARCH WINDING UP WITH A RIP-SNORTING FINALE 1 Howling Spring Winds Play Havoc With Loose Real Es- j tate and Milady's Unfastened Finery I Just when everybody who is any-, body at all was felicitating March | for good behavior and exceeding: gentleness she rips over the weather ' traces for a good, old-fashioned pro- ; verbial finish, tears about during > the hours ot night, plays havoc with . loose real estate and milady's un- i fastened finery and settles down for | a. rip-snortfng finale. People who came down to work yesterday did ; so with perfect confidence in March's j resolves to keep up giving spring a j jubilant start. Therefore, many of j them didn't think to carry wraps and not a few there were who left their umbrellas at home. As the day wore on a few mild- i tempered souls looked about them, ! sniffer the air and began filling themselves with misgivings as to . March's loyalty to her 1919 promises. STEEL PLANT NOT TO CLOSE DOWN, AS RUMOR SAYS ! Local Bethlehem Officials Say J j Persistent Reports Are But Gossip j MANY MEN ARE LAID OFF Big War Organization Rap idly Being Put Back to Peace Basis j The rumors tHat the Steelton plant jof tlie Bethlehem Steel Company ' will be closed indefinitely on April J 1, and the one that said it, together: | with other branches of tlie steel cor-; j poration, would close down for two 'weeks, which have persisted in and ; about Harrisburg and Steelton witli ; in the past several weeks, were to-!, j day declared by officials at the Steel-! I ton establishment to be nothing but j idle gossip. The plant is now operating at con- . jsiderably less speed than it had been ; ;as a consequence of the lull in the! iiron and steel business. Fully 1,000 ! 'less employes are in the active ser j vice at the Steelton plant than there j ! were during the war. (i.200 111 Plant The number of employes now en- 1 j gaged in active' work at this time is said by officials to be approximately j 0,200. Most of these are working j shorter hours than , had prevailed ] during the war when practically . • every wheel in the establishment was running night and day. Tlie plan of!' : shortening the hours was selected as! | the most desirable that employment! | might be given to a greater number of men. Practically every man and; 1 woman in the establishment nov J has an eight-hour work day. ; The retrenchment is especially no-' j ticed among the blast furnaces, i j j There but two of the seven furnaces! iare in operation at this time. One! i of the fires was banked last week. II ; lis believed that these two will bo! kept in operation during the entire 1 '.dull lieriod. K was said to-day that all the as sistant plant superintendents and several of the superintendents have been laid off along with quite a num- i i her of office men. International Labor Meet Planned For Washington ' 'London, March 2S.—Tlie first in- j ; ternational labor conference to take! i place in Washington in October will be ! ! attended by about two hundred repre- j ' sentatives of labor and employers, along j I with experts, according to the Paris cor respondent of the Daily News. George Xicoll Barnes, of the British Cabinet and one of the most prominent labor leaders, says that the British draft has been accepted with modifica tions. The report had been drawn up without the enforcement of the Supreme War Council, but Mr. Barnes expressed himself as sanguine that this would be obtained. CITY WILLING TO | TAKE ADVICE OF ; STATE OFFICIALS! j Vole lo Transfer Bridge Fund i May Wait Until November j Unless City Council receives a j I communication from State officials; I urging a special election to have the' I voters approve issuing $300,0001 j worth of bonds as the city's share of; I the cost of the new bridge at State; ! street, instead of a city bridge at j j Walnut street, lor jvhicli the bond! | issue was originally voted, it is not| ; believed that the question will he; i submitted until the general election j ! in November. Yesterday Governor Sproul signed: I the bill which will permit Harrisburg!, land other third class cities, to call!' 1 [Continued on Page 17.] .Toward evening there was real evi-! j dence that March was preparing to 1 misbehave and when folks had fin- | ; ished their suppers, scanned the eve- ! ; ning papers and figured on an eve- I ' ning of enjoyment away from the I ; fireside the wind began proving the! j month's treachery. There had been | j rain the greater part of the day, but j :it was a well-mannered rain that ! breathed nothing of Jhe icy ire of | clouds that had been hanging about! ■ in the north for a couple of hours.' In a little while the tempera- | ture was falling with almost startling I rapidity. It was thirty-three at its ! lowest point between 8 and 9 o'clock, ! but it dropped several degrees below that figure before daylight, frozen ! milk bottles proving the fact when j . housewives went to their doorsteps i |to gather in the day's supply. j LENINE URGES HUNGARIANS TO HURL RED ARMY CAPITAL, PROMISING THE CASH Yanks Halt Red Uprising London, Mar. 2S.—Action by American troops looking after Russian prisoners in Germany is believed to have nipped in the bud an important Bolshevik plot, according to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Berlin, dated Thurs day. The Spartacans in Spandau, the message states, had planned a big rising for Thursday, intending to arm several thousand Russians from the Ruhlcben camp. The Ameri cans. however, rushed the Russians on board trains Wednes day night and scattered them under the Americans through out Germany. 1 he Spartacans, the dispatch adds, had intended to spring their revolt as a means of backing up the Hungarians in their Bolshevik move. WORLD'S MAKERS OF PEACE MOVE SWIFTLY Signing of Preliminary Pact by April 20 Is Hope Expressed in Conference Circles in Paris; Leaders Summoned to Council; Draft of League Covenant Is Ready By Associated Press. Paris, Mar. 28. Peace is making progress with a stride; that a fortnight ago was regard- i ed as impracticable in view of the numerous problems that necessarily had to be solved by the various commissions work ing separately for the promulga tion of a world treaty to meet the. situation, it was the hope in Peace Conference circles last night that the preliminary treaty might be signed by pril 20. Labor to Have Voice The membership of the states in the executive council of the League of Nations, Reutcr's i Limited says it understands, J will be increased from two to (three, the third member prob- I ablv being a labor representa ' tive. Council of leaders Culled A council of the foreign ministers 1 and foreign secretaries of Great Bri j tain, the United States, France and I Italy has been created to work ! simultaneously with the premiers I and President Wilson, but 110 dif j ferent branches of the great techni cal questions involved in the peace 1 settlement. Council of Four Meets J To-day's Paris newspapers in dls i cussing yesterday's session of the ' council of fuur declare that extreme j l.v important problems directly con ' nected with Germany's future boun daries were discussed by the council 'in an excellent spirit of understand ing. The Petit Parislen says it un- COMMERCE BODY | OPENS DRIVE FOR BIG MEMBERSHIP I Four Hundred Desirable Pros pects to Be Interviewed by Committee I An aggressive campaign for new 1 members for the Harrisburg Cham ber of Commerce began this morn ing. and will continue until Thurs j day noon of next week, when the : members of the membership com mittee, who are conducting the cam -1 paign, will announce results at a j luncheon meeting. 1 The committee has been working 011 plans for the membership drive since its appointment at the begin ning of the year, and has compiled a list of more than 400 desirable pros- I pects, whom the workers are now attempting to secure as members of the Chamber of Commerce. Each worker was given a quota of the eligible prospects at a meeting of the committee in the Harrisburg Club last evening, and they will be called upon between now and Thurs day. The committee has secured sev enty-five new members since the be ginning of the year, and hopes to boost the membership to one thou sand or more by the end of the year. Besides Favel L. Wright, chair man, the following are on the com mittee: M. R. Alleman, Albeit L. Allen, A. H. Armstrong, J. H. Bell, Roy D. Beamun, A. XI. Blake, B. F. Plough, Charles K. Boas, L. M. Brieker, M. A. Brinton. Joseph Claster, F. J. Consylman. F. E. C'oover, M. A. Cumbler, F. F. Davenport, B. B. Drum, Robert A. Enders, 1,. 1,. Fer ree, I.ee Godsmith, B. B. Harrington, John Heathcote, John C. Herman. Eli X. Hershey, J. C. Jessun, Jr.. H. Xf. Kirkpatriek, J. H. Kreamer. John A. Marshall, Robert T,. Myers. \ Charles E. Pars. P. B. Rice. J. W. Rodenhftver. y. ,S. Rutherford. John: C. Soutter, J. A. Thompson, R. W.'j Troup, J. H. Wallazz and A. A. Wert. I derstands important results were achieved. According to the Matin the terri torial questions involved and the problem of protecting France ade quately have been satisfactorily solved, although by means not for seen in discussions of the problem outside the conference. 'Huns to l*ay Yearly As to the financial problems, the adopted provides for the payment by Germany of yearly instalments on the indemnity, of which France would receive a portion sufficient to lighten the burden of her budget. Amendment Rejected It was reported last night that the amendment to the Dengue of Nations covenant urged by Leon Bourgeois, providing for a permanent military [Continued on Page 17.] t ~ * . ! z r • • I t X' ♦ * 1 n ! r . t ( • T 4 • IT M : T * ' T *' < 5 * 2! * * ' *?♦ *" ! * ' 5 * # ' $ i i.. s,■ . ■ , - . nit 'u ( X !" X J*..- j X * * I i ■£ * * .&* • t * > 0< ' 2 * J 2, '■ * * •T* —W > <s • • 4 * " ■ j£ !! s 1 1 ; THE EXPEDITIONARY F< X '*xL '' fl T ENLISTMENT IN THIS 1 * 4* * < ) J J .... WILL BE CONCENTRATED A' j ! * > 4 '* * ! *' ' < :! jj ! 'l * IT::::I*—MJSS, Ardella Grctr- ' v """ eW i 7 x hospital, was discharged to-day . ' I | "# 'i i | MARRIAGE LICENSES T W Kiihm II L). Joneii, HarrlNliurir. anil Kthrl G. Minnfck, Eili| S 4i ,;, ' or * f K. Holllnn*r. Sldonwburu, nn<l Mary Wood, Unburn; Aior- "J" ? man O. I inlnuf an<l Anna 1.. Kbrrlhfr, >n\bcrr>} Hobrrt C. HofT- IV I man. MlllfrNburg, nnj Kiln K. Hank, l.ykenn. JL Former Premier Is Free With Other Ousted Chiefs CALL FOR ARMY GETS RESPONSE By Associated Press• , London, Mar. 28. Premier Lenine has sent a wireless mes jsage to the Hungarian govern ' nient urging it to send an army against Vienna, according to a I Budapest dispatch received in ! Berlin and forwarded by the | Exchange Telegraph Company. ! Lenine promised to advance 100,000,000 kronen to linance J the project. Karolyl Free ill Budapest Information indicating that inter [ nal conditions at Budapest probah | ly are not as serious as at tlrst re i ported has been received in Paris. I A Hungarian government wireless | dispatch conveyed the news that I Count Michael Karolyl, who first had i been reported assassinated, then un- I der arrest, is enjoying complete lib erty in Budapest as are other mem bers of the government who were compelled to resign when the So viet uprising took place. This news was taken to mean that radical hos tility to Karolyl and his former cabir ! net is not nearly as accentuated as i had been feared in certain Paris cir i cles. ltods Present Credentials A dispatch from Copenhaven, sent from Budapest, says that emissaries of the Hungarian revolutionary go-V -; erning council handed their credett : tials to the president of the German ! Austria Xational Assembly. Hopes I for the continuance of amicable rela [ tions between Hungary and German ; Austria were mutually expressed, it ! is said. j There are, however, disquieting features in the news from Hungary. t [Continued on Page 21.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers