MANY BUSINESS MEN VISIT BIG TRACTOR SHOW Day of Exhibit Brings j New Crowds to the Warcrooms The second day of the tractor truck exhibition at the Overland plant. Twenty-sixth and Derry streets, saw a mighty busy selling bee, for the tine weather brought out hundreds of solid businessmen, farmers and industrial heads who are meeting swlfty tlie call for all-, niotor travel. It was pointed out to day by an expert that fifty per cent, of the perishable foods raised in this country is wasted because they lucl: means of transportation to points of consumption. Our highways have been regarded merely as local con veniences until within the past few years. But little attention has been paid to the tools for these high ways, or the proper use of them and tlie beneficial results obtained through their use. The fact that short and long dis. tance traveling is a cinch for the modern truck, as proven by long trips made to this show by the fa mous types on exhibit, has caused a steady increasing demand for their use until it is apparent that the day Is not far distant when motor transportation will assume as im portant a position and bo as com monly used as our trains and our steamships. This morning about half a dozen i garden tractors took their place in the big plant, although Mr. Dill had part of his exhibit destroyed in the i fire In Cameron street. His firm re- j Night Operator—All In A'inol Made Him Feel Better, Look Bvetter, Sleep Better. .Springfield, Mass.—"l am a night; operator—was all run down, c-ouldn'tj sleep, had no ambition —I had tried j blood and nerve tonics without help; —and thought I would try Vinol, j and 1 must say it hits built me up | so I feel better, look better and l sleep better." —Charles T. Harder. j The reason Vinol was so success- ] ful in Mr. Harder's case is because! it contains beef and cod liver pep-! tones, iron and manganese pep-! tonates and glycerophosphates, the. very elements needed to build up a I weakened, run-down system, make! rich, red blood and create strength.! George A. Gorgas, druggist; Ken-! ned.v's medicine store, 321 Market! street; C. F. Kramer, Third and! Broad streets; Kitzmiller's phar- > macy, 1325 Derry street; J. Nelson! Clark, and druggists everywhere. ' ! P. S.—Our Saxol Salve is truly j wonderful for Kczema. We guar antee it. V 1 10 Hj in its wax-wrapped pack- K aee, air-tight and impurity fl WRIGLEYS 1 is hygienic and wholesome. The goody that's good for " 4 young and old. . JL Be sure to get WRKLEVS jhf* The Flavor Lasts M JZ. "* TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH - MARCH 25, 1919.' Noted Lecturer to Speak on Marshal Foch, Under Auspices of K. of C. Council nn. J. J. WALSH Dr. J. J. Walsh, of New York City, noted lecturer, will deliver a free, public lecture orf "Marshal Foch ' in the Technical High School Auditor ium this evening. The lecture is one of a series in the nation-wide edu cational program of the. Supreme Council of Knights of Columbus. It is being given under the auspices of the ilarrisburg Council of this or ganization. Dr. Walsh is a delightful, enter taining and Instructive lecturer. The press of the nation have been glow ing in editorial appreciation and much praise has been given the lecturer, For instance, the Lancas ter Intelligencer said: "Dr. Walsh s lecture was heard with profound in terest. The nuggets of thought so richly scattered through his talk of an hour and twenty minutes will he treasured as precious remembrances of his visit. The charm of t lie speak er lies in his perfect ease of manner, lie gives a talk, not a lecture, and he possesses the rare faculty of being able to clothe the deepest truths ill language so clear, that he who runs may read." sponded most liberally to tlie local opportunity, with three, passenger ears and live trucks. J. Clyde My ton estimated to-day that approxi mately f 250,000 worth of motor wagons are housed now in the lloor, and though this value cannot com pare to that of the passenger cars. It is 1 needed significant, the fact being that Harrisbunrg never before had an exhibit like 1 liis. ; SENATOR SMITH'S ACT PUTS LIBRARY ON SOUND FOOTING iStnlc Librarian Montgomery I Says Measure Will Be of Much Value I Concerning the bill reorganizing i the State library, introduced into tlie Senate by Senator Frank A. Smith, Dauphin, Thomas Lynch Montgomery, State Librarian, made the following comment this morning: "For many years, the State Library has been working under a great handicap due to the fact that the pro visions of the act of 1880, under which the library operates, lias long since become obsolete. "Under its provisions, the control of the library is vested in the Gov ernor, tlie Secretary .of the Common wealth, and the Attorney-General. Were its provisions strictly enforced tlie members of this board would be forced to spend the greuicr part of I their time in the library building. I "The act of 18S0 gives the State i Librarian tlie. power to hire his sub • ordinates, but prevents him from dis- I missing them, thus taking the most necessary authority from his hands. | "The new bill is based upon recom mendations submitted by the State economy and Ffflciency Commission, j of which Harry S. Mclfevitt, present . secretary to the Governor, was chair man. I "The recommendations submitted I included the abolishment of the Hoard of Library Trustees, and the free Li brar.v Commission, and includes nub- Stan tfal salary increases, j "In former times, however, there were numerous frees connected with i tue office of Librarian and Deputy Li j nrarian, which have since been abol ished, so that tlie increase in pay I )<l|,f, ly brings the proposed remun eration up to the past standard." Under the provisions of tlie bill, j the salary of the Librarian is increas |ed from $4,500 to $O,OOO, and the • ?oo PUly L,brarian lro n $2,500 to $::,- Miss Ina Taft Speaks Before the Red Cross i }Lss ina Taft, director of tho Wom jfln s Bureau of the National Red Cross, I was tho prinoipal speakor at a meet i ''l* , ot the Ilarrisburg chapter, i American 1 ted Cross, hold in the l'enn | Harris Hotel, at 3 o'clock this after noon. Miss Taft spoke on her work I overseas during a brief period of ser vice In fiance, when she investigated conditions among tlie refugees there. emphasized tin* need for sending aid immediately to the refugees and stricken people of Southern f.u -' rope. I A conference of Bed Gross workers' j was held in the Civic Club house at ,11 o clock this morning, followed hv I a luncheon tendered by Miss Anne McCorinick to chairmen of tlie various 1 j auxiliaries and branches. The sub-' jject of aid for tlie refugees was up-! permost in tlie entire conference, and' (plans wore, laid for aiding (hose made ;destitute by the world conflict. WOULD PUTSTATE TAX ON COAL LAND OF ONE PER CENT. | "Near Beer" Bill Also Makes lis Appearance in the House i A Slate tax of one per cent, on the i value of all coal mined and prepar ed for market in Pennsylvania would be established for state purposes only under terms of a bill introduced in the House today by Mr. North. Chester. The bill would effect both bard and soft coal. The bill follows the ideas in form er laws, which it would repeal, and requires production reports to be made to the Auditor General. Representative North said he ! thougnt that there had been such la heavy drain on the State resources j that more money must be provided I for roads, and schools and while he \ did not designate that the millions j that would be raised by tlie-'proposed i tax should go to any speeitlc pur- I pose he felt that they should be so devoted. The bill repeals the an- I tluacite coal lax laws o£ previous years and provides that mo tax shall be levied on both bituminous and anthracite coal. In the main it contains features of previous laws, including the reports required for the auditor general to calculate the tax and ten per cent, penalty for failure to pay with a penalty l'oi failing to. report. Legislative lead ers said today that they had not been consulted about the North bill. A bill was introduced by Mr. Pow ell. Luzerne, providing that no li cense other than a mercantile license shall be required for sale of liquids containing less than one half of om t per cent of alcohol. Under the pres ent law liquor licenses would have Ito lie taken out for sole of "near beer." For Pneumatic Tires ; Mr. Bucher, Philadelphia, intro jduccd a bill making it unlawful to operate a motor vehicle in Pennsyl vania without pneumatic tires aftei January 1, 192 U. The penally is $l,- t'oo tine. An act carrying into effect the eon j stiiufional provision for separate 'orphans' courts in counties attain- I ing 150.000 population was present ed by Mr. Ramsay, Delaware. Under its terms the judges would be elect ed on the same basis as common | Ideas judges. Mr. Norton, Berks, introduced a bill amending the Berks county act !of IS2 I by abolishing the directors (of tlie poor and providing that eoun ! t.v commissioners shall act as direct other Hills Pr*'si* n led ! Other bills presented were: Mr. (Ramsey, Delaware, creating a bureau of tugruphic ntid geological ■ survey in the internal Affairs Department, j Mr. .Stark, Wyoming, authorizing I the taking of carp with nets ami seines at all seasons under slate per-j 1 mission, regulating changes in State l Highway routes on petition of the i townships authorities to State High way Commissioner.' 'Mr. Bigler, Mercer, establishing a $3 occupation tax for school purpos es in lirst class districts. Central State Boys of 103 d Trench Mortar Home New York, Mar. 25.—The One Hun dred and Third Trench Mortar Bat tery, the lirst complete unit of Penn sylvania's famous Iron Division to lie released from duty in France, arrived in New York yesterday on the battle ship North Carolina. Many men from the Central Pennsylvania region were numbered among the home-coming troops. Among these were members j of the Sheridan Troop of Tyrone, and others from Troop M of Lewisburg, and several Ilurrisburgers. The batter}- was engaged in bitter open-air lighting during much of the stay in France. Twelve men were killed in action, one is dead from wounds, and about fifty were wound ed and gassed. Kleven of the twelve killed were front the original comple ment. Fight of these, front the Con trail Pennsylvania region, are Ser geant Shannon and Privates Dulle, Heimert and Kratzer, of Lewisburg; Private Burroughs and McNeil, of Tyrone, and Privates Pierce, of Mil ton: Lower of Harrisburg. Among Central Pennsylvanians in the battery are: Milton, Klmer D. Pierce, Daniel J. Law. Joseph p( Wolfe; Danville, .Joint B. Youngman and John R. Grant; Juniata, John F Dunlap; Sunbury, l.eland K. Smith Tyrone—Paul T. Starliff, Kdward L. Tyson, Ralph A. llolden, Joseph A. Shires, Aaron L. Dearment, John D ! Feg'ley, William A. Frazier, Harry n! Sellers, Alex M. Stewart, Bern W. Fleck, Gilbert D. Rhodes, Jr., David H. Meredith, Jr., Charles H. Cassady, John W. llildebrant, Jr.. Albert 6! Morrison, Richard J. Sehell, Gilbert E. Kanour. Lewisburg—Ralph Kohler. William Aurand, Joseph C. Johnson. William F. Benfer, Jaeob E. Winkelbech, AVil liam H. Bickel, William L. Kratzer, Hiram M. Wolfe, Jr., Daniel G. Sny der, William Cawley, Lester A. Swan ger, Roy N. Staub, George R. Zeizer, William E. Bridge, Reber L. George, Harry L. Calm, William S. Grove, Harry 11. Bursell, Joseph H. Corne lius, Henry M. Uladen and Oliver A. Hetter. Mifflinburg—Charles YV. Swineliart, Emory R. Koch, Harry J. Swineliart. Twenty-Eighth Division Coming Home as a Unit Washington, March 25.—The War Department will be ready in a few days to announce the cantp or camps to which the Twenty-eighth Division will he sent for demobili zation upon its arrival in this coun try from France. It was stated at the department yesterday that the general head quarters stuff of the American Ex peditionary Forces has released the twenty-eighth Division, and it was said that the organization prob ably has broken camp in the so called advanced area and either is at port or en route. At least six big transports or warships will he de tailed to bring the division back to this country, their departure being | eo arranged as to have the various units arrive at about the same time, as was the case with the Twenty seventh Division, New York. Officials of the department ex pressed doubt that the ships would be sent to Philadelphia unless spe cific and urgent requests are ad dressed to the Secretary, of War within a short time by the mayor's committee and other* official and civic organizations in Philadelphia. There was no disposition at the War Department to believe that the se rious situation in Hungary probably calling for military action by the i Allies would in any way affect the sailing date of the Pennsylvania di vision. 12,000 STRIKERS tit) BACK By Associated Press Passaic, N. J.. March 25.—Twelve thousand woolen wot kers who have been on strike nearly seven weeks returned to work to-day after the mills had >-co*'nizpii their right to organize. Y. M. C. A. Plans Series of Social Events For Members I The first of a series of social events for the newly-elected mem bers ol the Central Y. M. C. A. will • tie held Saturday evening, it was announced to-day by Robert B. Reeves, general secretary. The .opening entertainment will take ] place in the "Y" building, Secqnd j and Locust streets. A number of ! interesting features have been plan ! ned. Frank Reynolds, of Boston, enter itainer and impersonator, will be an attraction of the program. A social sing will also be held and Physical Director O. \V. .Miller has promised a lively hour in the gymnasium. Parker T. Barnes, chairman of the social work committee, is in charge of the festivities. Walter K. Dietrich is in charge of the enter- I tainment and S. S. Rutherford has | been named, chairman of the re j freshment committee. Seventeen Damage Cases Listed For April Court Seventeen of the thiry cases listed for trial at the session of common | pleas court April 14 are damage suits. I The list as prepared at the office of Protlionotary Charles E. Pass fol lows: . Cora Maugans vs. Valley Railways Company, trespass; Girard Phono graph Company vs. Olive F. Baker, (appeal: Clifford A. Alleg vs. C. W. | Harglerode, trespass; Commonweiilth vs. Township of Snowshoe, Centre county, assumpsit; Maud t-mith vs. ! Henry B. Troutnian. issue; Capitol | Hardware and Supply Company vs. American Insurance Company, as sumpsit; Troy Collar Company vs. B. 11. Isuactnan, appeal; Clara M. Books vs. Harrisburg Railways Company, trespass; Clara M. Books vs. Edward A. Snyder, trespass; John C. YVitmer vs. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, trespass; Harry Bowman vs. Harris burg Railways Company, trespass. Milton Stern vs. Martin B. Peter son, replevin; Maurice SehondorC vs. Eleanor llerr Boyd, assumpsit; J. M. Walker vs, Harrisburg Railways Company, trespass; Ida J. Fackler vs. For Piles A Free Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat ment Will He Just Like Meet ing a Good Old Friend* llll "'■" l* • B IS A WONDER ■ Have you tried Pyramid? If not. why don't you? The trial is free— just mall coupon below—and the results may amaze you. Others are praising Pyramid Pile Treatments as their deliverer—why not you? Mail coupon now or get a fine box from any druggist anywhere. Take no substitute. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRT7O COMPANY. 5M Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Ulch. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Treatment, In plain wrapper. Name Street Otty gtatc Our Forefathers Owed Their Robust Health To Tonics Taken When The Vitality Was At Its Lowest Ebb. Iron. Nux Vomica and Gentian combined with other tonic medicinea at found in Dr. Chaae'i Blood and Nerve Tablets make a perfect Tonic, as they assist nature in replacing the Iron, etc. that has been worn out by overwork, worry or disease. The tonic properties of Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets produce a wonderful effect in cases where the blood is thin and watery and when you feel tired, weak and run down or nerv ous. Kach dose means more vim, vitality and strength. DR. CHASE'S Blood SSiNerve Tablets Weigh Yourself Before Taking Sold by Druggist* at 60 cents. Special. (Stronger more Active 90 cents.) THE UNITED MEDICINE COMPANY 224 North Tenth Street. - Philadelphia, Pa. Doing Her Bit j "More than a year ago I took a course of Mayr's Wonderful Reme dy for gall stones, severe colic and stomach trouble and have been en tirely well ever since. I have rec ommended it to many other stomach sufferers, as I feel it was my duty to tell them just how much good it has done me." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catar rhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liv er and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. 11. C. Kennedy and Clark's medicine store. GETS HELPFUL AID Mrs. Sara Hall, 6707 Woodland ave., Philadelphia, tells of the relief that came to her through Tanlay. "I suffered fro mstomach trouble, gas tritis and diabetes. My appetite would be awful, then I wouldn't have anything for days. Gas would form at a terrific "pace whether 1 wouldn't eat or not. 1 soon began to look wan and thin like a shadow. 1 was in a sorry plight with little hope of ever being well again. 1 i heard about Tanlac and my son had | used three or four bottles with good results. I bought some and grad ually improved after the first few doses. Later my recovery was quite rapid. 1 couldn't sleep at all until 1 took Tanlac." Tanlac is sold here at luorgus' drug store. •lolin N. Heck, Jr.. trespass: Ira D. Bowery vs. Alice bowery, issue, two cases; Jerry l.iebau vs. Sam Fishman, trespass; Emma K. Kerr vs. J. Ezra Foltz. trespass: Elmer Paul vs. Ilar risburg ltailways Company, trespass; Joseph Jones vs. Steelton Store Com pany, trespass: Eavina Sweitzer vs. Ilarrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company, appeal. Mrs. Henry Miller vs. Jacob Hess, M/M/MJMM Store Opens at 9.00 A. M. and Closes at 5.30 P. M.|p I At $22.50, $25.00 & $29.50 I 111 We offer you the most comprehensive assortment of W S Women's & Misses' New Spring Suits I |P 1 These are Specialized values |j "Qy the way we have been Dl l|jl selling suits the past ten days there is H| reason to believe that the month of March Jsj will be the greatest pre-Easter month in the y W Si M history of our store. Our experience in serv- "Vt QJ 2S ing the women of this community with ' j* _ /* §|j ready-to-wear has shown us the wisdom of liy giving values that are far superior to those j!| found anywhere else. It is very evident that HppP\ln<m Sj our specialized values are being appreciated. ' £&& ' " m These suits are shown in many styles and in many |U Si colors. Every fashionable and desirable material / Ml t, | Hj is shown. Do not get the impression that because N Si we are offering these specialized values that we m QJ have a limited assortment of these suits. But on JW MB ' LM ! S* the contrary, we have the largest variety we have hi IB ever shown at these prices. \ iv \ M 1 Specialized Values g tej In serges and poplins. Navy is tlie most prominent hil sluido. Other shades are ("open, taupe, rookie and gray. \ %" MJ These suits are handsomely tailored. Ail sizes for women \ P* i® Specialized Values SOpT.OO ® t}| in New Spring; Suits S j Ijjy These are unquestionably the best suits in Harrisbufg j-'.r>|i jjsj and poplins in navy and other popular shades. All sizes I Specialized Values $0Q.50 ig; in New Spring Suits § ! S§| These are exclusive models in serge and tricotine. in Sgjillß iSI 'HI many styles. Principally featured in navy hut shown in yj |j§s all other leading colors. We have all sizes for women gS| and misses. Kaufman's Second Floor. " Uj I Fresh From Our Work Room I 1 Specialized Values in New Spring Hats § § JBIk. $ 4 - 90 an d $5.90 1 lj This is a special invitation to m \ y° u to come and look at these new Spring hi i|| trimmed hats at our specialized prices, $4.90 and U* H| $5.90. While we tell you that these hats are yj] wort h a great deal more, we much prefer to have iN U • you examine the hats yourself. You will be l| gs really surprised to find such qualities and styles n)] S .j/V at these prices for women and misses who desire Js to dress fashionably in the most economical (| manner will find these hats especially suitable. ||| House Dresses d 1 QP? SpGCiclliZGCl VcllllGS 111 1 s 'S,r i'-S Boys' Norfolk S[ S best quality, light and dark d patterns; Billie Burke and OLilLo JIS regulation models in a variety ACT 4-,-x. 1 Q ACT V || of up to the minute models XO -J sll 1 THESE prices will f I Kaufman's Second Floor. -L quickly dispel the idea J * ||]| y tliut you must pay a high V!S [s p— ——————— price to get your boy a good j ■£? h| m New Silk and Q C suit.. Our enormous volume / Voile Waists at *J) J. O of boys' clothing business / |^J Qjj lap Silks in white, maize, enables-us to give values like I l§j flesh and sunset voiles, in these. These suits in the P white and colors; prettily popular Norfolk styles which kI trimmed with lace and em- are the most becoming to all / M broidery; perfectly tailored boys. \\'e have them in all / C? ~ garments. Regular and ex- sizes. i hey will g'i\e long P tra sizes, 36 to 52. service and make your boy Jv wKfcv S Si Kaufman's Second Floor. look well tIfCSSCcI at 3.11 times. I 1 First F1 oo^ I Wednesday 1 liU r, I • a o 58 " 38 pat- CofTee Per- ~ ~, . Muslin P Ili ss e tern table- colator 8 \ac uu m Beauti fu 1 sheets; size gt hi nmlervvear —— l lvths hem-. e up size. Sweeper and cut sherbets 72x 90 inches ||l IS white. 'pink de- or Ice cream wUh 3 _ lnch P H| and blue. s , / n 8 and w e i de d bined ' Spe ' glaaseB; hen.; special fi] special,'yd, quality. spout, cial - - for each, 1 29c 98c $1.48 $5.95 89c 95c j| M ket°, th go b od Toilet Seats Sherwood IronUs Nickel W |l| and strong; handle; spe- golden oak. IJlsh Drain- Boards, with plated casser- Jjy *>S special, each, cial, Special, er, stand, ole, ® 69c || 59c 89c 95c $1.48 98c M M GARDEN TOOLS NOW READY FERRY'S GARDEN M HJ Garden Rakes ..39c and 49c; "and Cultivator 98c SEEDS [|J *s _ , „ ... I Bong Handle Spading Shovel, S£ Sj (,arc en oe ... -te, . , #S( . Complete variety for flowers SI U>a| Combination \\ eeder and llOe, Spading l-'orks . .98c and $1.39 and vegetables. Buy now and Sj 49c1 Hand Weeder ...10c, 15c, 25c be prepared. jj^ trespass; Jeremiah R. Sweeney vs. I Harrisburg Storage Company, tres- I pass; O. Ludwig vs. J. D. Hawkins, es- Stouffer, assumpsit; Ueorge M. Kep- Stouffer, assumpsit; ;George M. Kep ford vs. Harrisburg Railways Com pany. trespass; P. Boova vs. Clyde Strino, trespass; Benjamin C. Snyder vs. John T. Ensipinger, Sr., trespass; Clyde Strine vs. P. Boova, trespass. r \ ■ livery mun owes his family good 1 I books. tVe lmvo them cheap, for I I i'oung and old. I lAURAND'S. 925 N. 3rd St. Bell Tel. | 20.000 new, okl, rave books, all sub- I jeets; open evenings; books bought I V - 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers