10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE. TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sgnare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager OUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENEU, Circulation Manager ■ Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F, R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—Ths Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Member American Newspaper Pub lishers' Associa tion, the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Associa ated Dailies. Eastern office. Story, Brooks & Finley, Fifth Avenue Building, New York City; Western office, Story, Brooks & Finley, People's Gas Building, I Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office In Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a 4 J-*? 1 -* week; by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1919 The reverence of a man's self is, ne.rt to religion, the chicfcst bridle of all vices. — Fbancis Bacon. PUBLIC WORK THERE is very general public ap proval of the policy of public improvement work to furnish employment for the unemployed. Pennsylvania is taking the lead in this matter as in all others affecting the public welfare, and Governor Sproul has on several occasions urged public work for the benefit of the returning soldiers and those who are thrown into idleness by the closing down of war industries. Right here in Harrisburg will be given a demonstration of this same policy in the promptness that will characterize the improvement work of the Commonwealth and the city of Harrisburg in the (Japital Park area. It is a good thing to show at the seat of Government the good faith of the proposal and what is done here may serve to encourage other munici palities to do likewise. Much pub lic work has been held up during the war and there is now no occa sion for further hesitation, especial ly in view of the fact that the em ployment of labor ought to be one of the chief objects of those in charge of public affairs. It is understood plans for the be ginning of operations in Capitol Park changes are ready and that the Board of Public Grounds and Build ings is likely to take action with a view to getting the work under way as soon as possible. There is no doubt that the city will co-oper ate, so that the plans for remaking the old section of the park along Walnut and Third streets may be carried out at once. A MID-MAY ADJOURNMENT THERE is no reason why the Legislature of Pennsylvania can not shape its work to adjourn on May 15, as now contemplated by the leaders. The session has been well organized and its members know their work. When the session began it was the general sentiment of the State that there should be a mini mum of laws enacted and that those which should be passed should fol low well defined lines. There has been no change either in the minds of the general public or men active in party affairs. The bulk of the bills outlined by Governor Sproul in his inaugural have either been presented or are ready. They are all well understood and announcements concerning them have met with general appro val. The appropriation bills must be passed. Bills relative to woman suffrage, compensation, liquor regu lation, cities and boroughs, insur ance and "olco," Sunday observance and other matters appear every ses sion and the procedure In regard to them does not differ from one year to another. The men who act change and the same results are not always obtained, but they form part of the task. By buckling down to work and sticking at it the Legislature can finish tip by the middle of May with out trouble. THE PERSONAL TOUCH GOV. WILLIAM C. SPROUL has made such a success of his highway improvement program and has taken hold of the problems of State government in an important period with such vigor that every one will be glad to know that he is giving personal attention to the bill to establish a Department of Con servation. This proposed branch of the government would weld together the State Game, Fishery, Water Su pervision and Forestry bureaus or departments; co-ordinating their ac tivities, preventing duplication of ef fort in field work, but insuring to each revenues and powers belonging to it. A general, plan and a program are the things desired. With the Governor preparing the legislation and overseeing the ad ministration there can be no doubt TUESDAY EVENING, RXRRISBURG TELBGK3LPH MARCH 25, 1919. about the good to follow. It is believed that he will select some one possessing probably more knowledge of governmental matters than the ories; an administrator rather than ft specialist; a man with business training rather than a hankering for public place and a desire for bene ficent results rather than a reputa tion and the spotlight. Conservation with Sproul giving it his personal attention will be something worth while. The Harrisburg Hospital's annual "Rummage Sale" should bring to the surface a lot of submerged household articles that liave been torpedoed or bombed during the war period, but arc well worth salvaging. Look through your trunks, your store rooms and your garrets. Gather together those things you no longer need, but which somebody else may find useful, and turn them over to the hospital for the sale. SHADE TREE COMMISSION IT IS regrettable that City Council cannot see its way clear to the es tablishing of a Shade Tree Com mission. A slight tax provision for the maintenance of the work of £uch a commission should not be sufficient to justify the refusal to act in this important matter. Unless and until some dellnite au thority is created which will have the care of our shade trees at heart there must be a gradual disappear ance of the ornamental and useful trees which ought to line every street in the city. Generations pass ed planted trees for us and it is our duty to provide shade for those who come after us. Some way ought to be found to arouse interest in tree planting and if it cannot be done through a commission charged with this duty, then it ought to be done by individual citizens aroused through some public movement. GOOD MONEY AFTER RAD THE people of the United States have determined upon prohibi tion. It is part and parcel of the fundamental law of the land. The brewer who stands in the road of the United States constitution is going to be knocked galley west. So long as liquor selling was legal, the saloon claimed the protection of law. and got it. Now that it is to be made illegal it will find the law just as powerful as ever, except that its force will be applied in the oppo site direction. And, furthermore, the State law that tries to run counter to the provisions of the federal con stitution is due for a hard fall. The liquor dealer who puts money into a "war fund" to fight the battle of booze in the courts is going to throw good money after bad. The day of liquor in the United States Is al most over. SUFFERING ARMENIA THE churches have been asked to conduct the campaign for the relief,of suffering Armen ians, and very properly so. The Ar menians are starving and dying for their religious faith. It is Chris, tianity vs. Mohammedanism, a con test between the cross and the cres cent. "We in America cannot let these poor people perish. They must be saved and it will be a fine thing to have it made known in Armenia that their fellow Christians of Amer ica conducted the campaign that brought them the food and com forts which they so sorely need. MR. WILSON RESPONSIBLE THE Bolshevik development in Hungary is the child of delay and indecision in the framing of a peace treaty, and President Wilson, with his insistance upon a Peace League first and peace itself second, is directly responsible for the trend affairs have taken. He was warned of the danger when he first talked of putting the cart before the horse, the league before the treaty; but lie would not listen. Now, it would seem, half of Europe must suffer as a consequence. Friends of the President, who have scoffed at the expressed fears of Senators and others who saw the cloud on the horizon, must now admit that these men were not "playing partisan politics," but were bent upon the lofty enterprise of saving the fruits of victory for the people who won them. Had President Wilson hearkened to their advice and hastened the treaty of peace to early conclusion, this fresh threat of Trotsky and Lenine against the peace of the world woud not have been made, for Hungary, with the war over, her ports opened and business on the mend, would have been in no mood to listen to the ravings from Mos cow. This is not alone the American view. The London Globe, comment ing on the situation, says: "This is the natural consequence of the de lay in making peace and if the delay continues we will have worse con sequences still. Making this dis cussion of a league covenant before even a preliminary peace has been reached simply encourages the spread of the Bolshevik disease and gives our chief enemy opportunities for intrigues." That is the situation in a nutshell. While the President and his fellow delegates sit solemnly debating the prevention of war, war sweeps ever nearer to the French capital. They cry "peace, peace, but there is no peace." How long is this farce to continue, or will the happenings in Hungary bring them to a realization of the danger Into which their theorizing has led them and the world at large. It is a grave re sponsibility that rests upon the peace commissioners, and especially upon the President as sponsor of the idea of the league in advance of a peace treaty, ... •pefcKc* £n. fuMtifaatola, By the Ex-Commit teemftfi The new House steering commit tee got into action last night. The committee is of a number °u * be influential members and the passage of the Bolard bill is the result of one of its action. The se lection of this committee is said to have followed a conference last week in Philadelphia of Governor Sproul, Senator William R. Crow, the Republican State chairman, and Senator Penrose. Charter bills, the \ are measures revising certain forms or municipal government and the Brady bills to revise the registration laws are understood to have been considered at the first conference. As announced last week a decision was reached to get the Legislature down to business and fix the date o$ adjournment as early as possible. It is expected that the House Rules committee will put in a resolution next week setting the date of ad journment as May 15. "~ Th * new steering committee held T . last eve,, ing before the ; ltu . r re' e reconvened and the word went forth that the Dawson and 80. mw. Were to be reconsidered. They were. dc cision is said to have been thf? 5 V S he conference against the repeal of any of the nonparti !f W ? except he law affecting second class cities. The fate of this w i re H. be left up to the mem bers from those cities. agreement is still being sought on the Brady bills. Action i, i een .J r ' thhel<l Pending an effort to bring the rival Penrose and Vnre factions together When the meas ures were reached last night on the House third reading calendar they were not called up It is understood that two of the measures, the one simplifying the ballot and the other setting back the date of the primary, are to be killed The third bill, the one which would rip out the board of registration commissioners in Philadelphia, is the subject of the proposed agreement A compromise may be reached by wheh it would be amended to suit all factions —Two bills regulating election of councilmen in second and third class cities were presented in the House last night by Mr Dawson, Lacka wanna. One provides for a return in qecond class cities to the system of electing mayors, councilmen and city controllers on party tickets. Present officials are to hold office until successors are chosen. The nonpartisan election feature of the Act of 1913 as far as it relates to second class cities is repealed. —The third class city bill provides that no councilmen shall be elected in 1919, but in 1921 two shall be elected for four ydars and two for two years and thereafter all shall be elected for four years. The non partisan elective feature is not dis turbed. The Wilson bill repealing the nonpartisan clause in the third class city code was sent buck to the muni cipal affairs committee for a hear ing which is to be held next Tues day. —All persons holding salaried positions in third class cities includ ing city clerks are placed under civil service in a bill introduced by Representative Reber, Schuylkill. Representative Bidelspacher. Ly coming, presented a bill to fix the spring primary, held in even num bered years, from the third Tuesday in May to the first Tuesday in June. —A bill providing that prece dence on two nonpartisan State-wide judicial ballot shall be determined by Jot before the Secretary of the Commonwealth was presented in the House by Representative Palmer, Schuylkill. —Representative Millar, Dauphin, presented a bill to put various legis lative employes now paid by the day on a salary of $l5O per month. —Dr. William D. Lewis, William Penn High School, Philadelphia, is being mentioned for superintendent of Public Instruction. —The Scranton Republican says: "When Ben Eynon quits the service of Lackawanna county as chief clerk to the commissioners on April 1, next, to take a position as chief registrar in the automobile division of the State Highway Department, Lackawanna county will lose an em ploye who has given it most ex cellent service during a period of nearly ten years The oltice of chief clerk to the county commissioners is a most exacting position that calls for business ability of a high order and great tact. These qualities Mr. Eynon has in a large degree and he is moreover a master of the ditlicult art of systematizing a business so that the highest degree of efficiency can bo maintained. Mr. Eynon is good natured and good tempered, makes friends readily and altogether is the kind of a person the public likes to do' business with. His suc cessor will have a considerable order on hand to fill the position as well as Mr. Eynon does. It is probable that a successor to Mr. Eynon will be named within a few days. The men most promin ently mentioned for the berth are Hon. William J. Thomas, former member of the Legislature and for some time past a clerk in the com missioners' office, and Irving Lewis who is also a clerk in the commis sioners' office. It is probable that Mr. Lewis will be named. He has liad some years of experience in the commissioners' office specializing on matters c.onneetqd with the assess ment of property. —The Philadelphia Inquirer in an interesting diameter sketch of the late Senator Sterling R. Catlin, of Wilkes-Barre. tells how he came to get into politics under the old third class city laws. Incidentally the Inquirer says: "Senator Catlin never married. He occupied a town house and had a fine old-fashioned home on his farm. He spent much time on his farm when health permitted, and while farm work in general pleased him, horses were his hobby. The Senator liked race horses and was never without several of them. On his farm ho built a private racetrack, kept trainers and handlers there and raced his own horses for his own amusement and not for money. It was his custom for many years to go to his farm each day, hitch a fast one to a sulky, call out the timers and starters and race against time. Very often he would have some of his employes oppose him in match es. . Most of the time there was not an audience, but once in a'while he would break from the usual cus tom and invite his friends to the farm to see a "brush." —Philadelphia councils' joint spe cial committee on legislation has re commended a resolution favoring n State constitutional convention. This resolution will be voted upon in councils at its next meeting. Through the resolution the members of the committee express their be lief that home rule for Philadelphia may only be completely obtained by a. revision of the present constltu- AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIfPT .... ... f&ZVXjF) f^srCa-- iJ /ss*) \ r~*T j I m** | ly- ulva \ awo l-mT / tion, and councils are asked to urge the support of every member of the Legislature from this city to "any measure which'-will bring about a revision of the constitution." "Heah" and "Sick" [From the Louisville Courier- Journal] A young woman who resides in Christian County writes to the Courier-Journal as follows:. "To-day the question arose as to whether 'Heali' for 'Here* and 'Sick' for 'Seek 'are permissible, and good English, when speaking to a dog. Ts either incorrect and if both are incorrect which is the more incor rect?" > If a Christian County young wo man, to the manner born, were speaking to a bishop and if she had occasion to use the word "here" she would soften, slur or slight the "r" so markedly that to any one hailing from Cincinnati or any point In the remote and frigid North be yond Cincinnati the "r" would seem to have been deleted by the censor. The pagan from the North would encore the i>ronunclation and de clare it and the belle of the county faultless. And if he should try for a month, devoting himself to the effort solely, he would find it im possible to pronounce the word just as it is pronounced by the perfectly educated but perfectly "r"-less Southern Kentucky girl. If he were the high priest of the chief temple of his alien, arctic gods, he would not object to the pronuncia tion of a word so simple and ordin ary in a manner so charming and so distinctive of the South, but would worship the gods of the girl forth with. It is true, doubtless, that when printing was invented the "r" was put in "here" because usage made that pronunciation of the word good English, but the mellowing influ ence of the sun in certain latitudes softens the "r" as surely as it ripens the pomegranate, causes green buds "gayly to bourgeon and broadly to grow" into fair and fragrant mag nolia blossoms, and distills upon the branches of certain trees or bushes the perfume of the night-blooming jessamine. Christain County -lies within the latitude in which the eun has this effect. The use of "heah" to a dog ,or a bishop is, therefore, good English and good manners, provided, of course, in the case of the bishop it is not employed, as in the case of a dog, as a form of invitation to dine. The word "sick" is the accepted form. It is perfectly good English, No dog has been known to resent its use as against "seek," or to fail to respond cordially to the familiar im perative. The word "heah" is not, like "sick," found in the dictionaries, but Noah Webster was a New England er, and we have it from the late Edward W. Carmack, of Tennessee, in debate in the United States Sen ate, that both John K. Standard and Thomas Q. Century wrote their dic tionaries in the interest of the North and of the Republican#party. Dog's "Wool" to lie Utilized [From the Columbus Dispatch] Here comes the information that a dog's wool association has been formed —an organization to promote the production and quality of the fleece of dogs for industrial pur poses. But, to have been strictly correct, it ought to have been called a dog's hair association and not a dog's wool association. There is a vast difference between hair and wool. It is stated that the hair of such dogs as the spaniel and Pekinese pets, especially, is commercially val uable, and that when mixed with wool produces a splendid fabric. There is no reason to doubt it. But in the matter of weaving, there isn't anything else so good as wool. This is because wool is a jointed affair, having little ribs or rolls or enlargements all along its length. Hair is smoother, although it has also tiny beards upon It. When wool is twisted .together these little ridges hold together or prevent the strands from slipping, while when 'hairs are woven together they readily slip. However, wo are in sympathy with the dog's wool association—or any thing else that proposes utilization of '.he hide or the hair of the dog. It is unknown in commerce now. Some of the expensive furs of trade are from the dog—trimmed and colored and polished until it is simply lovely in its hue and texture. If it is to be further used in making fabric, to supplement the diminish ing supply of wool, well and good. More Muscle in the Dollar There is a feeling that the dollar doesn't go far enough to get good exercise: it wouldn't get dizzy going round!— Atlanta Constitution. BILL SEW ALL AT ] ROOSEVELT'S GRA VE [From the New York Times] WILLIAM WINGATE SEWALL. guide for the late Colonel Roosevelt when he hunted in the Maine woods, and for two years foreman of his ranch at Medora, N. IX, visited the Colonel's grave and the Roosevelt homo at Sagamore Hill yesterday. To-day he will con fer with the Roosevelt Permanent National Memorial Committee so as to assist them from his intimate knowledge of the Colonel in select ing a memorial such as he himself would have liked. "Old Bill," as he was affection ately known to Colonel Roosevelt, was full of reminiscences yesterday, and everything he saw that was connected with the Colonel's life re called to him some incident that would in one way or another illus trate a phase of the former Presi dent's character. When he returned to the Hotel Commodore, after the day at Ovster Bay, he admitted that it would be difficult to exhaust him of all the significant occurrences during his experiences with "Theo dore." "Theodore" was what he, al ways called the Colonel, for he said that "Teddy" seemed too small a name for such a great man. When Mr. Sewell viewed the mod est grave of the Colonel, nestled away in an obscure spoi in the woods, his first words were: "A quiet place, close to nature, and away from the bustle of the world. That's just like the Colonel." Then ihe tramped the paths that were tho favorite Roosevelt haunts, and when he came to the numerous bird houses which are scattered about the estate, he remarked fervently that "the Colonel did love the birds!" Ills Opinion About Memorial • Then he renewed his acquaintance with the negro, Charlie Lee, who, when Roosevelt was President, drove his horse and carriage, and in the later days was his chauffeur. It was all a wonderful treat to him, he said, to come back and live again for a few brief minutes in the haunts of the Colonel, and when he got back to New York in the evening he was brimming over with memories. During the day he was accom pained by his daughter Nancy, who lives in New York during the win ter. Later he was entertained at the Lotos Club by Harold Pulstfer of The Outlook, Eversley Chllds, the hunter, and A. W. Erlckson. As to'tho particular type of mem orial to be selected by the Roose velt Memorial Committee, at whose invitation he has come lo New York. Mr. Sewell Is much concerned, and he has decided opinions as to what would have pleased tho Colonel. "He would have liked something," he said, "in the way of an institution that would teach Americanism — that would put Into men a sense of justice and truth. I know that no statue or monument would have pleased him. He would have want ed nothing that had no practical use. "The kind of institution I mean would be a school to teach boys to be Americans along the lines that his own boys were taught, because there could be no better kind. Of course, there would be woodcraft and out-of-door sports, and all that sort of thing. The boy would be taught to take care of himself, and to use other men as he ought to. "The Colonel knew how to take care of himself, and he never gave up. Most people have the idea that he was a strong man. He was far from that: he was physically weak all his life, but he never let it be known except to those with whom he was most intimate. The reason people did not know about it was that ho never gave in. He was full of grit, and did not know how to complain. "His sudden death was no surprise to me, for I knew that he had many weak spells when he suffered from heart trouble. The only way one could tell it was Ids unusual silence for two or three days at a time. He always treated the attack as if it had not happened at all, and I doubt whether his immediate fam ily always knew that he was suffer ing. "After he was graduated from col lege, they tell me. he was examined along with a number of other gradu ates by a doctor, who told him that he should choose a profession in which he would have to do nothing strenuous, such as running up and down stairs, for if he did, it would probably result fatally. Well, he said to that man: 'Now, doctor, I am' going to do all the things you have told me not to do, for if I had to live life such as lOU. have. pictured to me, I wouldn't care how short my life was.' Lost $lOO,OOO on Dakota Ranch "And he did do them. While out on the ranch In North Dakota one day, his horse reared and fell on him, breaking his shoulder blade. He paid no attention to it, but stayed on the ranch for two or three days, because he did not want the cowboys to know what had hap pened to him, and it was only when he got to New York that the really serious Injury was discovered. "I don't think it is generally known that the North Dakota ranch lost the Colonel about $lOO,OOO. lie took Will Dow and me out with him, but there was no business ar rangement. Wo were practically partners, but when half the cattle died, the Colonel saw that it was his half that died, and that Dow and I had nothing to lose, lie was always generous and considerate. And when he was out there he showed another one of his traits. He would never stand for a story that cast any shadow upon a woman. Among the cowboys that was about the only kind of story you would hear, and although the Colonel never told them directlv that ho didn't like it. they took care to respect his wishes. "The kind of game he liked was big game, but he often told me that after being in Africa he had to confess that he liked Maine better. In Africa, he said, you couldn't fire your gun without hitting something. It was too much like shooting up a herd of cattle, but in Maine you had really to hunt for what you wanted. "But the big thing about the Colonel, was that he was an Ameri can. Even after traveling all through Europe, he said to me: "The more I saw ol' foreign lands the better I was satisfied With my own, where a man is a free-born citizen.' When he was in Switzerland lie climbed the Matterhorn, just because he liar run across an Englishman who had an idea that an American couldn't do it. That was Roosevelt." Bill Sewall was born in a little clearing in the heart of the Maine woods 76 years ago. He says ho was the first white child born in that 1 settlement, and that the next nearest clearing was twenty miles away. His father's only neighbor was an In dian, and, he adds, he was a good neighbor, too. At present the guide is the proprietor of Hook Point Camps, on Mattawamkeag Bake, at Island Falls, Maine. Ho used to stand six feet four when he was in his prime, but his shoulders are a bit bent now. From above a snowy white beard peer two keen blue eyes, as aleart as those of a youth. And he is proud of his profession, for, as he said yesterday, when his daughter gently reproved him for coming to New York wearing a blue flannel shirt, he is a woodsman, and he wants people to know it. LABOR NOTES It has been decided to Increase the wages of the Ballymena (Ireland) surface men $6.25 a week. The British Ministry of Munitions has paid over $50,000 toward day nurseries and kindred institutions since the beginning of the war. Members of the Federated Trades Unions in Sedalia, Mo., will pay an assessment of $1 to help the strik ing garment workers there. Twentij-Sixlh Division National Guard of New England: / X Arrived in France, December 5, 1917. Activities: Chemin / 1 / des Dames sector, X / February 6 to March 21. 1918: La X / Reine und Bourcu V sector, April 3 to June 28; Pus Fini sector (northwest of Chateau-Thierry) July 10 to 25; (battle operations, July 18 to 25); Rupt and Tryon sector, September 8 to October 8 (St. Mihiel operation, September 12 to 14); Neptune sec tor (north of Verdun) October 18 to November 14 (Argonne-Meuse of fensive). Prisoners captured: 61 officers, 3,087 men. Guns captured: 16 pieces of artillery, 132 machine guns. Total advance on front line, 37 kilometers. Insignia: Dark blue "YD" mono gram superimposed on diamond of khaki cloth. T;ho initials represent j the nickname of the division, which, j since its arrival overseas, has been known** lb* "JZknkea JBLvlslon,' 4 j ——— I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Why Not "Perm's Capital!" '< To the Editor of the Telegraph: Sir: As this district is to have the naming of a cargo ship and all sorts of names have been suggested for the four county district, why not name it the "Penn's Capital." It is the State Capital district and the chief city is the seat of the capitol. As long as we can not have such dis tinctively local names as "Dauphin" or "Puxton" in honor of our county and our creek and "Swatara" and •Conodoguinet" pertain to only one county each and "Juniata" only to the upper end of our district; let's take the namo of the centre, "Penn's Capital." JAYHAWK. One. For "Wiconisco" To the Editor of the Telegraph: Dear Sir: Let me suggest that you give the name "Wisconsico" for the ship we are to name. This creek is a Dauphin county stream, many sturdy soldiers went from its banks to tight and it passes through out the great coal section. Its an Indian name derived from Wlken kniskeu, meaning a wet and muddy camp site. I come from that part of the county and think it should be picked as the name. Wo had a Swatara in the Civil War, accord ing to your paper. Now lets have the upper end of the county name the ship. WICONISCO BOY. Peace League Suggestion To the Editor of the Telegraph: Will you kindly permit me to make a suggestion to the people of this community through the col umns of your valued paper? We hear much these days about the discus sions of the proposed League of Na tions through the newspapers; meetings being held or arranged for all over the country. Why not have a prominent man come to Harris burg and give us first hand "dope" on this all-important subject? It seems to me we are a trifle slow in that matter. Other cities are get ting ahead of us in arranging meet ings with prominent speakers, and I'm sure Harrisburg doesn't want to be behind in anything. Couldn't the Chamber of Commerce tako up 'the matter or perhaps the State au thorities? It seems to me it is a sufficient ly important matter for the Legis latuie to take hold of. I believe there are enough people here Interested in this matter to fHI a large hall if you and other public agencies ad vertise it properly. Big men of the country differ in their opinions as to the constitution or the league, so how can we, the people, who ordinarily give little thought to such matters, be expected to form an intelligent opinion un less we are enlightened by some per son or persons who have given it thought and study. Yet the Senate of the United States which is com posed of our representatives must pass on it before it becomes effee tive. When that time comes do we want them to truly represent our opin ions on the league or do we want to sit supinely by while they allow our absentee President to cram it down their throats and ours? It is time the people are aroused to the t i a £ eCr , U,a . t , J lies ,n makln a pro Mem" all-important world For it is no less than that and all due to our self-appointed dicta tor, who has temporarily deserted his country, and who seems bent on carrying out liis*pet schemes at anv price to this nation and irrespective of the wishes of the people. Hoping you will give this sugges tion consideration, I am Very truly, CONSTANT READER. DEATH T shall walk down the road. T shall turn and feel upon my feet The kisses of Death, like scented rain. For Death is n black slave with lit tle silver birds Perched in a sleeping wreath upon his head. He will tell me, his voice like Jewels Dropped into a satin bag, How he has tip-toed after me down the road, , His heart made a dark whirlpool with longing for me. Then he will graze me with his hands And I shall be one of the sleeping, silver birds Between the cold waves of his hair; as he tip-toes on. —Maxwell Bodenheira, "Minna and Myself" (Pagan Publishing Com 9W3U&JOL XJXM,. ♦ ■ ' f Ebmttg (Eljat Returning soldiers make up al most a third of the visitors to the Pennsylvania State Capitol these days and in the last few days divi sional marks of no less than fifteen units of the overseas army and ofl divisions which are being mustered out in this country have been seen on the shoulders of men in khaki going through the building. Manyf of the visitors come from far away states and change trains liere or have rest periods while their trains are being overhauled. The first place these chance visitors head for is the Statfe House which dominates the city and is the first object to bo seen for miles when coming up the Susquehanna from the South or rounding the ridges at the Rock ville Gap. The comments of the soldiers, it may be said, are all very much filled with praise for tha beauties of the building and tho evidences of the wealth of the State. On one day last week the divisional marks of men from Texas, Okla homa, Washington, California, Min nesota, lowa, New Mexico, Arkan sas and Illinois were to be seen in the building while men with the marks of the "Blue Ridge," New York State National Guard, "Yan kee" and regular army divisions are not uncommon. The "Sunset" men have also been here, while the red keystone of the Pennsylvania Guardsmen and the buffalo of the colored infantry from Pennsylvania have been frequently noticed. One of the interesting facts about these soldier visitors, many of whom have just landed, is that they made it a point to visit the public buildings and cathedrals of every town of any • consequence they could tarry in on the other side. Their comparisons and comments on the Pennsylvania Capitol in the light of what they have seen indicate that the Ameri can soldier is alert and observing of architecture as of his afmy busi ness. • • * President Judge George Kunkel, who has been in the public eye for years and far without the borders of his own State, is the subject of some interesting, albeit geographi cally mixed, comment in the New York Times. The judge on a recent occasion in criminal court made some comments tipon man being master in his own house so far as his wife would allow it or some thing to that effect, which was duly wired from Harrisburg in the news of the day. The big New York daily rises to salute him as a Daniel come to judgment, but unfortunate ly for the editorial commentator of Manhattan, while he has the name of the judge correct and the title of the court and the designation of the county in absolute form, he lo cates our esteemed president judge in Wyoming. But in spite of this uncertainty about geography West of the Hudson which has been of ten noticed in people of the metrop olis the attitude of the Dauphin jurist meets with approbation. The Times says: "From Judge Kunkel, of the County Court of Dauphin Coun ty, Wyoming, (there is no Dau phin county in the land except in Pennsylvania) comes a deci sion so luminous, sagacious and final that it transcends county and State lines and recommends itself by its own merits to the laws, the codes and the hearts of all American States and all the American people. A tyrant man complained of "cruel and barbarous treatment" to him given by the wife of his bosom. According to his unverified and possibly romantic plaint, the lady, undoubtedly for cause and his own moral improvement, had kicked him soundly in the shins, to the incarnadining of the tibiae aforesaid. The old defense und description of a justified or necessary gentle bat tery was "molliter manus im posuit," laid hands on him gent ly. Doubtless the Wyoming tyrant's wife molliter pedes lmposuit, kicked the brute in the most delicate and forbearing manner possible. Whatever the manner of the operation, the Judge's opinion looms up as a world-beacon on the downward path of Man: 'A man has full rights in his own home against everybody but his wife. But when sho starts something it is the husband's business to beat a retreat. When a man puts a wife into his house he cannot complain about her treatment. He had a largo field to draw from.' "Thus tho whole duty of man when his wife "starts some thing" is laid down by author ity. In such a ruse the some time lord of creation must take leg-bail at the top of his speed. When Dido has quit cutting up her didos, pious Aeneas can sneak back home." • * Harrisburg has started to rum mage. It is one of the surest signs of spring. For years about the mid dle of March the people of this city commence to look over ward robes and various articles about the house and if the Armenians and Belgians and tho-various flood, fam ine and other sufferers have not had too many friends there are many things about which can be made of service. And they are now be ing put aside and checked up and made ready to be carted down to the annual rummage sale. This is one of the events of the year for sellers and sellees because it furn ishes more ideas of what real bar gains can be had than anything else. The rummage sale was established for the benefit of the Harrisburg , hospital more years ago than most of us care to admit. This year it is to be hold during April. | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Claude T. Reno, former legisla tor, is taking an active part in be half of the new Memorial bridge at Allentown. —Carl Marshall, active in the shipbuilding work at Bristol, has resigned to enter other lines. —C. F. Williamson, prominent 1 Delaware countian, is at the head of the soldiers' welcome committee. i _______ . | DO YOU KNOW I —That Harrisburg steel is being used for ships for cargo service i after the war? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —This city was the scene of a war : that never got outside of the capitol, but required troops. It was known I as the "Buckshot" war and occurred > in differences in the thirties over a speakership lectloifc 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers