8 CUMBERLAND VALLEY ITEMS FIRE DESTROYS 'RED HEN' JOINT Resort Where Liquor Has Been Illegally Sold For Years Is Burned Waynesboro, Pa., March 13. — By the destruction by fire early Tues day morning of the "Red Hen," a joint in the vicinity of Pen Mar Park, where liquor of a doubtful character was disposed of for many years, it removes from the resort sections the last vestige of an enter prise of this sort. TliS" "Red Hen," as it was called and familiarly known, had been the scene of much debauchery, and was for several years an eye-sore to many persons living in the vicinity or visiting the famous Blue Ridge resort. The building was erected several years ago by the late Benjamin Shockey. It was the last of the grog shops to close, however, and its destruc tion by fire was the fate of all the other hotels and liquor stores at Highfield, Blue Mountain and near the Cascades. All of these large ftostelries, with a barroom attach ed, were burned to the ground by incendiarism or otherwise. The "Red Hen" did a thriving business with those visiting Pen Mar from Virginia, West Virginia and parts of Maryland that were dry, and often these imbibers of liquor gotten there, drifted into the park under its influence and caused con siderable annoyance to thoSe gather ing at the resort for pleasure. It got so bad that it was deemed nec essary by the court at Hagerstown to refuse to grant a license to the place. NOT "SLEEPING SICKNESS" Chnmbersburg, Pa., March 13. Investigation of rumors circulated throughout the county that David Dice, of Social Island, near here, was suffering with an attack of the "sleeping sickness" which has been reported as prevalent in various parts of the country as an after-ef fect of influenza, revealed tho fact that, although comatose, Mr. Dice is not afflicted with an sleeping sickness resultant from Influenza, but that his abnormal sleepiness is occasioned by an injury to his head, which he received several years ago when he fell from a hay wagon. SOLDIER LETTER CARRIER Chitmborsburg. Pa.. March 13. Russell Argenbright, who was wounded severely in France, has been appointed as a substitute letter carrier in the local post office.- Ar genbright wears a metal plate in his face as a result of his wounds. He left this place with Company C of the old Eighth Regiment. National Guard of Pennsylvania, and was only recently discharged. MITE SOCIETY PROGRAM Moclmnic.sburg, Pa., March 1 3. — At a meeting of the Mite Society of Trinity Lutheran Church at the home of 'Airs. John F. Springer, East Ooover street, on Tuesday evening, an interesting program was given, which included; Piano solo, Gladys Nickey: reading. Airs. Dry; vocal duet, Grace Eberly and Frances Ful ton; reading, Gladys Uhrich; vocal duet, Irene Walters and Pearl Al bright; piano solo, Moordean Plough; vocal solo, H. H. Mercen The program concluded with a con test. after which refreshments were on tale. ' == ■ MADE FROM SUGAR-CANE : ' JKI n> rn MADE FROM SUCARO*** 1 t Ssi The FrWluin Sugar Refining Company \, Sugar Relininff Company the dust kept out of your sugar .Not a speck of dust can get into a package of Franklin; no flies can reach it! Franklin Sugars are all packed, tight and dust-proof, in sturdy cartons or strong cotton bags. Whether you buy Franklin Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners or Old-Fashioned Brown, you know you are getting cane sugar that is absolutely pure, clean and correct in weight, for Franklin is accurately weighed, packed and sealed by machine. | The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use " Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confeciioneis. Brown FRANKLIN CANE SUGARS . v :7X. THURSDAY EVENING HABIUBBURO tNM* TELEGRAPH MARCH 13,1919. Francis W. Day, Retired Shoe Merchant, Buried Clia miters burg, Pa., March 3 3. Funeral services oi Francis W. Day, the retired shoe merchant and Civil War veteran, who died here yester day, were held this afternoon in the Methodist Episcopal Church here. The body will be taken to Madison, Connecticut,--Mr. Day's birthplace, for burial. Mr. Day was aged 76 years. Despite Ills advanced years lie maintained an active interest in various local activities. He was for many years president of the Cham bersburg Merchants' Association, holding that office at the time of his death. He was adjutant of the local G. A. R. post and out of respect to him the post declined to hold ses sions during his illness, which be gan several weeks ago. - In church life Mr. Day was active in the lo cal Methodist Episcopal Church and was assistant superintendent of the Sunday school of that church. He held membership in Columbus Dodge, I. O. O. F., and the local Masonic fraternity and served as chaplain in the former order and for many years as its deputy grand master in Franklin county. ADAM FORNEY DIES Waynesboro, Pa., March 13. Adam Forney, 78 years old, one of the most widely known citizens of Waynesboro, died at his home here yesterday. He was formerly prom inently connected with tanning in this city, while his father, the late Lewis S. Forney, conducted the old Forney tannery near East Main street. For the past ten years ho lived retired. Mr. Forney is sur vived by his second wife; Miss Su san Forney, a trained nurse in New York,- his only child, and two brothers. Jacob Forney, of Balti more, and Eli Forney, of York. ENJOYABLE THEATER PARTY Mcchanlcsburg, Pa., March 13. Members of the A. O. Club enjoyed a theater party to the Majestic at Ilar risburg or. Tuesday evening and re freshments following. The party in cluded Mrs. W. G. Moyer, Mrs. Mel vin Peffer, Mrs. Bruce Mowery, Mrs. Frank Guyer, Mrs. David Rupp, Mrs. N. L. Segar, Mrs. Harry Mtch ener, Mrs. Lamison, Mrs. Robert Neidig and Mrs. George C. Dietz. MISS BENEDICT WEDS Waynesboro, Pa., March 13.—1n the presence of immediate members and friends of the families. Miss Lottie Benedict, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Benedict, and Irvln Denrdorff, were married yesterday morning at the home of the bride's parents, at Good's Siding. The Rev. il. F. Coffelt, of Rouzerville, per formed the wedding ceremony. MISS MYERS HEAD NURSE Chamlicrsbu i-g, Pa., March 13. — Announcement has been made of the selection of Miss Mary E. Myers, of Welsh Run, near here, as head nurse at the Chambersburg Hospital. Mies Myers will succeed Miss Elizabeth Brechbiei, who has resigned. Miss Breelibiel. after a short vacation, will accept a position in a larger in stitution. SOLDIERS ENTERTAINED Cliantltcr.sburg, pa., March 13. The first of a series of entertain ments for soldiers and their fami lies and friends was given in the local soldiers' canteen last night un der the auspices of the local com mittee of the War Camp Community Service. The entertainment was for both soldiers who have been dis charged and those visiting in town or on furlough. Methodist Church Board Elects Officers For Year Mcchanlcsburg, Pa., March 13. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows last evening at a meeting of the board of the Meth odist Episcopal Sunday school: Su perintendent, Thomas D. Mummel baugh; first assistant superintend ent, Robert M. Weldler; second as sistant superintendent, B. E. Strong; secretary of the school, George W. Hershman; assistant secretary. Rob ert Berkheimer; secretary of the board, B. F. M. Sours; assistant sec retary, Miss Myrtle Sours; treasurer, W. E. Strock; librarian, Wilbur Stough; assistant librarian, Guy Guinlvan; pianist, Moordean Plough; first assistant pianist, Mias Catherine Hasclt; "hecond assltant plarilst, Miss Violet Surface; chorister, B. F. M. Sours; superintendent of primary department. Miss Maude K. Wli- j liamson; assistant superintendent, ! Miss Ruth Chase; superintendent of -home department, Mrs. C. E. Brin- ] del; superintendent of cradle roll, Mis 3 Myrtle Sours. Officers of the White Shield League were also elected as follows: President, William E. Meloy; secre tary, Miss Ruth Chase; executive committee, Mrs. E. E. Strong, Miss Olive C. Taylor and Miss Julia Hef flefinger. AUCTIONEER DEAD Mcclianicsburg, Pa., March 13.—A. R. Zook. a well-known auctioneer of Upper Allen township, died at his home near Shepherdstown on Tues day night after several months' Ill ness of a stroke of paralysis. He was aged 62 years and was a life-long resident of that locality. He Is sur vived by seven children and two brothers, Joseph L. Zook and Walter W. Zook, both of Mechanlcsburg. Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, conducted by Eli Yost and J. I. Miller. Burial will bo made In Chestnut Hill Cemetery. APPEAL FROM DECISION Clianibersburg, Pa., March 13. Eleven residents of Montgomery township, this county, who were on March 4 fined by Magistrate H. B. McNulty for failing to send their children to school, have all, through their attorneys, appealed from the magistrate's decision. Ten of the de fendants were fined 12 each and costs, and one who had previously been fined $2 for the same offense, was fined 85 and coßts. Home Folks' Victory Association Meets Tonight The Home Folks' Victory Associa tion will meet at the Armo-ry this evening at 8 o'clock to make plans for the reception to be given Har risburg soldiers when they return home. NAVY IX NEED OF MUSICIANS The local navy recruiting office is making special efforts to enlist mu sicians. Age for enlistment in this branch Is 18 to 30 years and quali fications are: applicant must be able to road music and play easy grade on band instrument cither string or brass. They are then transferred to a musician's school for further in structions. Other ratings open are; Yoeman, machinists, hospital ap prentice and electrician, general and 1 radio. Both Sides Claim Advantage in the Jersey Car Strike By Associated Press Xe w*rk, N. J., March 13.—At the opening- of the second day of the strike on the lines of the Public Ser vice Railway Company, involving nearly 4,500 men and women em ployed as motormen and conductors, both sides claimed to have gained a tactical advantage. The union men said the strike had paralyzed traffic In neurly one hundred and fifty mu nicipalities while officials of the cor poration declared they had operated about fifteen per cent, of their cars with the aid of men who had re mained loyal and other experienced men who were given employment. List of Officers Chosen by Liverpool M. E. Church Liverpool, March IS.—Newly elected officers and committees of the Liverpool Methodist Episcopal Church, approved by the quarterly conference, are: Trustees, M. H. Grubb, W. L. Lenliart,' H. E. Bair, A. M. Shuler, H. E. Rltter, W. W. Holman, W. W. Ritter; stewards, M. H. Grubb. H. E. Bair, W. W. Holman, T. J. Williamson, 8. Maur ice Shuler; recording steward, S. M. Shuler; benevolence committee, 1 the Rev. G. H. Knox, H. E. Bair, Maurice Shuler; foreign missions, Mrs. Sarah Ritter, Mrs. Minnie Wil liamson, the Rev. G. H. Knox, S. Maurice Shuler: home missions and church extension. Miss Puera B. Robison, Mrs.' George Thorp, Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, the Rev. G. If. Knox; parsonage, 11. E. Ritter, H. E. Bair, W. W. Holman; Sunday schools. Miss Puera B. Robison, Mrs. Clara Lutz, Mrs. Annie But*, the Rev. G. 11. Knox; tracts, Mrs. Maurice Shuler, Mrs. W. W. Hol man, Miss Cordelia Hamilton; tem perance, T. J. Williamson, J. J. Hamilton, A. M. Shuler; Freedman's Aid, J. J. Hamilton, John X. Ritter; church records and auditing, H. A. S. Shuler, T. J. Williamson, A. M. Shuler; hospital, Mrs. If. E. Ritter. Mrs. S. E. Klingcr, Mrs. H. A. S. Shuler, Mrs. A. M. Shuler, Miss Cor delia Hamilton; church music, the Rev. G. H. Knox, Mfs. H. E. Ritter, Mrs. Walter Wert, Mrs. George Y. Miller, Mrs. Ira Wert, Miss Cordelia Hamilton, George Y. Miller: furni ture, Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, Mrs. W. W. Ritter. Mrs. W. W. Holman, Mrs. H. B. Fish, Mrs. A. M. Shuler, Mrs. Alice Earing, Mrs. Ira Wert, Mrs. Walter Wert; ministerial support, W. W. Holman, H. E. Bair, M. If. Grubb; examination of local preach ers, the Rev. G. H. Knox, H. E. Rit ter, T. J. Williamson; trier of ap peals. M. H. Grubb. Olivet Presbyterians to Seek Soldier Members I Miss Ruth Braselman, chairman j the Misses Maude Mote and Tillie ' Kelster, Mrs. Roscoo Bowman and Sylvester A. Howard, John E. E. Peters and A. Boyd Shartzer have beep appointed as a special commit tee to formulate and to carry Into effect, all 'plans for attracting and entertaining returning and other soldiers and sailors, and effectively showing-j—by publicity and other wise—Olivet's deMre to have them in the Sunday school and church. This action was instructed at last Sunday's meeting of the officers and teachers of the school. The selection and arrangement of Easter music for the school has been placed in charge of a commit tee composed of Miss Frances Gel wicks, chairman; Mrs. Paul W. Grunden and the Misses Florence Hill, Helen Smith and Martha Shart zer. It has been decided to hold tlis summer picnic at Ilersliey Park, on a date to be later arranged for by a committee composed of John O. Gates, as chairman, and John W. Craver, Lee Lutz and Charles Hiines, Jr., Mrs. William J. Hawk, Mrs. W. H. Brown and the Misses Miriam Himes, Elizabeth Smith and Nettie White. Transportation and enter tainment will also be planned by the committee. H. Russell Rupp, of Steelton. will sing during the session of the school on the coming Sunday, when it is also planned to hear the Rev. Sam uel A. Rowers, of Washington, who will again occupy the pulpit of the church at the morning and evening services. Deaths and Funerals MRS. CHRISTIE A. HAHN Funeral .services for Mrs. Christie A. Ha.hn, aged 89 years, who died yesterday at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. W. C. Aldinger, Hainlyn, will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Reinhold Schmidt, pastor of the German Lu theran Church, will officiate. He will be assisted by the Rev. W. S. Herman, pastor of the Eion Luth eran Church. Burial will be in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. Mrs. Hahn was one of the oldest residents of Allison Hill. She re sided at Crescent and Kittatinny streets for many years. She is sur vived by three daughters, Mrs. Har vey T. Smith, wife the United States deputy marshal; Mrs. Aldinger and Mrs. Margaret Stroh. She was born In Wurtemberg, Germany. She was the widow of Frederick Hahn, who was formerly in the ice business here. MRS. ANNA A. PKW!i Funeral services for Mrs. Anna A. Peltz, aged 73 years, who died yes terday morning Jfrom -pneumonic, at her late home, 1203 Fulton street, will be held Friday afternoon at S o'clock in the funera! chapel of Ar thur C. Hauck, 1723 North Third street. The Rev. H. H. Baldwin, as sistant .pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. She is survived by a son, William Peltz, of Harrisburg, and a sister, Mrs. G. W. Smith, of Altoona, WILLIAM J. ALBRIGHT William J. Albright, aged 3 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Al bright 327 Chestnut street, died last night from diphtheria. Funeral ser vices will be strictly private. They will be held Friday. EARL ORRIS Earl Orris, aged 31 years, 220 North Tenth street died last night after a long illness. He was a mem ber of the Washington Camp, No. 405, P. O. S. of A. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sarah Orris, his mother, Mrs. Maria A. Orris, two brothers, George We Orris, of Har risburg, and Joseph H. Orris, of Le moyne, and a sister, Mrs. Ross O'Brien. Funeral services will be J held Saturday afternoon at 130 o'clock, the Rev. W. N. Yates nas l tor of the Fourth Street' Church of | God. officiating. Burial will be in ithe Camp Hill Cemetery. Protests Appointment of Penrose to Finance Committee of Congress By Associated Press Boston, March 13.—The Harvard Liberal Club of Boston adopted a resolution protesting tho probable appointment of Boles Penrose, Unit ed States senator from Pennsylva nia, to tho chairmanship of the senatorial standing committee on fi nance in the Sixty-sixth Congress. Tho resolution explained that the club members had been "credibly informed'' that the appointment would be made and set forth that "we believe that our fellow alum nus of the class of 'Bl is unfitted to hold such position." Copies of the resolution were sent to Senators Lodge and Walsh. Ministers Do Their Best in New Role of Soloists A smile swept the audience at Market Square Presbyterian church last night when Harry P. Armstrong, chorister, made Dr. VV. W. Orr, the preacher, ana the pastor of tha church, sing one of the choruses alone. Neither of these men claim to be star singers, but they did the best they knew. Tliut helped some. This is just an instance; but if any person had looked in on the fifty or sixty Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, he was drilling In singing yesterday afternoon, ho would have known that this man gets people to sing. These young people meet again this afternoon at 5 o'clock. They will bo in evidence in the meetings soon. Dr. Orr is winning new friends, and increasing audiences every ser vice. Last night's audience was much larger. Yesterday afternoon the audience grew greatly over the pre vious one. This afternoon lie will speak at 3 o'clock on the subject, "The Worst Sin in This Church." To-night at 7.30 o'clock he Will preach again. WILLIAM M. LONG ILL IN NAVAL HOSPITAL William Ateade Long, son of Harry W. Long, a junior at Tech High when "he enlisted in the navy, is now • critically ill with pneumonia at New j port, IL I. He enlisted last Septetn j ber but was not called until seven i weeks ago. "Your Little Pets Need Cascarets" When children quarrel and fight, See if the little tongues are white. Hurry! clean the clogged-up places; Bring back smiles to little faces. Children think Cascarets are dandy They are mild oalhartic candy. Sell for a dime —"work" every time. ff MOTHERS! You need never worry after giving your cross, fever ish, bilious or constipated child a Cascaret. This harmless candy cathartic thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels of all the toxins, sour fermentations and poisons. By mornir.g the little dears are happy and playful again. Full directions on each 10 cent box, before the war quality Hoffer's Best Flour now being sold by all grocers is the best flour on the market for home made bread and pastry \ i \ Girls! Have Beautiful Hair Just Like This Lustrous Hair—Soft—Fluffy and Abundant—Easily Attained by Splendid Grower and Wonderful Beautifier That Thousands Praise • \ i \Vmrn Delighted All Surprised by Quick Actios of Parisian Sage. Nowadays all up-to-date -women want radiant hair, so soft, fluffy, and abundant that It fascinates and com pels admiration. Denies Injunction Against Movie Showing Countess Bernstorfi Bp Associated Press New Yofk, March 13.—A tempo rary injunction sought by Pauline Lewis, of San Francisco to restrain exhibition of a photoplay depicting Countess Jeanne Von Bernstorff, wife of tho former German am bassador to the United States, as an accessory to a murder plot hatched by her husband, was dented by Su i preme Court Justice Cohalan here yesterday. i "Thera is a grave question, said Justice Cohalan, "whether the mov ing party shows such interest as en titles her to institute an action of this kind. Under such circumstances, the matter is one for disposition In the trial of the action." TO TELL OF FRANCE Men who have recently returned from overseas will narrate high spots of their • experience at the men's evening to be held In the Boyd Memorial building this even ing. Sergeant Charles H. Roedcr, of the Fifth Engineers, the only one of the Pino Street men who has re turned without injury; Private El mer J. Ostot, suffering from the ef fects of mustard gas; Prlvato John C. Gosney, who also was slightly gassed; Private Ellsworth Herbert, Private Alfred Pierce and Lieutenant Richard J. Miller, will ho among the speakers. Lieutcnanj Miller has a collection of war souvenirs which will be on exhibition at the meeting. The affair will open at 8 o'clock. RESOLUTION OF REGRET Resolutions expressing sincere sympathy and regret were passed at ; a recent meeting of the Ladles' Aux ! lliary of the Shamrock Fire Com pany following the death of Mrs. William Ilalletts, a member of the auxiliary. The resolutions are signed l>y a committee Including Mrs. Mark Davis, Airs. Goldie Bechtel and Mrs. i Charles Ludwlg. MYTON RENOMINATED J. Clyde Myto-n under whose guidance the Motor Qlub of Harris burg lias grown, has been nominat ed for another term as secretary treasurer of tho organization. It's really a aimple matter for any woman t.o merit this praise since beautiful hair is only a matter of care. . When your hair becomes faded, dry, streaked and scraggly, when it falls out badly and new hair cannot grow, the roots must be vitalised and prop erly nourished. To do this quickly, safely and at little expense there is nothing so effective as Parisian Sage (liquid form) which you can get at Kennedy's IJrug Store or any drug or toilet counter. It's guaran teed to abolish dandruff, stop scalp itch and falling hair, and promote a new growth or money refunded. It's In great demand by women of taste and culture because It makes the hair soft, lustrous, easy to ar range attractively and appear much heavier than It really Is. A massage with Parisian Saga Is a real delight—easy' to use, not sticky or greasy, and delicately per fumed an antiseptic liquid free from dangerous Ingredients, and guaranteed not to color the hair or scalp. If you want godd-looklng hair and plenty of it use Parisian Sage. Don't deluy—begin tonight—a little attention now Insures beautiful hair for j ears to come. i Continued From March 12, 11. 1 "Now, Mr. Hershey, not to interrupt you," began tlie Ad man, "but I would like to have you tell me more about the making of HERSHEY'S SUPERIOR ICE CREAM. % "You know when we left off we were at the holding vat. \ "After the mixture has been well agi tated and cooled in the holding vat what do you do with it?" Mr. Hershey got up from his desk and asked the Ad man to step into the big main room of the plant. When the two men came to the holding vat, Mr. Hershey asked, "Do you see these sta tionary pipes and valves? The mixture goes through these pipes and valves down stairs to the freezers. " "The mixture is frozen by means of an artificial freezing process, and no ice or salt or any other outside freezing agent is used." The Ad man stopped him here, say ing, "You did not tell me anything about when you put the flavor in the mixture." "Well we are coming to that directly," replied Mr. Hershey, "let us*go down stairs to the freezing room and I will show you." Mr. Hershey then pointed out how the flavor was added to the mixture right at the freezer before freezing process began. i \ ' / "How long does it take to freeze the ice cream?" asked the Ad man. "Not very long," replied Mr. Hershey, "about eight 'minutes are sufficient. Then after it is frozen, the ice cream goes direetly from the freezer into these large cans. "You see we freeze the cream right in sight of the public. People passing on the street can look right into our freez ing room. "When the can is full it is .covered with sanitary waxed paper, and from the freezing room is sent to the hardening room then packed in ice to be shipped." i i Karrlstyirff. Pa. Look for tomorrow's March IS, 1919. j continuation of this—* Signed. i The Ad-man. Written Especially For Herahey Creamery Co. , Makers of Hershey's Superior Ice Cmm, x
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers