2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNA. AND CITY'S SUBURBS LITERARY DEBATE lllaln. Pa., March 13. A Literary Society meeting will be held at Sandy Hill sehoolhouse in Madison town ship on Friday evening. March 14 at 7 o'clock. The question for debate Is, "Resolved, That There is More Pleas ure Derived from Hope Than Mem ory." Affirmative speakers are J. Gardner Palm and Preston McMillen, and the negative are Reed McMillen and Glen Dobbs. SPECIAL SERMON TO LODGE Mount Wolf, Pa., March 13. Mount Wolf Lodge, No. 1196, I. O. O. F., will attend divine services on Sunday evening at St. John's Lu theran Church, where they will hear a special sermon by the pas tor. the Rev. George A. Livingston. Quality Furniture at the Price of the Ordinary Kind We do not sell CHEAP FURNITURE. We sell the BEST FURNITURE ive can buy, but at prices within the reach of all. Our low expense saves you over 20 per cent, on your purchases. Compare at any time and you will believe. Liberty Bonds Accepted at Face Value \ \ HI : j i|l ' |j i , - —; — William and Mary Bed Room Suite, American Walnut. Bed, Vanity Dresser, Chiffonier, Chair and Rocker. EXTRA ..$175.00 "STERLING" ELECTRIC Refrigerators ] HIGHGRADE KITCHEN W ASHING MACHINES & CABINET \ Oscillating Tub, Univer- ' '' ' sal Wringer, Large Steel solid carload Roll Doors, Porcelain top, Bench. THE MACHINE Ir/L . .. . THAT RUBS YOUR and a half for White interior, all improved CLOTHES LIKE HAND. features. Without a doubt Prim your selection. , f , 1 ,ILK " the best money can huv. LX $lOO.OO Prices from TRA SPECIAL, $llO.OO on Terms of $lO £ o Q rr r down, $lO monthly. $12.98 up O "STRADIVARA" DETROIT VAPOR PHONOGRAPHS OIL RANGES $27.00 -A- White enamel reversible J IV Plays all records. Your * ear will tell the difference bod Y> wi ad-shield, large sized Nq Wicks _ No Rings when you hear this carr iage, No Smoke —No Odor beautiful machine. Cabi net model as illustrated, J r The most wonderful $105.00 \537.50 * O p en OOVFf> |l FIRNITIRECoJIL t ~ Evening A A 1415-19 N. Second St. * Parties Iletwecn Calder and Retly Streets ' ' • THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1919. BURIAL OF MRS. 9WARTZ Blnln, Pa., March 13.—The funeral of Mrs. John Swartz, who died sud denly on Tuesday morning from the effects of a gun shot wound, pro duced by the discharging of a fire arm in her own hands, will be held tomorrow' morning at 10 oclock with services at the home in Toboyne township, by the Rev. Pivld Roth. Sh e was forty-one years old. Burial will be made In the cemetery at Three Springs Dunkard Church, two miles south of Blain. Mrs. Swartz is survived by her mother, two sis ' *.ers and a brother. i : LAST MEETING JlF.il> Rlaln, Pn., March 13. —The last reg ular monthly meeting of the Ladies' ' Aid Society of the Methodist Episco pal Church was held at the home of Mrs. Waiter Fry. Members present were: Mrs. Edward D. Buyer. Mrs. Harry Dunkleberger, Mrs. Russell M. j Johnston. Mrs. Lewis D. Wible, pres j ident of the society, Mrs. Walter Fry, | Mrs. Jacob Snyder, Mrs. Charles K. •Tench, Mrs. James C. Rlckard, Mrs. I Edwin C. Kistler, Mrs. Creigh Pat • terson and Mrs. David P. Stokes. "JACK, THE HUGGER" I Wigtown, Pa., March 13. "Jack, the Hugger," is again parad ing the alleys of this place and has been causing much excitement among the woman folks. Several weeks ago a woman reported that while she was passing up Wayne street, at the corner of an alley just back of Market street a man jumped out and attempted to hug her. She beat a hasty retreat. The man was later seen in that section and then for some time he was not about. Now he is reported as oper ating in another part of town, hav ing caught hold of a woman and hugged and kissed her in Third street near the Sacred Heart Church and also one in South Dorcas street. CAFT. DETWILER PROMOTED Marietta, Pa., March 13.—Word has reached Marietta that Captain Sanderson Detwiler, of the One Hun dred Third Train, has been pro moted to major. At the outbreak of the war he was captain of Company C, Fourth Regiment, N. G. P. His father, Daniel Detwiler, died but a few hours before the news reached the homestead. Suburban Notes GRiSU LODGE DEGREE Mfrcrraburg, Pa„ March 13. 'The following members of Marshall Lodge No. 233. of Mercersburg, ave at Chambersburg tonight receiving the Grand Lodge Degree in the Hall of Columbus Lodge of Chambersburg: Past Grands D. J. Lininger, John Z. Faust, Roy C. Cromwell, Harry .L. Wolfe, Edgar R, Overcash, Martin L. McCune, Aaron A. Myers and the fol lowing third degree members, Noble Grand, Rev. L. Elbert Wilson, Her man B. Hege, Samuel Lamaster Hoover, vic e grand, Laniel B. Lamas ter, Thomas O. Bradley, J. Kdgan Highland, John Bosserman and D. Caleb Philips. HERCERSBIRG John T. Briclter, is seriously ill at his home in Kaiserville. Mrs. Jennie Ensminger, , of Hatboro, is visiting in the home of Abram Ensminger. Walter Hornbaker, of Harrigburg, is visiting his mother, Mrs. George A. Hornbaker. Joseph Teeters and two grand sons, of Hagerstown, were here to day making preparations 'for return ing to Mercersburg April 1. Mr. Tee ters will manage the Mercersburg Elevator Company, which last fall bought the business of Fendlck and Meyers. Mrs. John N. Hoch, has received a . telegram from her son Linn Hoch, stating that he had arrived at Ho boken, N. J. Mrs. Roy McCurdy, received word today from Her hus.band. Private Roy McCurdy, saying that he had arrived at Newport News, Va. Private Walter Brindle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brindle, of Dickeys Station, returned home yesterday evening. Private Brindle has been" in France nearly a year. Dr. James Grey Rote, pastor of the Presbyterian church has been confined to the house this week with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter Brad ley, of Buffalo, Mont., are visiting Mrs. Bradley's parents. Dr. and Mrs. David F. Ungcr. HALIFAX The Otterbein Guild of the United Brethren Church, will hold a bake in the Koppenhoiter stor e room in Market street Saturday afternoon. The Ladies' Bible Class, of the United Brethren Church, were en tertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailetts in Fifth street. Norman Fetterholf of Halifax, township and Miss Vera Altland, of Harrisburg, were married on Tuesday at Dover, Del., by the Rev. Hedge, of the First Lutheran Church. D. B. Corsuity and son Charles, are spending several days at Camp Mer- j ritt, N. J., visiting their son and i brother, Claude H. Hoffman, who lias just returned from overseas, and is receiving treatment in a hospital for woynds received in action. Jatnes M. Hoffman is spending the weekend ip town visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman, before leaving for his new home at Doland, South Dakota. The Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Fertig, spent Tuesday at Lebanon. The H. A. Club will hold a bake Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the basement of the Methodist Epis copal Church. LIVERPOOL Ernest Koch, of Harrisburg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jcre Lowe. Miss Frances Snyder, a student at Dickinson Seminary, "Williamsport, spent several days with his gister, Mrs. Charles H. Snyder. Mrs. Sarah Potzline is spending the Week with relatives at Thompson town. William Albright, of Harrisburg, spent several days with his hister, Mrs. P. K. Brink. Miss Annie Shumaker is spending the week with relatives at Harris burg. Postmaster George G. Tharp made a trip to Newport this we'eli. Mrs. Jean Coulter and daughter Anna are visiting relatives at Sun bury. Mrs. Ada Brosius is visiting rela tives at Harrisburg. Miss Alice Seltzer of Philadelphia, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. P. Dilley. Miss Marie Bair and Mrs. Roy Tchupp, of Millersburg, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bair. Miss Jennie Sturtevant, of Harris burg, was a recent visitor with rel atives here. H. E. Ritter and H. A. Long spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. OTTERBEIN GUILD OFFICERS Mount Wolf, Fa„ March 13.—The following officers have been elected by the Otterbein Guild of the United Brethren Church: President, Miss Nettie Linebaugh; vice-president, Miss Nettie Melhorn; secretary, Miss bar ah Diehl; treasurer. Miss Katie Sipe; pianist, Miss Ruth Farcht: secretary of literature and Evan gelist solicitor, Miss Ruth Livings ton; thank offering secretary, Miss Daisy Sier; delegate to the mis sionary conference to be held at Red Lion in May, Misses Sarah Diehl and Mabel Kunkel. GOV. SPROUL TO BE ORATOR Gettysburg, Pa., March 13.—Dr. ■William A. Granville, president of Gettysburg College, has made an nouncement of the speakers for the commencement exercises this year, which will occur in J-une, and Gov ernor William C. Sproul will be the commencement orator, while the Rev. Dr. Lauritz Larsen will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. Dr. 1 .ar son is the executive secretary of the National Lutheran Council, with offices at Washington. CAUGHT BIG CARP Gettysburg, Pa., March 13.—Dis couraged because he got but a few bites while fishing for suckers in Bream's dam and finally having caught one fish, Charles Falkler quit and brought his catch to town. An accurate pair of scales showed the fish, a German carp, to weigh thir teen and one-half pounds. It meas ured thirty-one inches. ENOIA URAKEMAN BURIED Marietta, Pa., March 13. —William A. Swlnglcr, agtld 32 years, a for mer resident of Marietta, was bur ied yesterday in the Marietta ceme tery* He was a brakeman at Enoia and was killed by falling from a boxcar. He is survived by his wife, his parents and a number of broth ers and sisters. AUTO UPSETS TROLLEY CAR When a seven-passenger automo bile crashed into a Third street car of the Harrisburg railways late last night at Second and Walnut streets, | the trolley car was forced from its tracks, slid across Walnut street. No person was injured and the uuto mobiie continued on its way north on Second slre r^ WEST SHORE 1 Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore The Rev. and Mrs. Crabil, of Dills-j burg, were guests of the Rev. and I Mrs. A. R. Ayres, and the Rev. and | Mrs. C. H. Heiges, at New Cumber-1 land, on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Mrs. X. F. Reed, daughter, Eliza beth, sons, Park und Miles, of New Cumberland, attended a sale at Zion, View, York county, on Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sehell, of Baltimore, are visttlng relatives at Now Cumberland. The Rev. Mr. Deck, wlio has been attending the Evangelical confer ence in Baltimore, has been-assign ed to Wernersville. He and Mrs. Deck are visiting Mr. and Mrs. | Albert Fite and Mrs. Gertie Draw baugli, at New Cumberland. Mrs. Charles Paden and son, of Steelton, wefe guests of Mrs. M. I* Baker, at New Cumberland, yester day. Mrs. H. J. Potteiger has returned to her home at Penbrook, after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Sltoner, at Shiremanstown. Miss Sara Spong has returned to her home at Spring Lake, after be ing the guest of Miss Charlotte Starri at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Mary Hoft', of York Springs: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Essielc, of Ches ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tritt, of Harrisburg, were entertained re cently by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bist line, at their home at Shiremans town. Mrs. J. W. Sheets and Miss Belle Heck, of Shiremanstown. spent a day recently with Mrs. "William Mar tin, at Enoia. Mrs. William Stetler. of Lcmoyne, spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Straining and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Eichelberger, at their country home, near Shiremanstown. Clarence Dickson, of New York City, spent several days with the Rev. W. A. Dickson, at the Harris burg Hospital. Mrs. Joseph Stretch, .of Shire manstown, is home from a visit with friends at Harrisburg and Penbrook. Mrs. W. A. Miller, of Carlisle, and Mrs. Hess, Miss Hess, Mrs. Shultz, j of Mechanicsburg, have returned to their homes after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Otto, at Washing ton Heights. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Rlshel, of Washing ton Heights, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ciarefice Jenkins, at York. The Otterbein Guild, of Calvary United Brethren church, Washing ton Heights, met at the home of the president, Miss Louise Steinmetz, on Monday evening. Miss Gladys Deardorff, of Wash ington Heights, visited her cousins, the Misses Shutt, at Harrisburg. Miss Hilda Famous, of Wormleys burg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer, at Washington Heights on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rishel and family, of Washington Heights, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lantz and the Rev. J. H. Young, at Hillside. .. Mrs. T. P. Deardorff and son, Roy, of Washington Heights, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tritt, at Carlisle. Miss Mary Rishel, of "Washington Heights, was the. guest of Miss Margaret Jenkins, at Wormleys burg, on Sunday. -> SURPRISE ON BIRTHDAY New Cumberland, Pa., March 13. —-A birthday surprise party was held Tuesday evening in honor of Nettie Fromfelter's eleventh fcirth day. Music, games and dancing were the features of the evening. Nettie received a number of pretty presents from her little friends. Those in at tendance were: Sarah Gray, Sara Hull, 7'llizabeth Wagner, Letitia Sloat, Marshall, Margaret and Wal ter Smith, Miriam Naugle, Sara and Martha Bomen, Dorothy Coder, Net tie Fromfelter, Mrs. Mary Kupp, Pearl Kupp, Mrs. B. M. Taylor, sons, George and William: Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Mary Coder, Mr. and "AWs. Fromfelter, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sneli. AID SOCIETY OFFICERS Washington Heights, Pa., March 13.—At a recent meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Calvary Unit ed Brethren Church at the home of Mrs. W. H. McMullen, the follow ing officers were elected for the com ing year: President, Mrs. J. P. Koontz; vice-president, Mrs. Fisher; secretary, Mrs. Jesse Snyder: assist ant secretary. Miss Gladys Fisher; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Davis. TRUSTEES ELECTED MarysvlUc, Pa.. March 13.—The Marysvllle Methodist Episcopal Church has elected a board of .trustees to sferve for the ensuing year. This board, which will take office on April 1, includes C. N. Lid-, dick, William Dice, Howard King. Samuel Molester, J. E. White, W. H. Roush and Wilson Hippie. C. E. SOCIETY TO MEET Khirviuanstowii, Pa., March 13. —A special meeting of the Christian En deavor Society of the Bethel Church of God will be he|d Sunday evening. W. C. Cooper, of Roasmoyne, county president of Christian Endeavor So cieties, will be present and deliver an address. A special program of recitations, vocal and instrumental mueil, wilUbe rendered. OFFERING BOXES OPENED New Cumberland, Pa., March 13. —On Monday evening the Otterbein Guild held a meeting at Trinity United Brethren Church when the thank offering boxes were opened, which contained $92.09. At the en tertainment on Sunday evening last the collection was $52. WILL PREACH SUNDAY New Cumberland, Pa., March 13. —The Rev. H. F. Hoover, of Mid dletown, will preach in the Church of God Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. TRINITY CHOIR CANTATA New Cumberland, Pa.. March 13. —The choir of Trinity United Breth ren Church is arranging to have an Easter cantata. HIM. ; A hi£h 4r ade snappy drink, healthful, eco nomical and delicious INSTANT POSTUM I i i h MISS EMMA KUHXS 1)1 KS Millersburg. Pa., March 13. Miss Emma Kuhns, aged 55 years, died at her home in Lenkerville on Wednesday after several weeks' ill ness of pneumonia. She is survived by her aged invalid motliet, a sister, Mrs. Mollie English, and two broth ers, Edward Kuhns, of MUlersburg, and William Kuhns, of Harrisburg. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Funeral services will be held at the home on Sat-j ut-day afternoon and burial will be made in Oak Hill cemetery. ENDORSE COMMUNITY HOUSE \ Gettysburg, Pa., March 13. —The' Junior class of the High School hasj addressed a communication to the persons having In charge the con templated erection of a community house and has enclosed a resolution that the pupils want such a place, where they can spend their evenings in a good, wholesome way, ar\d pledging their support in every way possible. 28-30-32 N. Third St. j 11* ODES that are new and authentic—fabrics that are su perior in quality—workmanship that is perfection it self—but these do not necessarily mean higher prices when you shop at Schleisner's, mi * % |pp featuring LfU: Suits for Spring s for the woman and miss PofmaEs and Capes / in gracefully draped models Dresses /] wT - 5" for afternoon, street and evening L jin sport models and plain fabrics |ljb| Blousesl for costume, suit or sport wear * 71 | . Millinery t if : of Black Tulle for ivomen and misses T)hACK is the most gracious of colors when used for evening liats. Xj Tones in with the most elaborate or most demurely simple toilette —is becoming alike to the charms of maturity or youthful loveliness. Special emphasis is placed on the new day hats in spiring shades M correct vogue. BSk. i Complete Stocks of Kayser's Silk Underwear. Silk Hosiery and Negligees VICTORIA t Last Times To-day Don't Miss It Come Early • A great drama of love and intrigue. Great storm at sea, An 85 foot leap into the surf, Beauti fulmermaids BABY FATAIiLY INJURED j Marietta, Pa., March 13.—A two-i year-old child of a Hungarian fam ily at the Saginaw quarries fell for- j ward over a hatchet last night while | playing in the kitchen of her home and is so badly cut that she will not recover. Her skull was cut. DIKS AFTER LOXG lI,I.NESS Marietta, March 13.—Benjamin G. Band is, aged 63 years, died yester day, having been ill three years. He j was a member of the Heller's Re- DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Open All Year. Enter Any Time. Individual Promotion. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 M ARKET ST. Bell 125 (Opp. Senate) Dial 4016 formed Church. His wife, throe children and a sister survive. WEIGHT records have little value unless correct. - FAIRBANKS SCALES standard of the weighing world. Henry Gilbert & Son 400 South 2nd St., Harrisburg
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