THE STORE THAT CLOSES THE store THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX _ —— ______... I ELL 1911-3SSO UNITED HARKMBUIIO. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1910. FOUNDED ]■ __________________________________ - F 4054 Women ofHarrisburg f ! AndFicmity mUBe fJ|fs[||)£f£f ~ |T~7wl\ Interested In , [My.' ' OAT LMiQ Ull' This Sale kJ/vl—H-< 7* A#? 4054" Pairs Of Stockings To ■ Be Sold In Four Days—Beginning Tomorrow But then, it is true many women will want several pairs. Some will select a half dozen or ' (|>i ir n • a dozen pairs at these prices. So even though 4054 women may want at least one pair, first • 13:5 ra,r 85c Pair comers will naturally have the advantage in choosing and have the privilege of buying rea- Women's silk hose; full fashioned. Lisle top and sonable quantities. soles. Black and white. This one for instance, is W omen s boot silk; full fashioned. Black ana The Hosiery is of unusual fine quality, such as is bought to measure up to the Bowman onc ot ol ) r ver >' est sellers. Wears exceedingly j white. Another value that is sure to give excellent standard. Only one lot of seconds among the four specials quoted here, and these such as uc ''is guaranteed to be an unusual fine value service and a popular seller. Very special at 83$ you will be glad to get at the price offered. tl v ' 3 P air " p a j r This is a sale of hosiery that a person comes across once only in many moons. The brands $1.15 Pair offered are well known and greatly desired by women. Brands that in stylish looks and . splendid wearing qualities represent values in this sale far above what are usually sold for Women's silk hose; full fashioned. Lisle top and , lalT similar prices. soles. These are seconds, but the lot is of such ex- ; We quote simply a few of the salient points, but, you know, the best way to judge good 1 , w omcn ' s I,sle ho * c; bla< * wh " e ' A ia "^ hosiery is to see and feel the quality in order to appreciate the remarkable values. Even the these at 1.15 pair, as the first from same run. cer- ' made to sell at a niodeiatc pi ice, and at this price can give you no conception unless you know what you are buying. , tainly do sell for very, very much more. ' special sale price is exceptional value at 49c a pair* I BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Dress Fabrics In New is-jt ma ,,ia .m .mi - " ■ -i*—ims March Sale Of Housewares AnA 1 i J~7 A ' The woman of the home requires complete equipment ill W CaVCo AuQ V>olorill g[o 1 [ Y/ 1 the home for her convenience. It is as necessary for her as it S .Jiftllr x 1 ' is for the professional man to have his library or the mechanic ... a *,• e , „r t T T Afim JL his tools. The March Sale of Housewares offers an excep \\ e are now offenng a very extensive line of d.ess tabncs 1 ytfHfcuV. f* , V f ; tional opportunitv of securing dependable merchandise at i£ or°dresses? X Tcif sealoS | oiT brU#h ' 56-inch "Preistley's" Covert cloth for stylish suits or coats, & i • i I 1 dpt. 53.50 yard. T U 1 "SSSated Dinner Ware GARDEN SEEDS 56-inch imported English 1 weeds in four good colorings, J tS 1 "75 1 iTHr "TST 1 scrvicc for 6 P ersons > ? 6 - 25 - Complete variety of fresh Extra fine finish. Plenty of navy and 1 LVCT POpUlaT SCrgCS 111 ManV PrettV I JSfSc. black, $3..0 and v.4.30 jafd. , 1" I 1% /T 1 1 A Clothes props. Seasoned and put them outdoors a3 bi^:^^4 n, .. srsc ; r rcipes I Models For Spring at $29.50 f OM %%£ 'z'^fySs S3TO m ard SCrge ' W 3 g T . .fashioned kind, 98c. neighbor. 48-inch French serge. Fine weight for dresses. Good color J Springtime would scarcely be springtime Without a prominent place given to suits f * BOWMAN'S— Basement, line, 52.75 yard. i in the modish wardrobe. The new ones are sufficient assurance of the return to favor 1 abthtyl Ch Complete Hmfof s^rin^shades,' r vard. f all suits enjoy. Because of its neatness, attractiveness and general adaptability serge ,* ~ " 54-inch Fancy Striped and Changeable mohair suitings, 1 grows increasingly popular. We have serge models with pinch back coats with flare bot- 1 jVICn S AthiCtlC S2 s4°iSh d 'Roj-al serge. Mohair and wool mixture for coats, f tom -s kir t trimmed with ten rows of all silk hercules braid and three rows of buttons to 1 suits or skirts. Good shade of brown onlv, $2.50. 1 match. Belt of same material. Roll collar and skirt tailored, gathered in back, with two ? T T J */™ large , ra "S e of ser s es - WOQI taffetas,"poplins, etc., 69c to J pockets. In tan, navy and black. f U nderWCar So.OO yard. ? i .i tn I * . - BOWMA.VS— Main Floor. j Others in black and white checks in box coat effect, braided and scalloped, with stun- 5 ~~ " ~~ ' i - I ning vest of maroon broadcloth and suit, beautifully trimmed with numerous small round I To men who wear athleiic underwear here is an offer- Women S Underwear ? brass buttons. • I ingot a:. nesam„lcdvanc L.ght,, white madras v JJ o VV *-4vl WCdl I -r •! 1 1 1 -.1 n 1 . 1 , . . . , , , . . c union suits; weave of self striping and cross bar. Made.- ~ — — I 1 ailored models with Hare skirt and coat neatly designed with box pleated back. J w ith care to give satisfactory wear, 95c. 1 Pink cotton vests, light weight, low neck, sleeveless. i These are button trimmed and come in tan, black and white check, rookie, Copen. Navv I r- •, A dainty garment at a reasonable price, 39c. Y UL.L 1A * 4? 1 Brighton Garters, single and double grip, Dc pair. I ana DiaCK. Oizes IO to 16. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor . > nnn7Mivs_M.i„ i5-i„oe BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN S—-Main Floor. The Bowman Refrigerator Club Opens Tomorrow , Buy Your Refrigerator Now. $l.OO Places A Refrigerator THE 01U01KAI, iITHO.T EEnUOMUTOS U In Your Home. Balance On Convenient Club Payments 1 n ni a 4k e lirst carload of Refri: erators for the coming season ie stone Uviing-s of Belding-Hall do not crack, check or . ji 1 ' I are ere or t^le Bowman Refrigerator Club of 1919. Three peel. They are easy to clean, ideal in food preserving abil- Hft;J \ || | high-grade lines to select from ity and beautiful in appearance. The insulation is of the Bl " || T | Belding Hall Century ||isg9 Seeger Siphon Refrigerators f —" ' Sppcrpr Sinhnn R pfricyprQfrAr Feature wall construction consisting of fourteen im- UL— —"TL Oipillwll lvCll IgCI tlLlJl v pervious walls of various temperature and atmosphere non- ki'in"'" Select the style and size refrigerator best suited to meet Construction shows conducting materials. The siphon system of air circula- ■* AL your requirements. Have it paid for long before the hot stone lining and insu- tion is based on natural laws, nothing forced or unnatural, . ■■>—" ST weather arrives? Demonstration and club sale of Refriger- lation system of Beld- but a strong current of air keeps all currents in the best Belding-Hall ators starts Wednesday morning in the Furniture Dept. Refrigera,- condition. \ fU BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. tors. " BOWMAN'S—Main Floofi. —*• ( i * f ' T _ • . ;• v.' TJ ■ TUESDAY EVENING, ' HABRISBURO TELEGRAPH MARCH 11, 1919. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers