Additional Classified Ads <fn Opposite Page AUTOMOBILES YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK IN CONVENIENT MONTHLY # PAYMENTS 1(4 and 2-ton Gartorda chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. 1%-1%-IVi aud 2 V4-ton Bethlehems, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons, lo eluding Bulcks, Overlands and Vims. HE OVERLAND-HARRISBURO CO.. Open Evenings, 12-214 North Second St. Both Phones. FOR SALE Two Republic Trucks -one-tun and 1 (4-ton—sl,ooo takes icm both. Address Box So, Camp ill. Pa. 1916 MAXWELL ROADSTER—Five ood tires; mechanically right; new op; winter side curtains open with nors; collison fender; electric ;iaxon horn; $425; demonstrate. Bell 517 R. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND TREASURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford on trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-ton tepublic truck, 4-passenger Mitcnell lub roadster, 7-pasdenger Hayncs ouring car. International Harvester lompany of America. Truck Depart lent, CI9 Walnut street. FOR SALE 'ord Touring. Good running order, iotor overhauled. Good rubber. Bar ain. Will demonstrate. M. P. BROWN. Hell 1517 R. FEDERAL GARAGE Automobile Repairing. No job too small. Let us do your work. Ford Specialty. Both Phones. FEDERAL GARAGE, Court, and Cranberry Streets. FOR SALE 1919 Seven-passenger teo, oompietely equipped. Run only 00 miles. Owner having died, car fforcd at reasonable price. Address lox L, 6819. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Overland Model 79, -passenger touring car, in good rim ing condition. A bargain. $285. in uire Beaver's Garage, 632 North treet. MICHIGAN 40 Touring Car. in ex cllent shape. Will be sold at a bar ain. This car is electrically equip ed. 1918 Buick Roadster, in A 1 hape; cannot be told from new. 1916 'ord Touring Car, extra tire. $3lO. Ihelsea Auto Wrecking Co.. 22-26 lorth Cameron street. FOR SALE ine 3919 brand-new 7-passenger 'eerless Car. Will accept Liberty lends as lull or part Payment. Eell Phone 14—Steelton. WANTED All kinds of used auto Ires. We pay highest cash prices. !o junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North 'hlrd street. Dial 4980. WE DO ' GENERAL REPAIRING EXPERT MECHANICS For sale, one Maxwell and Kiss ler-Kar Roadster. 1. BRENNER ARSONS MOTHER CAR Third and Hamilton FOR SALE Ford Touring Car peedometer, bumper and good tires! lity Garage, River and Strawberry. OLD AUTOS Vanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, n any condition. See me before sac iliciug elsewhere. Chelsea Auto V reeking, A Sciiiffmau, 22, 24 26 orth Cameron street. Bell 3633. 1917 Dodge Roadster. SIBLE'S GARAGE, 301 Cumberland Street, A RAYFIELD CARBURETOR Vill save 25 per cent, of your gas bill. Let us tell you how. FLUE KICK'S GARAGE. * 1807-69 N. Seventh Street. Automobile ltepuiring of all kinds, llupmobile Service Station. 1917 FORD CARS Touring 1385.00. Harley-Davidson Twin, with side :ar, $250.00. Get acquainted with me. Save noney on any used machine wanted jjnion Ilorst, Llnglestown, Pa. ' AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and Seven-passenger cars for business or pleasuru at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. 8 J ,4-TON HARFORD, Model 778; jerfect condition; used very little; ipen body; suitable for coal, lumber >r general hauling. Price, $2,500.30 ash. Address Box 335, Saxton, I'a. WM. PENN GARAGE 104-6 Muench street. Limousines for iuneral parties and balls; careful irivers; open day and night. Bell 1664. FOR SALE Jackson Touring car; Hudson Touring car. Inquire C \. Fair Carriage and Auto Works 131 Mulberry street. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— Covered body; 1,000 tbs. capacity; a jargain. Inquire of Philadelphia iuick Lunch. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO —All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts: also repair xork. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South 'ameron street. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS DREADN AUGIIT 5.000-MILE TIRES 30x3 Ribbed Tread $12.88 30x314 " " 17.10 -2x314 " " 20.63 >lx4 " " * 25.28 32x4 " * 26.82 33x4 " " 27.60 34x4 " " 28.43 35x414 " " 38.82 36X414 " " >/" 4U ' 32 30x3 Vacuum Tread 15.53 20x314 " " 18.68 32x314 " " 22.43 81x4 " " 28.61 22x4 " " 29.14 33X4 " " 30.60 24x4 " " 31.88 3r.x4'4 " " 42.45 36x414 " " 44.07 DAYTON CffCLE CO.. 912 N. Third St. Dial 4990. FOR RENT Garage on Sassafras street, $3.50 per week. Inquire A. i'apin, 201 Heir street. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by an expert. Road jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town, Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 North Third street. TUESDAY EVENING, ' MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT , ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY BHANER, •WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. FOR SALE' —• 1917 Excelsior motor cycle. 3-apeed, side car. Preeto-llto. Call between 8 A. M. to 6 P. M., ttt 429 South Second street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and • Bosch high tension. Elshmunn, Dtxey, Splltdorf. Ma. Remy and different makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A. Selilffiua n, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. v LEGAL NOTICES Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss; In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 294, January term, 1919. Libel in divorce. —a vin culo matrimonii Rose G. Cox vs. Ber nard Cox. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est Invent us." You, Bernard Cox, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 13. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in the Court of Cotn;non Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 88, January term, 1919. I.ibel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii George E. Beam vs. Elizabeth M. Beam. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Elizabeth M. Beam, are therefore directed to appear In the court at Harrlsburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 188. Septem ber term. 1918. Libel In divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Mae H. Stober vs. Charles I. Stober. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated stated case have been re'urned "non est. inventus." You, Charles 1. Stober, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pn.. on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: . In the Court of Common Pleas of Daupllin County, Pa., No. 190, Sep tember term, 1918. Libel In divorce — a vinculo matrimonii Marvin Ottis Harner vs. Margaret Adella Ilarner. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been re tui nciP"no|fi est inventus." You, Mar garet Adella Harner, are therefore di rected to appear in the court at Har risburg, Pa., on the thirt) Monday of March A. D. 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrlsburg, Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 576, Septem ber term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii "William M. Gray vs. Annie Gray. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "nun est in ventus." You, Annie Gray, are there fore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Mon day of March, A. D. 1919. to answer ,ne complaint therein filed. W. "W. CALDWEbU k Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. " Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 559, June term. 1918. I,ibel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Mary C. Howlett vs. George R. llowlett. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "nan est in ventus." You, George R. Hewlett, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Mondav of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. ■ Harrisburg. Pa.. Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dnuphin County, Pa.. No. 418. Septem ber term, 1918. l.ibel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Jesse Hawkins vs. Blanche M. Hawkins. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stat ed case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Blanche M. Haw kins, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919. t" answer the complaint there in tiled. W. W. CAbDWEU* Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Fab. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 140, Septem ber term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii Sailie M. Matter vs. Homer O. Matter. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Homer O. Matter, are therefore directed .to appear in the court at Harrisburg. Ta., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa.. Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 608, Sep tember term, 1918. label in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Emma Black vs. James Black. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est invent us " You, James Black, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919. to answer the rcomplaint therein filed. W. W. C'AIDWKbU Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 205, June Term, 1918. l.ibel in divorce —a -vin culo matrimonii Paulina Semczysczyn vu Frank Semczysczyn. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Frank Sem czysczyn, are therefore directed to appear in court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, -A. 1). 1919, to answer the complaint there in filed. IV. TV. C AID WELT* Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in' Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, l'a.. No. 412. Sep tember term, 1918. l.ibel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Pansey Swarez vs. Eugene Swarez. The subpoena and alius subpoena in the above-stat ed rase havo been returned "non est Inventus." Y'ou, Eugene S>varez, are therefore directed to appear In the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March. A. D. 1918, to an swer the complaint therein filed. vW. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg, T'a., Feb. ' 8, 1919. NOTICE Letters of Administra-' tlon on the Estate of Robert B. Mateer. late of Harrisburg. Pa.. Dau phin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the re siding" ill Harrisburg. 900 North Third street, all persons indebted to said Dilate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. J. FRANK PALMER, Or to Administrator. JOHN E. PATTERSON, Attorney-ut-La w. LEGAL NOTICES ] Proclamation in Divorce Dauphtn County, sa: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, No. 806, January! term, 1918. Libel In divorce —a vin culo matrimonii Kathleen Croft vs. I Howard Croft. The subpoena and alias subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "nnn est Invent us" You, Howard Croft, are there fore directed to appear In the court at Harrlsburg, Pa, on tho third Mon day of Mareh, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harfisburg. Pa., Feb. 18, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin Coiwity, Pa.. No. 189, Septem ber term. 1918. Libel In divorce —a vinculo matrimonii Peter Roknic vs. Milka Roknic. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned -non est In ventus." You, Milka Roknic, are therefore .directed to appear in the court at Harrlsburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrlsburg, Pa.. Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In tho Court of Common I'leas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 430, Septem ber term, 1918. Libel In divorce —a vinculo matrimonii Daisy Mills vs. Ralph Mills. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est invent us." You, Ralph Mills, are therefore directed lo appear In the court at Harrlsburg, l'a.. on tho third Monday of March. A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, sa: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 431, Sep tember term, 1918. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Laura B. Haines vs. John T. Haines. The subpoena and alias subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est in- | ventus.' You. Elizabeth M. Beam, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to an swer the complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa.. Feb. 18. 1919. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVA NIA. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned. Executor of the I<ast Will and Testament of Theresa M. Htggins, Deceased, has presented his Petition to the above-mentioned Court, which Petition is now on file in the Otfice of the Clerk of said Court, praying for an order to sell at Private Sale, under the provisions of the Fiduciaries Act of 1917, P. L 447, to Maud Josephine Strock, of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., for the sum or Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars, the following described real estate; All that certain lot or piece of land situate in the Fifth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the West ern side of Green street fifty-eight (58) feet one (1) inch, more or less, north of the northwestern corner of Greer, and Herr streets, which point is the center of the partition wall be tween the houses known as and num. beied 1104 and 1106 Green street; thence westwardly parallel with the northern line of Herr street and through the center of said partition wall fifty-two (52) feet to a point on the eastern line of a four (4) feet, wide private alley; thence northward ly at right angles with Herr street along the eastern side of said private alley nineteen (19) fefct two (2) inches to a point on the line running through the center of the partition wall between house numbered 1106 Green street and house numbered 1108 Green street; thence eastwardly along said line and through the renter of said last-mentioned partition wall fifty-two (52) feet to a point on the western line of Green street; thence southwardly along the western line of Green street nineteen (19) feet two (2) inches, more or less, to the place of beginning, Having thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house numbered 1106 Green street, etc., etc. For title see Deed Book "P." Vol. 16, Page 565, etc. AND the said Court has fixed Mon dav, March 24, 1919, at 10:00 A. M„ at the Court House at Harrisburg. Pa., as the. time and place for hearing and consideration of said Petition, when and where all parties interested may appear and object to Said Private Sale on account of the insufficiency of the price offered for the same, or upon any legal or e-uitable grounds. I.EO C. GAIN OR, Executor of the Estate of Theresa M. lliggins,. Deceased. GEORGE ROSS HULL Attorney. Pennsylvania State Highway De partment, Harrisburg Pa. Sealed pro posals will be received at said office until 10 A. M„ March 20, 1919, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contracts awarded as scon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of the following pave ments: 27.520 lineal feet of Reinforc ed Concrete in Adams Co.; 8,984 feet of Bituminous Concrete in Berks Co.; 1.842 feet of Vitrified Block in Clarion Co.; 12,636 feet of Bituminous Concrete in Clinton Co.; 8,420 feet of Vitrified Block in Columbia Co.; 5,745 feet of Bituminous Concrete and Vitrified Block in Delaware Co.; 4,566 feet of Vitrified Block In Elk Co.; 49,959 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Erie Co., 26.112 feet of Reinforced Concrete und Hillside Vitrified Block in Fayette Co.; 34,259 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Greene Co.; 5,600 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Lancaster Co.; 4.906 feet of Reinforced Concrete in isiwrence Co.: 35,035 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Co.; 23.510 feet of Reinforc ed Concrete in Monroe Co.; 7,824 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Tioga Co.. and 2 6,862 feet of Reinforced Concrete in YVarren Co. Bidding blanks and specifications may be obtained free and plans upon payment of $2.50 per set upon application to State High way Department, Harrisburg, Pa. No refund for plans returned. They can also be seen at office of tho State Highway Department, Harrisburg; ICOI Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and 904 Hartje Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. Lewis S. Sadler, State Highway Commissioner. In the Matter of the Estate of J. Fre<J Arlnian, late of Susquehanna Town ahip. Dauphin County, I'a., deceased. NOTICE To All Parties in Interest in the Es tate Aforesaid: YOU are hereby notified that the ap praisers appointed on the 23d day of December. 1918, by the Orphans' Court, of Dauphin County, Pa., to appraise and set apart out of the estate of said J. Fred Artman to S. Alva Artman, surivivinK spouse, real or personal es tate to the value of Five Thousand Dollars under and by virtue of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, do report that they have appraised and set apart all of the es tate of said *■ Fred Artman unto the said Alva Artman, which report is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court aforesaid, and will be presented to said Court for ab solute confirmation on March 26, 1919, at 1U o'clock A. M.. and all heirs orj persons interested In said estate are hereby required to appear on said day and show cause why suid appraise ment and setting aside should not ne absolutely confirmed by the Court If same is objected to. If you fail there of, the same will be confirmed abso llUel>' I. I'. BOWMAN. Attorney for the Estate of J. Fred Artman. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa., No. 419, Septem ber term, 1918. Dibel in divorce —a vln vinculo matrimonii Margaret M. Ar nold vs. Anthony Arnold. The sub poena and alias subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned -non est inventus." You, Anthony Ar nold, ure therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrlsburg, Pa., on'the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CAUDWEL.D, Sheriff. DLarriaburfi. Pa., Feb, 18. 1319. Harrisburg tiSfjhfi. telegraph: LEGAL NOTICES In re estate of Layton Leroy Howard, deceased. PUBLIC SALE 1 BY order of Ohphans' Court, of No. 1013 South Twenty-first Street. Har rlsburg. Pa, 40 feet front, 116 feet deep to an alley, frame house with Improvements, and large stable In the rear See petition and order of Court. Sale on Saturday, March 22, 1:30 P. M., in front of the Court House, llarris -1 burg. I For particulars address JANE G. HOWARD. Administratrix, No. 12 South Sixteenth Street. Or I. P. BOWMAN. Attorney. ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the llarrisburg Railways Company, for the election of Directors and the transaction of such other business as tnay properly come before the meet 2 " ing, will be held Tuesday, tile 4th day of March, 1919, at the office of the Company, In the City of Harrisburg. at 10 o'clock A. M. J. O'CONNELL, Secretary. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF DAU PHIN COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrators of the Estate of PIERCE RKTTEW, Deceas ed, have presented their petition to the above-mentioned Court, which pe tition is now 011 file in the Office of the Clerk of said Court, praying for an Order to sell at private sale under the provisions of the Fiduciaries Act of 1917, I'. 1,. 447, for the purpose 'ot paying the debts of the said decedent, the following described real estate: To JOHN W. SHEAFFER, llarris burg, Pa., for the sum of Two Thou sand ($2,000) Dollars, the following" described property designated in said petition as Tract No. 7: NO. 2223 LOGAN .STREET TRACT NO. 7. All tiiat piece or par cel of land situate in the Tenth Ward, of the City of Harrisburfe. Pa., bound ed and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east side of laigan street two hundred and seventeen (217) feet north of Wood bine street; thence in an easterly di rection and through the centef of the {>artition wall between the house lereon erected and the house adjoin ing on the south, ninety (90) feet and one (1) inch to a sixteen (16) feet wide alley; thence in a northerly dl leetior. along said alley fourteen (11) feet to a point: thence in a westerly direction through the center of the partition wall of the house hereon erected and the house adjoining on the north, ninety (90) feet and ohe (1) inch to laigan street; and thence in a southerly direction fourteen (11) feel to the place of beginning. Hav ing thereon erected a two-and-one half-stcry brick dwelling house num bered 2223 LOGAN STREET. For Title see Deed Book V, Vol. 16, Page 418. To MARSHALL FICKLIN, Harris burg. Pa., for the total sum of Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars, the follow ing described property designated in said petition us Tracts Nos. 4, 8 and 9, the offer being apportioned as fol lows: Eight Hundred ($800) Dollars for No. 1220 Currant street, being Tract No. 4; One Thousand C$ 1,0001 Dollars for No. 1320 William street, being Tract No. 8, and Twelve Hun dred ($1,200) Dollars for No. 1322 Wil liam street, being Tract No. 9. NO. 1220 CURRANT STREET TRACT NO. 4. ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at th.e southeast cor ner of property No, 1222 Currant street, which is the property of Ben jamin I'russ; thence along said line westwardly about sixty-live (65) ,feet, more or less, to a private three feet alley; thence southwardly along said private alley fourteen (14) feet three (3) inches, more or less, to a line fence; thence eastwardly along said line fence about sixty-five (65) feet, more or less, to Currant street; thence northwardly along Currant street fourteen (14) feet three (3) inches to the plucc of beginning. Having there on erected the building known as No. 122" CURRANT STREET. For Title see Deed Book V, Vol. 16, Page 169. NOS. 1320 AND 1322 WILLIAM STREET TOGETHER DESCRIBED AS FOL LOWS: TRACTS NOS. 8 AND fl. ALL. that certain lot or piece of land situate in the City of ilarrisburg, Pa., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west ern line of William street, thirty (30) feet, more or less, northwardly from the northwest corner of Sayford and William streets, at line of property, now or late, of Herman Einzig: thence westwardly along' srfid line sixty (60) feet to a point; thence northwardly parallel with William stieet thirty (80) feet to line of prop ertv, now or late, of Charles Hust, Sr.: theme eastwardly along said line sixty (60) feet to William street; thtnce southwardly along the western line of William street thirty (30) feet to the place* of beginning. Having thereon erected two frame dwelling houses Nos. 1320 and 1322 WILLIAM TREET. For Title see Deed Book V, Vol. 16. Page 133. AND THAT the said Court has fixed i Monday, March 24, 181H, at 10:00 j A. M., at the Court House at Harris burg, l J a., as the time and place for; hearing and consideration of said pe tition, when and where all parties in terested may appear and object to i said private sale on account of the in- , sufficiency of the prices offered for! the several tracts, or upon anyi legal or eqilitable grounds. C. VERNON RETTEW and CLARENCE S. SIIENK, Administrators of the Estate of Pierce Rettow, Deceased. GKOKGE ROSS HULL, Attorney. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of SOLOMON SANTO, late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County. Pa deceased, having been granted to the' undcrsigne.d, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to makei immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle- COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Executor, 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa-. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Gertrude V. Mil ler late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin Coun ty'Pa„ deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Har- I risburg, Fa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having | claims will present them for settle mCnt t0 JEROME R. MILLER, v Blxecutor, No. 2021 Green Street. I. P. BOWMAN. Attorney. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Adnjeliju liubicic (Mraovic). late of Steelton, Dauphin County, l'a., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment. and those having claims will nresent them lor settlement, to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Steelton, Pa.. Or to Administrator. H. L. DRESS, Attorney, Ste6lton. Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate .of Janko Katie, late of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been' granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment, to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY, Steelton, Pa., Or to Administrator. H. L. DRESS, Attorney, Steelton, Pa. Estate of Clyde B. Cunningham, de ceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION cn the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indent ed to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay. E B CUNNINGHAM, Administrator, Alarrisburg, Pa. WARKETS 1 NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Comnay, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Allis Chalmers 34 j}*** Amer Beet Sugar 73% 73(4 American Can 46 Vi 46% Ani Car and Found C 0... 91 s * 92 Anier Loco 67 V* 66 s * Amer Smelting 67% 67% Anaconda 6014 60(4 Baldwin Locomotive .... 80% 80 Baltimore and Ohio 48 % 48 V 4 Bethlehem Steel 64% 6414 Butte Copper 18_ 19 California Petroleum .... 26% 2614 Canadian Pacific 163 163 Central Leather 63'* 64 4* Chesapeake and Ohjo ... 59'* 59 Chicago R I and Pacific.. 25 25 Col Fuel and Iron 38 s * 384* Corn Products 47 s * 47' A Crucible Steel 62V* 6144 Distilling Securities 60'* 60% Erie 1" Is 17% General Motors 156 156 Goodrich B F 70 69 44 Great Northern pfd 93% 93% Great Northern Ore subs. 39'* 39 44 Hide and Leather 19V4 1944 Hide and Leather pfd ...98% 99 s * Inspiration Copper 45 V* 45 V* International Paper 46 s * 46 Kennecott 30'4 30 Kansas City Southern ... 204* 20 s * Lackawanna Steel 67 % 67 s * Lehigh Valley 55 s * 55 4* Maxwell Motors 35 % 35V4 Merc War Ctfs 24 24 Merc War Ctfs pfd 101 % 101% Mex Petroleum 172',4 177 44 Miami Copper 22'"* 22 44 Midvale Steel 42 s 4 42% New York Central 75'* 75 V* NY N H and H 29'* 29 Northern Pacific 93 9244 Pennsylvania Railroad .. 44 r, 4 44 s * Railway Steel Spg 76V* 7574 Ray Con Copper 19 19V4 Reading 84 V* 83 'A Southern Pacific 77 V 4 77V4 Southern Ry "94* 29 Studebaker 60' i 60% Union Pacific 132 131% | U S I Alcohol 114 114 U S Rubber 82 7* 82% U S Steel 94% 93 44 U S Steel pfd 114 V* 114% Utah Copper 69 69% Virginia-Carolina Chem . 54% 53 Westinghouse Mfg 46% 45 % Willys-Overland 27% 27 Western MarjTand .^.... Ill* 11% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 4. Wheat No. 1, soft, icu, *2 JO. No. 2. reu. $2.3 L No. 3. soft. ee f |, $2.24. Corn The market is dull; No. 2, yellow, as to grade and location, $1.37® 1.45. Oats The market is steady; No. 2. white, 65%®69c; No. 3, white, 67®67%c. ' Putter The market is higher; western, creamery. extras, firsts. 57VAc: nearby prints, fancy, 63®63c. Itetined Sugars Market steauy, powdered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed. 9c. Eggs Market lower; Pennsylva nia and other nearby Urals, tree cases, $12.90 per icase; do., current receipts, free cases, $12.60 per case; western, extra, firsts, free cases, $12.90 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $12.60 per case; fancy, selected, packed, 50 ©o2e per dozen. Cheese The market is firm; New York and Wisconsin, lull mi lit, new, 30%®31c; do., old, 33®36c. Live Poultry The Market is firm; fowls and chickens higher; fowls, 36®37c; spring chick ens, larger sizes, 37® 40c; fowls, not leghorns, 32©36 c; white leghorns, 24:<7c; Young, roflrm-uted roosters, 32®33c; old roosters,26®27c; staggy. young roosters. 29® 31c; ■piiug chickens, not leghorns. 3u©32c,< LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Benjamin F. Meek. late, of Harrisburg, Duuphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate are re-< quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to EDNA M. MECK, Administratrix, 1509 Penn Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 413, June term, 1918. Libel m divorce—a vin culo matrimonii John C. Hoffman vs. Sarah Florence Hoffman. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the above-slated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Sarah Flor ence Hoffman, are therefore direoted to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1919. to answer the compluint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919. NOTICE —Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Oscar G. Johnson, late of 515 Oaldcr street, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested Ito nuike immediate payment, and those having claims will present them : for settlement. MARGARET M. JOHNSON. 515 Calder Street, j * Executrix! ■ 1 • PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING I BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS, STATE CAPITOL BUiLDTNG, HARRISBURG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, at his office in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 2 o'clock P. M. t Tuesday. March 11, 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials to build bridge over the North Branch ot the Susquehanna River at Falls. Wyoming County. Pennsylvania, as indicated tully in the plans and specifications prepared by Paxson and Morgan, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Consulting Engineers, for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FALLS BRIDGE" on outside cover. GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. L W MITCHELL Secretary. THE CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY', Chainbersburg, Pa. February 21, 1919. Notice is hereby given tnat a special meeting of the Stockholders of The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company will be heltV 011 Wednesday, the 26th day of Mart-h, 1919, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., in the office of the Company, Fourth and Chestnut streets, Harris burg, Pa., at which meeting the fol lowing subjects will be submitted tor adoption or rejection: I.—The rescinding of an agreement dated December 28, 1917. be tween The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company and th" -Cumberland Valley and Mur tinsburg Railroad Company pro viding for the consolidation and merger of the said Companies. 2.—The cancellation, termination und surrender of an indenture of lease of the Cumberland Valley and Martinsburg Railroad Com pany to The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company, dated Janu ary 1, 1890'. 3.—The acquisition by The Pennsyl vania Railroad Company of the franchises, corporate property, rights and credits of The Cum berland Valley Railroad Com pany. W. L RITCHUY. Seeps tary. white leghorns. 29® 30c; broil ing chickens, 1% to 2 pounds, 46<(J)t/0c; larger. 45®48c; roast ing chickens. 3l>® 36c; ducks. Ptkln, 40® 42c; do., old, 30®33c; In dlan Runners, 40®41o; spring ducks, Long Island. 34©80 c: turkeys. 34<i*.l6c: geese, nearby, 30c; do., western SOc. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice, to fancy, 46®4Se; do., western, choice to fancy, 46®46c. turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 40 ©43 c; turkeys, common, 30®35c; old turkeys 40©42 c; cupons. seven to eight pounds, 44®45c; do., suinller sizes. 4t'#43c; fowls, fresh killed, choice, to fancy, 36%® 37c; do., smaller sizes, 28® 36c; roosters, 27c; western roasting chickens, 27®37c; wVstern broiling chickens. 42®44e; duckst western, 38©40 c; l'ekin ducks. 38®4Uc; old ducks, 30@32c; Indian Runners. 36@37c; spring ducks, Long I Island, 30©40 c; geese, 26©30 c. Potatoes Tho market is lower; i New Jersey, No. 1, 76®9t)c | per basket; do.,' No. 2, 50®60c per | basket, Jo., 100-lb. bags. No. 1, S.!.SU© j 8.01) extra quality; do.. No. 2. Il.&o® I 2 25; Pennsylvania, No. l 100 lbs., 32.10®2.40; do., per 100 It>s., fancy, 82 Noi Jersey, No. 1, 1J ltis.. 2.15©2.&0; do.. No. 2. 100 lbs.. $i.25®1.75; western, per 100 tb„ $1.90 ©2.25; New York state, per 100 lbs.. $2.10©2.25; Maine, per 100 lbs., sl.Bo® ISO btui>-iu a.iu jlaiyiuuu. pur 104 baa' 90c©1.10; Michigan, per 101 lbs' $1.56©1.i0: Florida, per barrel, 82 6*0©2.90; Florida. per bushel, hamper. is©Bsc; Florida, per 150-Ib. baas $1.60©3.00, North Carolina, per barrel, $1.6U©4.0U; tsoutli Carolina, per barrel, $1.50©4.00; Norfolk, per bar rel $3.25; eastern Shore, per barrel, $2.00@2.75; fancy, Macungie. No X per burrel, $2.Ju©3.10; do.. No. 2 per" barrel. $1.25©l 50. Tallow —The. market Is dull; prime city, in tierces, B%c; prime city, apec i*al, loose, 9Vic prime country, 7%e; dark, do.. 7©7 Vie; edible, in tierces, 12 44 ® 13c. 5 lour —The market is dull; winter ■traigUt, western. 110.25© 10.50 per rarrei; do., near-y, $9.50© 10.00 per rarrel, Kansas straight, $10.50® 10.75; ier barrel; do., short, patents. $10.75 ©11.05 Per barrel; spring, short pat ents $10.75®11.00 per barrel; do., spring patents, $10.50© 10.75 per barrel; spring, firsts, clear, $9.25© 9.50. Hay—Firm, good demand; timothy. No. 1, largo and small bales, $28.50© 29.00 per ton; No. 2, do., $26,00®27.00 per ton; No. 3, do., $23.00® 24.00, Clover l.Jght mixed, $26.00© 27.00 per ton; No. 1, do., $25.00© 20.00 per ton; No. 2, do., $23.00®24.00 per ton. , .. I Bran Dull and weak; soft winter, in 100-lb. sacks, $44.00@45.U0 per ton; spring, in 100-lb sacks, $43.00 ©44.00 per toil. CHICAGO CATTLH B\ Associated Press, Chicago, March 4. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 27,000; market active; irregularly 15c to 300 higher than yesterday's gen eral trade. Bulk of sales, $17.75® 18.15: butchers, $17.85@18.20; light, $17.50® 18.10; packing, $17.00® 11 .80; throvvouts. $16.50© 17.00: pigs, good to choice. $15.00® 17.00. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; market opening steady, slow on beef and butcher cattle; early sales steady, undertone weak: calves 25c higher; feeders firm. Beef cattle, _ good, choice and prime. $16.75®20.25; com mon and medium. $10.85® 16.75; butchers' stock, cows and heifers, $7.75© 15.75; eanners and cutters, $6.25 ® 7.75; stockers and feeders, good, choice and prime, $11.40® 15.00; inferior, common and medium, $8.25® 11.40; veals calves, good and choice, $17.25 ©17.75. Sheep Receipts, 9,000; market strong to 25c higher; six loads Colo rado.fed lambs sold ait $19.50. lambs, choice and prime, $19.35® 19.50; me dium and good, $15.00@19.35; culls, $15.00© 16.50; ewes, choice and prime, $13.25© 11*.50: medium and good, $11.09 ©13.25; culls, $5.50®9.00, WEI/h KNOWN SOLDI KR HOME Lewistovvn, a., March 4.—Wil liam Callahan, a corporal in the United States service has arrived at his home here, and was given a big reception by the fire companies and the Lewistown Drum Corps. Cor poral Callahan was officially report ed killed on July 18 last, and his photo was printed in many papers with an account of his death. But instead of being killed he was badly gassed and spent five weeks in the hospital, "SILAS, THE CHORUS BOY" Mount Wolf, Pa., March 3.—"Si las, the Chorus Boy, is the title of a home talent playlet to he given in the Knights of Golden Eagle Hall. Thursday evening for the benefit of the Mount Wolf patrol of Boy Scouts. The affair is in charge of Scoutmas ter C. S. Bare, while the'rehearsals are being directed by C. W. Whisler. AVAR SOUVENIRS RECEIVED Liverpool. Pa„ March 4. —Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kirtz have received some interesting war souvenirs from their two sons, Stanley and Paul Kirtz, who have been overseas for over a year. Among tho collection is a helmet and gas mask taken from a German who was captured by the Kirtz hoys. ARRESTED FOR NON-SUPPORT Samuel IT. Slutter, arrested on the charge of desertion and non-support, was taken to his home, in Scranton, by Philip Rinsmand, county detective from that place, at 11:30 o'clock this jnorning. New Working Hours at Plant Caused Confusion | With the change of several de ! partments in the local steel plant to j eight-hour shifts some confusion re sulted in the trolley line yesterday. Six special cars were on hand to! take the men home, but, unfortu nately, the cars were not on hand at ] the proper time. When the shifts changed at 3.30 o'clock there was only one special car on hand to take several hundred men to Harrlsburg. SOCIAL CLUB TO DANCE FRIDAY EVENING The Young Men's Social Club an nounces the first of a series of dances to be given in Frey's hall next Friday evening. The Mannix or chestra will furnish the music. ST. JAMES' ALTAR GUILD HOLDS FASNACHT SOCIAL t TJie Ladies' Altar Guild of St. James' Church will hold a fasnacht social this evening in the A. O. H. hall. Cards will be played and a fasnacht luncheon served. BAPTIST CHURCH HOLDS .MISSIONARY CLINIC I A missionary clinic will be held in j the Central Baptist Church this . evening. The program has not been announced. The committee in charge promises something unusual. | JOHN THOMPSON IN TOWN | John Thompson, formerly of Steel ton and well known here, is visiting his son in South Fourth street. Thompson is employed by tho Tread well Engineering Company in Eas ton. IJIKS IN NAVAL HOSPITAL Oberlln, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hackman last night receiv ed word of the death of ttieir son from pneumonia, Paul Hackman, U. S N., in the Brooklyn Naval Hospi tal. The young seaman served two years and was 19 years old. Tho borough W. C. T. U. met in the home of Mro. J. W. Conrad, 171 Lin coln street, this afternoon. MARCH 4. 1919. STEELTON Commissioners Receive Many Appeals While on Revision of Assessment A large number of property own ers of Steelton and Highspire ap peared before the County Commis sioners, sitting a board of revision of taxes and appeals at 49 North Front street to-day, to appeal from assessments which have been re turned this year. Commissioner H. it. Stine said that the board may be aide to complete the work in the borough late in the day, but, if nec essary, more time will be taken later. Yesterday the board fixed March 22 as the date to hear ap peals in Middletown from residents of the First ward in that borough. Entertains in Honor of Daughter's Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hahn entertained on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock In honor of the birthday of their daughter, Bessie llahn. Tlie diningroom was tasteful ly decorated in green and white. The guests included: Miss Mary Rose O'Donnell, Miss Elizabeth O'Donnell, Miss Ethel McC&ushen. Miss Harriet MeCaushen, Miss Mary Hartman, Miss Margaret Hartman, Miss Ruth Plowman. Miss Rhoda Snyder, Miss Nellie McDonald, Miss Anna Hoffman, Miss Dorothea Wolf, Miss Mildred Brinton, Miss Dorothy Capella, Miss Kmina Bashore, Miss Elizabeth Besliore, Charles Beshore, Miss .Virginia Drayer, Miss Ida Neb inger, Miss Ida Ready, Miss Miriam Ney, Ilarrisburg; Miss Evelyn Crick and Miss Dorothy llahn, Middletown; Miss Mary Halin, Mrs. Deßoy Hahn and daughter, Helen Rae Hahn, of Highspire; Mrs. Charles Beshore, En haut: Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Hahn and Mrt. John Strickler. "Henry Stumpf Celebrates His Eleventh Birthday Henry Stumpf, of Enhaut, was the guest of honor at a dinner given Saturday on the occasion of his eleventh birthday. Games and music were features of the occasion. Those present included: Florence Mark, Reba Houck, Edith Baughman, Miriam Aungst, Florence Baughman, Annie Torau, Eva Miller, Lizzie Peterinan, Elizabeth Miller, Wilma Shaadt. Annie Miller, Elizabeth Eehn. Mary ICautz, Anna Delin, Margaret Ivai&tz, Anna Cook, Katharine Weis iing, Thelma Forney, Queen Reigle, Helen Fry, Katharine Daudenslager, Floyd Parthemore, Edward Paul, Harry Hoy, Robert Keim, Robert Newbaum, Bruce Stineberger, Caspar Peterman, Vernon Grove, Charles Miller, George Forney, Norman Aungst, Glen Aungst, Thomas Proud foot Married in Lutheran Parsonage Last Evening George R. Lamke and Miss Violet j F. Gribble were married last evening! at 8 o'clock in the parsonage of Bt. i John's Lutheran Church. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. George N. Lauffer. Immediately aft er the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, 359 South Front street. Lamke was recently released from military service at (.'amp Stewart. He is employed in the steel foundry of the Bethlehem steel plant. \ I I 1919—City Tax-1919 j i Notice is hereby given that the City , Tax for 1919 is now due and payable at ( i the office of the City Treasurer, Room ( 1 ! 14, Courthouse. An abatement of one !per cent. (1%) will be allowed if same is g paid before May 1, 1919. # C. E. WEBER j CITY TREASURER I I CALLING ATTENTION We have reprinted verbatim our FIXANCIAI/ OCT -I.OOK I'OR 1919 issued January 28 last. Our opinions and deductions as outlined therein have proven remark ably accurate and timely. If tlie present active ami advancing markets were a surprise to you, you should read carefully the facts ami ideas expressed in this pub lication as they are as reliable and valuable a guide now .j . as tliey were one month ago. I te and complete information on , Aetna Wrlcht Martin Submarine Boat Morrltt Oil Hupp Motors IT. 9. Steamship Keystone Tire t'osden A Co. United Profit Sharing tlenrral Asphalt Klenroek Oil Island Oil Prlee Katncr Standard Oil Stocka for paat five years. Copies of the above publication free upon reqaeat. Howard A RILIWJJa Investment Securities 212 X. Third St., „ , Harrlsbtirff. u . , New York liirect Private Wires ttarriSDUrg Desirable Property For Slae j 216 PINE STREET 3-story brick dwelling containing IS rooms and 2 bathrooms | with lot of ground, approximately 20 feet in front by 193 feet to j South street. Price $13,500 Splendid opportunity In Central City for rooming or apartment J house. APPIJY RAY S. SHOEMAKER 2108 Walnnt Street Hell Telephone No. 1285-J—Evening Only —— l 11 y ——' John F. Culp, Jr., in Town For Several Days John F. Culp, Jr., well known in Steelton, is In town for a visit of a few days with, his mother at 34 South Second street. He has Just re turned from East Liverpool, Ohio, where he was connected with the Crucible Steel Company. He has ac cepted a position with the Vulcau Iron Works, Wilkes-Barre. as met allurgist and will take up his new. duties in a few days. S. S. CLASS TO MEET A special meeting of the members of the Sunday school class of the Methodist Episcopal Church taught, by Mrs. George Walley will be held this evening at the home of Mrs. Milton Lerch, Lincoln street. ' Strand Theater "HIS BONDED WIFE'* Featuring Emma Wehlan "THE LIGHTNING ItAIIJER" 3d Episode i ' Featuring Pearl White V ) Going Out of Business SALE General Merchandise Groceries Can Goods Shoes, Etc. W>e are selling our entire stock at cost and less than cost. Come in and get your share. Sale lasts until stock i is sold. John Dundoff 502, 504 Myers Street STEELTON Bakery For Rent April Ist Store, Dwelling and Bake-House Broad and Penn Streets j . Apply to Mrs. C. M. Orth, 219 Broad Street 11130 LOCUSTSC HMLNLiI 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers