Stop Exchange of "Gold Bricks" For American War Bonds r ashtx>gton, Feb. 28.—Action to > activities of persons or corpor ns seeking to exchange fraud it securities or those of doubtful le of Liberty bohds and other jrnment war certificates be sn by the Federal Trade Commis . Announcement has been made Butterick Patterns /mhßutterick Patterns First Floor Rear First Floor Rear ,L Itmi—23s6 UNITED HARRISBUHG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1010. FOUNDED 1871 .;I_.. V . • \ Women's Hosiery A line gauge silk stocking of light weight, but durable. r # j J JO * jPv j'. ?§ J j ~ff" . ~Y Full fashioned lisle top and toot. • Black only. This is an ex- O wj /? //I Y* i fl d? i/l TP C# /Yl ceptional stocking for the price of $1.75. ' J. //£> / J U\S / X U ULv VL4' I ■M. fyL/ M. !I/ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. New White Goods jr 4 N. Spring showing of White Goods, comprising plain and A / / y X >4 /f -d fyT Plain white voiles; 40 inches wide with tape selvedge; ■ V %W M tMtfk Kr\ Ls&Sjjp/ L XTfl ITsO 25c to 75c per. yd. W f lkv 1 cr Ik > IfflßA V ye#! 11l Imported voiles; plain white; SI.OO and $1.50 yd. t '% .. Novelty white voiles; 39c to SI.OO yd. ■■ j "TV W k 1 Plain white organdies; 65c to SI.OO yd. >9 g tTf _ jf] \yßmwi Jr White gabardine; 36 inches wide; 69c to SI.OO yd. "h "B™ ' \ f l\ Xjl j White poplin.; 27 inches wide, 35c to 59c yd.; 36 inches Bill alj / A \ I\yr # ll # ' "wi^.S 1 36 Inches wide, ?!, jd. Wj U1 lO Mm /V) |% /B 1 I B White Pique; 27 inches wide, 39c to 59c yd.; 36 inches HP J J"/ / I VI 1 I I I I 1M If \/ wide, 79c to SI.OO yd. W / |¥ra Sail! I | %/ Y hite novelty skirtings; 39c to $1.25 yd. m J / o/ /CjH*.- I I New Medium Weight mM< fj ! I Bowman's Special Sewing Models a|[ ''/f A Special Lot Just In Y[, lf a,; np , Wk V s "/ v 1 d*"7 rA ing machines in the Drap- nPO.oU tlllG vp/.OU cry fourth ■& t°ic sprmg Men's Wear serge suit in all the new spring effects. Box coat trimmed sewing season. Just let with buttons. Some arc semi-fitted, with belt. Skirt lias fancv pockets our sewing machine jfM, and belt, $29.50. specialist tell you a few Jwli - „<-• rr^i This is one of the most varied and exclusive groups of new hats of the many thin'gs that Serge suit in the new box effect. Some arc braid trimmed others plain noted this season. Every new spring mode is given representation o d' famUy "ma- in hats for every woman. There is even a special assortment of chine. Polished oak stand, torn, $30.00. hats with the dignity of line so becoming to older women. As mo P __icac, cab> running, Men's wear serge of black and white, and blue and white striped. Box the assortment is limited to exclusiveness, there are no two hats \ index B. sewing machine. Automatic tension. Drop coat having the bottom of coat tiimmcd with the stiipes ciosswise. A v , i . . r .i i r.r i i head, polished oak stand, easy running; $37.50. very effective stvle. Skirt is' a plain tailored effect, 545.00 alike each is new, just liom the workiooms or the leading Eldredge Rotarv machine. Very high grade. Noiseless „ r makers of the artistic in millinery. It's indeed aj™ to find such ras - v , ru "" i ""' dro i> l,ead ' tension; beautilul oak Striped models of men's wear serge with fitted in notch collar. Regular . ti i . • i i. 4A cn i*7 :a stand; $43.00. tailored fitted coat bound in braid. Bottom of coat slightly flared. Strict beautiful hats priced at sb.!>U and $/.!> U. STOP WINDING BOBBINS-Eldrcdge two-spool ma- J y tailored skirt trimmed in buttons, $45.00. clune. No bobbins to wind, the only two-spool machine made. By putting a full spool of thread in the spool case, x you can sew until the whole spool is used. Fine oak stand, BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. drop head, noiseless, automatic tension. $55.00. • BOWMAN'S—^ Third Floor. All these machines arc equipped with the very best attach ments. ' Are guaranteed for ten years. Can be bought on our easy Club Plan. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor. Children's Knitting | Girls! Look Your Best j Saturday Specials For Men j A -p nT TA W An attractive coiffure contributes inestimably to the gen- Men's woven Madras negligee shirts, soft cuffs. A fine ■ >"■ ' 1 /j. Classes 9.30 to 11 Saturday era! effect of one's appearance.' A naturally wavy HAIR j count cloth, firm and soft. Stripings of the neat and new 1 I lITlNwr C ! SWITCH assures the smartness of your head-dress and ideas for the coming season. These shirts sell for more Children wishing special instructions in art needle enables you to arrange your hair in the newest styles. than our special price for to-day of $2.05. vork should avail themselves of this opportunity to WAVY HAIR SWITCHES $2.95 Plain rep silk cravats, as good quality silk in all the popu- Vocal ion SndTnumber of the° leading models "hi earn art needle work under the guidance of Mrs. Knipe. lar colors. A well made cravat of the new shape which . .. .- ~ , • 1,111 , 1 Women and misses tnav receive her assistance daily Adorable little curls, as saucy as can be and equally becom- nnakcs a per fect knit. Aeolian Vocalions. An nstrument you should ask us to play n embroidery, knitting and crocheting. " ing arc priced so low you will surely want them. ■, . , , . before.deciding on what phonograph to buy. Its a revela & o . Plain color cravats always are attractive; these more so tion in beautiful tones and produced by one of the largest BOWMAN'S— Second Floor. CLUSTER OF THREE CURLS 95c a t to-day's special price of 69c. makers of phonographs in the world. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I BOWMAN'S —ififth Floor. If You Don't Come Tomorrow You Will Have To Wait A Whole Year For The Next Wh,te \ 1 "n c'lici ggfff: Annual bowman Dilk bale a'o-inch French Faille Supreme; $4.15 I 'uL • n °i l sn 1 40-inch Satin Pershing; $2.75 yd. 40-inch satin Sublime; $3.25 yd. 32-inch printed sport silks; $1.39 yd. 36-inch Wash Satin; $1.59 yd. L "! n 7 T'" , 3 - ' a . U ' 7esr-* 1 40-inch Henrietta; $3.25 yd. 40-inch satin Supreme; $2.95 yd. 40-inch silk and wool poplins;sl.s9yd. 36-inch chiffon taffeta; $1.69 yd. ' ttAii: 'k'" 0 / Tf ll r° n -'u °t inC ',. c! -)■' '. 1 40-inch crepe meteor; $2.50 yd. 36-inch C.J Bonnet & Cie Satin; $2.50 36-inch Gros dc Londre; 79c yd. 36-inch cotton back satin; sl.lO yd. rn 1 -" 0 / Ar Lq: 40-inch French stripe Grenadine; $2.93 and $2.95 yd. 36-inch silk poplins; 85c yd. 32-inch Shanghai pongee; $1.39 yd. -f T 7 k J'l , io- yd. 36-inch C. J. Bonnet & Cie Taffeta; 32-inch Rep cords; 95c yd. 40-inch Pussy-Willow; $3.75 yd. _finch silk broadc ot 1; . . 3 anc 40-inch crepe de chine; $1.69 yd. $2.25 and $2.50 yd. 36_inch mixed llabutinc; 69c yd. 40-inch Dew Kist; $4.50 yd. 4s, rt/v''v -. ' „ . j,. 1 a,. n - 40-inch French Faille Supreme; $4.15 -36-inch chiffon taffeta; $1.69 yd. 36-inch Foundation silks; 48c yd. 40-inch Kumsi-Kumsa; $6.50 yd. r CtWUo' *36—inch chiffon taffeta, v . CJ ami . 1. v( j 36-inch satin Messaline; $1.69 yd. 36-inch silk and cotton Crepe de 36-inch Messaline; $1.69 yd. -U-'nch satin messaline;.. 1.6 aiu . 3 40lj nc h satin Radiant; $2.50 vd. 36-inch Satin de Lux; $1.69 yd. Chine; 55c yd. 36 and 40 Twill Foulards; $1.89 yd. 6-inch Satin America ~t 3. 3 yd. 40-inch Pussy Willow; $3.25 yd. 36-inch satin Duchess; $1.69 yd. 36-inch, Brocade Tussah; 79c yd. 40-inch crcpe de chine; $1.69 yd. 7" 1 7 tni •„ U TO' J - " -tOJncli I'. W. Radium; $2.25 vd. 36-inch Pcau de Soie; $1.69 yd. 40-inch Crepe Meteor; $2.50 yd. 36-inch black silks; $1.69 yd. i Yincli China silk; / c }d. 40-inch Pebble back Charmeuse; $2.95 36-inch Louisinc; $1.69 yd. 40-inch figured Ruffanuff; $3.50 yd. 32-inch Satin de Chine; $1.59 yd. 10-inch Satin Georgette;s,.3o yd. V( j_ 36-inch Moire; $1.69 yd. 36-inch fancy silks; $1.69 yd. > 40-inch Georgette crepc; $1.69 yd. {]ry 40-inch Armur Sobcil; $4.39 yd. - BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, bdlrrisbtjrg t4Sk&fi- TELEGRAPH: FEBRUARY 28, 1919. that Huston Thompson, a newly ap pointed member, would superviso the work. Decision of the commission that it had power to act under the law prohibiting unfair methods of com merce in interstate trade was reach ed after it had considered urgent representations from the Treasury Department, the capital issue com mittee. and banking and commercial institutions over the country. GEORGE F. EDMUNDS DIES Pasadena. Calif., Feb. 28.—George F. Edmunds, fortner United States Senator from Vermont, died here yes terday following a long illness. He was 91 years old. Hays Wants Special Session of Congress as Soon as Possible Now Yoik, Feb. 28. A special session of Congress, "as soon as pos sible" in order that the Republican majority in both houses may begin to function, was advocated by Will H. Hays, chairman ot the Repub lican National Committee, at a din ner In his honor here last night. "The people elected the Republi can congressmen and senators in the belief that they could aid by legisla tion in getting affairs in this coun try Into economical, business, con stitutional. sane, progressive opera tion," asserted Mr. Hays. "The peo ple are entitled to have a special session as soon as possible that these men may be given an opportunity to function." No Arrects in Bond Theft at Oliver Office Pittsburgh. Feb. 28.—N0 arrest had been made up to a late hour last night In connection with the theft of 8100.000 worth of bonds from a safe In. the o<4ce of the James B. Oliver estate in the Henry W. Oliver building here. City, county and pri vate detectives are at work on the case. The robbery was discovered yesterday morning. OVicers, stationed in the building, are at a loss to explain how the rob ber or robbers gained entrance to the oHces, for a strict pass rule Is en forced throughout the night, and even well known tenants are forced to produce signed slips before they are admitted. The Oliver estate rooms are located on the twenty-second floor of the structure. BIHOSP JOHN G. MUKHAY AGAIN CHURCH HEAD Baltimore, Feb. 28.—Bishop John G. Murray, of Maryland, was re- elected head of tho Protestant Epis copal synod of Washington yester day. Next year's meeting plac c will be Norfolk. Va. Reports of the church societies occupied the closing ses sions. Oppose Plebiscite in Alsace Lorraine Paris, Ecb. 28. Tho Superior Council of Alsace and Lorraine at its first meeting in the French war olfice adopted a resolution declaring against the German proposals for a plebiscite in Alsace I-orraine. The resolution says: "We refuse to stand lor any for eign Interference in our national af fairs such as those attempted re cently at Weimar and elsewhere with the obect of making tho future of Alsace and Tx>rraine depend on a plebiscite. We most energetically deny to all Germans the right of manifesting solicitude for us which comes forty-eight years too late. We arc ana will remain I'""reneh without any plebiscite through the restora tion of the rights .violated in 1871." 3
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