16 ARMY FOOTBALL HONORS GO TO 89THDIVISI0N Will Represent Army of Occu pation at Meet Near Paris Coblenz, Feb. 28.—8y their de feat of the football team of the Fourth division yesterday, the 89th iivision became champions of the Third army, and to the 89th falls the honor of representing the army f occupation at the A. E. F. Olym pic games at the spring meet near Paris. The score was 14 to 0. Major General Dickman and his taft and a number of British and French officers attended the game, as well as about 15,000 officers and aoldiers. Before the game began six aviators entertained the spectators by looping the loop and spiral dives. Directly over the gridiron was an siephant observation balloon, which RHMgfIFD BAKING POWDER EHMiil'oß ma^es y° ur cakes anC * breads lighter, of finer texture and delicious flavor, but at a reasonable cost HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vfguruirs, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Builder Costs Nothing Un less It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It .is safe to say that right here in this big city are tens of thou sands of weak, nervous, run-down, depressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen-minded that they would com pel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health-building elements '.hat these despondent women lac-k ire all plentifully supplied in Bio leren. Jag** NUX^TEDWON Strong.SturdyMen and Beautiful, Healthy Women Used'by 0ver3.000,000 People Annually as T a Tonic; Strength and Blood-Builder. < SENATE CAFE ) C Has restored their famous C j 75c LUNCHEON j J From 11.30 to 2P. M, Daily % % 1 Best Service. FRED H. MENGER, Prop. ) ] Groceries, Fish, | Vegetables, Meats J < 'Werthmore Peas. Beets, Corn, Pumpkin, can 13<* | One Tecco Buckwheat free with each purchase of two packs Tecco ; 300 C? j I Two pieces Palm Olive Soap. 123 C; cake Rose Bath Free.', Rich, snappy Yellow Cheese, lb 40C I Smoked Bloaters. 3 for , 25C > , 'Cleaned Boneless Herring, lb 40C? < Fancy Florida Strawberries 65c 1 Beech Nut Baked Beans, can 17C 1 r Legs Lamb, lb.. 45C Fancy-Steaks, lb., 50C 5 j I Fancy Rib Roasts, lb 40C to 45C | ; , S. S. Pomeroy, Market Square | Pomeroy's Daily Market, 2nd & Reily Sts.l did duty in the Argonne during the last days of the war, and from the basket Colonel John H. H. Fowler, chief of the aviation service, and another officer witnessed the game. From the guy ropes of the balloon hung an American flag nearly as large as the balloon Itself. It is estimated that more than 300,000 francs changed hands In pools and individual bets on the result. The Fourth division players concede that their defeat was due to the better team work of the 89th, coached by Captain Paul Withing ton. of Cambridge, Mass., who play ed left guard. House Moves to Kill New Tax on Clothing Washington, Feb. 28.—Repeal of the semiluxury tax clause in the war revenue bill signed Monday night by the president was proposed in a resolution approved yesterday by the House ways and means committee and later introduced by Chairman Kitchin. The clause provides for a tax of 10 per cent, after May 1 on wearing apparel and many other articles costing above specific sums. Quick action on the measure is expected, with House leaders hope ful that the Senate will act before tdjournment next week. If you are ambitious, crave suc cess in life, want to have a healthy, vigorous body, clear skin and eyes that show no. dullness, .make up ! your mind to get a package of Bio j feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist j anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime —seven a day for seven days— then one after meals j till ail are gone. Then if you don't feci twice as good, look twice as attractive and feel twice as strong as before you started, your money is waiting, for you. It belongs to ' you, x'oi the discoverer of Bio-feren 1 doesn't want one penny of it unless 1 it.Aultiils.ail .eJaiws. „ _. .. ' Note to Physicians; There is no , secret about the formula of Bio-feren, i it is printed on every package. Hers lit is: Lecithin. Calcium, Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate; Mang anese I'eptonate: Ext. Nux Vomica; t'owd. Bentian; Phenolphthalein; , Olearesin Capsicum; Kolo.—Adv. GOVERNORS TO DISCUSS MANY BIG PROBLEMS Will Meet at White House Next Week For a Conference Washington. Feb. 28.—Effect of validating informal war contracts on business generally, public land de velopment, good roads, resumption of private building and foreign and domestic trade will be among sub jects to be discussed at the White House conference next week of State governors and mayors of the large cities of the country. After President Wilson delivers his address at the opening session of the conference Monday, Secre taries Baker and Daniels are ex pected to present the administra tion's policy with regard to the liqui dation of informal contracts. A general discussion of the subject will follow. At the afternoon session Monday, according to the program announced last night, the governors will report as to business and labor conditions in their states. Tuesday morning Roger W. Babson, director general of the department's information bu reau, will speak on the efforts of the government to stimulate busi ness. and the mayors will report conditions in their cities. A total of ninety mayors have ac cepted Secretary Wilson's invitation to attend the conference and thir teen others wil send representa tives. Four additional governors to day accepted the invitation, making sixteen in all. Thirteen others will be represented either by the lieu tenant governors or some other offi cial. Penrose Feels Congress Should Be in Session; Indicates Party Stand Washington, Feb. 28. —Senator Penrose last evening intimated that the Republicans would force an early extra session in a statement in which he said it would be wise to have Congress in session during the peae Conference. "It is absolutely necessary to the interest of the country that Con gress should be in session without any real break," said Senator Pen rose. "There is too much to be done in the way of reconstruction, nothing towards which has been done by the Democrats, for Con gress to go away next week until the last of June. The administration cannot expect Congress to do the unheard of thing of giving the Sec retary of the Treasury power to fix interest rates. This has never been in the history of the government. The interest rates can be fixed by an act of Congress by the latter part of March if Congress were called into session on March 15. . "The administration is conducting its finances in the most wasteful and unbusiness-like methods. Just the other day the Secretary of the Treas ury furnished the committee with his final estimates for the present fiscal year calling for nearly $19,- 000.000.090. Within twenty-four hours we learn that the Secretary of War asks for $900,000,000 de ficiency fund, and the Secretary of the Interior demands $100,000,000 for reclaim lands, whil- there are a million acres of land reclaimed and unsettled at present. "The first thing T intend to do in the next Congress' is to introduce a hill requiring that all estimates shall come from the Secretary of the Treasur*-. Tihs will establish a sort of budget system." BRIEFS FROM THE ' BIG NEWSEVENTS By Auotiatti Prut Buenos Aires, Hope of immedi ately ending the harbor strike under the decree of President Irigoyen na tionalizing port services, passed to day, when both shippers and port workers decided not to renew opera tions at present. Pnrl*. The committee to recon sider Greek territorial claims met this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, and heard rep resentatives of the Provisional Al banian government, the provisional government of Northern Eptrus and representatives from Thrace. Ottairn. R. Williams, of Home stead, Pa., is recorded in to-day's overseas casualty list as having died. RlUgcwood, N. J. One man is be lieved to have perished in a Are which destroyed, early to-day, the club house of the Ridgewood Country Club, one of the oldest organizations of its kind ir. the country. The loss was $60,0041. Boston. A three-year agreement, providing for daily wages ranging from $5.60 on March 1, to $6.80 on April 1, 1921. in the monumental granite industry of the country, was announced to-day as a result of a conference of producers and Granite Cutters' Union repreesntatives held here. Middletoivn Mrs. Annie Pearson, aged 81, died early this morning at her home, in South Wood street, from old age. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Myria Shultz; two sons, Aaron Pearson and Hiram Pearson, of town; a brother, John, of Elizabethtown, and the fol lowing sisters: Mrs. Sara Brenner, Middleeown; Mrs. Susan Brubaker, California; Mrs. Heetie Shoemaker, New Cumberland, and Mrs. Maggie Delmler, Middletown. Get Ready For the Income Tax Man He will be In your territory on the,dates given below and will be located in the post office, where he Harrisburg. February 2 4 to Match 15. Hummelstown, March 1. Hershey, March 3 and 4. Marysville, March 6. i Duncannon. March 6. Newport, March 7. • Liverpool, March 8. '! New Bloom field, March 10. Steeltoh, February 26 to 28. Middletown. March 1 to 4. Halifax, February 28. Millersburg. February 27 and 28. Elizabethville. March 1. Lykens, Marthr 3 and 4. Williamstown, March 5. Gratz, March 6. Y. M. C. A. Man Drops Into Murder Case New York, Feb. 28.—A Watson appeared on the scene of the George H. Robee murder, 288 Madison ave nue, yesterday, but had not the foresight to bring his Sherlock j j; You Pay Less for Better Qualify at Miller & Kades I I™ MILLER and KADES' H February Furniture Sale Has Been Extended One Day, Tomorrow, Saturday If You Have Failed to Take Advantage of Our February Furni ture Sale You Have One More Opportunity (Tomorrow, Saturday) Special For Tomorrow Only f Saturday Last Dayj 3 Piece Davenport Suite $93.85 f Block and Heywood |(j Either in Fumed Oak, or Birch covered with $ Boston Art Leather. * J | Worth $125.00, Saturday Only $93.85 f . T ._ T/n|T . I f —■ . . ==!. | V 2 PRICE | ! J Special on Wicker Chairs \ Kitchen CablPlßtS, Special $34.85 I f SATURDAY (IN IA J { Chair $5.85. Rocker $6.85 J ' | 1 | { Your choice of Rocker or Chair.} o Are steel construction; Rood substantial o i _ , 4 / L\ % J 8 spring; can be opened for double bed; $ J Only one to a customer. , 8 does mt occ|lpy much room when 8 * CArrTTT>n*v aattv * Ma< |e of white quartered oak, finished in con- g closed. Special, £ 4 oAI UKDAY ONLY 4 struction equally as good as a $50.00 cabinet o 9 (I i t a Week | SI.OO Cash—sl.oo a Week | - o-oooeoooooooooocoooooooooooooooooo 1 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA )^=Tj The One Incomparable Instrument of Music ;► jjAItIIT OA <, If the verdict of the world counts for anything the Columbia Grafonola occupies a place held by no other musical instrument in the history of civilization. f/Q p®!?j \ < > udlUfUdy o No instrument has yet been devised that.could express the living human voice as £] \ \ il s9 ' Bs &K-00 $175.00 $115.00 °S9OM i! snk slttdft mihogany I! EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS j ► gize; worth s l2 £ o ; ;; ) The Rose of No-Man's Land," double disc record, No. A-2670; 85 cents. " I Ask to HOOT/"Good-Bye, France," double disc record, No. 2687 ;85 cents. '' SATURDAY ONLY $9 85 It ) "Bluin' the Blues and Ringtail Blues," fox trots, double disc record; No. 2682; 85 cents. ; '"it L MILLER & KADES | Furniture Department Store 7 North Market Square jffiy Holmes along, so he fell heavily Into the arms of the law. The young man wus Alexander P. Watson, of KnoxvHle, Tenn., a Y. M. O. A. overseas secretary, just arrived from France. He had been In town bare ly _ three hours and was strolling along Madison avenue, when he saw Patrolman Thomas Duane. He had no suspicipn he was intruding on a mystery case, and, thinking to interest the policeman, produced a small revolver, which he called a "kamernd gun,"' taken from a Ger man officer. Patrolman Duane had no curios ity that was not entirely professional. He led the secretary promptly oft to the West Thirtieth street station and later appeared with him In Jefferson Market court. Watson was arraigned ] for violation of the Sullivan law, but was released when he showed the weapon in court and said there were no bullets made to fit it on this side of the Atlantic. The weapon was small enough to 11 fit the palm of the hand and • was I not visible a short distance away. CORNS *~W W BUNIONS CALLUSES GORGAS DRUG STORES
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