12 t IDLE PROPERTY IS A LOSS-SELL IT 01RENTII THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED Deaths .\n\MS Minnie Mary Adams, wife of Ellis Adams, died on February 21, 1819. Funeral on Tuesday, at 2 P. M., from tiie late residence, Koekville, la. Services and interment private. III! Kill, Susanna nickel, widow oi George W. Bickel, died on February 21. 1919. l-'unerat services Monday evening, at o'clock, from Rudolph K. sulcer's, 511 North Second street. Church services Tuesday, at it' A M . I'. B. church. Boiling Springs. Interment Springviile Cemetery. lilt KF.I. Edward Biekel died Feb ruary 21, 1919, at the Harrisburg Hospital. Funeral Wednesday, at 2 P. M.. from Rudolph K. Spieer, 511 Nor'.h } Second street. lit \ Suddenly, on Sunday morn ing, Mrs. lyeah C. Bux, wife of Charles C. Bux. at the home. No.. IN2S V alnut street. Interment will take place at Phila delphia. Pa. It OFT Mrs. Klizabeth Croft died Saturday in Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. , I Will be buried at 1:2" P. M.. Wed nesdav. from 1840 Park street. Har- j risburg. Pa Interment at Nliddle towr.. Pa. Frtends and relatives in- J \ited to attend without further no-j tiee. j no w Katherine 12. Doan died Feb ruary 23, 1919. I Funeral Wednesday, February 26. at ' P M., from the residence of l.d . ua id C.rier, 203 Crescent street. JIISTON —Died, on February 2t. 1919,1 Sue Etta Huston, aged 41 years. I Relatives and friends arc invited to attend the funeral services on lues- | da\ afternoon, at - oVloek. t roiu her late residence. IS2O l'erry street. Burial Prospect Hill Cemetery. MVCKKN Professor George s. Maeken died at his home. H.l Hunter, on Friday evening, aged 04 J.ars, He was the principal or, Camp Curtin school. Funeral services, Tuesday noon, ai 2 o'clock, from his late residence, j Interment Shoop's Church, the Rev., Thomas Keiscli oftlciating. j KAA'KIA Oled, February 21. I® l '-! T.ulu I. Rankin, wife of James A. Rankin, aged 40 years. , . | Relatives and friends invited to at-, lend the funeral services on I uo.-- dav morning, at 10 o'clock, from bei late residence, 1912 Penn street.. Burial Mount Joy, Pa. I TIIOMPMFX - Mrs. Klizabeth Thomp- i son 917 Capital street, died Monday, •it 1-20 V. M. Mrs. Thompson was "the widow of Charles Thompson.; who served several terms a pa-j trolman. She is survived by three; sisters, two living in Baltimore and . ne in Philadelphia. i Services Wednesday. February -0. from the house, at 2 P. iL I YVI SHTI KII - Joli" Q. Weshafer F.d lt his home. Third street. New a: y' IJ.' at'' 1 ■'3o* P.* M..^agad % 7> 1 year*" hi ute rest dn< e. F irther Wednesday. February -b. at 11 A. M • i S'rinestown Church. 1 ork count) interment in cemetery • 'ht;r • Relatives and friends ai in ited to attend without further LOST AND FOI'ND , -1 Yellow Cross Fox Neck-1 T CO Persor. who picked up yellow | fox neckpiece on Wa'.nut street. { •■veer. Court and Second, r rlday i Jht at 7 o'clock, return to 1, Alt' Second street. Bell SI6W . Re v . rd. j ] , sx A bag of beef scrap, be l ..'on West Fairview and Sum me r tijlo. Reward if returned to J. L-, A. lute, MarysvlUe. Pa. INSTRUCTION'S * "nDIyIdUAL PROMOTION in Gregg F irthand. Typewriting. English. | i uKketping, Penmanship, Ant , I>\Y A.sD NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN , I.L YEAR. Enter any time. Bell Dial 4016. „ , ppp • .U'K I.LY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE J . Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. 111.LP WANTED —MALE I FIVE MEN Full SPECIAL SUBSCRIP TION CAMPAIGN. WILL PAY SALARY AND COMMISSION. APPLY TO AIR. YOUNG, 72! NORTH SIXTH STREET, 11E1 WEEN 10 AND 11 A. M. HUsTLEIt To deliver and solicit Jat.ndry. Must drive Ford truck, sai nt n- and commission. At present pay - ink ab>ui 122.00. Reference required. Audiesß Box G. 6jSo. caie of Tele-j graph. ___ I WANTED Experienced well drill, operator. tlood wajw and bonus., Communicate with A. M. Bruce, Birds-j bru Stone Co.. Birdaboro, I'a. ~~i lI'FICE MEN AND EXECUTIVES J Men with office or executive experl- ; en e and men returning from military ge' vict will appreciate the opportu- i nity offered through an organization I of Certified Public Accountants to i gair. quickly cost accounting, public I accounting, and executive accounting i training, preparing for 82,0u0.00 to | 86 000.00 positions. This scientifically simple and intensively interesting} h one studv training is available tut accepted candidates who will be given individual attention until qualified for! advancement. Satisfaction guaranteed} those accepted. In replying, give in! cor.tiderce experience and previous j training. Address C. P. A., care of | Telegraph. j ' FOR SALE WEST FAIR VIEW "Fairview Ave. Two 2-story hrlck houses electric light water in kitchen 6 rooms front and rear porches. Lot 30.x 100 ft.—f2ooO for both. .NEW 4.1 MBKIU.AAU Ninth St. —Two frame i houses- 7 rooms and bath each— lighted with gas and electricity— j pipeless furnace. Lots 29x125 ft. ! euch, with 10-ft. rear and 13-ft. siil'- alley—gilloo nirli. >-ur i roi..crj (k Li. Ilea! Untitle liiMurntiee Purely Uondn l.oeiiMt it nil Court Mrnf V. cut licrn libit. lint I Kattite Hoard ■i ■ i • ' ii —as— ... .. 'cflj, it MONDAY EVENING, t HELP WANTED—MALE ; ! W ANTED A Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at the Mer ' j cershurg Academy . To till this posi '! tion lie should be a man of at least intderate mechanical ability and un i derstand hollers and electrical '"O" ■ chinery. He must be able to handle men. Should be a man of good char-. • acter, who is at least thirty years of age. The salary will depend upon the experience and ability of the success ful candidate. Please send all appli , cations to J. M. l'riimm. Academy , Treat urer, Mereersburg, Pa. '1 RULER WANTED A man able, to handle all kinds of Job and Blank Bool; ruling. Permanent job for right man. State experience and sal ar\ expected. Kurt'/. Bros., Llcurneltt, WANTED A good, sober (white) nuin to drive a l'ord car. Must be able to make bis own repairs. Good , j wages to right party. Dial phone • 3992. I j TRUCKER WANTED A reliable | man to work, or rent, on reasonable; terms, a house, stable, greenhuuses, truck patch and about 25 acres good! land. Address Box 452, Hummel*-! tewn. Pa. ' j WANTED I Ten or twelve tirst-elass automobile mechanics, by u good, old, reliable I lautomotile and truck concern of Har- ! rislurg. Good salary paid and guar-j j anteed work for one year to reliable men. Only men who are willing to, take part interest In the firm by in-} ' vesting $509 to 31,000 at a guaranteed 6 per cent, dividend paid monthly, ! need apply. G.. 6D2, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. i WANTED A young man to clerk; lin grocery store. Also a boy with ; or.e-dny school privilege. Good wages! I and permanent position. Apply M., Lr< nner & Sons, Seventh and Mucnch ' stieets. | WANTED More capable men to. represent the Singer Sewing Machine 'Company. Good compensation and aj life-long position offered to the proper' persons. Apply at once to the Com-} pany's Supervisor, E. F. Grove, Room l 1403 Penna. Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. YOUNG MEN, 18 and over, desiring} Railway Mail and Post Ofttcc clerk-, j ships, 92 month, write for free par-' titulars of March examinations. Ray mond Terry (former Civil Service Kx iaminer), Continental Building, Wash-! j ington. WANTED Competent janitor, who. undcrsands handling a boiler. P. O. I | Box 446. WANTED Collector and solicitor.! I Permunent position for right man.! ' Room No 4. No. 49 North Front street, steelton. Pa. Call between 6 and 7' P. M. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND ; s.\LEHMAN WANTED Permanent position and good salary to capable! j party Apply Jacob Tausig's Sons, 420' j Market street. HELP W ANTED—FEMALE MILLINERY SALESLADIES Millinery salesladies want ed. Must be experienced. No ethers need apply ASTRICH'S, 308 Market. WANTED Experienced stenographer and clerk. Good position and chance for advancement. Ap ply by letter, giving experl- ! ence. reference and salary ex pected. Address Y., 5634. P Care of Telegraph. BUYER AND MANAGER FOR SILVERWARE DEPT. Hoehs hlld. Kohn & Co.. Baltimore, j I Md.. desire to engage a competent' | woman, with thorough experience in; silverware, to buy for and manage} their Silverware "Department. This, , position is open to on ambitious as-j sistant or head of stock, who is de- : i sirobs of making a connection with : larger opportunities. Give full de i tails in letter of application. WANTED A woman to do general I 'housework, including washing, by the I 'week. Good wages. Apply 1939 North Soconii street, City. Si HOOL GIRL Can have good, borne anu compensation, with retinej couple, in exchange for services be itv.een school hours. No washing., Must be neat and reliable. 1318 South j Twelfth. Bell 1270 J. , POSITIONS open for capable, ex perienced saleswomen for a new.' , ready-tc-wear store about to be open ied March 15. Congenial surroundings.} • Also cashier, having some knowledge !of stenography and typewriting. Ap-i j Ply by letter only, giving experience •nd salary expected. The Clous Co., Harrisburg, Pa. MAJD WANTED For general housework. Three in family. Good v ages and no washing. Bell 1581 R. or call 1723 Forster. WANTED Girl for general house work and plain cooking, in family ofi adults. No washing or ironing. Call: at 1613 North Second street. W ANTED White girl for house work. Small house. |s.oo to right: j party. Apply 2133 Green. Bell ; phone 4059. WANTED An experienced steno grapher and typist. Permanent posi tion. Address P. O. Box 193. WANTED Reliable woman for, general housework, in New ('umber-; land. Light work. Good position fori ! right party. Call F. Bryan, Bell; ' 11929, Dial 4331 or 3666. ■ ! LADIES! Do you wish to earn big : money in your spare time? We man- I j ufacture the best und most necessary 'household article on the market. Once }a utcr, always a user. You can vcrv ! easily drum up a steady business in | your locality. We want wide-awake ladies. For particulars address ! AMERICAN RENOLEO CO., Inc.,! I York, Pa., or New Rochelle, N. Y. WANTED Middle-aged woman, I for general housework. Small family.' INo washing. References. Inquire i 1003 Bridge street. New Cumberland, _j ! WANTED CIGAR PACKERS AND' BANDERS. OUR MOTTO: "STEADY I j WORK, UOOIJ PAY." APPLY ATI ONCE. BOBROW BROS., TENTH AND MULBERRY STREETS. | WANTED yxperienced book-! j keeper. Apply at ouee at 1042 Heir! si reet. H121.P WANTED—Mate and Female HUNDREDS U. S. Government Per- I manent Positions now open to men. 16 or over; women. 18 or over. 890 to! 8125 month. Many In your home sec- j tion. Short hours. Common educa tion sufficient. List positions free, j Write immediately. Franklin lnsti- 1 ! tute. Dept. 4 13-L, Rochester. N. Y. j W ANTED - Good COOK and' j WAITRESS. Protestant, white, coiin-1 (try home near Harrisburg, May to Oc tober. Family two adults. No chll-i Idren. No laundry References re | quired. Address "C. W.," care of' j Telegraph. j WANTED MAN and WIFE. 1 i Protestsnt, white, wife must be good) | cook and man good gardener, country home near Harrisburg, April 1 to No-1 ■\ t rube I. References required. Ad-' dress "41. \V„" care of Telegraph. I SALESMEN WANTED ] SALKMAN i ! ■i A firm with headquarters at , Harrisburg require the ser vices of a high-class salesman to travel in Central Ponnsyl . I vni.ia. A man capable of com- I inatiding a good salary dc ; Sired. Reply, stating age, , height, weight, previous ex- ; porience, to I*. U. Box 149, Uu rrlsburg. II SALESMEN Tire or other auto accessory, selling consumer direct, can ■j Increase income handling our line.' Each sale nets $2. device costing 810.! selling itself. First-class men. with 'references, to work in and out of| Harrisburg. Address Fetters, Lincoln Bldg.. Philadelphia. STOCK SALESMAN 'experienced, with clean record, for a 10 per cent. Preferred Stock in Bank- j ' ing institution. Leads, co-operation i land large commission l'or a man who, ; measures up to our standard. State' | qualifications and record in first let- 1 tor, at once. Integrity Finance Co.. | 1704 Finance Bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE i WANTED Position by experiene- } ]ed fireman. Can fire river coal. Can ' also furnish Reference. Address ' i 41-7052, care Telegraph. SITUATIONS V* ANTED—Female ' I WANTED A middle-aged coun ' try girl wishes to keep house for a; (respectable widower or aged couple.' jOnly those who want a good girl, and' .can offer a good home, need answer. I i Address R. 8., care of Telegraph. , j WANTED Woman wants work as housekeeper in city. Apply R. 0603,1 ! i are of Telegraph. WANTED Woman desires nurs- • it-.g: can furnish best of reference. Ad-' j dress 21 South Thirteenth street. : WANTED Day's work: can rur- j nirli reference. Addfess. or call, 21 ! youth Thirteenth street, Harrisburg,} > I j W ANTED Woman desires posl- ] I ticn as collector for reliable firm in j city: can furnish bond and references.! | Apply M., 726§; care of Telegraph. ' WANTED Woman desires dav's i work. Apply 1000 North Seventh' ; street. WANTED Woman with matron' j experiences desires position: can fur-I I nidi references. Apply N., 7269. care' ' of Telegraph. WANTED - Stenographic and; ' typewriting work. An experienced , stenographer would like work at; ! home. Can take dictation on tele- i ; phone. Call phone 2896 W. |— 1 ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT Three nicely-furnish- , 'ed second lloor front rooms, for light! housekeeping. Corner house and all conveniences. No children. Address A., 6605, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT A large front room, I with twin beds; all conveniences. Ap- 1 ply 9 North Front street. Dial 5775. | FOR RENT Two rooms on third ' fioor, furnished for light housekeep- j mg. and one room on second lloor, | suitable for one gentleman or two; j all conveniences. Bell 3671W, or 15111 North Sixth. FOR RENT Two unfurnished; third flcor rooms; reasonable price. : Bell phone 1504 M. FOR RENT Two unfurnished! rooms and use of bath. Rent reason- ! able. Centrally located. Emploved} woman preferred. Address S., 6602, j care df Telegraph. FOR RENT Two unfurnished I : rooms, suitable for light housekeep- I ing. Apply 90 Disbrow street. FOR RENT Two furnished! rooms, for light housekeeping; ait } Improvements and use of phone. 2123 i l Moore street. Bell phone 3277 J. I FOR RENT One large room, on ! second fioor, completely furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences. I Apply 1609 Derry street, evenings i from 6 to 10. ' FOR RENT 819 Third street. | I pleasant front room; heat, electric i j light and use of bath. : . FOR RENT Elegantly-furnished, | rooms, single or en-sulte, both j i phones; electricity, steam heat and! i bath; no light housekeeping. Call Bell i phone 624. FOR RENT Comfortably furnish- | ed room, city steam heat; use of Bell ; phone. 719 North Sixth. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 82.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third, j FOR RENT One large bedroom, j for gentlemen only. Rent reason- } able. Apply 276 Brlggs street.. FURNISHED ROOMS For gen i tlemen only. 113 Locust street. j ROOMS WANTED TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, for light housekeeping, wanted for family of three, centrally located. Address Box 325-J, care of' ! Telegraph. APARTMENTS I "OK RENT FOR RENT 100 South Thirteenth street will be converted into three! handsome. up-to-the-minute apart ments. Hardwood floors, electricity,! gas. hot water heat. Third lloor, 4 i rooms and bath, 845. Second lloor, 6 rooms, reception hall and bath, 865., First fioor. 6 rooms and hath, 865. Fur dentist or physician nothing finer, i i Ready for occupancy April 1. Iteser ! ration immediately. Inspection upon; eppoir.tment. Call Bell phone 624. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Four rooms and bath, for light housekeep- ! ing. All modern conveniences. Applv j 414 North Third. J j FURNISHED APARTMENT 719! I North Sixth. APA RTMENTS WA N TED ; COUPLE —No children, desires an • unfurnished dptutment of three to tl\e' i rooms and bath, between this and! the latter part of March, state price i anu location. Addtt-ss S., 6604, care j of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j FOR SALE—BELL 4377 ! i Two line homes at Paxtang, all lm- ' provements, large lots, with garages , Near to trolley. Easy terms. Price fa,ooo to 88,300. 1 10-room frame house, Penbrook ' } Twenty-eighth street, south; corner! property; all Improvements: lot, 60x 1 ,130. Easy terms. Price. 85,200. j 2146 Susquehanna: 2-storv brick ' 'new, all Improvements, 82,0f 0 I 1728 Susquehanna; 3-story brick all improvements, 82.800. j 1722 Green: all improvements 3- I t< ry brick. Price, 84.2.70. Double 2%-story frame, all im-' provements. Twenty-ninth .street ' penlirook. 82.300, either side: lot. 40x ! ; 11#, sec CHAS. I)A VIES, 204 Calder 1 • 'Bldg. 17 23 Green street. j FOB SALE Lemoyne. 470 Hum-' 1 met avenue. 2' ? -story brick house i containing eight rooms, all convenf' ' erices. gas and electric lights: f ro^t i land rear porches. Possession April i I 'Call bell phone 304. R. or cU t .B2 Hosier avenue. Lemoyne. - 8 - 1 HARRISBURG t&iTELEGRAPH If *1 I ' . ' ■' ' | IF YOU ARE GOIXG TO SEEL THAT PROPERTY this spring, why not start your advertising campaign NOW—and "get the jump" on com petitive advertising? But, you say. if everybody followed that advice there would be no special advantage in this policy. True; but not every body, not even half or a quarter of the people, are in the habit of taking good j advice. Sometimes nobody takes it; but, usually, a few wise people do, and profit. J HEAL ESTAIIs FOR SAI.E | I ". • V* 4 " IF IT'S REAL. ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN. j POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN TO ANY | OF THE FOLLOWING PROPER TIES NOT EATER THAN APRIL 1 CAMP ST., 648 and 650 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all mod- j 'ern improvements, nice front porch; i . can bo bought same as rent. } WICONISCO ST.. 623 to 631 Five' houses. 2-story brick, eight rooms and' j bath, heat, electric light, all Improve-! ' ments: front porches, driveway in | rear; right price; small amount down, | balance same as rent. MAHANTONGO ST., 616 Corner I property. 3-story brick, eight rooms ! and bath, front porch, drive alley, house in very good condition; can be | bought same as rent. JEFFERSON ST.. 2130 3-story j briclt. eight rooms and bath, all mod ; ern improvements, newly papered all; through; drive alley; a rare bargain, j N. FOL'RTII ST.. 2120 Nine rooms. ' I bath, all Improvements, including! 'electric lights: 3-story brick, one side :of a double block; good-sized yard j running back to a 20-foot paved ! street. j SEVENTEENTH ST., S., 532 3- ' story briok, nine rooms and bath, ' front porch, pleasant yard, very good neighborhood, home well built; a rare bargain; can be bought on easy pay i ment plan. NEW CUMBERLAND, corner Fourth and Goal v 3-story frame, eight ! rooms a'Hi bath, all improvements, newly painted, good-sized lot, drivc- I wiv in rear, small amount down, bal i an .e as rent. ! STEEETON, S. Second St., 320 —3- ' story frame, seven rooms, water, gas, i electric lights, lot about 175 feet deep I bacic to a cemented 20-foot street, plenty rcom for garage; $l5O down i and $25 per month. D. A SANDEREIN, Office. Security Trust Bldg., 26 NORTH THIRD ST. , Bell 1390. Dial 3573. ! FOR SAEE 1333 Bartine street. 2'A -story frame, 6 rooms, attic, cellar, 1 small yard. Good renter. Will be Isold at a decided bargain. See the i property and make best offer. A. C. YOUNG, Everything in Real Estate, 34 North Second St. FOR SAEE A three-story frame. ' with improvements, large lot to drive ! allev, possession soon, for $2,100.00. Apply A. W. Swengel, Real Estate, 2131 North Second street. FOR SAEE Three-story brick, v/ith improvements, with front porch, for $2,450. Possession soon. Apply A. W. Swengel, Real Estate, 213*1 j North Second street. ! FOR SALE No. 343 Crescent; 13-story briclt, with front porch; all improvements; long lot to drlge alley. I Apply A. AV, Swengel, Real Estate, [2131 North Second street. I VACANT, possession at once—North! I sixth street. 3-story brick, all im , nrovements. steam heat, electric and I eas front porches, bay windows, side I vard 8 rooms, room Cor garage. C. H. Corder. 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. j Rents collected. j_— J I TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE Alii improvements; in city: front porch; V,av window, nice yard to drive alley; ! JlOO down, balance as rent. Liberty I Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. j ! —— * •! FOR SAEE Most attractive West I f cvinre home. AH modern conveniences ! 1 Will se'l at a sacrifice. Call Bell ' phone 3037 R. i VOU SALE Double house, 12 j rooms, good condition. Inquire 291. | Herman -avenue, Lemoyne. Pa. j St 000 NVIEE BUY a singlo house, , iinall improvements, on Bowman! "'lnac CmP Hilt. $l,OOO In cash I Butane® can remain in mortgage, m-' ! "lire J- R K ' pp " 1 FOR SAEE —ll first-class houses, j all improvements, in different loea- ! tions trom $1,600 to $4,500. Easy! if Krwin Johnson. 2111 Swatara j 130" I>"Q" P 1897 -'- I FOR HALE —Singlo brick house on j 1 the Hill. 8 rooms, bath, porches. I I ~a.n t ry. room for garage, Liberty j 1 Bonds accepted, on easy terms. Dial ! i- 081 ' ' | ' IJ.-Y YOUR HOME on otir rental ; | navnient plan. Small cash or Liberty | ! Bond lirst payment required, balance' rent We have houses in every! i nart of the city and suburbs. Apply) I A P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street.' i BOR SALE —N. Eighteenth street, !No 018 8-rooni brick liouse, witli ! steam heat and electric light. An In i soection will prove its value. Price, ($4,300. j. E. Gipple, 1251 Market ! stiret. i foR SALE SCarkor street, No. ISII Modern, 6-room brick liouse, with all improvements, porch und side entrance. Price, only $2,350. J. E. j Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE 821 North sixth street: 3-story brick; 10 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, furnace. Good! I rooming house. Apply to M. A. Fought, j j 27J North street. FOR SALE Sylvan Terruce, No.! ! 8-room brick house, with mod ern-Improvements and in good repair. | Price. $4,000. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar j l et street. i FOR BALE —N. Eighteenth street. No 71S A new brick and stucco 8- ' room house, with steam heat und elec tric light. You will like this home. I Price. $4,500. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket atreet. i ] REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | HOUSES FOR SALE ! Vacant 2-story brick, all improve-j meats, porch front, drive alley, easy, terms, on Hill; 10 minutes' walk to station. Vacant, 9 rooms, porch front, side; yard, hay windows, room for garage, steam heat, electricity and gas. Vacant, 10 rooms, porches, steam} | heat, electricity and gas, hardwood j : floors, side and back yard, at New Cumberland. | Possession April 1. 2-story brick,! i corner, room for garage, front poren, I ; all improvements. j Possession April 1, single 3-story j i frame, corner, steam heat, electricity j land gas, front porch, garage In rear.} 3-story brick, Market St ff.oOO. 3-story brick, Market St 5,500} 3-story brick. Crescent St 3,800 . 3-story brick, Swatara St 3,400 j 3-story bpick, ltegina St 3.500! 3-story brick. Berryhtll St 3,000} 3-story brick. Walnut St 3,0001 3-story brick. S. Eighteenth St.. 4,500 3-story brick. State St 4.406! 3-story brick, Sixth St 4.600} I 3-story brick, Green St 5.0001 | 3-story brick, Briggs St 4,5001 | 2-story brick. S. Fifteenth St... 2.800} 2-story brick, Kensington St... 2.500} 2-story brick, Catherine St 2,700 2-story brick, Disbrow St 2,3001 2-stor.v brick. Crescent St 2,6001 2V4-story brick. Summit St 2,500 2 Vs-story brick, Ross St 2,500 | 2 (4-story bungalow, Schuylkill, I St 2,500 ! 2 Ba-story frame. West Fairview 1,200 Several line suburban homes, in one car fare, steam heat, electric lights, ii to 1-acre land, all improvements, practically new homos. Several small Farms from 3 to 30 acres, near city. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected, j , CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I NS'o. 2008 N. Third St. No. 302 Cumberland St. No. 306 Cumberland St. No. 1704 Susquehanna St. I No. 22 Prospect St. I No 16 Prospect St No. 1912 N. Third St. No. 410 Woodbine St No. 408 Woodbine St. No. 1442 Thompson Ave. No. 1444 Thompson Ave. No. 1809 N. Second St. No. 1902 Mulberry St. No. 1303 State St. No. 2008 N. Sevdnth St. No. 2010 N. Seventh St. No. 648 Peffer St. No. 232 Maclay St. No. 1623 Swatara St. No. 66 N. Sixteenth St. No. 202 Hamilton St. No. 2216 N. Fifth St. No. 2152 N. Fifth St. No. 2214 N. Fifth St. No. 2206 N. Fifth St. No. 2245 Atlas Ave. No. 2242 Atlas Ave. No. 1917 Park St. GROUND Plot of Ground on Jefferson <Jt ! corner of Columbia St. ' P, 1 ? 1 J> f Ground on Wiconisco St. ! * ft. of Oround on Mulbcrrv st east of 19th St. r y SC.. j 226 ft. of Ground on Bellv>io ! Road between 19th and 20th Sts j ft. of Ground on North Sixth j Apply to CLINTON M. HERSHKY. 14 S. Second St. ' ft 3 ... FOR sale . 4-Wv Relker ntroet. H-atorv hru u • iWS2S2K£"" I~<t-ri—Ski easy payment plan. Possession, home on State street f"00 cash, balance as rent ' ROUGH, BRIGIITBILL & KLINE ! -0' Kunkel Bldg. I FOR SALE Immediate posseF l .-.ion, line property, corner Derry and . } Kelso streets Paxtang. Hardwood' tlocrs, steam heat, gas and electticitv I | Garage in rear. Inquire J. K . Kir,,; ' | | FOR SALE Three-story f rani( i | house, in good location, on South i Fourteenth Mi -et. Possession soon ' Apply A. W. Swengel. Real Estate' ' 2131 North Second street. state, FOR SALE —On easy terms, "oio 1 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Possea- I *285 °NoHh r Sixth. PP y A " R Dortt2 ' I ' FOR SALE OR KENT Camp ! Hill, 2H-story house, 8 rooms and I bath, one-half acre of ground, prlnci- ! pally In fruit. Very desirable 10-i cation. Possession Ist of March. Rent I 'B4O. Bell 4152 W. ' I VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE —' | No. 2316 Penn street, brick construe , tion, 6 rooms and bath, steam heat ' i gas and electric light, concrete front ■ porch, side entrance. Price, 8."..400 00 1 ! Easy terms. Bell Realty Co., Bergner , Building. I FOR SALE 627 Kelly street. 3-' ! story brick, 9 rooms and bath, gas 1 {steam heat, price reasonable. ' Beli [ Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ' I ! FOR SALE —• 1528 Swatara street. I i 3-story brick; 8 rooms and buth all other improvements, side entrance I Price very reasonable. Bell Realty Co I Bergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE nv EASY TERMS—Brick construction ■' all modern Improvements. Including! steam heat: price. 83.400. Bell Realtv Co„ Rergner Building. eauj j VACANT RESIDENCE FOR SALF! —Brick und stucco: nine rooms and buth, gas, electric light, steam heat ' three open fireplaces, hardwood floors' l lot. CC.xIOO: garage on rear. Price! 86.500. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. | VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE on No ' 1808 North Sixth street und two sinali' ; houses on the rear —lot. 20x163. Rent ' ! $32 per month. Price, only 83 00 j •Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. '< I REAL ESTATE —For Sale or Item j HOUSES AND GARAGES—At FifTh ' and Curtin Streets: possession of i some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec und. Bell phone 307 J. t I REAL ESiATb FOR RENT FOR RENT 7-roomed house at . 320 South Fourth street, Steelton. jltont. $15.00 per month.. Apply at 316 !South Fourth street. Steelton. i Real Estate for Rent—Suburban | FOR RENT SUBURBAN* HOME. Cumberland county, near Murrlsbuig. ; Adjoins village near railroad station. ; Possession April I. Very desirable. ; Relerentes required. Address "S. • H.." care of Telegraph. | REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSES WANTED I have numerous calls for houses of all kinds in all parts of city. Call , or Bell 'l phone 560 J. Rents Collected. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Ureen Street l WANTED. TO RENT —. S or 9-roont •city house, with modern conveniences in "a good residence section. Posses sion desired on or before April 1. Ad | dress U, 7843, care of Telegraph. I WANTED. TO RENT A ftmly of I four wish to rent a house on North I Second street or cross street near Second. Call Bell 4798.1 mornings, or I write A. C. Troup. 107 South Front (Street, llarrisburg. WANTED By man and wife, a | six-room house with improvements, lor a five-room apartment, unfurnish jed. April 1. 801 l phone 3968 R. i WANTED—TO RENT ; We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnlhsed j houses, apartments and rooms. What !do you have to offer? Address Mil i ler Brothers & Company, Locust and I cou-t streets. ' READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? I * BELL AND DIAL PHONES, j CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. ! ■ REAL ESTATE WANTED ! We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real Estate. Let us know j what you have to ofTer. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh Street. ' unices untl Storerooms For Rent j— - M| . j J FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM. For meetings, conventions, i Banquets Dances nnd parties. Use of piano free. Kitchen j attached. H. C. CLASTER. Jeweler, 302 Market Street. FOR RENT storeroom. 16x36, and dwelling, consisting of seven rooms and bath, located at 1917 Derry street. 1 Apply It. Lowengard, care of Courier Press. 210 North Third street, i ___ . STORE FOR RENT—Modern store room, in York, Pa., 158 West Market street; 75 ft. long. 20 ft. wide, 1,335 sq. ft. actual tloor space; 2 btg show windows; city hem Immediate pos session. Apply Guaidian Trust Co., ; York, Pa. j FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable ' for ofttces, second floor rear No. 7 1 ■ North Third street. City steam and (electric light. Apply John T. Olm-! | stcd. 7 North Tlurd street. Second i j Floor Front. I MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beautiful Daylight Store, 504 Market Street. I CHAS. ADLER 1002 North Third Street j 250 HAMILTON STREET—Suitable i for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar ; ; store. Chas. Adler, 11)02 N. Third St. ' I LAKC.K STOREROOM FOR RENT— !At 1101-1103 North Sixth. Suitable i for auto display room, or any other i large concern. Apply 414 North Third. FARMS 105 Acres, good buildings, near J llarrisburg, J5,5u0.00. I !S acies, very good farm, plenty of hay, straw and cornfodder, $2,750.00. 30 aires, a good farm, 2 fares from (Harjisburg. _ 102 acres, in Perry county. $3,000.00. } Inquire at 107 Chestnut Street. i FARM TO KENT Cumberland county, neur llarrisburg. Immediate I possession. Adjoins village and rail iroad station. Applicant must be well equipped. References required. A I soldier farmer's tirst-class chance. Don't miss it. Address "F. R." care I of Telegraph. 1 FOR SALE —MISCELLANEOUS ' • PEOPLE COMING BACK I three or four times say that ! LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL I is so satisfactory that no other Coal ! KiM'S the same satisfaction. 1 order 1.000 lbs. to-day, $4.70. Bell 600. Dial 2345. J. B. MONTGOMERY. No Coal Cards Needed. Suburban Delivery. FOR SALE Two 6-ton Wagon Fairbanks Scales, in excellent condition, cheap to quick buyer. Reason i for selling, too small for our present use. Apply SEIJJF.N TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. 1017-25 Market. Street. 1 FUR SALE Solid mahogany up right piano. Highest grade. Big bar gain for cash. Address N.. 7432. care of Telegraph. l~" WOOD FOR SALE—Slabs or billets, i nine or oak. stove length, full eord I $12,00; truck load $6.50 ' Bell IDSSM. | BLAISDELL LATHE 20 in. X 12 ft. I Lodge & Shipley Quick Change 14 in. ix 6 it. Mundy Hoist 614x10 in. Trav ' elinir Derrick, 3 H. P. Gasoline En ! 1 11. P. A. C. & D. C. Motors. i. H I'- A. C. Motors, also will buy ! good Metal Working Machinery and I Electric Motors. Generators, Battery 1 Charging Sets. etc. F. it. Laverty, ' 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. • Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING j COMPANY. , Harrlsburg. Pa. FOR SALE Horse, cart and har ness. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply iat 1617 Kim street, betweon 5 and 6 1 P. M. i i FOR SALE —Steam heat boiler. 675 sq. ft. capacity, line condition. Apply *948 Green street. j FEBRUARY 24, iyi9. FOR SALF—MISCELLANEOUS | FOR SALE - - Dinlngroom set, i miscellaneous articles of l- 1 quire Bell phone 4419. i FOR SALE Onq Frances Bacon ■ piano, good as new. Reasonable price. Call MI 618 Forster street. i YORK COUNTY POTATOES FOR! (SALE, 81.30 per Bushel Small ones,! ■ 00c. and Fine Chip or Seed Potatoes, j 81.40 per Bushel. 1336 North Sixth ■! street. BARGAIN!*! BARGAINS! 1 The Stoic across from Y. W. C, A. , offers jou tho Biggest und Best Bar gains In Men's und Boys' Suits. Over routs. Vlucktiiaw Coals. Underwear, llats, Caps and Shoes. We ate fam ous for Low Prices. Give tis a trial, i OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street, MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris ! Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 U. 1 TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' 1 CASH ALL MAKES RENTED j ! EXCHANGED. 1 I GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 1 >205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I i ORPHEUM THEATER, j BOTH PHONES. ! WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS ■i HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark tit Cown, 70s Broad i street. Dial phone 4286. I WANTED Homer and Common' i Pigeons; also Belgian Hares. Slate jpi ice und quantity. Address F. Sic- Mullen, Marietta, Pa. ] * WANTED, TO RENT, TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING. j | SUITABLE FOR GARAGE. ADDRESS i V* 6192, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. ! ! : | WANTED New, or slightly used t show case, display counter, oil punio, j ! cash register and coffee mill. State i ! cash price. Bomberger & Whitmire, 'Eighth and Mifflin streets, Lebanon, i Pa. • ; WANTED Second-hand motors Small sizes preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. >! Cranberry St., near Second, Harrisburg, Pa. "HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL i kinds of Junk. Get our prices before j ! selling. Call Bell phone 936, or drop i | us a postal and our wagon will call. ! j Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and . | Currant streets. MAX SMELTZ ! Second-hand furniture boitght and , i sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call ' Bell 1381 or Dial 3847, or drop a pes- I tal to Max Sineltz, 1010 Market street. Will call, city or country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID fm all ! kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call j ' Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son, } | 824-832 North Seventh street. ! L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and j Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal ; or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | j EUREKA A. C. 1-6-11.-P. motor, : with regulator. Will exchange for I good, visible typewriter or sell. E. M. } I Mengel, Auburn, Pa. j TO A MAN with executive ability and 825,000, we will sell one-half in terest in an operating manufactur ! ing company with valuable assets. ! This is an opportunity for an active j man to become connected with reli- I able people and make good returns, t For interview write P. O. Box 1098, ! Harrisburg. Pa. | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A LIVE, established business In! j Harrisburg. which pays salary of 850 ' 'a week to manager and over 15 per; j cent, on 812,000 investmnt, will make} reasonable sacrifice to cash buyer.' ! Best reasons for sale. Satisfactory i i local Bank reference. Address Box } j S, 6964. care of Telegraph. j FOR SALE Grocery, doing a profitable business city 12,000 popula- 1 tion, Central Pennsylvania. Excellent! | opportunity. Low price to quick! (buyer. Write at once for particulars. I Address Box K, 141, care of Tele graphy FOR SALE Country Produce. I Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo cation. Good-payipg. cash trade. Re- ' ; tiring from business, will sell cheap !to quick buyer. Address Box Iv, 7122, ; care of Telegraph. t BUSINESS PERSONAL FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— Bought and sold. S. Gold, 1014 Mur ; ket. Bell 4085 J. , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Es- | timates. Jobbing. First-class work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street.! i Bell 4420. j ONININE —Ia)ok v out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LANATIVE I PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off If taken In time. Gross Drug Store. ! 119 Market street. i A. LANE } New and second-hand furniture i bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730 J. INVENTORS FINANCED—Patents. 1 Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought, ' old Exchanged. Cash or commission. ! Simon Horst, Llnglestown. Pa. } UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind Work guaranteed. We call and : deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone ; : 4826. ; I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED i Single edge, 25c doz; double edge, 35c ' doz; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATrSD And i china packed for shipping. Also re- ; pairing. J. A.. Bishop. 1736 Logan St. ■'< DIAMONDS bought for cosh—P. H. 'Caplan Co.. 206 Market t--et. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY 1 If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money i in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. ' LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. ■ | WHEN YOU NEED MONEY 'to meet Immediate necessities, always ! consult this reliable, licensed, bonded 'lnstitution, chasteied under Pennsyl vania Inws and financed by local pbo ple In 1909 to save borrowers from ex-j ' tortlon. Co-Operatlve Loan ti- Investment Co.. . 204 Chestnut Street. I MOXKV TO IiOAX WE LEND MONEY lit complin JV.h>nL°. # u,le 17 - 1915 - to Jndlvl, 1 i .J" V f T Q dy cash; small Joi * specialty, business confidential, pi noaltfvifv 8 ! 1 borrow 'er's convenler pfvvSvt vTv? 1 rn,e -' tn city- I PCNNSYL V A NIA 1N VESTMENT C l3; Walnut Street. I _ Musical !or sab" ,f °'h y " bo nlii n ' m, jß"tly used in ,01 SOJU at once; cheau to a. mi | Norlh Slxt'h't!e'et MUS ' U " OUac ' 2 I IAUKING MACHINES proniDtlv a OYLFRS r V'. pa i red „ b y an cxpe?t oS ' '.ll o, H south l-ourth street. o. V J?JH NS ' MANDOLINS GUITAI ; BANJOS. Hand and Orchestra Insti mentsproi.it ply and carefully t"n a lei. t>V I.KII'S. II South Fourth stre HAUIJNO AND MOVING I AUTO HAULING—LocaI" ! distance. Furniture and piuno movi a specialty. Dlue Line Transfer, capital street. Both phones. I AUTO HAULING Anything, at where 1-urnlture moving, l-' s 1 I H.l'\Y 17 South N ' n leenth street. B , FOlt IHRE Two-ton auto tru Apply lies South Ninth street. B ; phone 2455 H. I HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipr ; for furniture, freight and piano m ling. No distance too far. Care driver. Rain and dustproof bodv 1 15. Grubber's Truck Service lr'w ; Aungst. manager. Ilershey, Pa. h 1 | phone 15R6. LOCAL AND LON'G-DISTAN HAULING Furniture movi 1 Prompt service. Ernest Corbln I Calder street. Both phones. ' B i 3630 J. Dial 3GS3. j AU'l'O TRUCK SERVICE —Lo and long distance. F. J. Mat ter B 39-J, Steelton. AUTO HAULING Local and lo distance. Furniture moving a si icialtv. Rates reasonable. Pror service. Call Bell 823 J. GENERAL HAULTNO AND FA EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby tow with auto trucks. Only experlenc and careful drivers. Gall Bell aj or Dial 22C5. ALL KINDS OF HAULIN AND MOVING DONE j CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. I WUERI3 TO DINE ! ALVA HOTEL AXtT REST AURA? j THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. 1 STOUFFER'SRESTAURANT—Hoi , cooking served to Businessmen a i Ladles in separate diningroonis. STOWAGE TO RENT 3,000 square feet flc I space, for storage or light nianuft taring: second llonr; outside entran 11520 Fulton street. Phone 4570. STORAGE —41!) Broad street, houi I hold goods. merchandise. Prlvt i rooms at reasonable rates. Also hat ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & ( Both Phonos. STORAGE —In brick building. r t ] 408 Market. Household goods in clet I private rooms. Reasonable rates. G. Diener. 408 Market street. j STORAGE Private rooms I ' household goods In tireproof wai ; house. |3 per month and up. Low I storage rates in non-tlreproof war house. Harrisburg Storage Co., j 440 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL 8. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. B.SLL 1856. DIAL 2138. j RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. j 511 North Second Street. | BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY I Beautifully situated on Market stre I east of Twenty-sixth, and on ti I north and east faces the new par I way. The prices of lots are mode i ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. C1C.111.-I- mid Dyers , IT PAYS to have Clothes Clean. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the be I place in town. Call and dellvi Goodman's, 1<16',4 North Sixth. Bo I Phones. AUTOMOBILES YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK | ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS • j 1H and 2-ton Garforda. chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. IU-1%-214 and 2H-ton Bctblehems, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons. In cluding Buicks, Overlands and Vims. | THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG Ct Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phont i WE DO GENERAL REPAIRING EXPERT MECHANICS For sale, one Maxwell and Klss ler-Kar Roadster. M. BRENNER & SONS, Third und Hamilton One —1918 Dodge. 1917 Dodge Roadster. SIDLES GARAGE. 301 Cumberland Street. FORDS START EASY IN COI WUAJHEII With our new 1919 ca buretors. 24 miles per gallon, u 'cheapest gasoline or half keroser Increased power. Styles for any m tor Very slow on high. Attach yourself. Big profits to agents. Mono; bark guarantee. 30 days' trial. Ai Friction Carburetor Co., 1237 Madlso Dayton Ohio- OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmet in any condition. Sea me before sa rlflcing elB " wh^ r Sw m fi ,el l>% a . Au Wrecking. A. .chiffman, 22, 24, North Cameron, street. Eell 8833. 1917 FORD CARS Tourln ,3 Hs°Hey-Davlon Twin, with sldeca * 2 Qat acquainted with me. &*\ "m P o e n H"r "Y "nitl ostown l"PA.**" Additional Classified Ads •n Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers