18 Guardsmen to Be Paid i'or Drill Work When State Troops Are Reorganized Pennsylvania's National Guard which will be reconstituted as to ~M~\ KEMP'S BALSAM Will Stop that Cough I GUARANTEED 432 MARKET STREET License No. G-35305 Specials For Saturday, February 22,1919 Morning Specials Until Noon . HICKORY SMOKED HAMS 32C mb U roa A st D ) beep 22 c PORK LOIN ROAST 30C PORK SHOULDER RIBS n FRESH PIGS* FEET JI O C SAUER KRAUT, LB., FRANKFURTERS GARLIC SAUSAGE .... o SMOKED 4UC B. B. SPECIAL 2 LB. ROLLS BUTTERINE I 1 LB., &OC ALL DAY SPECIALS STEAKS, ANY KIND 28c PORK CHOPS QO LOIN OR RIB j oZC FRESH SAUSAGE MEAT 1 OR LINK SAUSAGE j 22C FRESH OR SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, %5 Q POT ROAST FLESHY BOIL j BEEF 20C COMPOUND, USED AS LARD oC (CREAM CHEESE BRICK OO n [LONGHORN! SUGAR CURED BONELESS _ - ROLLED CORNED BEEF / 25 C COOKED TRIPE j PIGS'. FEET J* 10 C SLICED LIVER, 4 LBS. FOR 25C M IN FJFTV-SrX PRINCIPAL fXTTF-S OF ' I 4~ STATFS MAIN OIT'U'K. PACKING PLANT" CHICAGO. ILL. I'KOItIA, I hh. ■—Bilious ? —a You can hardly mistake the bilious I feeling—it makes you feel so upset, dull, lazy and mean. Your eyes show yellow, gj I the tongue is coated, the complexion sallow —you have no' appetite. Stomach and ' I liver are on strike. When you get bilious— I It's Time to Take H Beecham's Pills, a reliable corrective that acts on the bile, blood, liver, stomach and bowels. A few doses of this great family remedy will make a wonderful difference in how you look and feel. Beecham's Pills may always be relied on to re-establish H healthy conditions, without weakening, or causing any disagreeable after-effects. Beneficial alike to old and young, and successfully used by men and women the world over, to keep the system in order. | CJL, I JmKf "The Largest $ Salf of Any Medicine 'W in the World" - co 3 Mk b At AH ''o.m Direction* ■ of special j n '//// I ■■■■ > i value to women XOc, 25c. "II are with every box. FRIDAY EVENING, Harrisbttrg TEtEGRAPH ' FEBRUARY 21, 1919 organizations and designations on the same plan ns was in force be fore the outbreak of the war will I be furnished with all equipment by the national government and there ! will also be an allowance from the j federal fund for attendance at - drills. II This announcement was made ! here to-day by Adjutant General i Frank D. Bear.v. "1 expect to go to ! Washington early next week to ap : pear before the Senate military af fairs committee," said General 1 Beary. "From what X have learned ; the plan is to pay the Guardsmen, i for attending drills and a scale i will be adopted. The AN ar Depart- I ment will furnish the equipment and ! that will solve the matter of ar tillery." General Beary said that in all ' probalility the new Guard division I would consist of 12,r.01) men instead of about 10.500 owing to some I changes which would be made. I'se .McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad STEELTON BOY DIES OF WOUND; ASSAILANT HELD Police' Nab Another AVlio Shot Man in Ann; Coroner Views Suicide Steelton was tiic scene, of two shooting affairs, one of which re* suited fatally, and a suicide, yester day. The two assailants who are said to have shot their adversaries during arguments, are under arrest. George Mahlan, aged 1", was fa tally shot by Mike Galles. Adam Ixincur was shot through the arm by Zdrako Mladonovlc, and Jordan Trumpeff died of a self-inflicted ra zor wound. Mahlan was rushed to the Harris ! burg Hospital following the shoot i ing, which occurred in the cellar of ; his home yesterday morning. It is said he and Galles were drinking, ! and, according to Galles, Mahlan [ threatened him with a gnn. Galles ; said he then drew his revolver and [ shot Mahlan. The bullet entered i the forehead, resulting fatally a | short time later. Galles was found soon afterward along a road near Zimmerman's Woods, and was com mitted to jail by Squire Stees. Lonear was shot, it is said, dur ing an argument with Mladenovic I over a business affair, it is said they had been working together in a | bakery, when trouble urose between them, precipitating the tight. Police I hail just arrested Mladenovic when they were notitied of the Mahlau shooting. Jordan Trumpeff, a Macedonian, 440 Main street, died at 4.30 o'clock, of wounds inflicted by a razor. Friends say ho had been melancholy i for some time, lie is survived by ! a wife and four children at Prilep, ! Macedonia. Bellevue Park Association Entertained Last Evening The Hellcvue Park Association i was entertained last evening by Mr. j and Mrs. Edson J. Hockenbury, J 24 20 Chestnut street. The evening's prpgram cons'sted of two piano se lections by P. K. Shuey, several cornet solos by Bernard Aldinger, an address of welcome by the presi dent of-the association. ,\L X. Kast, j speeches interspersed with humor ous and entertaining stories by John IT. Olmsted, Walter E. Deitrich, j John Heathcote. Paul Yoorhees, Adam Houtz and the host of the evening. Edson .X. Hockenbury. | Intersperlng the speeches were ' several delightful soprano solos by Vlss F.stellc. Butler, a tenor solo l>y i Air. Dietrich, duets by Elizabeth j and llarold McOord and community singing led by Mr. Dietrich in which the young people competed success fully with the older folks. Following the numbers on the program came a period of soeinl i mingling during which refreshments <vere served, and a vote of thanks tendered the host and hostess for their hospitality. Those in altendance were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hockenbury, Miss Ks ' telle Butler, Mr. and Mrs. George |W. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. John | Heathcote, Miss Anna Taft, Mrs. E. X. Hause, Mrs. X\an M. Glace, Mr. j and Mrs. F. B. Aldinger, Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. 1.,. F. Jlaehnlen, Mr. and Mrs. 1,. XL ! Hagerling, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. I Hippie. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Xotestine, ] Air. and Mrs. Frank G'. Fahnestock, Jr., Air. and Mrs. Paul A'oorhees, Air. and AD'S. Walter Dietrich, Dr. B. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Houtz. Mr. and Airs. John T. Olm sted, Mr. and Mrs. M. f. Kast, Mr. and Airs. William Rufus McCord, Miss Downing. Bernard Aldinger, P. R. Shuey. Eliazebth and Philip Bowman, Helen and Robert Xote stine. Gladys Voorhees. Harold Xordby McCord, Elizabeth G. Mc- Cord, AVillett G. ATcCord, Walter F>. Dietrich. Jr., Buddy Wright, Stew art Hockenbury. Norman Hocken bury. Myron Hockenbury, John Houtz, George Doehne, Jr. and Rob ert Doehne. The committee on social activi ties in charge consists of Airs. I. P Howinan, Mrs. J,. F. Haehnlen, Airs. U H. Hagerling, T,. B. Xotestine. P.. E. Wright. Harold A. ITipple and AVilliam 'Rufus McCord. chairman. The president of Bellevue Park As sociation Is M. T. Kast. Prominent Men Organize to Aid Loan Campaign \ John S. Fisher, state commission er of banks, and Lewis S. Sadler, State Highway Commissioner, are members of the newly organized advisory committee of twelve mem bers to help float the Fifth Liberty Loan campaign in Pennsylvania. E. MeLain Wntters, Philadelphia, heads the committee, and the other mem bers are: David Bariy, Johnstown; A. A. Custard. Philadelphia; Charles TO. Hess. AVilkes-Barie: Grier Hersh, York; Daniel Kaerecher. Pottsville: Arthur Peek. Philadelphia; Allen P. Perley, AVilliamsport; George K. Reilly. Philadelphia; C. S. Weston! Scranton. For greater efficiency in conduct ing the campaign the counties of the state in the third federal reserve district have been divided into seven groups and seven members of the advisbry committee will be group chairman, to act as spokesmen in the advisory committee for their respec tive districts, and present the needs pi' each district as they develop from time to time during the cam paign. Harrisbiirg in Group F, composed of York. X„aneaster. Dau phin, Perry. Juniata. Cumberland. Adams, l-'rankiin, Fulton and Aflf flin counties, represented by -Grier Hersh, York. Thief of -Carload of Tin Gives Self Up Pittsburgh. Feb. 21.—Virtually a nation-wide search for a carload of Pig tin valued at $23,000, which van ished from the Newcastle. Pa., vards of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad lost May, ended here to-day when Clyde E. Mehaffeyt 37, of Versailles. Pa., walked into the office of R. C. Bledsoe, chief of police of the Pitts burgh division of the Baltimore and Ohio, with the calm announcement that he was the man responsible for the car's disappearance. Mehaffey was yardmaster at New castle in Afay. The cgr was carded for Pittsburgh ns war material, and everyone .connected, with its move ment has been arrested with the ex ception of Mehaffey, I-lamuseAhents^ MAJESTIC H 'kb Clh.*h Vaudeville ■*- "Little Miss Manhattan," a Broadway musical lev.ue. ORPHEUM to-night and to-morrow, matinee and niKhl, February 21 and 22 Naughty! Naughty!" Monday, night only, 2 1 the New York Syncopated Orches tra. ' L !r ; s '' a - v ' n 'Blit only, February 25 Jhe Celebrated Italian Lyric So prano, Signorlna Eul'einia Uiannini und Her concert Company. Wednesday and Thursday, with dully "jdtlnees, February 29 and 27 Kibble's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." irjday, matinee and night, February; —."Playthlpgs." COX.ONIAI, To-day and to-morrow Geraldine rarrar in "Shadows." , Mciulay and Tuesday Blanche Bates in "The Border Legion." Wednesday and Thursday—t<arl Wil-I liams in "The Highest Trump." j ' REGENT i o-oay and to-morrow W^ttllact' Reid in "Too Many Millions." Monday and Tuesday Marguerite Clt rk in "Little Miss Hoover." , ' MCTOKIA ,\ , I To-day and to-morrow \ iiginia I'eaiscn in "'I t,' Love Auction. | The latest .musical success. "Naughty! Naughty!" will be the at traction at the Or "Nnughty! pheum to-night and to- NniiKhty!" liiorrow, with* a special matinee to-morrow. The show comes to llarrisburg with the New York approval as being one of the kind which is constructed'- to please, as it is lllled with bright com edy, good dancing and singing and a strong cast und a young and pretty bunch of chorus girls. The press agent of "Naughty. Naughty!" doesn't believe in extrava gant adjectives in "boosting" his at traction—straight truth right from the shoulder, is what persuades thea tergoers to buy Iris wares. .So he says "Naughty! Naughty!" isn't a. bit naughty, but it's nice. There are thirty people, all of whom can sing, dance and look stunning, 'cause they're all young. We have heard many great musi cians, who have interested us, but, at the Orpheum, Monday New York evening, wo will hear Syncopated the New York Synco- Orehostrn pa led orchestra and we will realize what ntusic has charms for us. But rythm and melody and all that is the founda tion of what should be our national iruisit is found in the program given by tins great band of negro musicians. From the, moment they start out with "Let M.v l'eople Go," "Get Away. Jordan," and "It's Ale. Oh Loawd," right down through plantation melo dies, moaning trombones and to the climax of tho program, "I Got a Robe," sung by Carol Morgan, we are all charmed. Carol Morgan isai great big negro with a deep, melodious voice, and as he sways he sings, "I got n robe and 1 atn going to walk over Gawd's heab'n, heab'n, Heab'n: I am going to walk over Gawd's heab'n." There is a fascination and peculiar drawing power in music us interpret ed by the negro, and this is testitied lo by. nil audiences. And "Buddy" Gilmore. with his trap drum—-there is tjothinß more to it. The. audience gets more primitive than the music. "Buddy" is pre-eminent as King of the Drum, and in the piece, "Pan- Americano," he fairly swings time into space. The masterpieces of Will AXarlon Cook, tlie. conductor, exhortation swing along, and tlie "Rain Song" are among the numbers on the pro gram, and all combine the rare melo dies of the negro race as a founda tl on- Frank Withers plays "Down Upon tho Suwannee River" upon tlie trom bone, with master art and we douot if there i.4 any one in the audience who is quite sure whether it is his own particular backbone or the trom bone that the negro is playing on. Win. Tf. Isibble's world's greatest, production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will appear at the Or- MEN S OVERCOATS For $12.50 and $19.50 Reduced From $2O, $25, $3O SHIRTS REDUCED sl.so—Now 91.35 s2.oo—Now 91.65 s2.so—Now 91.95 Special Neckwear 49c BIGGEST VALUES IN TOWN HOLMAN r\ AESELER UO. 228 MARKET ST. RHEUMATISM No remedy nai relieved c nun of Rheuma:um, Gooi tr.i lumbago ai Munjroft'i Rneuma :<m Remedy. Tty it and men b d gocd-bye 'o crutchei. canei and faint 1: doet not put the diteaie :c lleep, but drirea It from ihe tytiem Ke!icee pain In from one to t.nree bou.'t. Free, nOr a bottle Send (or D'et ar.d Care Chart. Munyoa'a Labotatoriea, S4th and Columbia Ave., Pnila "I'nelc pheuni next Wednesday and Tom'* Thursday, with daily matl- Caibln" liees. Win. 11. Kibble bus successfully solved the | problem of combining' the old and the new "Uncle Tom's. Cabin" into a big spectaculur play that leaves out no tiling worth retaining; of either the straight method of the circus method. All worthy features of the' old land marks are retained, while the thread of the story has been cleverly re oonstrueted, making it more coherent. To-day and to-morrow, at the Colo nial Theater, Geraldine Farrar will bo seen in a drama of <cr:ilUlnc Pnrrnr Kastern days und in "Shadows* Alaskan nights, „ entitled "Shad ows. Miss Farrar Is seen as an hon ored \%ife confronted by a dilema of aiding a swindler or having Ivor un savory past revealed. The star is . lilted for just* the sort of role she ] plays in the picture, und makes tlie most of every opportunitv given her. Her supjrr I'ttng east is well balanced, and every member gives a pleasing performance. Patrons who enjoy highly dramatic offerings of somber i hue will thrill to the incidents | throughout this picture. I ' j ,lis latest picture, "Too Many '.Millions," being shown at the Re j gent Theater to-day i \\ nllncc Itcid and to-morrow, Wal nt the Itcjfent lace Held is pfaced in the unique* predica ment oi having too much money. He manages, however, to get rid of tlie enormous sum, hut in his effort he captivates his audience by a number of startling and unheard of tricks, dust picture him as a book agent, in heriting $40,000,000. and just as he is enjoying himself—losing the whole fortune. A fascinating and funny Sen net t comedy will also be shown. Mondirv and Tuesday, Marguerite t. he shown in "lAttle Miss Hoover.' a delightful new production. In "The Kove Auction." starring popular Virginia Pearson, which -s I due at the Victoria ••I-ove Auction*' Theater to-day and at the Victoria to-morrow, William Fox has secured a dramatic and forceful presentation of REGENT THEATER ' TOD A \ —TOMORROW ' ' Wallace Reid lit his breezy new comedy. "Too Many Millions" j Adapted from Porter Emerson Browne N famous novrl, "Someone ] nnd Somebody." 8K \ N ETT CO M lO D V ! ============= MOXIJ AT—TI KSD AY . m CHE ! America's Sweetest Favorite "Little Miss Hoover" | i'omlnz—t). \V. Griff Hit'* A Ho inaner of Hnpp.v \ alley." I O r theater oriy Monday Feb. 24 Engagement Out Of The Ordinary Former The r.atur The Musical Sensation E,g c[ H,t Famous That Swept New York and The G ? 0 T nut Tr-'if London Off Their Feet £• in • Century York Revelation In Melody Vocal and Instrumental .^ hea^ cr ' City Unlike Any Other Entertainment Ever Staged THE WORLD FAMOUS—THE UNRIVALLED |NEW YORK SYNCOPATED, H ORCHESTRA OF 50 P WILL MARION COOK C n,E CONDUCTOR t • _________________ l'hc Greatest Assemblage Presenting n Smashing Solos, Ducts, Quartets of Talented Artists— Program of Characteristic n,l( ' Ensembles Doth Vocalists and. Musicians Negro Musical Art in X ocal an<l Instrumental By the Foremost of the Colored Race Hagtl.no Jazz and Exponents of Negro Ever Drought Together Syncopated Melody Musical Art of the World A CONCLAVE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND MOST EMINENT COLORED MUSICAL ARTISTS , INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING GREAT STARS 1 Bud'dy Frank The George Florence I Will Exposi- Original Cole Marion tion Gilmore Withers Jaz f Jones Cook Jubilee ' n,c . The Great Quartet America's Beyond All Four Celebrated Tmmlmnlui ' l'hc Marvelous Question the* Drummer of rl,c Sensation Greatest I \ VKro Foremost Pre-eminent the Mr. and j * h ° Intro<l,,ced of Zicgfcld's y OKI . o Nightingale and Musical Exponents Mrs. Vernon | "The Blues" Midnight Coloratura Composer of of Castle Tours jto New York | Frolic Baritone Soprano the Negro Race Syncopation —... ■ ■ ■ " ' PRICES—SOc, 75c, $l.OO, $1.50 .SEATS ON SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE NOW the complex society life problems of cne of America's greatest cities. j Mondial, in the ninth gripping chap ter of the screen serial supreme, 'The I Master Mystery.' is scheduled for ; some new and startling adventures in his sensational battles with the fiend ish and weird htflnan-like ingenuity of the giant automation, whose devil ish actions feature this remarkable series of pictures. The serial will likewise he shown to-day and to morrow. Indian Day to Be Observed Washington's Birthday ! The lfl 19 Indian motorcycle sea j son here will be foi inally opened up lon Washington's Njii thduy by West j 12nd Electric and (Nile Co., the lo cal dealer in Indian Motorcycles, (whose store at Green and Maeluy i streets will be open throughout the day for the inspection of the 1919 | model motorcycles by the. public. I Everybody is Invited to the store to | look over tlie handsome new ma chines that are offered for the com ing riding season. I For many years Indian Day has been a pleasurable institution j throughout the United States and it ] has been the custom of the local ! representatives of tho Hendee Manu i faduring Company, makers of tho i Indian Motorcycles, to keep "open COLONIAL Today and Saturday GERALDINE FARRAR A gripping story which carries you from the Alas kan gold fields to New New York society. The • third Farrar Goldwyn pic ture and the best. SHADOWS Coming, Monday, Tuesday "The Border Legion" Blanche Bates Star of "The Girl of the Golden West" i'wiNTERDALE DANCES* 15 North .Market Square Washington Birthday Dance ! SATI lIIJA VEVEM.VG, FEU. 23 Sou rbler'w lliu Or a hr.H(rn AdniiNNloii 40c mill 00c Private LCMMOII by Appointment V—— J ' house" alt day long. All tlio new j models are (hen on show and It is the bit,' get-together meeting of the year for motorcycle enthusiasts, riders and prospective riders. Sou venirs will be provided for the guests and special plans for entertainment, demonstrations and instructive in formation are being made. The internationally famous Indian | Powerplus motorcycle with equal-1 ly famous eradlo spiing frame, that) performed so sensationally in war, service; the Indian Light Twin, the; unique four cycle opposed cylinder: MAJESTIC I j A Lively Musical Comedy Number | Little Miss Manhattan ; Pretty Girls in Pretty Costumes 3 Other High Class Keith Attractions. First Evening Show 7.-10 ! Second Evening Show 9.10 ORPHEUM SATURDAY THE NEW MUSICAL COMEDY NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY GIRLS MUSIC DANCING COMEDY Sat. Matinee, and 50<; Nights, to $l.OO ORPHEUM EVENING FEB. 25 SIGXOIt I'. A. GIANNIM, Noted Tenor, Presents SIGNORINA EUFEMIA GIANNINI I.vine SOPRANO New Star of the Grand Operatic Singing AND HER CONCERT COMPANY * * —i ORCHESTRA, $2.00, fl.ftO, $l.OO. PRICES SB®sr """• ilightweight machine and the snap! jand splcndtd Indian litcycle line sv 1 be shown in their entirety on 1: ! dian day. :' VICTORIA Toil (i y mill Tomorrow M llliiiin Fox I'rosentn Vlltia.MA I'KAItSOM In "THIS I.OVK AUCTION" A Convincing;, Driiumtlc Screen I Story fo Vital Soelety Prob lem* of Today—Also HOI DIM in K|d*o<lcl) "'ftlK MASTHIt MVSTKKY" Momlny, Tucxdny unil _ Wednenduy, . February 21-20 EVVEI.YX M'.SIIIT THAW and Her Son, ltii**ell. in "ItKit MISTAKK" i Are toll \Vnleliing for "Salome?" Admission—ttlc mid 2<lc and Mar Til x '; BASKETBALL Harrisburg Independents vs. Saint Elizabeth • Saturday, Feb. 22 I (Ticstnut Street Auditorium I UANtTNt. AFTKK THE tiAMK With Norton. Eainmis Colored ] .Kiitcrtaincr and Tambourine Artist.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers