8 WOULD NOTTRUST LEAGUE DOUBTERS iEx-President Taft Says He is Glad Wilson Went to Europe San Franctooo, Feb. 20.—"The gentlemen In the Senate who are setting out to defeat this league of nations are those I would not trust overnight," former President Wil liam H. Taft said yesterday at a luncheon given in his honor. "They are citing the constitution as an argument against it," contin ued Mr. Taft. "I revere and worship that great instrument, and it is a new stopr to me if the constitution prevents this people from playing their part In bringing peace and order and hap piness to ourselves and the other peoples of the world. "This is not a political question, God forbid. I am glad President AVUson went to Europe, because he went bearing a promise of a league of nations. .... "The application at this time of tho doctrine of avoiding entaqgllng alliances is reactionary to the ex tent of delaying world peace oue hundred years. The question at this time is whether the whole great plan of tho league of nations is to he defeated because we can't get a two-thirds majority of our Senate for its ratification." FESS CRITICIZES LEAGUE Washington, Feb. 20. —Criticism of the constitution of the league of nations was opened in the House late yesterday with an address by Representative Fess, of Ohio, Re publican, who declared the league plan was "monstrous" and filled with "vicious possibilities." "Just as soon as the American people shall grasp tl|.e vicious pos sibilities herein included, said Mr. Fess, "there will be such a revolu tion of sentiment aroused that any man who will subscribe to this per petual surrender of this republic s future to a vote of foreign nations will be, as he should be, repudiated as an enemy to the spirit and genius of American Institutions." Beware of Counterfeits! Some are Talcum Powder. PAIN'S MASTER "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." For Headache Colds Neuralgia Grippe Earache Influenzal Colds Toothache Neuritis ® Achy Gums Lame Back" Lumbago Joint-Pains Rheumatism Pain! Pain! Adults—Take one or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Since the world-famous discovery of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" intro duced in 1900, billions of these genu ine tablets have been prescribed by physicians and Proved Safe by MUlions. "Raver "ST ASPIRIN Aspirin it the trade tntrlc of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacideeter of Salicylicacid Ask for and Insist Upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." American Owned, Entirely. 20 cent packago—Larger sizes also. ®- How d lara r.omni..S ( d OXIDAZE FOR COUGHS. COLDS Bronchial Asthma . ",*V H aahklr aad aural* ataa a bag e|k mm A Sir. r.li.f I. BroMhialAatbat. GuraatMd haralMt. Uied with complete utiifacUoa is th Prevention of Influenza AUTHORITIES agree that Iti Ingredients ere Germicidal, Antiseptic, Stimalative T ho riialsualiliealofliht dlaeaaa AMERICAN PHYSICIANS whofaSTensedtheae tablets in their practice for years hare recently written ueas follows, via: 'Have treated about 100 Influenza cases fol lowed by several I'neumonies, with curative results in every case." "in the eisht or ten years I have known them I bare always felt safe in any Pneumonia case." •' •"joutof Oxidaze and 1 would Ilka 1000 tab lets. I have cured hundredsof my patieeta.aend eoon es possible as I need them risht away." I have heard today from Dr.— he is having ■'* to eisht cases dally andallgoinc well under the Oxidaze treatment." Here la absolute preel Irmm naera. Watrrburv, Ct. No asthma thanks to Oxidsza. Jem. IV. No. We And it all yon claim. Xerdnck, Col. Am well pleased with results. Ctrelemlle. O. More help than from anything. Mast. It gives full aatlafaction. Detrmt, Mich. It has benefited me greatly. Worcester, Matt. Is worth thousands to me. N-R- I pek in higheat praise of it Anion, Mich. I got nearly instunt relief. Moiocll. Mich. For asthma, bestthingrvefonnd. Cincinnati, O. It isa wondertulmedicine. Sarin. N. Y. Del ighted with Oxidaze. Rochdale, Mass. Cough gone, gained eight lbs. Jl!£* the sclentifle opinion of the best AUTHORITIES ON THERAPEUTICS, the atate menu of broadminded. AMERICAN PHYSICIANS Of large and also the teatlmony of tha . actual USERS OP OXIDAZE who have t ought the tablets and tried them ont for themselves. What better evidence can bo desired that Oxi daze Tablets will doalltbatts claimed for thamP gay a bottle, keep them in the hense and asc them as a preventive whenever yoa are threat ened by any of the diseases mentioned. Signed letters on flle. All Dnidtota mm THURSDAY EVENING, HEALTH OF SERBS GOOD, IS REPORT Few Cases of Typhus or Even Influenza—Red Cross Active Xish, Serbia, Feb. 20.—The health of the population of Serbia is sur prisingly good. There have been few cases of the dreaded typhus or even of Influenza. In both the mili tary and civil hospitals the work of Serbian doctors, whose number since the war began has been re duced by more than half Is being supplemented by British, French and American physicians. The American Bed Cross has hos pitals at Uskub and Monastir and will establish others In Northern Serbia If required. There are Bed Cross doctors and dentists at Nisli, Belgrade and other points. In the Monastir district there is a special Bed Cross mission for the purpose of training Serbian peas ants in American farming methods and encouraging them to use mod ern agricultural machinery. The weather is extremely cold and fuel is very scarce. The Aus trians and Bulgarians deliberately wrecked entire buildings in order to make firewood of the flooring and tvindow frames. There is scarcely any petrol in the country and ordi nary kerosene is selling at $5 a quart. The country's coal mines cannot be worked because moflt of the miners are still in the army. Railroads and highways are in a lamentable conation and present many obstacles to the task of get ting relief supplies to the Interior. To Educate Disabled Soldiers and Pay Them While Being Trained Washington, Feb. 20.—A call Is being sent out by the Federal Board of VocaUonal Education at Wash ington, to patriotic individuals all over the country asking assistance in getting the Board in touch with returned soldiers who have been disabled, but who are making an attempt to work at some occupa tion, and aro not succeeding well. I The Federal Board offers to these j men the choice of over (00 trades, j occupations and callings from which Ito select one, and in which the I Board will make the student pro ficient. lie will be allowed $65 a month support while in training. If |he is married and has children, there will be allowed S3O a month for his wife and $lO a month for each additional child up to three. All expenses incident to the course of training are paid by the Federal Board. When he has finished and is pronounced competent, there i will have been found for him a j position in that line for which lie has been re-educated, and prefer ably in or near his former home. France Is Building Fleet of Cement Ships; Launches First One Paris, Feb. 20.—The Comafran I, which has just been launched on the Seine, is the first of what is ex pected to be a large fleet of cement ships to be In Franco this spring, mainly to carry coal from England. These ship 3 are of a standard type of about 1,000 tons displacement and the French are proud of the fact that all the material used in the construction of this first unit of their new cement fleet was pro duced In France. The Comafran I is French built throughout down to the smallest detail. The steel used in the construction framework was scrap metal from the battlefields. The vessel was launched stem first, said to be the first time this has been accomplished with a ce ment ship of this tonnage. Many French shipbuilding experts had ex pressed fears of mishaps, but .noth ing untoward occurred. Physical Education Being Required as Result of World War Washington, Feb. 20. —A quick ened appreciation in all nations of the value of physical education has resulted from the war, according to Dr. P. P. Elaxton, Commissioner of the Bureau of Education, and has been evidenced In this country by the enactment of laws in eight states requiring physical training in the public schools. Illinois was the first of the Amer- ] lean states to require physclal train ing by statute, passing the law in June, 1915. Sinco that time New York, New Jersey, Nevada, Rhode Island, California, Maryland and Delaware have enacted similar laws and six other states, Massachusetts, • Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Nebras ka, Ohio and Colorado, have given legislative attention to tho subject but have not acted. Agree on Jamison For Congress in the Twenty-second District Pittsburgh, Feb. 20.—James M. Jamison, of Greensburg, Pa., for mer state senator and coal opera tor, Is the Republican candidate for Congress in the Twenty-second dis trict. According to reports Tues day night, the Butler and West moreland county conferees, who met here to name the candidate, adjourned after failing to break a deadlock, Butler claiming that a district rule gave it the nominee, while Westmoreland refused to ad here, saying a stolte committee rule should prevail. It developed yesterday that, af\er the newspaper men loft the confer ence hall, the got together, smoothed out the differ ences, and nominated Mr. Jamison. Small Packers Form Export Corporation to Hold Their Trade Chicago, Feb. 20. —A tentative ex port corporation, composed of meat packers, exclusive of the five large packing companies, was formed yes terday by representatives of forty firms from all over the country. Twenty-five firms pledged $5,000 each, If needed, to start the corpor ation under the provisions of the Webb-Pomerene law. Frederick S. Snyder, of Boston, chief of the meat division of the food administration, called the meeting and explained that, as the meat division would soon cease to allot foreign orders, the small packers might find it ad visable to organize to retain some of the foreign trade which came to them through the exigencies of war. England Hat Own Servant Problem at Direct Retult of War Loudon, Fb. SO.—Time wi whan Americans, harassed by the servant problem, came to England Store Closes Regularly - Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six "l' l *—" M UNITED HAHHISBttnCt. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 30, IPIB. FOUNDED 187 Envelope Chemise Notion Specials IfSp I Tomorrow Is The Final' Day of | and straight around trim; HI . " - U ** J M Bargains, each, med. B. B. B. and Friday I® M 1A Bargains, |j| _• PI jf! 1 ro Odd lot of buttons. B. B A few odds of soiled un- $ .|ftJ AMi -■> i I f" - ffi B - Frida y Bargains, card, derwear; such as Boudoir &ES • 2VoC caps, chemise, dressing yy t * yffi SSSF 1 " 1 ' Combined with the Weekly Thrift Event * 8 tf 39c m g c of .a~ p n IJ-AAvi <X y M-JCjLL cuillu S ioc B. and Friday Bargains, H] %/ ffl Odds and ends of notions 10C double-header like these two attractions for the thrifty shopper is, of course, an unusual event and an extraordinary ill B. B. B. Friday Bargains, IH opportunity for economy. Last year we were obliged to dispense with our B. B. B. Sale. This year market conditions W 1 p • [jx permit its resumption, lhy result has been six days of selling at exceptional price reductions. To-morrow, the iinal yjj rajamas f&| day, therefore you may avail yourself of these reductions and also profit by the many odds and ends accumulated during M „. , T , v> r> T - • hM the B. B. B. Salf. these will be included for a final clean-up as Friday Bargains Slloe laccs - B. B. B. Fri Made of crepe with a blue ||J . *' W da y Bargains, JSHSdS B - B - au " I And then here is the February Sale 1 s c .■—To- I Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture 1 =^,_,, | Clearance of Cold Weather Wearables I blue and white striped with W, • £>, y Narrow binding. B. B. B braid and frog trimming. B. K Qffx < i m Friday Bargains, yd.. B. B. and Friday Bargains, ■ yD J. Do $1.75, $2.15, $2.35 |E Store news of this kind will surely make to-morrow the biggest day of this year. Conic in the forenoon if possible, of] Nightgowns in whtle, pink 38889898fe88 8 MBBBB Bi =- -v r ' ; nC * S B ' B- B. FrJ striped. High necks and _ % . . , _ """ " !.*. C for 25c 1 long sleeves; also a pretty Silks Cooking Pot Shoes White Goods pink and blue trimming. B. ... . , , Buttonhole braid B B B. B. and Friday Bargains, A 1 silk specials that pre- h.ianielcd-8 qt. cap&city Women's gray kid laced Hemmed crochet bed- B. Friday Bargains, yd.', or* <pi rr (Pi TP vad through the B. B. L. with side handles. B. B. B. boots; I'rench heels. B. B. , nn -r, r. $1.35, $1.55, $1.75 Sale will be designated by and Friday Bargains, B. and Friday Bargains, spreads, size 68x80. B. B. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor special yellow signs. They (7 AA B. Friday Bargains, each, are many in number. /DC <pfvV banitary aprons. B. B. B > i iIT e ti. tv. . „ / SI.UU Friday Bargains, Ladies Union Olllts Remnants of silks and Tin Dish Pan Women s gray and fawn ,- • ' • ~~ ~ voiles. Plain and printed. suede 'laced boots, French ufC The last day of our B. B. 2 to 8 yards; enough for 14-qt. capacity. Round in heels. B. B. B. and Friday Colored Reversible bed- B. Sale brings out a won- waist or dress. B. B. B. and shape. B. B. B. and Friday Bargain, spreads in pink and blue ef- u c {y. 10 °' < a "d ®ye s - B derful value in union suits. Friday Bargains, yd., Bargains, each, 00 fects; full size. B. B. B. Friday Bargain, pkg. "n *Tx • 75c 50c Women's gray and brown Ba ~ac,,. lc a soft and l ght fleece In- k t . J2.50 , S B - B - B - Fwday Bai " 27-inch fancy ginghams. tops- B. B. 13. and Friday A. .. 1 19 AH hest grades, such as- Black Japanned; 13;Tx Bargains, Mercerized Damask nap- lo.le de Nord, Bates and 7/, inches Suitable for J7.OQ kins Hemmed and ready Dresses made of* whit, _ . . Amoskeag m plaids, stripes Cafeterias, boarding houses r .. c " d " u ,cau y j , gtamop j r,-.,. Stockings and plains. Also nurses' and homes. B. B. B. and Women's tan calf laced for use. Size 18x18. B. B. broiderv. in infants' ( stripes and checks. B. B. Friday Bargains, each, boots with French heels. B. B. and Friday Bargains, per months'and 1 year. B. B. B The last of the B B. B. jj an( i Friday Bargains, yd., OP. B. B. and Friday Bargains, doz., Friday Bargain in our hosiery department i ODC CA fIJI AA a A ' brings out a "ladies' black LVC \\ T i • L . PO.*JU DI.UU JHC cotton stocking of good Washing Machine T ,• , , . weight with garter top and best Amcricall The well known Richmond calf BB R . diaper cloth, 20 Lad. ts atamped n.ght frpridav Bafoain '' percales in whi.g.gray, navy high s„c :d. B. B. B. and and Friday Brains mcl.es w,de; 10 yds. to a I° a r ga ins 3 B. Friday Bargains and b , ack gr^ unds with Friday Bargain, CO >IO piece. B. B. B. and Friday b QQ 25C most up-to-date printings. CI CAA Bargains, per piece, ODC c j B. B. B and Friday Bar- , SIS.UU Women's black patent but- 25 BOWMAN's-second Floor Suspenders gains,;.. Dish Mop ton shoes wifl. cloth tops. ' Dress Goods nowMAtt'S Main Flour. Made.of heavy cotton with sains, webbing. Neat fancy pat- Friday Bargain ' ' '"allciu toweling for hard " voo , l l <lr, ' ss or ■' ,rges terns and plain colors with inciay Bargain, BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. wear BB B and Fridav mostly navy and black. Som< leather ends. B. B. B. Fri- Domestics * 8c Bargain,'per yd., colors in lengths of 2J4 tc day Bargains, UUHICBUVB BOWMANS-Basement. NA . rn' * reni ants from oui 19c Lot No. I—Assortment of , . Draperies 15 c best selling numbers. B. B BOWMAN'S in Duckling fleeces and flan- Middies and Smocks Remnants of/ white* and B. and Friday Bargains, yd. ***• • t i r ,C C ant'lpnwth •27 nnrl ik Ecru curtain materials and Fancy white voiles in $195 Nest of Mixing Bowls " " > ' In plain white Galatea, as- cretonne in good lengths. short lengths. Fine quality. 32-inch mohair suiting \T I 7~r rfHlnw mjvirifr FriHnv Rirfrains vd sorted colored cuffs and col- B. B. B. and Friday Bar- B. B. B. and Friday Bar- checked and plain. B. B. B , f"J M r/S I r,day Bargains, yd., lars; including plaid ging- gains, gains, yd., and Friday Bargains, yd., bowls. Each of a different i r hams and chambray. Slip U~IC D-* size, but each size useful m on and re g U ] ar coa t middies. OUC-rlftll I FICC 15fC DUC kitchen. B. B. B. and rn- Sizes from 16 to 22. B. B. Nottingham rurtiins in BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. day Bargain, Lot No. 2—Remnant of B. and Friday Bargains, white and Ecru. yds. and Clemmed WC R Qfir> bleached muslin. 36 inches ta i flfirr t> r> i „,| r •,i„„ and hemmed. B. B. B. and , . wide. Good quality while $1.79 pai?' y Bar s ains each > Rubber Stair Treads Knife Sharpener lot lasts. B. 8.8. and I-n- Another line of plain white & J1 AA 17c 21c and 25c Maße of full gov- One of the best knife '' Galatea. Self trimming and * ernment standard rubber sharpeners made. Blade* 18c smocking; coat style. B. B. Ball fringe in good colors; All linen Table Damask. Fancy moulded patterns sharpens by drawing B. and Friday Bargains, also curtain-edges in several Silver Bleach, 70 inches 6xlß inches, 10c through 2 hardened steel t „ . 98c widths. B. B. B. and Fri- wide. B. B. B. and Friday 7xlß inc l ies , 15c wheels. B. B. B. and Friday Lot No. 3—Dress gingham day Bargain, yd., Bargains yd. 9xlß inches, 17c Bargains, in plaid a " d stripes. Light C ' ' 9xlß inches, with uoiing^ Op£ patterns. B. B. B. and Fri- 5c $1.59 20c. _ u .day Bargains, yd., . Line of voile waists. Some . BOWMAN'S-Scond Floor InlaiJ f inoUiim< Gas Heater IQ_ in colors and stripes with 36-mch heavy cretonne 111 Inlaid LinOleUITlS ~ ! , , IDv organdie collars and cuffs. c °l° r s. Slightly soiled. chnrf inncrtiic rf ;i M "" , j beater that can be Also da i nt y tucks and lace 2 yd. lengths. B. B. B. Girlft'Middy BIoUSeS Mosaic oattorns Two vav placed on gas jet, giving Lot No. 4—About 150 yds. trimmed. B. B. B. and Fri- and Friday Bargains, yd., uiX I light and heat at the same calico in pink, blue and tan day Bargains, 10- oto 14 yrs. White with S 'ain!'fa vd ' time. B. B. B. and Friday ; n plaids. Cut from the 01 AA I *' C collar and trimmings of as- Bargains, sqjd., Bargains, - e B B B and Frid DI.UU BowMAN's-Fourth Floor sorted colors - Slightly soil- 4SfC 69c Bargains, yd,, BOWMAN'S— Third Floor |M| cd. B. B. B. and Friday China Cup. pfe CoatT "" Flannelette Sleeper. Barsa ' nS ' i Stoir Carpet "ISTtransparent 'fTanS. "'Jfood y-Thfl' 'ringed fn'rosc! I^^Vtche^Si Cluna cups and saucers. quality, assorted patterns. an a . ome white stripes; drop scat and • Copenhagen, green in tan, blue or green pat. B. B. B. and Friday Bar- B. B. B. and Friday Bar- a ™ f"' l B "cd. B. B. B. In- ket g B Frj . s tr, P ed - Slightly soiled. B. ' lerns BB B Friday g a ms, gains, yd., day Bargain, day Bargains, B. B. and Friday Bargains, Bargains, yd., 23c 19c $9.95 75c > 75c 69c BOW MAN S Basement. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Third Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor } J ttAmssatmo ititik TELEGRAPH Ito livo. Hero they Could keep house in peace and sing the Virtues of English domestics, making com parisons based on experience In the United States with servants of every race and color. They deolared that from housekeeper and cook-general to nurse and between-mald the English serving women had no peers—they worked harder, better, longer hours, and with more Wil lingness and for less pay than Ser vants In any other part ef the world, Now many of these Americans are returning home. Xhey have not modified their notions about Eng lish servants, but they simply can not hire them any more. England, > as a result of the War, Is having , her own servant problem. The trouble began when the ser ' vant girls flocked into war work. Householders Were greatly Incon i venlenced und large numbers clos ; ed up their dwellings and moved . Into hotels. Us# Exterminator—Ad | FEBRUARY 20, 1019. Pittsburgh Man Home; Shot Down Two Planes New Turk, Feb. 20.—Three avia . tors among the passengers return ing yesterday on the transport Or- I tega were Lieutenants Clay Stark ey, Roanoke, Va.i Frank Elxon, o Pittsburgh, and H. Whltcomb Nlcol son. East Orange, N. J. Hlxon shot down two planei while a member of the 17th Brltlsl , aero squadron. Xlcolson was con nected with the First pursuit trooj | of the 27tH aero squadron and hai downed one plane.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers