BELL 1091—2356 L'KITED Two More Days Of The 3. B. B. Sale Sheeting at Prices That Invite Early Buying Flanneletts; 27 inches wide in Persian and figured de signs. Cut from the piece. B. B. B. Sale, 15c yd. unbleached sheeting: 81 inches wide. Even round thread. Will bleach and wash easily. B. B. B. Sale, yd. Bleached sheet; 72x90. Center scam. Made of good quality muslin. 3-inch hem at top. Laundered. B. B. B. Sale, $1.15 each. Unbleached sheeting; 36 inches wide. Extra good quality. Smooth even thread. Will bleach easily. B. B. B. Sale, 19c yd. Special reductions on all blankets and comforts; BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Among the Draperies Nottingham curtains; 2]/ 3 yards long. White and ecru. B. B. B. Sale, $1.25 pair. 50-inch poplin in green and blue. Highly mercerized. B. B. B. Sale, 98c yd. • I Cretonne edgings; inch wide. Several colors. B. B. B. Sale, 6c yd. 36-inch cretonne in light colors; good patterns. B. B. B. Sale, 19c yd. * BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. Two More Days of B. B. B. Dress Material Specials We made such good provision in our dress materials sec tions, that we are still able to offer generous assortments at ' prices that will surely deplete the quantities before the closing hour of this sale. Beautiful Silks 36-inch navy Satin de Lux. B. B. B. Sale. $1.59 yd. 36-inch black messaline. B. B. B. Sale, $1.59 yd. 40-inch crepe de chine. Limited color line. B. B. B. Sale, i $1.29 yd. 36-inch fancy silks, stripes and plaids. B. B. B. Sale, $1.39 and $1.95 yd. j, 32-inch sport silks; white grounds with colored figures and stripes. B. B. B. Sale, $1.59 yd. 32-inch Shantung pongee. B. B. B. Sale, 79c yd. 36-inch white China silk. B. B. B. Sale, 79c vd. Wash Goods # 40-inch fancy print voiles in light and dark grounds. B. B. B. Sale, 45c and 55c yd. 32-inch foreign and domestic zephyr ginghams; almost end less variety to choose from. B. B. B. Sale, 59c yd. 36-inch best American percales. B. B. B. Sale* 35c yd. 36-inch Irish linen suiting. All colors. B. B. B. Sale $1.25 yd. IVoolen Dress Goods 40-inch all wool French serge. B. B. B. Sale. $1.69 vd. 50 and 54-inch fine twill serge; all colors. B. B. B. Sale $2.50 yd. 40-inch fancy plaids. B. B. B. Sale, $1.69 yd. 36-inch Herring Bone mohair suiting. Navy and srrav B B. B. Sale, 79c yd. [ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Advance Spring Millinery Event! ill Enjoy Making a Selection Froni the of P Shown Here Bowman millinery carries its own assurance of distinction. The new hats for 1919 show a marked individuality giving the wearer a more than usual opportunity of making selections which are most becoming to their particular personal type. Re markably clever treatments of the brim which is set in all sorts of odd angles. Crowns in effects decidedly more becoming. Here are mushroom sailors, straight brim sailors and turbans, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six ' . ' > ' , Yes, of People_ Have Come_ to the Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture During This February Sale But you would scarcely know from the splendid stock on hand, that any great amount of furniture had been sold. But we have drawn from our large reserve stock in the warehouses and where some patterns were unusually popular w have duplicated the orders from the factories. There are but eight more days of the February Sale—the most successful of the many furniture sales we have con ducted. It is an unusual opportunity to equip every room in the home with furniture that gives the fullest possible expression to individual taste. A deposit will hold any purchase for later delivery. All goods purchased in February Furniture Sale will be stored up to ninety days, free. All furniture delivered auto truck or freight charges prepaid to distant points. The Bowman Club Plan gives you the privilege of'buying furniture in the February Sale and extending payments over a period of months. Overstuffed Fireside Davenports luxuriously com- tcrior of drawers and cupboards are 'of mahoganv fortablc and attractive in design. Priced special at This suite shown on floor complete with solid m-Tbno-' $69.00, $95.00, $119.00. $159.00 and $149.00. any chairs, upholstered in genuine blue leather. Stdfe" Separate pieces to be found on various sections of the J f 9 pieces. February sale price, $269.00. floor, all the special price reductions for this sale. Silk floss mattresses, guaranteed 100 per cent. Golden quartered oak library table, plank top with Java floss. Well made and covered in a beautiful art drawer and undershelf, $16.95. ticking. February sale price, $23.75. Three-piece leather and oak livingroom suite, settee, 801 l edge Felt Mattress. A soft comfortable mat arm chair and rocker, $89.00.|r e ess'. ss ' S°°d ticking. All sizes. One or two parts. Three-piece mahoganv library suite, upholstered in emiar\ sale pi ice, $18.50. brown Spanish leatherette, $39.00. * ; . , n . lan ?P eci t al combination mattress full size or Solid mahogany cane rocker or arm chair, antique 'ifox spr fn's s°a i u 1 1 ' V-! trr e s °^ f t Ui f " P r ' ce ' brown finish, $11.75. H . ta "^Ku-iry a' SP'seal reduced pnees Antique Mahogany Dining Suite (Beautiful Bowman's special box-spring for all size beds cov Elizabethan Period). All pieces arc ot generous size. ered in good grade Art Ticking. Substantial springs Buffet has dust proof partitions between drawers; in- | and comfortable. February sale, $19.75. Fifth Floor For Fine Furnitrue Final Reductions On Children s and Misses' Furs Buy furs now for next winter at One-fourth Off of regular prices, and in some instances even stronger reductions. This final clearance of children's and misses' furs offers the wanted models at substantial savings. It will pay every wise mother to buy fur sets for the chil dren and the young miss at these prices. You still have a number of weeks for good service and then pack them away for next winter at prices no doubt much below what you will be able to buy them for then. KARRISBTJRG EIYTIK TELEGRAPH: JSvcwnarii lIAlt 1(1 SBt ; ItG, WEDNESDAY. FKBHIAKY 20. 1010. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. j Specially Priced at! iss $6-50 $7.50 & iq| J -4 V These prices represent the unusual in value as well as + % the exceptional in style design. + **<•*****•><•*•>* *❖***** * * * * * * ********* **** *** Misses' set —Moline and like ermine, $12.50. Misses' 'Set—Nutria, coney combined with like ermine, $12.50. Several sets of natural coney, gray, jeanette, badger and white coney, $5.50, $7.50 and $lO. IVomens Muffs at 1-4 Off Lucile, black, taupe and Youkon fox, Taupe, brown and georgette wolf muffs. trimmed with flowers, ribbons ostrich pom poms. Large rough straw flats, trimmed with ribbons, others with flowers and rib bons. Smart turbans trimmed with wings, ostrich pompoms and flowers. All desirable colors. Very smart banded sailors in all colors plain and two toned effects, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95. These are extra special at these prices. . , x BOWAIAN'S—Third Floor. FEBRUARY 19, 1919. Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six Two More Days Of The D. B. B. Sale Window Shades, Lino leum, Rugs Specially Priced Window shades made of best quality hand-made oil cloth, in solid or Duplex colors. 3 feet wide, and 6 feet long. Sub ject to slight imperfections in painting. B. B. B. Sale, 69c. New process linoleum; two yards wide in tile and Mosaic patterns. Cut from full rolls. B. B. B. Sale, 49c sq. yd. Axminster rugs in beautiful floral and conventional pat terns. Made of panels. Borders on ends only; 9x12 feet. B. B. B. Sale, $29.50. BOWMAN'S —Fourth Flooi. Boys' Sweaters No boys' sweaters to be carried over. Here is a gand opportunity to purchase boys sweaters at great savings. Navy, blue and maroon. B. B. B. Sale. $1.65.. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Anotherßoot Silk Bargain 1 his is a beautiful stocking made to fit with the grace and style that arc noticeable in high-grade stockings. I hcse stockings are black, white, gray, brown, lavender and navy. A big lot to choose from. B. B. B. Sale, 55c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Children's Union Suits —a fleece lined cotton ribbed garment. Medium weight in white only. B. B. B. Sale, 89c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Basement Offers Splendid Opportunity For Values An endless variety of household needs have been reduced in price for this special event. Those who have seen this splendid stock invariably come again. Jf you have not seen it, this is an opportune time. Kitchen canister set —consisting of 4 white Japanned can isters of various sizes. Marked flour, sugar, coffee and tea. B. B. B. Sale, $1.39. Washing machine—the well known "Typhoon" made of Richmond cedar. B. B. B. Sale, $10.50. Water tumblers; the plain heavy kind used by restaurants and boarding houses. B. B. B. Sale, 65c doz. Ice tongs —nickel plated and durable. A useful article dur ing the coming summer months. B. B. B. Sale, 10c. Oval clothes basket made of splint that will stand rough usage. B. B. B. Sale, 98c. Garden sticks that can be placed among the flowers with insects and butterflies on top, adding a beautiful and summer like appearance to the garden. B. B. B. Sale, 25c. Gas radiator. 4 tube high with jeweled front. B. B. B Sale $4.25. BOWMAN'S—Basement. 3 FOUNDED 1871
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