Iditional Classified Ads on Opposite Page automobile* iD-MILK GUARANTEED TIRES'' 30x3 9 311.00 30x374 © 318.00 12x3 7* 9 317.50 Rx4 ® 31915 J3x4 9 321.50 34x4 9 323.60 ••THE AROVE TIRES ARB UNUSUAL VALUES." I ARE MAKING PRICE ■ YF.RTISh." THE TIRES AND 7 HAVE LOTS Of OTHER TIRB KGAINS EQUALLY AS GOOD. "LOOK US OVER." AU-:YSTONE SALES CO., 108 MARKET ST. U RENT Fireproof garage on t'ras avenue, 33.50 per month. • at 20l llerr street. I-L -BUY used touring car for State make, year, condition and Address Auto, cure Telegraph. OLD AUTOS Led; used, wrecked or oldtimers, iy condition. See ma before suc ng elsewhere. Chelsea Auto king, A. bchlSraan. 23, 24. 26 l Cameron street. Bell 3633. E NEW CONESTOGA TlHlCK— red body; 1,000. lbs. capacity; a atn. Inquire of Philadelphia t Lunch. .Y STONE AUTO TOP CO. sorts of auto top and cushion done by experts; also repair . Reasonable rales. 72-13 South •roil street. WU. PENN GARAGE Muench street. Limousines for al parties and balls; careful rs; open day and night. Bell NSHINE GARAGE —'Auto ru ng by ,nn expert. Road lobs a alty. Charges reasonable. Both es. Sunshine Garage. 27 North •ron street. S OLDSMOBILE 8 ROADSTER— anteed, 31.150 if sold at once, and ■ used cars at attractive prices w ek only. Convenient terms If ed. Call for Mr. Wade. Miller Co.. 50 to 6S South Cameron t. Open Evenings. 7 FORD CARS Touring, 00. riey-Dayison Twin, with sidecar. 00. t acquainted with me. Save ■ y on any used machine wanted, n ltorst, Ltuglestown. Pa. CON-D-lIAND TRUCKS and pleas cars for sale. Ford ton trucks. -Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- •nger Hnynes Touring Car. All p to quick buyers. International ■ester Co. Truck Department. No. Walnut street. ANTED All kinds of used auto We pav highest cash prices, unk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North 1 street. Dial 4990. * GARAGES CCESSOKIES AND REPAIRS ; iTO RADIATORS Of all kinds re- ! •d by specialists. Also fenders, 1 s etc. Best service In town. Har-' u'g Auto Radiator Works, 805 b Third street. XIING, AUTO AND MACHINE I PARTS ames Straightened and welded, avy Cust Iron Our Specialty. ■rt Welders. Work Guaranteed. APITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1538 Logan St- BELL 43961. AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30 x 374 3 1 4.72 31x4 22.68 32 x 374 17.28 32x4 23.00 34x4 26.00 35 x 4 74 27-50 35x5 15.00 32x3 12.56 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third Street. ITOKCVCI ES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHAKER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. AGNF.TOS All types; 4 and 6 h high tension, Elshmann. Dl.vey, dorf. Men, Remy and different es of coils, carburetors, etc. A. ffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron :t. Bell 3633. LEGAL NOTICES IOPOSALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE 'TCE OF BOARD OF COMMIS ONKRS OK PUBLIC GROUNDS CD WILDINGS. STATU CAPITOL ILDING. HARRISBURG. PA. I.ALKD I'ROPOSAIg-i will be re d by the Superintendent of Public mil-' and Buildings, at his office lie Capitol Building, Harrisburg, until 2 o'clock I'. *4l. Tuesday. :h 11. 1919, for furnishing all labor materials to build bridge over the :h Bramh of the Susquehanna •r at 1 "alls. Wyoming County, isylvania. us indicated fully in the is and specifications prepared Dy son ami Morgan, of Wilkes-Barre, Consulting Engineers, for the ril of Commissioners of Public unds and Buildings of the Coni wealth of Pennsylvania, ians. specifications and bidding iks will be furnished prospective I- rs by applying to the Superln l- i.t of Public Grqunds and Build. Capitol Building, Harrisburg. l'a. roposals must be marked "PRO AL FALLS BRIDGE" on outside GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. W MITCHELL Secretary. OTICE I-etters of Administra on the Estate of Frank Merlin*, of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, deceased, having been granted to undersigned residing at 1414 Re i street. Harrisburg, Pa., all per i Indebted to said Estate are re tted to make immediate payment, those having claims will present n for settlement. CAMILLE MKRLINA, Administratrix. ARVET E. KNUPP, Attorney, No. 3 Russ Building, llanlsburg, Pa. . 3LIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY REAL ESTATE Court House, Harrisburg, Pa.. Thursday. February 27, 1919. at 2 o'clock, o. 1432 North Second Street, being hree-stor.v brick dwelling house i all modern improvements, situ at the southwest corner of North and and Reily Streets, with a itage of IS feet, more or less, on tli Second Street and a depth along y Street of 106 feet, more t>r less, o. 2110 Green Street, being a three ■y brick dwelling house with ell lern improvements. 17 feet, more ess. front. by 85 feet, more o.- less, tenth. ctnis and conditions of sale will announced thereat and in the intime may be obtained from the eralgncd. ON CRI ST COMPANY OF PENNS YLVANIA. ninistrator C. T. A. of the Estate Elizabeth Keffcr, Deceased. WEDNESDAY EVENING LEGAL NOTICES NOTICH letters Testamentsry on iho Estate of Thomas A. Woods, lato of llarrlaburr. Dauphin County, l'a.. dei-eaaed, having been granted to the undersigned. ull persons indebted to said restate nre requested to majte Im mediate payment, and times having claims Will present, thent for ssttio me,,t' ROBKRT W. WOOD. Kseuutor, tit North Sixth Street, or - Harrisburg, l'a. HARVKV R. KNUPP, Attorney, No. 3 Hues Building. Harrisburg, Pa. Sheriff's Sales By virture of certain writs of fieri facias, levari facias. libeVarl facias, venditioni exponas and alsias vendi tioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me directed. 1 will expose at Public Sale or Outcry.' at the Court House, in the City of iiarrishurg. Dauphin County. Pa. on Thursday, March 13th. 1919. 2 o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: (EARNEST, Attorney) No. 1. All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situated in Wayne Township. County of Dau phin and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described cs follows, to wit; Beginning at a stone at the Cor ner of property of the Young Estate and that of William Shoop, thence north twenty and one-fourth (20 1 *) degrees west, eighty-nine and live tenth (S3 5-10) perches to a stone; thence along the property of said William Shoop south sixty-nine and three-fouyth (6974) degrees west eighteen and one-tenth (IS 1-10) •perches to a stone; thence along last mentioned property north twenty-tlvo (25) degrees west forty nine and two-tenth (49 2-10) perches to a chestnut oak; thence along the other property of Jacob Miller north seventy (70) degrees cast one hun dred and thirty-six and eight-tenths (136.8) perches to a stone; thence along property of Miller and Paul south twenty-one and olio-fourth (21*4) degrees cast 2orty-ftvc and six C 45.6) tenths perches to a stone; thence along property of Christian Hoffman south sixty-eight (OS) de grees west three (3) perches to a stone; thence along the last mention ed property south twenty-one and one-fourth (21'*) degrees east eighty-three and seven tenths (53.7) perches to a post; thence along the property of the Young Estate south sixty-five and one-half (65 74) de grees west one hundred and thirteen and nine-tenths (113.9) perches to a stone, the place of beginning. Con taining one hundred and one 4 101) acres and thirty-seven (37) perches. Sold as the property if Samuel W. Alvord, defendant. (WICKERSHAM & METZGER, Attorneys.) No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the City of iiar rishurg and more particularly bound ed and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Third Street, one hundred and live (105) feet, above Boyd Avenue; thence eastwardly along the line of lot num ber ten (10), two hundred rind ten (210) feet to Logan Avenue; thence northwardly along Logan Avenue, twenty t2U) feet to thy line of lot number twelve (12); thence we&t wardly along the line of lot number twelve (12), two liundrcJ and ten (210) feet to Third Street; and tl'ence southwardly along Third Stieet twenty (20) feet to line of lot num ber ten (10), the place of beginning. The same being lot number eleven (11) on plan of lots laid out on Third Street for the heirs of Dr. Luther Kelly, deceased, and . having thereon erected a brick dwelling house known as number 1531 North Third Street, ani also a frame dwelling house fronting on Logan Avenue. For title into Joseph J. Lavia, see the deed from Otto Fox and wide dated August IS, 1009. and recorded in Deed Book U, Volume 13, page 640. Sold as the property of Joseph J. Lavia, and Beula K. Lavia, adminis tratrix of Joseph J. Lavia, deceased, defendants. (RUPP, Attorney) No. 3 All those certain lots or parcels of land situate in Lower Pax ton Township, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Lots num bered 234, 235, 336. 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242. 243, 244, 245, 240, 247, 245. 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267 and 268 as shown on a plan of lots laid out by B. F. Shees ley\which plan is known as the "Re vised Plan" of Park Place and is re corded in the Recorders Office in and for Dauphin County in Plan Book "G" page 40. bee mortgage recorded in Mort gage Book "G," Vol. 12, page 430. sold as the property of Joseph L. Santamaria, defendant. (FOX, Attorney) No. 4. All that certain lot or par cel A>f land, situate in the Sixth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded On the north by property now or formerly of Daniel Potter and Zion Baptist Church; On the east by Marion street; On the south by Sayford street; on the west by Fourth street; Being known us the north-eastern corner of Fourth qnd Sayford streets, and having a frontage along Fourth street or forty-five (45) feet, mora or less, and a depth of one hundred and twenty (120) feet, more or less. Having thereon erected a two story frame building known as Nos. 1321 and 1323 North Fourth street. For title, see deed book • fl" Vol. 12. page 201. Sold as the property of William Kranzdorf, also known as Wilhelm Kransdorf, defendant. (MILLER, Attorney) No. 5. All that certain lot of piece of land situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at the north-west cor ner of Balm and Shrub Streets; thence northwardly along Balm Street four teen and one-half (1474) feet to line of lot No. 46 on Plan of L. A. Poffen berger; thence westwardly along said lot seventy-five (75) feet to a three (3) foot wide alley; thence south wardly along said alley forteen and one-half (1474 ) feet to Shrub Street; and thence eastwardly along Shrub Street seventy-live (75) feet to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling bouse No. 44 Balm Street. It being the same premises which Emma H. Thoinas and Abel, her hus band, by their deed dated the Ist day of February, A. D„ 1918, granted and conveyed to J. Robbin Bennett Said deed being recorded in Deed Book "U," Vol. 16, Page 463. All that certain lot or piece cf ground situated on the East side of Summit Street in the City of Harris burg, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the eust side of Summit Street about k eighty (80) feet north of Walnut Street at the line of Harry Fahne stock; thence east -Hong the line of said lot seventy-five (75) feet to a three (3) feet wide private alley; thence north along said alloy twelve fl2) feet to the lino of lot of Joseph Rhoads; thence west along the line of said lot seventy-five (75) feet to Summit .Street; thence south along said street twelve (12) feet to the j line of lot of Harry Fannestoek. the 1 place of beginning. Having tlierepn erected a two-story frame dwelling house No. 11l Summit Street. It being the same premises which William Levy, by his deed dated the 28th day of N A. D., J917, and recorded iii the office for the le corder of deeds. In and for the County of Dauphin, in Deed Book "Y," Yol. 16. Tage 83. granted and conveyed to J. Robbin Bennett. Sold as the Property of J. I*obbln Bennett. (RUPP, Attorney) No. 6. All that certain lot or piece MAMKETS SfiW YORK STOCKS ' I Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchangee—S North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; St Pine street. Now York furnish the following quotations; Open Noon AHls Chalmers 3t 84** American Can 4474 45i Am. Car and Kndry Co.. £9 897* Amer. Loco 6374 fit 1 * Araer, Smelting 65 *s 66 H American Sugar 117 117 Anaconda 58'* 59'* Atchison . .._ 91 7 * 917* Baldwin Locomotive ... 73"* 7614 Bethlehem Steel 60 >* 61 * Butte Copper 177* 17>* Cal. Petroleum 24' 25 '* Central Leather 60*4 60i Chesapeake and Ohio ... 567* 56** Chicago R. I. and Pacitle. 24 24 Chino Con. Copper ...... 3374 33tj Corn Products 48 71* 4S 1 * Crucible Steel 57 s * 5874 Distilling Securities ... 55 74 56 Erie 16'g 16'fc General Motors 139 >•* 140*4 Goodrich, B. F. 6014 61 1 i Great North. Ore. subs.. 38 T * 39*4 Hide and Leather 1714 17*4 Hide and Leather. PfJ .. 90*4 90-'-* Inspiration Copper 43 7 * 43 7* Kennecott 29** 29** Lackawanna Steel 66 66 Lehigh Valley 55*4 5174 Maxwell Motors 33 337* Merc. War Ctfs i. 237* 247* Merc. War Ctfs. Pfd ... 99 s * 100 Mex. Petroleum . 175 177*4 Miami Copper 22'* 22 74 Midvale Steel 41** 42 N. Y. Central 74 74 X. Y„ N. H. and H 27 4 27 74 Penna. R. R 44 *. 44 s * Railway Steel Spg 73 73 ? Ray Con. Copper SOT, SI Republic Iron and Steel . 74** 747* Southern Pacific 101** 102** Studebaker 547* 54 ** I". S. 1. Alcohol 105 107 1". S. Rubber 77 s * 78'4 V. S. Steel 92 92 s * V. S. Steel. Pfd 114** 114** Utah Copper 67 7- 68 7* Virglnia-Cal. Chein 53 74 52 74 Westinghousc Mfg 42>4 42 '* Willys-Overland 25 7* 25"* PHILADELPHIA. t'HOUI'CE , By Associated Press Philadelphia. Feb. 19. Wheat —i No. 1. xofi. no. $2 2U; No. 2. leu. I-21. No. 3. soft red $2.24. Corn The market is firm; No. 2,1 yellow, as to grade and location. $1.55® 1.45. Oats The market is steady;' No. 2. white. 69V2'8 ido; No. 3. white, 65 fa CSHc. Bran Wak: spring lower; soft winter, in 100-lh. sacks. s|S.oo'f?49.oo per ton; spring, in 100-tb. sacks, $15.00 ti 16.00 per ton. Butter The market is lower; western. creamery, extras, firsts, 53c: nearhy prints, fancy, 59® 61c. I l:erined Sugars Market steady: 1. KG Air NOTICES of land situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, with the improvements thereon erect ed. bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: BEGINNING at c. point on tho west ern side line of South .Eighteenth Street, which point is forty-two (42) feet, more or less, south of the southern line of Sweetbriar Avenue; thence wc-stwardly, at right angles to said Eigl.teenth Street, and through the center of a frame parti tion wall between this and adjoining house, eighty-four (81) feet, to a five feet wide private alley, thence in a southerly direction, and along the eastern side line of said five feet wide private alley, fourteen (14) I feet to a point at the line of prop erty of Edmund B. Rankin; thence eastward!)- along the line of said lust mentioned property and through the center of a frame partition wall between this and the adjoining house, eighty-four (84) Teet, to tho western line of Eighteenth Street; and thence northwardly, along the western line of Eighteenth Street, fourteen (14) feet, to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three story frame (mansard roof) dwelling house, known as Number 16, South Eighteenth Street. See deed recorded in Deed Book T. t Vol. 13, p. 69. Sold as the property of Charles E. Bretz. defendant. (I. P. BOWMAN. Attorney) No. 7. All the following two tracts of land situate in the city of Har risburg. Dauphin county. Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wlt:- 1. Beginning at the northeast corner of Twenty-first and Swatara streets; thence in an easterly direction along the northern line of Swatara street twenty feet to a point; thence in a northerly direction and through the center of a partition wall between adjoining property and property herein described. parallel with Twenty-first street one hundred feet to Lpng avenue; thence in a westerly direction along the southern line of avenue twenty feet to Twenty first street; thence in a southerly di rection along the eastern line of Twentj'-lirst. street one hundred feet to the place of beginning. There on erected a brick dwelling-house No. 2100 Swatara street. For title see Deed Book M, Vol. 16, page 241. Sold ps the property of J. W. Lloyd, defendant. 2. Beginning at a point on the northern line of Swatara street, twenty feet eastwardly frpm t lie northeast corner of Twenty-first apd Swatara streets, at line of property No. 2100 Swatara street: thence northwardly along said line through the center of a partition wall one hundred feet to Long avenue-; thence eastwardly along Long avenue twenty feet to a point; thence south wardly at right angles with Swatara street one hundred feet to Swatara street; thence westwardly along the northern line of Swatara street one hundred feet to the place of begin ning Thereon erected a brick dwell ing-house No. 2102 Swatara street. For title see Deed Book M, Vol. 16, .page 241. Sold as the property of J. W. hloyd, defendant. (I. P. BOWMAN,. Attorney) No. 8. All that certain lotor piece of land situate in Harrisburg, Pa bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south ern side 1 of Swatara street one hun dred forty feet eastwardly from 21st street: thence in a southerly direc tion pa'rallel with 2tst .street one hundred feet to Mcfleaster avenue: thence in an easterly direction along the northern lin.e of said uvenue forty feet to a point; thence in a northerly direction parallel with 21st Sireet one hundred feet to Swatara streat; thence in a westerly direc tion along the southern line of Swa tara street forty feet to tho place of beginning. Thereon erected a dwelling-house No. 2117 Swatara street. For title see Deed Book "D," Vol. 16, page 596. Sold as the property of .1. W. Lloyd, defendant. W. W. CALDWELL, | Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg, February 19th, 1919. Conditions of Sale The highest and best bidder to be .the buyer. Terms—The purchaser shall .he re quired to pay $50.00 of the amount of his bid when the property sliuil have been knocked oft to him under $500.00; above that amount len per cent, on the purchase money\ and the residue before the confirmation of sale- by the Court. If the purchaser fails to comply with the terms of sales the property will be resold at his 'cost. HARRISBTTRQ TELEGRAPH KARL TO BE MADE YIELD HIS THRONE By Associated Press. Vienna, Feb. 19. —President Setta, of the Oerman-Aualnn republic, In a speech yesterday declai'ed that the republic woe firmly established and that the llapsburg dynasty was a thing of the past. He said that the formal abdication of the throne would be demanded from former Em peror Charles, who up to this time had only withdrawn from tlih government and had not ab dicated. powdered. 5.45 c; extra fine granulat ed, 9c. Eggs Market lower; Pennsylva nia and other nearby Mrsls. "lice eases. $13.05 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $12.75 iter case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. $13.05 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $12.75 per case; fancy, selected, pack ed. 51c per dozen. Cheese Market dull and weak; New York and'\v iscuusin. lull milk, old, 33®35tjc; do., new, 27029 c. l.ive Poultry Market higher; fowls. 39040 c; spring chickens, 36® 3Sc; fowls, not leghorns, 32036 c; white fegliorlls. .4 w. it'll, .uulig. _ >tllileule.| oosters, 32033 c; old roosters, 24025 c; stagg.v, young roosters, 20® 32c; tpi u.a chickens, not icgiioi uj. -uu-. white leghorns. 29®>300; broil ers, fancy, 45®48c; larger, 45® 48c; roasting chickens, 3Uty.3to; ducks. I'i kln, 40®42Hc; do., old, 30035 c; In dian Huiuiers, 38 039 c, spring ducks, bong Island. 3 4 foil be. turkeys. I4u.bc, geese, nearby, 3f)c; do., western 30c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice to funcy, i do., western, choice to tuiicy, 4.10440. turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 33 042 c; turkeys, common. 3O0;>„c; old. turkeys, 3S®4lc; capons, seven to eight pounds, 44@45c; do., smaller sizes, 400 430; lowls, fresh Kill ed, choice to fancy, 36 0 36>4ic; do., ed, choice to fancy. 35>j@3tic; do., smaller sizes, 29035 c; roosters, 27c; western roasting chickens, 25037 c, western broiling chickens, 43®44c, ducks, western, ;;S®4l>o; Pckln ducks 35040 c; old ducks, 30032 c; Indian Runners, 36037 c; spring ducks, bong Island. 30® 40e, geese. 26®30c. Potatoes —The is steady; New Jersey, No. 1, 75® 90c per basket; do.. No. 2. 50®6uc per basket, uo., H'u-iO. u.igs. No. A, 300 extra qnaliiy; do.. No. 2. $1.50® 2 25; Pennsylvania. No. 1 10u lbs. $1 750 2.00; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, 12.J50-IC. .vc„ Jersey. Nu. A. lbs.. s2.l> ®2 5iA. do.. No. 2. 100 lbs. < $1 25® 1.75; western, per fOO lbs.. 0190; New York state per 100 lbs $1.70® 190; Maine, per 100 lbs., I.Bo® 1.90, Peiun.ic uuu xlaiy lanu, per J hag 90c® $ 1.40, .Michigan. i> u n y(jJ lbs.. $1.56 1411.10; Florida, per Olrrei. $2 60® 2.90, Florida. per bushel, hamper, 73®Sac, Florida, per J->o-;b hags $1.6003.00; North Carolina, per panel. $1.5o04.oo; South Caiolina, per barrel. $1.5004.00; Norfolk, per bar rel $3.25; Eastern Shore. per barrel. $2.0002.75; fancy, Alucungie. \o 1 per Parrel, $2.9.> ig a.' 0; uu., 2 i>er barrel. $1.2501.50. "Tallow The market Is dull; prime city, in tierces, i'Yc; do., special lcose, SVsc; prime country, 7c; dark, uo. 5li0oc; edible, in tieices, ilg,t3 C . i'"lou"r —The market is dull; winter straight, western. Ho.2s®ifo.So per barrel; do., near'.y, $3.50010.00 per Parrel. Kansas straight, $t0.50010.75; ler barrel; do., short, patents. $10.75 rait.oo per barrel; spring, short, pat ents , $10.75 011.00 per barrel; do., spring patents,® 10.75 per barrel; spring, firsts, ciear, $9.25® 9.40. * llay Marked dull; timothy, No. 1. large and small bales, $28,500 29.00 pel- ton; No. 2. do., $26.000 28.00 per ton; No. 3, do.. $23.000 24.00. Clover bight mixed, $26,000 27.00 per ton; No. 1, do.. $25.00® 20.00 per ton; No. 2. do., $23.00® 24.00 per ton. CHICAGO CATTI.E / By Associated Press Chicago, Feb. 19. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 31,000; market steady with yesterday's average, bight hogs, lacking quality, hard to move. Bulk of sales. $17.40® 17.05; butchers. $17.50017.76; light, $10.75017.50; packing, $10.75017.45; throw-outs, $16.00010.73; pigs, good to choice. $14.25016.60. Cattle Receipts, S.O00; beef steers optning slow at yesterday's low time; she stock strong; calves, 23c to 50c higher; feeders steady; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $16.500 20.00; common and medium, $10.30016.50; butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7.60 Hi 15.50; canners and cutters, $6.35® 7.C0; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $11.25015.00; in terior, common and medium, 'sß.2s® 11.25; veal calves, good and choice, $16,000 16.75. Sheep Receipts, 8,000; market ac tive and big 25c higher; lambs, choice and prime. $18.250 18.35; medium and good. $16.50018.25; culls, $14,000 15.50; ewes, rhoice and prime, $12.00® 12.50; medium and good. SIO.OO 012.00; culls, $:..50@5,50. Hold Parlor Conference With Mrs. Covert Today Women of Grace Methodist church gathered in a district parlor conference this afternoon with Mrs. Charles Covert, Second and Stale streets. These conferences are partly of a devotional character and to those held in the Penn-Harris for the men of the church with a committee of twenty men under S. V. Dai-kin, as chairman. This afternoon the program included devotional exercises led by Mrs. Stall man ; vocal solos by Miss Catharine Dubbs and Miss Douise Baer and a duett by them. too.. Mrs. Philip Moyer read, "A White Rosebud., .v and "Humble Sheaves," and afterward tea was served with Mrs. Harvey F. Smith and Mrs. John P. Meliek pouring. A stirring practical chat by the Rev. Dr. Bagnell was a feature of the afternoon. Kiwanis Club Plans to Entertain Its Ladies In harmony with the resolution made at the meeting of the Kiwanis Club of I llarrisburg, last Thursday it was an nounced today by Charles D. -Schmidt of the entertainment committee that a "Kiwanis I.adies' Night" will be held in the ballroom of the Penn-Harris hotel Tuesday eveMng, March 4. The program will open at 6.30 P. M. with a banquet. This will be followed by "dances and other things." as the advance announcement has It. To quote from the announcement: "The eats will be best and plenty." "The service will be hotj quick and snappy." "The dances will be one after another to 1 A. M." "The music will be Jazzy ami up-to-date." "The other things will be Kiwanis Pep, Foolishness and Enter taining." t SOCIETY TO MEET The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety. of tie- "Market Square Presby terian Church, will meet in the church parlor on I'rlday Vafternoon, at 3 o'clock. A general discussion on the subject of "Immigration" will be held, led by Mrs. J. R Carrutheis. Miss l.ois Booker will present certain phases of the Americanization work being done In Harrlsburg. Italian children connected with the church will render a special musical program. CHARGED WITH CHECK PASSING Joseph Brown, aged 19, of New ark, N. J., who lifts been employ ed as a clerk in Harrisbhrg, on the Pennsylvania railroad, was arrested by city Defective Speese on the charge of cashing a check for $24.80, issued to William Glvens. 2021 North Sixth street. Nine railroad posses also were found In his pocket when he was searched. Brown was sched-' uled for a hearing In police court to-day. P. M. SPANGLER MADE PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Officers Fleeted at Morning's Session of Threshernien and Farmers | Officers for the ensuing year were elected at this morning's session of the Pennsylvania Threshermen's and 1 Farmer's Protective Association, Which is holding its sixth annual convention in the Chestnut Street Auditorium. P. M. Spangler, of Co lumbia county, was elected president to succeed \V. B. Crawford, of Salts burc, Indiana county. H. S. bee, of Westmoreland county, was elect ed vice-president, succeeding Spang ler, and Jacob A. Rose, llarrisburg, secretary-treasurer. It was decided that the officers and directors of the association will serve also as officers and directors of the Threshermen's Mutual Com pensation Insurance Company which is being organized. The number of directors was in creased from 15 to 18. and with the three officers the following addi tional directors were chosen: The Rev. Ira M. Ilart, Meehan icsburg: M. S. bong, Richland: S. H. Crissman, Milroyj A. H. Bru bakcr, Rohrerstowa; T. G. Cooke, Dillsburg; K. Y". George. Indiana: W. B. Crawford, Saltsburg: b. J. Kepple, Westmoreland county: J. E. Irvin, McKelvey's Port: E. M. Mar shall, North Brook; George H. Toad vine, Williamsport: C. S. Wilson. 'Cumberland; K. Stephens, Allegheny county, and W. F. Ilovetter, llarris burg. Resolutions were passed in which it was declared that the state law governing inspection of traction en gine boilers is not being fully en forced, and that some boilers are not being inspected. It was decided to recommend to tHe begislature that if the present law does not compel the inspection of ail such boilers that it be amended so that such in spection be made compulsory. A. b. Allen, assistant director" of state fund for workmen's compensa tion, made an address in which he said that he thought the mutual in surance plan would be more econo mical for the tlireshermen than any other kind, in view of the nature of the threshermen's risks. He de clared that he was given to believe that the compensation act may be amended by the present begislature so that the amount of. an injured man's claim shall be 66 2-3 per cent, of his salary instead of 50 per cent., as now, and that there likely will be a reduction in the length of time that an injured man must wait before he can receive compensation. The present period is fourteen days. Jacob A. Rose, secretary-treasur er of the associatibn, submitted his annual report showing a balance in the association treasury on Febru ary 1, 1919, of $2,933, of which sl,- 450 is invested in Liberty Bonds and $1,052 is on interest in bank. At this afternoon's session the newly-elected officers were install ed, and there were discussions of the mutual insurance plan and other matters of special interest to the threshernien. The final business session will begin at 7.30 o'clock to night. To-morrow will lie devoted to displays of farm machinery in the various branch offices of the imple- I ment companies in this city. Oden E. Carpenter Is Home With Two Wound Stripes Oden K. Carpenter, of 1561 Vernon street, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Doan of the same address, has been | mustered out of. the military service and returned to his home here where he is being warmly welcomed, after he had served ten months overseas with Com pany E, 110 th Infantry, of the 28th or Iron division. Carpenter is a wearer of two wound stripes, one for an injury in the left arm by a piece of flying shrapnel and the second for injuries suffered when I blown out of a shell hole by a gas shell. Three of his companions were blown to pices at the latter time and he was injured so badly that he did not recover consciousness for five hours. After receiving treatment in a field hospital, he was taken to a Paris hos pital where he remained for eight weeks and then sailed for Hoboken, N. J. ar riving there on January 23, on the Ori zaba. He was transferred to Camp Mer ritt. N. J., and then to Camp Dix. X. J., where he was mustered out of the ser vice. New Store For Women Will Open Tomorrow A new women's and misses' ready to wear store will be opened tomorrow at number 5 South Fourth street, by Dale Fink, who for a number of years lias been identified with the women's gar ment business in this and other cities The new stofe will be known as Fink's 1* nshion Shop, and will carry complete lines of suits, coats, dresses, waists and sweaters for women and misses. Par ticulars regarding tomorrow's opening will be found in the store's announce ment on another page of this paper. B. Franklin Etter Returns to America Mr. and Mrs. George E'. Et.ter to day received word that their son. Lieutenant B. Franklin Etter, 6Pth Regiment. Coast Artillera-, had arriv ed at Newport News and lias been assigned to Camp Kustis, near Fort Monroe. lie served in France for almost two years. Capitol Hill Notes * The Public Service Commission to day received notice from the Liberty and Roaring Branch Telephone Com pany. operating in Tioga county, that it had advanced rates. Adjutant General Peaiv was con i gratuiated to-day upon liia liftieth I birthday. I Ex-Representative Abbott, of Phil i adelphia. and Brown, of Wilkes ; Barre, were here to-day. PLANS NEW WAREHOUSE | J. E. Rhoads was given a building permit to-day to *rect a* one-story ! brick structure in Eighteenth street, ; south of Chestnut street. The bulld ■ ing will be 72x1i6 feet and will be used as a warehouse. The cost of construction is estimated at $5,000. F. '., J. Heinly, contractor for Jsadore (Goodman, was given a permit to erect la one-story brick garage at the rear cf 1656 North street, at a most of : $650. MANY DEEDS REGISTERED City Engineer M. B. Cowden .In his (annual report to City Council, states that during 1918 tligre were 10,528 deeds presented to be registered at that office In compliance with a city ordinance passed last spring. Of that number 2,500 have already been plot ted on the city official maps. Mr. Cow den also reported that thero are now 77 05 miles of paved streets and ninety i miles of sewers. FUTURE GERMAN TRUCE TO VEST IN FOREIGN OFFICE By Associated Press. Basle, Feb. 19.—The German armistice commission will in fu ture be under control of the For eign Office, according to an un official dispatch from Berlin re ceived here. Foreign Secretary Brockdorff-Hantzau will reserve to himself supreme directions of pourparlers. The National As sembly will, naturally, bo con sulted on all decisive questions, it is said. The report of the resignation of Captain von Selow, naval dele gate. from the German armistice commission is semiofficially de clared to be unfounded. BILL TO EXTEND JUSTICES'DUTIES House Receives Many Meas ures and Advances High wav Reorganization A bill conferring 011 Justices of the peace and aldermen jurisdiction in all actions of trespass involving less than S3OO brought before them was introduced into the House to day by Albert Millar, Dauphin. The bill also abolishes the distinc tion heretofore existing between ac tions of trespass and trespass 011 the case and specifically excepts l'rom jurisdiction of the justices and al dermen actions of ejectment, re plevin and realty transactions. An increase of salary of members of the Legislature from $1,500 to $2,500 is proposed in a bill present ed to the House of Representatives to-day by Mr. West, Montour. The bill also provides for mileage at the rate of 30 cents, circular, ami al lowances for postage und stationery. The salary for speciql sessions is fixed at SSOO. Mr. Rinn, Lehigh, introduced a bill to increuse the foe of constables attending elections from $3 to $5. A bill creating a bureau of phys ical education in the Department of Public Instruction was presented by Mr. Bigler, Mercer. An amendment to the Workmen's Compensation Gode was introduced by Mr. Dithrich, Allegheny, which provides that where injury arises from failure of an employer to obey safety requirements nothing shall affect the civil liability of the em ployer. The injured person or rep resentative or dependants may either claim compensation or insti tute court action. Bond Bill in . A bill re-enacting the second class township road bonus law, which was repealed in 1915, was presented by Mr. Lanius, York. The law has provided about a million dollars a year for "dirt roads." Pro vision for payments for 1913 and 1914 is contained in pending legis lation. Other bills presented: Mr. Franklin, Philadelphia—Per mitting manufacture of "bleached" flour for sale outside of Pennsyl vania. A bill for a state board to ex amine and license barbers was pre sented by Mr. Neary. Philadelphia. Highway BUI in House The Senate bill to reorganize the State Highway Department in ac cord with the ideas of Governor Spronl was reported from the House Roads Committee and passed for the first time at the request of Chair man Williams, Tioga. Action on the other bills will be taken in a short time. Provision for printing of the State Health Commission report was made in a resolution adopted on mo tion of Mr. Ramsey, Delaware. Mr Ramsey bald that the Commission report slioud be distributed so that it could be studied and suggestions made. It is the intention to have a new commission named to con sider all welfare legislation. Tickets in Great Demand For Dance to Be Given For Benefit of Homes Miss Helen Snodgrass, treasurer of the dance committee for the benefit to be given by the employes of Bowman company, the Knights of Columbus and the llarrisburg Operatic. Society, in chestnut Street Auditorium, March 3 said this morning that the advance sale of tickets has been almost unprece dented. Scores of workers are now sell ing the precious bits of pasteboard and from advance indications, every ticket will be sold before the nusplctous night. C. R. Eowman, chairman of the dance committee and Miss Alice M. Musgrove, secretary, are busy on the details for the occasion. The Chestnut Street Hall is to be decorated with all the munifi cence and splendor of an Arabian Xights' tale. Every facility of the big Bowman store is to be lavished upon the decorative scheme. A splendid orchestra will play and there will be special features along the lines of enter tainment. Tables will be provided for cards. The affair is for the benefit of the Children's Industrial Home, the Day Nursery and the Sylvan Heights Orph anage. Reorganizes Pass in the House Today The House passed finally the bill reorganizing the department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, nnd on second reading that of reorganiz ing the Governor's office. The two Schantz bills relative to liquor license payment were reported from Committee. The Palmer bills to clarify the es i cheat act now in the Supreme Court, were also passed finally together with the bill for a board of tax re ! vision for Schuylkill county. After a short discussion the House passed the Sowers bill providing for relocation of highways leading to or contiguous to parks or public grounds owned by the state. This bill would affect grounds in Phila delphia and Capitol Park. The House to a recess, at 11.45 a. m until 1 p. m. W ANTS HUSBAND TO TEM, WHEN SHE WAS CUP EI. That general charges of cruel treat ment aro not sufficient for her to pre pare a defense, is alleged by Mro.- Margaret M. Tully. in a petition to the Court for a rule on her husband. Tliomas Ray Tully, td furnish a bill of particulars giving specific instances of such actions to support the divorce proceedings started by him. She also secured a rule on Tully to show whv he should not pay counsel fees so that .she can defend the divorce action. FEBRUARY 19, 1919. GOVERNOR SPROUL HAS GREAT PLANS | [Continued from First Page.] extended the thanks of the Chamber to the hotel management for tho ex cellent arrangements and to Charles E. Covert, chairman of the reception committee, under whose direction tlic entertainment was so admirably worked out. Ovation For Hcldlcnian l.leutenant-Oovernor Beldleman re- I ceived a veritable ovation at the hands of his neighhois and the vis itors niike. The applause continued for a full minute, the whole assem blage rising to greet him. He re sponded in a brief but happy speech, yvelcoming the legislators not as strangers hut as men who come to be part and parted of tho community once every two yeais and who are looked upon during their stay, more as neighbors than as guests, lie paid a high tribute to Governor Sproul, whom he said had been coming to iHirrisburg for so many years that lie needed no introduction. He pro nounced the Governor "the best ex ecutive Pennsylvania ever has had" and predicted a wonderfully con si motive administration. Governor Sproul also got a rous ing reception at the hands of the guests and members who cliacred and clapped so that he could not pro ceed with his speech for a time. The Governor returned the lAeu tenant-Governor's complimentary re marks with interest. Ho said ho had known him for many years and counted liim as one of his warmest friends. "If anything of interest to Harrisburg ever escaped bis notice iat. [tie Capitol, I don't remember I what it was." said Governor Sproul. "It pleases me grc:\lly to see how well 'lie is received by his friends and neighbors and he may feel happy that it is so. You do well to honor for him for never had any com munity a more ardent or faithful champion in tlie halls of the Capitol than T.icutenant-Governor Bcidle nian." The Governor recalled that he had been coming to Harrisburg for 22 years, having served in the Senate since 1897, lie looks upon the city as a second home, he continued, for his treatment here has been uni formly kind and courteous, lie said he saw many changes in the city I since his first coming. In the old days, he paid, the legislators got the idea that Harrisburg people thought • they were a lot of carpetbaggers, condemned by their own communi- : ties to spend several months here j every four years. The entertain- j ment and "stabling" provided for j these visitors were on a par with this ) idea, the Governor continued. But recently there has been a big 1 "change, he noted, and he felt that | he voiced the sentiment of the guests , i when he said that all of them feel 1 at home here now and they believe that the people of Harrisburg are doing their best to make their stay comfortable. The Governor added that so far as lie is concerned, ho means to spend most of his time i during the next four years. He referred to the building of the Penn- Harris hotel as an evidence o£ the recognition of the community of Its responsibilities and expressed the belief* that no building anywhere fills a more important-use than the Penn-Harris in Harrisburg. A Businessman Governor Sproul said that when he came out of college he turned toward politics and entered the Sen ate, but it soon became apparent to him that if he wanted to make a living and raise a family he would have to go into business as a side line. So he bought a newspaper, and then found he had to do a lot more business in order to make the paper go. And after he had done that he bought a farm and since has been spending nearly all his time making the farm pay. From which, he said, it might be judged that business was not secondary by any manner of means to. politics in his life and that he naturally viewed the affairs of state from a businessman's stand point. Big Tilings For City The Governor said the state is planning big things for Harrisburg. Among them he outlined the fol lowing: The spending of some mil lions of dollars in developing the Capitol Park extension and in providing office buildings so that all of the state depart ments may be lodged under one roof. The concentration of all state offices and state employes in Harrisburg, now scattered over the state, as rapidly as this city provides suitable houses for them. The centering of all the great tljrough arteries of travel of the state highway system about to be constructed, running from north to south and east to west, in Harrisburg. These improvements to be made immediately." Governor Sproul said that the good roads will be started imme diately in order to provide work for thousands who might otherwise be unemployed and lie. expressed the belief that few people of this city realize how vitally the centering here of the great road systems will affect the life of the city. He predicted that the good roads combined with the good hotel will bring hundreds of tourists to Harrisburg and that thousands of people will shortly come to this state to enjoy the fine roads and the matchless scenery of which Pennsylvanians are so proud. The Capitol Park developments are to be made as soon as the Legis lature Can find the money, he said, and he thought it would be forth coming in a short time. Pennsyl vanians believe their Capitol should have a proper setting, ho continued, and believed their capital city should bo as fine a place as any in the Commonwealth: a municipality to which they could point with pride. The policy of the administration, he said, would bo to bring all of the now widely scattered state offices to Har risburg as rapidly as the city can provldo'the houses. What the City Can Do And here the Governor came down to what he regards as the duty of the city toward the state. "And now what will Harrisburg do ftfr itself?" he asked, and, reply ing to his own question, he suggest- Home Office Philadelphia * • Thousands who insure under this plan are cutting down their cost —Learn what it means to you. W rite today for information. Harrisburg Branch, A. L". Hall, Patriot Bldg. Manager —"Reciprocal AutomobilkTnsulTANCE DANIELS ORDERS { TRIAL OF NAVADt GRAFT OFFICERS One Charge Covers Accept ance of 'pi ,000 Bribe For Passing Unfit Applicant £7 M By dssociattd Prtss. Washington. Feb. 19. Trial courtmartial of two naval officers In | connection with charges of bribery I and graft in the Third naval district has been ordered by Secretary Dan- : iels. ■ It was announced to-day that suf ficient eldence had been submitted j this mofning in a preliminary re port by investigators to warrant these trials Immediately. Secretary Daniels said at least two other cases were developing. No names were made public, but it was learned that one case involv ed the acceptance by a naval medi cal officer of a bribe of SI,OOO for passing an applicant who was not physically qualified for the duties he sought, and another case involved a bribe of SSOO to secure a detail which would permit the applicant to remain at home indefinitely. ' cd that a joint City Hall and Court-, house and Improvement of housing conditions in Harrisburg are prime essentials to which the people of th® community ought to turn their at tention at once. That he had struck a popular chord was very evident | from the burst of applause with which tho members of the Chamber greeted his recommendations. The present Courthouse is not in keeping with the size and impor tance of the city, he said, nor does it comport with the dignity and beauty of the public buildings which the state is erecting here. He rec ommended that Harrisburg, city and county authorities get together at once for the erection of a Joint building and intimated that the nec i Cssary legislation for joint action ' would not be difficult to procUre- I The big asaemblage went wild over I the suggestion, which is in keeping • I with agitation that has been devel i oping in the city and county for i some time. Housing Problems j As to housing, the Governor j pointed out that the state cannot I bring its employes now located else -1 whore to Harrisburg any more rap | idly than the city will provide proper houses for them, and he urged t the Chamber to take up this matter | seriously and without delay. All this public and semi-public i work ought to be gotten under way as rapidly as possible, the Governor concluded, so that Pennsylvania may set an example in the recon struction period of finding employ ment in needed improvements for all those who otherwise might be out of work. Never lias a public address made a deeper impression upon a Harris burg audience, and following tho speech, while the guests and mem bers were lunching in the big ball room on the second floor, frequent mention of it was made as providing the keynote for immediate activity in the Chamber of Commerce and city and county official circles. There was general approval of all the Governor said. He struck a popular chord every time he took up a new subject and outlined as those w'ho have been studying them have found them the vital and pressing needs of Harrisburg. Imnclieon Follows j Following a most delightful lunch eon, the party returned to tho I lounge, where a real little theater, I with dressingrooms on the side, an orchestra, spotlight and footlights. ) had been rigged up by S. Floyd Hop i kins, who was in charge of that part |of the entertainment. Broadway talent, led by Miss Bessie Wynn, one of the most talented concert singers in tho country, gave a show that has not been equaled in Harrisburg for years. With Mercer B. Tate as mas i tor of ceremonies, it ran through a bill or an hour or more aftd was all i too brief for the audience, who de ; manded encore after encore. The Harrisburg Railways Com pany provided special cars at 12.45 j o clock to take the guests to their ; homes and shortly before that hour | the most successful reception of its kind in the history of the city be came a matter of history® New Suffrage Resolution Will Meet Objections Washington. Feb. 19. Advocated of woman suffrage in the Senate state that they are considering plans to obtain enactment at this session of Congress of a new, modified reso lution as a substitute for the Susan B. Anthony resolution recently de feated in the Senate by one vote. The new resolution, drafted by Chairman Jones, of the Senate Wo man Suffrage Committee, would con-, fer the right of franchise upon wo bey by constitutional amendment, but only to the extent that men are permitted to vote in the several states. It is designed to meet the objection of Southern Senators. Plea For Clemency Is £ Entered by 3 Murderers A plea for the clemency for three Allegheny county murderors whose death sentenc hal been upheld by the Supreme Court was the first ap plication to bo made to the new State Board of Pardons today. When the board met the new Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General took their seats and on motion of Secre tary of the Commonwealth Woods, Lieutenant Governor Beidleman was elected president, the other officers being continued. The application heard waa that of Charles and Jpseph Russogulo and Jack Guastaferra. The Board will hand down decisions tonight. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers