16 MARKET SQUARE TO OBSERVE 125 TH ANNIVERSARY; LUTHERAN COMMISSIONER COMIN PLAN FOR BIG RALLY HERE APRIL FIRST famous Christian Endeavor Workers and Officials to Be Present at Monster Meeting t'rej)%rations are being made for a great': Christian Endeavor demon stration which will be "pulled off" in"tits city, Tuesday, April 1. A comtinittaP on arrangements is al ready husttiing on the preliminary work. , Every Endeavor society in D&Uphln county and city will be to take an active part in the gathering. Special Invitations Will be extended to the societies of Berks, Lobanoh,''and Cumberland counties, Carlisle and many surrounding towns. The aim for attendance will be 2,- 000 live and enthusiastic workers of the movement and kindred organiza tions. One of the greatest attractions on the program will be an address by the Rev. Daniel A. Poling, associate president of the United Society of Christian Endeavor. Dr. Poling spent several months in the trenches across the water and will give some touch ing and interesting facts and de scription of France, and other points. One of the largest auditor aems in the city will be secured to seat the many delegations of the various societies. C. E. Notes State Secretary H. B. Macrory, of the Pennsylvania Christian Endeavor Union, has resigned after faithfully serving the Endeavor societies of the Keystone State during the past six years. The resignation will become effective April 1. Mr. Macrory has accepted a call to the ministry of a church in Akron, Ohio. The City Union executive commit tee will hold an important bueiness session in the Sunday school room of the Market Square Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening at 7.45 o'clock. All societies are urged to have a representative present. "Our Relation to God. 11. Trust in" Ps. 91:1-1®, will be the topic for discussion by the various Endeavor societies on Sunday evening. At Westminster Presbyterian So ciety on Sunday evening Mrs. Mar tha Wright will have charge of the service. William E. Rickert and Clarence Brfckley will conduct the Keystone League meeting at Park Street Unit ed Evangelical Church to-morrow evening. Pine Street Presbyterian Endeav orers are again stirring with new interest and enthusiasm. Mrs. Stough will lead the Endeavor meeting at the Harris Street United Evangelical League on Sunday even ing. The First Church of God Endeav orers of New Cumberland will have a rousing meeting to-morrow even ing. Mrs. McClure will have charge of the service. | Centenary United Brethren En-1 deavorers of Steelton, promise an in teresting service for Sunday evening, .lames F. Mentzer will make the pro gram worth while for all members and friends who will attend. Frank S. Montgomery, the new president of the Harrisburg Chris tian Endeavor Union, has begun the work for the new year with much enthusiasm and is determined that the year 1919 should be a record breaker. Mr. Montgomery served as v resident of the Dauphin County C. 10. Union for a number of years with great success. He is also a promi nent member of the Market Square Presbyterian society. WANTED —200 C. E. societies of Harrisburg and vicinity to ap point a booster committee on delegation to the big Poling meeting. April 1. Address F. S. Montgomery, Third and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg. Salvation Army Will Hold Special Services The Salvation Army, 456 Broad street, Captain and Mrs. Nellson in charge, will hold Sunday School at 3 p. m. Service will bo held every night next week except Saturday, at 8. A special feature of Sunday eve ning service will be the dedication of two infants. Mondav evening special farewell services 'for Captain and Mrs. Mc- Cabe, of Carlisle, who are entering the work of the Salvation Army and have been appointed to Alexandria, Va. Captain McCabe formerly re- Bided on South Ninth street, this city. Adjutant nnd Mrs. James Mars, of Carlisle; Capt. Mae Slosser and Lieut. Sadie Huff, of Lancaster, Will also be present J |lpP^ I 1 I if Preacher, REV. lu S. MUDGE, D. D., Pastor !i | 10:30 A.M. || "The Keeper of the Keys" Ji i I A Satisfactory Solution of Perplexing Problems | § 3 International—National—Personal 5- £ I I 7:30 P.M. j | i | "The Six Steps to Success" | g 1 a <t God Is Even More Anxious Than Yoti That You \honld 114 , Z %i Ho Truly Successful 3 ; >: " i 25 r*- ] \/l > J* and I jet Hint Advlso Yotu Especially If Yoti Are jf § ma Discouraged £ SATURDAY EVENING, v wk" ■IHIv yHB , •'w ?JAK BK" v- * KBikaf- ; ML* Br t : - >f jM FRANK S. MONTGOMERY LUTHERANS TO OPEN CAMPAIGN Appeals For Funds to Be Pre sented in 10,000 Pulpits Tomorrow Tomorrow from 10,000 Lutheran pul pits in the 1?. S. will be presented the appeal of the National Lutheran Coun cil for funds for overseas recon struction work. February 16th marks the opening day of the campaign. The day is designated as a day of worship and prayer for the campaign, in every Lutheran Church participating. All the pastors have been requested to base their sermons on the appeal of the church's reconstruction service. Appro priate music for choir and congrega tion and other features have been sug gested and provided for the occasion. 10,000 laymen that are serving as con gregational captains in the campaign organization will be given an oppor tunity in their congregation to announse the campaign plans and ask for whole hearted co-operation. On Monday an army of over a hun dred thousand canvassers will meet for final instructions in the communities throughout the land. On Tuesday that army will begin its task of visiting a million and a halt Lutherans personally within a week and urge the cause upon them. National headquarters has sent a tele gram to every state-chairman: "Are you ready?" The reply in each ease •was: "We are ready, our state will go over the top." The budget originally was set at J500.000. The state-chairmen have raised it to a million and propose to ex ceed that sum by a good margin. The campaign is being conducted by the National Lutheran Council, the re construction service agency of all Lu therans, except the Synodical Confer ence. Tha purpose for which the funds are to be used are: Helping the Lutherans of France, Finland, the Balkans, and providing for religious service in indus trial centres in the United States. The task abroad, it is stated, actually means the reorganization of the Lu theran Church of Europe along demo cratic lines of the American Lutheran Church, A commission of six is to be sent over at once to get in touch with the situation. "The Double-minded Man" Sunday Evening Sermon Topic at Grace Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of Graco Methodist Episcopal Church, State street, near Third, will preach two especially important sermons this Sunday morning and evening. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock, Dr. Bagnell will preach on the topic, "The Word of God Likened Unto Rain," and in the evening at 7.30 o'clock, on the topic, "The Double- Minded Man." The evening's topic will be of great interest to all and will be especially enjoyed by the men who had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Bagnell's talks at the Grace Church Business Men's lunch eons, which have been held at the Penn Harris hotel for the past three Fridays. The Grace church chorus choir, under the leadership of Prof. John W. Phillips, will render some espe cially pleasing selections, which will add greatly to both the morning and evening services. The Epworth League will hold a meeting in the lecture room of the church at 6.30 o'clock, at which time "Tho Christian Mastery of the Pacific" will be discussed. MISSIONARY TO SPEAK SUNDAY The Rev. Mr. Bucher to Be Speaker at Second Re formed Church The speaker at the Sunday ser vices of the Second Reformed Church, corner of Broad and Green streets, will be the Rev. J. Frank Bucher, of the Xlunan district in China. Rev. Mr. Bucher, who is a native of this vicinity, his home being at Milton, and who graduated from the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church at Lancaster, is now one of the leaders of tlio missionary work of his denomina tion in China, being at the head of Eastview schools located at Shen- WAR WEEKLY Cut Out nnd Mall to Your SoMler WAR WEEKLY HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Vol. 1, No. 25. HARRISBURG, PA., FEB. 8-14. Our Yank Edition. Which, of Course, Makes Everything All Right Again \f^m3Smsk j 1 NEWS OF WEEK BOILED DOWN FOR OUR BUSY SOLD T ERS Saturday, February 8 Bricklayers, carpenters, masons and plumbers decide to ask for increase in wage scale on April 1. Contractors answer by saying that they will do no building until prices come down. Local meat dealers expect prices of fresh nnd smoked meats to come down in spring. County tax rate. is decreased from five to four and a half mills. More than a hundred farmers meet here for annual session of County Farm Bureau. Moving men say their vans are idle because renters cannot find homes to move. Charles Reinecker, charged with killing Gettysburg man, says he was talking in his sleep when he confess ed to crime. Busineessmcn agree to give soldiers home from France their old jobs back. Local Y. M. C. A. goes over top with 1,527 members, the largest show ing in the history of tho institution. Police all over slate are keeping sharp lookout for two colored men who murdered woman in Sharon be fore her two children. York county farmers able to plant corn and potatoes because of warm winter weather. Post 58, G. A. R. honors memory of twenty members who died during past yeear. Monday, February 10 More than 3,000 persons yesterday took part in monster Roosevelt Mem orial in Chestnut Street Auditorium. Old Blue laws now under lire in the Legislature are endorsed by city min isterium which calls on lawmakers to preserve the Sabbath. Harry M. Bretz, lawyer and achool directtor, is sentenced to seven months in jail for embezzlement. Clarence Jones and Joseph Purnell get long terms in penitentiary for felonious entry. Two of the live men who broke the Chambersburg jail get seven years. Site is purchased for Coyle library im Chambersburg. C. C. Reinecker is convicted of first l degree murder for killing Gettysburg! garage owner. Ambassador Fletcher, U. 'S. envoy to Mexico, visits his home in Grojn castlc. First report of local canteen work ers show that they provided 60,000 hot meals to soldiers passing through city on way to and from the war. Ordinance is prepared for action in council which would let people of every neighborhood pass on whether or not they want billboards. Eight men on Philadelphia Division of Pennsylvania Railroad are to be retired after many years of service. Middle Division lays of twenty eight men charged with violation of the rules. William D. Markley, local contrac tor, is sentenced to month in jail for tapping gas pipes. Tuesday, February 11 Daring thieves get S3OO in watches by blowing open safe in N. Freidberg wholesale candy warehouses. Opinions differ in city as to advis ability of retaining old Blue Laws. Father Carey of the Cathedral and Mayor lielster endorse plan of per mitting harmless amusements if they do not interfere with church serv ices. Nicholas DcSantis is given custody of child by court order amid crys and shrieks of mother and child. Forestalling in local markets is at tacked by City Sealer Neb'inger who asks Council to pass ordinance for bidding the price-fixing practices. Hundreds of employes engaged dur ing tho war in the manufacture of ■hells at the Harrlsburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company are discharg ed. Bill Is Introduced In Legislature I providing penalty of ten years for automobile thieves. Bill Increasing pay of next Governor to SIB,OOO is passed, Rod Lion, York county man, adver tises for man who can "locate and lift burled money." Two Perry county saloonkeepers apply for licenses despite fact that Judge last year announced that the county would be dry hereafter HARRISBURG irfUflg TELEGRXPEB chow. These schools, though located on the frontier of Christian missions in China, have been doing a great piece of work in Christian educa tion, and, thanks, to the splendid leadership erf Mr. Bucher and his associates, have won the respect of the Chinese to the extent that it is quite impossible to accommodate the needs of the natives who desire the benefits of its schooling.. Although a comparatively young man, Mr. Bucher is a missionary and educator of rich experience, as ure all those who have been engaged in mission ary work in China durtng'the recent troublous times of revolution and civil war. Rev. Mr. Bucher is the guest of the Women's Missionary Society of the Second Reformed Church, and tr.a pastor. Rev. Alfred Nevin Sayres, lias cCcred him the freedom of the day's services. He will speak at the services of worship at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and also at the Sun day school exorcises at 1:45 p. m. This is Mr. Bucher's year of fur lough, at the expiration of which he will return to his work at Shenchow. Governor Sproul announces appoint ments of Sidney R. Shelby, Union town, and S. M. Clement, .Jr., of Phil adelphia, as Public Service Commis-i sioners, succeeding Commissioners Magoe and Ryan, removed. Adjutant General Beary is retained in office. Wednesday, February 12 "Dry" leaders in assembly are pre pared for trick on part of "wets" to recall resolution endorsing federal prohibition amendment. Knights of Columbus accept offer of local lodge and will turn Cathedral Hall into club for soldiers stationed at New Cumberland and Middletown. Prices of foodstuffs are kept high by action of several score hucksters, reiterates City Inspector of Weights and Measures. Congressman Focht introduces bill calling for SIOO,OOO appropriation for post office in Newport. Robert Bradley, a discharged sol dier, confessed to rifling a mailbag at Chambersburg and stealing many bofids and thrift stamps. Edward Smith. Red Dion, who rob bed bank of $6,400 is sentenced to four years. George Burkett, Chambersburg, ar rested on charge of stealing buggy pele from Sheriff Horst. City quietly celebrates Lincoln's birthday. . David C. Rhoads, prominent Hum melstown man, dies after long ill ness. Flags of the Natoinal Guard units when they pntered the federal service will be placed on permanent exhibi tion here. Thursday, February 13 Council hears charges against Pa trolmen Magnelli, Schmele and Bihl but reserves decision. Magnelli. who admitted taking thirty cents for re turning a horse refused to bring up his charges that the whole police force is 'rotten." Governor Sproul announces Inten tion to proceed without delay on plans for improving Capitol Park ex tension. Dr. N. B. Crltchfield, former secre tary of agriculture, dies, aged 80 years. Welsh rabbit without ale can bo successfully made when prohibition arrives, cheft at new Penn-Harrlß as sures Epicurlans. Bunco steerer arrives three hours after his plan had been exposed in newspapers and succeeds in working S2O out of business firm. Decal internal revenue men get ready to collect income tax under act Just passed by Congress. Two 9-year-old boys confess to thefts of hospital contrtbutoin boxes. Waynesboro shopmen refused to | work oil Din coin's birthday because they aro not paid double time. Private Charles D. Gougler, of Northumberland, reported killed last summer, is located in French hospital William S. Taylor, of this city, is nominated for West Point. Friday, February 14. Market Square Presbyterian Church celebrates 125 th anniversary, being the oldest church in city of denomin ation. Many descendants of founders are members of the congregation. Dong time loans to homebullders Is suggested to Chamber of Commerce by housing expert as ono means of providing decent housing for work ingmcn. Victory Dlberty Doan will find Har risburg and surrounding counties pre pared to take up the quotas assigned by the federal government, Donald McCormick, chairman for the district announces. All rooms in the new Penn-Harrls aro now ready for the public. Two shops aro destroyed at Da iance-Grosjean tin mills; loss is esti mated at SIO,OOO. Usual drop of 50 cents in coal prices on April 1 is not certain local dealers say. Fight against tuberculosis is to be waged here beginning in city schools. Directors of county schools meet hero for annual convention. Thieves enter Middletown shop and steal stationery and valentines val ued at fIOO, Church Directory LUTHERAN Zion—The Rev. S. Wlnfleld Her man, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "The Call to World Service," and at 7:30, ".The World's Greatest Need;" Sunday school at 1:45. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen helder,. pastor, will preacli at 10:30, "The Lord of Hosts—tho God of Jacob," and at 7:30, "Slaves of Night;" Sunday school at 2. Trinity—Camp Hill, The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Laborers in the Vineyard," and at 7.30, "Bearing the Yoke in I One's Youth;" Sunday school at 9:30. St. Matthew's —The Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor, will preach at 11, "From Liberty to Consecration," and at 7:30, "A World Cry;" Sunday school at 9.45. Trinity, Lemoyne—The Rev. L. A. Bush, pastor; Sunday school at 9.30; morning subject, "Recon struction;' evening subject, "Illus trated Sermon to Children;" Ten Commandments, Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Augsburg The Rev. A. M. Siamels, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "One Thing Needful," and at 7:30, "Enemies of the Lord;" Sunday school at 2. Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Whatsoever a Man Soweth," and at 7:30, "Not By Might, Not By Power, But. By My Spirit Saith the Lord;" Sunday school at 2. Memorial—The Rev. L, C. Menges, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "God So Loved the World," and at 7:30, "The Corruptible and the Incorrup tible Crown;" Sunday school at 2. Calvary The Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor, will preach at 11, "Lab orers in the Vineyard," and at 7:30, "Mordicai Honored, Haman Hum bled;" Sunday school at 10. Bethlehem —The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "A Man Without Regrets," { and at 7:30, "Wanted—More Sky scrapers;" Sunday school at 1:45. Holy Communion —The Rev. John Henry Miller, pastor, will preach at 10:45, "Parable of the Laborers," and at 7:30, "David on Mount Zion;" Sunday school at 9:30. METHODIST Epworth The Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, pastor, will preach at 11, "The Healing Touch," and at 7:30, "Hearing;" Sunday school at 10. Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Sacrament of the Lord's Supper," and at 7:30, "The Christian Sab bath;" Sunday school at 2. Dauphin—The Rev. G. F. Hess, assistant pastor, will preach at 7:30, "The Bible Hell —and how to Es cape It;" Sunday-school at 2. Ridge Avenue—Tho Rev. H. R. Bender, pastor, morning, "Divine Support a Reality," evening, "Tradi tional Religion; Sunday school at 10. Sbiloh, Riverside Rev. E. K. Snyder, pastor, Sunday school at 2. Camp Curtin Memorial —The Rev. John Mortimer, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "The Church's Machinery and Unity of Purpose," and at 7:30, "Religion's Great Credential;" Sun day school at 2. Camp Hill—The Rev. Joseph E. Brenneman, pastor, will preach at 11 and 7:30; Sunday school at 9:45. Riverside —The C. F. Berkheimer, pastor, will preach at 10:30; Sunday school at 2. St.Paul's The Rev. William Moses, pastor, will preach at 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school at 1.45. West Fairview—The Rev. Charles F. Berkheimer, pastor will preach ax 7:30, "The Importance of Self Re spect;" Sunday school at 1:30. Grace—Morning, "The word of God Likened unto Rain," evening, "The Double Minded Man," by the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell. UNITED BRETHREN First—'The Rev. W. E. Daugherty, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "What is Christ's Message to Us," and at 7:30, "The Lamb that was Slain;" Sunday school at 1:45. Sixth Street—The Rev. J. Owen Jones, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Christian Fundamentals," and at 7:30, "Blesstngs. Which we Gather;" Sunday school at 1:45, Christian Endeavor 6:20; Morning Praise ser vice 9:45. State—The Rev. H. F. Rhoad, pastor, will preach at 10:45, "Les sors from the European War for the Church," and at 7:30, "The King's Insurance Company;" Sunday school at 9:30. Otterbein—Dr. S. Edwin Rupp, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "The Prayer to Make," and at 7:30, "Strong and Courageous;" Sunday school at 2. CHURCH GOD Pleasant View—Rev. George W. Harper, pastor; Sunday school, 9.45; preaching 10.45, "The Book of Books;" 7.30, "The Memory of Bin coin. Green Street—Rev. H. S. Hershey, pastor. 10.30, "Suit You Dike Men Be Strong;" 7.30, "I Will Arise and Go to My Father;" Sunday school at 3. Highsplre Rev. Jay C. Farn stock, pastor, will preach at 10.30; no services at 7.30; Sunday school at 1.45. Progress—Rev. James M. Wag goner, pastor, will preach at 7.30, "Christ Seeking the Dost;" Sunday school at 9.30. Nagle Street Rev. Elmer E. Kauffman, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Enoch's Testimony," and at 7.30, "While He Is Away—What?" Sunday school at 1.30. Dinglestown Rev. J. M. Wag goner, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Why People Are Not Saved;" Sun day school at 9.30. Maclay Street —Rev. Dr. William S. Houck .pastor, will preach at 11, "Behold, What Manner of Dove!" and at 7.30, "Retracing Wrong Steps;" Sunday school at 9.45. Penbrook —Rev. S. N. Good, pas tor, will preach at 10.30, "The New Testament Church." and at 7.30, quarterly communion; Sunday school at 9.30. Fourth Street —Rev. William N. Yates, pastor", will preach at 10.30, "God's Picture of Regeneration," and at 7.30, "Fathers and Sons;" Sunday school at 1.40. BETHLEM LUTHERAN Morning—"Ave Maria/' Shelley, Prelude; Anthem, "The Lord is My ltock," Rogers; Quartet, "I Will Give You Rest," West; Offertory. "Pastorale," Deshayes; March, Hiil, Postlude. Evening - "Romanza," Webbe, Prelude: Anthem, "There Shall be no More Night Wood;" Quartet, "Evening and Morning," Oakeiey; Offertory, "Berceuse," Faure-Shelley; ■Postlude. "Postlude," Heidler; Di rectress, Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh; Organist, J. Stewart Black. REFORMED SALEM Morning—"Offertory in E Flat," Batiste; "Te Deum Laudamus," Kotzscliman; "Postlude" (Duke Street). Whiting. Evening—"Darghetto" (2nd sym phony), Beethoven; "Salu.tate Deo [in c;" Schilling; "PrajrcV Salze. PRESBYTERIAN Westminster Rev. H. Everett Ilallman, moderator. Church serv ices 10.30 and 7.30. Preaching by the Rev. Curtis O. Bosserman, Cape May, N. J; Sunday school at 1.45. Bethany—The Rev. John M. War ren, pastor, will preach at 7.30, "One At Our Door Who Knocks;" Sunday school at 9. Immanuel—The Rev. M. S. Fales, will preach at 10; the pastor will occupy pulpit at 7.30; Sunday school at 11.15. Capital Street—The Rev. B. M. Ward, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Sowing and Reaping," and at 7.30, "A Gift Better Than Gold;" Sunday school at 12.15. Camp Hill The Rev. R. A. Kelchledge; morning service, 11, "Conserver or Miser;" evening serv ice, 7.30, illustrated sermon, "India." Sunday school at 9.45. Paxton —The Rev. Harry B. King, I pastor, will preach at 11; and at .7.30, "Father and Son" service, with special attractive features; Sunday school at 10. Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Victory of the Stedfast," and at 7.30, "Jesus Christ the Son of God" (il lustrated); Sunday school at 2. Market Square—The Rev. George Edward Hawes, pastor; the Rev. Howard Rodgers, assistant pastor; morning worship at 11; subject, "Twenty-five Years of Market Square's History;" evening service at 7.30, subject, "The Subjection of Our Thoughts." Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, pastorj the Rev. H. H. Baldwin, assistant pastor. 10.30, morning service, "The Keeper of the Keys;" 7.30, evening service, "The Six Steps to Success;" Sunday school at 1.40. Division Street —The Rev. H. H. Baldwin, pastor. 3, Sunday school; 7.45, evening service, "Warnings From Israel." REFORMED St. John's Rev. Clayton H. Hauch, pastor, -will preach at 11, "Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone," and at 7.30 the Rev. Ward Hartman, missionary to China, will preach; Sunday school at 10. Salem —The Rev. Ward Hartman, missionary to China, will preach at 11. The pastor will preach at 7.30; Sunday school at 9.45. Second—Rev. Alfred Nevin Sayre, pastor. The Rev. Frank Busher, of Himan, China, will preach at 10.30 and at 7.30; Sunday school at 1.45. Fourth—Rev. Homer Skyles May, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Father and Son,' 'and at 7.30, "Two Men and Their Vision of Service;" Sun day school at 9.30. BAPTIST Market Street—Rev. W. S. Dun lop, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Can a Christian Do As Christ Did?" .and at 7.30, "Building for Eternity-;" Sunday school at 11.30. Tabernacle-—Rev. Millard Osmore Peirce, pastor, will preach at 11 and 7.30; Sunday school at 9.45. First—Rev. William J. Lockhart, pastor. 10.30, "The Time Has Not Come for Baptists to Cease to Be Baptists;" 11.45, Bible school; 6.45, Young People's meeting; 7.30, "When You Are Asked: Are You a Christian?" St Paul's—Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham, pastor. 10.30, "We Preach Christ Jesus, the Lord;" 7.30, "The Cry for Salvation;" Sun day school at 12.30. Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene, pastor. 10.30, the Rev. Wil- I.'™!! 1 Hick ? will preach, and at 7.30 'The Christian's Military Equip ment;" Sunday school at 10. EPISCOPAL St. Andrew's—The Rev. Henry A. Post, rector. Owing to the illness or the rector, the 8 o'clock celebra tion of the holy communion will be omitted. 9.45, church school; 11, morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Alexander McMillan, of Car lisle; 7.30, evening prayer and ser mon by the Rev. Mr. McMillan. St. Stephen's—Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer. 8, holy communion; 10, Sunday school; 11, morning praver and sermon, by the Rev. J. F. Vir gin; 7.30, evening prayer and ad dress. St. Paul's—B, men's communion; ii, service and sermon, "A New Heaven and a New Earth"; 2.30, Sunday school; 4, "Story Hour," conducted by the Story Tellers' League; 8, popular service and talk. St. Augustine's—Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment, reptor. Morning ser vice, at 11; Sunday school at 12.30, and evening service at 8. ZION LUTHERAN Morning, 10.30—Prelude, "Inven tion, ' Hagg; soprano and tenor duet, 'The Lord Is My Light," (Buck), Mrs. Deceveo and Mr. Shantz; offertory, "Trio in E Flat," Woods; anthem, "Te Deum Laud amus," Decevee; festal postlude in D, King. Evening, 7.3o—Prelude, "Suppli cation," Wolfrum; quartet, "Abide With Me" (Barnby), Mrs. Decevee, Miss Bennett, Mr. Shantz, Mr. Smith; offertory, "Old French Melody," Tschaikowsky; Gospel hymn, Mr. Shantz; postlude in F, Lemalgre. Mrs. E. J. Decevee, chor ister; William Bretz, organist. PINE STREET PRESBYTERIAN Morning Prelude, "Cantilene," Hollins; anthem, "Come Great Spirit," Charles P. Scott; offertory, "Andantino," Borodin-Dunkley; solo "Eye Hath Not Seen" (Holy City), (Gaul), Mrs. Sanders; postlude, "Fugue," from St. Anne, Bach. Evening—Prelude, "Prelude in G minor," Dubois; anthem, "O Thou Who Dwellcst Supreme," T. Carl Whitmer; offertory, "Meditation," Klein; anthem, "Softly Now the Light of Day," Schilling; postlude, "Postlude in B Flat," Ropartz. SECOND REFORMED Morrning Prelude, "Allegretto," Capossi; duet, soprano, "Good Shep herd" (Barri), soprano and alto, Mrs. Bowman and Miss Shartzer;an them, "Send Out Thy Light," Gou nod; postlude, "Postlude," Allen. Evening—Prelude, "Meditation," Crackel; anthem, "Praise the Lord," Randeggar; anthem, "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit," Stainer; post lude, "Postlude," Colburn. MISCELLANEOUS The Christian and Missionary Al liance —W. H. Worrall, pastor. Sun day school at 9.30. Miss Dora L. Cain will speak at 10.30 and at 7.30. The Church of the Brethren Hummel street, the Rev. S. L. Bow man, of Harrisonburg, Va„ will preach at 11 A. M. and at 7.30 P. M. Sunday school, 9.48. Christian —The Rev, J. Boyd Loenger, pastor, wlllpreaoh nt 11. "The Secret of Soui winning," and at 7.45, "What Will We Do With the Word of God?" Sunday school at 10. Christian Science —Firet Churoh of Christ, Scientist —Subject, "Soul," morning at 11 and evening at 7.30, Sunday school, 11, Testimonial FEBRUARY 15, 1919. " DR SMUCKER TO PREACH ON SIN Noted Welsh Singer to Ap pear on Program; Marigold Singing Ladies Coming Another program of unusual in terest is scheduled for tomorrow evening at the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Thir teenth and Vernon streets. The Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker at this time will speak on "After Dark in the Bad Lands of Harrisburg." In connection with the evening gather ing, at 7:30 o'clock, Sergeant Hum phrey J. Roberts, the noted Welsh singer, is to appear and sing for the people. The address of the eve ning will be very timely and tho singing full of charm and beauty. The substitute Capital City Ly. ceum Course sattraction is to be tho Marigold Singing Ladies of New York city, Thursday evening, Feb ruary 27. Tills is a concert and en tertainment company comprised of cultured young ladies. An attrac tive feature of the entertainment to be given in the Steven's Memorial Church is a mvisical sketch occupy ing about half an hour. This sketch was written for this company by a well known composer. The entire program will run about two hours. Two of the most prominent members of the party were with tho College Singing Girls for three seasons. Dr. Smucker announced today that it will be an evening of rare enter tainment combining high vocal art with bright novelties. Young folk will attend the social meeting to be held in the lecture room of the church Sunday night at 6:30 o'clock. A good program is scheduled. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, J" Thomas will be in charge of the Sunday school hour. This gathering is open to all people of all ages. The attendance is always large and interesting. meeting Wednesday 8 P. M. Free reading room, Kunkel building, 11.30 to 5 daily. Reformed Mennonite—Kinnard's Hall, the Rev. John J. Miller, pas tor, will prfeach at 10.30. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris SJtreet —The Rev. A. G. Fle.xer, pastor. Sunday school, 9.30; church service, 10.30, "From Death Unto Harrisburg Mission—The Rev. W. E. Pottieger, pastor. At H A. M, ithe assistant pastor, Rev. W. S. Harris will preach. Sunday school at 10. Penbrook "The Unparalleled Grace of Christ/' and "Demas, and His Polly," morning and evening by the pastor, the Rev. W. E. Pottie ger. Enola—The Rev. H. M. Buck, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "The Atonement," and at 7.30, "Prayer, the Key for Power." Sunday School, 9.30. Park Street United—Rev. A. F. Hangen, pastor. Sunday school, at 9.30; subject at 10.45 A. M„ "Blast ing at the Rock of the Sabbatli"; sermon, at 7.30 P. M., by Bishop Swengel. MESSIAH LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, "In the Morn ing" (from Peer Gynt Suite), Greig; offertory, "Offertory in D Flat," Salome; contralto solo, "How Beau tiful on tho Mountains" (Harker), Mrs. Ernest Keys; postlude, "Tol lite Hostias," Saint-Saens. Evening—Prelude (a), "Nocturne 'b p Flat," Day; (b), "Elevation in L Major," Guilmant; duet, "Hark' Hark! My Soul" (Shelley), Mrs. Lev and Mrs. Keys; offertory, "Solitude," Gqdard; anthem, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair," Spahr; post lue, "Concert Rondo," Clyde; Mrs. Emma Hoffman, organist; A. W. Hartman, director. CHRIST LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, "Adagio in B Flat," Volckmar; offertory, "Eleva tion." Dubois; anthem, "More Love to Thee O Christ," Schnecker; duet "Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us " Miss Shoop and Miss Harpel; post lude, "Postlude in E," Maitland. Evening —• Prelude, "Berceuse " Dickinson; quartet, "Softly Now tlie Light of Day," Nevin; offertory, "Romance," Richmond; anthem' "Rend Your . Hearts," Morrison solo, "O Lord Hear My Voice" (Wat son), William Watson; postlude "March Heroique," Michell. Miss Ruth Steinliauer, organist and choir director. DERRY STREET IT. B. Morning— Prelude, "Pastorale," Salome; anthem, "O Pray for the Come Tomorrow to Bethlehem Lutheran Church Green and Cumberland Streets REV. J. BRADLEY MARK WARD, I). D., PASTOR, 10.30 A. M., "A MAN WITHOUT REGRETS" At 7JO P. M., the Rev. Dr. W. E. Stalilcr, Lebanon, Pa., Will Preach His Masterful Sermon on "WANTED—MORE SKYSCRAPERS" "The Church with the Chimes" Europe Needs Applied Christianity PROTESTANT Churches of America must come to the assistance of the Protestant Churches of Europe. The Lutheran Church together with thirteen other Protestant Denominations will raise $14,000,- 000.00 for reconstruction services. Zion's Drive will be "on" next week. The co operation of all our members is desired to make our effort a success. The sermons tomorrow by Dr. Her man will emphasize the spiritual needs of Europe. Morning subject, "World's Call for Servicer evening subject, "Greatest Need of the World." Zion Lutheran Church •Mill Fourth St., nm Market N, Wt Herman, l>, !>,, Pastor • Eton'* Doors Oprn Day" * PINE STREET IS VERYACTr Many Events on Week's I grain * or Busy Presb; terian Congregation The pastor, the Rev. Dr. I Mudgo, will preach in tho Pine S Presbyterian Church morning evening to-morrow. Tho subjet the morning will be "The Keepi the Keys." Men and women wh( sire satisfactory solutions for ent-day problems, internatoinal natolnal and personal, will find In sermon some particular solutolns led on Scriptural principles of ■ sersal application. | Sunday evening Dr. Mudge speak on "The Steps to Success." 1 r,*! ou ' s tanding characteristic the Pine Street Church congregc is the largo number of voung I' 1 ® invariably present. This se Will bo of deep interest to voung nd women, but will also be of < helpfulness to those who are experienced in the solution of u will be based or ideal that God is even more inte ed in having us successful tha die to attain success. Jt is quite remarkable how i people are enjoying the informal w?!_ v ' ce u ?b.the Übyd Memorial B ing, which follows each aervic the evening. Visitors are air cistonr " ,e ° n thU deli ehtful ctrel'e „-T° Unp: Women's Misslo circle was never more flouris Vi now ' .Those who are inter* in thoroughly up-to-date Missol organizations will do well bo the meeting next Tuesday evenin the women's and girl's building, r presented 6 prosram the 1 übllie Service Commission ol J'?®,* 1 ," the third of set lea of study on "Stewards I hese meetings are growing ste: in interest and are open to the pi In tile Boyd Memorial Building 2s®* several games of the Su School League will bo placed league IS promoting good sport also good fellowship. The se scries of Intel-class bowling mat be T' 1 11 0 , Sun dny School class* the church is now well under and Is producing fine results, not 111 good -scores, but in good fee t nose who are attracted bv ui date methods in church work'for Wom !'n and girls, should fail to visit the buildings of the tifn'lir )"vl j in i South street, ant tr.in first-hand knowledge* of many lines of helpful effort. the Red Cross Auxiliary of Pine street Church continues to 1 mc-st flourishing condition. Its w ly sessoins arc held on Fridav •' ..0 a. m. to 5 p. in., with a deligl luncheon in the women's and c building for those who find it vement to remain for the after session. MEN'S MASS MEETING l/Csnoync, Feb. 15.—Bishop W Stanford, D. D„ will address men's meeting in Grace U'n Evangelical church, Sunday at noon at 3 o'clock, subject, " Question of the Hour." Special m will be furnished by the main eh tinder the direction of Prof R. Sawyer. Peace of Jerusalem," Knox; o tory, "Invocation in B Flat." C mant; postlude, "Triumphal Mar Giulmant. Evening—Prelude, "Ave Maj Schubert; anthem, "From Love As a Father," Gounod; o tory, "Andante In G,'" Merkel; p lu.de, "Postlude in G," E. B. Eve A. M. E. Harris—Tho Rev. R. T,. Brii pastor. The Rev. F. F. Per will preach at 10.30, "Creation," 7.45, "Tho Mystery of the Birth." At 3 Rev*. Burner Br will preach. Sunday school, 1.3 Bethel —The Rev. H. H. Coo pastor, will pleach at 10.30, sub "The Decalogue," at 3, Rev. W I lamer, of Middletown, will pre The A. M. E. Ministerial Union be present; music by Steelton el At 7.80< Rev. Dr. P. A. Scott Washington, will predeh; Sui school at 1. We nntlclpntc n large nnmt of bookings for plenlrs at Beautiful Hershey Pari llernhey, Pn.. this senson a recommend flint pintle eonunltt* make Hppllcnllon for snch prl' leges ns early ns poasllile In r<i to secure desirable dates. Apply MANAGER HERSHEY PARK Herahey, Pa.
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