8 Lincoln Entertainment For St. Mary's Parish On Wednesday evening, February 12, In the tastefully decorated hall of St. Mafy's Parish, Fifth and Maclay streets, members of the Holy Name Society held a delightful en tertainment and smoker, commemor ating the memory of Abraham Lin coln. Solos were sung by John E. Dougherty, William Euker, John Mc.Mahon and V. Schafmeister, pre sented in minstrel formation, with Mr. Bentz O'Donnel and assisting funsters furnishing the jokes, James and Edward Keune, William Kelch ert and Joseph T. Winters, mem bers of the entertuinment commit tee followed with an original playlet. "Twenty Minutes of Laughter" which scored much favor with- the audience. The feature event of the evening was the Abraham Lincoln Song Review presented by tlie Junior lloly Name Society. Addresses were made by the Rev. Fathers Dailey, Feeser, Huegel and Smythe, D. K. Tracy, Dr. J. F. Dudes and J. W. Rodenhaver. L. G. Martin and the luncheon committee then served refreshments which concluded the event. -blowers -j For All Occasions Floral Decorations Wedding Flowers Party Flowers Funeral Flowers cHießerruhill I . LOCUST ST. AT SECOND . . •• V When at Chestnut Street Market* Visit our store and tnke itlonK n pound of our llarrlslnirK lloa.Htcil ( ollee op Jumbo I'en lllit N* Coffee, HOr, 3>*ie, 40c per 1I. Itcnl Jumbo lV:iniitN, 25c per lb. Imperial Tea Co. 213 Chestnut St. 2 Doors Ilclow Market House f O 1 Saturday Bargains These Special Reductions Are on Regular Stock and are marked down for one day only $2.50 Flannel Gowns, $2.00 I $2.50 Kid Gloves, $2.00 $3 Flannel Gowns, $2.50 $1.25 Silk Gloves, $l.OO $3.25 Billy Burkes, $2.75 S L2S Chimoisette Gl "ves $4.90 Silk Petticoats, $3.95 75c Cotton Gloves, 50£ $7.95 Bath Robes, $6.50 $3.95 Kimonos, $2.95 100 Envelope Chemise Reduced 20 per cent. Sateen Petticoats, $1.95 Heatherbloom Petticoats, $2.95 Wolfe Corset and Lingerie Shop 224 NORTH SECOND STREET ELECTRIC SERVANTS OI)EDIENT—DUTIFUL —THOROUGH—NO WORRY VACUUM WASHING CLEANERS A *° MACHINES MAKE EXCELLENT HOUSEMAIDS We have in stock at all times the largest selection shown in this section 15 Different Cleaners Wood Washers-Steel Washers EVERY TYPE PEG—DISC—VACUUM—CYLINDER— OSCILLATING * EACH HAS SWINGING WHINGER PAY WHILE USING NEIDIG BROS., Ltd. 21 SOUTH SECOND ST. A Brief Message--- • /ve been in New York since Monday a 0 buying Spring garments, returning to the • 0 city late last evening. v a I wanted to elaborate a bit in this 0 • advertisement, but the advertising man a V says there isn't time to prepare a large ; 0 announcement. 0 So, therefore, my message must be 0 ft brief. a . | Here it is— , • Smart New 6. ,irfs jj ? in Suits, Coats and Dresses a ; possessing the individuality characteristic a 0 of this shop are ready for your inspection. • Q . It will be a pleasure to show them to " a you. 0 • Store Closes Tomorrow ' . A 0 at Six O'clock P. M. • h=\ /o) FRIDAY EVENING, WOMEN DOING POLICE DUTY IN LONDON STREETS Mrs. Harriet Schaub, of Cen ter County, Tells Her Experiences Rcllcfonte, Feb. 14. —Mrs. Hurrlet 1 Holmes Schaub, of Center county, who went to England early in the winter, is doing police duty in the London streets, according to Inter national Hospitality League. A number of other American police women are orl duty at London. In a recent letter homo Mrs. Schaub writes as follows: ♦ "The second day I came here I was assigned to night patrol duty. Being international, the league is made up of women from New Zea land, Australia, England, Canada and the United States. In all there are twenty-six women, eight of us Americans. We go on duty at 8* o'clock and stay until the streets are cleared, usually about 2 o'clock in the morning although I have been on until f> o'clock, jjr.i speak to the boy"* in uniform, endeavoring to get them away from the women who literally swarm the streets of London, helping the hoys find a place to sleep. Not an easy task when you consider that last week there were fifteen millions of peo ple in the city, instead of the cus tomary eight millions. Wo find nlaces of amusement for the hoys. The first night wo.were here thirty eight of us slept in a Turkish bath and the next morning we could not get water to wash our faces or scruV) our teeeth, so we had to ap pear before Lady Ward 'with merely an extra daub of powder on our noses." Butte Machinists Vote to Return to Their Work Buttet, Mont.. Feb .14.—Machin ists made the first break early to day in the strike of copper miners when they voted to return to work tj-day after a three-day layoff taken in sympathy with members of the Butte Metal Miners' Union (independent) and the Metal Mine Workers' Industrial Union, No. 800, who are on strike in protest against the recent cut in wages oi $1 a day. Besides the machinists employed at the mines, a number of employes of foundries and shops who have been out will return to work to-flay, 1 it was announced. INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS\^ NEW CIVIC CLUB WANTS MEMBERS Penbrook-Progrcss Organiza tion Announces Coihmit tees to Begin Work The Penbrook-Progress Civic Club are having a membership drive for charter members and at the present writing have secured about 175 members and exrtect ;to have about 250 when the drive ends, Saturday, February 15. A general invitation is extended to every one residing in the limits to become a member if they have not as yet joined. Dues, fl.oo a year. The membership committee is as fol lows; Mrs'.: A. L. Shope, chairman; Miss Tilda M. Zarker, Mrs. Lawr ence Hetrick, Miss Myrna Speas, Mrs. Edward Kirby Lawson, Miss Mary Mendler, Mrs. Gobni Valler champ, Mrs. Charles Wagner, Mrs. Joseph, Miller, Mrs. George F. Lumb, Mrs. Charles Karper, Mrs. Walker Faust, Miss Caroline Rauch, Miss Margaret Rauch, Miss Grace Henry, Miss Smith, Mrs. Florence Stees, Miss Emma Nisley, Mrs. Harry Raysor, Mrs. Hunter. Meet In Borough Hall The borough hall has been secured as a meeting place and is being thoroughly renovated under the su pervision of the house committee: Mrs. Charles Karper, chairman; Miss May Mendjer, Miss Myrna Speas, and Mrs. A. L. Shope. The entertainment committee is planning for a concert to be given the latter part of February for the benefit of the club, under the aus pices of Mrs. G. Vallerchamp, chair man, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Mil ler, Mrs. Lawrence Hetrick and Mrs. Edward Kirby Lawson. The work of tlis club has been responded to and' taken up with great earnestness, and especially will the educational, municipal and outdoor dspartments be beneficial. The officers of the club elected for the year are as follows: Presi dent, Miss Tilda <l. Zarker: first vice-president, Mrs. Lawrence Het rick: second vice-president, Mrs. George F. Ltimb; secretary. Miss Myrna Speas; treasurer, Mrs. Ed ward Kirby, Lawson. Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Societies Meet The Toadies' Home and Foreign Mis sionary Society of the Park Street Evangelical Church met at the home of Mrs. Isaac Boyer, 1849 Park street, yesterday afternoon Mrs. Bobert Leitner and Mrs. Boyer had charge of the program which included a reading by Sirs. Wonders and other interest ing features. A letter received from foreign fields was read by Mrs. Curtis and regular business of the society transacted. Mrs. Wonders and Mrs. Gill were elected delegates to the convention to be held in Bangor. Those present were Mrs. Riegle Mrs Stahler, Mrs. Crane. Mrs. Han gen, Mrs. Sunday. Mrs. Banner, Mrs. Gill, Mrs. Kahler, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. St. Clair, Mrs. Paine, Mrs. Winegardner, Mrs. Moyer, Mrs. Oberdier, Mrs. Cur tis, Mrs. Wonders, Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Leitner, Mrs. Garrett, Dorothy Boyer, Bertha Boyer. Kermit Leitner, Amy Leitner and Esther Kahler. MISS SHAKESPEARE BETTER Miss Gwen Shakespeare, of 1921 Moore street, who lias been seriously ill since last November, is convales cing. Miss Shakespeare contracted grippe soon after the death of her sister, Mrs Carl Thomas, who she helped to nurse during the influenza epidemic, and for a time her condi tion was- alarming. Clarence P. Hencli, general east ern manager of the New Idea Spreader Company, is spending the week in Boston attentlong the con vention of the Massachusetts State Implement Dealers' Association. Mrs. Mary Mehring, 201 Harris street, is visiting her son, H. E. Mehring. at Pittsburgh. Mrs. B. L. Winger, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. I-litchcock, at Niagara Falls! N. Y., has returned to her home in this city. Miss Cavin, of Philadelphia, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Karl Schaf fle. Park avenue. Camp Hill. "^ter?STORK [An announcement under this heading must be accompanied by name to assure accuracy. ] Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson, 328 Kelker street, announce the birth of a daughter. Mary Bavena Anderson, Monday, February 3, 1919. Mrs. Anderson was Miss Mary Bishop prior to her marriage. , Breakfast With POST TOASTIES Corn Flajtes that arc so different from common kinds youll AB wonder why you ever I ate the other sort. *lv Thick, Rich, ur> Creamy ai>d , Vi,', full or Nourisbij)ei)t |£ Askfbr tbero jBSJ POST 3ISM TOASTIES &JLRRISBTTRQ ifißk TELEGTEGtPBC BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SMALL BOY Donald S. Giant, Just Six Years Old, Merrily Cele brates With Small Folks DONALD S. GLANT A happy group of children gath ered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Clyde R. Giant, 511 Muench street,] to help celebrated the sixth birth day anniversary of their son, Don.- ald -S. Giant. Games and music were followed by a real birthday fest in the din ing room where a large birthday cake adorned with six lighted candles graced the center of the table. Pink and white prevailed in the decora tions and menu, and the favors were baskets of candy. In attendance were: Carrie Frank, Mary ITartman, Ethel Hart man, Pauline Wallerton, Elizabeth Smith, Horace Fleishcr, Samuel Ear hart, David Speeso, and Donald Giant. Mrs. Giant was assisted in enter taining the youngsters by Mrs. Merle Fleisher, Mrs. Preston Smith, Mrs. J. M. Swartz and Miss Sara Bingham. Silk Mill Employes Hold Open House The Harrisburg Silk Mill held its second annual open house at the Y. W. C. A., last evening. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. John W. Reily, president of the Associa tion and Mrs. Mabel Crohiso Jones, chairman of the industrial' Com mittee. An interesting feature of the pro gram was the Illustrated letlure "With Albert Through Belgium" by the Rev. Henry W. --R. Hanson. Prof. J. W. Phillips gave a short musical program, assisted by Miss Shultz, Miss Mary Jelly, Miss Esther Gruber, Miss Louise Baer, and John Fisher, closing with a number by the silk mill'chorus of fifty voices. Following the program the two hundred members and guests were served with refreshments by the management and employes of the silk mill. The refreshments were, served in the cafeteria, by Miss Lois Scot/t, and Miss Householder, as sisted by members of the industrial committee and girls of the mill. Mrs. Gustave Koster and Mrs. Orr presided at the coffee urns. Dur ing the evening Mrs. J. B. Car ruthers, who has special charge of the work at the silk mill, was pre sented with a basket of beautiful flowers, by the employes of the mill. HOSTESSES AT CIVIC CLUB Mrs. Norris A. Longakor, Mrs. Eugene Lee lleyscr and Mrs. Archi bald Millar will act as hostesses at the Civic Club to-morrow evening for tbe regular Informal dance. Sun- 1 day afternoon and evening the Host ess House committee will have ' charge of the informal entertain ment. Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, chairman of tho Hostess House committee, asks that the cookie jar be well filled .over the weekend and that a good supply of current literature be sent to the Civic Club for tho boys > in khaki. HAROLDWAGNER IS HONOR GUEST Young Folks Greet Soldier on Way to Newport News After Furlough Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Gallagher en tertained last evening at their home, 1824 Reglna street, Harold Wagner, who is stopping over here on his way to Newport News after spending a furlough at his home in Wllkes- Barre, was the guest of honor. Games and music furnished enter-' tainmeht for the guests. A color scheme of red, white and blue was carried out in the decorations. Re fresments were served to: Miss Dorothy Dickert. Miss Martha Wall, Miss Margaret Spencer, Miss Eliza beth Bala, Miss Edith Lelii, Miss Edna Arnold, Miss Helen Wail, Mies Agnes Brennan, Ered Bchalfler, Mike Schaffler, Arly Spencer, Alvin Zim merman, Thomas Grady, Georg'c Shultz, Harry Shirk and Ledon- Mc- I Cormick. Kitchen Shower Given Mrs. Raymond A. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hes ter Hauf, Lemoyne, last night, a kitchen shower was given for Mrs. Raymond A. Walker, Mrs. Hauf's olater-in-law. Many useful gifts were given the young bride, who recently was married to Raymond A. Walker, a Pennsylvania Railroad Company ruach'nlst. Before her marriage she was Mary Crull Underwood. There Wfre present: Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Nel son A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Hester i Hauf, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Under wood, Mr. and lira. Roy Walker, I Mr. and Mrs.-Earl King, Mr. and I Mrs. Stanley Walker, Miss Mildred | Walker, Miss Lillian Hauf, Miss i Dorothy Shannon, Katherine. Wil liam and Elizabeth Underwood, Lucille unjl Francis Hauf, Stanley and Robert Walket and Charles Her r. Weekly Story Hours on Sunday Afternoons The Story Tellers' League of Har risburg lias bit upon a new field of usefulness. It is a new effort to make Sunday the happiest day of the week. There are 110 stories more in teresting than those which have made the Bible tlie. most-loved book in the world. But there are now ways of telling old stories, and new ways of making Sunday interesting without making it secular. A series of Sun day afternoon stories has been ar ranged. beginning at St. Paul's, Sec ond and. Emerald streets, this Sunday at 4 o'clock. Everybody will be wel come, and it is hoped that the up town children will bring their parents and aunts. Tlie weekly story hours last summer were so successful that the Sunday venture is started. Some days there were a hundred in attend ance, and the children all werd de lighted with the day. W. C. T. U. to Hold Memorial Service Mrs. Harry Leonard will preside at the meeting to be held Monday evening, In, Ridge Avenue M. E. Church by the W. C. T. U. in mem ory of Frances E. Willard. A pro gram of Interesting numbers will he presented including, singing by the congregation, "Some Glad Day," de votions led by tbo Rev. Henry R. Bender, vocp.l solo, "How Beautiful to Be With God," Mrs. W. H. Cor dey; tribute to Frances E. G. Wil lard, by the Rev. William N. Yates; duet "Whispering Hope" Mrs. Ethel Lebo, Mrs. Alice White, recitation "Her Crowning Day" Mrs. Leonard, piano solo. Miss Anna Mary Deverter, prayer by the Rev. Dr. Silas C. Swallow. Church Circle Plans Series of Socials The fcliurch Circle of the Camp Hill Presbyterian Church will give the first of a scries of entertain ments on Saturday evening, Febru ary 15, at 7.30, in the auditorium lof the firehouse. A pleasing pro gram has been arranged as follows: Mrs. E. R. Stratford, piano solo; Mrs. J. K. Bowman, yocgl solo; Miss Beth Stearns, readings; Joseph Sid dall, violin solo; Mrs. H. F. Sigler, vocal solo; Mrs. W. C. Enterline! readings; Miss E'len Strode, vocal solo! Miss Beth Stearns, readings; Mrs. J. K. Bowman, vocal solo; Joseph Slddall, violin solo; Mrs. W. C. Enterline, readings! Mrti. H. F. Sigler, vocal solo. JOXF.S-SWAII.S WEDDING The marriage of Miss Goldie Swalls to Robert Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. 1325 Fulton street, took place early in the week at the home of the bridegroom, with the Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson officiating. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. Miss Pearl Jones, Miss Margaret . Givens, Miss Emma Jones, Clarence Jones, Ralph Givens, John Jones and Miss Catherine Jones! After a brief bridal trip the newly weds will reside at 618 Bogs street. LEFT FOR CHICAGO Mrs. Charles Jack Hunt and chil dren. Aurelia, Mary and Charles Jack Hunt, Jr., who hgvo been spend iifkr some time with Mrs. Hunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ber tram Gil'espie Galbraith, at Pax tang, left yesterday for Chicago, 111., to join Major Hunt, who Is In charge of the U. S, Army General Hospital 32. Mrs. J. Harry Steele, 444 South I Thirteenth street, accompnnied by her ' small niece, Katherine Bender Nay lor, of Camp Hill, left for Camden, N. J., to spend some time as the guest of her brother, J. William Harlacker. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Frazer, of 1529 North Second street, are enjoy ing a stay In St. Petersburg, Fla., with side trip to Tantpa and nearby resorts. Mrs. Bertha Winfleld, of 706 North Sixth street, who Is improving In health after a recent illness Is taking a ten days' trip to visit her children in Norrlstown and Easton. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Walton went home to Baltimore this morning after a week's stay among relatives In this vicinity. Mrs. Nathan Cohen, of 30 South Fourth street, is visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. Henry Llpsit, in Newport. Miss Elsie V. Ross and Miss Har riet M. Ross, of Brooklyn, are In town for a little visit among rela tives in this vicinity. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, M. Mall, Ladies' Tailor, is in business again at his residence, 1213 Green street. Altering and remod eling of ladles' garments a specialty. CENTRAL HIGH NOTES Debaters Hold Conference Tho two teams that have been picked to represent the school met with Miss Katherine Zeiders to nr rango for the main issues of the coming debates. Six senior boys have been chosen by tho English depart ment,* three to uphold the norma tive side of the question in a debat# in this city with the Reading High school, the other three to argue on the negative side with the Hazleton High school at that place. The nega tive team will debate with Hazleton on the evening of Match 14. The date for the debate In this city has not been announced. Philonians Entertain Ladles The Philoninn Debating Society held its annual "ladies' night" at the last meeting. Alton Smith was tlie host at his home In Cameron Extension. The IT. A. Society were also the guests of the Philonians at this meeting. The ballroom of the old Cameron residence was used for games and dancing, and a feature the evening was a trip through the large, unoccupied part of the house. Many of the members were familiar with this section of the residence, as they were initiated in its gloom a. few months ago. Refreshments were served to the combined societies and I their guests. S. A. E. Society Dance The most important social event' of the mid-year seuson will take; place -his evening at Wlnterdale | hall, when the S. A. E. Society, of Central, will be hostesses at a val entine dance. Amid decorations appropriate to the season the younger set will dance with "Suds" Sourbier's ten-piece or chestra furnishing the music. "Suds" alone is an attraction for Central students and the society selected an excellent time l'or the dance. A large number of invitations have been Is sued and a good attendance is an ticipated. Not only Central students but many outsiders have received "bids" and every one is looking for ward to a good'time. % The members of the society who are acting as hostesses are girls from the commercial section of Cefitral, who are' ably keeping up tlie good name of tlie S. A. E. Society. They are as follows: Miss Helen Stoner, president; Miss Mildred Wells, vice president; Miss Kathleen Eyler, treasurer: Miss Jennie Blecker, sec retary; Miss Georgiana Parthemore, Miss Ida Frock, Miss Maude Daniels, Miss Todd, Miss Phyliss Davisson, Miss Margaret Zcigler, Miss Catherine Hazen, Miss Blanche Martin, Miss Dorothy SchefCey, Miss Ethyl Mummert and Miss LeNore Fulton. V. B. P. Dinner A most delightful evening' was spent by members of the P. .B. P. Society when several of their num ber were hostesses at a progressive dinner early in the week. Courses were served at the homes of five girls and judging from the content ed 'expressions in school the next day it must have been a most satis fying affair. Soup was served by Miss Esther Magill at her home; Miss Evelyn Kietle was hostess at the second course which consisted of roast beef, potatoes nnd "trimmin's," salad was enjoyed at the home of Miss Gladys Buck-waiter and Miss Esther Leeds set before her guests in tempting ar ray, ice cream, cake and coffee. The evening was then spent at the home of Mis®Kntherine Diekert in music, games and dancing and at a late hour delicious refreshments were served. Central students have solved the mystery of the contentment of the P. B. P.'s. It's the "rats." The members are Miss Evelyn Koitle, Miss Katlierinc Diekert. Miss Gladys Buckwalter, Miss Esther Leeds, Miss Katherine Worley. Miss Grace Early, Miss Esther Magill, Miss Helen Gable, Miss Evelyn Wright. Miss Elinor Smith. Miss Harriet Kelley and Miss Mildred Gallagher. O. T. J. Club Dance Bids have been issued by the O. T. .T. Club of Central for a daiire to be held March 5 at Winterdale IHall. Miss Helen Best is chairman of the committee of arrangements nnd the girls are working hard to make the affair a success. It is their hope to make It stand out in the history of the junior class as a most Important event, since the juniors seldom un dertake anything larger than a class dance. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wood, 201 Harris street, have returned from a week's stay in New York City. Paul J. Rolehenberg, of Balti more, Md., was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Derrick, 2253 Jefferson street. FUNERAL FLOWERS SPECIAL! Beautiful Spray, $3.00 Keeney's Flower Shops 814 ft. an ST. 157 N. FHOftT ST. Ilarrlaharg Steclton V > CAINDY * Candy is a food. Pfc The human sys •l tern needs it. I Uncle Sam gives LeWH each doughboy a half pound of 'N enndy every ten \ days. Gives it in rations as a food, KHv not as a luxury. ~ Are ypu eating sufficient candy? jyj? if not, why? ■ * Messimer's candy is pure and whole some. Specnnl for This Week-End Peanut Clusters, fresh roasted peanuts combined with sweet chocolate. Special at 49c lb. Chocolate Coated Caramels. A soft, chewy caramel covered with a thick, delicious coating of sweet chocolate. Special at 49c lb. Messimer's THIUD ST.. AT BIUGGS B* ' 'a /• '\ I)Ift ft Kit FftIDAY EVENING FEBHUAJIY 14 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 ft. COOHT ST. 50c Clara CWwdrr Baked Freak Sarkrral Cried llallbat Fried Clysters liaaat Beef Masked ar Ilaate Fried Petaleea Stewed Peaa er £ triad Beams Cream Slaw lee Cnem, Pie er Peddled Cattw, Tea mr Caeaa FEBRUARY 14, 1919. JAPAN AWAITS CHINA'S CONSENT TO PRINT PACTS Not a Question of Secret Treaties, the Japanese Delegation Insists Paris,, Feb. 14. The Havas Agency says it has been informed by the Japanese delegation to the peace conference that the announcement tho Baron Makino, senior Japanese delegate, had received an order to publish certain agreements conclud ed between China and Japan is pre mature. Conformably to diplomatic usages, says the delegation, Japan has asked China's consent thi publication of these is, but the Peking governr-T** _j*s not yet forwarded its rc""9 The Japan ; relegation insists upon the fact .at it is not a ques tion of secret treaties, of which none has ever been concluded between the two countries, but simply of "accords." Would Spend Millions For Improvement of New York Harbor I New York, Feb. 14.—A program I involving the expenditure of $211,- 000,000 for the development of the | terminal and transportation facili- I ties of the port of New York was ! presented to the New York-New Jer | sey port and harbor development I commission by Gustav Lindenthal, a consulting engineer. Protest Taking of Paintings by Italy Basle, Feb. 14. The German- I Austrian foreign office, according to j a despatch from Vienna, has sent a protest to the allied governments and President Wilson against Italy's claim to sixty-four paintings in pos session of the German-Austrian gov ernment. The protest declares that the paintings are the propertv of former Emperor Charles personally and not property of the crown. ' Honolulu Aliens Get Rights of Citizenship Honolulu. Feb. 14. —Any alien, re gardless of his race or color, who served in the Army or Navy during the war is entitled to citizenship, according to instructions received here to-day by William Ragsdale, chief of the local naturalization bu reau, from the Bureau of Naturali zation at Washington. Witmer, Bair & Witmer Walnut Near Second „ The house where quality and honest prices arc inseparably linked. Ready For j|| . Spring I YjJd- An abundance of all that is y, new in Spring Wear l —Dresses, I -Ajt Suits, Blouses, Petticoats and ' Top Skirts Dresses Suits Tricollettes, Foulards, i n Navy, Velour, Checks, Jersey, Satins, Georgette, ... - Serge, Crepe de Chine, Mixtures, Silvertone, Jer- Crepe Meteor, Taffetas, seys, Tyrol, Wool in tail ctc. Plain or Combination. orcd Migses and Serges, $11.95 to $35.00. , , Tricollettes, $35 to $49.50 models. _ sa'S $22.50° to $ 3 oo°' Popular Prices N * Blouses Top Skirts SitwSSriSi * ~*r - serviceable dressy blouse plain colors, fan-ta-si, bar for wear with the new , . , tailored suits, $4.95 and oncttc - fa,lle > satin and $5.50. new silks. Plain and Dress-up Blouses up to $21.50. pleated models. 4 . - i Balance of Winter Suits and Coats | Half Price \ f Witmer, Bair & Witmer ■i GIVES DINNER TO NICTE Rllxabcthvlllc, Pa., Feb. 14.—Mrs. John A. Romberger gave a dinner to the following last evening: Misses Ottie Hartinun, Dorothy and Esther Margerurn, Florence Whitman, Erma Stroupe, Irene and Dorothy Lentz. Margaret Snyder and Mrs. C, E. Delbler. Music Brings Memories Gt**S PLAYER ROLLS Player selections that evoke sweet memories and fond recollections. Pleasingly arranged and played. C. M. SIGLER 30 N. SECOND ST. Pianos Victrolas FREE SATURDAY • ONLY Silver Plated Berry Spoon i and One Pound of Baking Powder, 50c For good coffee try our special at 40c Grand Union Tea Store 208 N. Second St. Conic in nnd Sco Our ITp-to-Dato Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers