Store Closes i _ , Xi /£% gS% Children's Store Cloi Saturdavm at Si* Embroidery Classes /f fV /f Embroidery Classes Store Closes . y 9.30 to 11.00 Saturdays i 9.30 to 11.00 Saturdays Saturdays at Six ~| __ HAHRISBU nt, KItIDAV, KEBIttAUY H. IM9. "> ' FOIMiEU fTI Crepe Kimonos, $1.39 Tomorrow will be the busiest day of the B. B. B. Sale. Saturday is always an interesting day i Hand-Made Oil Opaque , , . ... / " - .. . . . t .. at this store, but on such an eventful occasion is the Bi-Annual event of Bowman's Big Bargain In plain and figured effects, loose and bolted waist line. 01*.. * \\T' A CL atin trimmed. B. B. B. Sale, $1.39. bale, it will be unusually so. Every department has displayed the many articles of merchan- . W muOW 700 P tt'r at* Se at ave heen subjected to radical reductions in price for this special occasion. No matter Mounted on guaranteed spring rollers, 6 ft. long, 36 inches — which department you go to you will be confronted with scores of buff colored price cards d&rk grCen ' br ° W " a " d duplcx colors " Bl B> B> bpe " tn heather-bloom, sateen and perkaline. Plain and figured. indicating the merchandise that has been reduced for this sale. BOWMANS-Fourth Floor. ? ssorted colors and lengths. B. B. B. Special, each, $1.49. BOWMANS— Third Floor. With the big B. B. B. Sale and the February Furniture Sale on at the same time, there are Ladies' Lisle S k* —— inducements sufficient to interest even those who may wish to anticipate future requirements -s*- C as well as those who buy for immediate service. *. lull size. Elastic top. Black only. Reinforced toe and Children s ornart \\ inter j . heei. AH sizes, B. B. B. sale, 29c. CoatS S ecial remem^er ' store closes Saturdays at six, because we believe in the principle of a BOWMAN- s-Mam Floor. —E shorter work day for our employes. To avoid disappointment come in the forenoon if pos- Parents will be interested in these very low prices on charm- sible. If not, then early in the clftemoon. jJv ivhakl K.ltS Cllt tO Clear lg winter coats for girls and little children. Materials are ' , - * ttractive in pattern and color. The prices are certainly lower kbak ' goods at wonderfully reduced prices. All made of lan you expected to pay this season! * _ _ # j tv.l ,t khaki mateiial and fitted with good toilet articles. 21 girls' coats in wool velour, plush and velvet. High waist Waists and Sweaters Children's Union Suits I Fitted kits; $2.20 to $4.80. Money belts ; 3o c to soc. ne models with fur collar and belted styles. Pockets and . ' ' , - * Unfitted kits; $1 to $1.30. Air pillows; 80c. allars of self materials; 14, 15 and 16 years. B. B. B. IVlarked for Clearance - • Unbleached cotton ribbed union suits. Fleece lined. Medium These arc extraordinary B. B. B. Specials, ale, $16.50. ■ weight, snug fitting. A complete range of sizes four to six- BOWMAN S— Main Floor 22 children's coats; 3to 8 years; rose, Copenhagen, green, White cotton waists with organdie trimmed. Frills with teen * ThlS ,s a grcat undenvcar saving. B. B. B. Sale, 65c. , lack, scarlet, tan and copper. High waist sfyles; shirred at lace and embroidery. B. B. B. Sale, $3.25. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. /"V _1 0 __ j pLMi O aist voke and belted styles. Fancy fur and velvet collar. . , . . Snfl S uWCStCTS ; g a j c $975 ' * Line of georgette crepe, crepe de chine and net waists in i ~ ~ \ " fancy embroidery, tucks and box pleating. Flesh, white, naYy VCry SpCCial 24 children's coats; 2to 6 years; corduroy, velvet, chinchilla, and ulack. B. B. B. Sale, $2.95. • Men's NicrhtshiTtS roadcloth, zibeline, tan, brown, blue, green and Burgundy. • , • , , . . & Girls'sweaters. Rose. gray, khaki, Copenhagen, brown and !. B. B. Sale, $4.50. Smart suit waists m dark shades. Navy, brown, taupe, com- - , . green. Square collar, belt, turn-back cuffs and pockets. Size Children's dresses of nlain chambrav and strined and nlaid -".a...., of colors. Embroidery and beading effects, including A oeautiful lot of men s flannelette night-shirts. No special to fit girls, 6. to 14 years. B. B. B. Sale, $3.95. • , v L r • u , -? ♦ A r, round and square necks, large sailor and tuxedo collars. B. purchase but the last of our fall and winter stock. Garments Children's sweaters. Khaki gray and Heather Belt and ingham \oke Empire and belted styles. 2to 6 years. B. B . B . Sale, $3.89. full size, and a quality flannellette. All sizes. B. B. B. Sale, . - pockets. Suitable for boys or girts'* Size to fit children 2 3 '• - Sale ' vLIU. ' $1.85. ' and 4 years. B. B. B. Sale, $2.50. Closing out of children's hats. Trimmed and tailored stvles. About three dozen slip-on wool sweaters. Sleeveless and • BOWMANS-Mam Floor. . j Children's slip-on sweaters. Rose. Copenhagen coral elf, velvet, plush and velour. B. B. B. Sale, $l.OO. also snug fitting with hand crochet around neck and arm hole. j corn. Made of all-wool yarn. Collar, cuffs and bottom of BOWMAN',—Second Floor. B. B. B. Sale, $1.98. ; " j Co,or - F< * ! BOWMANS-Thira P!or. • B. B. B. Specials 4-piecs brush Angora sweater sets. Rose. Copenhagen. a ' " JWI" brown, beaver. Set consists of sweater, leggings, cap and Ranrlean Rrflssiprps £1 gloves - B ' B " B " Sale ' $4 ' sa W Axminster and Brussels Rues In Our Large Basement j ,eggi " 8S ' in ,an " blue ' rose anJ Pink brocaded bandeau brassieres; back closing, ribbon j;, v; O ! j BOWM houlder straps, elastic band across back. All spotlessly 1? IRRR R- a ; ■ Tin dish'pans made of high grade tin. 17 qt. capacity. 60c. j AN s—second Floor. esh. ' Sizes 32 to 38. B. B. B. Sale, $1.25. iveal tS. £>. isargqinS Clothes props. Full length. Well made of good lumber. 12c. ! o • \\7W All-over lace bandeau brassiere,. Ribbon shoulder strap,.. | A A„ jfet Extra value, in panel Axminster rug,! Bath room mirror,. Made of heavy plate glass. 10x14 with i W In White Goods IZC- TO 00. 15. 15. 15. oaie at 4yc. XT I. . r t , O wlntr* VmmHpfl fnmr 7^ BOWMAN'S— second Ftoor! • | Heavy quaWd, and ill over pattents. ■• -" " | White mercerized voile. 40 inches wide. Tape selvedge. Borders on ends. 9x12 ft. $29.50. '* * Radiator brushes. Shaped so as to easily clean between j N T o. 1 grade. B. B. B. Sale, 25c yard Body Brussels rugs.' Whittals best.quality- in new colors tadiator tubes. . 30c.,. ( No. 2 grade. B. B. B. Sale, 35c yard. &i(t In Domestic Department and patterns. 27x54 inches, $5.50; 8-3xlo-6 ft.', $50.00; 9x12 Gas tubing. Metal gas tubing with rubber ends. 8c foot. * lute striped voile. 36 inches wide. B. B. B. Sale, 15c ' | ft " 555,<X> '' Gas stove Cylinder gas stove. Nickel trimmed. Gives striped skirting. ,36 inches wide. B. B. B Sale Lnbleached sheeting. 81 inches wide. Cut from the piece. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor. abundance of heat. $2.98. 29c yard. tound thread. Will wash easily. B. B. B. Sale, 52y 3 c yd. | Black traveling bag. 18-inch size with brass lock and ! }&! te stri P ed fla , x . on : B ' B ' B - Sale ' 19c y ard - Bleached muslin. 36 inches wide. A well known brand ! . . * catches. $9.00. j 2 9c vard raS shirt,ng ' 30 lllches wide: B - B - B. Sale, nd oa standard make. B. B. B. Sale, 23c yd. | Curtains aud FlXingS Lemon squeezer. The good old-fashioned wood kind, with i Checked and striped dimity. I?. B. B. Sale, 19c yard. Calicos in light and dark patterns. B'. B. B. Sale, 12>2C yd. " porcelain strainer. 10c. ! bovs^sults'an^blouses^B^B^lf 6 " des ' ral) ' e for Flannelette—36 inches wide. Scotch plaid effect. Cut from Fine lace curtains in white and ecru. Neat and elaborate Dust pans with long handles. Can be filled .and lifted with- White poplin. 27 niches, wide. B. B. B. Sale, 29c yard, he piece. B. B. B. Sale, 35c yd. i P atterns - B. B. B. bale, $1.98 pair. j out stooping. 20c. White nainsook. 40 inches wide. 10 yards to piece. \\ 00l shirting or skirt flannels in light and dark grav, khaki net curta ' ns "white and ecru. Some plain; some BOWMANS— Basement ! • $ BOWMANS— second Floor nd checks. 27 inches wide. B. B. B. Sale, 98c yd. figured centres; neat edges. B. B. B. Sale, $2.00 pair. • Wool blankets in pink and white and blue and white plaid. Ball fringe in yellow, rose, ecru, white and green. B. B. B. RlarT I Ico U . <C^CA lade of special selected stock. Soft and'fleecy. B. B. B. Sale, 5c yd. j JJIdCK i-JISCrC il(ltS t al,. $8.50 pair. 50-inch dark r,d Imen crash. Very heavy. B. B. B. Sale. Sl]k Specials These ha.s have colored Georgette faeing and trimmed with 4yc yd- • , ; ■ ribbon, flowers and fruit. An excellent value during B. B. B. Oak curtain rods._lnch_thick. 48 inches long, with bras, • In NaVy Blue and Black . BOWMAN'S—Third Plonr. Ajx-vjn O J J i i brackets and ends. B. B. B. Sale, 2oc each. JmF e spreads and Towels BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor. 36.jnch satin messaline. A gpod,''firm quality with the much- v ,. ,• I" wanted lustrous finish. Just about 500 yards of this number. jkV, bedspreads. Light, durable and easy to launder. j - Navv and black arc so poptllar in this s J son>s fashion rcquirc . PPr !"! !": Specia ! , ?lf ocac ''" r.W Undermuslins Under Priced men,s - * lS9y<l ' • JI/ Size/-xA). B. B. B. Special, $2.20 each. - ————— 36-inch fancy silks, stripes, plaids and checks, $1.95 yd. A Size 80x90. B. B. B. Special, $2.40 each. j. Combination suits made of nainsook and trimmed with lace. 36-inch striped silks; $1.39 yd. j / ' /j \ ' • Turkish towels; bleached and hemmed. Size 17x32. B. B. B. B. B. Sale, 50c. . . // F V / \ J/ \ / \ 1. Sale, 21c each. Muslin drawers with embroidery trimmed. Open and closed. CottOTl Goods ' ' ' 1 f i 1 urki~ . towels; bleached and hemmed. Size about 18x40. B " B " B ' a^c ' c * ' . ————— \ V \\\l, ( t U >. L. Sale, 25c each. Extra size envelope chemise in nainsook. Lace and embroi- 32 and 36 inch silk stripe shirtings. Tussah or crepe ground \ \ / Khaki colored turkish towels; Martex. Size about 21x42 dery trimmed. B. B. B. Sale, $1.29. for men's shirts or women's tub dresses. 55c yd. ' |/wa J I j >. L. B. Sale, 60c each. Combination suits. Lace and embroidery trimmed. B. B. 32-inch Kiddie Kloth in a mammoth assortment of plain, • p. 1 < BOWMAN s—second Floor. B. Sale, $1.29. striped or checiked. 42c yd. U 1 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ' f l ' "" I I I j ! j Dress Goods . JI 1 / y A Good Looking Coiffure - Syringes 59c Three of spring's choice shades for v l iII \ I l is half the battle of a perfectly turned- " /l I |Jn J//f% out woman - W'ithout it the smartest 55 syringes fully equipped. Good rubber; 2 qt, size. B. 32-inch mohair fancy suiting. Good range of colors and I \ .1 ■ tiMWMr costume IS practically lost. A hand- B. B. Sale, 59c. effects. 50c yd. , ' // / \ / f ome ? av 7 switch insures a modish, ' BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. l_ /II * \' T J in ... Women's Silk Gloves, Pair, 95c 'M / . Wavy Hair Switches Fine doub,c silk B lovcs - two clas p. >n white, black, tan, Neckwear and Laces i M m brown and grey, in self and contrast stitching. Every size in •■'V I " row 9 m!>^n'a nuiSw n r'vw (t'S'sw^chea o*™ 0 *™ aU' c\ery color. B. B, B. Sale, 9oc pair. . Val laces; iriostly round mesh. Desirable patterns* 12 vds. Clearance of Winter CoatS 1 shades except gray. B. B. u. Special. *2.00. # j to piece. B. B. B. Sale, 45c piece, " . Iw While this special lot lasts, the woman who needs a H H fiH L' rr h 1 ff *• Qrtnci'olo ti • a, i switch t° dress her yair in the latest mode should surely dIIUKC ICIIICI OpeCiaiS Sample neckwear. All new, clean, desirable iroods- CC groups cotn P nsin g the popular materials, styles and Share in this money-saMng sale. Georgette lace and crene de chine RR R i i • color notcs - Coats that have been marked very, very much bov MAN'S— Third Floor . Beautiiul handkerchiefs in white and fancy colors, with nar- ' ' 50c each ' higher Than these prices. We do not have a great lot to dis __________________ ro%v ' IC,TI ' Pu " S ' ZC- B * B - B - Sale, 2 for 25c or 15c each. 432 pieces sample neckwear organdie, chiffon, georgette col- P ose of, but what we do have are extraordinary values at —— BOWMAN s—Min Floor j lars and sets. Excellent value. B. B. B. Salic, 25c each. $ 1 3.50, $29.50 and $39 50 " SOWMAN'S—Main Floor. " ' iKlWHAjra—TlUrd Floor, FRIDAY EVENING, . 9 BARRIBBURG "TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 14, 1919. 3
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