22 WAR WROUGHT MANYMIRACLES Numerous Obstacles Were Removed, President Tells French Delegates Paris, Feb. 14. —President Wilson, in addressing a delegation from the French Association for a Society of Kations, said: "I appreciate very deeply what has been said, and 1 take it that the kind suggestion is that some time after my return we should arrange a public meeting, at which, I am quite confident, we may celebrate the completion of the work, at any rate up to a certain very far ad vanced stage, the consummation of which we have been working and hoping for for a long time. "I cannot help thinking of how many miracles this war has already wrought, miracles of comprehension as to our interdependence as nations and as human beings; miracles as to the removal of obstacles which j seemed big, and now have grown small, in the way of active and or ganized co-operation of nations in regard to the establishment and maintenance of justice. "One advantage in seeing one an other and talking with one another is to find that, after all. we all think the same way. We may try to put the result of the thing into differ ent forms, but we start with the same principles. "And in a meeting such as you are projecting perhaps we can rec ord the success that we shall have then achieved of putting a great principle into practice, and demon strated that it can be put into prac tice." Textile Workers Get Temporary 8 2-Hour Day; Return to Jobs Chicago. Feb. 14—A decision which Is expected to end the strike of east ern textile workers was given by the War Labor Board last night, when a temporary working basis of a ngight and one-half hour day and a five day week was announced. It was estimated by labor leaders that at least ninety- per cent, of the id'.e employes would resume work on Monday. The board acted on the petition of both employers and employes, who urged that it was their common pur pose to counteract radical move ments, and asked that a temporary working basis be arranged. They said they sought a standardisation of working hours and would leave wage adjustments for the future. I'aterson, X. J., Feb. 14.—Albertl Wyman, secretary to the Manufac-1 turers' Association, announced offici ally the receipt of a statement from the joint manufacturers and workers committee conferring with the War Labor Board at Chicago, to the effect that the War Labor Board decided upon a forty-two and a half hour schedule, no work Saturdays, pend ing a decision on the demands of the silk textile workers for a forty-seven hour schedule. The radical element among the workers declared they will strike until the forty-four hour ;week is granted. Bankers Plan to Confer at Capital on Needs of the Farmer Washington, Feb. 14.—A joint con ference of the Agricultural Commis sion of the American Bankers' Asso ciation and the agricultural commit tees of forty-two state bankers' asso ciations, will be held in Washington, | February 26 and 27, with the Secre- I tary. Assistant Secretaries and bu- i reau chiefs of the Department of Ag- ! riculture, representatives of the Bu- j reau of Education and the Federal ! Farm Loan Board. The object of the ] conference is to shape the bankers' j plans for 1919 in the matter of deal- ! Ing with agricultural problems. Miners Aroused Over Rumors of Shutdown Minmokin, Fa., Feb. 14. All- Tiovncement of the big corporations of the possibility of declaring a one month suspension of work at the an lhthraoite mines has caused veritable turmoil among the miners. They are t estfu 1 of this latter-dav attitude of the coal companies in the face of the valient and patriotic efforts they put Fifth during the serious war days and declare that they are now being'perse cuted by the coal companies. The men contend that it is an impossi bility that the commercial world has become so suddenly glutted with coal as to necessitate such a long suspen sion. It is their further contention that the coal companies ate taking their present course in an effort to continue the present high price of an thracite coal and that as a conse quence the men of the mines will be the ones to suffer to satisfy the greed •<i the' operators. Local unions throughout District Xo. 9 of the Unit ed Mine Workers are holding meet ings this week to elect delegates to a general conference to be held at Kulp mont next Sunday, at which drastic steps will be taken. ________ I Twenty-eighth Division May Return in March Philadelphia, Feb. 14.—Pennsyl- ' tania's famous "Keystone Division," the Twenty-eighth, may return to | this country some time In March. This information is conveyed in a letter from Captain George Ross, of | that division, to his brother, Thomas Ross, a business man of Doylestown. I Captain Ross, in his letter says the division has definite orders to return to the United States, "and ! with other information available, i the men believe they will be home in March." State Pure Food Man Sees Meat Prices Decline Philadelphia, Feb. 14. Robert M. Simmers, special agent of the State Dairy and Pure Food Depart ment, feels confident that a drop in the price of all meats will occur within a few days. Cold storage houses are filled, he said, and dealers will be forced to lower prices in order to avoid loss. To the contrary, there are reports that this meat is being held for gov ernment use and is to go abroad as rapidly as facilities for shipping can be obtained. CHOWDER CONFIRMED By Auoeiattd frtss. Waahlagtaa. Feb. 14. Nomina tion of Major General Enoch Crowder to be Judge advocate general of the Army for another term of four years was confirmed lat night bv the Sen ate. The nomination wa's received during the day and waa immediately approved by the Senate military com mittee. which Interrupted a public hearing to act. because General Cro.wder's term will expire Saturday N FRIDAY EVENING. — Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart \ I ~ " 1 .* , • , •j, Men s NaturalWoolUnder- Special Wintor Coat Values For I umSli m ' * *"f" of P J? ® Women in the Last Day of the Sale /LOI iMiP IVien S bhirts Ml' woql sh,r t s > drawers and union suits— Tr 1f . , .• SL 5 3 ' 25 shirts and drawers. Mill and Factory Sale Price, r f a hundred coats of ultra quality go out in the Mill and tWJ n . KP $2.25 i' ac t° r y Sale s last day, to-morrow, at prices which stamp them jmnb & $ 2 -50 Shirts, ft $2.25 shirts and drawers. Mill and Factory Sale Price, ** A" s " r Prisingly good value. It would be impossible *i®' 'S ' $1 71 even at this time of the season to make such coats to sell for (IPi (Z Q $4.50 union suits. Mill and Factory Sale Price ... $3.50 bUCII IoW PJ ices ' M 1 yj) J. 9tJ ty Boys' $2.25 to $3.25 union suits. Mill and Factory Sale All colors are included—navy, brown, green, taupe, plum and Price $2.00 black, and the materials are either wool, velour, silvertone or sprtcial group of woven Men's Hosiery reduced— Normandy Cloth. stripe madras and near silk 60c heavy grey wool hose. Mill and Factory Sale Price. All sizes 34 to 46. shirts attractively priced for 50# p , TT n eur~ r~ 1 F l6 W ' nd " P ° f the M ' ll a " d 600 black cashmere hose - Mill and Factory Sale Price, JIIOI*OLOxOI*O *pOO 00 $1.60 and $i 65 corded madras 39c silk lisle hose. Mill and Facory Sale Price, 25* ' m r\ r\ j /t c\ s\ s\ r\ iBHI "i.r.\si\iT'." 0 , K s; w ?,, c \ cot,o ;' l ,, 'r , M, V nd LY.r sal5 al s Price - lomorrow $25.00 to $30.00 JBHrl * Cjj.lll - ,I II Factor>-sale Price 5i.35 sd k hose, black and colors. Mill and Factory Sale • ' II II 85c printed stripe and check per- Price 40* $47.50 wool velour coats, in belted styles, trimmed with buttons; 4 . iL A''V;iff ' "Ifll cale shirts, sizes 14 to 17. Mill and I, lined throughout with handsome silk. Mill and Factory (OC no ff MS " Vn; Factory Sale Price 68c l. rt~r y XX X'M X"> Sale Price ipZO.UU _ n llfg) cJ If You Have a Boy, Buy Him 27.50 #■ 9 Rloimp Waiitq Tnmnrrnw Xi^^rr?!M a^^, SSB.oog£nHHf ._L:i| ° WK -XJXSJI4.GvJ VV dlb vb iOIXIOXXO\x silvertone coats, lined with fine quality peau de cygne; the / JT'cS n ~ _ style is made with novelty cuffs and deep collar. Mill and (Oh Ofl - WW: : m II Extra Savings Offered For the Last '" w s3o "°° 108 : Day of the Mill and Factory Sale Women's and Misses' Spring Suits l aWfKI 1 711 85' C striped percale shirts with separate collar; sizes 13, Q97 SQA 4-rv Q/iPC [2 %S fir 11 7 and 14. Mill and Factory Sale Price 69* *p&o, tpOU, tpOO 10 tp^tO • , f^ hirt ® Z lti \ atta c ch , ed c ? llar ' ncat stripes, sizes 12# to 14. T he new season's most favored materials and colors are in- HP The Closins" of the Mill and 95c a khakr"n^^d\rertwiiViian;;rbi;;;;\va'i;;,v s ®es cl lt2l e 7A I, 7 b ? me ~ , , VlUOlllg J-T-Llll CIIILI 6to 15. Mill and Factory Sale Price women misses, and small, and large jf| A ; Factory Sale Brings Big 6 ,o s l. "mlh and 1 Factory S^ePrice 111 .7.?. *"??!!. 69* . mve,. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. % \ xr i • n handles. Special $1.78 Values in Sweaters .EndoftheSaleEconomiesinlnfants&Children'sShoes ''Tom Wye" medium weight fine guage worsted coat sweaters, 4,BUU rieCeS 01 White Chllia FOY $2.00 gun metal calf button shoes with black cloth tops made on mi i ar> prn. -ct>. laki, na\> and heather j TVlSiri AAThnlocalo Prtaf wide toe last witb lieav y stitched soles and low flat heels. Mill $12.00 Sweaters. Final Sale Price j?8.95 I_jeSS Xflciri WllOleSale OOSL and Factory Sale Price $1.65 $9.00 Sleeveless Sweatetrs. Final Sale Price, $7.50 Present market prices are higher than the Mill and Fac- Infants'Shoes— s3.2s military sleeveless slip-ons. grey and khaki. Mill and Factory tory Sale's quotations on 4,800 pieces of white Chinaware $2.00 brown kidskin button shoes on footform last, hand-turned Saaie Price s2.si> *°r the last day of the sale to-morrow. Accordingly, early JJKJQ soles, spring heels. Mill and Factory Sale Price $1.68 Me" Factory sale rri. Included in this unusual disposal are- /''l \\ sizes I,l# and 2. Mill and Factory Sale Price SI.OC Men's $5.50 wool coat sweaters, V-neck. Mill and Factory Sale Price, Cups and saucers, in plain Oatmeal dishes. Special, 10c / j\. A Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Rear. 84.35 ar * sncy shapes. Special, pair. Oval and round vegetable / f $2.25 black cardigan shop jackets, all sizes to 46. Mill and Factory 45c dishes. Special, 47c, 20c and 80c / ,V* , TX _ . Sale Price $1.85 Dinner plates, in plain and Bowls. Special .. 14c and 17c ySa\ " r~W"* Cnildren S Hosiery Specially Priced MEN'S OVERALLS fancy shapes. Special, each. $1.50 SEWING BASKETS 68c 18 3 c -uu J t_l i , Blue denim overalls, union made, apron and pants styles; sizes to 50c. 10c Mission oak frames with ere- VaEQt —* ,-ißf / | * — c Pine nbbed black cotton seamless Mill and Factory Sale Price $1.85 Dessert dishes. Special .. 5c tonne sides, and base'fitted with |Q 7 1 " H rtTl' bose ' and I 7actor V Sale Price, 18< Arm 6™,} apron overalls: union made: siaes tO ./ tt B - soup plates. Special ... 10c hooks for scissors. 1 ,T"l ■. 1 . (?1 wl / IJ3I 35c fine ribbed black cotton seamless Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. ~ HoilSPllold NppHS liOWPPPfI ID PviPP 1 HAp** Ilose - and Factory Sale Price, 25$ y-.. , r i • brown containers, white lined. Special 98c black and white. Mill and Factory Sale Hmo I QQPOnfIQ r\X SoLd 5 5c sets of aluminum salts and peppers. .Special 19c Price .1 39<i r llldl OiecUclllCe Ui Odlin $2 " salvamzed ash cans. 1%-bushel capacity, with cover and Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. an |l ur r . Satin Hat s 4-Piece Bed Room Suites Specially Priced Electric and Gas Lamps JSSS Many Furniture Attractions in the February Sale Reduced in the Last Dav W and $7.50. Final Clearance Price in the From one end of our great furniture floor to another special prices are featured on the * V,/ close of tlie Mill and Factory Sale, $1.95 est g rou P s °f dependable furniture that we have ever gathered together at one time. J* J V T\T*ll P J- O 1 ) Early Spring Satin Hats Notable values are offered in bedroom suites including— OI IJIO lVllll & X? ECtOrV OcUO _<__ X Reduced to $3.00 4-piece sets of mahogany and Americon wal- Combination mattresses; all sizes. Special. fig: r Satin turbans in many shapes princi- sets' of' figured walnut,' with' du?tpr # oof Box springs fitted with felt mattress special"' ,iands ° mcst lam P s e [ er presented at special prices W' - _ pallv black and blues, formerly $5 00 to compartments • $165. wlth mattress - are announcec l for special clearance m the last day of the r s'n Snorial ,' n the finale nf the ATill ,nrl Brass beds are specially priced in the Febru- Mattresses filled with 100 per cent Kapoc silk Al, ll and Factory Sale. The finishes.are brass, Verde green fteWt!? tss ~ssr-asrsu^• a^si.*v.v.v.v.v..*ss r , , iquccopper 5ndoldsoldin I,anddccoia,cdand Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. . • cathedral glass. Lancaster Apron Gingham in Whittall and Other Fine Rugs Reduced SSSK:::::: S3S wZ tZll T • -Tio J i. V fAiA 6 AiailA IMP / TT lr \7 O I $12.00 Lamps $9.60 $20.00 Lamps $16.06 Limit 1Z yds. to a Customer,yd. J- In a Half-Yearly Clearance Sale $13.50 Lam PS sio.o $21.50 Lam PS $17.20 cottons! '£2 PriCC in SlliSo uZ "Z H&r.V.v.v.v.r. S V&s $5.00 Fabricord Suitcases, $4.25 Indirrfi hliie varrl " 4 4r/a. a . i c ~ „ . „ L,„ i,,,-,,,...... ' 9 Finished with leather corners, brass trimmings and shirt fold in in 5 i • Pr . llltS ' J a rd ....... 11#* $-x7.6 110.60 $8.75 ANGIA> PERSIANS, WILTONS AND BRUSSELS cover. Special only for the last day of the Mill and Factory Sale. 4Vc clrc>S kinghams. bpccial. yard toC „ x . Jla'a t 1 ze Regularly Special $5.00 tan suit cases with leather corners, brass locks and bolts. 35c cliallis, 36 inches wide. Special, vard 28e K <WI o 113 nJ! I X !x Persian $125.00 $102.00 Special in the Mill and Factory sale $1.23 39c madras shirting. .Special, yard .". 19c $27.50 $25.00 9x12 Royal" WoreestM 102 00 M ' 7s FlimitlirP Polish RpHllPPfl 5.-? c dress satine in dark grounds. Special, vard 25<t | * $30.00 f 2 '-? 0 Wiltons 95.00 79.75 J-ij xvCllb J? UIIliLUI" xUlibll XucUUCcU 35c silk muslin in good shades. Special, vard 25c 9x12~ $3250 psv! L®^ ac ß^i 1 . t °, n8 H°A "?° 4 " oz - size re ßularly 25c. Special 171 —r\ • .1 1 , ~ , • •••••••••••••••• * *xlw Body Brussels ••••••• 60.00 47. oO 8-oz reiriilarlv 50p Snepijil 'fir 50c imported madras (made in Scotland.) Special, yard .. 35* "f 2 $ oo 837.60 9xt2 Body Brussels 55.00 45.00 20-oz size, reLiaHy $l6O. spec/af rOc Silk stripe voile, in plain colors with self color strfpe. Spe- **°- ou 837.50 9x12 Body Brussels 50.00 37.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. cial, yard 39* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. * OI * T""l IV IT 1 T7" Groceries Moderate in Price in the Sale "11 " b P™g UltS F ° r Men and YOUng Imported olive oil contained in screw top cans and of finest grade. —M T$ mr XT XT • t ,-r, # _ Men V, hich Top the Pinnacle of Vanilla flavoring, large bottles. 12c; quarts, 98c I Y V^\ Cream of barley, package 17c x. NVI 1 \ ANK , ___ Royal Anne Cherries, large cans 49< . X \ £|V *>/|/k /l TJ I 1 J * ll* "1 i 1 "II if 1 • Oi 6rwi \Ti #\ Lood Taste m Fine Clothes Making Sweet, California, naval oranges, dozen 39c to 69c \ t \\\ lll\ \\l /A X/N. \ I.eaderkranz cheese, pkg 23c \ \\\ \\y\ . \ \ \r]y / \ LSu a bVani*c :::::::::::::::::::;:;::::: JIS V \ \\ v " Our first showing of the new clothes for the new season—styles that will Granulated sugar, 25 lbs ''*' so -Z \\ \ \\\ /t A. C*X J < • > r..... .. sterilized Cream Hominy Vic'and 35c vK -A \\\ /uy \\ win any man sor youth s admiration because of their noticeable superiority in California peaches, sliced or halves, can 20c and 35c r// \\y // [Y I 1/ " " . * Sauer Kraut, large cans, dozen $1.33 \l// f(i\\ /LAV I I any environment. i Pinal CloaranCo of Ohildron's ■ I UitS 0f smart that demonstrate successful catering to men who I \ \ good looks and good lines. Coats in the Mill&FactorySale \ \ Spits that are a frank appeal to the appreciative younger generation. Choose from the finest qualities of wool velour, velvet corduroy I ff |\ \ SuitS for men ' y° un & men and dempbilized men—suits designed to fit the Savi " gS are great en ° ugh '°' warrant /-j ===/ NX \ needs of the new manhood of America. Mill and Factory Sale Price . . C ° aUl . : . , in . " 1ze ".. t0 ..' . yearB '. $4.95 j I n Lj| f • Surveying the suits in all their fashion freshness, you will note modelsl Children's $5.50 corduroy coats; in sizes 3 to 6 years. *4 ns I —>} I V . , NUII and Factory gale Price J I i—/ \ Nrw. with new five-seam backs, needle-point lapels, deep vents, rope shoulders Children's 312.50 velvet coats; in sizes 2to 6 years. CRT I / ' |\ MN- M,u chndL a n's or i 6 S h a ft le v P r lc t o.oU j "TTT j I—waistline effects and semi-seam backs. ennarens $6.50 velvet coata, in sizes 3 to 6 years. *A // '- — \ I 1 Mill and Factory Sale Price , // 111 i- I f \ n* t- i.x • a i i a Children's $22.50 velour and mixed cloth coats; in sizes £l9 CA II ill / 1 I Rich p&ttcrilS 111 JJT CCtIS 3.11 d UIUCS prCGOniinstC. 3, to 5 years. Mill and Factory Sale Price JpIZ.OU /// /I If ... . A . • „ , , children's $7.50 mixed cloth coats; in sizes 3to 5 yeais. *e oc /// I \ 1 These suits from America s famed clothes designers emphasize the full Mill and Factory Sale Price ipO.SJO U* A. \J - Mill andFactort'saie Price ChU . ,a . . coa . t " : .*.f. y *"*\ $ 12.50 value of perfect hand-tailoring. M 1 Clll ( | dren ' s ' l2 - 50 chlncliilia coats: in sizes 3to 6 years. gQ kj MU chudr^n's° r iiHq 0 -JibcHn4'coatsV in' s'ises 'j'io'i'y'ea'ri.' sin'nn (Hj*SH, WICKWIR*Co, A hearty welcome, men, to this notable showing of New Spring Suits. Mill and Factory Sale Price 51U,UU . . " t Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. ' ' ' ' " " ' 1 _ "i ' i "i i .1..!™ " i BXBRIHBURQ tfiSfit rnlbsoxxps FEBRUARY 14, 19T9.
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