16 RADICALS GET WRITTO PREVENT DEPORTATIONS "Woman Heads Group Which! Obtained the Papers New York. Feb. 13. Writs of habeas corpus, sought by a group of , radicals in an effort to prevent de- ] portation of forty-nine of the fifty- . four aliens brought to Ellis Island ' from the west, were issued here last i night by Federal Judge Knox. The ' writs are returnable to-day. Miss. Caroline Lowe, of Chicago, | a lawyer, headed the group that ob- ; tainod the writs, summoning Judge j Knox from a Lincoln Day dinner j which he was attending, in order' to make their request. The application followed a mini- | bcr of conferences among New York radicals, which begun shortly after j news was received that undesirable j aliens from Seattle. Chicago and I other western cities were on their \ way to New York under a heavy guard. Radicals at Meeting Miss I.owe, who has been de- j fctiding radicals in Chicago, was se- i Icateil to conduct this case at a i February Furniture Sales Usually mean considerable saving when outfit ting your home, but our February Furniture Sale this year has outclassed any previous sale ice have ever held both in volume of sales and in the qual ity and low prices maintained. If you have not already profited by this sale you still have the opportunity of coming in any time and making a selection from a complete stock. These cuts below tell of only a few of the many splendid values ice are offering. 9-piece Jacobean Dining Suite. William and Mary design—lncludes genuine leather seat chairs. 60-inch buffet. February Sale ... $175.00 3-piece Cane Suite, mahogany frames, blue dam ask upholstering. February Sale $150.00 4-piece walnut and Mahogany Suite, with panel Bed (no posts). February Sale (fr 1 Ofl flfl Price, (single or as a suite) *p 16 "•l/" 3-piece Mahogany Frame Living Room Suite, upholstered in genuine blue or brown Spanish leather or tapestry. $150.00 CQC /)/) value. February Sale Price iyt/DUU a / Store I The C. F. Hi Purchases ° pen i f\ \T r wui Be Heid Every I \J Y 1 For Later Evening Furniture Co. Dcliv ">' •y * 1417 N. Third St. Between Colder and Reily Sts. THURSDAY, iiVT.i\ii\Li meeting yesterday which was at tended by Scott Nearing, John Reed, the Rev. John lluynes Holmes, and the Rev. Norman Thomas and Sey mour Steadman, counsel for Near ing at his trial on charges of ob structing tho selective service act. After the meeting, Mr. Steadman said he believed that "if the gov ernment would open the door and allow people to return to Russia there would be a larger exodus than most people imagine." Mr. Thomas asserted those at the meeting felt that it was a "mis taken theory of democratic govern ""inent" that permitted the secretary of labor to "pass sentence of de portation against people for express ing their opinions." Miss Lowe, U was learned, visited the commissioner of immigration here Tuesday and asked permssion to see the prisoners, but was re fused on the ground that she held no credentials as counsel for any of them. The writs, which were granted by Judge Knox as a matter of routine, provide for argument upon their re turn to-day. without the appearance in court of those on whose behalf it was issued. German Armistice Conference Postponed T.or.don, Feb. 13. —A dispatch to tho Exchange Telegraph from Cop enhagen says the German armistice commission has been informed that the armistice conference lias been postponed indefinitely. BOARD TO VOTE ON ABANDONMENT OF TEACHERS CLASS Girls Desiring Training May Be Given Special Course of One Year ' Action on the recommendation of Dr. F. E. Downes, city school super intendent. to abandon the teachers' training school after this year, will be taken probably at the next meet ing of the board of directors. It is understood that the directors will give tlieir approval to discontin ing the school, provided a plan is ar ranged and carried out to give a similar course as post-graduate work at the Central High school. This suggested when it was found that tlie board members were not unani mous In their opinion about closing the training school. According to the plan suggested girls who complete tlieir course in the Central High school and desire to take a training course of at least one year, would be given an oppor tunity to continue their studies for that purpose. The present training school, conducted in the Steele building, has only fifteen students enrolled. Dr. Downes reported, and unless a much larger number would decide to take the course this fall he said the expense of conducting the classes seems too great in com parison with the number of teach ers which are eventually secured by the city. At a recent board meeting it was decided to have Prof. J. J. Brehm, district supervisor, and Prof. A. B. Wallize, of the Technical High school faculty, relieved from duty March 1; so that they can begin preparations for the opening of the two junior high schools in the fall. They will be the principals of the buildings and must arrange the courses of study, recitations sched ule, selection of necessary books and other details. Changes in the supervisory meth ods to become effective when the in termediate or junior schools are opened, were approved by the board more than a year ago. Recently supervisors and supervisory prin cipals were appointed under the plan as outlined by Dr. Downes. These appointments, effective in the fall follow: sr. H. Thomas, from district su- , pervisor to supervisor of advanced grades and Miss Anne U. Wert, from principal of the Teachers' Training School to supervisor of the primary grades. W. C. Heiges, J. F. Kob and G. H. Goetz. district supervisors, made supervising principals. • Others are P. T,. Tlocker. now the principal of the Steele building: Miss Anna V. Growl, principal of the Shimmell building: J. F. Ferguson, principal of the Forney: Miss Maude I. Gamble, principal of Penn: Miss Elizabeth S. Baker, assistant principal of Camp Curtin; Miss Maude Kennedy, prifneipal of Cam eron. and Miss Helen Krall, prin cipal of Steele. Police Raid Chicago Headquarters of I. W. W. Chicago, Feb. 13. The police yesterday raided the once busv gen eral headquarters of the I. W. W. and arrested twenty-nine idlers "to see who they were and why they ' were not working." an officer said. Government agents professed no interest in the raid, although the police said the arrests were made with the knowledge of the govern ment. The I. W. W. headquarters has seen little activity since William D. Haywood, the head of the or ganization, and nearly a hundred others, were convicted of conspiracy and sent to Leavenworth prison last fall. McAndrews Says His Speech Was Misconstrued Washington, Feb. 13.—Colonel J. R. McAndrews, of the army general staff, said last night that his state ment in Xew York Monday night regarding demobilization of the sol | diers in service in the United States had been erroneously construed to mean that there would be no fur ther discharge for several months of such soldiers. "A gradual reduction will con tinue to be made in all units and I utilities in t.he United States." said i Colonel McAndrews, "by discharge I of men as rapidly as their services i can be spared." mini TREAT FOR SKIN THAT ITCHES Only those who have itched and scratched and still itched continually can appreciate what it means when the aggravation is ended bv the sooth ing, penetrating, antiseptic influence of Poslam. And what relief to be rid ■ of any eruptional blemish which has entailed prolonged embarrassment! | Turn to Poslam first for the quick I healing help which ailing skin must l-.ave. You do not have to wait In un certainty for indications of improve ment. It soon SHOWS. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories. 243 West 47th St.. Xew York City. Urge your skin to become' clearer, healthier by the daily use of Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam. DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the penetrat effects of Sloan's Lini ment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve-inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the Joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quick ness of relief, the positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. oc. 00c, $1.20 Sloan's Liniment _K.ills P<iin HARRISBURG frfSSftj. TELEGRAPH GOVERNOR LAUDS PARTY'S POLICY Expresses Hope For Return of National Republican Ad ministration Next Year Wlllianviport, Feb. 13. The twenty-seventh annual banquet ■of the Young Slen's Republican Club of AVll liamsport last night was a nobable event on account of the presence of Governor 'William C. Sproul. who re sponded to the toast. "The Republican Party Lieutenant Governor Edward E. Beildeman, who responded to the toast, "The Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania," and Deputy Attorney General Emerson Collins who eulogised. "Abra ham Linclon." Mayor Hoagland was toastmaster. For a long time the state capitol was located in the governor's suite at the Park Hotel, where Gover nor Sproul. with his private secretary, disposed of a mass of correspondence and state matters. Robert S. Spangler, speaker of the House of Representa tives were special suests. L'pon alighting from the train the Governor was met by a reception com mittee headed by Mayor Hoagland, and was kept busy for a time shaking hands with friends. He then went to his room at the Park Hotel and was iloseted until afted 6 o'clock with his rrtvate secretary, Harry F. McDevitt. He brought with him papers and docu ments, and the afternoon was devoted to public work and answering some private correspondence, the Governor leaving word at the hotel office that he was not to be disturbed. In his address at the banquet the Governor eulogized the Republicans for the part they had taken in legislative halls during the war, and declared his hope for a return of a Republican ad ministration at Washington in 1920. MAGNELLI CHARGES ARE CLOSELY GUARDED [Continued from First Page.] Bihl and Robert Stucker, Magnelli and Schmehl. Kccd Objects Solicitor Fox also read sections of the Clark act which prohibits of ficers from accepting, demanding, or receiving any money ai a re ward for their services other than the salary provided by Council He read other portions of the act, and ; of the civil service law passed in 1917, giving Council power to act in cases where charges are prefer red against any officers. When the Bihl hearing began Mr. Reed objected to the general terms used in the charges against him, stating that he had no opportunity to prepare a defense because the in formation made no specific allega tion about the misconduct. Mayor Keister was the first wit ness called and after being sworn by Mr. Burtnett he told of the com plaint which had been made about Bihl and Schmehl and the hearing which was held at his office. Bihl did not deny the charges which Schmehl made against him but said that he was grabbed by Schmehl at a patrol box early one morning and Schmehl warned him not to continue calling names. Chief of Police J. Edward Wetzel testified that Schmehl came into his office on the morning of January 21 and said he could not stand BihL's abuse any longer, telling about the incident at the patrol box the night before when he attempted to talk to Bihl and the latter drew his club and warned him to keep away. Af- j ter the disturbance in the basement Chief Wetzel said Lieutenant J. Frank Page called him by phone to report it and then both Bihl and Schmehl were ordered to appear b'e fore the Mayor for a hearing. Cross Examined When cross-examined the chief said Bihl charged Schmehl with ag gravated assault and battery and horse stealing. Schmehl was called to testify against Bihl and told the commissioners he had repeatedly been called "Charlie Chaplin" and a "German spy" by the officer. He related his effort to ask Bihl to stop this and the attempted attack the latter made at headquarters. On this occasion Bihl took off his over coat and came over to the table at which Schmehl was playing pinochle and said "I'll lick you now you > Charlie Chaplin German spy." j Schmehl went upstairs and report- ! ed Bihl's actions to Lieutenant i Page. Officers Charles L. Anderson, 125 ; Washington street: John W. Hess, 528 Race street: Martin L. Keys. 214 South River street, and O. W. Carson, 344 Hummel, street, who were among those in the basement at the time Bihl threatened Schmehl. gave similar evidence corroborating Schmehl's account. Bihl. in defense, fixed all the in cidents about a week before the him—on or about January 22—teil time stated in the charge against ing Council that the trouble in the basement occurred January 15. He explained that he only intended to "kid" Schmehl, but that the latter took it seriously and got "mad." "Knock His Ears Oft" Bihl's testimony in part was: "When Schmehl came up to me about 2 o'clock in the morning lie grabbed me and told me this 'kid ding' had to stop. I told him to go away or I'd knock his ears off. La ter, I don't know just which evening it was, down in the basement, I paw ! Schmehl and it made me red-licaded to have a kid who just came on a district talk to me like he did. and I went up to him and said. 'Come on; my job is worth as much to me as yours is to you.' "I didn't charge him with horse stealing or call him a German spy. I preferred a charge of assault and battery against him io the Chief and the Chief said 3Se the Mayor Tno Mayor told me the Chief "was the one who should hear the charge." When Solicitor Fox endeavored to get Bihl to say openly that his in tention in taking oft his coat and approaching Schmehl in the base ment at headquarters was to start a light. Bihl evaded the questions until finally he said< "Of course, I would have scrapped with him. ' I pulled my coat off to fight." Eox Asks Questions Mr. Fox then said: "You knew it was your duty as a police officer to preserve peace and order. You took an oath when you became an officer to do so. and you knew at the time that you tried to start this fight that you had taken such an' oath. Sup pose Schmehl would have fought, what would have happened'" "We would have had a fight," Bihl replied. "You had a revolver, didn't you 7" "Yes, but I don't know whether it was loaded." "You didn't regard what might have happened if In the heat of pas sion you had pulled that revolver, did you?" Bihl did not answer the question. It's Got to Stop Curtis E. Banks, 1333 Wallace street, employed at St-hell's bakery, | was called by the defense to show thut on the night Schmehl stopped Bihl he was angry and had threat ened to attack Bihl. Banks said Schmehl came into the bakery'and made these remarks: "Bilil's got to stop calling me Charlie Chaplin. He has ovorybody else on the force scared of hint, but I'm damned if I am." Banks said: "I warned Schmehl piat Bihl was a big fellow, and Schmehl said, The bigger they, come the harder they fall.' " Rode to Work Mr. Moyer, owner of the horse whicli was returned, who gave the officers the money, said in part: "When the officers came into the house Magnelll remarked that It would cost Schmehl 35 to got his suit cleaned, and I said 'I guess it will.' After the second horse came up to the house and we put it away we went in again and they hinted agasn about leaning their clothes. I gave them each thirty-five cents to get rid of them." Testimony had the amount fixed at thirty cents. He also said he could not under stand why there was a halter on the horse the patrolman returned, when he had tied the animal in the stable with a rope the night before. Mr. Banks was recalled to tell about the remarks of Schmehl and Magnelll, made early on the morning the horse was returned, after they left the Moyer house at Twentieth and Brookwood streets. "Schmehl and 'Mag' ante into the bakery." Banks began, "and Schmehl said. 'What do you think of that cheap , he only gave us thirty cents and 'Mag' gove him the hint, he wouldn't give us any more.' Mag nelll said 'Schmehl ought to liavo been riding a cow, he fell off the horse he was riding.' They both said they had two horses and were riding from box to box ringing in." August Schelhas, 436 South Fif teenth street, another employe at the bakery corroborated Bank's Chief ments. Mayor Kelster and Chief Wetzel were called to tell about the hearing at the Mayor's offie when the charges were brought against the two officers. Patrolman John F. Hicks was the last witness called for the city. He said that one night last summer his wife called him and when he looked out the window from his bedroom, lie saw two officers ridingup the street on a horse. He said he couldn't tell whether they were city $2.00 Roman Stripe Couch Covers: $1.75 The assortment of patterns is attractive, but there are not enough of the covers to last through a brisk day, so we sug gest early choosing. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Nottingham Lace Curtains Regular SI.OO curtains, 2 1 / & yards long. Special Friday only, pair 69c Regular 49c nottingham lace curtains 2U yards long. Spe cial Friday only, pair .....39c Odd pairs of SI.OO and $1.50 curtains, one pair of a kind, some of them soiled. Special Friday only, pair 73c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. Household Brushes Coaster Sleds 33c dust brushes of hair. Special Friday only 23c 69c commode brushes. Spe cial Friday only 50c $4.98 Samee Kars. Special Friday only $3.50 $1.25 coaster sleds. Special Friday only 98c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Aluminum Utensils Special For Friday 95c aluminum sauce pans. Special Friday only 69c $1.45 aluminum coffee perco lators. Special Friday only, 98c $1.69 aluminum double roas ters. Special Friday only $1.19 $1.75 aluminum 2-quart rice boilers. Special Friday only. 31.25 $2.50 copper nickel-plated tea kettles. Special Friday only, $1.79 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Ash Sifters Reduced $4 .50 rotary ash sieves which fit over the top of a barrel or ash can. Special Friday only, $3.69 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Cuspidor Mats Reduced Round rubber jardiniers and cuspidor mats reduced as fol lows: 10-inch size, regularly 15c, Special 10c 12-inch size, regularly 25c. Special 19c 15-inch size, regularly 35c. Special 27c 15c rubber soap dishes. Spe cial Friday only 10c 15c cups for opening sinks and basins. Special Fri day only 10c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Fancy Goods Items Special For Friday 10c and 12% c crochet cot ton in white and ecru. Special Friday only, ball ... 5c 12% c transfer initial books. Special Friday only .......5c 50c fringe In brown. Special Friday, yard l#c Feather edge braid. Special Friday, bolt 5c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. * or state police. Magnelll and Schmehl denied they, had been riding around on the two horses, that tliey made any demand of money from Moyer and that they made any statements *to Banks and Schelhas nbout using horses. Both admitted accepting the money, but said they refused it a number of times, and finally took it to buy cigars and eoffe e as Moyer suggested. They admitted that they said it would cost several dollars for clean ing Schmehl's suit. Schmehl said he found only one horse, told Magnelli about it. and the two returned It. Mr. StncUer addressed council and declared he did not think either of the men had violated the Clark act. He said that if they bad accepted the money and used it to have clothes cleaned they had committed no offense as the city would not pay the expense for tills work, and the officers could not be expected to do so. Magnelli had testified that ho re ported the next morning to Lieuten ant Pago that he had accepted the mdhey and nothing was done about it. Mr. Stucker also called this to the attention of the commissioners. Lieutenant Page is ill and could no be present at the hearing. GOVERNOR HAS CAPITOL PLANS [Continued front First Page.] tion of approaches to the Memorial bridge. The park terrace and cop ing will be done When the city does it work in Third and Walnut streets. Meanwhile Arnold W. Brunner Is making studies for the first or the two office buildings, which is to be located on a line with the east wing, virtually on the line of the old South alley thoroughfare, and outlining the proposed formal entrance to the park at Third and State streets which will be the scene of future in augurations and reviews. This is to be the full width of State street and an Imposing entrance to the Capitol as much a feature as the surround ings and circumstances will permit in Harrishurg as is the entrance to the Capitol at Washington. According to Superintendent Shreiner construction of the build ings will not interfere with travel through the park. Fourth street will be used until the new cross streets are completed, one fill being virtu ally complete. Dives Pomeroy & Stewart Wash Boilers: Special Tin boilers with metallic bot tom and wood handles. Special Size Regularly Friday 7 $1.98 sl*s9 8 $2.15 $1.39 9 $2.35 $1.79 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Dinner Platters Reduced I 12. 14 and 16-inch plain and decorated platters; regularly 50c and 75c. Special Friday only ~ 25c Odd white cups, slightly dam aged. Special Friday only, 5c Dives Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Smokeless Oil Heaters Specially Reduced Miller heaters with brass oil faunts. Jap trimmed, regularly $7.15. Special. $1.98 Nickle trimmed, regularly $8.15. Special $5.90 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Men's Shirts; $1.50 to $2.50 Grades, 95c $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 coun ter-soiled negligee, percale and madras shirts for men. Extra speecial Friday only 95c $1.50 counter soiled white madras negligee shirts with soft or laundered cuffs. Special Fri day only 95c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. Notions Tan and white darning cot ton. Special Friday only .. .Ic Pearl buttons. Special Fri day only card 3c Bone and fancy buttons. Spe cial Friday only, card Ic "Best Yet" dress shields, 2. 3 and 4. Special Friday pair, 29c "My-T-Fine" face veils, 6 de signs. Special Friday only, 19c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Outing Flannel Light outing flannel, 36-inches. Special Friday only, yard . ,40c Dark outing flannel. Special Friday only, yard 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Bleached Sheets Bleached sheets with seam In center. 72x90 Inches. Special Friday only 98c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. $2.75 Gas Heaters: $1.98 Blue flame heaters with nickle trimmings, the lot is limited. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Women's Rubbers 85c storm and low cut rub ber sizes to 8. Special Fri day only 69c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. FEBRUARY 13, 1919. STATE METHOD IS NOW EXPLAINED Officer of State Board of Pub lie Charities Discusses Free Service System The method of estimating the amount of free treatment given by hospitals to patients, upon which the state appropriation to the hospitals is to be based by the present Legis lature, was explained yesterday by S. E. Gill, assistant general agent of the State Board of Charities, located in Pittsburgh. There has been some misapprehension of the matter by hospital authorities and others. The Board of Charities hus very definite rules for the making of hos pital reports, and these rules are au thorized by the act t>f Assembly cre ating the board, which was approved May 1..1913. In order to secure state aid the hospitals must comply with the act and with the rules of the board. Some of the hospitals have an erroneous impression that the patients they support out of their bequests, endowments and slmilar funds are free patients, whereas, the rules of the board regard them as pay patients. Mr. Gill said: "If giving credit to hospitals for that are called free patients the Board of Charities applies what maV perhaps be compared to a 'double rule of three.' This method eliminates as free patients all those whose maintenance may have been paid for out of the permanent funds of the lyjspital such as bequeqts and endowments. These are free pa tients in that the hospital may have given its services without charge to them but they are pay patients un der the rules of the board. , ."The case of the Children's os pital of Pittsburgh which I notice complains of not being given the proper credit is to the point. The hospital claims a credit of 99 per cent free patients. The board gives it credit with only 54 per cent. The difference consists of those persons whose treatment was paid for out of the hospital's endowment. The same rule is applied to all hospitals so that there has. been no discrimi nation and in the apportioning of the state appropriation to hospitals this hospital will be favored as Table Damask In the Friday Sale 75c mercerized table damask. Special Friday only, yard, 59c $2.00 Union Irish finished table damask, in cotton and linen. Special Friday only, yard $1.49 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Bed Spreads Crochet bed spreads, in double bed size; with slight mill im perfections. Perfect spreads of the same quality are $3.50. Special Friday only 92.49 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Fleor. Women's Slippers and Common Sense Shoes', SI.OO $2.50 tblack kidskin shoes, in button and lace style, with turn or stitched soles; sizes 2%. 3 and 3%. Special Friday only, $1.50 black kid skin juliets with stitched soles and rubber heels; sizes 6 to 7. Special Fri day only. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Men's $3.50 Shoes, $2.85 Tan oil grain mill shoes, with half and double standard fast ened leather soles, sizes 6 to 11. Special Friday only. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 1 Boys' Shoes Reduced $2.50 tan calf and gun metal button shoes, full toe lasts, heavy stitched soles. Special Friday only $1.95 $2.00 gun metal calf shoes, in bluchcr style, heavy stitched and nailed soles. Special Friday only $1.65 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. . Street Floor. , Dress Cottons. Sharply Reduced "59c coldred poplin in good shades. Special Friday only, yard ... . .: 39c 69c silk and cotton shirtings, 32 inches wide. Special Friday only yard 39c $1.25 satin stripe taile. Spe cial Friday only, yard 69c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. White Dress Goods 29c plain white mercerized flaxon and batiste. Special Fri day pnly, yard 20c 25c white pajama checks, 36 inches wide. • Special Friday only, ytwd . 20c 10 yards of lonjcloth, 36 inches ,wide, regularly $2.50. Special Friday only $1.79 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Laird and Schoeber Shoes • Women's fine shoes in button style, cloth tops and calf leather, Cuban and military heels. Spe cial Friday only . 92.95 Dlyes, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Btreet. having given free treatment to per cent of its patients and more." Mr. Gill suggested that if the pituls would carefully scrutinize printed instructions on the blank ports which they are required t< out they would not make the tako of supposing that the app tion of their endowment funds c increase the number of their patients. Jn these instructions are told that to ascertain the a age cost a patient a day they at divtu- the total maintenance exp by the total number of hosi days. To arrive at the numbe days of free treatment they ar divide the total income, less umount received from the state the cost per diem, which shows number of days paid for. V TO TAKE STRIKE VOTE liondon, Feb. 13.—The Mil Federation of Great Britain in ference at Southport to-day dec to take a strike vote return on February 22. The federation terday voted to reject the propi of the government to meet miners' demands for a six-hour and a thirty per cent, increas wages. fll 20,00( W SATISFIED Qt PATIENTS I And in going over my rec that I have fitted over tw thousand patients since I establi an oftico in Harrisburg 20 j ago. 1 shall be pleased to add name to the long list should require the services of a compt optometrist. Eyesight Specialist 1 2# NORTH THIRD STREET Basement Dress Cottons In the Friday Sale 20c indigo blue prints. Spe cial, yard 11c 39c lingerie crepe. Special yard 25 c 45c wash suiting. Special yard 29c 39c printed pongee. Special yard 29c dress ginghams. Special ysrd 39c kimono crcpc. Special yard 15 C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Unbleached Muslin Remnant of unbleached mus lin, 39 inch. Special Friday only, yard Unbleached muslin, 36 inches. Special Friday only, yard ..20c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Wool Tarns $1.95, $2.25 and $2.50 wool tarns, slightly soiled. Special Friday only 85c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Wool Caps 50c and 75c brushed wool caps, counter soiled. Special Friday only 29c 98c brushed wool cap and scarf sets. Special Friday only. 45c $1.35, $1.69 and $2.00 brushed wool cap and scarf sets. Spe cial Friday only 95c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. Women's and Misses' J Sport Sweaters $3.50 Zephyr and Shetland wool "slip-on" sweaters in as sorted colors. Special Friday only $1.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. l • Men's Hand Leathers 19c lealhers for right and left hands. Special Friday only, 10c 60c extra heavy hand leathers for iron workers and firemen. Special Friday only, 2 for 50c: each 27c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. Khaki Overalls $4.95 Headlight khaki union one-piece overalls, slightly dam aged in shipping. Special Fri day only 95c and $1.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart- Men's Store. Groceries Olive oil, gallon $6.98 Sauer kraut, 2 cans 23c Teco buckwheat flour, 2 packs, 25c Hecker's oat meal, 3 packs, 25c Pillsbury's health bran, pack 13c Oat meal, 4 lbs. < M ....25c Peaches, can -....10 c Mrs. Schlorer's mayonnaise, 12*0 Vanilla flavoring. 3 bottles, 25c Sani-flush, can 190 Laundry starch, 3 lbs. ..25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Basement
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