A CLASSIFIED AD SEARCHES OUT YHII LOGICAL BUYER-THINK IT OYEI J Deaths iILLIPS John H. Phillips, on I'eb ruary 11. 1919. aged 85 years. Funeral on Thursday. at - P. M . irom tha home ot" his son, L. K. Phillips, Camp Hill, the Rev. E. D. Weigle. pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, officiating. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Please omit flowers. 'HKLI. Pied, on Sunday. Febru ary 9, 1919. at 2 P. M.. Frank W. Schell, aged 27 years, 3 months and 14 days. Funeral Wednesday, hebruary IS, at 130 P. M.. from the residence of his father, Ira K. Schell, Second and Bridge streets. New Cumberland, luterment in the Mount Olivet Cemetery. Services and interment strictly private. I\DLKY Cyrus P. Findley, aged 39. died Sunday. February 9. Funeral services will be held Wed nesday afternoon, at 2 p clock, irom the home of hla sister. Mrs. Garfield McAlllater, 804 North Sixteenth street. Interment private at -he Paxtang Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Written In remembrance of our nr. beloved mother, Mrs. Mary Ann >yer. (parted this life February 11. 1910. le month of February once more is here. _ , , us the saddest of the year, cause it took from us away :r dear mother, nine years ago to d 8 V, >u are not forgotten, dear mother >r will you ever be. ..... >r as long as life an 4 memory lasts, will remember thee, often sit and think of you when am all alone. , , . .v.. >r -memory is the only friend that grief can call Its own. mother', thy gentle voice is hushed, Thv warm, true heart is still, id on thv pale and peaceful face Is resting death's cold chill. iy hands ure clasped upon thj breast. , , , _ We have kissed thy lovely brow, id in our aching hearts we know We have no mother now. 11 not back the dear departed. Anchored safe where storms are o'er; ..... i the border land we left her. Soon to meet and part no more, r beyond this world of ciuiiiBe% Far bevond this world of care. .■ shall find our missing loved one In our Father's mansion fair. 11ER CHILDREN. CAR 19 OF THANKS MRS. WILLIAM GRAMM AND IUGHTEU, 21H> Moore sireeet. ■ wish thank tlieir many friendk and the iternal organisations for the KUMI SS shown them during/heir recent th* death of the father. to for the many floral tributes sent LOST AND rOI'XD lajgT Black fur neckpiece. Re ird if returned in good cond.tion to ) I-ocust street- LOST Silver handbag, between lton Hotel and Pennsylvania nuary 24. Reward for return to 10. uth street. FOUND A small, black dog. In ire 1192J Bell, or 213 Forster stree. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION '"'Gregg orthand. Typewriting, English, lokkeeping. Penmanship. Arithmeyc, !. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN X YEAR. Enter any time. ueii : IFCinVvV 6 ' BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1 Market Sr. Chas. Ft. Berkley. HET.I* WANTED—MALE —— —* | LINOTYPE OPERATORS' WANTED We have positions for four linotype operators APPLY | HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M. *541. Care of Telegraph. WANTED —• First-class auto me-; anic. for new garage to open April j Good opportunity for right man. ! Clark Zimmerman Auto Co., Hali-j ■ Pa- I CAPABLE Applicants wanted to J kr up training at once, without in rforence with present duties, tor im rtant accounting positions, with rse American Industries, Railroads, isiness Corporations. U. S. Govern •nt. Minimum salary. $1,30h per ar. Address Box D, 7241, care o! icgraph. WANTED First-class planer nds. Highest wages paid to first-! tss mechanics. Chambersburg Rn neering Company, Chambersburg, 1 WANTED An ambitious, young in over 21 years, who is willing to vote some spare time in preparing r a sales position that will pay 91.- 0 a vear or more, state age, where lployed and lull particulars. Confl ntial. Address 7234, care of legraph. WANTED Bread and cake fore in, to take charge f shop one that n giroduee the goods. Apply at Wit in s Bakery, Middletown, Pa. GOVERNMENT will hold Railway ail Clerk examinations, Harrisburg. arch la. |92 month. Experience tnecessary. Men. 18 or over, desir g clerkships, write tor free particu rs, Raymond Terry (former Civil rvice Examiner), Continental Build g.- Washington. For Sale 77 acres of Farm Land. 41 icres cultivated, 30 acres wood land. Improved with 2 4-story frame house in good condition. Frame bank barn, 40x50 ft. and yther outbuildings. Price s:S3oo. Possession April Ist. Miller Brothers & Co. ' Rrul Fatal* Surety llonUa l.oetiaf and < ••* lIHCR. ITRNL 'SFFIFP IL4IRI R<* j TUESDAY EVENING. t HELP WANTED —MALE , WANTED 10 YOUNG MEN it For special subscription work in city. Will pay liberal sal ary and commission. Apply i MR. YOUNG, 700 North Sixth Street. From 10 to 11 A. M. [j HIGH CLASS SALESMAN i wanted to represent a national ad , I vertised article. 1-arge business alt ready established In Harrisburg. Hiis. ! I proposition will pay a high-class man : i from 82.500 to $4,000 per year. Address | BOX T, 71SS. Care of Telegraph. • Give phone number, etc. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMI NATIONS March 15. Men and Particulars free. American Civil -er , vice School. Washington. P. c. j WANTED Experienced butcher] land meat cutter. Apply 175 North Front street. Steelton, Pa. j HELP WANTED —FEMALE I | ,j TO THE GIRL OR WOMAN | DESIRING PERMANENT AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT- HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing Machine Operators, and can j assure regular work; the high efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms being pleasant and cneerful, opera tors can earn good wages. In experienced operators are , • paid while learning. A bonus | is paid to ail operators every pay day. BLOL'GH MANUFACTURING CO.. 'j Reily and Fulton Streets. ■h WANTED Young woman experienced proof-reader. p Apply SUPERINTENDENT, • Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED By widower, a girl ori middle-aged woman, as housekeeper.: v-ho wishes a home. Address J. H.! Gingerich. 37 South Main street, Levv -1/1& vvn. Pa. j W*ANTED j Maid for general housework. Small, .private family. No j washing or ironing. Good wages. Apply 266 Herr street, i or Bell phone 4912. , i i WANTED Girl for typewriter j ] copy work and general oftioe work, t Give references in reply. Apply L., 1 17244, cave of Harrisburg Telegraph. i 1 , WANTED Stenographer for gen- , eral office work. State experience.! references and wages expected. Ap-{ ply N., 7265, care of Harrisburg Tele- i ! graph. WANTED Girl for general house- \ work in apartment. No washing.; .Good wages. Apply Hanson, 7 South I Front street. WANTED Experienced loopers.' Steady work. Good pay. Apply Har-i ' ris Hosiery Co., corner Calder and' Marion streets. .' PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY — ; , Knit urgentlyvneeded socks for us on, Auto Knitters. Experience unneces-' sary. Full particulars. 3C stamp. Department Ut6. Auto Knitter Co., 821 t Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Experienced book-, keeper, at once. Gall 1042 Herr] street. Ask for Mr. Geller. i. WANTED Girls for laundry! work. Apply at Palace Laundry, 2103 ' l.ogan street. WANTED—Experienced piano plav- ! j ers. Reference required s*. W. Wool ' worth Co. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework. Good wages. .Apply 240 Woodbine street. WANTED Girls to work on power l machines and general underwear! i work. Apply immediately. The Mud- i {ern Textile Co., 1815 Penn street. i I WANTED Night cashier. Apply Davenport Lunch. 323 Market street. ; EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM GIRL , WANTED With clean habits. Ap ply In person Manhattan F.estaurant, ' 317 Market street. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES. ! Pay while learning Apply ASTRICH'S. 308 Market Street. ! BOOKKEEPER AND STEXOG • RAPHER Young woman wanted i for factory'- Must be expert. Good i salary for suitable person. Apply, stating education, experience ana lei'-| erences, Box L, 7240, caie of Tele-' graph. WANTED Girl for general work. Small family and good wages Apply 2123 Green street. Bell phone 4 (.39. I WANTED Girl to answer tele-! phone and do general office work. One with some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred. Apply Sanitary Family! Washing Co. Sixteenth and Elm' streets. WANTED Experienced woman! for general housework. Must have' recommendations. Call at 2228 North : Second street, or plione. Bell 1293 W. WANTED Middle-aged woman' for general housework. Small fatu'ly. I INo washing. References. Inquire! 1 ''OS Bridge street. New Cumberland ■ Pa. . I YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To leaiti shoen-.aking. Learners ar* well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing 14(1? Vernon street. • —- HF.LP WANTED—MaIe and Female TURKISH BATH RUBBERS—MaIe and female. Apply Penn-Harris Turk j Ish Ruth. Russ Bldg. WANTED A Harrisburg store requires the services of a competent saleswoman for the coat and suit department. Also shoe man, who can Him windows. Applications conitd n tial. Apply R., 6583, care of Tele graph. I t SITUATIONS WANTED—\IALE WANTED Young man desires po sition as chaufTeur; has had five years' experience. Apply 244 Ridge street, bteelton. Dial 1994. WANTED Work of any kind, by ■°}}ng white man. Address Box It, a 966. car of Telegraph. WANTED Man, 33 years of ago. wishes position as timekeeper, or I clerk in office or store, or any posi tion which offers chance for advance ment, can furnish Al references. Ad dress H., 1229 North Second street. 221_ WANTED By colored woman, nnjsing or general housework. Apply 107 North Ann street. STHNOGRAPHBR Young mam 1 experienced, knowledge of bookkeep ing. desires position; good references. | Address Box O, 6963, care of Tele | graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Young girl would like | position, washing dishes In restaurant, by the week. Call 649 Calder. WANTED By a colored woman, small washing or family wash to do at home. Call, or write, No. 1306 Currant avenue. WANTED _ j WANTED Good home for a 10- . j year-old girl. Call at 253 Sassafras j street. ROOMS FOR RENT I ' , FOR RENT —At 1113 North Sixth ! street, four rooms and bath; all mod-. ; ern conveniences. Apply at above 'address. ! r FOR RENT Second floor, unfur- 1 nlthed front room; use of bath and' phone; city steam heat. Apply Potts j -Apartments, Third and Herr streets,!. ' second Floor. FOR TTENT Two unfurnished' rooms, for light housekeeping, all con- | • voniences; also one furnished room! , for gentleman. References. Inquire j! 2039 North Fifth street. — I i ROOM FOR RENT A large, new - j ' ly-furnished room, with steam heat, I, electric lights, in a new up-to-date', apartment. All bathroom facilities.' I S North Camel-on. l-'OR RENT Nicely-furnished, L large, second floor front room; also I third floor room, furnished: gentle- I | men preferred. Inquire 253 North! street. 1 LARGE Furnished front room, ibay window, city steam heat, electric! light, next to hath; also small, front • room. Apply 209 Chestnut street. j ; ! FOR RENT Three unfurnished ! : rooms for light housekeeping, inquire i 1610 Chestnut streef. FURNISHED ROOM Next to bath, \ i on second floor, with privilege of path I and phone. Bell phone 3761 R. 119' South street. "* FOR RENT Unfurnished, small, housekeeping apartment, 3 rooms. Clcse to shops, works and market. Water in kitchen, cabinet and range Strictly private. Inquire 429 Broadi. street. 10-11 A. M. ROOM FOR RENT - In upper end of city. Woman employed in office de i sired. Address X.. 7239, care of ! Telegraph. j FOR RENT Nicely-furnished, large front room, second floor, with | convenineces, in private family; fine location. 209 Harris street. FOR RENT '! SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF i BRICK BUILDING SITUATED AT ( BROAD AND CURRAN T STREETS 2.700 SQUARE FEET O.N EACH ! FLOOR. SUITABLE FOR MANUF AC- ' | TURING OR STORAGE PURPOSES, f• ILL RENT SINGLY JF DESIRED. CALL AT BROAD AND CURRANT ! ST REETS. . ! FOR RENT .$l9 Third street, j ! pleasant front room; heat, electric j light and use ot bath, gentlemen only. ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, i running hot and cold water; light j housekeeping and private bath. Wit- ' ! son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. . FOR RENT One large bedroom, I for gentlemen only. Rent reason- j j able. Apply 276 Briggs street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three unfurnished i rooms, tor ligh' housekeeping, in dc- i sirable location, uptown, between •North and Maclay streets. Address . particulars to Box L. 7049, care of I Telegraph. WANTED Two or three rooms, furnished or unfurnished, by couple, and two children References exchang-' ed If desired. Box "B," 7049, care of I Telegraph. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED : ROOMS, for light housekeeping, wanted for family of three, centrally located. Address Box 325-J, care of' ' Telegraph. WANTED—BOARD AND ROOMS GIRL STUDENT Desires room . and board for work mornings and; evenings. .Apply School of Commerce,!) 115 South Market Square. Both Phones.!] APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished apart- ! : Blent, all conveniences, suitable for) ! couple. Inquire 706 North Sixth' i . street. j i APARTMENT On Sixth street,;! second flcor front, corner, o rooms and i bath: steam heat, ail other first-class b improvements; no small children. Ap-j -ply Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. Both phones. APARTMENTS W ANTED WANTED By a young, married! ccuple, four-room, unfurnished apart- 1 I mmt and bath. No children. Good i 'location, not central, and reasonable distance to car line is desired. Can ! furnish good references. Address Box! A. 7212, care of Telegraph. FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED I am desirous of locating a fur- i nished apartment of about 3 rooms' with bath for light housekeeping fori myself and wife; must be centrally 10-[ : cated excellent references can be fu. - i nlslied. Write fully, giving location. ! rent. etc. Address Box K. 7112, care of Telegraph. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE 2is-story frame cot ; tage at West Falrview, along trolley I iline and on State Road; 6 rooms and' attic. Small amount down, balance 1 " as rent. Will take Ford Car In trade ' 'or Liberty Bonds. Possession soon' 1 C. H. Corder. 1722 Green street, u-ij LCOJ ■ j| FOR SALE Before buying a home look at 1326 Derry street. Brick house of ten rooms and newly-equip- ' ped bath. Ten-foot side yard. Lot extends 188 feet to Thompson avenue. Inquire Chas. E. Booser. 19 South Sec- ' ond street, or on premises. Bell 1600. FOR SALE 8 3-story brick and brownstone; 2 good store corners on Broad from Cowden to Wallace street ' Aviso two 3-story brick. 1302-04 Wal lace street, all conveniences. ;i£. storv frame. 1311-13 Cowden street Inquire C. McKee. Second Floor 1 Apartment. North Second street. HAIUIISBUR&IftbTELEOIUJPH f THROUGH CLASSIFIED AD VERTISING you can sell real estate, secure tenants for houses, offices, stores, lofts, factories, halls, apart ments, furnished rooms; find lost ar ticles, secure desirable work, or ca pable workers, sell used articles. In other words, THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED you can get the result you seek if it is a result which ad vertising can bring to you. - . I 1 - ■ ■ RKAIi ESTATE FOR SALE ! ! j IF ITS REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. Camp St.. No. 641 S-story brlclc. j S rooms and bath, all improvement*, i Can be bought same aa rent. S. Eighteenth St., No. $53—S-story i brick, 9 rooms and bath, st-am heat, 1 electric lights, a modern home. Right' price to Quick buyer. New Cumberland Corner Fourth and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms . and bath on each side; all improve- ! ments: newly p inted; can be bought ; with a small amount of money; bal- j ance same as rent. Seventeenth St.. S.. 6*2 3-story i brick. S rooms, bath and laundry; all I improvements: cement cellar; nice 1 front porch; Al home. Jefferson St.. 2115 2-story brick. I 3 rooms and bath; all improvements; i front porch; drive way in the rear.) Very cozy home. Same as Rent. Sixth St.. N.. 2631 3-story brick;- S rooms and bath; end house. Right) price to quick buyer. Steelton F. Second St.. No. 330 —; 3-story frame. 7 rooms, electric . lights and water. Good location. \ Same as rent. Steelton. 322 S. Fourth St. Non vacant. S-story frame; 9 rooms, bath. } electric lights; lot. 125 ft. deep, in Al' condition. D. A. SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST 81.DG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 2573. j I SEVERAL Fine suburban homes, all improve- | ments, steam heat, electric lights, large lot (cottage style). Small J amount down. Several small houses for sale or , exchange, paying 10 per cent. clear. What have you to offer? Two large lots at Bellevua for sale. Very cheap. Factory slto for sale. One of the best locations in the city. Rail road siding on the grounds. Up-to-date apartment house for sale paying 12 per cent, clear, t Two houses In Enola. Steam ' heat, electric lights. Business place. Three-story brick, with store room. on Market aireet near Thir teenth street. Houses of every description tn all parts of the city. Small amount down. Will take Ford Car or Liberty Bonds as first payment on any of the above properties mentioned. SEVERAL LARGE FARMS near Harrisburg. Will take city . property in trade. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell StOJ. VACANT. POSSESSION AT ONCE 1-story brick, all Improve- i ments, 6 rooms, front and rear j porches; side entrance; nice yard to drive alley. Newly painted and papered. Cheap t and easy terms. G. H. CORDER 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Large plot of ground, i in Progress, with modern, seven-room i bungalow, with improvements; two large chlckenhouses; fine location; three minutes' walk to trolley. Ad-} dress J. A. Biery. Progress, Pa. j FOR' SALE Desirable frame i house, on Yale avenue. Camp Hill; 61 rooms; water in kitchen; lot, 148x1201 ft deep; stable. 16x20 ft; chicken-! house; pig stye, all kinds of fruit. In quire of C. C. Walter, Box 124, Campl Hill, Pa- ■ j TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE— All i improvements; in city; front porch j bay window; nice yard to drive alley ! jlurt down, balance as rent. Liberty! Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell MOJ.J POSSESSION AT ONCE —Paxtang! Property 2ii-story brick house. 7! ro ins and bath, electric light and gas, | hot water heat, open stair way. also; bin k stairway. lot, 30x120. An ideal i home. Call Bell 12M, or United Hatj Stores. ' FOR SALE No. 1832 Sixth street} .—consider the location and remember ! that the price is right. Bell Roalty I Co., Bergner Building. SECOND ST.. 1707—Desirable prop erty lor sale; now vacant; 10 rooms and bath; other improvements; lot 41x87. bell Reulty Company, Berg ner Building. -$2,300 WILL PURCHASE a brick I house, with six rooms and bath—gas i —electric light—also two others at $.'.600 each. Bell Realty Company. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Several desirable resi- Jcnces. with all modern conveniences, located on State street, north of State street, Whitehall street. Cloverly, Pax tang. etc. Particulars from Bell Realty Company. Bergner Building. $2,930 WILL PURCHASE a house with seven rooms and bath, gas and electric light, furnace heat. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. $3,400 WILL PURCHASE a brick bouse with all modern conveniences, including steam heat; very small amount of cash needed. Rell Realty Ccmpany, Bergner Building. 2: ■ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 2-story Bungalow,! located on Bowman Ave.. Camp Hill ' ; 7. rooms, bath, water, gas and electric lights, front porch, lot. 40x140. Price ! $4,000.00. ' For Sale 2209 N. Fourth St 2-atory brick, 7 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, water, gas. electric lights, front | pefch. For Sale —IS2 and IS4 Forater St I 2 Is-story brick, with frame house on I rears. 6 rooms, and attic, bath, water i and electric lights. ! BRINTON-PACKF.R CO.. Agents Second and Walnut Sts. ' j > _ BUY YOUP. HOME on our rental I 1 payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance ;as rent. We have houses in evefyl part of the city and suburbs. Aanlv I A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth atreet. ] | CRESCENT ST.. 322' S-storvl |b*ck; conveniences; lot, 145 ft.- -id. entrance: fruit trees: poultry house Near clty'a center. Suitable for flats' | $3OO down. E. Peterman, Weather! (Bureau. i 1 2840 AND 284 2 MAIN ST.. PE v.. " BROOK —Fitie corner property. i- r V. lot. Possession soon. Right price Lehman & Klingman. 8 North Mir -1 ket Square. FOR SALE —On eaay terms, 2010 to 201$ Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. p. Doranz ! 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE N. Fourteenth atreet No. 226. brick and frame house with! 8 rooms, bath, furnace and gas, porch front, side entrance and 20-ft. strest jin refir. Price. $3,600. J. E. Gipple 11251 Market street. ' FOR SALE Detached brick nnd stucco house, with all modern im provements. at 1717 Revere street I iClovery). A very desirable suburban! i home. * Price. $3,500. J. E. Gipple i"si ' Market street. __J I FOR SALE 6-room frame houses in PenbrOok at prices from >l,BOO to ! $2 400. J. K. Gipple, 1251 Market' ' street. Real Estate for Sale—Suburban FOR SALE Double house, i! rooms, good condition. Inquire 291 Herman avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE Moat attractive West' Shore home. All modern conveniences. I Will seU at a sacrifice. Call Bclj! ; phene 3037 R. Real Estate lor Sate or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT ' We are having a number of appli-! cations at this time for furnished; houses, apartments rooms. What; do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. • REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Curtin Streets; possession of some I ot the houses on thirty days' notic. I Fred C. Miller, Si North Second. Bel] I , phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED ~ HOUSES WANTED j I can sell your houses, any kind, anywhere, so the price is right. Give me a chance. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green 9treet. ! Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. ! READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLEK, 1002 N. THIP.D ST. WANTED, TO BUY A home north ' 'of State street. Address Box P, 7231,1 care of Telegraph. ! WANTED. TO BUY A homo 7.n! j Green street, north of Reily. Add; ess : i Box S, 7233, care of Telegraph. J WAN 1 ED. TO RENT Seven-room i hcuse, or bungalow, in suburbs, April' jl. Call Bell 196211 in office hours. RK> L ESTATE WANTED j " We have some ready purchasers for; I Improved Real Estate. Let us know: what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh Street. WANTED 6 or 8-room house, to! ! rent, modern conveniences; in city or' 1 vicinity. No children. Address Box I S. 6967. care of Telegraph. I WANTED. TO RENT Man~Tnil! ; wife, no children, desire a small hoime, | I ccni eniences. on or before April 1. i Address 11. S. Peters, 632 South Sev-| lentcenth street, City. I Ollices nuil Storerooms For Kent j I'Olt RENT—The improved store- I room at 24 North Third street—near lly opposite Penn-Harris Hotel. Also offices in the same building. Apply The William R. Nchleisner Stores, 28- 50-32 North Third street. MARKET ST. STORE - FOR RENT. ' Beautiful Daylight Store. 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. FOR RENT Storeroom at 105 South Third street. Inquire Gardner A Baptist, Third and Chestnut streets. FARMS FINEI FARMS In settling estate .la splendid farm of more than 200 j acres and another of 1)0 acres imme diately available. Location unexcelled. May cut up to suit purchasers. Con venient terms. Address P. O. box 255, Harrisburg, Pa. FARM Small plot along the trol -1 ley Just whet you want. Less than ■ mile from town. Fine land and fair terms. P. O. Box 355, Harrisburg, I'a. | FARMS , SEVERAL LARGE FARMS near Harrisburg. Izirge build ings. spring and running water, orchard. Easy terms. ; Possession April 1. C. H. CORDER. 1732 Greeen Street. Bell 560 J. SMALL FARM PLOTS 6 to 20 acres In the very BEST section of Cumberland' county—along State road and trolley. P. O. Box 255, Har risburg, Pa. FARM—4B acres. 20 tons of hay. 15 tons of straw and cornfodder, good building, new fences. Also from 3 to ltl acres. 107 Chestnut. SPLENDID APPLE ORCHARD 16 acres Just in height of bearing condition—must 'be sold .to close es tate—less than mile to markets. P. O. Box 255, Harrisburg. Pa. | * I I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS , J ! LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL J. B. MONTGOMERY, JUST PHONE. i i FOR SALE! Uecoucb, in good condition. Inquire 1532 Thompson j street. FOR SALE Three drophead new-I ing machines, in good condition, $lO [apiece. J. Earhart, 520 Curtin. I FOR SALE One oak sideboard; one single, white enameled bed. with j mnttreas: two oak tables. Address I 1945 North E'ourth atreet. 1 -I FOR SALE 25 shares Birth of Kac.e... .$150.00 I 100 Harroun Motors 800.00 '3,000 Hoffman Oil A Refining.. SaO.OO i A. L Dl6l BEL. Boatmen's Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. i j • BARGAINS! BARGAINS! i The Store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you the Biggest and Best Bar- | gains In Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- > coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, j Hats. Caps'end Shoes. We are fain- | ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North E'ourth Street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying } new and second-hand furniture here. | High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. FOR SALE SMALL JOB PRINTING PLANT j 1 Chandler A Price job press— l | chase Bxl2. 1 Chandler A Price lever paper cut- j I ter. l'4-H.-P. motor. 1 electric embossing machine. 5 tvpe cabinets. 103 type cases, 105: j fonts type. etc. All modern and in good condition t Good opening for live, young printor. I ! who will continue the business and i [enlarge plant. Or will sell to be I i shipped. Address BOX C, LYKKNS, PA. FOR SALE—Blacksmith and horse- ! : shoeing business. E'ull equipment of i I tools Good stock of shoes and other j | supplies, to Rutherford Bros., | Paxtang, Pa. | TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR i CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSOX, i 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. FOR SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrisburg. Pa. j FOR SALE 200-H.-P. Automatic! ' engine, 25-k. w. belted generator, di rect current, gasoline builder's hoist. I 8';ixl0 Flory hoist, with boom I i swinger and boiler; 1-yd. Hayward , clam shell bucket, boiler feed pumps,, i !ot air pumping engine, 2-H.-P. gaso line engine, l-H.-P. motor A. C. pinner, drill press, milling machine, . power grindstone, leather belting, large valves, Marathon Roadster. Ford i Delivery. F. R. Laverty, 1936 Briggs; street. ' Bell phone 1857, WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ! HIGHEST C ASH PRICES PAID for i Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at-i tention. Ncwmark A Cown, 368 Broad ! Street. Dial phone 4826. WANTED. TO BUY Wardrobe, in good condition. Call Bell phone i 2 765 W. I HIGHEST PRICES For ladies j and men's cast off clothing and shoes. | AVrite to Weinti'aub, 636 Herr atreet. i Dial 5177. ' I ; I- COHEN A COMPANY. York 'and ' Arh avenues. Highest prices paid for; i rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all I kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call; : Bell phone 4275. B. Abratns A Son,, 821-832 North Seventh street. WANTED Second-hand motors Small sizes preferred. A pply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St., near Second, | Harrisburg, Pa. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and! sold. Highost cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a pos i tal to Max Smelts, 1016 Market street.} I Will call, city or country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FQR ALL! kinds of Junk. Get our prices before! selling. Call Bell .phone 936, or drop] l-s a postal and our wagon will call.' Keyston Iron A Metal Co.. Broad nnd 1 Currant streets. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A LIVE, established business in Harrisburg, which pays salary of $5O a week to manager and over 15 per ' cent, on $12,000 investmnt, will make ! reasonable sacrifice to cash buyer. Best reasons for sale. Satisfactory i local Bank reference. Address Box ! S, 6964, care of -Telegraph. WANTED Men and women to see demonstration of the new WONDER OIL-GAS BURNER. Does away with wood and coal. Makes better fire than either. See it demonstrated at 109 Broad street, any evening. FOR SALE—A 6-bottle Soda Foun latn, suitable for a small business. A good moneymaker. Call, or write. H. B. Kline, 705 North Second street. Har psburg. Fa. FOR SALE Grocery, doing a : profitable business city 12,000 popula tion. Central Pennsylvania. Excellent opportunity. low price to quick buyer. Write t once for particulars. Address Box K. 7041. care of Tele graph. FEBRUARY 11, 1919. L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAI.E The Mercersburg Journal and Job Printing Office Worthy of investigation. Address Mrs. Nettle Fleming, Administratrix, Mercersburg, Pa. ■ FOR SALE Country Produce, Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo cation. Good-paying, casli trade. Re tiring from business, will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Box K, 7122, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS T A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1023 Market street. Bell 4730 J. j FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— I Bought and sold. S. Gold, 1014 Mar-' ket. Beli 40S5J. INVENTORS FINANCED—Patents. Automob'les, Motorcycles Bought, Sold, Exchanged. Cash or commission. | Simon Horst. Linglestown. Pa. UPHOLSTERING Of ' the best I I kind. Work guaranteed. We call and j deliver. 303 Broad street. Dial phone j 4826. L I FURNITURE CRAT id D And ' I china packed for shipping. Also re- ; pairing. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St.' RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED — 1 Single edge, 25c Uoz; double edge, 35c | 1 doz; razors. 25c. Gorges Drug Store. j DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. j Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. QNININE —Look out for that grippe 1 feeling. likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. Money to Loan - MONEY i If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BIORGNER BLDG . THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. i LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE v j WHEN YOU NEED MONEY | to meet immediate necessities, alwavs consult this reliable, licensed, bonded institution, chartered under Pennsyl vania laws and financed by local peo ple in 1909 to save borrowers from ex- \ ! tortion. ! Co-Operative Loan A Investment Co 204 Chestnut Street. I N WE LEND MONEY in compliance ! witli Act of June 17, 1915, to indivldu- i als in need of ready cash: small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay- 1 ments to suit borrower's convenience, I positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 133 Walnut S?reet. j ( Musical I FOR SALE Piano of the highest! grade. Will sell cheap for cash. Ad dress Box H, 7825, care of Tele j graph. j IF your Talking Machine needs re | pairs, just call Bell Phone 5242 J. An | expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine lo 1213 North Third I street. HAULING AND MOVING 1 AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long j | distance. Furniture and piano moving ' a Specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 ! j Capital street. Both phones. ' j FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck.; -Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell! : phone 2455 R. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped j i for furniture, freight and piano mov- i I ing. No distance too far. Careful | driver. P.aiu and dustproof body. J.I iE. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin j lAungst, manager, Hershey. Pa. Bell : phone 35116. | 1 LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE I HAULING Furniture moving.; i Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 • Calder street. Both phones. Bell ! 8636J, Dial 3683. ' !" AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and long distance. F. J. Marter, Bell ! 39-J, Steelton. AUTO HAULING Local and long; distance. Furniture moving a spe 'cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt j service. Call Bell 623 J. j j LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE I ! HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. i Motor Express. 917 Capital street. Bell 1 phone 1635 J. j I GENERAL HAULING AND FAST I EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns! with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. ! HICKS Local and long-distance! j hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both I phones. | AM. KINDS OF HAULING j AND MOVING UO^'E CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKEK ST. | BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. WHERE TO DINK AI.VA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. | THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. | I STOUFFER'SRESTAURANT —Home ; {cooking served to Businessmen and i laidles in separate diningrooms. | STORAGE i STORAGE —419 Broad street, house-; hold goods. merchandise. * Private' • rooms at reasonable rates.' Also haul i ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. j Both Phones. ' STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, {private rooms. Reasonable rates. P.! IG Diener, 41)8 Market street. I STORAGE Private rooms fori ' household goods in fireproof ware- j house. $3 per month and qp. Lower' storage rates in non-fireproof ware-1 house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437-1 445 South Second street. j UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLKR, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1813 Derry St. BSLL 1965. DIAL 31JJ. ™" RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer; I 511 North Second Street, j BELL 252. DIAL 3145. BETTER SITUATIONS WANTED This column lias two objects: First, to help men and women who are now employed to secure better positions: second, to put employers in direct touch with an ambitious class of workers. STRNOORAPHER With five I position Available immediately. Ad yeara experience, desirea permanent,! dressSS t Tit 3, care of Telegraph. CEMETERY LOTS FOR BXT.lil PROSPECT HILL cemetery Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park | way. The prices of lots are moder- I ate. Miller Bros. &. Co.. Agents. Cleaner* nnd Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place in town. Call and deliver. Goodman's, 1306% North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES } T HAVE TWO CARS, but will sell ' ,ourln onr for half ' dress V 7->a? V 8 no us . e for ' wo. Ad l___f '246. care of Telegraph. ! ,„?r5? R SALE Maxwell, 5-passenger S B t,r ' , ls ' 9 model. Run 1.500 ccndiV,on artS i T for !' as , h - In splendtdi I ondltlon. All good tires, with two. , spare ones. Will demonstrate Ad - O. ess Box R. 6965, care of Telegraph.,' , I'OR SALE Brand-new Reo I Touring Car, 6-eylinder. with all ex street Inquire 1333 N °r'h Second AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY OARAGE J l ' 116 STRAWBERRY ST. *| New Ave and seven-passenger | cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4916. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldttmers. j In any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto j Wrecking, A. SchifTman, 22. 24. 34 1 North Cameron street. Bell 3433. ' ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— '"overed body; 1,000 lbs. capacity- a bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. FOR SALE ~~~ ' 1917 Reo. 6-passenger. t j 191 s Dodge, 5-passenger. I'm ! 1913 Stanley Steamer. 1 ! Ford Runabout. Ford Light Delivery. . "A SIBLK'S OARAGE. 801 Cumberland StreeC. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING E. W. GIEGER has opened the FEDERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP, Court and Cranberry Sts. (Rear of Orpheum) All makes of cara Repaired. Ford a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. fsi'.OO. F ° RD CARS Touring; Harley-Davlson Twin, with sidecar 1250.00. * Get acquainted with me. Save money on any used machine wanted Simon llorst, Linglestown, Fa. ; KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion I work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South I Cameron street. WM. PENN GARAGE 804-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful j drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. ; SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re -1 pairing by an expert. Road jobs a .specialty. Charges reasonable. Both I Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North . '< Cameron etreet. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS ure ears for sale. Ford ton trucks, Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- ; passenger Ilaynes Touring Car. All cheap to quick buyers. International ! Harv ester Co. Truck Department. No. , 619 Walnut street. ] WANTED All kind* of used auto 1 tires. We pay highest cash prices. INo Junk. H. Ksterbrook. 912 North I Third street. Dial 4990. GARiIGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS I WELDING, AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS ' Frames Straightened and welded. \ Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO., 1538 Logan St. BELL 4396 J. i AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re ! paired by specialists. Also fenders. 1 lamps, etc. Best service in town. Hsr j risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 | North Third street. AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x3% $14.72 31x4 22.68 32x3% 17.28 32x4 23.00 34x4 26.00 35x4% 27.50 35x5 15.00 32x3 12.56 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third Street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE RTTPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. AT.L WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND, j 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. j MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 1 Bosch high tension, Elshmann, Dixey ! Splitdorf, Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetor*, etc. A SchifTman, 22-24-26 North Cameron stieet. Bell 3633. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Janko Katie, late of Steelton, Dauphin County Pa. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to j said Estate are requested to make • immediate payment, and those having | claims will present them for settle ment, to ! STEELTON TRUST COMPANY, _ Steelton. Pa.. ; or to Administrator. | H. L. DRESS, Attorney. Steelton. Pa. I NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Adnjeliia Ljubicic (Mraovic), late of Steelton, Dauphin County, fa., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to I STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Steelton, Pa. Or to Administrator H. L. DRESS, Attorney. Steelton, Pa. NOTICE letters of Adminlstra j tion on the Estate of Robert B. Mateer, late of Harrisburg, Pa.. Dau | phin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Harrisburg. 900 Ndrth Third ! etreet. all persons Indebted to aald I Estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. J. FRANK PALMER, Or to Administrator. JOHN E. PATTERSON, Attorney-at-Law. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers