CASUALTIES NOW TOTAL 238,240 Deaths Reported to Date 66,- 082; 161,033 Are Wounded Washington. Feb. 10.—Casualties Issued to date by the War Depart a'.cnt total 238.240, summarized as sallows: Killed in acUon (including 3SI at seal 31,217 Died of wounds 12.993 Died of disease 19,104 Died from accident and other causes 2.70S Wounded in action 161.033 Missing in action (including prisoners) 11.159 Total 238.240 The casualties reported in live lists of yesterday and today are summarised as follows: Killed in action 31 Died of wounds la Died from accident and other causes 19 Died of disease 91 Died from aeroplane accident. 2 Wounded severely 474, Missing in action 17 Woftnded (degree undeter- I mined 563 Wounded slightly 717 j Total 1,92 9 1 Pennsylvanians mentioned are: KILLED IN ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Lieutenant Harry J. Reynolds. Reynoldsville. ?a. Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours —is all the pre scription you need to avoid Influenza unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take —at once CASCARA K? QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 yean—in tablet form—aafe. lure, no opiate*—break* up a cold 1 In 24 hour*—relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fail*. The tenuine box h,** a Red top with Mr. Hill'* picture. At All Drug Stores. 1 Are you sensitive about vour face? It is impossible to hide your face every time peopie look a: you. That disfiguring eruption robs you of your rightful beauty. It.lowers your chance of success in life —it brings sidelong E.ances where thee should be smiles. Haveyoutried Resinol? 1 f you have not, there is still an excellent chance Resinol Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases That Born Like Flames of Fire Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results For real, downright, harassing, discomfort,, very few disorders can approach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczema, Teller, Boils, erup tions, scaly irritations and similar skin troubles, notwithstanding the lavish use of salves, lotions, washes, and other treatment applied exter nally to the irritated parts. No one ever heard of a person be ing afflicted with any form of skin disease whose blood was in good condition. Therefore, it is but log ical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for pimples. SICK HEADACHE AND BILIOUS ATTACKS YIELD TO BUSS NATIVE HERBS TABLETS "I have been afflicted for sev eral years with Stomach, Liver and Kidney disoiders, and have used several remedies, all of which were practically of no avail. I suffered greatly with bilious attacks, dizziness, head ache, and restlessness at night, due to the condition of the vital organs. Your Bliss Na tive Herbs were recommended to me. I purchased a box of the tablets and they have certainly made a wonderful change in my condition. 1 can gladly recom mend Bliss Native Herb Tablets to those who suffer from these ailments. HENRY THOMPSON, ••Elwood. Ind." These attacks are usually the result of c-onstipution. which is the most easily acquired disorder MONDAY EVENING, Corporal John William Bohan. Wllkes- Barre, Pa. DIED OE DISEASE Corporal Ada Genslldcr, 1414 Liberty street, Harrislnirg, Pa. lb-Kates William L. Alexander, Wyomiss ing. Pa. WOrXDED SEVER I. Y Privates Roseoe F. Boehmer, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas O. Donahoe. Bedford, Pa. Samuel S. Goodman, Townnda. Pa. Raymond K. Hopton, Monessen, Pn. • " John J. Lynch, Philadelphia. Pa. MISSING IX ACTION !*riyates Edward Dedig. Mount Oliver. Pa. Emanuel J. Hamilton, Spring Run, Pa. I. The following cabled corrections are issued as an appendix to the i regular casualty lists at the request of the several press associations: MISSING IN ACTION. I'RKVIOCS -I,Y REPORTED WOUNDED SEVERELY Privates Henry J. Kubler. Broadway. Pa. KILLED IX ACTION. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED WOUNDED SLIGHTLY l*rlrate Archie I-eo Cregg. Scranton, Pa. I KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Private Ralph Manbeck. Lewistown, Pa. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Privates Thomas Monstacho. Shenandoah, Pa. • • ' " James A. Clrich. Philadelphia. Pa. WOUNDED (DEGREE CXDE TKKMIX ED) I'KEV lOCSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Private* John Eckert. Spring City. Pa. Michael Gtiidosh. Prifton. Pa. , Henry G. Hoffman. Philadelphia, | Pa. Harold J. Metz, Roulette. Pa. Alfred Reynolds. Entanus, Pa. RETURNED TO DUTY. I'REVIOCS- I.Y REPUKTED MISSING IX ACTIONO Corporal Gilbert Hess. McKces Rocks, Pa. I IVivates Emanuel Goodman. Philadelphia, j Pa. Kennith L. Hoffman. Reading. Pa. j William S. Jewett. Furnace. Pa. J XV ladyshtw Koziol. Homestead. Pa. I Lemuel W. Mum bower, Waynes burg, Pa. John Patrella. Monaco. Pa. William B. Salmons. Philadelphia, j John Thomas, Scranton. Pa. of regaining thatschooi-giri complexion you once were proud of. Rough, red, pimply skins, skins that itch and bum, break out in pimples that are painful and embarrassing, as a rule quickiv yie'.d to the soothing medication of this ointment. Visit your druggist tonight and buy blotches, sores, boils, rough, red and scaly skin, is to purify the blood and remove the tiny germs of pollu tion that break through and mani fest their presence on the surface of the skin. People in all parts of the country have written us how they were com pletely rid of every trace of th*ae disorders by the use of S. S S., the matchless, purely vegetable, blood purifier. 8. 8. S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply, and puri fies and cleanses it of every vesti"o of foreign matter, giving a clear and ruddy complexion that indicates per fect health. Write to-day for free medical advice regarding your Address Swift Specific Co., 443 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga.—Adv. of the human system. It is the hub around which nearly all liver and kidney diseases radiate. Take a Bliss Native Herb Tablet at night, and you will escape the many ills caused by this afflic tion. .Bliss- Native Heib Tablets are a safe, mild laxative which gently and thoroughly expel all waste, tone up the system, sharp en the appetite, clear the com plexion. and give that glow of health so much desired. Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put up in a box of 200 tablets. Each box bears ; (he . photograph of the founder, Alonzo O. Bliss, and every tablet has our trade-mark. VW Look for the money back guarantee in every box. Price. 11.00. Sold by leading druggists and local agents cverv where. Stewart M. Walthour, Harrison City, Pa. KILLED IX ACTION ■ Privates Frank F. Hobert, Bechtelsville, Pa. John H. Hotden, Shamokin, Pa. Fred B. Mohney, Reynoldsville, Pa. Wagoner Oscar Smith, Shawnee-Delaware, Pa. DIED OF WOUNDS Lieutenants Joseph Louis Lang, Pittsburgh, i Pa. j Ralph G. White. Pittsburgh. Pa. Sergeant John E. Christenson, Erie, Pa. Corporal Ernest Z. Stead. Philadelphia, Pa. DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Sergeant laurenoe K Chambers. Steelton, : Pa. DIED OF DISEASE Ueutenant Burrell R. Huff, Greensburg. Pa. Sergeant Perry S. Blgelow. North East. Pa. Cook John B. Ellis. Emporium, Pi. Private Ignatius Frlel, Connelsville, Pa. WOUNDED SEVERELY Corporals Alfred Boehmer, FraekviHe. Pa. Joseph Ksten, Philadelphia. Pa. Privates Salvatore Nastarl. Wilnterdlng. Pa. Stantslaw Naychaslski. Erie. Pa. John I). Paris. Sturgeon. Pa. John Joseph Reilly, Philadelphia. Pn. George Tiegle, Philadelphia. Pa. Horatio Wilkins. Johnstown. Pa. Conrad Wordoch. Scranton. Pa. George Charles Alberter, Johns town. Pa. Kastando Kondrasawiez. Miners ville. Pa. Constantina Roscettl, Wlndber. Pa. j Michael Yevitch, Scranton. Pa. Joe Adams. Lebanon. Pa. i James B. Alden. Girard. Pa. I Earl E. Evans. Richmond. Pa. j Gabriele Fecri. Philadelphia. Pa. Howard Huston. Hooversvile. Pa. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenants Arthur Pagans. Philadelphia. Pa. Walter R. Keteham, Philadelphia, j Pa. Sergeants j Joseph Fitzpatrick. Newburg. Pa. i Jerome De Paseale. Meadvtlle. i I Pa. George J. Fitzpatrick. Dußois, Pa. I Harold G. Llttenberger, Allentown, ' I Pa. | Corporal James Ellsworth Bean. Pittsburgh, i j Pa. Privates Charles A. Droz. Ambridge. Pa. Arthur Dube. Pittsburgh, Pa. Harry E. Fero. Tamaqua. Pa. John T. Grogan. Tunnel Hill. Pa. Urban Joseph Hacherl, St. Marvs. Pa. Richard Albert Hopkins. Philadel- : phia, Pa. Joseph T.eskowski, Wilkes-Barre, ! Pa. •lolin Wolf Porr. Steelton, Pa. MISSING IN ACTION Private Mike Chura. West Hazelton. Pa WOUNDEI) (DEGREE UNDE TERMINED) Privates < liarlo* V. Bra shears. Highspirc. I Roy N. Fetzer, Allentown. Pa. Rinaldo Coimano. New Castle. Pa. Harry Edgar Feaser, Xex Oxford.! Pa Charles Fetters. Osterburg. Pa. Joseph Funk. Philadelphia. Pa. Jewel E. Haney, East Hillsboro. | Pa. •• Charles Guenther, Reading, Pa. Harry E. Jacobs. Spring Grove, i Pa. John Jurasek. Homestead. Pa. Leo J. Kerri. Doylestown. Pa. I.eo E. Xavroth, Nanticoke, Pa. John J. Rettger, Erie, Pa. Oscar Lampert, Hazelton. Pa. Edson Albert Rupert, Sagamore. Pa. Peter Selepak, Pittsburgh. Pa. Jasper Reigle. Loyalton, Pa. James T. Scully. Philadelphia. Pa. Amos Worgan. Pittsburgh. Pa. WOUNDED SLIGHGTI.Y Lieutenant Willard B. Lamberton. Oil Citv Pa. Sergeants Peter Deman. Philadelphia. Pa. Frank J. Desaoye. Pittston, Pa. Bennett Anthony Eenrietti, Pitts burgh, Pa. Ellis B. Garrison, Wllkinsburg, Pa. Norman D. Monfalcone. • Pitts burgh. Pa. Dell Willis Orth, Teagertown, Pa. Frank E. Rogers. Johnstown, Pa. Mechanic William O. Groetzinger, Pittsburgh Pa. Wagoner Arthur M. Fetzer, Milton, Pa. Cook Herbert G. Bonser. Bethlehem, Pa. Privates Joseph Albert Boner, Kennerdell Pa. William H. Davis, Williamsport, Pa. Nicola V. Fusca, Braddock, Pa. John M. Gudinas. Scranton, Pa Anton Jankos, Pricedale, Pa. John Keifer. Pricedale, Pa. Hitus Kinard, York, Pa. William J. Condon, Philadelphia, Daniel A. Dugan. Bristol, Pa. Ulysses Eakin. Beaver Frills. Pa. Henry David Edelsohn, Scranton Pa. p Jacob M. Keinman, Philadelphia, William Fersch. Pittsburgh, Pa. Joe A. Kostelnik, Trauger, Pa.' John S. MacNaniara, Philadelphia, John Molitoris. Wilkes-Barre. Pa John Xaylor. Liberty. Pa. William F. Peters, South Bethle hem, Pa. James A. Schellenberger, Alien town. Pa. John Somonski. Indiana, Pa Oscar Yohn, Carlisle, Pa. Walter E. Lgfever, Gordonville i Pa. | pa D * v 'd L- Robinson. Kensington. Pa Kobert Robins <>n. Meadow Lands. Pa FredeHCk Stend,e ' Philadelphia, Felix Zielinski, Philadelphia. Pa Victor Romalne. Primrose, Pa Charlie Setley, Starr, Pa. MiUs r pa V " Sh,l ' rer ' Mount Peasant p a ßlChard WUlißms ' W 'lhes-Barre, WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDE TERMINED) Lieutenants George R. Conway, Renovo Pa. p JDavld Abraham Yqhe. Gettysburg. •Sergeants Robert Schrope, Shamokin, Pa F. Steffler, Rochester, William A. Waters, Bristol, Pa Corporals John P. Bush, Turbotville. Pa Raldh I. Crossland, Washington. ltusseP Kern, Philadelphia. Pa Samuel C. Schairer. Hukcndau <iua. Pa. HAR2USBURG TELEGRAPH Bugler Frederick C. Bronson, Bradford, Pa. Wagoner William P. Altern, Norwood, TPa. Privates William J ,R. Adler, Glassport, Pa. Edward J. Duffy, Coaldale. Pa. John V. Ecklund, Berwlnsdale. Pa. Raymond Edevane. Altoona, Pa. j Thomas Fleet. Munhall, Pa. I Secondo Berieho, Sutherville. Pa. I Raymond C. Bernard, Eldvo, Pa. I Alberto D'Alessundro. Hoovers ville. Pa. i Francis Doyle. Philadelphia. Pa. I Stephen EvaiiotT, Erie. Pa. Wendell W. Evans, ScraTiton, Pa. Thomas E. Furrey Philadelphia. ! Pa. Char es I. Heverly, Howard, Pa. Joseph Koshara, Ruffsdale, Pa. Konstantine Koska, Philadelphia, I Pa John Rice, Donors. Pa. John Thompson. Chalk Hill, Pa. William O. Watts, McAlisterville. Pa. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Corporals Daniel J. Duffy, Philadelphia. Pa. Edward J. Rogan, Diniock, Pa. Ernest Taylor. Berwick, Pa. Charles W. Todt. Littlestown, Pa. Privates Peter C. Clark. Philadelphia. Pa. W alter R. Kaspsyk, Puquesne, Pa. Charles Keisel, Scranton. Pa. Victor E. launbiase. Philadelphia. Pa. Benson F. I.orber. Brown Junc tion. Pa. Tony Rondinelli, Irvin. Pa. Frank C. Simonites, Pringie, Pa. Pal mo Troians, Reading Pa. Thomas Vitello. Anita, Pa. Raymond Yeagle, Bristol. Pa. Joseph Zinkevich. Durvea, Pa Salvatore Dicarlo. Reading, Pa. Philipphilip A. Jacoby, Philadelphia, Carroll L. Johnson, Meadville. Pa. Joe Roshinski, Dixon City, Pa. Watkin R. Watkins. Alberton. Pa- Mike Yachovitch. Plymouth. Pa. Pa. ,OSe Ph u^',es • Philadelphia, . a l .' 14 . 1 !. 1 '*• Jo 'don. Mifflintown. Pa. KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUS LY REPORTER DIED Lieutenant Harold Speaknian. Narbertli Pa | ( viuwi ,N ACTION (DEGREE I > DETERMINED) PREVIOUS REPORTED DIED FROM WOUNDS , ~ sergeant Robert Christie, Arnot. Pa. KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUSI Y RETORTED WOUNDED IN AC TION (DEGREE UXDE-* TERMNED) Private Andrew W ashinskie, Shenandoah. Feel Weak, Tired "All II IflKjS Worn Out?" a £ yourself around feeling r- pains catch you with every sudden move; -I m back ache with a dull, steady throb? All too i often sick kidneys are to blame for this un ijjjj • .\ happy state. Overwork, hurry, worry, cold, • | ! Jl neys. Then you have daily backache, | lameness, headaches, dizziness and kidney 'EwryPicture irregularities. Don't wait for more serious | troubles. Get a box of Doaris Kidney Pills |j today! This time-tried, world famous kidney remedy has helped your friends and neigh bors It should help you. r Read What Harrisburg People Say / 1 N. Fifth Street Herr Street N. Sixth Street S. H. Alexander, railroad engineer, 1534 North ' Mil. G. W. Emmttiger, 329 Herr street, says: Tlios. Kilpatrlck, railroad conductor, 1638 North Fifth street, says: "i have used Doan's Kldnsy "For a long time I have had attacks of backache Sisth street, says: "Whenever I have taken a cold Pills In the past and X have found them perfectly and 1 have suffered from a weak and lame back sitting or Tyhig 'in satisfactory in every way. When my back and soreness through it. I have had nervous head- j ono position very long. I could hardly straighten Hj has been weak or I have had a dull, constant aches, too. Each time when I have been that way iup during one of those attacks. After I have ache through it, I have used a box or so of I have bought Doan's Kidney Pills at G. C. Potts' taken Doan s Kidney Pills a short time they have ..., , • , ~ . ■ ~ . always made me feel like myself again." Doan s Kidney Pills and they have always re- | Drug Store and they have always promptly relieved < 1 lieved me In a short time. I haven't been those ailments." Thirtl Street troubled In this way now for about a year." f ~T ! ; : | * CirCr Mrcct Mrs. IJ. W. Moore, 935 N. Third street, says: p enn Street N 1 ~ 1 ' "Ever ' s 'nce an operation a year ago, I have had dill IJUCCI, 'Daniel ('less, 516 Peffer street, says: "I have trouble with my kidneys. My back felt weak and I Mrs George Greenour "001 p.nn vnrfh i used Doan's Kidney Pills for the past several i p a ' ne< t me almost constantly. My kidneys acted Airs, ueorge ureenour, 2001 Penn stieet, Noith, Irregularly and caused me much annoyance. I felt says: "About two years ago I found-It necessary to >' earß and have always found them satisfactory. a j| ~u n down and my nerves were In awful condl take a kidney medicine, and as I had heard so '' r ' ,en 6 ver a cold would settle on my kidneys, my tlon. 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills and they did me much about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a box at batk wou,d Bet weak and lamc and ache terribly, a world of good.'' (Statement given August 29, J. Nelson Clark's Drug Store. I used them mainly U hurt me to . out of a cha,r or t0 Bt °°P ovei - '* EASTING BENEFIT for my back, which was weak and lame and made The k,dne - v secretions passed too .frequently and) Janua| . v o- 1916 Mrs Moore sa)d . -Doan's life miserable for me, especially when stooping [ * el i e higb ' y colored. When 1 have. felt this wy I Kidney Pills cured me'of kidney complaint some over. This one box of Doan's Kidney Pills cured ha\e used a couple boxes of Doan a Kidney Pills time ago. For about a year 1 have been free from the trouble and it has never returned." and they have always relieved me in a short time." j all kidney ailments." Doan's Kidney Pills I Every Druggist has Doan's, 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. KILED IX ACTION. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION . . Corporal William J. Jordan, Philadelphia. j Pa. I*rivata Fred K. Patchen. Sugar Grove, Pa. WOUNDED SEVERELY IX AC TION. PREVIOUSLY REPORT ED -MISSING IN ACTION Corporal Charles E. Koth. Verona Pa. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY IN ACTION, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISS ING IN ACTION Private George \V. Eisenhauser, Berwick, Pa. WOUNDED IN ACTION (DEGREE UNDETERMINED) PREVIOUS. I.Y REPORTED MISSING ACTION Privates George S. Johnson. 1-ancnster, Pa. James A. Pacheli, Norristown. Pa. SICK IN HOSPITAL. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN AC TON Private Charles Pagnotto, Renovo, Pa. RETURNED TO DUTY. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Paul F. Sleinkomph, Myerstown, ' Pa. l*rivates Juntes Jones. Philadelphia. Pa. Dontinlck Papperilli, Eynon. Pa. Frank Rompolskie, Mount Carmel. Pa. Auti-Bolshevists Refusing to Go to Princes' Islands Paris, l'eb. 10.—The anti-Bolsh evist governments of Russia are ap ! patently lirm in declining to par ticipate in the Princes' Islands con ; ference. Nicholas Tsehaikovsky.- president of_ the provisional govern ment of Northern Russia, told The Associated Press to-day that he and his government had decided not to , go. and are in full accord with the position taken by the Russian com mittee in Paris, headed by Prince George E. Lvov. Sergius Sazonoff. representing the Dertiklne, Kolchak and Don . governments, reiterated his refusal to participate in the conference, ! saying: "President Wilson refused to ne- j gotiate with Germanj'. until the j emperor was deposed, as he did not 1 trust him. We feel tite satire about | Nikolai Lenine. Leon Trotsky and J the other leading Bolshevists.'" j American Red Cross to Help Feed Russ Prisoners in Germany Paris, Feb. 10.—At the request of General Pershing the American Red Cross lias appointed a commis sion to co-operate with the Inter- Allied Commission for feeding and , repatriating the Russian prisoners in Germany, it is estimated that j there arc 100.000 sik Russian prls \ oners in German hands. ! There are more than 200 prison | camps in Germany which held at' one time 1,100,000 Russian prison-J ers. The number is now believed to' have been reduced b> deaths and | nten released to 800,000, who re- j ceive barely fifty per cent, of the amount of nutriment necessary to j I keep an unemployed person in fair- ! | l.v good condition. ' Suffragists Burn Wilson in Effigy; Put Under Arrest Washington, Feb. 10. Sixty-five | members of the National Woman's : CATARRH tjulillj Ended liy a Pleasant, Gerni- Ktlling Antiseptic The little Hyomei inhaler Is made of hard rubber and can easily lie carried 1n pocket or purse. It will last a lifetime. Into tliis inhaler you pour a few i drops of magical Hyomei. This is absorbed by the nntiseptlc 1 'gauze within and now you are ready' to breathe it in over the germ-in- ' fested membrane where it will i 'speedily begin Its work of banishing' catarrhal germs. Hyomei is made , of Australian eucalyptol combined i with other antiseptics and is very pleasant to breathe. It is guaranteed to banish catarrh, I bronchitis, sore throat, croup, t ; t oughs ami colds or money hack. It often cleans out a stuffed-up head : in two minutes. Sold by H. C. Kennedy and drug- I gists everywhere. Complete outfit, including inhaler! and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but • little, while extra bottles, if after- ! .ward needed, may be .'btaiaod fiom: Any druggist. i FEBRUARY 10, 1919. party. Mere arrested last night by civil and military police after they had burned President Wilson in cf flfry in front of the White House as a protest against the threatened de feat of the equal suffrage resolution in the senate to-day. Several thou sand persons watched the demon- We'll Sell You a Used j Car You can Depend Oil There's only one way to sell a used car and that's to tell you the truth about it. The man who buys a used car, especially if it's his first car, will some day want a new car. When he finds he has dealt with a concern that has told him the facts about his used car, he will have confidence in that concern when he buys his new car. And furthermore that's the only way to sell anything tell the truth about it. We have a number of used cars that we've priced attractively, that will just suit you if you want to invest a modest sum in a car. All the used cars we sell are thoroughly overhauled and in first-class shape. They are cars with "pedigrees," and we'll tell you the whole story about them. We'll be glad to talk it over with you any time you say. A demonstration for you at your convenience. The Overland-Harrisburg Co. 212-214 North Second Street t York Hrnnrh Open livening* Newport Rranrh 145-14U Went Market I'ntil D O'clock Opposite P. R R. Street Station stration but there Mas little disor der. When taken to police •stations the women, who represented fifteen states, refused to furnish bond for their release and wqro placed in tha house of detention to await trial to day. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers