Shaffer's Last Flight (Continued From Yesterday) Thus life went on for three days with nothing to do but make turnip stew and hunt cooties. That hunt was always on, and they increased I BO fast that a closed season was un necessary. Having taken several baths and washed my underclothes 1 thought friend cootie would re main away awhile. But my comrades soon woke me from this blissfully ignorant state, as well as the cooties —sure it s plural! Said they, you will gain more here than anywhere else and I did too, so much so, that hunting cooties came like dessert —after every meal. No matter how many one killed at daybreak there was sure to be some more at nightfall. I hate to think how many there would have been had I stopped hunt ing for several days. Probably they would have been so thick that like bees they would have swarmed in order to hunt a new home. It was too crowded on my slender frame. Fortunately, my punishment did not last long, for the third day we went on the road again, this time bound for Germany on foot, a seven day march at the least. Oh, yes, they had trains, but we were not considered valuable enough to travel in such a luxurious way. Shoe Supply Exhausted With such a journey ahead of me, I made another demand for shoes but there was nothing doing. They had none. So they told me anyway. I could not march far in such shoes, that was a certainty, so one of my comrades hunted me up a pair of old Poilu shoes. They were not mates, but they were an exact fit, and although nearly worn out were preferable to the wooden clogs. That was the trouble, they fit too snugly, and after I had marched several hours my feet made insistent de mands for more room. There wasn't any more so I suffered. It was some walk, and as usual, all the Frenchmen were loaded down with baggage like a commuter on Xmas Eve. For such heavy loads the Boche had provided a small cart, but like all kindnesses done by the Boche it had a string to it for the men who put their bundles on had to pull it. That was no small job, especially going up hill, but they did it. We had been given no extra ra tions so we figured we better carry something eatable along even if it was only several turnips. Russians Did Not Mind The Russians, big husky fellows that they were, each carried a bushel on their backs. They, for one, did not suffer much from hunger dur ing the journey. No had thfe rumor spread we ' W t go ing to move again, than I a certain Frenchman aside and talked over plans to escape. Sure, he was willing but since it was a long jour ney to the Dutch frontier, he ad vised marching with the Boche for several days as they were going to march through Belgium anyway. We had no doubt about it being easy to escape, but when we started we changed our mind. It looked as if it were going to be a little difficult, for a guard was as-| signed to each four men. No, sir, they were not taking any chances on losing any of that precious bunch, for they knew full well that the lack of proper food and the disgusting state of the barracks in which we had been living would make one and all determined to escape at the first opportunity. Arrives in Belgium Fenced in by guards like this, we arrived late in the afternoon in Bel glum, no sooner had we crossed the frontier between France and Bel glum than I noticed the difference between small villages in Belgium and those in France. Those in France may be pictur esque, but they sure are filthy. Real ly, it's quite the custom for the horses to dine in one room and the family in the one alongside. In Bel gium it was different altogether. They were pretty, as well as pictur esque. Such spotlessly clean houses I have never seen, and built of dif ferent colored stones they made a wonderful picture. Belgians Kind I had heard many stories about the wonderful kindness of the Bel gium people to prisoners, especially French ones, so I was naturally cur ious to see it proven. I was getting hungry as well as footsore, and was anxious to have this kindness take eatable shape. It did, too, when we stopped in the center of a small village to rest. Out from all the houses came people, women, children and old men, each bearing some gift to the prisoners. Some had bread, others potatoes, others carrots and several even came bearing coffee with milk. That was too much for those half starved prisoners, and guards not withstanding they broke ranks and ran to meet all these good things, for it' had been so long since they ha£ seen coffee with milk and white bread, that they wanted a taste to make sure it was not a mirage. They were not a bit polite about it, either, for anyone that showed up with anything eatable immediately, ] because the center of a howling, I fighting crowd. It was a survival of! the fittest and only the strongest got anything. Many looked longingly on the good things arriving, but re fused to enter the combat for them. Hunger, it seemed, had driven most of the prisoners wild, for such a surging fighting mob around a small "mademoiselle" and a basket of bread you never saw. March Used Him Up As for me the march had com pletely used me up, and my feet pained me so badly I could hardly stand up. Rest to me was more im portant than eating, hungry though I was, and no sooner was the order! given to rest than I sank down on j the ground and stayed there until; prodded up by a guard to continue on my painful way. We finally arrived at the village where we were to spend the night, and were halted in the center of the town while the Boche officials went around hunting places to install us for the night. Immediately the peo-j pie begun giving things to eat to the! prisoners. The guards forbid it, but' they continued nevertheless. Actu- 1 ally, I saw one soldier receive a piece of bread spread with honey. That was enough to hoist even me off my sore and weary feet, and en ter the next combat. For combat it was. Since the guards would not al low the Belgians to hand any eats out they threw the bread over the guards' heads. -Such a wild scramble that caused can only be imagined. Guards Disregarded Sometimes, however, the prisoners would actually disobey the guards and break ranks for a particularly tempting morsel of bread. There were a bunch of Italians in partlcu WEDNESDAY EVENING. lar who could not be handled at fa.ll. They simply would not remain quiet with all those eats wandering around loose. No sooner would the guards straighten them out in one place than they would break out In another. * It was really amusing to see how busy they kept their guards. I re member once the whole mob went after a basket of bread, and the way they did it made even me laugh. You see, there was an iron fence some seven feet high along the road. We were lined along out side of this. Well, back of this fence some twenty yards was a largo building, sort of a warehouse, I guess. Out of this house came a Boche soldier with a large basket of bread on his arm. What he was going to do with it I don't know, for he was coming towards the fence. The Italians saw him coming, and, not withstanding the spike-topped fence, climbed over and literally swamped that Hun. When the dust cleared no bread was to be seen, not even the basket. As for the Boche, he was so fu rious that he picked up a rifle and applied the butt to a belated Ital ian, who was still hunting a few crusts among the debris. Butt met butt with a resounding whack, and the lalian looked up from his en grossing occupation with an air of such surprise and inured innocence that it was laughable. However ,the Boche did not get another strike. The whole com pany of prisoners had seen the dis comfiture of this Boche, and it sure did tickle them. That night the "camp of discl 3-piece Cane Suite, ma hogany frames, blue dam ask upholstering. Febru ary Sale Price, $l5O 9-piece Jacobean Dining Suite, William and Mary design—lncludes genuine leather seat chairs. 60-inch buffet. February Sale $175.00 Solid Mahogany Suite of very finest quality, 54- inch dresser. Every piece mas- Cb C An sive. February Sale Price, 5-pc. Genuine Circassian Imported Walnut, a wood now impossible to duplicate. Beautifully figured. All massive pieces. February Sale CfOC/") Li El Price, 4 piece illustrated Colonial style suite in satin walnut finish (light), good-sized pieces, well finished and serviceable. February Sale Price. £ll /) (No chiffonier), 3-pieces .... I I C/*L/C/ pllne," composed of some 30 men, slept In a barn on the outskirts of the town. It was not all bad, for the barn was filled with hay. and that made a warm bed Indeed, and since It began to rain soon after we were placed there, we were more than thankful, even no eats were forthcoming. The Boche had promised us some coffee and our ration of bread, but It never arrived until 9 p. m.| so most of us worked up a little, tur nip stew, and, tiring of waiting for our allowance of bread, went to bed. Hardly had I fallen asleep, however, than I was awakened by the owner of the barn and asked to come down in the kitchen. Gladly I pulled on my shoes and followed, for I had asked him ear lier in the evening if he could not find me a pair of shoes, as I could not march on the morrow with the ones I had. He had said he would let me know that night, so I de scended Into his living room with high hopes. The Russian Interpreter was there, the Boche commander and a French adjutant who was with the camp of discipline, and they were just sitting down to dinner. Gee! but that meal made my mouth water—nicely browned notatoes and white bread and buttet t not much, you say, but to me, who had been existing on turnip stew and black bread for a month—that looked like a banquet. Scraps Greedily Katen The Frenchman was not invited either, but luckily they did not eat all the potatoes, and we were given them with a piece of bread also. The farmer, his wife and two chil dren watched us curiously as we ate, and when we had finished, the usual conversation began as to how I had been taken a prisoner and what I had suffered. So many times had I told the story that my French was improv ing and I could spiel it off pretty fluently; as for my other grievances, I grew so eloquent o\%r them, un der the influence of the warm room and nicely browned potatoes that I Our Great February Furniture Sale is far more popular than ever before. The sales of the first few days have been phenomenal. We believe that the people of Har risburg are realizing more than ever before that this store can afford to sell and really DOES sell better furniture for less money. Back of every sale is a money-back guarantee and a furniture SERVICE UNEXCELLED! If you compare quality and price, you will buy here! j "Our Low Expense Is Your Big HXRRISBTTRG tlflaSftr TELEGRAPH had to be warned several times by the farmer to be more careful of my language. (The Boche commander was sitting there all the time, you know, taking It all in, and he un derstood French very well, but, de spite all warnings I would persist in saying "Boche" every time I spoke of a Oerman. Translated, hat means "hog," you know, and is quite an insult, but I never did cure myself of that habit, and I still have it. Cliocalate Appreciated. After we had talked awhile, the farmer's good wife brought out some small bowls and gave us some cho colate. Man! but that was some surprise, for I did not know the Germans let alone the Belgians, had such luxuries, but it sure was good, for you know what a sweet tooth I have, and it had been starved for an awful long while. And then he brought out the shoes. Brand new they were, and Boche at that But their nationality both ered me not at all. What I wanted was something to walk in, and I did not care where it came from. As I had some money, I offered to pay for them, as I knew under the Ger man yoke he was not growing rich —so, after some parleying, wa agreed on 30 marks (about $6) and my home address. Hopes to Visit America. He wanted that because he ex pected to come to America after the war, and wanted at least one friend there.* Surely he deserves any help or kindness that could be shown him or his family, for giving me those shoes was the greatest kind ness man ever did for me. I simply could not walk gny more in the others. When I spoke afterwards of how I got those shoes to some other Bel gians thy denounced this farmer in no uncertain terms for taking money for them. He should have given me them, they said. An>way, he helped in other ways, too, or, rather, his wife did, for the next day she gave me a loaf of bread to last me on the march. And to finish off that flrsti memorable night in Belgium, the reIHOOVERHq r° r Later I Furniture Company 1 1415-19 North Second Street Between Calder and Reily Streets One Solid Carload of These Beau tiful Suites Just Received Bought at a large concession in price and offered to you at equal discount. ' The prices are just half to-day's value. This suite is UNEXCELLED for qual ity. Figured black walnut, full dust proof cases. Sold (f* Y C/l CiCX singly or "en suite." Groups upward from 1 OC/*C/C/ Over 75 pieces of ivory bedroom furniture is in stock at present. No such thing as limited selection here. We have the goods and we have the low price. Suite illustrated (with d* full size bed) , . C/C/C/ SHERMAN FLAYS WILSON, CALLS HIM SUPERMAN Illinois Senator Says Presi dent Cannot Resent Lure of the Limelight Washington, Feb. s.—Senator Sher man,'of Illinois, Republican, deliv ered another address in the Senate today assailing President Wilson and his administration. He took the sub ject "superman-government and self government," nad asserted that the President was a superman by virtue of usurping authority. Much of the speech was devoted to an i ttack upon Henry Ford, who, Senator Sherman said, was "an alleg ed superman" because he invented an internal combustion engine. "he United States," said Senator Sherman, "Is no longer a republic of self-governed people. It is the rule now of the alleged superman at tl.-e head of a group or class aggregation seeking their own advantage. Neith er is it a government of law. It Is a rule of .some men, selfish, greedy, ambitious, Impractical and dreaming. Others build a class despotism found ed on spoliation. Another group good lady gave us each a bowl of sweetened milk. Honestly I had had enough lux uries that day to ruin my stomach, but It somehow stood the shock, and since that had been the first civilized food I had had in a long while, you can believe I slept well that night. Yes, it was in a haymow, but I had no kick coming,' for it was very warm and soft. (To be continued.) about revolution and pillage unre buked in public places." Declaring that the nation "hovers on the borderland between peace and war," and pointing out that Ameri cans are fighting and enduring hard ships in many climes, Senator Sher man continued: "While they risk their lives an<f endure hardships in alien lands, our President spends nine weeks in cere mony, banquets and visiting with kings, the powers of the earth In endless stately palaver. It Is the old story of magnificence and misery, of splendor and suffering, of selfishness and sacrifice. While he coins new phrases and chases infinite abstrac tions into the empyrean heights of impossible human yearnings, the Am erican nation drifts. We drift in Russia. We drift in Mexico. We drift on the brink of war and peace. We drift In industrial reconstruction. We drift on domestic policies and in ternal peace. The only definite goal is profligate expenditure and huge taxes. • • • • "Nothing but the grossest of ego tism took him to the peace confer ence where no executive of any other civilized power sits. He cannot resist the lure of the limelight. The groups to which he panders applaud, and the average man looks on It silent, but with undisguised disgust. Film Co. Head Held For Explosion that Killed Twelve Persons ..Pittsburgh, Feb. s.—Joseph Ra doon, president of the Keystone Film Company is held by a coroner's jury on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the explosions and fire in which twelve persons lost their lives in the film exchange building blaze in Penn avenue sev eral weeks ago. Radoon testified at the inquest yesterday that he put lye into hot water to wash a motion picture film previous to the fire. FEBRUARY 5, 1919. Findings of Cours Martial Being Review By Expert Lawyers By Associated Press Washington, Feb. s.— George T. Page, of Peoria, 111., president of the American Bar Association. an nounces that he had been informed in conferences with Secrtary Baker and Major General Crowder, the Judge Advocate General, that re views of all sentences passed under findings of general courts martial were being review by lawyers in the Judge Advocate Genera.'s office. "I understand," said Mr. Page, "that it is the purpose of the War Department to take up as fast as it can be done in the manner indicated the examination of all cases for the purpose of determining whether the sentences are unjust for uny rea son." SHIPBUILDERS COMING IIOME Washington, Feb. 5.—0. R. Hart wig, president of the Oregon State Federation of Labor, asked the Ship ping Board to assist in transporting back to their homes approximately 5,000 workmen sent to the Pacific coast during the war to building wooden ships, contracts for which have now been canceled. I—Ford Delivery Bakery Body, $325.00 I—Ford Delivery Express Body, $350.00 I—Ford Touring Car, $350.00 These cars have been overhauled and in good run ning condition. CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. 103 Market Street 9-piece American Walnut Suite Queen Anne style. February Sale 00 9-piece Solid Black Walnut Suite. Nothing finer, built. Solid mahogany interiors. A rare value. ptr ySale $295-00 Ivoty suite featuring new bowfoot bed and vanity dresser. The four pieces as illus- O/ f\ /l/l trated. February Sale Price . . 4-piece Walnut or Mahogany Suite, with panel Bed (no posts). February Sale (P f price, (Single or as a suite) ... *P BIG SHOE B LIS CAN BE CUT "I will always wear shoes with Neelin Soles," writes Mr. M. Newman of the I. Newman Mfg. Co. of Minneapolis. "Thpy are superior soles in every way, waterproof, more comfortable and more durable. After many months of wear they remain in good condition." Mr. Newman, and millions of others, have found that the answer to the shoe bill problem lies in getting soles that wear a long time—Neelin Soles. They are scientifically made, very tough and yet have the other qualities that soles should have—comfort and absolute waterproofness. Get Nealin soled shoes for your whole family. They are found nearly everywhere and in all styles. Have worn shoes re paired with Neolin Soles. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels—guaranteed to out wear any other heels. neoljnSoles Genuine Imported Cir casian Walnut Suite. The last of this beautiful wood available. February Sale Price, 3-pieces, $250 5
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