14 SOME OF HE READERS OF TODAY'S CLASSIFIEO AM LOOKING FOR PROPERTY Deaths 1101)1,MY On February 3, 1919, 'Wil liam Bedlev, aged 85 years. „ Funeral on Friday afternoon, at •> o'clock, frcm the residence of Ills daughter, Mrs. Mary Allison. l-'<> Susquehanna street. Abe relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment Harriaburg Cemetery. Ml ltK On February 3, 1919, Mrs- Catherine J. liurk, aged 6o years. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, from her late residen e. 1013 Hunter street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. Hill CHART Samuel Bruckart died Monday morning. February 3, 191.. aged 63 years, at his home, 400 Hum mel street. Funeral services on Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, from his late resi dence, the Rev. Winfield Herman, j of /.ion Lutheran Church, offtctat ing. Body will be taken to Silver Springs. Friday morning, where in-1 terment will be made. i IIHICKI4II —Mrs. Martha Bricker died ui her residence, on Hosier avenue, j ijfmoyne, Tuesday afternoon, at -:4o Funeral services at her late resi dence at 2 P. M., Friday. Interment | Saint John's Cemetery, near Shjie manstown. She is survived b> two children—one daughter, susan Bricker, and a son. L. M. • both of Lemoyne. Body can be vlevi ed Thursday evening, between 6 ana 9 o'clock. Please omit flowers. i tilt AMY! William G. Gramtn, Moore street, died February J, at 1 ( Funeral services will be held Thurs- j oav afiernoon, at 1:30 .o'clock. Rela lives and friends aie invited to tend without further notice. | SCOTT—On Monday. February 3. 1919. I'nincis Scott, intant son of Mr. ana , Mrs Guilius Scott, died at the horn" ; of the parents. No. 450 South Cam- j Funera'Tervlces will be held at the' above address Thursday inorn.n=. 6t, 10:30 o'clock. Burial Last Hatris burg Cemetery. IN MEMORIAX IN MKMORIAM j Written in remembrance of our hear, beloved Father. Mr Ellas Bayer. De parted this lite February o, 1910. One less at home, just nine years to- , The charmed circle broken—a dear | M'.seed "day by day from its usual But cleansed, saved, perfected b> ' grace. One more in nca%en, One less on earth. Its pain, its sorrow and its toil to j One less"the pilgrim's daily cross toj one morV the ctown of the blest to wear. At home in heaven. One by one earth's ties are broken, I Vs we see our love decay; Mid the hopes so fondly ehensnea j Brighten but to puss away. I One tiv one our hopes grow brighter, Vs we near the shining shore. For we know across the river j Wait the loved ones gone before. Farewell, dear father, sweet thy rest. I Weary with years and worn with I pain, , , Fa"owell till in some happy place We shall behold thy face again. Tis ours to miss thee, all our years, , \nd tender memories f thee keep. I Thine in the Lord to rest, for so He giveth His beloved sleep. HIS CHILDREN, j LOST AND FOUND LOST $.">0.00 Liberty Bond, on Saturdav evening, about 6:30, on Bace ! street 'car to Square from Conoy street; thence on Third street car to | North street, or between those points. Finder will be rewarded It" returned to , f. W. Young. 578 Showers avenue. 1/yST Card of twenty War Sav- | ings Stamps numbered and address,! Saturdav. Reward ofrered. Useless to tinder, because number and series tiled with Government.' Address Owner, Box P, 7130, care of Tele- • graph. i LOST A hunting dog. white, tan and black. Answers to name of sport. Reward if returned to 156 North fif teenth street. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg j Shorthand. Typewriting, English, j Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithmetic. , etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell I 125. Dial 41)16. , ___ | BECK LEI BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Mark*' St. Chas. P.. Beck)ey j HELP WANTED—MALE LINOTYPE OPERATORS WANTED Wo have positions for four linotype operators and several good doormen. APPLY HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposltlbn. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M.. 6541. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Grocery clerk. Mu3 be able to drive Ford delivery ca and furnish references. Good pay t< vight party. Apply F. Leedy, 96; South Twenty-first street. WANTED Two experienced autt repairmen Apply 1807 North Seventl street. * For Sale Desirable Uptown Property Three-story brick - house—eight rooms and bath—chestnut and cy press finish. Front and back porches. Cemented cellar with hot and cold water. Gas and electric lights. Furnace heat. Lot 14.6 x 90 ft. Price, $3,200. lriiDer Brothers & Co. Heal Estate nanrnnre Surety llumu l.ocust and Couri i reels embers Hint. Rent Estate Hoard TUESDAY EVENING, lIKLP WANTED—MALE I SALESMEN WANTED DISCHARGED SOLDIERS OR SAILORS Immediate prottts payable in your own or any town in amounts to suit your needs, ■if you have personality or push. Your customers are every man and womon who has ten dollars or ten thousand dollars. Permanent business probable for capable, honest men. No technical knowledge neces sary. Write to-day. D. A. Hay & Co., 11 Broadway, Suite 718. Telephone Bowling Green 9051, New York City. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examina tion coining soon. Men 16 to 40 pre pare for it and other government "exams" under our expert, former Government Examiner. Thousands of men and women. 16 to 60, needed in Reconstruction Period ahead. Write to-day for free booklet "MC." Pat terson Civil Service School. Rochester, N. Y. I WANTED—Men wishing positions i Firemen, Braltemen. Electric Motor- I men, Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl- I vania, Ohio and New York roads. No (experience necessary. |IOO-$l5O per month. Quick promotion 200-*3OO (per month positions. Nume position ! wanted. Inter Kailwav Dept. (741, in- ! | dianapolis. Ind. j WANTED [Roy over 16 to learn Photo- Engraving. Apply to j PHOTO, ENGRAVING DEPT., • Fourth Floor. i THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. I | LEARNERS WANTED 1 j j for a Cigar Factory. Good pay while learning. Apply BOBROW BROS., Tenth and Mulberry Sts., Factory opens Tuesday, Feb ruary 4. WANTED ROLLERS, BUNCHMAKERS, PACKERS AND BANDERS Our motto is high wages, good stock, steady work. Apply BOBROW BROS., Tenth and Mulberry Sts., Factory opens Tuesday, Feb- . ruary 4. j j WANTED First-class auto me-; 1 chanic—one familiar with all makes j l of cars. No others need apply. Wsstj I Falrview Garage, West Fairview, l J a.! I COST ACCOUNTANTS AND CLERKS I —lf you would like to earn more! ! money in responsible positions and; [Willing: to qualify for them, address' ! Box \V. 7040, care of Telegraph. ' WANTED Fitting room tnaehin- j list for Shoe factory; also Packing j ! Boom Foreman. A. S. Kreider Co., I I Welt Factory, Lebanon, Pa. ! WANTED—An automobile painter! ; and tinisher. Steady employment. I Eureka Wagon Works, 614-618 North' ' street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Boy, IS years old, toj •work in milk room. Call ISO 6 North! I Third street. ! ;, HELP WANTED—FEMALE ADVICE FROM PARENTS j' Often helps a young woman make a wise choice of a place to work. We Invite the in- ; , terest of ! FATHERS AND MOTHERS j Do you wish to insure for I your daughter work in pro tected surroundings? Bell Telephone operators enjoy certain advantages that MAKE THEM HAPPY IN THEIR WORK Carefully chosen associates. Comfortable rest rooms. Inexpensive hot lunches. Good salary—Periodic Increases, j Opportunity for promotion. If you are interested In I having your daughter work under these conditions, send her, or better yet, come with . her, to see us. Apply to Miss Kline, Opera tor's Employment Depart ment, 20S Wanlut Street. • THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA. — WANTED—Experienced bookkeeper ! and stenographer. Diener, The Jew leler, 40S Market street. WANTED Experienced coat hand, for our alteration room. Good salary. Steady work. Robinson's Woman's Shop. 20 North Fourth street. CIGAR PACKERS WANTED * Good pay and steady work. Apply SAN TELMO CIGAR MFG. CO., Tenth and Hemlock Sts. WANTED Experienced cook, from 6 to 2 P. M. Apply White's Hotel, Bread street. HOUSEKEEPER American, Prot estant, wishing good home on small faun, two in family, write to Route 1 Box 20, Beaver Springs, Pa. WANTED Girl for general house- I work and plain cooking. Three adults in family. Excellent home. Aoply JC27 North Second street, or call Bell phone 2145R, at once. WANTED A woman as second assistant with a tirst-class undertak ing establishment in the city. Experi ence not necessary in starting Must be over 25 years and neat In appear ance. Keferenes required. Address D., 70J9, care of Telegraph. WANTED " ' Clerk, with knowledge of stenography. Experience nec essary. Apply to 11. G. PEDLOW, 3 South ThlrUvnth Street. i WANTED A colored g|ri f or small family. Apply, with reference lto 509 North Second street. 'I | HELP YVAXTKD—FEMALE TO THE GIRL OR WOMAN DESIRING PERMANENT j AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We .are needing Sewing { Machine Operators, and can , assure regular work; the high | efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms being Pleasant and cheerful, opera tors can earn good wages. In | experienced operators are paid while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Reily and Fulton Streets. j | WANTED Woman for cooking and downstairs work. Small family. No washing. Call Bell 948 W. Address 122 Woodbine street. WANTED Experienced saleslady for candy counter; also an experienced (da dispenser. Apply Sweetland Con fectionery Store. 331 Market street. WANTED Competent nurse, maid or mother's helper. Telephone 948 W. Address 122 Woodbine. - vounu women wanted To learn shoemaking. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing Co.. 1402 Vernon street. AGKXTS WANTED AUTHENTIC LIFE OF THEODORE i ROOSEVELT By William Draper Lewis. Colonel Roosevelt's intimate political associate and friend. Intro duction by ex-President Taft. Fully illustrated. Low price. ' Enormous demand. Unprecedented opportunity. Liberal terms. OUTFIT FREE. Uni versal House, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Young, married man. age 21, desiies work of any kind, j Call, or write, 121 Linden street. Bell! phone 2061 R. WANTED Colored man wishes position as chauffeur or truck driver. Apply at 713 Cowden street. WANTED Colored man wishes | to tire stationary boiler; has had 20 years' experience, also an auto me- I chanic. Call at 316 1 " South Cameron street. COLORED MAN wishes any kind of ! work, has had experience as chauf feur, butler or laborer. Inquire 1109 State street. QUALIFIED assistant pharmacist | desires employment. Address Box 200, Cainp Hill, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Stenographer wishes position; has had previous experience; can furnish tfVst of reference. Address S., 7088, care of Telegraph. WANTED A young widow wishes position as housekeeper. Apply at 259 Sassafras street, Harrisburg. WANTED Woman wishes Uav's work of any kind. Inquire at 1214 North Seventh street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires general housework. In quire 441 Broad street. WANTED -As typist and clerical woik; have one year's experience. Call Jessie Siever, phone, Dial 2724. WANTED Woman wishes small family washing to do at home. Write, or call, 1504 Howard street. WANTED—Position as housekeeper in small, private family, or for wid ower; can furnish best of references. Address Box O, 7127, care of Tele graph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOB RENT —Two furnished rooms in private family. Use of bath and phone, $3 and 13.50 per. week. Call Bell 1447 W. ROOM FOR RENT Two young mer. desired in apartment with young ccuple. Preferably clerks. All con veniences. Call, after 5 P. M., S Nortn Cameron, Floor 2. FOR RENT Three nicely-furnish ed sedond floor rooms, for light house keeping. Corner house. All conveni ences. No children. Address Box P 7124, care of Telegraph. NICELY-FURNISHED front rooms for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; rent reasonable. Apply 2150 Penn street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three or more furnish ed rooms, by gentleman, wife , son 16 and daughter 11. Must be in good lo cation. With or without board. Apply Manager of Wm. B. Stores. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, for light housekeeping wanted for family of three, centrally located. Address Box 323-J, care of Telegraph. GENTI/FMAN—Young, desires room without board, in central part of city Address C. D„ Room 409, Telegrap'h Building. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—First floor apartment, unfurnished, 5 rooms and bath, pos session by March 1 . Apply L Hum mel, 107 South Front street. APARTMENTS WANTED COUPLE, no children, desires an un furnished apartment of 4 or 5 rooms and bath, about the middle of March Walking distance to Market Square preferred. State location, terms and perticulars. Address A., 7038, cure of Telegraph. FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED I am desirous of locating a fur nished apartment of übout 3 rooms with bath for light housekeeping for myself and wife; must be centrally lo cated, excellent references can be fur nished. Write fully, giving location rent. etc. Address Box K. 7112 care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SAl.ic FOR SALE Several desirable resi lcnces, with all modern conveniences located on State street, north of State street, Whitehall street, Cloverly, Pax tang, etc. Particulars from Bell Realty Company. Bergner Building. $2,950 WILL PURCHASE a brick house with seven rooms and bath, gas and electric light, furnace heat. Bell Realty Company, Rergner Building $15,400 Wll-I, PURCHASE a brick house with all modern convenience* including' steam heat; very small amount of caah needed. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH THROUGH CLASSIFIED ADVER TISING you can find a capable man or woman to carry on the work in your organization which has come to a halt through the calling of men to the colors. That the home army may be kept at the high point of efficiency obtaining in the overseas forces and in the training camps it is essential that all useful work .shall go forward with out serious restriction. This necessity calls to service multitudes of women Yvorkers and perhaps one of these soldiers of industry can serve in your organization. Use the classified. j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | SEVERAL Fine suburban homes, all Improve ments. steam heat, electric lights, large lot (cottage style). Small amount down. Several small houses for sale or exchange, paying 10 per cent, clear. What have you to offer? Two large lots at Bellevuo for sale. Very cheap. Factory site for sale. One of the best locations in the city. Rail road siding on the grounds. Up-to-date apartment house for sale paying It per cent, clear. Two houses in Enola. Steam heat, electric lights. Business place. Three-story brick, with store room. on Market street near Thir ! teenth street. Houses of every description in I all parts of the city. Small | amount down. i Will take Ford Car or Liberty 1 Bonds as first payment on any of I the above properties mentioned. SEVERAL RARGE FARMS near Harrisburg. Will take city property In trade. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street Bell 560 J. FOR SALE—POSSESSION SOON 1313-15 N. Second—Business proposi tion. 2114-16-18 N. Fourth. 2204 N. Fifth. 1620 N. Sixth—Store and apartment Bargain. 2529 N. Sixth. 3219-21 N. Sixth—ssoo cash. Rest monthly. 3485 N. Sixth Garage, chickenhouse, etc. 602 X. Seventeenth.—House of refine ment. . 227 S. Nineteenth. 918 S. Twenty-first Garage. In t estment. 11S6-94 Bailey Make an offer on this row. 035 CapiP—ssoo.oo cash needed. Rest monthly. 87 Disbrow—Nice 2-story brick. ; IG3O Green—Rook this bargain over. 6.".6 Emerald—Fine corner property. 2506 Jefferson—Make us an offer. 630 Muench Fine 3-story brick. Re duced. 623-25 Ross—Two 2-story bricks. 1818 Swatara—Apartment. $3,000 buvs. 1128 Wallace—Greatly reduced. EACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Bldg., Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. THREE BRICK HOUSES FOR SALE ' at $5,000, being Kos. 1521-23-25 Ver-'i non street. Bell Realtv Company, I Eergner Building. * | J IF IT'S REAR ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. Camp St., No. 648 3-story brick, j 8 rooms and bath, all improvements, ' Can be bought same as rent. S. Eighteenth St., No. 363—3-story i brick, 9 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric lights, a modern home. Right price to quick buyer. N. Twelfth St.. No. 68 3-story 9 rooms and bath, all improve ments, a very good location. Right price to quick buyer. Same as rent. New Cumberland Corner Fourth and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms and bath on each side; all improve ments; newly painted; can be bought with a small amount of money; bal ance same as rent. Seventeenth St., S„ 532 3-stoy brick, 8 rooms, bath and laundry; ail improvements: cement cellar; nice front porch; A 1 home. Jefferson St.. 2215 2-story brick, 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; front porch; drive way in the rear. Very cozy home. Same as Rent. Sixth St., N., 2651 3-story brick; S rooms and bath; end house. Right price to quick buyer. Steelton S. Second St., No. 320 3-story frame. 7 1 rooms, electric lights and water. Good location. Same as rent. # Steelton, 322 •. Fourth St. Now vacant. 3-story frame; 9 rooms, bath, electrie lights; lot, 125 ft. deep; in A 1 ; condition. D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG, 1 36 NORTH THIRD ST. I BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. j FOR SALE 321 Hummel avenue. Leinoyne. frame cottage, all improve ments. Must sell on account of leav ing city. Possession March 1. Price reasonable. Apply 321 Hummel iva nut, Lemoyne. SMALL AMOUNT of cash needed to 'purchase No. 1312, Swatara street; brick construction. 9 rooms and bath, all other improvements. Bell ReallJ' Company. Bergner Building. 2840 AND 2842 MAIN ST., PEN BROOK —Fine corner property. Large lot. Possession soon. Right price Lehman & Kllngman, 8 North Mar ket Square. FOR SALE North Seventeenth Street, No. 91 9-room brick house with bath and steam heat. Price' $3,600. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market st ree L ■ FOR SALE Brick house, In Pen brook; 7 ?ooiX> and bath, steam neat electric and gas lights, front and rear porches, balcony and bay window, 'iron fence, concrete walks, corner prop erty. For Information call Bell phone 3379R, or 122 Evergreen street. I REAL ESTATE FOR SARE j WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW HOUSE BUILT ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN PLANS? Small down payments. Balance same as rent. 1 can arrange to build a limited number of houses at these terms. Your opportunity to get a home. Call Bell 2669W and make appoint ment to see me. EDWARD W. EVANS, 2510 Derry Street. FOR SARE 2 %-story frame cot tage at West Fairview, along trolley line and on State Road; 6 rooms and attic. Small amount down, balance as rent. Will take Ford Car in trade, or Liberty Bonds. Possession soon. C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. FOR SAIIE —On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. CRESCENT ST., 322 3-storv b*ck: conveniences; lot, 145 ft.; side entrance; fruit trees; poultry house. Near city's center. Suitable for tlats. 1500 down. K. Petorman, Weather Bureau. FOR SARE Revere Street, No. 1713 Detached brick and stucco house, with all improvements, includ ing garage. Price, $2,750. J. K. Gip ple, 1251 Market street. FOR SARE South Seventeenth Street, No. 036 This corner brick house, with all modern improvements and all street paving completed, is of fered lor a short time only for $3,400. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SARE Soutn iSixteentli Street, No. 536 Corner two-story brick house, with all improvements Price, $2,600. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE—AII improvements; in city; front porch bav window; nice yard to drive alley sloo down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. ! VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, all Improve- i merits, 6 rooms, front and rear porches; side entrance; nice ; yard to drive alley. Newly J painted and papered. Cheap j and easy terms. C. H. CORDER 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. j Real Estate lor Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT " i We aro having a number of appli- ' cations at this time for furnished : houses, apartments and rooms. What I do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOIt RENT FOR RENT • BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions Banquets Dances and parties' Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street. FOR RENT To man and wife livtngroom, kitchen and bedroom in lodging house, unfurnished; also 'use of large garden and cellar; gas and electric light, at reasonable rent 1 v | wife acting as caretaker. References required. Address Box R. 7129 of Telegraph. Uel Estate for Sale—Suburban 1 j FOR SALE Most attractive West ! Shore home. All modern conveniences I Will sell at a sacrifice. Call Hell" | phone 3037 R. | REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Curtln Streets; possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notic- Fred C. Miller. 31 Nortli Second. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATES WANTED HOUSES WANTED ' I can sell your houses, any kind, anywhere, so the price la right. Give me a chance. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 660 J. Rents Collected. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADDER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. WANTED. TO BUY First-class rcomlng house. Must be in good con dition. Not less than 13 to 20 rooms Call, or address. Mrs. Jay Herman' 745 Broad street, Bridgeport, Conn. REAR ESTATE WANTED READ ESTATE WANTED . We have some ready purchasers for : Improved Real Estate. Ret us know i what you have to oltor. I * t UNCORK HEARTY CO 112'J North Seventh Street. ; Offices nud Storerooms For Rent ! FOR RENT The improved store room ut 21 North Third street—neor ]ly opposite Penn-Hari Is Hotel. Also offices in the same building. Aonlv I The William B. Schleisner Stores j 30-32 North Third street. ' MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. CHAS, ADLKK. 1002 North Third Street. I FOR RENT Storeroom at 105 South Third street. Inquire Gardner , & Baptist!. Third and Chestnut | streets. FARMS FOR SARE Ten-acre Tract of Timber j near Mount Pleasant, York i county. Practically level. Address M., 7126. Care of Telegraph. SEVERAL RARGE FARMS near Ilarrlsburg. Rarge build ings. spring and running water, orchard. Easy terms. Possession April 1. C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Greeen Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SARE 3 %-acre Truck Farm, one mile east of Ilarrlsburg. Good house and barn. Price, $2,900.| Very productive. Possession April 1. 76 acres, good buildings, under high state of cultivation. Possession April 1. Easy terms. see CHARRKS DAVIES, 204 Calder Bldg. Phone 4377. FARM—4B acres, 2u tons of hay. 15 I tons of straw and corntodder. good building, new fences. Also from 3 to 161 acres. 107 Chestnut. FOR SARE Farm of sixty acres, in good condition (-rented), near State Road and school. Address P. O. Box 74. Cly. Pa. . FOR SARE —MISCELLANEOUS LONG FRAME FURNACE CO A R J. B. MONTGOMERY, JUST PHONE. FOR SALE—Rabbits, Belgian Dale, with nine small ones. Inquire John E. Hepsmith, Progress. Pa. A SLIGHTLY USED PIANO FOR i SALE Fine tone and good condi tion. Cheap to quick purchaser. Dealers need not apply. Address 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR SARE—Blacksmith and horse shoeing business. Full equipment of tools Good stock of shoes and other supplies. Apply to Rutherford Bros., Pax tang. Pa. CIGARS Direct from Factory, i Special limited offer. 50 cigars, post- \ paid, |l. Club of six for 50 each. ss.] postpaid. W. F. Snell, Red Rlon, Pa. j I'OR SARE Sewing machines three good, used droplicad se'wT.ig ma chines, Singer, Standard and White. Call, or address. 1308 Vernon street. FOR SALE ssO baby coach, brown reed, also baby crib, in good condi tion. Must be sold at once. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire 1512 Hunter street. Bell 1505 R. FOR SARE 25 shares Birth of Rac.e. .. .1150.00 100 llarroun Motors 300.00 3,000 Hoffman Oil & Refining.. 350.05 A. U DKIBER, Boatmen's Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! | The Store across from Y. \V. C. A. ] offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for How Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. | MORRIS SAYS save money buying I now and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris ' Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3J171R. | TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ; CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. FOR SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes, i A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address ; THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING I COMPANY. Harrisburg. Pa. j FOR SALE —One 800-ft. Arco steam boiler, used two years Price $l6O. ! Call Bell phone 2871. j WANTED —.MISCELLANEOUS | THE SUNSHINE LAUNDRY has! added more machinery and are now ready to take on more washings. Cadi' Mrs. Winchester. 1931 Muench street. Bell phone 146 J. WANTED—Second-hand safe, state size and price. S. & S., care Tele- I graph. HIGHEST PRICES For ladies I and men's cast oIT clothing and shoes Write to Weintraub. 636 Ilerr street. Dial 5177. " L. COftEN & COMPANY. York and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221 -W Bell and Dial 6325. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for ail kindv of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4273. B. Abrams & Son. 824-832 North Seventh street. • WANTED Second-hand motors. Small sizes preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP, Cranberry St., near Second. , Harrisburg, Pa. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smelta, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. FEBRUARY 4, 1919. roil SAM-:—MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Ncwniark & Conn, 308 Broad Street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICJ PAID FOR ALL hinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936. or drop us a postal atid our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co.. Broad and Currant streets. .Money to Loan MONET If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 DERG.N'EH BLDG.. THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet Immediate necessities, always consult this reliable, licensed, bonded institution, chartered under Pennsyl vania laws and finanred by local peo ple in 1909 to save borrowers from ex tortion. Co-Operative, Txian &- Investment Co.. 204 Chestnut Street. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915. to individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. Musical TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promtply and carefully repair ed OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, Just call Bell Phone 5242J An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third sfreet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIBERTY BONDS WANTED A substantial business firm in Har risburg. desires to borrow Liberty Bonds or Money, preferably Liberty Bonds, in any denomination, lu per cent, interest will be allowed, pay ments to be made monthly. Best of security will be advanced. Bonds to be held any length of time and return able any time on short notice. Abso lutely confidential. For further par ticulars, address Box N, 7125, care of t'eiugrapti. FOR SALE Country Produce, Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo cation. Good-paying, cash trade. Re tiring from business, will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Box IC, 7122, care of Telegraph. WELL-ESY.\RUSHED Ice Cream and Confectionery Store for sale in nearby town. Doing fine business. Good location. Reason for selling, going West. Price right. Address Box N, 7128, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Gent's furnishing store, building and dwelling. If in terested, Inquire of 11. M. Hartz, Real Estate Broker, Palmyra. Pa. AN OLD established truck and au tomobile firm, centrully located in llarrisburg, desires to take on a part- ] ner, one must take an active part in the business and furnish some capital and reference. Reason for making this change is the extensive growth in the business In the last year. Ad dress R 7097, care Telegraph. $12,000 WILL BUY a prosperous business in llarrisburg, that is pay ing more than 25 per cent, on the in \estment. Reference given and books open for Inspection. Address Box 11, 7031. care of Telegraph. ELEVEN COPPER MINING CLAIMS —Location Jerome District; farming and grazing land in Northern Ari zona. J. Hill. Box 819. Prescott. Ariz. BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid 1022 Market street. Bell 473UJ. i FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— [Bought and sold. S. Uold, 1014 Mar ! ket. Bell 4085 J. INVENTORS FINANCED—Patents, Automob'les, Motorcycles Bought, ! Sold, Exchanged. Cash or commission.' | Simon Horst, Einglestown, Fa. I UPHOLSTERING Of the kind. Work guaranteed. We call and [ deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone : 4826. | FURNITURE CRAT 32 D And | china packed for shipping. Also re | pairing. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz; double edge, 35c doz; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. I DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. ! Caplan Co., 206 Market street. I QNININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PIIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off l if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. [ll9 Market street. HAULING AND MOVING ! AUTO HAULING Anything, any ! where, furniture moving. E. S. Os inan, 717 South Nineteenth street. Bell I 1591 W. FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. | HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped ! for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful i driver. Rain and duatproof body. J. .K. Grubber's Truck Service, Irwin j Aungst. manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell ! phone 15H6. j LOCAL AND I>ONG-DISTANCE I I-IAULINO Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell : 3636J, Dial 3683. HICKS—LocaI and long-distance i hauling and storage. 424 Relly. Both I phones. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving ) a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 | Capital street. Both phones. 4* AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local | and lbng distance. F. J. Marter, Bell! 39-J. Steelton. AUTO HAULING Local and long I distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt, service. Call Bell 623 J. : LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE! HAULING Prompt service. A. & B I Motor Express. 917 Capital street. Bell phone 1635 J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Cgll Bell 3320, i or Dial 2265, 'I ' HAULING AND MOVING ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER STL BELL PHONE 623 W. ' , DIAL PHONE 3518. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT— Horn. cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies In separate diningrooma. STORAGE STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Prlvati rooms at reasonable rates. Also huiii Ing of all kinds. D. Cooper &Co Both phones. f r a. oo STORAGE—In brick building rem 408 Market. Household goods in'clean private rooms. Reasonable rates tj G. Diener, 408 Market street. ' STORAGE Private rooms household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lowei storage rates in non-fireproof wa re .house, llarrisburg Storage Co 417 4 15 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLKR FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. ' BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICEIt " Funeral Director and Kmbalmer • 611 North Second Street BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY - Beautifully situated on Market street | east of Twenty-sixth, and on tin north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. Cleaners unci Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the besi Place in town. Call and deliver I Goodman's, 1306',North Sixth. Botl Phones. v * I ___ AUTOMOBILES | YOIT CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS lis. and 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. I'i-l'a-2'i and 2'i-ton Betlilchems. with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons. In cluding Buicks, Overlands and Vims. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO, Open Evenings. 212-211 North Second St. Both Phones, hauled and are in good condition >£. ket r stre r e" Pen M ° l ° r Car Co " , AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE ' Fold Touring Car $260 Six - cylinder, 2 - passenger roadster, with sixty-horse power Continental motor, tires in gobd condition, a powedrful, easy-riding, racy car, specially priced.... $225 Overland Roadster, in fair mechanical condition, tires excellent. February Sale, 1150 | O-passenger Overland Tour i ing, motor and all me- I chanical parts in splendid condition, repainted and equipped with cord tires, a "Pedigreed" car $675 j 7-passengcr Wlllys-Kniglit, relinlshed French Gray, with wine-colored wheels, looks and runs like new, and carries the guarantee of a new car. Our Show Room is Open Evenings Until Nine. THE OVER LAND-IIARRISBURG CO„ 512-214 N. Second Street. ' FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE To a quick, spot cash buyer, oiw Murray seven-passenger car. Spring field body, convertible sedan, eight cylinder, llershel-Spielman motor, llouk wire wheels, body battleship gray, divided front seat, disappearing chairs, new radiator Just installed, Goodyear cord tires. Car in good con dition. lias not been run much over seven thousand miles. Price, $2,500. Phone or write, W. T. DURR, York, Pa. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY Stl New Ave and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers