6 NEW FOOD BILL TAKES LOAD OFF EIJROPE^HOOVER Will Mean Sacrifice From llie Americans, He Declares Paris, Feb. 3.—The pussage by the American 'Congress of the bill ap ilßprinting $100,000,000 for relief n Europe "will lift a load of fear roni the hearts of millions of people n Europe," declares Herbert C. Hoover, director general of relief. Mr. Hoover outlines the use to which .he money is to be put and the means already taken for the relief of var ious peoples. "There is no question as to> the acrificc it will call for from the American people to provide this re ief appropriation, as it comes now n a period when we have so many difficulties and problems of our own ■>eople to solve In the rehabilitation >t our normal national life," sajs ;ho statement. "The usual tangible relief to the newly liberated peoples will not be delayed even by the period required o ship foodstuffs from the United states under this appropriation be cause the War, Navy and Treasury Bepartments and the United States food administration already have 100 ships in European ports or headed •owards Europe in addition to our re-established relief of Belgium and N'Orthern France, Rumania and Czecho Slovakia under the old war eglslation. The new appropriation :>y Congress enables us to extend this work by giving credits to those 1 countries for which there was no such legislation." Cuban Liberals May Ask United States to Supervise Their Election Havana, Feb. 3.—Should conditions warrant action, the Liberal party will call upon the United States to super vise the next Cuban presidential elec tion. his was decided upon early to day by the National Assembly of the party after a long debate. The peti tion will not be presented at once, but will be held by the executive committee until it is apparent that supervision is a necessary guarantee of the purity of suffrage according to in announcement mad e by the assem ly. 100 Soldiers With American Food For Relief in Vienna By Associated Press Vienna, Feb. 3. A detachment of 100 American soldiers arrived hero Saturday with the first shipment of American food for relief purposes. The American shipment will enable the serving of a full bread ration t.o W the population next week for the first time in many months. Lieutenant Peters, of Co. C, Killed Oct. 10 Osceola, Pa., Fe. 3.—Unale to get an answer from their son in France, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Peters, have een advised y the War Department that" Second Lieutenant Harry Pet ers, twenty-eight, was killed in action Octoer 10. Peters, who was employed by an Altoona painting j "Arm, enlisted soon after the United j States entered the war, and rose 1 from private through all the ranks to a commission. He was on the i Moldavia, which was torpedoed .off I the Irish coast and sang in Febru- I ary, 1917, with a loss of fifty men. j He was rescued with anly his shoes j and overcoat. He was an officer in Company C, 2 Bth Infantry. He was to have married an Altoona girl. Labor Congress to Meet in Dublin Next Week By Associated Press Dublin, Feb. 3. A labor congress has been summoned for next week to meet in the Mansion House here to demand a universal forty-four-hmlr week at wages 150 per cent, above the pre-war rates with a minimum of fifty shillings (approximately $12.50) weekly for all workers. The Dublin Trades Council has announced, how ever, .that it will move un amendment to ahls proposal advocating o forty hour week. . FOOD EMBARGO OFF. Washington, Feb. 3. The most sweeping removal of restrictions up on the exportation of foodstuffs made since the signing of the armistice is announced by the \\'ra Trade Board. Commodities removed from the ex port conservation list were barly, corn c.nd rye, Including flour and Siieal mnde from these grains, oats end oat orp'ducts, brewers' grains, bran and middlings, beans, dried and | split peas, sugar and lrydrogenatcd cottonseed oil.' , KIWANIS CI.UG TO MEET i Plans for the work of reconstruc tion will be discussed at a meeting t>f the officers and committees of the ' Klwanis Club of Harrlsburg, to lie held at the Penn-Horris Hotel to-mor- j frow evening. Activities during the ■ year will also he reported. SPEAKS AT SERVICE Dr. J. George Becht, executive sec retary of the State Board of Educa 'tion, and J)ajor John S. Splcer, re cently returned from France, address ed the congregation in the Market (Square Presbyterian Church last night. Lancaster. County People Contributed $5,668 For Each Man Sent Away Lancaster, Pa., Fob. 3. —For every soldier that Lancaster county gave to the nation during | the war, she invested approxt- | mately $5,668 to provide him with food, clothing und ammunition, and in addition, gave $1770 for his comfort and pleasures. Those figures, just compiled, disclose, the mighty effort exerted by this community to crush- the Hun. Money Invested in government loans and War Savings Stamps amounts to more than $34,000,000 and more thun another million was unpocketed during the var- ' ious drives. Herbert W. Hurtman has an nounced that in addition to the vast quantity of supplies sent away by the Red Cross, more than half a million dollars were 1 given here In cash. < • MONDAY "EVENING, HJtRRISBURO ufljJAl TELEOR3LPH \ FEBRUARY 1, 1919. NATIONS' SOCIETY MEETS TODAY AT WILSON REQUEST Report to Conference on This Subject Is Believed Near Paris, Feb. 3.—To-day President Wilson will officially assemble at the Hotel do Crillon the members of the Peace Conference iCommission as a Society of Nations. It is announced that a report to the conference on this subject is imminent. President Wilson spent most of Saturday morning at work in his private office. Instead of availing himself of the services of a stenog rapher he applied himself assidu ously to the typewriter, which is taken as an indication that he was preparing some paper requiring the most thoughtful possible considera tion. Yesterday was the first quiet Sunday he has had since he. landed on foreign soil. Aslt Is known to be the plan of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Other Mill and Factory Sale News on Page 14 1200 New Percale Shirts For Men A splendid group of shirts with laundered or soft cuffs. Men who ap- {^jf{ Jn \ j] predate good shirts will buy a liberal supply when they see how fine the 4 j j t / A Mill and Factory Sale never offered better values in work-and gen- M jltry F'lVial CI pa ranpp rvP Winter* , jL 7 A J.J.J.OLJ. V/-L VV IiILC/l Light blue chambray work shirts, $1.65 and $1 khaki, blue and •y -y . fast color; sizes 14 to 17 74? S re 7 flannd to P shirts sizes to 18 ' * l ' 34 • I 14fKfi/ffl I I Striped percale coat shirts with Xld/Lfe Dark bjue chambray work shirts; n French fold cuffs. Sizes 1 4to 17, 69? J sizes 14Yi to 17, faced sleeve .... 'B9? . Percale shirts, hand style, laund- Fur and Satin Hats That Were <B> O f\f\ " signal " s " ir,swith °con™. so* $5.00 to *58.50 in the Sale at 14 to 19 .$1.74 I shirts, laundered and soft The hats offered for the most part are jaunty turbans of fur with lustrous . s if£ S . ® oy f ***** ... satin crowns or georgette crowns, particularly seasonable for the Wintry days front and back, extra heavy quality, $1.38 collar soft' fold^uffs^coat that February is sure to bring. About 75 in the last clearance of'the season. Blue polka "dot, plain blue cham- v -V " style; sizes to *4 ...... 69? bray shirts .with 2 collars; sizes 14 Percale collar attached shirts; sizes to 18# $1.39 12# to 14 35? Mill and Factory Sale Millinory —— ——: Men's and. Boys' Shoes Reduced Specials in© Furniture Sale in the Mill and Factory Sale Swings Into Line For the Opening of the $4.00 gun metal calf . Boys' Shoes Small lot of untrimmed Winter Hats at .. 10c I Clearance of Boys' Winter polo hats at Mill and Factory Sale English shoes with $3.00 Patent leather and^other d fabrlc-s°at >Ver,,eaS ' lats ,n v ®t vet > ! Clearance of decorative flowers at Y.!c Certain PieCCS at Half Prfce black dloth top Good- ti lastwffh ooc I Clearance of narrow millinery ribbons at. yd., lc year welted soles $2.7J . ' cq - Dives, Pomeroy & "Stewart, Second Floor. Golden oak office chairs at half price $6.25 $2.50 gun metal calf s2*oo gun metal calf . " ' Golden oak and fumed oak chairs and rockers at half , , , . , . g" c l ® p r j^ e I |'S in [1 iM' |jf bedroom suites-*4 pieces. Underwear Reductions in the Sale T ( Clearance of'infants' Wear (/ u Counter soiled and odd pieces grouped on five tables for an( j , c ' s i, ca vy natural ' wool \ clearance in the Mill & Factory Sale. . . ' Children'F 2Vr hiaVk ' union suits. Each ....... $3.50 •; - . ' T-'lt N°' 2sS 21 lB* tST New Spring House Dresses in the Sale TabieNo.'3speciaiat. unwren's 35c wack , !i!5 a V & HI LIIC Vja 1C Table No. 4 $6.95 to $8.90 colored corduroy suits at $3.95 cotton hose, seamless.. So? natural wool union suits, *!.oo $3.50 Dresses $2.75 $2.98 Dresses $2 50 ' cJS? ~ k r d . c r^, ta .Men's Handkerchiefs and Gloves i/iooooo ,U\J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Mill and Factory Mill and Factory Five hundred bratfd new house dresses from our regular $2.98 an d 53.50 stocks, have been A. T> 1 , sale Price. of chndren>B entered in the Mill and Factory Sale at special reductions in order to stimulate interest in XvOCILICOCI 11T Lllo tial handkerchiefs, 4 for .. 25c kld HATS* ' 4 ° c . , 21c Union linen hem- Heavy cloth hats In neat Spring dresses. . Discontinued styles and broken sizes-none exchanged- l4c; 2fic and 'J'he reductions will be in force only during the Mill and Factory Sale medium low busts— red handkerchiefs, 69c B. B. leatherpalm can -3 ' 59c to $1.50 corsets. Mill and Factory Sale Price 49? 3 „ f o p ;: •,/••• - v•• 250 vas gauntlet gloves ....... So a') aa . <t% rrA . Af*ii it"* . t* • 4i>-f n** 10c khaki handkerchiefs, 18c ctLnv&s knit wrist $3.50 blue and grey solid color chambray dresses, sizes 36 to 46 Mill and Factory Sale a 7/5 Mill and Factory Sale Price . .91*9> 4 for 25c gloves. 2 pair 25c dresses, 'sizes 36 to 46. Mill and Factory Price 2 98 $6.00 to $12.00 corsets. Mill and Factory Sale Price, $2.95 men's street 46c leather palm gaunttet Sale nriru an t2 CA wi" i V"u V •82.98 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. ' $1.60 grey suede P. K. gl ® \. es , i'"n*"=Ti"i' •'ale price i $3.50 h'lack and white check house dresses. seam street gloves, sizes 7 to 59c tan muieskln, all- 1ea 52.98 Billy Burke house dresses in black sizes. Mill and hactory Sale l J ''icc, $1.60 and $2.00 tan kid 50c 8 leather palm heavy and white and blue and- white percale; sizes • ■&'., . . , . .♦ Extra SlZe PettlCOatS RedllCed 8,0 VeB 74 ° tor 43 to 4b. Mill and 1-actory Sale Price, #3.50 sma „ $2.98 and S ' $,.95 extra size black percaline petticoats. Mill and Factory Mill & Factory Sale GrOCeTy ItemS $ : str, P e gmgham Billy Burke house Mill and Factory Sale -Price ...'. 98? Safe Prjce I. $1.50 Vanilla flavoring, quart hot- cream of barley, pkg. .. i7o ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. tle ® •••••••• Sani-flush, 6 cans ...... #BO Children's Spring Dresses of Poplins Reduced , A SiS'te:! 1 ~T New styles offered at reductions, only Regular $1.25 dresses in sizes 2to 6 years. Of MUSSed ApTOIIS "'" enB : during the Mill and hactory Sale. M ( ill and Factory Sal& Price 98? 50c. small round aprons. Mill and Factory Sale Price, 25? White flaked roiled oats, 10 Seeded raisins, pkg ISo Regular 75c dresses in sizes 2to 6 years. - Regular $1.50 dresses in sizes 6to 14 years' s ll 3 p actory \J. aI 1 e p r ! ce ' fi"*. pure soap flakes, 3 pack- dozen Mill qncl Factorv Sile Pfioc Mill c i d • "nof $1.25 to $2.95 bib aprons. Mill and Factory Sale Price, 95? ages aso ciam bouillon, bottle. Mill and factory.Sale nee oJ? Mill and factory Sale Price 98? $2,95 Mack's.dresses in grey soisette. Mill and Factory Sale Lifebuoy's-health soap, cake, lie to 3tc s Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. - . Price $1.95 Pin h . ad oat meal , 4 the American delegation to rush for ward plans for the creation of a So ciety of Nutions it is assumed that the President, who as a member of the special commission charged with that project, was engaged in the preparation of some statement sup porting some one proposition or gen eral scheme. AMENDMENT > TO BE RATIFIED [Continued from First Page.] The liquor interests have tried to give the impression that Mr. Sproul intends to cheat the thousands of voterfe of Pennsylvania, who accept ed the gubernatorial candidate's pledge on ratification at 100 per cent. The Governor has been show ing by his quiet and effective work for ratification that he "kept the faith." Some of the men who are,poten tial in the management of the Re publican party in the state have been able to get their ear to the ground and fall into line behind the Gov ernor's leadership, even if their connections in the past have been "wot." They have been passing the word to their followers that they would keep hands off and the legis lators, who follow their leadership have been told they are free to vote as they please. 'Among these poten-i tial figures is Senator Edward 41. Vare, of Philadelphia, and some others who have not been aligned with the Vares. There are ninety-nine of the House pledged to vote for ratifica tion, and the position taken by Sena tor Vare and other leaders means that more than the necessary five votes are to give the required 104 votes in the House will be in line Tuesday morning. Names of these legislators could be given. After the House has done its part in the" ratification program, there is no rea son to doubt that the necessary twenty-six votes will be waiting in the Senate to complete the job. When the ratification legislation is put of the way, it will be followed with bills to enforce prohibition. The "wets" are making plans to fight for a definition of intoxicating liquors which would permit of a pos sible five per cent, alcoholic content in order to make possible the sale of beer and light wines. The "drys" are credited with the belief that a content of more than one and one half per cent, alcohol constitutes an intoxicating beverage. The contest over this legislation may prove one of the interesting fights of the ses sion. Representative John W. Vlcker man. sponsor of the resolution to ratify the amendment says the amendment will be approved by the \ House but the "wets" claim a lead j of from five to seven In the House ; and say thbir only danger lies in the - action of the nation which has al- ■ ready ratified Prohibition and the i action last week In New York state • when all the "dope" was upßet and "wet" New York developed Into a ; "dry" New York. The "wets" say i that this one case may lose them : votes. tie predictions are naturally in order and the "drys" naw claim to see a : landslide developing. They have Demon Rum on the ropes and the referee counting the fatal ten. They also claim that the liquor followers are gathering in force and that they are going to force those candidates that they supported to stand up for booze to the last drink and say they will not release the men. They are ltving In the "wet" present and not in any condition that may develop after the coining of the national drouth. Many thought that the liquor men, seeing the ghost was up, would let their men, in close dis tricts, shift for themselves to bene fit themselves —but the same con dition that has helped bring prohi bition—greed and lack of intelli gent foresight—is still in the seat of power in their councils and will likely have to be struck on the head with a ratification vote in Pennsyl vania before the light gets a chance) Ito break through. All this means that they care not for the political , future of their willing supporters of years' standing but are going to lead ' them to the political block where : the voters will show little mercy to , men given the light to see but who would see not. Since the nation has ratified the amendment and even New York has taken the hurdle for prohibition, the Pennsylvania liquor leaders will present a sorry spec tacle, even in victory, it they force a strict "wet" and" "dry" vote to morrow. The old expression that "the liquor men have brought it upon themselves" was explained and am plified to-day by a prominent man here whose name is omitted for ex cellent reasons. The utterance he made and which is reproduced here is bona fide and exact: "While the liquor men have many times made costly mistakes I only lately heard from a very prominent brewet that the brewers themselves are respon sible for some of the states that rati fied prohibition. They, of course, did not do it willingly at the start, but once whisky was put on the sliding board the distillers got into the game in earnest. It all started some Hinre ago when the brewers, seeing breakers ahead, started their advertising campaign for beer and light wines. Everything else was Ito be prohibitedall drinks of high power and quick action. This had gone on for a time when an active distiller, I mean a man active In public life as well as business, Berved notice on a brewers' committee that if the propoganda of the brewers knocked out wisky and other dis tilled spirits, that the distillers would strike back and with force. Then came the ban on further dis tillation of spirits. That left the distillers with a big stock on hand. Naturally that Increased the value of what they had. They speculated in , whisky certificates and most of them cleaned up a big sum. How ever, their resentment mounted with their winnings. They did not lift a finger, speaking generally, to help the beer men or the Californlans who fought for the native wines. You know the result. That result, I am In a position to know from Information received front an excel lent source, was helped by the dls square with the brewers. In some tillers In their angry effort to get states where the distillers could have been potent factors in the elec tion of legislators, they were Inac tive. It is ail over now but this is one small part of the story as to how it was eventually ratified." There have been stories that the liquor men would quit at the last minute and not force their men to go on record but the talk now is that every wet man will go to the bat and do his best to-morrow. NOTE ON DOOR DEMANDS $l,OOO [Continued from FifM Page.] As he reached for one. one of the men hit him with a sandbar. He grappled, when the man hit him again, knocking him unconsclona. He was bound and gagged and thrown into a waiting automobile, it ie eald,' while"sl3 he had in his pocket was taken. The allccd kidnapers then took him through alleys to his home and threw him into his father's chlckencoop, while they wrote th Sir demand for money on the side of the house. Dur ing that time young Rhodes says he recovered consciousness and extri cated himself from the ropes which tied his hands. He started to make his way toward the house when the two men turned upon him and knocked him unconscious again with their sandbag. It is thought by Rhodes' father that some one roused in the house caused the two men to flee in their machine. Rhodes declares he thinks he recognized one of the assailants t and could identify him. West Shore authorities are investigating.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers