4 INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL * UNIVERSITY CLUB PLANS BIG BALL Washington's Birthday Party to Be Wonderful Spectacle on February 21st The Penn-Harris ball room will again sparkle with brilliance on the night of Friday, February twenty first, when the local college men and their friends will dance amid real cherry blossoms and under real cher ry trees. The committee on decora tions promises the finest efte *t tliM*. has ever been produced in Harris burg. The boyhood days of Wash ington will be brought to mind with striking significance and will vie with th e thrills that come with the memory of good old college days. College pennants and banners will bedeck the walls of tae ball room three private dining rooms and Re ception roonj The dance will begin at 9 o'clock and continue until the small hours of the morning, as the next day will be a holiday In honor of Washington. A buffet supper will be served at 11 p. m„ during the intermission that will last until about midnight. Dur ing the dances old men of dusky hue will serve cherry punch to massa, the boys and their ladies. Invitations Limited he invitations are Just being sent out and members only ace to receive them. If members wish to invite friends they will do so personally after learning v froin the committee whether there will ho room for the guests after the club members havte been arranged for. If room permits, each member will be allowed one couple as guests, and other guests will be taken care of after that until the limit of two hundred couples has been reached. Eligible college mer. who have applications in for club membership will be considered as members when action is taken on dance applications. It is expected that the wive 3 of the Board of Directors wi'.l act as patron esses. The directors are Howard R. Ginwake, president; Arthur D. Brown. W-ii'.iam It. Earnest, Percy L. Gruhh, Henderson Gilbert, Dr. H. M. IClrk patriek. Dr. Croll Keller, Ehrmun B. Mitchell, George C. Hatter, P. M. Hall. Mercer B. Tate and J. Douglas M. Royal. The committee planning and direct ing the Washington Birthday party and dance includes: C. Frederick Kammerer, chairman, assisted fiy E. Elmer Erb, William H. Earnest, Rob ert T. Fox, Henderson Gilbert C. Holmes McDonald, Ehorman Bf Mitchell, G. Wolfard Quigley, P. B. Rice, J. Douglas M. Royal, Dr. Karl Schaffle and C. O. Shaar. -oFiowerso For All Occasions [ Floral Decorations Wedding Flowers Party Flowers Funeral Flowers 3heßerruhill , LOCUST ST. AT SECOND , l!h, „ ——■■ Hill ~<# "Don't Move, Daddy— You Look So Funny" Daddy certainly does look funny peering over his reading glasses every time he wants to see objects more than a few feet away. fCBYPTOK IV GLASSES XV THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS combine NEAR and FAR vision in one lens. Through the lower part you can read the smallest print; through the upper part you can see distant objects with equal clearness. D. C. URICH OPTOMETRIST 807 N. Third St. Advance Notice Sale Extraordinary To Be Held Thursday, Feb. 6 We are making this advance announcement of a very important special sale that we will start on Thursday, February 6th„ in order to give our patrons ample time to make arrangements to attend and share in the excep tional opportunities that we will offer in Wall Papers Curtains Rugs Cretonnes Tapestries The prices will be materially reduced for this occasion. As it is the .irst sale we have held we are going to make it well worth the while of everybody who is interested in the home beautiful to buy during this event. Full Details Will Be Announced Later The Blake Shop Interior Decorations 225 North Second St, MONDAY EVENING, taMUSBURG tPB®sS* TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 3, 1919. MUSIC STUDENTS IN FINE PROGRAM Younger Ones of the Pfuhl- Froehlich School Will Be Featured Tomorrow Students of Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froeh llch's School of Music will give a recital on Tuesday evening, Febru ary 4, In Fahnestock Hall. The program will be given principally by the younger students of the school, only a few of the advanced ones participating. The following program will be given: Delibee, "Plccitl," Marguerite! Wright, Elsa Mueller; Orth, "Little i Maiden, Harry Conder; Behr, "In j May," Nellie Mueller; Diabelll, [ duet, No. E, Edward Ehlers, Miss Mader; Linke, "Little Bird," Helen Freedman; Kruger, duet, Jennie; Marcus, Edith Marcus; Elmenreich, "Spinning Song," Peter Ehlers; I Orth, "Merry Blue Eyes," Mary Broadmeyer; Behr, "Reverie," j Elizabeth Colovlras, Helen Oolovi- J ras; Lange, "Playfulness," Evelyn Smith: Schumann, "Soldiers' March," Isabelle Davis; Schumann, i "Joyous Peasant," Franklin Her-| mann; Grieg, "Dance of the Elves," , | Lillian Haas; Helm, (a) "Songsters of the Bough," (b) "Woodland Sprites," Evelyn Edwards: Beet hoven, "Mennet in G," Margaret Haas; Jensen, "Elfin Danoe," James Hellman; Helm, "Nodding Ferns," Mildred S'cliaffstall; Boce herini, "Minuet," Edwin Downin; Tscharkowsky, "The Lark," Paul Wiesemann; Behr, "feirdling on the Roof," Margaret Kiester, Geraldine Garman, Elizabeth Shearer; Ger man, "Shepherd's Dance," Rebec ca Levinson; Schubert, "Scherzo," Annie Osier; Priozonka, "Tarantella; in A Minor," Catherine Good; Dur and, "Chaeonne," Margaret Eby; Thomas, 'lCauzonatta," Elisabeth Knupp, Leanna Knupp; Triml, "Russian Dance." Bertha Mcllhen ny; Seebock, "Mennet a 1' Antieo," Ethel Brightbill; Sinding, "Rustles of Spring," Hazel Akens; Schuctt, "Etude Mignonne," Pearl Smelzer; Rachmaninoff, "Prelude in C Min or." Pauline Wright; Raff, "Lo Fil ense," Maty JJehle; Schubert-Liszt, "Hark, Hark the Lark," Ray Gar man. Annual Meeting - of the Y. W. C. A. The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Young Women's Christian Associ ation will be held Friday evening, February 7at S o'clock. A brief re port of the year's work will be read, und representat'-ves of the differeilt cKtbs will give two-mlnutc t.tlks on what has been dqne by their particu lar group of girls. Nine board mem bers will be elected for a period of three years. This meeting will be held In the John Y. Boyd Hall and will be fol lowed by a social hour. There will he piano solos by'Mlss Alice Decovee, a vocal solo by Miss Romaine Boyer and a vocal solo by Miss Evelyn Cum bler. The spring terms of classes at the Y. W. C. begins this week. New classes will be formed In basketry, dressmaking, domestic science, Eng lish and FrenchAaccordlng to the de mand. Party of Anna Hinkle on Her Seventh Birthday Mr! and Mrs. James C. Hinkle, of 2022 Derry sstreet, gave a party In celebration of their daughter Anna's seventh birthday anniversary. Games were played and refreshments were served to the Misses Lena Stahl, Evelyn Dubbs, Thelma Burrs, Mil dred Snavely, Lulu Murray, Mar garet Boas, Evelyn Heagy, Esther Procasco, Mildred and Ruth Mur ray, Kathryn Grau, Martha Farling, Adelaide Guthrie, Margaret Mullen, John Reber. Latrobe Barnitz, Lester Altland, Handy Hlnkley, Elwood Murray, Richard Smith, Ottomer Eshenour, Edward Hinkle, Mr. and Mrs. H. YV. Smith, Miss Ethel Mur ray, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Harry Mater, Mrs. Annie E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hinkle, To Sew on Curtains For Nurses' Home Mrs. William Jennings urges all members of the National War Aid Society who can possibly do so to meet at the Red Cross rooms, Wal nut street school building, this even ing, to sew on curtains for the rest rooms of the nurses' home of the Soldiers' Hospital at Carlisle. The members of the society will sew from 7 to 9 o'clock. I ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. M. Mall, Ladles' Tailor, is in business again at his residence, 1213 Green street. Altering and remodel ing of ladies' garments a specialty. MOORHEAD FOLKS TO SING IN CAMP Arrange Musicale and Dance For Tomorrow Evening For Men in Aviation Depot The employes of the Moorhead Knitting Company, whose patriotic activities during the war period caused BO much favorable comment, have been requested by the War Camp Community Service to lend their aid In the entertainment of soldiers stationed at the army depots near Harrlaburg. The Moorhead Choral Society, so ably directed by Mrs. Florence Ackley LeJ', will pre sent an elaborate program at the Middletown Aviation Depot this evening at 8 o'clock. This forty-voice chorus is well remembered by those who heard its fine rendition of their part of the performance given at the Chestnut Street Auditorium, Janu ary 3, for the benefit of the Associ ated Aid Societies of Harrisburg, at which 1800 was realized. The sol diers may look forward to a real treat for a dance will follow the vo cal entertainment. The affair has been capably arranged by George W. Deiker, superintendent of the Moorhead Mills, assisted by Miss Edith Randolph West, the welfare director of the company's employes. Authors Club Meets Tomorrow Night The Author's Club will meet to morrow evening at the home of Mrs. E. L. Rinkenbach, 21G Forster | street. The postponed program of January 21 will be combined with the one of this meeting and will be as follows:* "The Country' of Chile," Mrs. J. Thornton Balsley: "Santiago," Mrs". Joseph Kalbfus; "Valparaiso," Mrs. C. C. Dubbs; "A Chilean Rondeo," by Roosevelt, Mrs. Willard Young; "Argentine," and "A Trans-Andean Journey to Mendoza," j Mrs. Casper S. Shaak; "The Fertile] Pampas and Argentina's Part in | Feeding the World," Miss Lile George; "Politics and Government," Miss Anne U. Wert. Letters From Overseas Verify Soldier's Death Professor and Mrs. Julius von Bereghy, of 224 North Fifteenth street, have received personal letters from the chaplain and commanding officer of Company F, One Hundred and Eleventh Infantry, A. E. F., in France, speaking of the death of their son, Lieutenant Marcel von Bereghy, near Courlardoy, on Sep tember 7. This was his first battle as an officer and he led his platoon bravely, the men say. Lieutenant von Bereghy is buried near where the enemy machine guns killed him. ROTTEIGER-STEWAKT WEDDING A pretty wedding was that of Miss Miriam M. Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Stewart, 850 North Twelfth street, Reading, Pa., and Ivan Roy Pottelger, of Read ing, on Saturday evening, February 1, 1919, at the manse of the Stev ens Memoria Methodist Episcopal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon streets, Harrisburg, the Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker officiating. MUss Stewart was prettily gowned in a brown broadcloth traveling suit. After the coremony Mr. and Mrs. Pottelger left for an extensive wed ding journey and upon their return they will reside in Reading, 1028 Chyrch street. TO TAKE POST-GRADUATE Dr. Gilbert L. Dailey, 713 North Third street, who has been relieved from service in the Medical Corps of the United States Army, has gone to New York to take a three months' post-graduate course in diseases of the ear, eye, nose and throat, after which he will spend nine months In Europe in pursuance of the same work. WILL SING DUETS Two of the most popular singers of the city will appear on the pro gram this evening at the entertain ment of the Men's League of Mar ket Square Presbyterian Church. Miss Mary Bell Corbett, soprano, and Stanley G. Baekenstoss, baritone," will sing: "I Springtime," Newton, and "Trot Here and There," from the comic opera, "Veronique." ENTERTAINED AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCreath entertained informally at dinner at their home, 119 South Front street Saturday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Neil Salsich, of Bethlehem; Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Mc- Creath and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert. Luther S. Granville, of Brooklyn, is in town for a few days stopping with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Torrance, of State street Miss Anita Randolph, of Rich mond, Va., was a recent guest of Mrs. Gordon Harper, of North Second street Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor Neale, 2025 North Front street, have an nounced the birth of a daughter, Sunday, February 2, 1919. Mrs. Neale was Miss Frances Herman prior to her marriage. Captain and Mrs. Donald A. Stroh, Douglas, Arizona, announce the birth of a daughter. 'Captain Stroh is a native of Harrisburg. ' PALACE THEATER * TODAY l.tielln'H I.ove Story MYSTERIOUS CIPHER and THE I,AST DANCE Couoluta, Spnnlah Dancer Featar- I - ing. j* j A Stouffer's Restaurant 4 NORTH COURT STREET I AVe Will Ilegln Serving Special 50£ Table d'Hote Dinners Tuesday Evening, Feb. 4. 50< , Special attention will be given i these dinners, serving them each J evening —except Sunday—from 5 to 7.30 On Friday of each week I we will serve a special Fish dinner. 50c ! Watch Tneaday Morning and Eve ning Papera For Menu C ARDS AND MUSIC FOR THE GUESTS Miss Morsch Entertains to Cel ebrate Birthday of Her Sis ter, Mrs. Harry Page A delightful birthday surprise was given by Miss Helen C. Morsch, 609 Forster street; In honor of her sister, Mrs. Harry E. Page, 229 North Fif teenth street. Cards, dancing and music by Messrs. Roy Hurst, Earl Mosher and Harvey Bolan were the features of the evening. Mrs. Page received lomo pretty gifts, and later In the evening a buffet lunol was served to the following guests: Mrs. LOUIB Fink, Mrs. Leo Krinor, Mrs. Robert Hlrshman, Mr. and Mrs. Arch ie Bott, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stone, Miss Violet Stone, Miss Minerva Hiishman, Miss Naomi Winger, Miss IJ.-len C. Morsch, Messrs, Roy Hurst, Earl Mosher and llarrOy Bolan Hlghsplre, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morsch, Mr. and Mrs. II E. Page. Ladies' Auxiliary Meets Tomorrow The monthly meeting of the La dies' Auxiliary of the Polyclinic Hos pital will be held to-morrow after noon at 3 o'clock In the Nurses' Home, 1524 North Second street. The Needlework Guild of the Aux iliary will hold its next meeting on February 21 at 2.80 o'clock. Mrs. S. Z. Shope and Mrs. J. C. 1-larlacker will preside at the tea table. Senator and Mrs. Scott S. Leiby motored to the city yesterday and enjoyed dinner with Major and Mrs. William B. Gray of the Riverside apartments. Miss Louise Gaines went home to Towanda this morning after a little visit with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Jackson, of Green street. Miss Evelyn E. Cumbler, daughter of County Commissioner and Mrs. C. C. Cumbler, left early Saturday for Troy, N. Y., to attend the re union of members of the class of 1916 of the Willard School for Girls, being held at that place. Miss Lydia Louise Nipholls, who has been taking a course in nursing at the University of Pennsylvania, under the American Red Cross, is spending several days at her home, 304 Chestnut street. Miss FloreSace Rinkenbach, 216 Forster street, and Miss Dorothy" Devout, 1220 Chestnut street, have returned from a short visit in Leba non. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Magulre and children, 5 South Front street, left yesterday for Florence Villa, Florida, where they will spend sev eral months. Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, 105 North Front street, left to-day for a short stay in New York City. Mrs. Floyd Appleton and, chil dren, Second and Emerald streets, left on Saturday for Cuba, N. Y., where they will spend some time at her former home. Dr. Appleton will spend this week in Provideilce, R. I. Mrs. Harvey Barnes, of Ridgway, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel W. Fleming, 104 South street. Miss Elizabeth Ross, 219 Pine street. Is visiting Mrs. Pitt F. Carl, at Greencastle. Mrs. James D. Hawkins. 1207 North Third street, left last night for Roanoke, Va., where she will join her brother, Henry Cook, on a trip to Florida. Mrs. Mary Belle Cromie, of 236 Woodbine street, is home after a month's stay in Baltimore. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vaughn Montague, of St. Louis, who spent the past year in the city at The Donaldson, have gone to New York to locate permanently. Mrs. Grant Drifesbach, of Lewis burg, state vice-regent of the Pennsylvania Daughters of the American Revolution was in town yesterday on the way home from Philadelphia where she visited her daughter. Mrs. Harvey F. Smith, of State street, secretary of the Harrisburg Civic Club, is in Pittsburgh this week attending a meeting of the Board of Directors of the State Fed eration of Pennsylvania Women. Mr. ad Mrs. Frederick Moore and small daughters, Alicia and Marie Moore, of Pittsburgh, are in town for a brief stay among rela tives and old friends. Miss Sara Kingsley, of Indian apolis, In<d., is visiting her rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rich ards, of Green street, for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson and son, George Owens Thompson, of Unadilla, N. Y., spent several day? last week among relatives in this city and York. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Eby and fam ily, of 2012 North Third street, have gone to St. Petersburg, Fla., to be guests at the Hotel Polnsettia for six weeks. Major William B. Gray came home from Delaware to attend the charity ball and the 'Fisher-Dar lington wedding, returning to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gaines and small daughters, the Misses Claire and Dorothy Gaines, of Richmond, Va., are in town for a little visit with their relatives, MV. and Mrs. David F. Jackson. Miss Louise Deane and Miss Freda Deane went home to Colum bus, Ohio, after a week's stay with their sister, Mrs. , Henry D. Fairley, of North Third street. Miss Imogene Black, of Philadel phia, is visiting her cousin, Miss Helena M. Bowther, of Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay Jordan went to Baltimore this morning where they will remain for a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Vin cent, of that city. Mrs. A. L. Chayne, of 405 North Second street, quietly celebrated her birthday anniversary yesterday -re ceiving many beautiful flowers from her friends. Miss Wilma Houser and Miss Theresa Houser, of Baltimore, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anson L. Miller, of North Second street. LINGLESTOWN BOY WOUNDED Corporal Hermdn Runkel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant 8. Runkel, of Llnglestown, Is mentioned as wound ed in action on the casulty list of to day. The injury occurred on Novem ber 2. He is a membW of Company M, Twenty-third Regiment of In fantry. GET READY FOR COLD WEATHER We have received A liberal quan tity of coal and are In a position to take care of your winter require ments. Order now and be prepared for February cold weather. Wler man and Wlerman, Camp Hill, Pa. —Advertisement, f ' : . * . Jk Sliaffer's Last Flight We were soon on the road again with my appetite merely Increased by the little they had given me. True, 1 had half a loaf of bread In my sack, but Just let those two hungry birds see that and I would have none. It was a case of water all around but not a drop to drink, and cer tainly I was not going to offer to divide that bread with them. Not whll 0 I knew it, by golly, for I had been hungry enough at times slnqe being In the hands of the Boches to know the necessity of hanging onto any eats one could get. So t car ried the bread In my sack while I got more hungry and more hungry every step. The guards seemed to be as tired of marching as I was and soon stopped for rest and refreshment at a cheesery. Hpre I was given all the bitter milk I cared to drink, and was even given a pound block of cheese to take with me. The guards each had three, which probably was why I was allowed to keep mine. Besides the man who made the cheese was French and he had no mbre Business giving cheese to Boche than to me, but the Boche had bribed him with gifts of clgarets and cigars, and he fell hard, as you can see. Late in the afternoon we arrived at camp where on being brought be fore the commanding officers, I was ordered to remove my aviators boots. Not complying with the command right away I was threatened with a club. This was a case where dis cretion was the fetter part of valor, for deflnance om> meant that-1 would be beaten and knocked around a lot and then compelled to march along with the rest, and well 1 knew that my vitality was low enough then without the Boche lowering it any more with a clubbed rifle, so I re moved the boots and was given a pair of wooden shoes in exchange. Some bargian for the Boche, as the boots had cost me some 940 in Paris. Through an interpreter X explained this to him, saying that that was im properly and not the French govern ment. To this the Hun responded that the boots were merely taken from me to prevent my running away again, and would be given back when the camp went on the march I had little faith in the promise, but what could I do? Oh, they were clever thieves, all right, for It sure was an impossibility to escape with the shoes they had given me. They were not only wooden, but three sizes too large also. And say, did you ever try to walk in wooden shoes? o top it off I was sent to bed without supper, for the com mander thought I had not suffered sufficiently for my "sins." But be fore I left his August (?) presence he wanted to know why I had es caped, and through the interpreter he told me to be quite free about i what I said. I was more than that, I was incoherent, for the insolence to the question made me sore. To hear him talk It was an honor to be a prisoner under htm. Yes I was quite free in telling why I wanted to leave his camp so quickly, and all he did was laugh at my reference to "cooties" which was my biggest kick; and only smiled whep I spoke of the Insufficiency of food and blankets. I haven't forgotten that laugh, nor the smile, and if I ever catch said Boche after the w#r. Well— he better carry something bigger than a. bayonet and a spiked helmet. Instead of curing me of the etcaping fevr, he only made it worse. Golly! what wouldn't I have given to be aboard my spad, coming down on him with both guns work ing. Oh boy! I used to dream of the pleasure that would give me! Such dreams as this made life easier In this camp, for It sure was one sad place. Being only some 100 yards squitre, with merely a big barn for shelter, you can imagine 1,000 men were somewhat crowded there. Not only that, but there was no fire, It rained nearly every day, and many were compelled to sleep out side. Many died from exposure alone, and every morning there were a long list of sick. Only the worst cases were sent to the hospital, and they were no bad that even in the hos pitals they rarely rallied! As for the others who had to stay In the camp, they naturally got worse. Don Moment It seemed I had arrived at a "bon moment" as the Frenchmen put It, for they were Just beginning to get things to eat at the camp. During the five days I had been away it had been very bad indeed. They never got soup and sometimes not even the awful coffee, so you begin to see that my little "vacation" had come In at the right moment. The camp alone was enough to give one the "wlllys," for ths ground, walked over day by day by thousands of feet was soon one mass of mud. Ac tually it was up to one's knees, and then the commander wanted to know why we would persist In running away! With this state of affairs, there were prisoners missing every day, and among the first to escape were the two English aviators, but unfortunately, they were caught two days later only 8 miles from the Bel gian border. To prevent any more escaping the Boches doubled the guards, built another bobwire fence around the enclosure and increased 'the rollcalls from two a day to six. Thus, when I got into camp about all I did was answer rollcalls. Be tween times I walked around through the mild, watching the prisoners making their little fires and 'cooking up some of the worst concoctions under the sun. T'was nothing strange to see one'with a kettle full of po tato, carrot and turnip peelings, watching It hungerly as it cooked slowly over the fire. Wood wis nearly as scarce as food, and when one found a piece he slept on it till be needed it, else It would surely be stolen.* The same with food for the prisoners were so hungry by this time they would steal from each other. One slept on his eats, what little they were, or he found them missing In the morning. I know, because I trustingly left my sack hang by my bed the first night I re turned. The next morning my block of cheese was among the missing. The only consolation I had was that I had eaten nearly half of It the night before. After that I used any thing I had to eat for a pillow. Here I also met the adjutant who was to have escaped with me, and didn't. I wanted to know why li e had left me in the lurch. According to him, he entered the woods a little further up, and Just as he entered & Boche guard did also, and since the Boche put a revolver to his head and commanded him to return he naturally did, and there you are— and there I wasl Now that I wai back iq camp I found anything but pleasant slop ping around in the mud, with no fire la the barn and vary Uttla to eat. To make things worse, all the numerous small fires going In such a confined area made an awful lot of smoke. The barn was black with It and many suffered from sore eyes. "Back Home" Two days after I got back "home," we moved again. When the orders came I promptly aslced for my boots. Nothing doing. I had a pair of shoes on and they were good enough. Bo said £he Boche. It sure made me sore, and my Inability to do any thing to help matters made me even madder. Wooden shoes or not I was firmly decided on escaping again, but the Boche in command was a wise oia duck, and nipped any plans I might have had in the bud by mak ing me march In the front rank, right behind htm. Naturally, this posi tion of honor(7) gave me no chance to slip off, so I had to march along as best X could in my clumsy, ill fitting shoes. Wo marched 15 miles that day, which may not sound like much, but did you ever irf it* in wooden shoes? Believe me, my feet were so sore by nightfall I could hardly stand up, and what worried me more, was that my stockings were worn so full of holes, that It was more painful to walk with them than without them. How was I going to get through the next day 7 1 could expect no help from the Boche; for even had they the socks they would not give them to we prisoners, and I had to have something to put between my sore and blistered feet and the rough wood of my shoes. But I was too tried to solve the problem that night, besides 1 had other troubles. I slept In a horse trough, and had to fight for it ahat that and the fact that it was filled with bay made me very thankful Indeed. The next morning I went among my comrades and tried to buy a pair of socks. There were none for sale. Many had none at all, and had been wrapping hanker chiefs or old rags around their feet In lieu thereof for a long time. This was news to me, but it gave me an idea, cutting several square patches off my blanket 1 wrapped them around my feet and pulled the worn i sock over the whole. This helped a tot, for not only did it help fill up the shoe, but made a soft cushion Be tween my foot and the shoe. Just the same, by the end of the second day my feet were getting worse and X began gloomily to wonder how many more days there were ahead of us. I slept on the floor that night, and considered myself lucky, for many there were who had not a roof to cover them. The Third Night. The third night we stopped at a j large town where many more pris oners had arrived. It was a sort cf a Junction point, where ome would be sent to Germany and others to camps in Belgium. Naturally, all these prisoners coming down on them at once got the thick-headed Boche officials all rattled, and as usual, we prisoners suffered. There was no place for us to sleep and we were given nothing to eat. Furthermore, there was a biting wind coming tip and the sky gave promise of rain. A nice pass indeed with 1,000 of us cooped up in a small field with guards all around, who would not even allow us to go for water nearby. We did not want it to drink, but to cook some vegetables we carried. Of -course, we had our black bread —some of us did, for we had been given enough to last five days. That came to one loaf, somewhat* larger than a brick. With the most careful economy mime -lasted four days; others finished their's In three days, while still some other unfortunates had thetr's stolen. But we were all tired of existing on nothing but black bread and wanted some soup, something hot, something that would stick to the rib. 'After a great deal of kicking we got It, but we had to cook It ourselves, for several spoon fuls of flour, whole wheat and barley, a little salt and oleomarglne was doled out to each man, and believe me, dividing that stuff was no mean job, for the mixup around the tower of Babel had nothing on that buijch as every language under the sun was represented. After each man got his portion he would use his own judgment about the way he would eat it. Wood like water was scarce, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that permission could be gained to go after them, and then when the fires were all nicely going and it looked as f if we were due for one warm meal at least, the Boche canyO around and tramped the fires out, fearing they would draw some Allied bombing squadron that way. There surely was some funda tlon for this belief, for the sky had cleared and both stars and moon shown brightly; but little cared the prisoners for possible bombs. They were hungry and had not had a warm meal in three days, so when the Boche guards roared out the order for "all fires out," it was universally diso beyed. The only way they were put out was by the guards coming and tramp ing them out. We had ours going among tho lMt, for it took the guard some time to'get around to us. Y.".s I said we, for not having any kitchen utensils I dumped my share in with some Englishman, and the mixture was Just beginning to cook when the Boche tramped our fires out. Being too hungry to wait until morning and cook it right, we ate the half-cooked soggy mass as it was—and enjoyed it too. After that we tried to sleep, I don't know about the others, but it was not a howling sticcess for me; for although I had three blankets and three of us were rolled up to gether for warmth, the wind was so cold and penetrating that it went right through the blankets—and to think there are men who rave about the joys of camp life and having the milky way for a roof! This was the first time I had slept outdoors and believe me Its the lst time, because there Is too much room between the earth and "roof" for comfort. And judging from the feel of things someone must have left the' furnace go out. Golly, but my feet were cold! so about 2 a. m., I wrapped my puttees around them. That helped some. Incldentlly, th.ere were many prisoners who did not attempt tt sleep that night, as they had no blankets. To keep warm they walked back and forth across our small guarded field. Yes, I could consider myself lucky, even If I only had wooden shoes, and anyway, I was thankful it did not rain, else I would have surely been on the sick list next morning. That list was pretty long, as It was. I remember one prisoner, an Englishman, who- nearly died from exposure that night. He only had one blanket, and that, with his thin uniform (they never had an overcoat) was not sufficient to sleep out in that open wind blown field. In the morning we were divided Into several groups, and I was lucky enough to get In the one headed for | Germany, There were some 200 of us. and as we were supposed to be In bet ter condition than the other groups, j wo were marched very swiftly to ourj destination. That was a railroad center named Htrson, a distance of 20 miles from where we were. We were compelled to march that dis tance In four hours, without a rest, which Just about knocked me out, for with my big wooden shoes I sufffered considerable. 80 sore had my feet become by this time that I had de veloped a special step, a sort a shuf fle, In order to make the most speed with th 0 least effort. By the time we arrived at the town I was ready to drop, too tired even to make an efTort to get some of the gifts of bread that the French citizens en deavored to give us as we passed through. There were not many of these gifts, for only the boldest dared the anger of th n guards to give bread to their suffering comrades. There wasn't anything backward about the way the prisoners went after the gift thougn. I actually saw 20 or 80 surge right over a Boche guard to get a piece of bread a patriotic madam e was holding out a window and maybe that Boche wasn't froth ing at tho mouth when he regained his feet. It did not do much good, howeyer, as the bread had disappear ed, where, none knew of course. But the Boche soon had his revenge, for soon another piece of bread was held from a window. The Boche got there nearly as soon as the prisoners, and Immediately one of them grabbed it, he took it from him. It as If ther e would be fight right there, deaplte the fact that there wet*; Boche everywhere, ao the Boche guard, seeing the drift of opinion and not daring to keep himself, divided It In several pieces and doled It out to the prisoners that way, (To Be Continued) German Army of July, 1914, Remains in Skeleton Form OoMetuty Feb. 3.—lnformation reaching the Americans is to the ef fect that every infantry, artillery and cavalry regiment which was part of fhe German standing army in July, 1914, continues in existence, except some Alsace Lorraine regi ments which were dissolved. These regiments, the repotts agree, are now mere skeleton organizations, probably only a few numbering more than a thousand men each. Reserve regiments, whose organ izations existed prior to the war though they were not then in active service, apparently continue to ex ist. A few of these reserves are re ported to have been dissolved, but many are being identified from day to day in their normal depots. TWO LOCAL MEN ARE TREATED IN HOSPITAL Two Central Pennsylvania - sol diers, one. from Harrisburg and one from Duncannon, are included among the army overseas convales cents who have recently arrived at tho United States A'rmy General Hos pital No. 31 from the Embarkation Hospital at Camp Stuart, Va. The Harrisburg man is Corporal Frank W. Arter, of 1317 Marion street, who served with Company M of the Three Hundred and Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry. Paul F. Shope, private, first class, of the Machine Gun Com pany of the Three Hundred and Fourteneth Infantry, is the Duncan non man who is now being treated at Carlisle. STECKIEY'S SPECIAL 15 DAY SHOE SALE Every Pair of Shoes in Our Immense Stock Has Been Generously Reduced The Price Concessions Ranging All the Way From a 20 to 50 per cent The reductions generally range from 20 to 25 per cent., which represent unusual values, because the shoes were marked at remarkably low prices in the first place. Quality and style are to be considered in our shoes just as much as the special price reduc tions. All Widths AAA to EEJS All Sices 1% to 9. STECKLEY'S 1220 N. Third St. Near Broad St. Let us get your Clothes Ready NOW For Spring Let us dry clean your old clothes your suit, coat, dress, blouse, skirt or any other article of clothing that you need for spring. They will look like new after they have un dergone our modern and thorough method of dry cleaning and you will not be under the burden purchasing new clothes. We have been a great service in the past to thousands of people and we can be of the same service to YOU. All Work Delivered Promptly. Finkelstein 1134 Market St. .1322 N. 6th St. Engineers Meet New Highway Commissioner Tho fifteenth district engineers at tho State Highway Department met Highway Commissioner Lewla fl, Sadler to-day for tho first time and were briefly addressed on the gen ial road building plan, Afterwards extended conferences were held with Chief Engineer W, D. Uhler and Deputy Commissioner George H. Riles, in charge of maintenance, rite Dauphin county court to-day postponed until Wednesday the hearings In the cases against a num ber of trust companies to annul charters because of nonuser. The proceedings in tho Castle Shannon Savings and Trust Company wera dropped as it had been dissolved by; the Allegheny county courts. Tho borough of Warren to-day complained to the Public Service Commission against the servioe of the Warren Water Company. Major W. C. Miller, medical corps, has returnedto his duties In the State Health Department, and Lieu tenant W. R. Main, Navy, has re sumed his duties an auditor of tha Highway Department, Jolui D. Rrenle, of the General's Department, was much congratulated to-day. It was hh twenty-first birthday. The telephone injunction case will be heard by the Dauphin county court to-morrow afternoon. Attor ney General Schaffer will appear for the state. The Hoard of Charities nomina tions will go to the Senate to-night. FUNERAL FLOWERS IPECUtI Beautiful Spray, $3.00 Keeney's Flower Shops 814 N. D ST. 157 If. FRONT ST. Klarrlabnrc Bteclt^n The Sight Changes Eyes otherwise perfect are si most certain to require help for reading and other near work be tween the ages of forty and forty five and thereafter, owing to a hardening of the crystalline lens of the eye which interferes with focusing at near points. The ne cessity for holding a book or paper away in order to see the print clearly indicates this condi tion, and an optometrist should be consulted. _j0 1 lil hULLP Permanently located at 12 N. MARKET SQUARE Second Floor
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