10 VOTERS TO PASS ON $50,000 LOAN IN NOVEMBER Comniissioncr Lynch to Put Paving Problem Before General Electorate An ordinance directing that voters should decide at the November elec tion whether $50,000 shall be loaned to pay for paving street intersections and before non-assessable properties was introduced in Council to-day by Commissioner W. H. Lynch, super intendent of the highway depart ment. Mr. Lynch explained that it was necessary to continue the city's pav ing program by improving North Cameron street, from Calder to Ma clay; Herr, from Cameron to Four teenth, and Chestnut and Nineteenth streets around the new Edison Jun ior High school building. An invitation Was received by Council that the commissioners learning, -fey liver, bow but there is / els or kid a plain road neys are not to health — acting natur easy to find, 1 ally, a dose or simple to follow. twoofßeecham's The signs to Pills will give the heed on the needed assist health road are: ance to renew the moderate eating, healthy activ moderate drink- ity of these im ing, proper ex- portant organs, ercise, sufficient These depend sleep, bodily able family pills I cleanliness and are prompt, safe regular move- and effective, ments of the kid- and to all who neys and bowels, need guidance, These organs they point the point the way to way to renewed At All Druggist*, 10c, 25c. Directions of special value to women are with every box. 432 MARKET STREET License No. G-35305 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th STEAKS. I #■% | Iltli ROAST OQ ROUND J| | CHUCK ROAST 4SOC SIRLOIN SHOULDER CUT Or* PIN BONE | 1 ENGLISH CUT ZOC Fresh Spare Ribs 18^ Small Picnic Hams 28^ COOKED' I BEEF HEARTS 1 C FIGS' FEET' 1 r\\ I KIDNEYS IOC COOKED TRIPE .. 1 £* 2 C J "RRAINS 12V2C Sliced Liver 3 lbs. for 25^ Fancy Cut Pork Chops 30^ Compound, used as lard 25^ Lincoln or B. B. Butterine ] MARKETS IX FUTY-SLX PRINCIPAL CITIES OF M STATES packing PLANT, CHICAGO. ILL. PEORIA, ILL Bell 4838 Dial 3114 THE VALET Should Be Your Valet 404 N. Second Street "Where Cleaning Is an Art" MICKEY TUESDAY EVENING, RUUUSBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1919 should attend the Roosevelt memor ial servtces February 9. The council men accepted the invitation and will attend in a body. Upon petition an ordinance was read which, when passed finally, will close Kim street, from Sixteenth to Juniper streets. Three firms, includ ing two manufacturing plants and a laundry, asked to have the small stretch of roadway stricken from the city plot. Commissioner K. Z. Gross, in another ordinance which was introduced, is authorized to sell 'a small triangular piece of ground to the Sanitary Washing Company for $350. . Commissioner S. F. Hassler pre sented an ordinance authorizing ad vertising for bids for 2,500 feet of i cable to be used for underground I extensions, from Court and Liberty to [ Briggs and Cowden streets. He also introduced a measure directing the installation of two arc lights, one at Seventh and Division and another at Twenty-first and Whitehall streets; a 100-candle power incandescent light at South and River streets, and a 100-watt light in Edward street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Commissioner Lynch suggested to the commissioners that better light ing should be provided soon for the Fourteenth ward, after the ordinance was read locating new lights. The other councilmen agreed that the re ccntly annexed territory, will be con sidered first in placing more arc I lights. Commissioner Hassler was author -1 ized to buy about fourteen tons of : six-inch pipe and special castings to , be used for water main extensions in the Fourteenth wiyd. The pipe was offered to the city at $45 a ton while the present, market price is $7l. It will be shipped to the city from Huntingdon. Harry W. Kceny was appoirtted as sistant city assessor with an annual salary of SI,SOO upon motion of Com missioner C. W. Burtnett, the ap pointment dating from January 1. Mr. Kceny has been connected with the office of City Assessor James C. I Thompson since last summer when I work was started on the triennial as sessment in the city. He has had a number of years of experience with | one of the larger realty firms of Har- I rlsburg, handling many transactions | and keeping close touch with the sale and purchase of properties both in Harrlsburg and nearby places. Commissioner Gross was author ized to purchase a new automobile for the city mechanician for $9OO, the one In use to be turned over to the Harrisburg Auto Company. BRIEFS FROM THE BIG NEWSEVENTS . By Associated Press Mnuch Chunk, Pn. —William R. But ler, of East Mauch Chunk, a member of the board of directors of the Le high Valley Railroad Company, died here t.o-day of heart disease. He was 69 years old. Knoxvllle, Tenn. —Dr. Brown Ayres, president of the University of Tenn essee since 1904, and widely known In Southern educational circles, died here to-day after a brief Illness. He was 62 years of age. Newport News. The battleship Nebraska arrived here to-day with about 1,000 officers- and men from Fisance, most, of whom will he sent to New York, New Jersey and Kansas for demobilization. Brockton, Mass. Anarchists lit erature such as has been circulated in other parts of the country made Its appearance here to-day. Leaflets bearing the caption "Go-head" which may have been a misprint for "go ahead" were found in several door ways. Albany, N Y. The fight over rati fication of the Federal prohibition amendment, which was won by the drys in the assembly last week, shift ed to the Senate to-day. The com pletion of ratification by the New York Legislature either to-day or to morrow was predicted. New York. —The Standard Oil Com pany of New Y'ork tnvdny advanced the price of refined petroleum for ex port one cent a gallon, making cases 20.25 cents; tanks 9.25 cents and standard white In barrels 17.25 cents. Fat That Shows Soon Disappears Prominent fat that comes and stays where It Is not needed is a burden; a hindrance to activity, a curb upon pleasure. You can take off the fat where it shows by taking after each meal and at bedtime, one Marmola Prescription Tablet. These little tab lets are as effective and harmless as the famous prescription from which they take their name. Buy and try a case to-day. Your druggist sells them at 75 cents or If you prefer you may write direct to the Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich. You can thus say good-bye to dieting. sMrcise and fat.—Advertisement. POSLAM BRINGS JOY ON CLEAR HEALTHY SKIN To skin that once was eruptional and unsightly Poslum brings again the glow of health for many. And what relief when blemishes long tol erated are at last disposed of! A high ly consentrated healing power quali fies Poslain for this work. Like a pacifying balm to burning, Irritated surfaces. Y'ou should not suffer should not. allow any skin disorder to remain in evidence one day longer without finding out just what Pos lam can do for it. Sold everywhere For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St.. New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos lam, brightens, beautifies complex ions. £OLDS Head or cheat— JktuL are best treated ffflW, TiaHißi NEW PRICES —3oc. 60c. $1.20 HOME MADE TEA FOR CONSTIPATION Is used by entire families be cause it is purely vegetable, does the work and costs very little Why pay high prices for Liver and Bowel remedies when none ure better than Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea. which is purely vegetable, can be brewed at home, and a small package will last a long time? Thousands of old people will tell you they have been drinking It for years, and after the liver and bowels have 'been put in fine condition in a few days by a before-bedtlme cut>, that only an occasional cup Is after wards necessary to keep one feeling fit and fine. People who drink a cup of Dr. Carter's K. and 14. Tea once In while, seldom. If ever, have any bil ious attacks, sick headache or sallow skin. It's good for boys and girls, especially those who are peevish and fretful. Druggists have been sell ing it. for many years. If He Drinks Give Him TESCUM POWDERS Secretly Any mother, wife or sister can ■top the Drink Habit, if she wants to do so. Thousands of women are happy today because they gave their husbands, sons or brothers "Tescum Powders." The powders are taste less and harmless and can bs given in either liquid or solid food. You take no rlak as Tescum Pow. ders are sold under a steel-bofind money-refund guarantee by J. Nel son Clark and other druggists. i hOH AUNTY" AT ; THEMAJESTIC - Fashion Show Is Feature At • traction; Ventriloquist in Novelty Number L "Oh Aunty," a fashion revue, was x the feature of last night's bill at the Majestic theater. While the musical | setting could have been improved upon, the gowns were very beauti ful. • Sea bury and Price—Billed as s song painters," the two artists were. , splendid in painting but lacked the > voice to go with it. Their paintings were really excellent. Maria This clever little accordion ist won loud applause for her excellent presentation of a number of popuia'r songs and a lew of the classics. The .'J I ®. "Quartet from Kigol ette was one of her big numbers. tx, u MAJESTIC ? BS , V ulevllle—'"Oh, Aunty!" /J}} 1 a i,. comedy Fashion Show; William Ebbs, ventriloquist; Sea „i". y u* 1 ?, i>r ' ce . novelty entertain f.-. Kedington and Grant, in an !iPjV > L the ," nU l ,ute vaudeville offer ingr, Maria, female accordioniate. ' , ORRHEUM To-night— 'Miss Blue Eyes." 10-murrow and Thursday, with daily i , i'T.' 11 Kentucky." in*! "'j*' l ! and Saturday matinee and night, January 31 and Febru ary I—"Seven Days' Eeave." Monday, night only, February 3 Ihe Very Idea." Tuesday night and Wednesday, mati nee and night, February 4 and 6 Ludy*! GeSt ° ffer "° h ' _ COLONIAL " Be Keniled Y in "A Per- Wednesduy and Thursday Bert Lytell in i'he Spender." Friday and Saturday Constance Talmadge in ''Who Cares?" _ REGENT To-day—Billie Burke In "The Make- Believe Wife, and a Sennett com edy. Wednesday and Thursday Dorothy Dalton in "Quicksands," and u Sen nett comedy, "The Pullman Bride." Friday and Saturday Charles Ray i l }, String tfeanii," and "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arbuckle in "The Sheriff." _ VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow—William Fox presents the motion picture won derful, The Land of the Free." Thursday "Billie" Rlioades in "The Girl of My Dreams." Fr .!n y nd Saturday Houdini in Ilie Master Mystery." and Tom Mix in "Treat 'Em Rough." Madge Kennedy will be seen in "A Perfect Lady for the last times to . night. There is no reason At the to doubt that the screen Culonlul success will duplicate the success scored by the stage production from which it is taken. It Is beautifully photographed, brim ful of breezy comedy, and alive with quick, snappy action. Also, the story holds to the end, # providing- a pretty "> bleasing climax. Charming . Kennedy's engaging smile and natural grace endow the role of Mary Higglns" with magnetic ap peal. Miss Kennedy, as the saucy burlesque queen, later translated Into a courageous maiden, who wins the clergyman's heart, furnishes really delicious comedy, delicately shaded pathos, the net result being a performance warranted to please her many admirers. She is adequate ly supported by a brilliant cast, every member of which contributes to the feature'/? success. The Victoria management an nounces the motion picture wonder .. I" 1, .. " r 2 ,e Land of the i . J ree . tlnal showings to- A Ictorlii day and to-morrow. v. . ~T he , Btor y of General Pershing s life is bound to be of uni versal interest these days, but few of us dreamed how intensely interest ,, would be until we saw the William Fox film, entitled, "The Land or the 1" ree," that was shown at the Victoria Theater yesterday. Of one thing we are assured: No man in public life has had so re markable a career as this leader of the American columns in France. All who saw the wonderful photoplay were thrilled by a new patriotism and admiration for those who ure fighting for the great cause. "Miss Blue Eyes." a sparkling new musical comedy, will be at the Or pheum to-night. There is "Miss not a dull moment for two Blue hours and a half. The plot Eyes" fairly radiates with laugh ter and the music is the kind that lingers with you after you have left the theater. "Miss Blue Eyes" comes here in three acts of continuous laughter, with forty peo ple and the original New York big production. The chorus is said to be one of the best-looking and most graceful ever seen off Broadway The Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal says: " 'Miss Blue Eyes,' one of the best musical comedies that ever came to Akron this season, got under way at the Grand Opera House Thursday, holding the undivided attention of two large audiences. 'Great' was the word probably most used by the patrons of the matinee nnd evening performances. The company is made up of comedians, dancers and singers of excellence, and the plot und music is strictly of the better class." "Seven Days' Leave," the big spec tacular London military drama, will be presented at the Or "Seven pheum, Friday night and Days' Saturday, matinee und Leave" night. It is now in its eighteenth month of a con tinuous run at the Lyceum Theater, London, Hngland, and recently clos ed a six months' run at the l'ark Theater, New York, to tremendous business. The story of the play concerns principally a rollicking young major, back in London on a leave of ab sence, with buoyancy and heart enough to fall in love with a certain young woman, who ardently welcomes his wooing. But Cupid hus fairly opened his eyes to" this affair, when enters again slnisterly the clutch of the conlllct, whose roars can still he heard within the bowers, und from romance the play instantly stiffens to the tense thrill of danger for both the furlough's princln„l und his fiancee, and, indeed, all about them, who are dear to both. Many of the phases of life In London us it as pres ent—hazards of spies, leveling of castes, awakening of a finer spirltuul note—full into the alembic. There is a thrilling denouement when a submarine is exploded in view of the audience. "The Very Idea." one of the clev erest and wittiest of comedies, Is coming to the Orpheum next "The Monday evening. It Isn't a Very play for children, but it will Iden" prove a real laughing treat for file sophisticated of all ages, and will be presented hero with a real cast of metropolitan play ers. They say that it is delicately Indelicate or indelicately delicate, which ever you prefer. But it is never vulgar, In spite of the fact that Its subject is a matter, which once on a timfe, was never discussed openly. In any event. It was just what New 1 York seemed to like, for It conies here Scene From the Great Ameri can Play, "In Old Kentucky," at the Orpheum Tomorrow --•--f'-v -- - Theatergoer* will welcome their old friend back to the Orpheum to morrow and Thursday, with dally nin ttnees, when "In Old Kentucky" re turns. bringing one of the best cast s ever given this popular play, to gether with the pickaninny band an d the thoroughbred race horses ,and d the thoroughbred race horses, and this one of the most valuable pieces of theatrical property in existence. Shows, like men, may come and go, but "In Old Kentucky," like Tennyson's brook, bids fair to go on forever'. A parade a block long will be given at noon, and the Whangdoodle Picka ninny band will give a concert in front of the theater before each per formance. almost direct from a long run at the I Astor Theater. The charm of the play lies in the crispy dialog as well as its unique theme. "Oh. Aunty!" is the title of an elaborate production appearing at the Majestic, the early half of At the the present week. It is a Majestic Fashion Rdv'ue,'worked out along musical comedy lines, and while the spectatftr is getting a glimpse of the very latest ih wearing apparel, he or she is also given a little entertainment on the side, such as a bit of comedy or a tuneful mel ody. The act is lavishly staged and well resented by eight people, most of whom ore girls, who look their prettiest in chic hats, beautiful even ing gowns, etc. le bill surrounding this attraction is certain to please, and includes the following acts: Wil liams Ebbs, in a very clever ven triloquial offering; Maria, attractive young girl, in a repertoire of popular selections on the piano accordion the type of act that always appeals to ITarrisburgers; Kedlngton and Grant, novelty entertainers, and Sea bury and Price, resenting something unusual along vaudeville lines. Dorothy Dalton will appear in her newest photoplay,*. "Quicksands," at the Regent Theater to-mor- At the row and Thursday. This Hegent great drama is a revelation of the life of a cabaret girl behind the scenes. The wife of a bank cashier wrongfully accused of a crime and wrongfully imprisoned she is forced to sing in the cabaret for her living. She displays a tre mendous amount of power in her de lineation of the role. A comedy. "The . Pullman Bride," will also be shown. Billie Burke is appearing to-day at the Regent in her newest and best picture, "The Make-Believc Wife." In ] it she displays exquisite daintiness J and dramatic talent. A Sennett com edy is also on the bill. "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arbuckle is scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday In ' his latest picture, "The Sheriff." Bushman Murder Trial Opens; Select but Two Jurymen From 40 Called Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 28.—Tho opening of the trial of the Bushman murder ease has been delayed longer than had been expected. It was the middle of the afternoon before Clar ence Collins, one of the youths who is alleged to have confessed as one of the sluyers of George Bushman, was taken into the court room. The Grand Jury held the case longer than it was thought they would and the true bill against Collins was not returned to the court until the aft ernoon was partly gone. It was then decided that separate trial of Col lins and lleinecker should be held. Attorneys on both sides bad agreed that the men could be tried together, but the court held that as all the charges and bills of indictment had been made out separately, the men should be tried separlely. A true bill was also found against Retnceker, but it had been determined to try Collins first. The work of selecting the jury began immediately. Al though nbout forty men have been called and examined, only two have been accepted. Capitol Hill Notes SchnlTor to Act. Proceedings to restrain the telephone companies of Pennsylvania fwun putting into effect tlie increased rates ordered by the federal government will be taken in the Dauphin county court late to-day or to-morrow by Attorney General Schaffer. The attorney general was In conference with the Public Service Commissioners to-day and said that he was having the papers prepared for as early action as possible. The elTect of this action will be to re quire the telephone companies to de fend the Increase. Mr. Nnumnn Aained. Albert B. Welmer, the new reporter of supreme court decisions, who took the oath of office before Secretary of the Com monwealth Woods to-day, appointed Spencer Gilbert Nauman, a member of the Dauphin county bar and resi dent. of Harrisburg, as assistant. Bi-nesia Relieves Gas In Stomach In Five Minutes or you can have your money buck for the asking. If you suffer from gas tritis indigestion, dyspepsia—if food lies like lead In your stomach and you cannot sleep at night because of i the awful distress go at once to Geo. A Gorgus or any other good druggist and get a package of lll neMln Tablets. Take two or three after eacli meal or whenever pain is felt, and you will soon be telling vour friends how you got rid of stom ach trouble. Be sure to ask for lll nexla, every genuine package of which contains a binding guarantee of satisfaction or money back. I Dont Catch Cold I and allow it to ma falo PaeumoaU. At the bnt •niffje, tMeze, ton throat or headache take iomr Salfo-Quinme' t.bie** to bntlt upwl cold tat f*w houn. No donation* Ctloowl tod M bod Jittd ofteta si whonquinintitabooolooo. ALL DIUOOISTS Geo. A. Gorsot' 3 Storpo. Htiriibin. P>. T*! Throe Lj rj | wmyo to r ci- utst JL weight Particulars mailed Free to any address, HallCbem, Co.Pjjgs.B-sfl-st.UuU.Mas •'; . .l; J- "j* i/ Bill to Prevent Ticket Scalping Goes In Among the bills introduced in the House to-day was one by Mr. Cans, Philadelphia, forbidding sale of theater tickets for more than the price printed on the face of the ticket under penulty of $5O to $5OO fine or 30 days in jail. A bill establishing a state fisher man's license of one dollar, was in troduced by Mr. Powell. Luzerne. This bill aroused much discussion in the session of 1917. Two amendments to the public service law were Introduced. Mr. Allum, Mercer, presented one that new rates shall not be effective until approved by the commission. The present law provides that rates may be effective on thirty days' notice. The other from Mr. Shunk. Erie, gives the commission authority to suspend rates. Rills presented Included: Author izing county treasurers to retain ten cents on hunters' licenses. Mr. Benchoff, Franklin—Providing that pupils not presenting certificates of successful vaccination may be ex pelled from school. Mr. Pulmer, Schuylkill, introduc ed a hill reguluting payment to the state of unclaimed shares from as sets of corporations and providing for refunds; providing for payment to the state without escheat of un claimed deposits upon proceedings by the Attorney General and provid ing that state fiscal officers mav make refunds instead of requiring a suit in the Dauphin county court. The House adjourned at 11.45 a. m. until 10 a. m. Wednesday. Lorraine With Shaffer on Board Still at Sea , Friends of Walter D. Shaffer, the Dauphin aviator in service for months with the French flying corps, who was expected homo to-day, learned that the Lorraine, the steamer on which he sailed for the United States, has not arrived yet. Adjutant Shaf fer will be given a big reception by tiie residents of the borough north of the city. While in service he was awarded the Croix do Guerre. Later h e was captured by the Germans, but was liberated after the signing of the armistice. I if i II Only You j I Knew j S I j what you were going ? S to read in Friday's ? I ' ? ? Telegraph. I'm tempt- 9 0 8 0 ed to tell. But No, — j 0 • 0 j you must wait. It will j • be a pleasant surprise. ? ? I'm safe in saying 9 0 o 0 that 0 1 9 WAYNE COAL CO. Net earnings now in excess of 30% on outstanding stock Now selling below its par value of $5 Listed and actively traded in on New York Curb. Coinplct- circular HT free on request EHRICH & COMPANY A yrmktn N.Y. Exchange 67 Eachange Place, N. Y. City 2ScS/f For Colds, Grip and Influenza Call at Geo. A. Gorgaa' 3 Stores lor a box of King's Antlaaptlc Catarrh Craam. It opens up the head and allows free breathing. Wonderful reeulta—Kills germs—Heals sore membranes. STATE DEPT. WILL BE MODERNIZED Bill Presented in Senate Said to Have Approval of Governor A bill reorganizing the Depart ment of the Secretary of the Com monwealth, \yhich has been operat ing under a salary list more than a quarter of a century old, was intro duced in the Senate to-day by Sen ator Crow, Fayette. The bill is un derstood to have the approval of the Governor. The salary of the Secretary of the Department remains at $B,OOO and the deputy is to be puld $4,000. The bill divides the department into six bureaus. The executive bureau with a chief clerk in charge will look after the work of the board of pardons. The other divisions of the department will be a bureau of corporation with a chief at $4,000, an assistant and eleven other clerks who will handle all charters and similar work; commission bureau with a chief at $3,000 and three clerks who will look after all com missions and bonds; election and legislative bureau with a superin tendent at $3,000 and two clerks; requsition and warrant bureau with a chief clerk at $2,000 and two re cording clerks, and a registration bureau with a chief clerk at $2,500. The bill makes very few increases in the force. It places the work of the Board of Pardons on a definite busis instead of a number of places carrying salaries of a few hundred dollars a year. The department has lost a number of skilled men in the last few years as the salaries paid in other branches of the state gov ernment and various vocations were higher than authorized by law for the State Department. Secretary Cyrus E. Woods said to day that the reorgaplzation of the department and the redistribution of the employes would bring about more efficiency in the operation of the department. Among the bills presented to the Senate this morning was one by Sen ator Sassuman lterks, giving women COLONIAL MADGE KENNEDY —IX— A Perfect Lady WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Bert Lytell THE SPENDER ORPHEUM ONLY" 11 ' 1 " HARVEY D. THE HAPPIEST OF ALL MUICAL COMEDIES MISS BLUI [ICS BY GEO. V. H(3ART —with— -3 ACTS OF CONTINUOUS LAUGHTER 22—SONG Hl'S—22 Captivating Chorus of BroatVay's Prettiest Girls. Prices, 2 DAYS TOMORROW JAN. 29 —MATINEE DAILY ROWLAND— CLIFFOID—GATTS (INC.) Presents the Most Populjr Play Ever Written TIVT | I j. I | I ml THE fllllTKI) AND I f EXCITING IBIRSE RACE the Famous Kentucky TioitOUUHUHED, tUEEN BESS ■ ■■ I 1 THE lOM.ICKING FUN OF THE ■ ■■ill f INIMITABLE l'K'K ANINNIES KENTUCKY WRITTEN B1 C. T. DAZEY 3 KENTUCKY THOROUGHBRED HORSES 3 DDIfCC MATINEES and 90^ rixltLiU NIGHTS i 25£ to $lOO 2 DAYS S NG JAN. 31 PEC'IAIi MATIJKE SATURDAY TREMENDOUS TRiUMPH AND MOST SENSATIONAL SUCCESS IN A DECADE A ROMANTIC TALE OF LOVE AND VAL*R FULL OF SUSPENSE AND EXCITEMEN" THE SORT OF A PLAY THAT MAKES YOUR H.O>D TINGLE NO | Not a Pictue NOTABLE CAST MASSIVE PRODLCTON PDirCC Matinee, Nights, to $1.50. equal rightsftdth men, as stock aa< officeholders!!! corporations, and if) other by Sejator McConnell, Nbrth umberland, Authorizing county c<±> trollers of with population between IOiOOO and 150,000 to ap point a solfitor, and to fix his al ary. I / The Sende adjourned at noorfun til 9 p. mJMonday. To Eemove Dandruf Get a mall bottle of at any d(ug store for a tej cents pour a li(|lo into your liand.nd rut well into;the scalp with tp flngei tips. By horning most, If rft all, o; this awfil scurf will have ed. Two) or three applica' orls tvll destroy /very bit of danrfuff; stoj scalp itcllng and falling sir. How's This? We ofer $lOO.OO for 0 case ol catarrh that cannot b cured bj HALL'S CATAIIRH MEjCINE. IIALL/S CATARRH AfDICINE h taken internally and actihrough th< Blood tti the Mucous Spaces of the System, Sold by druggists C over fortj years. Price 75c. TestimoiVls free. F. J. Cheney & Co.,bledo, Ohio. Regent "heater — Tod | Final Slio'K of BILLIE URKE "The Make Bieve Wife," mid Sentij Comedy. Tomorrow Thnrmday DOROTH DALTON In Her Ilelense, "Qui^ands." BENNE7 COMEDY, "The l'lfrnn Pride." Thurndny, Snturdny "Fat ty" (lts/> Arbtickle In "Tf Sheriff." J VI(TORIA To-ilnv, (Tile Chaplin In "THE HIVAIi Alno Stu ■tendons Fox Motion I'lc turc Wonif"!' "THE LAM) OF THE Fit El l'! ,e Idle of Caeneral John J. I'eAli'K- May Evans will King the Niitlf" fong Success, "MICKEY/ Thnrsdii— BILLY IIIIOADK In "THE til? OF MY DRHAMS." Frldur /> d Satlirdny—llOl DIM, In "THE{ASTER MYSTERY" nnd Tom Ml v 1 "TREAT 'EM ROUGH." All M Week The gJWMMMMI Mack snett Comedy Thunder bolt, "MKEY." Adinlssi. the and 20c and wnr tax
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers