¥Oll CAN FIND TIE POSITION YOU OUGHT TO HATE THOUGH A CLASSIFIED AH- 2?eatl3S M RAINING —Suddenly on Wedues av. January 22, 1919. Hazel B. 'omraining. died at the residence d her uncle, Harry M. \S alker, ~oi luench street. ■"unenil services will be held from he above address on Friday even iig at 7 o'clock, remains will be alten to Oover on Saturday morn ng. Burial at Delta on Monday iiorning. , ILK - C. H. Sible died on Wednes ay at his late home. Oyster Point venue. Camp Hill, 67 years, 'uucral services will be held Satur uy, at 2 o'clock. He is survived y his wife, one daughter, Mrs. S. A. ireene; two granddaughters and brother. E. M. Sible. Body can be iewed Friday evening, from 7 to 9. • LOST AND FOUND , U ST On P. & K. train. Thurs *. between Lebanon and llairis ■g. bluck leatner wallet, containing money, but papers valuable onl> owner. Finder, please return to W. Lee, care of Urpbeum 1 heater nager. ' ,OST On inauguration night, a jk fur neckpiece, between Fourth net entrance of Capitol Building 1 west side of south wing. A suit c'reward it' returned to 2134 North olid street. ost Corner Market and Dew ry streets, lady's gold wristwatch. d face—roman numerals. Rett ai d eturned to Mrs. J. W. Roshon, e-J rket street. 'OI'ND On November 15, in ths u mains near Rockvill©, a. gold ring h fraternity markings. Owner ma> ure same at Telegraph Office by vine property and paying ior tnis ertisement. ______ INSTRUCTIONS NDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg irthand. Typewriting, ikweeping, Penmunsnip. Arithmetic, DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Ol EN L YEAR. Entor any time. Bell bCKLi 4 ? I®' 1 ®' BUSINESS COLLEGE. Marvel St. Chas. P.. Berkley. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED AT $2,000 TO $O,OOO A YEAR ountants, Bookkeepers, Ledger Clerks, Cashiers, General Office Employes. apable applicants are wanted to e up traintng at once, wUnout iu iference with their present duties, important positions with the large erican industries, railroads busi s corporations and the U. s. Lot inent Big salaries now are being red to men and women trained In HIGHER ACCOUNTING. ur organization, the largest and i equipped of its kind, Has been ed upon to train men and women executive positions, ost and General Accountants to litate industrial expansion, figure ts accurately and calculate Federal _)me and Excess Profit luxes. ' Auditors Cost Accountants Junior Accountants Senior Accountants Certified Tublic Accountants Te make available to you the di personal guidance of the largest f of legal and business experts, tiding Certified Public Account * and members of the American itute of Accountants, ever organ l for training men and women. KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEPING IS UNNECESSARY > train you from the ground up. idreds of men whom we have help to bigger paying positions report ry increases from 100 to 400 per t. more than they formerly earn- In writing for .particulars state , present occupation, and. if pos e your telephone number. All niunicutions strictly confidential. Address H.. 6585, Care 1 OUNG MEN 1.6 and over, are ible for government Railway Mail •ks. $92 month. Examinations i. For free particulars, write J. .eonard (former Civil Service Ex ner). 426 Kenois Building, Wash ;on. 'ANTED Grocery salesman for iberiand Valley trade. Must have irience and reference. Address 40. care of Telegraph. ANTED Tire salesman. Must s experience and reference. Ad s' Box H, 6960, care Ilarrisburg graph. AN Over 25 years, wanted to k for Grand Union Tea Co. Refor s required. Apply 208 North Sec street. lOCERY CLERK WANTED— Ex -need. Permanent position. Good es to right party. Address L, . care of Telegraph. ANTED Man to gell the stock bank. One with some e.4perlenco do well. Address C„ 6353. care elegraph. ANTED Moulders for stove and sral work. Good pay and steady t. Atlantic Radiator Company, tingdon. Pa. ANTED, BARBER Steady man. or address, 36 Court street, ANTED A good boy for store t. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., North Second street. ANTED Automobile repair 's helper. Good opportunity for incement. Apply IU3 Market JTCHER AND MEAT CUTTER t'TED No other. Apply 175 h Front street, .Steelton, Cut -1 Meat Market. ANTED White boy, over 16 s old. Apply E. P. Howard Co., North Sixth street. FOR SALE IOE REPAIR SHOP 'ully equipped with machinery I motor power, including fix es, tools, and stock. Good lo ion. Price 9750 iller Brothers & Co. Real Estate ttranre Surety Bond. ..if C.orf streets mbera Hhg. Real Estate Board FRIDAY EVENING. HXKRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 24, 1919. HELP WANTED—MAIJE LINOTYPE OPERATORS WANTED WflrhAve positions for four -ylinotype operators and j|6veral good lloormen. ' APPLY I&VRRY A. FRY,. Telegraph Composing ... E Room. IV • J, ' * J • SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M., 6541,' Care of Telegraph. a i ' *> AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY KEYSTONE MOTOR CAR CO., 57 SqUTII CAMERON ST. JANITOR WANTED For store. Miist have Experience. 116 Market street. HELP WANTED —FEMAIJE TO THE GIRL OR WOMAN DESIRING PERMANENT REGULAR EMPLOY MENT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing Machine Operators, and can assure regular work; the high efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms being pleasant and cheerful, opera tors can earn good wages. In experienced operators are paid while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Reily and Fulton Streets. LONG-DISTANCE OPERATORS WANTED Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR. CUMBERLAND VALLEY TELE PHONE CO., 227 Walnut Street. EX P E RIEXC E D CANVASSERS — The Atlantic Refining Co. needs several good canvassers for work 111 the city and suburbs. Apply at office, 2207 North Seventh street, between 8 and 9 o'clocKA. M , and 5 and 6 o'clock P. M. GIRLS WANTED •FOR MARKING AND SORTING. CITY STAR LAUNDRY, ' SIXTH AND HfStlß STS. 1 WANTED - Girl fof general house work in family of two. Apply Mrs. S. K. tScliriver, 1 428 Regina. Bell 1489. , WANTED Waitress, at 3102 North Third street. Good wages N to right party. WANTED An assistant matron : at the Home for Friendless Children, Reading, Pa. Address Hannah M. Cotterel, 313 North Fifth street, Read ing, Pa. WANTED —Girl for general house work. $6 to $8 per week, according to ability. Apply 2133 Green street. Bell phone 4059. WANTED - Woman to keep house for elderly folks. Good home. . In quire 3561s South Front street. Steel tpn. Pa- ■- WANTED Young girl to learn to polish jewelry* Must be honest and well rfeeommefideU. L. Kamsky, 26 North Third street. WANTED Maid foi; general housework. Good home and good wages. Call at 3003 North Front street. Take Riverside ear and get oft at Academy. Phone Bell 1371.11. WANTED Clerk for office work. Must be able to operate typewriter. Address Box H. 6961, care of Har risburg Telegraph. WANTED Girl, or woman, for general lidusework. Must know how to cook. No washing. Apply at>29 North Second street. WANTED Cashier and book keeper 'combined; also one porter Good wages to right parties. Apply at Sweetland, 331 Market street. WANTED Girls to assist at soda fountain in evening. Must be over 21 $l,OO per evening. Apply at Rose's" Second and IN alnut. * WANTED Stenographer for office work. State experience, if any, and salary expected. Address D„ 6954 care of Telegraph. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrlsburg. December 7. 12 000 women clerks needed. Salary. $1,200 Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Terry (former CSvll Service Examiner). 4(7 Columbian Building, Washington. YOUNU WOMEN WANTED T 6 learn sboemaklng. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Ilarrisburg Shoe Manufacture j Ing c<;.. 1403; Vrnon street. WANTED Ftrsr and second maid white preferred, for small family. Ap ply 2138 North Third street. t WANTED Girl, or middle-aged woman, light housework. Family of I two. Good home. Bell phone 1042 R. SALESMEN WANTED THE, BUJ4STRAND ADDING MA CHINK CO. is ready to open territory in this city and vicinity. A representative will be appointed, with guaranteed territory, who will work on a commission basis. Machines will be furnished on con signment. but the agency will be given only to a responsible man with the best possible character refer ences. showtng an entirely clear record. Experience in high grade specialties preferable, but not essen tial. You need not apply unless you are prepared to give your entire atten tion to the Sunstrand, and are able to flnance yourself until sales are made. If you comply with the above re quirements. telephone our 1 District superintendent. Mr. J. Hanson Kerr, at tbe Penn-Harris Hotel, Thursday evening, between 7:30 and 9:30 P. M.. or Friday, from 10 A. M. to noon and 1 to 3 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE SALESMAN. of productive type, twelve * ears' experience in wholesale and retail lines, is desirous of , connecting with a reliable concern in Ilarrisburg, on or about April 1. Address BOX H, 7020, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Position, by first-class watchmaker, in or near Ilarrisburg. References. Address Box 11, 7010, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as truck driver, by young man; can furnish references. Address James Lenta, Elizabethville, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Young woman wishes position as housekeeper for a widower without children. Address M., 6586. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, single woman wishes place as housekeeper for a young widower. Address Box S, 7010. care of Telegraph. HOOMS Rill RENT FOR RENT Furnished front room; steam heat, electric light and gas. 08 South Third street. Third Floor Apartment. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 82.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apiy tments, No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT Large, second floor front room. suitable_for two gentle men. S2O Chestnut street. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street. SINGLE OR E.NScl'i'r. . .uo.*c.- Electric lights, steam heat. bath, both telephones. References. Inquire Bell phone 624. ROOMS WANTED . WANTED Man and wife \Ant two or three clean housekeeping rooms —furnished preferred—or house isomewhere—now or mention when vacant, if possible. Responsible ref erences given. State price, location, details tirst letter. Address Box D, 6587, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three first floor rooms, with use of bath preferred, by professional man, located between Walnut and State, Third and Front. Call Bell phone 401. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, centrally located; can give necessary reference. Address T„ 6584, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT One two-room, fur nished apartment, complete for light housekeeping. Adults only. Rent, $3O. Inquire 424 South Seventeenth street. Bell phone 2!)85R.^ APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED 1 am desirous of locating a fur nished apartment of about 3 rooms with bath for light housekeeping tor myself and wife; must be centrally lo cated, excellent references can be fur nished. Write fully, giving location, rent, etc. Address Box K, 7112, care of Telegraph. WANTED A furnished apartment of about * three rooms and bath, for myself and wife, for about $70.00 a month. References. Write fully, giving location, rent, number of rooms, etc. Address BOX B. 6955,, Care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, ' SEE SANDfi^tLIN. Camp St., No. 648 3-story brick. 8 rooms and bath, all improvements. Can be bought same as rent. S. Eighteenth fet.. No. 353—3-story brick, 3 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric lights, a moderq home. Right price lo quick buyer. N. Twelfth St.. No. 68 3-story 9 rooms and bath, gll improve ments, a very good location. Right price to quick buyer. Same as rpnt. New Cumberland Corner Fourth and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms and bath on each side; all Improve ments; newly painted; can be bought with d small amount of money; bal ance same as rent. Rteelton S. Second St., No. 318>/4 — 3-story frame. 7 rooms, electric lights and water. Good location. Same as rent. D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG.. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. $8 WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW HOUSE BUILT ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN PLANS? Small down payments. Balance same ai rent. I can arrange to build a limited number of houses at these terms. Your opportunity to get a home. Call Betl 2669W and make appoint ment to see me. EDWARD Wf. EVANS. " 2510 Derry Street. VACANT, POSSESSION*AT ONCE brick, all Improve ments, 6 rooms, front and rear porches; side entrance: nice yard to drive alley. Newly painted and paperfcd. Cheap and easy ter"'. -C. H. CORDER 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. IF YOU KEEP BOARDERS, and expect to earn a good income from the undertaking, you' must KEEP ALL THE BOARDERS. YOU CAN AC COMMODATE. It's a classified ad vertising matter, rather readily solved. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I $3,400 WILL PURCHASE a three- | story brick dwelling on Sixth street; i 8 rooms and bath; other improve ments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner | Building., $2,300 WILL PURCHASE a three story brick bouse on Jefferson street: all improvements: garage on rear. ' Bell Realty- Co., Berguer Building. $2,500 WILL PURCHASE a brick , house in Penbrook; 7 rooms and batli; all other improvements. Lot. 19x192. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE 8 rooms and bath, other improvements. No. 107 Evergreen street. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. $2,200 WILL PURCHASE a frame bungalow, with 5 rooms, -good well water, plpeless heater. Lot, 86x125. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. DO NOT FORGET that No. 803 North Seventeenth street is offered for sale; that it is vacant, and that its location is one of the best. Bell Realty Co.. Berguer Building. FOR SALE 3-story brick dwell ing located on Susquehanna street, 8 rooms, bath, all modern improvements. Price" $2,350.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME at I Camp Hill t° r rent", 2%-story, 8 rooms I and bath, oak floors, open fireplace, full-size screens, shades. storm I sashes; all conveniences; furnished or i unfurnlhed: by April 1 or sooner. Ad dress Box E. 6948. care of Telegraph. 7"" ~~ FOR SALE 1933 Whitehall street. 3-story brick 514-16-18 Emerald street, 3-story bricks. H M BIRD Union Trust Building. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty " Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and Buburbs. Apply A. Dorunz, 1225 North Sixth Street. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All Improvements; in city; front porch; bay window; nice yard to drive alley, $l6O down, balance as rent. Libertj Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street Bell 560J I 747 DUNKLE STREET Three-1 story frame, porches. Price. $l,BOO. Small payment down. Easy terms. I Apply D. A. Caley. iO7 Kunkel Bids.! Bell 589. ) 421 KELKER Three-story brick, I corner property. $2,600. D. A. Caley. : 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. — 1 , JiACRE place near Steelton, with new bungalow on. Close to trolley link. Well and creek water. Fine, truck find poultry farm. Cheap, if gold at once. , C. H. : CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. j ' FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2010 f ;to 201S Susquehanna street. Poases -1 sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doras:, ! 1225 North Sixth. | , • Heal Estate For Sale or Exchange WANTED —TO RENT We are havlug a number of applt- I cations at this time lor furnished , , nouses, apartments and rooms. What I do you•have to offer 7 Address Mil ler Brothers 6t Company. Locust and ' . coqrt streets. HEAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent I HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth i and Curtin Streets; possession of some j of the nouses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Second. Bell 1 phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY. ' WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER 2 ' BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ABLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. i READY CASH for city property. , What have you to offer? Bell and Dial phones. Chas. Adler, 1002 North J Third street. COUPLE Would maintain home I owned by gentleman of refinement and congenial disposition, ufho appre- ( cites care and interest. Room and i table in exchange for rent. State lo cation. Address Box 5.6958, care of) Telegraph. I HAVE many applicants for homes in northern end .of city. What have i you to offer? A. W. Swengel, 2iai : North Second. ; I REAL ESTATE WANTED | We have some ready purchasers for! Improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to offer. I LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh Street Offices and Storerooms for Rent 9 FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM. For meetings, conventions. Banquets, Dances and parties. LJse of piano free. Kitchen attached. 1 . •H. C. CLASTER. Jeweler, J 302 Market Street ' ' ' v ; " • ' f ■ i i FOR RENT The Improved stork room at 24 North Third street—near ly opposite Penn-Harrls HoteL Alsu ■ offices In the same building. Apply The William B. Schleisner Stores, 28- i 30-32 North Third street i , ; | Offices an<l Storerooms l'"or Kent MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 61)4 Market Street. CHAS. ADDER, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS i ! FARM FOR SALE Large Farm, on Carlisle • Tike, in fine condition. Also several other large Farms. Five to eight-miles from Har risburg. Now is the time to buy a good Farm. Some on very good terms. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GreCn Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Farm, containing fifty acres, located two miles south of White Hill, la mile from Shangler's Mill, improved by 2 % -story frame dwelling, frame bank barn, summer kitchen, butcher house, other out buildings. Water supply, spring, and running water, young apple . orchard, 300 trees, line bearing condi tion; grape vineyard. Possession can I be had April 1. 1919. Price, $3,900. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal- I nut streets. 3-A.—s6so —s2oo down, balance to suit. 11-A.—s7so cash. 42-A.—sl,Boo cash. 75-A—s2,ooo cash. 40-A.—sl,Boo—s7oo-$9OO down, bal ance to suit. 80-A.—53,700 —$500 down, balance to suit. Call DURAND, 107 Chestnut. 3-ACRE, good buildings .. $050.00 11-acre, fairly good buildings 750.00 40-acre, good buildings 1,800.00 42-acre, very good buildings 1.800.00 75-acre. fairly good buildings 2.000.00 62-acrk. tairly good buildings 1,000.00 DURAND. 107 Chestnut. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Locat ed within one car fare limit. Apply A. P. Dosanz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS 1 • j FOR SALE Prairie State lneubu- I tor, 158 machine; also room heater. In very bood condition. Inquire A; W. llertzler,' Camp^Hlll. FOR SALE, CHEAP 650-foot Steam Boiler, -in Jirst-class condition. Cull at First FlOur, No. SO2O North Fifth street. FOR SALE —Upright piano, Kohler and Campbell, in A 1 condition; also parlor suit, green Pullman plush, all mahogany, good as new. Bell 1740J or 709 Benton street. City. • S FOR SALE Upright piano in i good condlticrv Inquire 314 South Thirteenth street. 1 BARGAINS! • The Store across from V. w. C. A t offers you the Biggest and Best Bar ; gains in Mens and Boys' Suits. Over coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. Hats, CuPA and Shots. We are fam , out for lA>w Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street. ____ —* * FOR SALE 20-horse-power, ud -1 right, higlitpressure tubular boiler | Halifax Rubber Co., Halifax, P a . I FOR' SALE One hand-power i freight elevator. one laundry dry room, one 24-plate Static X-Ray ma ! chine, refrigerator, 28x49x66. Apply No. 1700 North Second street. ; MORRIS SAYS save money buying I new and second-hand furniture here i High prices paid for furniture. Morris j Schmer'Z. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. FOR SALE A number of slightly I used typewriters. Have been return led to us. Now is the time to get a i practically new machine at a rea sonable price. Remington Typewriter Co., 119-121 Walnut street. ! TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT Fort CASH - - GEO. T. 11LLOTSON, I 205 'LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I 4 ORPIIEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES CANNEL COAL $8 85 J. B. MONTGOMERY ! v Just Phone. FOn SALE \ Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant with j a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrlsburg. Pa. FOR SALE —One 800-ft. Arco steam holler, used two years Price slso Call Bell phone 2871. FOR SALE One brand new elec tric furnace blower for sale cheap. Apply 2006 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 4667, . \V ANTED —MISC ELXANEO US FOR SALE 2 gasoline pumps, nails and surplus "hardware. Apply F. C. Lewln. 26 North Third street. \Y ANTlai>—rßtable accommodations i for two horses and two wagons. Ex- I elusive use of hay loft. Electric light ed. Running water. Advise location and strfte rental. Address: P. O. Box 307. Harrisburg, Pa. I HIGHEST PRICES For ladles' and men's cast off clothing and shoes. Write to Weintraub, 636 Herr street, Dial 5177. • 1 WANTfen—'MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Second-band motors. Small size preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St., near Second," Ilarrisburg. Pa. ' _ HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID Tor Second-hand * umlture. Prompt at tention. rNewmark & Cown. 308 Broad Street. Pl&i pnon© 48„6. HIGHEST PRICKS PAID f or all kinds of Junk- S et . our Prices before selling- Call Bell phone 936, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone ron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. ELECTRICIANS Will find an opportunity l n the sale of profitable News Agency 1 Q thriving suburban town. I Influenza has deprived the town of Its only electrician. No Eleo -1 tricali Supply Store In town. I Start a business here. The i Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the people. a u BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. : I„ COHEN & COMPANY. York and ' i Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for j i rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and i metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221 W Bell and Dial 6225. 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all I kinds of emptv barrels and iunk. Call I Bell phone 4275. R Abram* & Son j U74-832 North Seventh street. MAX FMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and 1 sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call 1 Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a pos ! ta! to Max Smoltz. 1016 Market street. I will eair: city or country.' : Money to Loan MONEY i If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money •In compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. I WE IJSND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17, 1915. to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confldential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates ln city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street Musical VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promtply und carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and card uliy repaired by an expert onty. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 NortiiTblrd street ' \ HORSES AND CARRIAGES HORSE, CART AND HARNESS FOR SALE ■ — Cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1617 Elm street. FOR SALE One gray horse, har ness and two heavy topped spring wagons; all for $6O. Inquire J. C. Herman, IS Nbrth Market Square. 1 BUSINESS OPi'OHTUN ITIES { AN old-established and growing : business in Ilarrisburg. which is net-* j ting'the owners over $lOO a week. Satisfactory personal and Bank refer ! ences. $12,000 reqquired. Address G, I 7017. care of Telegraph. ' ELEVEN COPPER MINING CLAIMS ! —Location Jerome District; farming 1 and grazing land in Northern Ari -1 zona. J. Hill, Box 819, Prescott, Ariz. FoR SALE Fruit,, confectionery and cigar store. Reasonable price. ! Roasting coffee and peanut machine, j Good scales. Inquire at (>l4 Market j street. BUSINESS PERSONALS j FOR SALE OR RENT Large I building. -101 South Cameron street. i Lot. 375x60. Immediate possession. Braddoek. Attorney. CONTRACTOR AJMD BUILDER Estimates, Jobbing. First-class ! work. H. VV. Hummer. 1423 Liberty | street. City. Bell 4420. I UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and ' deliver. 308 Broad street. Diul phone 1 4826. ___ j FURNITURE CRATED Z ! china packed for shipping. Also re pairing. .1. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St. KAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz; double edge. 350 doz; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. I QUININE — Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOM'HO-QUININK will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, I 11'.. Mai Ke: s-feet- 0 HAULING AND MOVING FOR HIRE - Two-ton auto truck Apply South Ninth street. Beli phone 2 tSSR. AUTO HAULING Anything, any where, furniture moving. • E. s. Qs man. 717 South Nineteenth strdet. Beii 1591 W. • HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped I fe.r turniture. freight and piano mov ing. Nol distance too far. Careful i driver. i\ain and dustproof body. J E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin ! Aungst. manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell ; phone 15R6. ' AUTO HAULING Anything, any ! where, furniture moving. Call .Bell : ISBIW. ____ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE ! HAULlNG—Furniture moving. Prompt I service. Ernest Corbln.. 656 Calder : street. Both phemes. Bell 3636 J. Dial : 3683. - ! HICKS —Local and lohg-distance balding. 424 Reliy. Both phones. AUTO HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a sneclaßy- Blue Line Transfer, ai; I Capital street. Both phones. ACTO TRUCK SERVICE—LocaI ahd i long distance. F. J. Marter, Bell 39-J. ; Steelton. i AUTO HAULINGy-Local and long I distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. R atea _ reason a b fe. Prompt i service. -Cat) - Bell 62$ J. > LOCAL AND LONO - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A & B. Motor Express. 917 Capital Straet Bell phone 198SJ. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, r r'.M 2265. HAULING AS*!) MOVING ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 841 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TIIE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—.Rome cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dlningrooms. storage STORAGE —419 Broad street house bold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kluda. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. f TOR AGE—In brick building, rear Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Dbener, 408 Market street STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in flreproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rales in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisbuig Storage Co., 487- 445 South Second street UNDERTAKERS i J SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St I BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, I Funeral Director and Etnbalmer. 611 North Second Street BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the nortn and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moderate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED—MORE WINTER EGGS TO SELL AT HIGH PRICES. Speed up the laying. Feed your hens DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A regu larly. and you will get big returns in the egg basket. The leading egg producing farms are using it because it conditions hens, makes them healthy, makes the egg organs, ac tive. Costs little to feed. Costs noth ing if you do not get better results, as dealers refund your money. Keep laying hens and all poultry free from lice by dusting DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILLER into the feathers and placing in dust bath. Guaranteed. For ROUP use DR. HESS ROUP REMEDY'. The Dr. Hess line is for ! sale by all dealers in Poultry Sup j plies. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the beat place in town. Call and deliver Goodman's. 13U6K North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. FOR SALE 1917 Reo, 5-passenger. 1918 Dodge, 5-passenger. 1912 Stanley Steamer. SIBLE'S GARAGE. 301 Cumberland Street. 1 WM. FKNN GARAGE 804-6 Muwnch street. Limousines tor funeral, purti * und balls; careful drivers; open day and light. Bell 4564. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— -1 Covered body; I.uOO lbs. capacity; a I bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia j Quick Lunch. OLD AUTO - : J Ranted, uscu, wrecked or o.dtlmers |in any condition. See me before eac ! tificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto , Wrec_ing, A. Scbitfman. 22, 24, 26 j North Cameron street. Bell 0333, | KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts ot auto top und cushion 1 work dmie by experts; also repair I work, iteusoiiuole rates. 72-78 South Cameron Street. FOR SALE Ford Taxi just overhauled. New Taxi, $350.00. Good reasons for selling. C. U McKenale P. K. R. Depot. York. Pa. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, 1916 Dodge Touring Car, in fine condition. No dealers. Call Bell phone 4205. SUNSHINE GARAGE - Auto re pairing b;' expert. Road Jobs u specialty. Charge reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. FOR SALE Buick Roadster, AI shape. Bargain for some one. A. Sehitfman. 2--..-26 Norm Cameron. FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac Road ster, in exceptionally good condition. Can be seen at 230 Emerald street after 6 P. M. A bargain. FOR SALE 1916 Cadillac Tour ing car. Body and top in first-class condition. H. Wilt & Son, Steelton. SKCON i' HAND TRUCKS ana plea* ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- passonger Haynes Turing Car. At: cheap to quick buyers. Internationa; Harvester Co. Truck Department. No. Ci ' street. TRUCKS— International, one-ton, overhauled Vim Delivery Wagon. l''ord Delivery Wagon. Auto car truck. , Many different makes of /rucks traded on Internationals. CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO.. 103 MARKET ST. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. IV- my highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbro"- 912 North Thirrf street. Dial 4990. EXPERT FACTORY REPAIRING— Packard. Pierce-Arrow. Overland. Hudson and Chandler. Only high grade work solicited. Model cars and trucks built to order. Camp Hill Garage. Ray Deardorff, Proprietor. ' MAXWKLJ, COUPE 1916 Model. Fine running order. New tires. Best offer takes it. A. W. Troutmun, Mll letsburg. Pa. f BETTER SITUATIONS WANTED This column has two objects: First, to help men and women who are now employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers In direct touch with an ambitious class of workers. WANTED Clerical position by | and general mathematics. Address young, married man, skilled la figures | Box K. 6957, care of Telegraph. ' fy ~rrJ 19 Gnrrngcs, Accessories and Supplicg "3,500-MILE GUARANTEED TIRES' 30x3 © $12.00 30x3% @ $15.00 32x3% © $17.50 31x4 © $19.25 33x1 © $21.50 31x4 © $23.00 "THE ABOVE TIRES ARE UNUSUAL. VALUES.* WE ARE MAKING THE PRICE "ADVERTISE" TIIE TIRES AND WE HAVE LOTS OF OTHER TIRE BARGAINS EQUALLY AS GOOD—"LOOK US OVER." KEYSTONE SALES CO. 108 MARKET ST, WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. 1 CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO. 1638 Logan St. BELL 4398 J. ' I , MAGNETOS All t/pes; 4 and e | Bosch ,iigli tension. Elahmann. Dlxey , Spiltdort. Mea, Remy and different i makes of colls, carburetors, eta, A. j Schlftrnan, 22-24-26 North Cameron [ Street. Bell 3633. " AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x3% $14.72 31x4 22.68 32x3% 17.28 32x4 23.00 • v 34x4 26.00 35x4% 27.50 36x5 15.00 32x3 12.56 . DAYTON CYCLE CO. j 912 North Third Street FOR RENT Private garages, rear 1272 Miller street, one block from Thirteenth and State streets. Five lollars per month. Inquire of Wil liam E. Orr, 101 South s u .nit streeL Be' v.nne 44!>M. SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAINS ' 28x3 ...$3.65 30x3 $3.75 30x3% $3.95 32x3%.. $4.15 31x4 $4.40 32x4 $4.60 33x4 $4.60 34x4 $4.80 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 812 North a—• - -..eat. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service In town. Har risbuig Auto Kadialor Works, 805 North Thuc street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE BARGAINS Good lih built Bikes, $7. $lO, $l5 and $lB. Why pay fropi $6 to $lO more elsewhere 2 Save money on your repairing. Cut- Kate Cycle Co., 810 North Third St. 10 MQTORCYCLES All makes. For quick, cash sale, 1 cradle spring Indian, new tires. $;00 value, if sold to-day. $35.00. Cut-Rate Cycle Co!? 810 North Third street. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH j ANDREW REDMOND, , .'A ! 1607 ffORTH THIRD ST. > LEGAL NOTICES 1 _ • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Mary Stahl. late of Har risburg. Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on the said Estate have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the said Estate will make known the same, and alt persons Indebted to said decedent will make payment, without delay, to J. G. INGRAM, 119 N- Eigiuu street, Lebanon, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Henry s. Dixon, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted tdl the undersigned residing In Har risburg. all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. MARY N. DIXON, Administratrix. In the Orphans' Court of Dauphin • County, Pennsylvania. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Heirs of Mary R. Fasnacht, deceased, and the Guardian of such as are Minors, have presented their Petition to the above-stated Court, and which Petition is now on Hie in the Office of the Clerk of said Court, praying for an Order to sell at Private Sale, , under the Orphans' Court Partition Act of 1917, P. L 337, to HARRY SHERMAN, of the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the sum of Two Thousund ($2,000.00) Dollars the fol lowing described Real Estate: All that certain house and lot of ground, situate in the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the north ern line of Bailey street at corner lot. now or formerly, of T. and running thence northwardly line of lot of T. Coldwater (85) feet to a ten feet wide thenoe westwar'dly along the southern line of said alley, eighteen (18) feet and eight (8) inches to corner of lot, now or formerly, of Mary A. Wolf; tlience southwardly along the line of said lot of Mary A. Wolf elghty-flve (85) feet to Bailey street; thence eastwardly along the northern line of Bailey street eighteen (18) feet and eight (8) Inches, to the place of be ginning. Having then - erected House No. 1226 Bailey street, Harrisburg, Penn sylvania. For Title see Depd Book *'W," VoL 12. page 156. And that the Orphans' Court of said county has fixed Monday, February 10, 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House, at Harrisburg. Pennsyl vania. as the time and place for hear ing and consideration of said Petition when nnd where all parties Interested mnv nppear nnd object to said Private wile for any Legal or Equitable grounds or on account of the Insuf ficiency the price off-red for the same. HENRY E. FOX. 1 Trustee to sell the Real Estate ofi Mary K. Fasnacht. deceased.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers