EFFICIENT WORKERS ME TO BE FOUND) BY USING HE CIASSIFIEB FAGE Deaths CETT Ellsworth E. Luckett, 610 Willow street, died on Janu r 19. 1919, at the llarrisburg Hos al from acute indigestion, neral on Thursday? January -3, 2 o'clock, from the residence. 4EY On Friday. January 17. 9 Charles H. Mickey died sud- Uy auMifflln, Pa. neral services will be held at his e residence. No. 2108 Turner eet. this city, on Wednesday at noon, at 2 o'clock. Relatives d friends are Invited to attend, erinent in Shoop's Church Cenie lEll Anna E. Seeser, daughter Mrs. Emma Smith Seeser and the e M. L. Seeser, Jr.. died January at 11:40. aged 2 years and 8 neral services on Wednesday, at >. M. Burial at East Harrlsbur~r metery. Services private. EH Mrs. Florence Elisabeth ber, wife of Russell S. Huber. d Friday. January 17, 1919, aged neral services Wednesday, at 2 11., from the residence, 13-1 atara street, the KeVl , [dating. Interment Shoop s urch Cemetery. LOST AND FOUND ST Dog. male. Black and tan d. Answers to the n "m° . Reward if returned to R. D. No. 26 North Third. ST On January 15. between Cumberland and . Har P s ?u, ..on [ handbag, containing basket ba 11 rm Finder please nottry Ser MH. E. Stlllwcll. 341 st G. & F. <ew Cumberland. ST Bunch of keys east of State t bridge. Please return to r street. INSTRUCTION'S SALLE EXTENSION UNIVER- Trainingg in higher account law and traffic. Full informaUon request. R. A. Warner Registrar, 6 North Kig;hteenth atreet, war rg. Bell 3842 M. K? , 7nV'S','SH"TSH^'SW YEAH. Enter any time. Ben £LET* BUSINESS COLLEGE larket St. Chas. H. BecKiev. HELP W ANTED—MALE ; WANTED INSPECTOR AND ASSISTANT FOREMAN Good opening, steady em loyment for competent ma hanic, capable reading thor ughlv all kinds working rawings. Must be A 1 ma hKis?. with experience in upervlslng help and In pectlng. preferably both nia hine shop and sheet "J® 1 * 1 hop work Rate. 70c Pr hour. Vork 6214 hours per week, lodern. first-class shop and rowing business. "^ url "K onstant opporiunltiba for emonstrated ablltt>. Give ull particulars In first letter. 'ANGBORN CORPORATION, HAGERSTOWN. MD. White boy, over 16 Apply E. E. Howard Co., Sixth street. Drlver ,r!! or r. I R?£ ! Apply to The Globe, 3-- , Btreet. j Agent to sell Talking ! address Box U, 6952, care ; b Experienced butcher. he grocery business. Only | man need apply. Good i jly J. Blooman & Son, Harris streets. Experienced butcher. ;orth Front street, Steel- __ AND BOOKKEEPERS isfied with your present salary? If not, would j r a training which will to earn not less than month in positions now nformation by addressing , care of Telegraph. In- ! dential. | Grocery salesman for Valley trade. Must have and reference. Address i of Telegraph. Second baker on sweet ikes. Board and room in d opening for young man. riting, 1716 Boas street, • RATION manufacturing : office appliances of inter- ■ utatlon offers exceptional ! s to several young men,j ctween the ages of 21 andl fy as expert repairmen, j age only serlous-inten who desire permanent i Good pay during the j >eriod. State, In your re ge. nationality, previous ducation, and whether or | uld accept out-of-town j Address Box E, 7002, graph. Salesmen, inexperl lerienced. City or travel employment service to end for full Information. 8. T. Association, care of D FIREMEN WANTED— ;econd hands, for water using River Coal. Steady our shifts. Good wages Box No. 366, Hatrlsbiirg. Boy. over 16 years, to e grinding in wholesale e. Good opportunity tor to advrfnce rapidly, Ap- Optlcal Co., 25 South r Sale 3LA, PA. : property, with all im s Steam heat. Electric garage. Lot 25x100 ft. nable price. Apply Brothers & Co. Rent Rotate Surety Rand, i tind CouYt streets Ibu. Rent Kntnte Hoard I TUESDAY EVENING. llKLl* WAX'X'KI) —MAJ.K LINOTYPE OPERATORS . WANTED We have poaltions for four linotype operators and several good floormen. APPLY HARRY A. FRY. i Telegraph Composing Room. 6EVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M.. <l4l. Care of Telegraph. WANTED A gdbd carriage painter to paint automobiles. Must be a good varnlsher. Snyder Carriage Co., Newport, Pa. WANTED Moulders for stove and general work. Uood pay and steady work. Atlantic Kadiator Company, Huntingdon, Pa. YOUNG MEN l6 and over, are eligible for government Hallway Mail Clerks. 92 month. Examinations .soon. For free particulars, write J. C. Leonard tformer Civil Service Ex aminer), 426 Kenols Building, Wash ington. HELP WANTED —FEMAI.E A GIRL OF IS OR 20 lias the right to an opportu nity for putting real earnest ness Into her work. This Is possible if her work is inter esting. „ A BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR always has before her an ideaf of service. In the perform ance of this service her duties may call her to connect orie HarrisDurg telephone with another, or ahe may make telephone connections with New York, Chicago, Washing ton, or other distant points. IN THE SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE the operator at the tele phone switchboard, in war or peace, in emergency or every day duty, lias established a tradition of wholehearted usefulness. Join the Bell family of earnest workers. A thorough training is given before you are required to establish telephone connections, and you are paid while lsamtng. Promotion is assured for am bitious young women. Apply to Miss Kline, Operators' Employment Depart ment, 208 Walnut St. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA, WANTED Two bright and competent girls for general office work. Those who arc good at figures and penmanship preferred. Ex cellent opportunity for advance ment to those who qualify. Ap ply Employment Bureau, Fourth Floor, Bowman & Co., Harrisburg. HOSIERY SALESLADY Experienced hosiery saleslady. Permanent position. Good salary. ASTRICH'S. 308 Market St. WANTED The Modern Textile Co.. 1810 Penn street, want girls to work on power machines. Light, pleasant employment. Apply Imme diately. WANTED Girl for general housework in small family. No wash ing or ironing and good wages. In quire at 266 Herr street, or Bell phone 4912. WANTED Girl to work In Ice cream and confectionery store. Apply 1744 North Sixth street. Dial 5074. WANTED Firsi and second maid white preferred, for small family. Ap ply 2138 North Third street. WANTED Waitress and .dish washer. Uniform for waitress. Good pay and three meals a day. No Sun day work. Apply 211 Walnut street. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrisburg, December 7. 12.000 women clerks needed. Salary. 81,200. Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for frea particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Bervlcs Examiner), 487 Columbian Building. Washington. WANTED Middle-aged woman to keep house for family of three. Good home and good wages. Apply office C. W. Elsenhour, Logan and Boyd streets. WANTED Woman for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Simonetti, 439 Walnut street. WANTED A collector. Apply at 330 Broad street. WANTED Colored ?r white girl for general housework. Experi ence not necessary. No laundry work. Address R., 7010, care of Tele graphy WANTED laundress to take small family washing home. Must be regular and permanent. Prefer some one nearby. Inquire Mrs. Ralston 2520 Jefferson street. Bell phone 4443 J. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED TO learn shoemaktng. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur. Ing QQ.. 1402 Vernon street. WANTED Country girl f or housework by country people. Ad dress Box M. 6951. care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman for general housework. Apply 2016 Kensington street. SITUATIONS wanted—MALE: WANTED Boy would like to have position of most any kind; can ride k bicycle. Call Bell phone <584. WANTED Position as carpet and rug or furniture salesman; or can take charge of window shade depart ment; can furnish reference. Address ■M., 7014. care of Telegraph. WANTED Man wlahes work on automobile truck. Call at 1705 North Seventh street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED—Clerical position wanted by woman with knowledge of short hand and typewriting. Address 225 North Fifteenth street. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Woman desires posi tion as housekeeper for widower. Call Bell phone 1246 J. WANTED A young girl would like light work a few hours each day. Address Box P. <954, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman would like to have day's work. Call Bell phone 4586. WANTED Woman wishes posi tion as child's nurse, or upstairs work. Address L., 7W2, care of Tele graph. \ NURSING Lady wishes position as nurse. Call 21 South Thirteenth street. WANTED Young woman wishes to work for widower. No children. Call 21 South Thirteenth street. EXPERIENCED NURSE Will nurse in confinement cases and do light* housework; best references given. Address Y., 722)4. care of Tele graphy > WOMAN Wants place as first class cook, or day's work. Call 1705 North Seventh street. WANTED Day's work by colored woman. Inquire 404 Forster street. WANTED Middle-aged widow would like position as housekeeper for man. Address W., 7006, care of Tele graph. WANTED Day's work of any kind by colored woman. Call Bell phone 1460J, or 1422 Reese avenue. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work. Apply 1170 South Cam eron street. WANTED Plain sewing to do at home Children's tawing a specialty. Inquire 1612 Hunter street, or csll Bell phone 1605 R. WANTED—TO KENT ■i 1 i HOUSE WANTED Small family wishes to rent house in city on or before February 1. Must have mod ern improvements. Reply to P. Hart man. 100 Market street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortable room, with private family, near center of city; modern conveniences; gentlemen only; references required. Call Bell phone 4254 J. FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Inquire 1612 Chestnut street. * FOR RENT Three-room furnish ed apartment, suitable for light housekeeping. Bell phone 218SW, or 1936 Green street. FOR RENT Rooms, single or ensulte. For particulars call 2048W, or inquire 2329 North Third street. * ROOM FOR RENT. WITH BOARD— For man and wife. 927 Grand street. SINGLE OR ENHUITK ROOMS Flectric lights, steam heat. bath, both telephones. References. Inquire Bell phone 624. TWO UNFURNISHED and on* fur nished rooms in beat part, of city; steam heat and all modern con veniences. Apply in person. (It North Sixteenth streat. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT One two-room, fur nished apartment, complete for light housekeeping. Adults only. Inquire 424 South Seventeenth street. Bell phone 2985 R. APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED 1 am desirous of locating a fur nished apartment of about 3 rooms with bath for light housekeeping for myself and wife; must be centrally lo cated; excellent references can be fur nished. Write fully, giving location, rent, etc. Address Box K, 7112, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Three-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all Improvements, in A 1 condition, in 1900 block. Green street. Price, 23,800. Possession April 1. See CHARLES DAVIES, 1723 Green, or 204 Calder Bldg. DO YOU WANT A NEW HOME. Ready for occupancy on or before April 1, 1919? Terms: Small down payment, balance as rent. If interested, call EDWARD E. EVANS, 2510 Derry Street. Bell 2869 W. FOR SALE 1933 Whitehall street. 3-story brick. 514-16-18 Emerald street, 3-story bricks. H. M. BIRD, Union Trust Building. FOR SALE Gent's Furnishing storeroom and dwelling. Immediate possession. If interested, please in quire of H. M. Harts, Palmyra. Pa. SOUTH NINETEENTH STREET NOS. 904-906-908 At a big bargain. Good investment. Lehman 4b Kllnge man. 8 North Market Square. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. Wq have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply 4. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth Street. TWO-STORT BRICK HOUSE — All Improvements; ra city; front porch; bay window; nice yard to drive alley; 8100 down, balance ae rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER, 1782 Green Street. Bell 880J 747 DUNKLE STREET Three story frame, porches. Price, 81,800 Small payment down. Easy terms! Apply D. A. Caley. <O7 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 889. _ MODERN SUBURBAN HOME at Camp Hill for rent; 2H-story, 8 rooms and bath, oak floors, open fireplace, full-sise „ screens, shades. etorm sashes; all conveniences; furnished or unfurnihed; by Anrll 1 or sooner. Ad dress Box E. 6948, care of Telegraph. HXBJRiamjRG tWHIt TEEEOKAPIi IF YOU KEEP BOARDERS, and expect to earn a good incorfffc from the undertaking, you must KEEP ALL THE BOARDERS YOU CAN AC COMMODATE. It's a classified ad vertising matter, rathet readily solved. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILL YOU MAKE US AN OFFER FOR 321-3 Peffer St., pair *-story bricks — corner. 203 Kelker St., substantial 3-story brick. Very interesting price till January 31. 16<f< Susquehanna St., t-story brick. First-class condition. 2112 N. Fourth St., 3-torsy brick, front porch, side entrance, rear drive alley. 2700 N. Sixth. This house is finished like a mansion. Must be seen to be appreciated. 614 Mahantongo St., a strictly modern home. 151 L N. Sixth St.,' large frame prop erty. Very desirable location. 1711 N. Third St., good business prop erty. with large building on Logan street. 1723 N. Filth St., 142 monthly rental, *3,600. 133-40 Indian Ave., *32 monthly rental, *4,000. 1721 State St., a fine home on the beautiful part of State St., *4,200. 1147 Mulberry St., good home, 6 min utes' walk from heart of city, *4,600. 82 N. Seventeenth St., 3-story brick, front porch, *3,000. 446 Crescent St., 2-story brick, front porch, *2,460. If you do not find the property In above list that you would like to buy. get In touch with our office, as we may have the very propery you de sire. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL tc KLINE, 307 Kunkel Bids. *3,400 WILL PURCHASE a three story brick dwelling on Sixth street; 8 rooms and bath: other improve ments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. *3,300 WILL PURCHASE a three story brick house on Jefferson street; all Improvements; garage on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bulldtng. *2,500 WILL PURCHASE a brick house in Penbrook; 7 rooms and bath; all other Improvements. Lot, 19x192. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE S rooms and bath, other improvements, No. 107 Evergreen street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. *2,200 WILL PURCHASE a frame bungalow, with 5 rooms, good well water, plpeless heater. Lot, 36x126. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. DO NOT FORGET that No. 803 North Seventeenth street is offered for sale; that it is vacant, and that Its location is one of the best. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. 421 KELKER Thrse-story brick, corner property, *2,600. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 659. S-ACRE plscs near Steelton, with new bungalow on. Close to trolley line. Well and creek water. Fine truck and poultry farm. Cheap, if sold at once. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St Bell 660 J. FOR SALE On easy terms. 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Derass, 1226 North Sixth. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange WANTED —TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at thia time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offerT Address Mil iar Brothers * Company, Locust and Court streets. REAL ESTATE "FOR RENT FOR RENT—No. 2000 State street: corner brick house with all improve ments; store room and large garage. Good poolroom location. Rent. 635. J. E. Olpple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Two private garages rear 1607 Swatara street. Rent, 16 uO each. J. QlPPle. 1251 Market atie.c REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAQES—At Fifth and Curtln Streets; possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 81 North Second. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED. TO BUY Established window or shade upholstering busi ness. Or would rent small space in store, sell and make shades. Give price and full particulars In first let ter. Address L, 7013, care of Tele graph. WANTED A property, with a garage, or room to build garage, north of Hamilton street. Address Bo* I, 7227. care of Telegraph. I HAVE many applicants for homes In northern end of city. What have you to offer? A. W. Swengei, 2131 North Second. WANTED, TO BUT A property on either Woodbine or Emerald streets, between Becond and Third streets. Address Box H. 7009. care of Telegraph. TWO TO 26 ACRES, near Harrla burg, with or without buildings. Ad drsss V.. 7199. care of Telegraph. ' REAL ESTATE WANTED We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to otter. LINCOLN REALTT CO, lliy North Seventh Street. I HAVE BUTERS welting for prop erty In eny section of the city, if cheap. Whet have you to offer? CHAS. AD LIS R. 1003 N. Third Street. Offices and Storerooms for Rent FOR RENT The Improved store room at 24 North Third street—near ly opposite Penn-Harris Hotel. Also offices In the same building. Apply The William B. Schlelsner Stores, 28- 30-31 North Third street. MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. FARMS 3-ACRE, good buildings .. $050.00 11-acre, fairly good buildings 760.00 40-acre. good buildings 1,800.00 42-acre, very good buildings 1,800.00 76-acre, fairly good buildings 2,000.00 62-acre, fairly good buildings 1,000.00 DURAND. 107 Chestnut. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Locat ed within one car fare limit. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1226 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CANNEL COAL Mil J. B. MONTGOMERY • Just Phone. FOR eALE ~ ~ ' Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrlsburg, Pa. RADIATORS. STEAM—New, never used National. Perfect condition. Plain etyle. Two 30 square feet each, one 16 square feet. Phone 3177 T. Ad dress S., 6947, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Fire wood. Limited amount of seasoned oak and hickory. Cut in lengths desired. Delivered In two-ton wagon loads. Call Bell phone 9966R-3. Loch Willow Farm. FOR SALE Upright piano In good condition. Inquire 344 South Thirteenth street. BARGAIN'S! BARGAINS) The Btore across from Y. W. C. A. .offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains In Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trlaL OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE 2O-horse-power, up right, high-pressure tubular boiler Halifax Rubber Co., Halifax, Pa. FOR SALE —— One hand-power freight elevator, one laundry dry room, one 24-plate Static X-llay ma chine. refrigerator, 28x49x66. Apply No. 1700 North Second street. MORRIS SAYB save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmerts. 1030 Market Bell 3971 R. FOR SALE A number of slightly used typewriters. Have been return ed to us. Now Is the time to get a practically new machine at a rea sonable price. Remington Typewriter Co, 119-121 Walnut street. FOR SALE One American Radi ator Company 900-foot furnace, used two years, practically new. Apply Chas. S. 8011. Room 65, Union Trust Building. TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLUTSON, 206 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE one brand new elec tric furnace blower for sale cheap. Apply 2006 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 4667. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES For ladl^ 7 and men # cast off clothing and shoes. Write to Welntraub, 636 Herr street Dial 5177. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Now mark & Cown. 308 Broad Street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of J""*- G' our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936. or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone -ron 4k Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. \ Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St, near Second. Harrleburg, Pa. ELECTRICIANS Will find an opportunity in the sale of profitable News Agency In thriving suburban town. Influence has deprived the town •f Its only electrician. No Elec trical Supply Store la town. Start a business here. The Kewepepar Agency wiu ret you people. Care of Telegraph. V COHEN 4k COMPANY. Tork and Ash Avenue#. Highest prlcss paid for rags, paper, lron.t barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 8221 W Bell and Dial 4326. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Juak. Call Bell phene 4276. B Abrame 4b Bon, 634-131 North Seventh street - WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX EMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and SuL. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smelts, 1014 Market street. Will call, city or country. v Money to Loan MONEY If pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of tho State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCJETY, ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. WE I-END MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915. to Individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience; positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 182 Walnut Street Musical VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promiply and carefully repair ed. OYLEK'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and caretully repaired by an expert onty. OYLKIt S, It South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pair*. just call Bell Rhone 3242 J. An expert will he at your service at once. i Or bring machine to 121S North Third ! street. BUSINESS OPL'ORTUXITIES 1 PENNSYLVANIA R. R. STOCK 4 1 shares for sale. Pays 6 per cent, i dividend. Address to P. O. Box 668, | City. ! ELEVEN COPPER MINING CLAIMS 1 —Location Jerome District; farming 'and grazing land in Northern, Ari | zona. J. Hill, Box 819, Prescott, Ariz. i WANTED A manager, at 160.00 a week, to purchase controlling in tesct In a live, established business in Harrlsburg, which is paying over 15 per cent, on $12,000 investment. Our books are open to any reliable business man. Address D„ 6942, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Small barber shop, near Harrlsburg. Inquire of Fred Bender Barber Supply House, 26 South Third. FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery and cigar store. Reasonable price. Roasting coffee and peanut machine. Good scales. Inquire at 614 Market street. BUSINESS PERSONALS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates. Jobbing. First-class work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street. City. Bell 4420. UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. SOS Broad street. Dial phone 4826. FURNITURE CRATED And china packed for shipping. Also re pairing. J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan St. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 260 doz; double edge. SSc dos; rasore, 26c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. u. Caplan Co.. 20* Market street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will atave It off If taken la time. Gross Drug Stora 119 Market street. HAULING AND MOVING "for HIRE Two-ton auto truck. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. AUTO HAULING Anything, any where. furniture moving. E. s. Os man 717 Sduth Nineteenth street. Bell 1591\V. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano nor- i lag. No distance too .far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin Aungst, manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 16R6. auto HAULING Anything, any where, furniture moving. Call Bell 1581 W. _ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING —Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636J, Dial 3683. HICKS Local and long-distance halding. 424 Rally. Both phones. AUTO HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, pn Capital street. Both phones. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—LocaI and long distance. F. J. Marter, Bell 39-J. fciteelton. AUTO HAULING —Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Bates reasonable. Prompt service. Call Bell 623J, LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A & B. Motor Express. 917 Capital Street Bell phone 1635 J. all kinds of hauling AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. - BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. ""GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. ■ WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladles in separate dlnlngrooms. storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Atao haul ing of alt kinds. D. Coopsr 4k Co. Both phones. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goodg In clean. grlvate rooms. Reasonable 1 rates. P. r. Diener. 408 Market street STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. 83 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-flreproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co, 487- 446 South Second street " UNDERTAKERS BAMUEL & FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1813 Derry BL BELL 1816. DIAL 3133. RUDOLPH X. SPICER. Funeral Director and Bmbaimer. ill North Second Street BELL Sit. DIAL 3141. JANUARY 21, 1919. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SAT.m PROSPECT liILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-alxth. and on the nortix and east faces the new park "•l- The prices of lots are moderate. Miller Bros. A Co.. Agents. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or F.epalred at the beat place In town. Call and deliver Goodman's. 1306% North Sixth. Both Phones. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks. Auto-Car 2-ton trucks, and on* 7- passenger Haynes Touring Car. All cheap to quick buyers. Intsrnatloual Harvester Co. Truck Department. Ka 6U> ■" street. * AUTOMOBILES • MAXWELL COUPE 1916 Model Fine running order. New tires. Best offer takes it. A. W. Troutman. Mil lersburg, Pa. BELL DEMONSTRATOR. 1918 1850.00. A genuine bargain, and guar anteed for one year. Camp HUI Gar age, Ray Deardorff. Proprietor. WANTED All kinds of used auto u 1 oy highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbroov 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. orin . r. ...., * k. k Convert your car Into a GLASS ENCLOSED SEDAN at a small expense. ANCHOR TOPS for either FORD, OAKLAND, OVERLAND. BUICK OR DODGE CARS "solves the winter driving problem at once. Let us tell you how little the expense compared to the real comfort and protection you get from these tops. MAC'S GARAGE, INC.. 117-19-21 S. Third St. Bell Dial 3777. 2413. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, 1916 Dodge Touring Car, in fine condition. No dealers. Call Bell phone 4205. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by expert. Road Jobs a specialty. Charge reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North ! Cameron street. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron Street. FOR SALE 1917 Reo, 6-passenger. 1918 Dodge, 6-passenger. SIBLE'S GARAGE, 301 Cumberland Street. " WM. FJ3NN GARAGE 804-6 Muench street- Limousines tor funeral, parti* and balls; careful drivers; open day and ulght. Bell 4664. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— Covered body; 1,000 lbs. capacity: a bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. FOR SALE ITEMS One Ford Roadster, with new cylin ders, black crank shaft and pistons; also new rear end; all in good condi tion. One late Ford Touring car; all good tires and a lot of extras; In perfect conditio*. , One commercial panel body, for Ford. _ One Ford Ton Truck. One 12-cyllnder Pathfinder Touring car; new cord tires. One Interstate Touring. One Chalmers Touring. All In good condition. C. L. CONOVER. 1334-44 Howard Street. USED FORDS —FORDS —FORDS 1917-1918 MODELS TOURING CAR 5....5300 TO SSOO ROADSTERS $276 TO $460 SEDANS S6OO TO S6OO DELIVERY $376 TO $450 COUPE SSOO ALSO ROADSTER AND TOURING BODIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. ONE SPECIAL SPEEDSTER WITH DISC WHEELS. SCHUTTB BODT —A REAL SPORT CAR. THESE CARS HAVE BEEN OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED AND ARE SPLENDID VALUES. CONVENIENT TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. MAC'S GARAGE. INC, 117 S. THIRD ST. 1777 BELL. 2413 DIAL EXPERT FACTORY REPAIRING— Packard, Pierce-Arrow, Overland. Hudson and Chandler. Only high grade work solicited. Model cars and trucks ,built to order. Camp HIU Garage, Ray Deardorff. Proprietor. FOR SALE Ford Taxi Just overhauled. New Taxi, $350.00. Good reasons for selling. C. I* McKenzle, P. R. R. Pepot, York, Pa. AUTOMOBILES ' H FORD DELIVERY CARS FOR HIRE, ALSO 2%-TON FORD ' TRUCKS BT THE DAT OR TRIP, WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVER. . . MAC'S OARAGE, INO. 117 S. THIRD ST. 7| 1777 BELL , 2413 DIAL, ' i AUTOS FOR HIRE CITT GARAGE Hr 116 STRAWBERRY ST. A New flvo and seven-passenger \ cars for business or pleasure i at all hours. / BELL 2360. DIAL 4914., 1 OLD AUTOt Wanted; used, wrecked or oidtlmer* In any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelaea Auto Wrecking, A. Schlffman, 22. 94, 9* i North Cameron street. Ball 3139. FOR SALE Bulck Roadster, A 1 shape. Bargain for some one. A. - Schlffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron. Garages, Accessories and Repairs AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x314....... 614.72 31x4 22.68 < 32x4 ....... 23.00 34x4 26.00 86x4% 27.60 86x6 15.00 32x3 12.66 DAYTON CYCLE CO., FOR RENT Private garages, rear 1972 Miller street, one block from Thirteenth and State streets. Five dollars per month. Inquire of Wil liam E. Orr, 101 South Summit street. Bel' nhone 445 M. SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAINS ' 28x3 ~..3.65 80x3 63.75 30x3%. 13.95 82x3%..- 14.15 81x4 14.40 32x4 ..64.50 83x4 64.60 24x4 64.80 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North -ireet. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO„ 1638 Logan St. BELL 43W6J. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch uigli tension. Elshuiann, Dlxey, Splltdorf. Mea, Kemy and different makes of coils, carburetors, eto. A. Schiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3623. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re- f iatred by specialists. Also fenders, amps, etc. Best service In town. Har risbuig Auto Kadlator Works. 305 North Third street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE BARGAINS Good Re built Bikes, 67, 610. 615-hnd 618. Why pay from 65 to 110 more elsewhere? Save money on your repairing. Cut-. Kate Cycle Co., 810 North Third St. 10 MOTORCYCLES All makes. For quick, cash sale. 1 cradle spring Indian, new tires, 6100 value, If sold to-day, 635.00. Cut-Rate Cycle Co., 810 North Third street. w BICYCLE REPAIRING J BY AN EXPERT. . . ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, 1 WITH j\ ANDREW REDMOND. r.A PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE at the Dauphin County Court HOUSK FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919, AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M., i? ,® ettle the Estate of Ueorge J. Roller. There will be sold at Public Sale, on the above named date, the follow ing property; Two frame dwellings, situated at 1404 and 1406 North Third Street, City of Harrisburg, Pa. Both property are two-and-one half-story houses, and No. 1406 has a storeroom on first floor. The frontage is 43 feet; depth. 68 feet, FERDINAND ROLLER, A. S. SHERK, Administrator,' ' Auctioneer. LEGAL NOTICES Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County No. 349, June Term. 1918 Charles Wilson vs. Cora L Wilson. To Cora L. Wilson: YOU are hereby notified that there will be a hearing In the above-stated case. In the Court Houses at Harri.- burg>. Pa., on February 3, 1919, at which time and place you can appear and* be heard either by yourself or counsel. If you so desire. W. D. BOYD. Attorney for Llbellant. Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania No. a 331, June Term. 1918 Anna L Taylor vs. George V. Taylor. To George V. Taylor: You aro hereby notified to be pres ent at the Court House at Harrlsburg, Pa., on Monday, the 3d day of Febru ary, A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A, M, when and where the Judges of said Court will hear, on behalf of the de-. fendant, us well as for the plaintiff, all testimony submitted In the above case. W. JUSTIN CARTER. Attorney for llbellant. Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, -Pennsylvania No. 4. June Term, 1918 Mabel D. Cassel vs. Amos C. Cassel. To Amos C. Cassel: You are hereby notified to be pres ent at the Court House at Harrisburg, Pa., on Monday, the 3d day of Febru ary, A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where the Judges of said Court will hear, on behalf of the de fendant, as well as for the plaintiff, all testimony submitted In the above W. JUSTIN CARTER. Attorney for llbellant. Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania No. 285, June Term, 1918 Charlee H. Dennis vs. Maggie Dennis: To Maggie Dennis: You are hereby notified to be pres ent at the Court House at Harrlsburg, Pa., on Monday, the 3d day of Febru ary, A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where the Judges of said Court will hear, <yt behalf of the de fendant, as well Is for the plaintiff, all testimony submitted In the above case. W. JUSTIN CARTER, . J ... 1 Atterney for libellanti . 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers