" When a Girt " By ANN I-ISIJS A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife ' "I have rather monopolized Mrs. Harrison," agreed Anthony Norreys amiably when Jim came to challenge him as we sat talking after Vir ginia's dinner. "But for the matter of that I rather monopolize you, lad. I'm an old hulk that needs fine young craft to convoy it. You do that for my work. Your wife has just promised to do it for my char ity. She's going to let me establish an endowment fund at the Canteen we're going to dole out banana splits' and cake and pudding. "I'm not sure Anne will continue canteening." replied Jim darkly and ungraciously. "It's fine work but don't see that my wife is essential to it. It went on without her for a number of years " Terry broke in, and as is always the case where he is concerned, Jim at once became peaceable and good natured. "Your dope's all wrong, Jim. ane Idea is to relieve the veterans who have stood the strain for years by having the reserves come in. Every time Mrs. Jimmie has to serve at the dinner hour you count oh me to share your lonely repast. I don t see why that didn't occur to you on your own —old chap." Jim flushed and stirred uneasily— glancing at me almost in embar rassment at Terry's words. And that told me that what he'd done on the one evening I was on canteen duty was by no means so innocent as spending the time with Terry. 1 wondered if Terry knew —and was at ono and the same time trying to se cure my freedom for me and to make Bure that Jim didn't take too lavish a portion of freedom for himself. As I look back on the evening, I wonder why I wasn't overwhelmed by the burning jealousy that usually jvertakes me when I And myself questioning whether Jim is making ase of his great fascination and charm for women. Was the faith in myself that Anthony Norreys had driven me great enough to tide me aver this situation? Phoebe broke in as suddenly as Terry had done. "I want to work at a canteen, too. I've nothing to do with myself and .he days are so long." "A worthy motive!" commented Virginia drily. "I don't care if it is or not. I'm onesome. I guess the boys are, too —so far from home and with the ex citement of fighting all over. I'd like :o meet 'em—and make a few friends. I don't know anyone in s'ew York." "That's gracious of you, Phoebe," iaid Virginia— still in the dry, dead one so different from her usual :urt decisiveness. "My friends Fim's friends will appreciate being counted as nobody." "Won't anyone understand?" Phoebe's voice broke and rasped. 'You're all busy—and older than I —and you know where you're going —what you're going to do with your ives. I can't stand this drifting iround aimlessly and having to take >rders and always being t ie young est —and not betng vital to anyone." So that explained Neal and his lold over Phoebe. The child's lone ineßs had driven her to accept his ove. She needed him, rather than Exceptional Values in Our Big January Clearance Sale Mean. Substantial Savings in Every Article You Purchase Here i Suits Coats Serges, Poplins, Broadcloths, Ox- Kersey Broadcloth Plush ford Cloths, Tricotines, Silvertones Pompom Cloth, Silvertone, Velour, —ln all the new models and shades. in all the new models and shades $18.50 values ..... ......... $9.95 $24.95 values .......... $15.95 $24.95 values ... ... $15.95 $26.95 values $17.95 $29.95 values ..... $17.95 $29.95 values ..- $19.95 $34.95 values $23.95 $32.95 values $22.95 , $44.95 values $26.95 $34.95 values $24.95 $49.95 values .......... $29.95 $39.95 values $29.95 Silk, Serge and Poplin Dresses In a Variety of Models and all the New Shades. $8.95 values ........... $4.95 i SIB.OO values ............ $13.95 $16.95 values .. $10.95 I $29.95 values $15.95 $39.95 values ..,........., $22.95 Corresponding Reductions in Furs, Skirts, Bathrobes, Etc. No goods No goods Exchanged, sent I 1 • 3 P Exchanged, sent cod o, ,>„ laches Approval B*lo "12 S. FOURTH ST. Approval FRIDAY EVENING. cared for him. In that moment I t decided Virginia had been wise to send his ring back to my brother Neal. "I think, dear —that you've made out the case against your taking on canteen work very well," said Vir ginia. "It needs responsible women —not girls looking for—larks and excitement." "You'll never let me do a thing I want—l'll show you—l'l show you —I won't stand this!" cried Phoebe passionately. Virginia took this very calmly, too —she seemed entrenched in a pas sive indifference from which noth ing could stir her. "I'll let you do one thing you've been saying you wanted to—and that's run along to your own room, dear." she said smoothly. Phoebe's little heurt-shaped face crimsoned and flashed. "So you send me to bed like a baby. You humiliate me before every one. You wait, Virginia Dal ton —you wait!" Then, with the curtest of good nights, she fled from the room. Jim turned with a word of apol ogy. . "I can't think what has taken pos session of the child. She doesn't act like herself. I apologize for Phoebe, and I apologize to Virginia for the way her dinner has been turned in to a debating society." I winced. %Vas that for Phoebe or me?" Sheldon, silent so long, had crossed to Virginia's side. Now he was leaning over her with every show of devotion, and. strangely enough, Virginia didn't seem to re sent it. But it was Anthony Norreys who saved the day. "The child is lonesome. Some how, we hardly see her, Mrs. Dal ton, when you're around. Of course, she can't canteen, because they aren't taking on green hands. But maybe you'd let her help me a bit. I'm thinking of sending Doris West to our Boston oftlee." "Oh, don't deprive me of little Miss West!" protested Jim. "I'd never get on with my sister as as sistant. I'd tyrannize over her shamelessly. I'm—used to Miss West." "Miss West—that's the pretty, Oriental little creature out at your place, isn't it?" I asked thought lessly. But as Jim and Terry turned quickly to study me a memory came back to assail me—Jims words the day I told him I was on for the dinner hour at the canteen —"In case I do console myself by taking a beautiful lady out to dinner" Was Jim interested in his secre tary, and was Mr. Norreys, in friendship for me, going to put temptation out of my husband's way? v To be Continued. Col. House Expects to Leave His Bed Today Paris, Jan. 17. —Colonel E. M. House, who has been ill for several days past, was greatly improved in condition vesterday. He was sitting up in bed and it is expected he .will be able to leave his bed to-day. Bringing Up Father - Copyright, 1918, International News Service -*- '- *- By' McT T anus i| 1 BET SHE IS I VELL-WILL-raO i I Ml* ■ OAO - I've"' £• cTS5 R r wouo Sr?: T H s A^KH ER to2ET *VSZ '' ■ a • i : L —r 4Ljyfe 1 —=l! /->r-M^- THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY By VIRGINIA TERIIUNE VAN DE WATER CHAPTER XXVIII "Thank Heaven that's over!" The exclamation was Mildred's. "Yes, I am thankful the day Is over," Honora agreed. "I dreaded it. In spite"—with a loving pressure of her sister's arm—"of your sug gestion lust night that I looked upon the trip as a diversion." "Oh Honey," Mildred protested. "I did not mean that! But I hated to come to-day—and things had gone wrong with me." "I felt we had to come on Mrs. Higgins" account," Honora ex plained. The two girls were in the Hart ford station wasting for the 7 o'clock train to Fairlands. They had attended the services at church and cemetery and were weary from the strain of the depressing exper ience. On the way # to the station they had stopped at a' restaurant for sandwiches and coffee and had been measurably refreshed thereby. "The day has been hard even though the weather has been clear," Mildred commented. "If It had rained as it did yesterday it would have been unbearable. When does Mrs. Higgins feturn?" "About the middle of the week, I told her to stay here long enough to settle various affairs that de mand her attention. She says she is actually homesick to get back to us." "I'm going to try to be pice to Iter when she comes." Mildred re solved. "Ah, here com.es our train!" As is often the case on Sunday nights, the cars were very full. Two elderly men sitting together gave up their seats to the girls. "Oh. thank you so much!" Mildred echoed her sister's expressions of gratitude in a voice so gentle that the nien, both fathers of daugh ters, smiled kindly at her. Honora's heart warmed toward her little sister when she was in such a mood as was hers to-night. All day the child had been very quiet, but now that the painful duty that had brought them to Hartford had been discharged she was like her best self—the self that Honora wanted to believe was the true Mil dred." HAJRpiSBURO TZ-LEGILAPBC ' "It's nipe our being together like this, in spite of all this crowd," Honora remarked after awhile as the train stopped at Windsor to take on more passengers. "What are you looking at, dear? Do you see someone you know?" For Mildred had leaned far to one side to gaze after a couple who had just passed through the aisle to a seat near the forward door. "No—but at first I thought that man walked like Tom Chandler," Mildred said quickly. "But, of course, it couldn't be he—with that sort of a girl, and with his hat pulled down over his ears like that." Honora gazed in the direction in dicated. The man referred to wore a soft hat, which he had, as Mildred had observed, pulled l|own upon his head, with the brim J bent so low that his face was in slradow. Except that he was of the same height as Tom Chandler, Honora could see no point of resemblance between the two men. "What made you think that could be Tom?" she asked. "It doesn't look a bit like him, to my way of think ing." 1 "Nor to mine, now," the younger, girl said. "But Just as he went past us I thought he carried his head as Tom does. Then I saw in a moment that it wasn't he. Imagine Tom with his swellness, wearing his hat like that. And fancy his traveling with a -girl of that type." The appearance of the man's com panion certainly justified Mildred's critical speech. She wore a bright red toque over hair that was puffed out in immense bunches each side of her head, and covered her ears in huge loops that spread a quarter of the way over her unnaturally bril liant cheeks. Talking of Other Tilings This much Honora saw before the pair took their seats. Then they passed from her mind and she and Mildred talked of other matters. Nor did the couple attract their notice again until just before the train reached Fairlands. By this time many passengers had alighted at various stations, and the man and girl near the forward end of the car were in full view of the pas sengers in the rear. The two elderly men who had re signed their seats to the Brent sis ters were now seated directly behind them. It was one of these whose speech reached Mildred and Hon ora. "It's disgraceful—that's what it is!" he exclaimed. "If young peo ple must make love in that way, it's a great pity that they must inflict themselves upon the public!" He did not know that his words were audible to the two girls in front of him. But, instinctiv#y, they both looked down the aisle. The fellow in the slouch hat had his arm about his companion's waist, and her head rested upon his shoulder. The bright red toque had slipped to one side, and he kissed her again and again. As Honora and Mildred gazed— disgusted and shocked, yet curious also—the girl laughed, put up her hand suddenly, and jerked off the man's hat. As he turned his head to snatch it from her hand, his side face was revcalved. The man was Tom Chandler. Honora felt her sister's fingers close convulsively upon her arm, and heard the quick intake of breath that was almost a gasp. "It's —it's—Tom!" Mildred whis pered hoarsely. The train was drawing into the Fairlands station, and the rumble of wheels drowned the exclama tion to all but Honora. "Here we are at home, dearr," the older sister announced practically. "Suppose we get off at this end of the car and avoid 'the crowd that may bo at the other end.". "Very well," Mildred muttered. Honora arose and started toward tho door, and 'Mildred followed her without another word. (To be continued) Careless Use of Soap Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very care fully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best, Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it, Tho best thing for steady use is Just ordinary mulsltiod cocounut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the inost expensive soap or anything ulsu you oun use, Cine or two teaspoonfula will cleanse (he imir and scalp thorough ly. Simply moisten the huir with wa ter and rub it in, It makes un abun dance of rich, creamy lather, whien rinses out easily, removing every par ticle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex cessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fiuffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply overy mem ber of the family for months.—Adv. Little Talks by Beatrice Fairfax It was a very blind world that used to take it for granted that mid dle-aged women have outgrown ro mantic love. Love? —an afTair of the twenties. And ever afterward, home and lire side and housekeeping, the cook book and the sewing machine. Whether a woman was married or single, whether she had known love or had only dreamed of it, the llres of romance were supposed punctu ally to die in her at thirty. Then, two or three years ago, a European writer set the world gos siping by publishing a book called "The Dangerous Age." Dangerous, that is, because of Its romantic sus ceptibility. Dangerous because while it is particularly hungry for roman tic love, romantic love isn't always within its reach. You see, we're not speaking of eighteen and nineteen, the time when romance promptly answers to romance. No, the "dang erous age" is—forty. Eighteen and nineteen don't un derstand this idea in the least. They are incredulous and derisive. Everybody's safely married at forty, they protest. Everybody has a hus band and a houseful of children. Isn't it only a little short of scan dalous for a woman at that time of life to talk of romance? The Rebirth of Love But the truth is. of course, that there are plenty of women in the world who arrive at middle age with hearts unsatisfied. There are widows who have known a brief j season of love, then a long period of! loifeliness, and who at forty, still 1 young, and with a keen zest for life, I fee! within themselves such possi- . bilities of romance as twenty only | gets a glimpse of. There are unmarried women who i have lost their lovers. There are' others who never found the love j ideal that their fastidious youth de- j manded. At forty life has taught' these women a good deal. They feel ] that above all other things they have learned how to love. And their j lonely natures do cry out for an ob-1 ject to spend this love on. Isn't it entirely natural and rea- j sonable? A deeply interesting instance of j this has just come to light in the! love-letters written by the brilliant English woman, Anne Gilchrist, to; our groat American poet. Walt I Whitman. t j Mrs. Gilchrist was a widow. ' She hadn't cared deeply for her hus-' band. He hadn't in the least typi- ; fled romance to her. She was the : affectionate mother of four children, j She had a wide circle of friends, in- ' eluding the foremost writers and ar- j tists of England. She cared greatly ' for books and poetry. And she was a little more than forty. That is, she was at the very height of the | dangerous age. Then Walt Whitman became fa-1 mous the world over by publishing his wonderful book of poems called ; "Leaves of Grass." The poems : showed how deeply he understood! the realities of life and love. To the lonely English woman, they j were like a personal voice crying, loudly and directly to her hungry | heart. With perfect simplicity and nat uralness, she answered the cry. Love letters to a I'oet She wrote Whi.tmun a long letter, ' indeed a series of letters, telling him ! of the profound personal love that , his poems had awakened in her, and ; taking it for granted that he, too, would be ready to love her and claim her as his wife. It was magnificently romantic.] And tho letters themselves were the' very breath of romance. "My love rises up out of the ; weary depths of grief and tramples upon despair." she wrote him. "1 can wait—any time —a lifetime, any . lifetimes—l can suffer, I can dare, I can learn, grow, toil, but nothing In life or death can tear out of my heart tho passionate belief that one day I shull hear thut voice." It was tragic that Whitman couldn't answer her In her own language, the language of passion- • ale love. Instead lio wrote her kindly, •gently, briefly and therefore dlscouniglngly. Yet after a few years still undlscouraged, Mrs. Gil christ came to this country with her children and cume to know Waltt Whitman as a friend, Two years later, when she went I hack tq England, she who wanted' so much more, hud learned tho hard lesson of accepting the poet's mere friendship, Since Whitman oould ■ not meet hei> love with love, she ■ found a way to quiet that tumultu- , (PUB heart or hers, And her danger-' ous ago was over, But her letters alone, as eloquent" perhaps and as ardent as any love-] letters ever written, would of them-1 selves disprove tne old-fashioned notion that twenty is the supremo' and only age of romance. No twenty-year-old girl could love j with the sustained fervor that Anne Gilchrist did during the five un- I nourished years that she addressed continual outpourings to that poet across the seas whose face she had never seen, whose voice she had never heard. Mature Love Unrewarded A woman must live considerably beyond twenty before she thorough ly understands the capacities of her own heart and gets near to the real meanings of life. But the unhappy truth has to be faced that by the time she has learned to love in the most thor ough and big-hearted way the chances are considerable against her finding a heart that can answer to her own. It's like coming too late to a dance." Everybody's card is tilled. Everybody has his partner. No matter how gayly and deliciously one can dance, there's nothing for it but to be a wallflower. That, of course, is the real tragedy of the dangerous age. The list of possible congenial lovers becomes so appallingly reduced by the time one is forty. There were hordes of them at twenty—when it didn't seem to matter and one couldn't seem to care and one could never quite make up one's capricious mind. But now, at forty, where are they? They're married to women whom you think are not quite worthy of them. Or they're gone WE UNDER WE UNDER SELL Too many shoes is our trouble the open winter has naturally reacted on business and cut down the demand. In order to reduce our stock 30 per cent, within the next four weeks we are running a series of specials that connot help but attract your attention and appeal to your good judgment if you need anything in the shoe line. So come with the rush there will be eighteen clerks here on Sat urday to look after your wants. Ladies' high lace shoes, white tops, kid or patent vamps, Goodyear welts and hand turns; long narrow vamps, high heels; {P J QQ values to $6.00 Boys' gunmetal shoes, Ladies' gunmetal but- Misses' patent colt hut both button arid lace; in ton shoes; broad toes, low ton shoes with cloth Bovs' and little men's Ladies black velvet :an ooze scout Q O cravenette & white buck Misses' and children's shoes up to 5 1 /s shoes in button styles; high cut shoes, button broken 98 c and lace; white poplin , ' .sizes tops, patent vamps; val- Little bovs black scout shoes, sizes ri "i i ' u t • ' 01 ' -> $ 1 11 to tw- "o C Children s shoes in pat- sizes BYz to 2, * 11 to U/2 ent and vici kid; QO sizes 7 and 7 1 /'•>.. Men's dress shoes, gun- RUBBERS metal vamps, hand-sewed Men's tan .0 1 QO Men's Rubbers 79^ s°to S BV. Si •98 SCOUt shoes * * Ladies' Rubbers ... .59^ Misses' Rubbers Ladies' vici and gun- Child > s Rubers 39<* Men's tan work shoes ; metal shoes, colored cloth miDDers ... heavy solid <tl QQ tops, welted £0 QO Boys' Rubbers 69< leather sole.. Jo j es %p£i • UCj Youths' Rubbers .. .49^ G. R. Kinney Co. Inc. 19 & 21 N. 4th St. I * v i 9 JANUARY 1 7, 1919, to South America. Or they've changed their aspect altogether and become fat and florid and uninter esting. And here are you, not Yet begun to feel the least bit old or weary, but lonely, unloved, shoved aside by a hurrying eager feet of a younger generation. 1 wonder if women who, a little too late, perhaps, have awoke to a WHEN DO WE DIE? NO LONGER A MYSTERY Practically speaking, many people actually begin to die years before they cease to live. Many times you tee a comparatively young person with shrunken features and pallor that you might expect to find in a hospital ward. That unfortunat Ar son is suffering from impovci cd blood and every vital organ of the body begins to die the moment the blood becomes impoverished. DR. CHASE'S BLOOD AND NERVE TABLETS have been pre pared to feed the blood the elements it lacks and feed it quickly. The bipod needs Iron. Dr. Chase's Blood consciousness of their own naming hearts, really envy the > average' happily married woman, the woman tvho has comfortably settled down to domestic tranquility and flresldo love. Do they cherish their own unre warded emotion? Or would they change places with the woman who has no dangerous age? and Nerve Tablets contain Iron in i a most active and condensed form, ; so compounded with Nux Vomica, Gentian and other blood and nerve builders, that it can be assimilated or absorbed directly. When in perfect health the blood gradually draws these elements from the food you eat, but when the blood becomes im poverished it must have more direct nourishment. You should weigh yourself before taking DR. CHASE'S BLOOD AND NERVE TABLETS and note your daily increasing weight. Price, sixty cents; Special Strength (stronger and more active), ninety cents. 9
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