2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PA. AND CITY'S SUBURBS ,PERRY APPEALS DATES ARE SET f County Commissioners Will -Hold First Appeals on February 3 Vow Blooinficld, Pa.. Jan. 14. Perry county commissioners have issued schedules for appeals from the triennial assessment and gen eral appeals, following district ap peals. The former will be held during the week of February 7 in the court house. sessions being held from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.. The schedule is: Monday—For Toboyne, Jackson and Madison townships; Sandy Hill district, and Btain, Bloomfield and Landisburg boroughs. Tuesday—For Tuscarora, Oliver, Wheatfleld. Miller and Penn town ships. and Millerstown and Duncan non boroughs. Wednesday—For Liverpool, Green- j wood, Buffalo, Howe and Watts | townships and Liverpool and Xew Buffalo boroughs. Thursday—For Tyrone, Rue and j Center townships, and Xewport bor- ! ough. Friday—For Saville. Juniata, Car roll and Spring townships, and Marysville borough. The general appeals will be held during the week commencing Feb- j ruary 17 in the courthouse, from 9 a .m". to 3 p. m. The schedule is: Monday—For Liverpool, Marys ville, Millerstown and Xew Buffalo boroughs; BufTalo, Greenwood, Howe. Liverpool, Rye and Watts townships. Tuesday—For Blain,and Landis burg boroughs and Carroll, Jackson, j Madison, Saville, Spring. Toboyne! and Tyrone townships, and Sandy [ Hill district. _ j Wednesday—For Bloomfield. Dun | cannon and Xewport boroughs, and , Center. Juniata. Miller, Oliver, Penn, j Tuscarora anil Wheatfleld town- , ships. BURIAL OF I. L. SMITH Blain, Pa., Jan. 14. —The funeral of Ira Lynn Smith was held to-day. Burial was in tlio P.estaudt feme- , tery at Loysville. The Rev. E. V. j Strasbaugh. of Blain, officiated. YOUR only protection is an accurate scale. Guess work has no place in modern business. FAIRBANKS SCALES HENRY GILBERT & SON 400 SOUTH SECOND ST.. Harrisburg Penna. ONLY POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM It matters not whether you have 1 had agonizing pains from rheuma tism for twenty years or distressing twitchings for twenty weeks. Kheu ma is strong enough and mighty and powerful enough to drive rheumatic i poisons from your body and abolish I all misery or money back. Kennedys Medicine Store and all j druggists arc authorized to seli j Kheuma on a no-cure-no-pay basis.! A large bottle is inexpensive, and! after you take the small dose as di-j rected once a day for two days you' should Jtnotv that at last you have obtained a remedy that will conquer rheumatism. .For over seven years throughout] America Kheuma has been pre scribed and has released thousands! from agony, pain 'and despair. Oon'i Be Bald llotv to Make llair Grow Strong,| Thick and l.ustrous. Few of us get bald in a day and; we all have ample warning when ourl hair is thinning out. Parisian sage is a most efficient hair invigorutor, but to immediately stop any turther loss of hair ar.d quickly stan a new growth it must be rubbed into the scalp so the starved hair roots can reaily absorb! it and get the vital stimulation so! badly needed. You will surely be delighted with the tirst application, for your ht.ir and scalp should look] and feel ll>o per cent, better. Parisian sage is not expensive. It's a scientific preparation that sup plies, all hair needs—a clean, non-1 sticky, antiseptic liquid that is soldi by Kennedyg Drug Store and at drug! and toilet counters everywhere with j guarantee to, give you perfect satis faction. of money refunded. .1 Good rooking hair is half the hat- 1 tie in any man's or woman's per-' sonal appearance. Neglect meats! dull, thin, lifeless hair and finally ] baldness while a little attention now insures thick and lustrous hair for! years to come. N'o matter what! your hair troubles try a Parisian I sage massage tonight—you will not bo disappointed. Banish Nervousness 1 Put Vigor and Ambition into Run-Down, Tired Out People If you feel tired out, out of sorts, despondent, mentally or physically depressed, and lack the desire to ac complish things. get a su-cent box of Wendell's Ambition Pills at H. C. Kennedy's today and take the first , big step toward feeling better right away. . if ypu drink too much, smoke too much, or are nervous because of overwork of any kind, Wendell's Ambition Pills will make you feel better In three days or money back from H. C. Kennedy on the first box purchased. Kor utl affections of the nervous system constipation, loss of appc ute. lack of confidence, trembling, "kidney or liver complaints, sleep lessness, exhausted vitality or weak ness of any kind get a box of Wen dell's Ambition Pills today on the moncy-hack plan. TUESDAY EVENING, x !| WEST SHORE ' ! Personal and Social Items ( of Towns on West Shore j Mrs. Rebecca Hays and son, Mar j lilt Hays, of Shiremanstown, spent ; the week-end with her mother In ] Philadelphia. . . Mrs. Ralph Smyser and son Lee, 1 ' of Shiremanstown, visited her sister, i j Mrs. Charles Ebert, in Mechanics • , burg on Saturday. Miss Sara Harman. of Shiremans town, is being entertained by Miss • I Anna Tyson, at Beaverlown. ■ j Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Frey, of 1 ' Shiremanstown, were visitors in I Harrisburg on Saturday. Mrs. Raymond C. Renninger, I daughters Caroline and Mildred, of j Carlisle, were, week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Samuel Drawbaugh and ; Miss Thelma Drawbaugh, at Slilre ; manstown. i Mr. and Mrs. Geary Brenner, of ! Mechanicsburg, were entertained j Sunday by Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. j Dougherty, at Shiremanstown. j Mrs. Lizzie Brinkley, Mrs. Charles Simpson, son Albert, of Harrisburg, | spent Sunday with Mrs. Bessie Mor ; gret and family of Shiremanstown. Clifford Weber has returned to Camp Lee, Ya„ after spending a flve day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Weber, near Shiremanstown. t Mrs. Julia Hurst, of Mechanics burg. and Mrs. Xewton De%ter and Miss Mabel Weber, of Harrisburg, were entertained Saturday by Mrs. Sara Clouser, of Shiremanstown. Mrs. Frances Lambert, of Shire manstown. has returned home after spending several days with relatives ! at Wertzvllle. Mrs. William E. Rowles, of Shire | manstown, visited Mr. and Mrs. Moss j Rowles and Mrs. Earle Rowles, of i Mechanicsburg, on Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. William Neidig, of ! near Mechanicsburg. were entertain |ed on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. ! George Sadler Rupp, of Shiremans j town. Mrs. Joseph Wolfe, of Meclianics , burg, spent a day recently with her j sister, Mrs. Willis Kingsborough, of | Shiremanstown. Miss lielva Wentz, of Harrisburg, ispent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. i George K. Eslileman, of Shiremans ■ town. Miss M. Irene Stone, of Shiremans | town, was a Harrisburg visitor on ■ Monday. Evangelical services which have been in progress in Baugliman Me ; morial Methodist Church. New Cum- ] ' berlatul, will continue during tlii3 week. Mr. and Mrs. Zeigler, of Middle lex, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoyer, of New Cumberland, on ; Sunday. Homer Miller, who was stationed at Camp Lee. Ya., who was dis- j charged from service, visited friends | i at Xew Cumberland on Sunday. W. M. Lefever, of Philadelphia, I ! visited friends at Xew Cumberland I yesterday. i Mrs. W. H. Drayer and Miss Jessie i Xailor, of Xew Cumberland, visited j Mr. ahd Mrs. Frank Seltz, near j Camp Hill, on Sunday. i Mrs. Ida Ruby, Xew Cumberland, i [spent Sunday at Mechanicsburg. ELECT S. S. OFFICERS Marysville. Pa., Jan. 14.—The; Bethany United Evangelical Sunday ; School has reorganized for the en- ; suing year by re-electing John X'. Uoush, superintendent. Other ofli- ; ' cers are: Assistant superintendent, . James W. Benfer; secretary. Lester j Mutch; treasurer, W. 11. Koclier; pianist. Miss Marie Harroid; assist-: ant pianist. Mrs. F. O. Hamilton; su- ! i perintendent of primary department, i Mrs. John Heller; assistant sjuperin- i | tendent primary department. Miss jFrances Luckenbaugb. I PASSENGER FIREMEN* INJURED Marysville. Pa.. Jan. J4. —In a pe- j j culiur accident near here on Sunday 1 afternoon. P. E. Yingling, a Penn ' sylvnnia Railroad passenger fireman | on an eastbound express, was struck by some unknown object on a west j bound train at XC tower near here. I | He was injured so badly that he had j to be taken to the Harrisburg Hos • pltal. His face and head were badly ! lacerated and bruised and he suffer !ed severe injuries to his left arm. j His condition is not serious. LITERARY SOCIETY TO MEET Marysville. Pa., Jan. 14.—The I I Marysville High school will present j ! an interesting program at its regular j | meeting in the Marysville High! 1 school room on Friday evening. "A i i Jack For Every Jill," a one-act com | edy, will be one of the interesting ! features. BANKS ELECTING OFFICERS | MavjsviUe, Pa., Jan. 14.—Perry county bank directorates are meeting to-day for the annual election of of ficers. Some of the meetings are be ing held this afternoon, while others are scheduled for this evening. ERECTING NEW WAREHOUSE | Diincaiiiion, Pa., Jan. 14.—The Duncannon plant of the Lebanon j Iron and Steel Company is erect ing a new 80x100 feet warehouse to house its finished product. The work will be completed within a short time. PURCHASES FACTORY BUILDING Marysvillc, Pa., Jan. 14.—The brick factory of the Unrivaled Ho siery Company has been purchased by Nelson Nace, Cameron and Ver beke streets, for $3,700. Mr. Nace has issued no as to what he will do with it. real estate changes Newport, Pa., Jan. 14.—George W. Gardner has sold his farm in Oliver township to Page Brothers for $2,- 900. The property of C. M. Long, in Buffalo township, was sold by the executors to C. T. Albright, mer chant, for S67C. MITE SOCIETY ELECTS Enolit, Pa., Jan. 14.—The Ladies' Mite Society of the St. Matthew's Reformed Church have elected the following officers to serve during the coming year. President, Mrs. Chris tian F. Kautz: vice-president, Mrs John S. Famous; secretary. Mrs. John tellers; treasurer, Mrs. McClel lan Bitner and collector, Mrs. John F. Gruver. ENTERTAINS LODGE MEMBERS West Fuirvicw, Pa.. Jan. 14.—The West Falrview council, No. 7Tf, Or der of Independent Americans, en tertained the members of the Mid dle District Boosters Association Fri day evening in their council rooms, in Market street. HOI l)IN<; PRAYER MEETINGS New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 14. Cottage p:.ycr meetings are being held at tlie nomes of members of the Methodist congregation every morn ing this week. Three in Hospital and Three in Jail as Result of Riot at Yeagertown Lcwistown, Pa., Jan. 14. —In an I alleged drunken riot at Yeagertown, : three persons were so badly injured | that they were taken to the l.ewis- I town hospital. Three men were lock -1 ed up in the county jail here as a re i suit. .Lewis Fareta was shot live times i In the head. He was struck in the | upper lip in the socnd right finger 1 and the head. S. Maroul and Gra ; vino Tico were stabbed through the | back and sides. Maroul is in a very serious condition. Tony Mangone, Mike Pol'a and John Onall are in jail. It is reported that Polla started j tho fight when he appeared waving a stilletto and declaring he could lick I any person in sight. Fareta, shot five times, escaped death from the fact that the revolver used was a 22- caliber. MRS. 11. G. LOXGEXEIIi IK READ Annvillc, Pa., Jun. 14.—Mrs. 11. G. Longenecker, tvlfe of a well known Lebanon cattle dealer, died at her home near here on Saturday evening following an attack of influenza. She was a sister of former County Commissioner John Henry Gingrich, and is survived by her husband and two sons, Harry and Walter, and one daughter, Mrs. Elmer Minnich. Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon in the Annville Church of the Brethren. CONTINUE REVIVAL Haupliin, Jan. 14.—The revival ser vices in the United Evangelical church has been so well attended that the pastor, the Rev. J. M. Slioop, has decided to continue them indefinitely. There will be preaching every evening this week. The Rev. Mr. Hoffman of Steelton Evangelical church, will preach Tuesday evening and Bishop Foulk will preach on Thursday evening. v DIES OF APOPLEXY I-yken*. Pa., Jail. 14.—Mrs. Susan nah Shreffler, aged 73 years, died at the home of her son, George W. Shreffler. South Second and Pine streets. Friday evening of apoplexy. Funeral services were held this aft ernoon. Burial was made in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, the Rev. Mr. Siinghoff, of the Reformed Church, officiating. MRS. 1). B. BAKER DIES Dills burg, Pu.. Jan. 14.—Mrs. D. B. Baker, aged til, died at her home in Carroll township Thursday niorn ning. Slie is survived by her hus band, two sons and one daughter.' Funeral services wiH be held from the home on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Burial will be in j the Dillsburg Cemetery. Suburban Nates ADD YORK HAVEN IT The Rev. J. H. Schmitt. pastor of the York Haven United Brethren circuit, 'yesterday attended a meet ing of the Ministerial Association at York. Mrs. I. J. Stonesifer and son. Clar ence Stonesifer, and daughter, Elsie Stonesifer, of Harrisburg, on Sun day visited the former's parents, Mr. and Sirs. H. E. Jennings. Harry Repman. son of Daniel Rep man, Sr., has been honorably dis charged from the Army at Camp Sher man, Chillicothe, O. Sliss Annie Hitchens has returned from Steelton, where she spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green. Albert Yinger has returned home from Camp Wadsworth, South Caro lina, having been honorably dis charged from the Army. HALIFAX Mrs. A. P. Ettien is spending a few days in Philadelphia, visiting re a tives. The Junior class of the Halifax High School held a social MonJay evening in the High School auditor ium. Mrs. H. W. Bottomstone, of Watson town. spent Sunday at the home of John Cratzer. Mrs. John Westfall, of Marysville, visited at the home of Mrs. Clara Westfall on Saturday. Frank L, Meader. of Altoonn, spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mattie Meader. Mrs. D. D, Lowery has been ca.letj to Harrisburg on account of the Ill ness of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Tilford. ANN VILLI! Mrs. D. Robert Kreider returned home on Thursday after spending two vi ecUs at St Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sa.vlor and sen, David Saylor. are spending the week end at Reading. Mrs. A. S. Kreider returned to Ann vllle after spending some time at Philadelphia. Mrs. Henry Long, of Lebanon, spent Tuesday in town. Mrs. H. K. Millard entertained the young women's Bible class of the. United Brethren Sunday school af her home at Mlllarden on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ralph Brewer 3pent a day at Lebanon recently. Mrs. H. W. George, of Middletown, was a visitor nt Annvillo on Wednes day. Mrs. G. It. Kreider visited her sis ter. Mrs. I. O. Nlssley, at Middletown, for several days. * Captain Howard Boltz, of Camp Meade, Md., spent a ten-day furlough In town. A Sunday school was opened in the former United Brethren Church building by members of the Mennon ite Church. The directors of the People's De posit Bank re-elected the following officers: President, John M. Early; cashier, J. Frank Smith; flier, M. H. Wilhelm; clerk. Miss Helen Smith; solicitor, B. E. McCurdy. Ralph Wood has returned to Ann ville after spending a week at Read ing. ' j t Nobodu lisses wheat for break fast when they have " POST TOAST IES (MADE OF CORN) , ___ r iTtTT TiGIIAPH C. V. NEWS AID SOCIETY ELECTS . Mechanicsburg, Pa.. Jan. 14.—At the annual meeting of St. Murk's Lu theran Church Aid Society at the I home of Mrs. M. E. Smith. East Main | street, officers were elected as fol | lows: President, Miss Edith Fegley: • vice-president, Miss Esther C. Ryan; j secretary- Miss Ruth Heffelflnger; • treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Smith. VARM BUREAU TO .MEET cluuubcrsburg, Pa.. Jan. 14.—The I annual meeting of the Franklin : County Farm Bureau will he held on ; February 15. GET EIGHT-HOUR DAY Cltambcrsburg, Pu.. Jan. 14.—The patternmakers and foundrymen at j the plant of the Chambersburg En- I glneering Company began working | on an eight-hour basis to-day. OPENS NIGHT SCHOOL Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 14. Cliambersburg's free night school opens to-night to continue through out the school term. The school for | the teaching of commercial subjects is conducted in the high school build ing; that for apprentices in mechan ical drawing and shop mathematics in the West Liberty street building. The hours of the sessions are 7 (o ! 9 on Tuesday and Thursday nights. i JUDGE GILLAX IN* SOMERSET I Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 14. W. . Rush Gillan, president judge of the [ Franklin county courts, is in Som erset county presiding over tho courts there in the absence of Judge Rup pel, who is 111 in the Johnstown hos pital. Judge Gillan will be absent for two weeks. JUNIATA COLLEGE NOTES Huntingdon, Pa., Jan. ll.—Juniata's basketball quintet will have its flrst experience away from home when it goes to play State College next Fri day evening. With the addition of the last ear's men, the team has been greatly strengthened and wl.l prove a worthy opponent for the State warriors. Prbfessor J. C. Stauffer has arrived to take charge of the department of chemistry. Professor Bookley, who has had this work in charge, having resigned. Professor Stauffer, in ad dition to being a graduate of the Uni versity of the State of Washington, has specialized in the natural sci ences in Columbia University and until his discharge a few days age I had been In the Chemical Warfare Service of the United States Arm -. I ENLARGING FREIGHT STATION Etiolit, Pa.. Jan. 14.—The Pennsyl-! vania Railroad Company is erecting j an addition to the local freight stu- j tion. MITE SOCIETY ENTERTAINED Enola, Pa., Jan. 14.—Mrs. Am brose Backenstoe entertained the Ladies' Mite Society at her home here on Thursday evening. Washington and California Ratify Dry Amendment Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 14.—The California Legislature completed rat flcation last night of the federal pro hibition amendment when the House adopted a resolution approved last week by the Senate. The House vote was 48 to 2.8. In the Senate the vote was 25 to 14. California is the twenty-fourth state to ratify the amendment and only twelve more are needed. WASHINGTON ASSEMBLY . . . .QUICKLY GIVES APPROVAL] Oljrmpia, Wash., Jan. 14.—Resolu- \ tions ratifying the federal prohibition j amendment were passed by the Sen- | ate and the House of Representatives ] of the Washington Legislature here yesterday. Washington is the twenty-third state to ratify the amendment. INDIANA SENATE RATIFIES Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 14.—The Indiana State Senate yesterday rati fied the federal prohibition amend ment by a vote of 41 to 6. The House will vote to-day. ARKANSAS HOUSE VOTES O. K. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 14.—The Arkansas House of liepresentatlves yesterday passed the federul pro hibition amendment by a vote of ninety-two to two. The measure now goes to the Senate. Extraordinary Values Are to be Had in Our January Clearance Sale We have slashed deep into the prices which is bound to move our remaining winter stocks out. SPECIALS SPECIALS Men's Ribbed Union Men's Suits and Boys' Suits, sizes 15, Suits, a $2.25 value. Overcoats, values to 16 and 17 only, values Special $25.00. Sale price, ' r 00 Sale price, $1.30 $17.50 $2.98. Men's Suits and One lot of overc- Men's fine ribbed Overcoats, values to co ts, about 7 coats in Corduroy Pants. Spe" eon no c l this lot, values to sls. . . $30.00. Sale price, - i cial, $21.50 $5.06 $2.98 Boys' Suits, values men's Hats, values Men's Fleece Lined to SIO.OO. Sale price, >52.50. Special, Union Suits. Special, $5.95 $1.48 $1.69 Other bargains too numerous to mention. Outlet Clothing Co. , 23 North Fourth Street Open Evenings Across From Y. W. C. A. Mifflin County's Oldest Resident Burled Monday MRS. "NANCY MADDEX I.cwistown, Pa., Jun. 14. —Mrs. Xancy Madden, 97 years old, Mitllin county's oldest resident, who died near here on Saturday, was buried yesterday. Mrs. Madden was quite active until about one month before her death. Injunction Granted in Fight to Keep Sunbury From Taking Utility Co. Sunbury, Pa.. Jan. 14. —A temporary injunction was awarded the North umberland County Gas and Electric Company, restraining the Borough of Sunbury from taking over its local electric plapt. At a recent election the borough voted for municipal ownership of the plant. The com pany alleges that the borough steps are illegal because it does not con template taking over all the property of the corporation that aids in sup plying electricity -to Sunbury. Catawissa Soldier to Bring Home French Bride lllooiimhurg. Pa., Jan. 14.—rn a let ter to friends here, Frank Longen berger, of Catawissa, says that when he returns from Peking the Hun he will bring a French bride with him. His wife is a native of Bordeaux, France. Longenberger is a sergeant in an engineering unit and was among the first troops to be sent to France. . XEW TRIAL IN l.lltt OR CASE Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 14.—Judge Mos er has granted a new trial in a suit, of D. C. Phillips, a former hotelkeep er there, against Samuel and Lewis Rice. Phillips was refused a liquor license last year on the grounds that the hotel was not In proper repair. Phillips sued for 13,000 and was awarded the full amount by a jury. TO REPEAT PERFORMANCE Mt. Wolf, Pa., Jan. 14. —"The Yankee Doodle Jubilee," home talent performance, given here last Friday and Saturday nights, under the aus pices of the Mt. Wolf band, will be given at Emigsvllle on Friday even ing, and again at this place, on Sat urday evening, of this week. FOUR IX FAMILY HAVE "FLU" Blain, Pa., Jan. 14—Mrs. Luther A. Snyder and three children are all ill with Spanish influenza. Mr. Sny der suffered an attack two months ago. Day and Night School DIAL 40111 ENTER ANY TIME KULIR Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 MARKET STREET MT. WOLF HAS HOUSE SCARCITY^ Local Industrial Concern Em-1 ployes Unable lo Find Residences Mt. Wolf, Pa., Jan. 14.—A scarcity j of tenant houses is reported here. I It is almost impossible to rent a ! house to-day. A number of appllca- j tions have been received for homes J by employes at the local Industrial J plants who wish to locate here. During the past few woeks the j Mt. Wo f Reulty Company disposed of six of its new homes and it has a 1 number of prospective buyers for ' other dwellings. Alfred Snyder has 1 sold his two properties in the bor- ! ough, while A. H. Diehl recently dis- ' posed of several properties. There I lias been little building activity in | Mt. Wolf since the declaration of war. It is probable that building will I soon start anew in the spring. i ICE GORGING AT IXM'K HAVEN | York llavcii. Pa., Jan. 14.—The ice in the Susquehanna river has started to gorge and jam in the vi- i cinity of the low grade railroad | bridge, a short distance east of this | place. The jam is almost a mile in : length. Considerable back water j has resulted in the past twenty-four j hours and should the gorge continue* to hojd, it is feared that trouble may 1 result in the operation of the York Haven Water and Power Company's I plant and the. York Haven paper 1 mill. TEACHER RESIGNS York Haven, Pa., Jan. 14.—Mrs. ' Ethel Mickey, teacher of the York j Haven fifth and sixth grades school, j has tiled her resignation with the school board. Her resignation is ef fective January SI. 1 LICENSES ASKED Danville, Pa., Jan. 14.—Nineteen i persons have applied for liquor li- I censes in Montour county this year. \ This is four less than are now held. ! License court will be held here on ; January 24 'IX) HOLD MEETING Mt. Wolf, Pa., Jan. 14.—St. John's ! Lutheran congregation will hold its j annual congregationul meeting to- I morrow night, at which time oftic- j ers will be elected for the coming year. No Sale Goods Charged Forry's Shirt Sale $1.50 Arrow, $1.15 $2.50 Manhattan .. $1.85 $3.00 Manhattan . . $2.15 $3.50 Manhattan .. $2.85 $4.00 and $4.50 Manhattan, $3.15 $5.00 Manhattan . . $3.85 $6.00 and $6.50 Manhattan, $4.85 $7.00 and $8.50 Manhattan, $6.35 SIO.OO Manhattan . $7.65 $12.00 E. &W. . .. $7.65 42 No. 3rd St. JANUARY 14, 1919. Would You Like to Have A GasLinetoYo~ rCountryHome? Well, that is practically ichat you get when you buy a DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVE The nearest thing to a gas stove ever invented, making oil as practical as gas for fuel. Model No. 218 pieces, each removable 5 Burners for cleaning. , t When you see a Detroit Vapor Stove in operation, you will think it is a gas stove. Some of the points that make the Detroit such a wonderful invention— No Smoke, No Odor No Wicks or Asbestos Rings Nothing to Replace or Get Out of Order, Heat More Intense Than Gas Costs One Cent an Hour For Each Burner Absolutely Safe and "Fool Proof." DAILY DEMONSTRATIONS FREE TO ANYONE, PROSPECTIVE BUYER OR NOT—NO OBLIGATION—A TEN-DAY FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME Every Vapor Stove is guaran- — > teed to HEAT any kitchen CM furnish cooking heat at a cost of less than 3 cents an hour. "STRADIVARA" Phonographs "Known For Tone" \ Play all records at their | best. Hear the Stradivara I and you will buy no other. Machines gladly demon strated without obligation. $125.00 model. Gen- * uine mahogany. A large- Torrington Electric sized cabinet machine. Vacuum-Brush Sweepers, Other models, extra specials for this #105.00 to $200.00 | week only $39.75 Our Low Expense Is Your Big Saving Ope S n o EveryU O O V E D ££ Evening. fIFURNITURECO.IX, Wa " ttd 1415-19 N. Second St. Between Calder and Reily Sts. Everything For the Home at Prices That Are Less.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers