T" Store Closes ftegukvly f ij Store Closes Regularly "* ' On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six ——■ ! " 1 . BELI, IIIDI—SaBB.UNITED HAHRISIIURQ, MONDAY, JA\li\RV 13, 1010. ' FOUNDED 18T1 '*~ IVhite Sale 1 7 Y Y T T *1 ™ • Sfreciallv Priced | Bill . • 32 Afternoon and Semi-Evening Hrr 1 "d "launder \v C dl SV \Y Y Y ~vWi ' S a" I ®" gth -' doub,c toe and h 4 l ' incites wide, 59c yard. I® I™Hmsß ' —v —v —v \y> 111 a!l "c*o"aordinary low price", 64 inches wide, 69c yard. kS ! jfflTfnlf BBHHM \ ' \ ' T \2 inches wide, 89c yard- M /Vr%W iMH I MT A H A '"' nc Thread Silk Lunch Cloths size .iBx;>B ® / /if? I MTk PSS P S I $■ \ I k / I A M Stocking boot style, black, :n splendid patterns j,,; / | w W M W K/ 7/1 white ancl colors. Strong double jffl Special at $23.95 | sr|'^|is White Nainsook —4O toclres y j BSSjBjS . This lot of serge, jersey, satin and Georgette Dresses for after- I/Fl ffi low price" 49f ;S,'°: artS "'."""rS i noon and evening wear contains dresses of. rare charm and beauty. | lAMljll/fawL !| coft^Tribbid'nSct'iii^d I vSS White Mercerized Voile with ffl Mil 19A ■i Beautiful enough to demand a large share of your attention, and espe- ® 'Cft bmPi In and pants * A sha P c, y well ' X^ c^!i.'l 0 . i ."! h ! , . , ssf I ' 111 l cially at this price. The dresses are in modes which represent every- 1 " I § "pedfilf price" at ?. nc . : . 9 ."1}8 White Poplin, 27 inches Wide, 'M j W) thing new and good. An inspection will reveal just the dress you have bowman's-mah. Floor. Lingerie' Crepe '"M wished for at a reduced price. | a Diaper Cloth inches wide, per yard ... 39* |g MjPSP I • <as | A number of choice models in all-wool Serge Dresses with self M Antiseptic and non-irritating White Lawn, "Pride of the pf: 4 fflk embroider v trimming, very special at $18.75 !ss —lO yards to a piece: West," per yard 19* ■>: A. P fW Yj\ W 18 inches wide, per piece, 98* Killarney Lincne; 39 inches M' BOWMAN'S- Third Floor. jAA \J W -'0 inches wide, per piece,- wide, per vard* 39* jjwS ffl Spl.iP White Dimity in stripes and " W . ffi 22 inchcs wWe - P cr P ic ": „„ eiiccks, per v,,d me r - . Fur Pieces Specially Two Days' IVe Are Extenditig Our \ j~~ 1 Priced at $25 ! Sheetings and Muslin ! SILK SALE Blouses Very Special These are furs of finest x . • , Of XW a l,a 'ity representing values j - much greater than this price ! vn rintrfimf t „.. . , , / would indicate. Furs that Unbleached Sheetins-81 inches wide • cut from the niece i n ' s ul " can U P niont 1 and man . v special lots are daily These are such entirely delightful^^K^^^B / have sold considerably 1 good qualky • even thrVad vard . .. . P placed on table without newspaper publicity so we aim to styles that we believe most women^L / Allll \ higher Of special interest ! ' Bleached"Sheeting - Bl'inches wide; cut from the piece I <-' r cate surprises in the way of real value giving- wtll .recogtme the economy of im- ' h A f|l \ lo c ver > r woman who dc- ; standard make, yard 69* 36-inch superior quality messaline; all colors, yard, $1.59. fashioncd'ofVbeaut \ A V-< IP i 'rcs a scarf, muft or set of , Bleached Muslin Pillow Cases -42 and 4o inches; best | 36-inch lining satins-2 season guarantee; all colors, vard. gettc Crepe and Crepe de Chine. The/j® I • 1 U© 5 #| ' ,Wjl I the Bowman quality at this , make - perfect goods. 19 - newest trimmings will be found withflifflt j'S \ v iJ >l/L trrcatlv reduced orice 42-inches wide, yard •>* 4rt . , , , .. b * wu,m lilia v i 7/1 11 ftJ'/t rV J Fo/ and "olf in 45-inchcs vvidy,'vard ...; 40® | -;"ch crepe de chhtt-40 colors; yaTd, $1.39. other elabor'tmns. ■MLV'iJk-i '/ Lucille, .Georgette,' taupe Unbleached Sheeting —39 inches wide; extra tine thread; , 36-mch fancy silks;.many styles, yard, $1.4?. trimmed nrettilv with nlMic l* S W, ' ALUKU / b ' a t •*•* '*• -ill bleach casUv, .van.. .. | 36-i„eh highest grade fancy silks, yard, $1.95: ; M&"Vb& ■ }V' ,h , P °? ket 4- [f upe a " ( 1 Unbleached Sheeting -36 inches w.d f ; good weight; w,II ; . 36-in C h black taffeta and messaline, yard, $139. These prices are much prettier than W "PTI I X'A / • tail Also '7a > ' .. X ..!!!" .Ss* ! 36 "! nch black silk and best weaves, yard, $1.85. their low price would indicate. \f V * fox scarfs. Your choice of this Jot, $25. Sec window. " 1 Unbleached Muslin; 36 inches wide oj medium weight— ' 40-inch printed pussy-vyillow, yard, $3.2?. colors' sbades and sldt f BOWMAN'S— Titiia Floor. suitable for general house use, yard IT* 40-inch crepe meteor, best grade, all colors, black and'white, • '•" " " Bleached, Muslin -—36 inches wide; soft finish; no dressing j yard, $2.50. , AIM*. ; will take place of longcloth or nainsook, yard 35* , 40-inch satin, flesh and white, vard. $1.79. O . _ zfx-j nr 1 nr Wniteoaleoi ; We are Showing an advance lot of H. R. Mallinson & Co.. OWeatCrS 4)0.75 3110 55."5 r-i ! novelties such as Kumsi-Kumsa, Des-Kiss, printed Ruffanuff, Underiliuslins & Nesflififees 4 Plv - Saleof Sweaters includes every weave or color. Coat - JAU-Akj W I*l iy VV OiaLCU 1 aril 1 .. BOWMAN'S-Mam Floor. styles and slip-ons. Really astonishing values at this pndermuslins and Negligees—Crepe de chine boudoiur caps ' # i : — ll price* is the opinion expressed by all who buy them. in assorted colors, prettily trimmed irt lice. 4joc and 59c. j Qnppidl Kp Tloll T1 M 1 . . n| • n 1 BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. Flanne'lette nightgowns in all colors and plain white, regular i DDv -D4ll IVI 3O ll 31" t"H 11 Lilllft" ———————————————————— and extra sizes, $1.75 to $4.'25;. , < Combination suits, lace trimiiicfl ifa flesh and white. Ex- j Heather mixture colors in green, 123; dark brown, 101; I . . , . QnPPlll in PprlcrvFon /-lr cellent values at the special price of 89c. brown, 126; grape, 127; brown and red, 759; red, 4; red and January is the month when shirts Inay be selected at re- : 111 JJCVJo]jrca(Jo Nainsook envelope chemiscyTace and embroidery trimmed, green,, 2; brown and green, 7; blue and mauve, 15. j dueed prices.. A twice-year event looked forward to by men —*- also pink batiste with tucks andTibbon shoulder straps, $ll9. These are exceptional values in yarns and there are many , who discriminate in dress. Many of the choicest patterns , Hemmed satin finished bedspreads-extra large size - made While skirts with embroidery ruffles, with or. without un- weeks Qf winter when you can use this yarn to good advan- here reduced to sl.Ba, S2.D. s3.la, $3-8o and $4.8.5. ; . • ° ' dcrlay. 65c. 98c and $1.19. ' tage. Not exchangeable. 1 These prices represent a decided saving. 1 up in Marseilles designsh $3.70 each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ' I BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ! BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 1 Domestic Rugs With An Artistic Touch In | s Annual Sale oi Rugs and Linoleums J The wonderful effects now being made in domestic rugs faithfully interpret the beau- Amongst the large sized Rugs there are many just marked down in price that lend ffi I'M tiful designs to be found only in genuine Oriental creations. In this special selling of the themselves to splendid ornamentation for hall or dining room. In many of these rugs you j® finer quality domestic rugs a marked characteristic is the generous display of rugs for any t^lo s P sa^e P r ices even less than the present cost of production. As the mar- m IM room in the home. TKese rugs can be used for so many places in the home. For instance ° n W ° ol f shows no likelihood of going down at present, and two raises in price fg m r i r i i Y r . r l • c c tl £ r i manuracturers have gone into effect since the Armistice was signed, you can readily yw I u ?° L r 9 n t of a large piece of ftirniture. They form a spot of color see what remarkable values are to be had hereon floor coverings that was purchased in ffl fS that lends warmth to any surrounding. , ample quantities before the war prices began to soar. ffi. Inlaid Linoleums J Window Shades Scatter Rugs Axminster Rugs Wool Faced Colonial Rag Rugs I Ten Wire Tapestry New Process S MUifpittS'VsV'yd. * , Vf^, q c^u?FVowkVwtc S velvet and I„ luxurious deep tufted Tapestry Rugs In hit and miss patterns _ Rugs Linoleums ffl (Bring measurements). j°" /, ' A • patterns, .. Qf exc j. ll{mt quaUty and 24x36 inches 951* m, < , r> , In tile and Mosaic patterns, M '? 7 ' !"!' v Axminster 4 6x6 ft sB>s() an<l beautiful Oriental, floral, ' Made by the Roxbury Car- of blue, green, brown or tan; ffi it i' i *i A:Ci x3G ,nchcS ' $13.50. medallion and all-over pat- 27x54 inches $1 00 md pct Company-n beaut'f* l all two yards wide, 49* sq. yd. {] fgl gt\ Hand made oil sliades on 9xl2 ft., $35.00, $43.50. terns. ' over and medallion patterns, (Bring measurements). 50 guaranteed rqllcrs, 36x6 ft-, 27x02 inches, $3.95. • 12x13.6 ft., $53.50. 6x9 ft:, $lO.OO, $13.50 $1.50. 7x9 ft., $33.50. {VI " s■■■ m 3 o _. 2^; S4 ,nches ' $"-09, 8-3x10.6 ft.. $35.00, and $16.50. 9x12 ft., $35.00. .>4? >X* ft v 'WF< mm / * i 36x7 ft., SI.3D. $4.00. $37.50, $33.50. ? 6.9x12 ft.. $33.50. f 36x72 inches, • $3.00, 8 3x10.6 ft., $33.50, A- Y LXjl N? '$ PJp | 'WTlfflftk : ' - rT a ,( l 6 2i , .^ l2 ' r>o ' #lo ' so ' *••> and #3.00. j ~"* ~ 24x4S inches. 92.50. ln' fk"*!'an'ti"- 1 ll 503 " 1 ' ( #22.50, 30x60 inches, #1.75 and ■ J j i * s ' Bs ' 0.00. Wool Rugs J-'O, l,„ RR and f 1 •- Cork Linoleum 'o m g|>.7 xn autD: - b ' uc ' " ,a l lo S an y an( l tan ' " \j — 11 J\ \ \T\ 4 || X j V'' y-* In beautiful patterns for $35.00, $37.50. 4.6x76 ft., $23.50. 9xl- ft., $lO.OO and I J \\ \ \ ffl A -V- —' baths, kitchens or any room 11.3x12 ft,, $35.00, 6x9 ft., $37.50, $43.50. $15.00. \T \ \ \ \ \ 5" W " VTIV best quality, 95* sq. vd- $42.50, $45.90. j . 8.3x10.6 ft.. $57.50. eowMAN S-Fourth Floor. [7 ° \ \ \ \\ /- }() * • i 4' - ' „ \ ' -■ MONDAY EVENING, fiAERiSBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 13, 19*19. 3
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