COMMUTERS NOT TO LOSE UNDER TICKET RULINGS uost of Tickets For Fractions of February Will Be. Prorated Commuters of the Central Penn sylvania territory, as well as those of all other districts, will be protect ed from finanblal 'loss through the change of the sale of commuters' tickets from a thirty-day to a month ly basis uixjer provisions contained In a supplementary announcement is sued by the Federal Railroad Admin istration, officals at Washington • aid late yesterday. At first it was thought that when s ie new method went into effect on February 1 some commuters whose tickets expire at times than the first of the month would liav3 suffered financial loss because they would have been, obliged to purchase tickets which would have been good only until the end of February, rather than for the thirty days for which they have ordinarily been good.' The Administration announcement says, among other tilings: "In districts where commutation travel is heavy, conductors have very little opportunity to scrutinize tick ets. When the tickets are limited to thirty days from date of sale, each individual ticket must be examined. If limited to the calendar month, the month for which they are issued stands out boldly and is easily dis cerned without close inspection, t'ommmer. Protected "In order to deal fairly with com muters and make for as little friction as possible in the transition from the use oi the old styles of fifty-four trip and sixty-trip monthly commu tation tickets to • a calendar-month basis, the Railroad Administraiton lias instructed all railroads that they , may sell to commuters who have pur chased tickets during the month of January expiring during the month of February other tickets for the re mainder of the month of February for a sufficient number of rides to equal two trips per day at the same rate per ride as the original ticket." It was stated that the monthly tickets will be placed on sale four days before the beginning of the • month for which they are issued, in order to enable the commuters to ob tain them in advance. The new sys >tem, it was pointed out, while being entirely fair to the commuter who gives the conductor a ticket every day, will have a very great advan tage to the railroads, not only in sim plifying accounting, but in collect ing tickets. Commission Has No Information The order of the United States Railway Administration to the effect that commutation tickets hereafter must be sold for the calendar month only has not yet reached the Public Service Commission here. The Pub lic Service Commission in 1914 Issued an order whereby these tickets could be sold for thirty days at any time in the month, and this order is still In effect. Under the law, this order could not be changed in less than three years. That period has ex pired. In the past the Federal Railway Administration in establishing new ; rate tariffs (and the sale of commu tation tickets comes under such tar iffs) has asked the Commission for approval, and this haa been granted. M'XCHfcON TO DR. PATTOS Mrs. Henry McCormick entertained a number of prominent people at luncheon to-day in honor of the Rev. Dr. Francis L. Patton, president of l'rinceton Theological Seminary. who Is giving a series of lectures in the Pine Street Presbyterian Church. KAT MORE PEAXVTB For indigestion and for the value oblained as a food product, peanuts form almost an everyday necessity. You can still procure the Real Jum bo Peanuts, roasted as you like them, at 25c per pound at the Imperial Tea Co., 213 Chestnut street.—adv. Deaths and Funerals WILLIAM C. HALBERT William C. Halbert, for many years connected with tobacco firms and well known to hundreds of pa trons of those places, died yesterday after a long illness, at his place of residence, 924 North Third street. Mr. Halbert was 46 years of age and unmarried. He was a son of the late Robert Halbert, a compositor for the Harrisburg Telegraph for many years, nd is survived by a brother, Edward Halberf. The fu neral will be held Monday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon with serv ices conducted by the Rev. J. Brad ley Marquard, pastor of Bethlehem l.utheran Church. The body may be viewed Sunday evening. MRS. KH.VKST WOLFE Mrs. Ernest Wolfe, of Philadelphia died at hor home, in thta city Thurs lay afternoon. She was formerly Miss Helen Kerr, and resided with her pa rents in this city in North Third itret, neat Peffer. She Was a mem ber of tiio Covenant Presbyterlui Church until the family's removal t Philadelphia. Her death was the result of an at tack of pleurisy, which Uoveloped in to pneumonia. The funeral will take Sato c'sv -,ornfng at 10 o'clock. My skin has improved since Resinol Cleared those blemishes Undodhteclly the cmJy land off beaoty worth having, ctimn farom a dear healthy skin. Red, rangh, fntnplyaktni —skins that itch and bum —-those that are nutjject to abrasions t£ an em barrassing character, caa aanaiOy be treated most suituesilifliy -wifin Renadl Ointment SV - trouble, mn dhsn ih -reeiihnf m ok. When year Skin well, it, —I beeittv. keopitclenremd.hehHhr ffa Jteeisdl £on. At 0t Anqxitk. FRIDAY EVENING. Properties 3ring Good Prices at Sheriff's Sale; Other Transfers Recorded Purchased at sheriff's sale yester day afternoon the three-story brick dwelling at 719 North Second street, owned by Martha G. Sober, was dis posed of for $lO,OlO. S. S. Rupp, attorney, bought the property. Other properties sold at auction yesterday were: Plot, South River, near Mulberry, owned' by David Walters, to A. A. Markley, $950; two three-story brick houses, 2104-06 Swatara street, James W. Lloyd, to Catharine Specth. $3,100, and Wil liam R. Walter, $3,000, respectively; six acres, Washington township, Mil ton I. Bufftngton, owner, to E. E. Slroup, $130; three-story brick, 6234 North Sixth street, Frank C. Smith, owner, to I. P. Bowman, $155.16; 136 acres. West Hanover township, Charles J. Beck, owner, to E. M. Hcrshoy, $3,604; 1535 North Fourth street. Christian Nauss, owner, to Bernard Gerber, $1,665. Deeds were tiled at the recorder's office showing the transfer of th three-story brick dwelling at 2126 Penn street, owned by George W. I I 1 ' , East End Bank We have been unable to write up all the applicants for Christmas Savings Society We will remain open until Saturday noon, Jan. 11 We have all the series EAST END BANK ! 13th and Howard Streets * i | i CUTEX PREPARATIONS Cutex Set 39c Cutex 98c Nail Files .. .15c, 25c, 35c FACE POWDERS Elmo Face Powder 23c Garden Allah Face Powder 59c La Trefle Face Powder $1.19 Djer-Kias Face Powder ...49c La Blache Face Powder 39c Swansdown Face Powder 13c Flora Sweet Face Powder 55c Ven Dome (Mio) Face Powder, 98c Petalis Face Powder 49c Fascination Face Powder 49c Valeska Suratt Face Powder 43c Mary Garden Face P0wder......73c Freeman's Face Powder 19c Pussywillow Face Powder 29c L-Ame (LaMay) Face Powder,.. .19c L-Ame (LaMay) Face Powder...39c Hudnut Gardenia 83c Hudnut Sweet Orchid 83c TALCUM POWDERS Garden Allah Talcum 19c Mary Garden Talcum 45c Waltz Dream Talcum 23c Jess Talcum (Tins) 13c Jess Talcum (Jars) 19c Hudnut Talcum (Tins) 19c Hudnut Talcum (Jars) ... MtM .43c Babcock Butterfly Talcum 22c Babcock Corylopsis Talcum .... .15c Babcock Violet Elice Talcum 13c Palmolive Talcum 19c Djer-Kiss Talcum 33c SOAPS Woodbury's Soap ....19c Cuticura Soap ;.... 19c Resinol Soap _ 19 c Packer's Tar Soap 18c Castile Soap 15c Colgate All-Round Soap, 3 for.. .25c Life Buoy Soap 2 for 15c Jergen's Violet Glycerine. .3 for 25c Jergen's Geranium Bath... .3 for 25c SPECIAL Military Hair Brushes % Per Pair $1.48 Elllnger to Harry S. Rohror, for $3,- 100. The pSot included In the trans fer is 16 by 66 feet. The sale of two three-story frame properties. 1268-60 Market street, by A 1 K. Thomas to Warren Van- Dyke, also was rcporte'd. No con sideration was given but the city assessment of the buildings and ground totals $5,780. The buildipgs aye on a frontage of 42 feet on Mar ket street, the tract extending 80 feet in depth and adjoining a plot 21 by 65 feet in Bailey street. Ban Lifted on Shipment of Anthracite Coal Grades By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 10.—Removal of all restrictions as to shipments of anthracite coal of "egg" and "pea" sizes was announced yester day by the fuel administration. This action was made possible, ft was explained, by an increased supply and accumulation of these sizes. HERSHEY RED CROSS HAS INCREASED MEMBERSHIP Herahey, Jan. 10. The Hershey branch of the Harrisburg Chapter, American Red Cross has of total of i 1,576 members enrolled as a result of v NO MAIL v ORDERS FILLED CREAMS Pond's Vanishing Cream ...—...29c Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream, 33c Hudnut's Cold Cream 39c Palmolive. Vanishing Cream 39c Palmolive Cold Cream 39c Sanitol Face Cream .21c Hudnut's Original Cerate 45c Hudnut's Cucumber Cream 43c De Meridor Cream 29c Elcaya Cream 49c Ingram Milkweed Cream 67c TOOTH PREPARATIONS Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Colgate Tooth Paste 25c Tooth Paste or Powder, 21c Kal Pheno Tooth Paste or Powder, 17c Albodon Tooth Paste 14c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 23c S. S. White Tooth Paste 15c Senreco Tooth Paste 17c Colgate Tooth Powder.. ,15c and 25c Graves' Tooth Powder or Paste, 14c Kal Pheno Tooth Powder 17c Euthymol Tooth Pawder 14c Pyrrochide Tooth Powder 69c Lyon's Tooth Powder or Paste, 17c LIQUID CREAMS AND LOTIONS Oriental Cream $1.09 Orchard White 28c Dermaviva 29c Laird's Bloom Youth 55c FRECKLE CREAMS Stillman's Freckle Cream 29c Othene Double Strength 69c Ken Klay Double Strength 79c ODOR DESTROYERS Mum 17c Spiro Powder 16c Odor Gone * 25c Flora Sweet Deodorant 45c X TOILET WATERS Pinaud's Lilac 73c Hudnut's Toilet Waters 79c Garden Allah Toilet Water 89c Garden Allah Toilet Water.*.... .45c BAJtRIBBTTBG TOLEGH3KPS the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call, It 1 was announced to-day. This enroll ment. represents 663 more than last year. I The local branch has been given large allotments of work in recog nition of the splendid services of the volunteers. An allotment of work In cluding the following. Is now facing OLD FASHIONED TEA FOR CONSTIPATION Brew it yourself at home. Probably the best remedy you can take for clogged up bowels and slug gish liver Is one that costs very little and accomplishes much. For many years Dr. Carter's IC. and B. Tea has been used by tens of thous ands to keep the bowels regular and the whole system in fine condition. Why not get a small package of this gentle, yet sure acting bowel reg ulator and system tonic, and brew a cupful for yourself every night for a week or two? You'll surely be gratefully surpris ed at the benefit you get and will praise Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea to your friends. It's fine for the little folks and they like it. All druggists sell it. Cut-Rate Medicine Store 321 MARKET STREET This store opens at 9 A. M. and closes at 9 P. M., excepting Satur day, opens at 9 A. M., closes 10 P. M. $3.75 Horlick's Malted $3.00 Nestle's Food . .$2.67 Milk $2.79 $l.OO Vinol ......... .79c Hostetter's Bitters .... 89c S LO o Wyeth's Sage and ™T am ' s , C P 79c Sul hur ........... 67c $1.25 Lash's Bitters ...89c ... $l.OO Sloan's Liniment 69c Hay s Hair Health, 59c 75c Mellen's Food 53c $l.OO Miles' Nervine . .73c RUBBER SPECIALS Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water liottle Bottle Bottle " v $1.48 $ 73c $1.19 Fountain Fountain Fountain y Syringe Syringe Syringe $1.48 89c * - $1.39 Combination Combination Combination Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water Bottle and Bottle and Bottle and Fountain Fountain Fountain Syringe : Syringe Syringe ' $2.19 1 $1.49 $1.65 CIGAR SPECIALS BIW The following Cigars, 5 for 25c "^2 Cinco "444" New Bachelor * Don Abilo : Roig First Quality : Counsellor "Owl" : Martagon General Knox SATURDAY SPECIALS, JAN. 11 iKENNEDY'S CUT-RATE tho workers of the branch! EO'chll- i dren's dresses, 60 kit bags, <0 house- ' wives, 10 cap# for layettes and 20 ' house gowns. This makes a total of 200 garments which must be complet ed by February X. I n order that the work may be accomplished an urgent Special For Friday & Saturday Only at 317 Chestnut Street ITpSil PIANOS Bargains " High Grade Pianos and Talking Machines iiiiiilC HERE ARE SOME OF THE BARGAINS PPKIi PRICES RANGING FROM • One Oak Winter Was $450.00 Nsw $250.00 One Mahogany Was $450.00 Now $263.50 One Rudolf Was $350.00 Now $235.00 tea M One Deßivas&Harris Was $350.00 Now $242.50 One Troup Bros. Was $375.00 Now $265.00 §[MjjM[l f] A few New Pianos and Player Pianos to be sold at the old I I prices. Don't hesitate, come early and select your choice from B " I high-grade pianos. We will arrange terms to suit the jS fl HAVE YOU HEARD THE EMPIRE? I " 1 IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN W IS yjES, it's fitted with the latest improved automatic stop. Plays all makes If —1 tejgjfl of disc records, lateral as well as vertical cut, and oh, what a clear, g ■-of sweet tone. When you hear your favorite artists on the EMPIRE you will say "That's the only talking machine for me." It's the wonder of the [lf age. May we send one to your home on approval? Twelve selections FREE with each machine. Easy terms. Come in, The mZ tS™® an make# we have fifteen of these high-grade machines to sell at the old prices. ot lU ' cimts - Troup Bros. 317 Chestnut St. evSgs appeal for workers has been Issued. The workrooms will be open Thurs day of each Week from 10 o'clock to 5 o'clock, koldikkk to build iioads Washington, Jan. 10.—Replies fa RAZOR BLADES 6' Ever-Ready Blades . 30c 7 Gem Blades -... .... .43c PATENT MEDICINES Listerine 69c $1.50 Gude's Pepto Mangan 94c $l.OO Quaker Herb Extract 67c 59c Mineral Oil 34c 11.00 Herpicide .....67c $l.OO Empire Hair Regenerator. .79c $1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypo... .$l.OO $1 Wampole Cod Liver Extract, 63c 50c Phillips' Milk Magnesia 33c $l.OO Bitre Phosphates .........67c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 72c $1.20 Pinkham's Compound 79c $l.OO Resinol Ointment ........69c $l.OO Varnes' 79c $1.50 Scott's Emulsion 98c $l.OO S. S. S 63c $1.20 Bromo Selzer 69c Lysol 73c $1.50 Russell's Emulsion ...98c $l.OO Danderine 67c PILLS AND TABLETS 100 5-gr. Cascara Tablets 35c 100 Calomel Tablets 19c 25c Miles' Pain Pills ~23c 100 A. B. & S. Tablets ...19c 200 Bliss Native Herbs 69c 100 Coryza Tablets 33c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 41c 25c Beecham's Pills 18c 50c Exlax .....37c 25c Olive Tablets 17c 25c Schenck's Pills ...17c 25c Pierce's Pills 18c 50c Wendall Ambition Pi115...39c 75c Marmola Tablets 59c 50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers...34c $1 DeWitt's Kidney Pills 69c 25c Doan's Regulettes 21c OINTMENTS Musterole 18c 25c Gingerole 17c 25c Palmer's Skin Success 18c 50c Hohson's Ointment 40c 50c Poslam. . 39c JANUARY 10, 1919. inquiries sent out by the Bureau of Public Roads reveal that twenty-nine states will need* 103,541 returned sol diers and sailors for road building work this year. Of this number 11,- l 637 must be skilled workers. BETTER ROADS ■4- campaign has been tnriniiiim||^| in Altoona and Blair county members of the Penn Highway ASfc soclation and for better Blair ooumr ty roads. ™ SAFETY RAZORS $5.00 Gilette Razor . .$3.98 Gem Razor ~.... .> >s . .83c Ever-Ready Razor . .. .83c HOME NEEDS 10c Malena . ... 6c Cinderella Soap Dye ...8c Witch Hazel (Pint) 35c Energine v.. 19c Putnam Dry Cleaner ...21c Borax (Pound) .11c Boric Acid (Pound) .......... ,20c Rubber Gloves .29c Lux ...,11c Absorbent Cotton (Pound) 49c Bay Rum (Pint) 75c Ivory Soap 6c Formaldehyde Candles, 23c, 43c, 69c Park Davis American Mineral Oil 49c King's Liver Salts 49c Saniflush .19c Colgate Mechanic Paste 15c Lcibig's Beef, Ir9n & Wine......79c Eagle Brand Milk 19c Black Flag 9c, 17c, 34c f CORN REMEDIES Pierce's Corn Plaster ~..16c Blue Jay Corn Plaster 16c Freezone. . .23c Ice Mint. 29c Tiz ~...14c Calocide Compound 18c Allen's Foot Ease 18c OTE H3SJSE COFFEE 37c lb. 3-lbs. 51.05 Ice Caps .78c Bed Pans ..$1.48 7
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