12 440 NAMES ON TODAY'S LISTS |2B Men Killed in Action; Many Names Included in Corrections i Washington, Jan. 10. Today's two casualty lists mention 440 new j names. In addition, a large list of j Heal Itching Skins With Cuticura 41150ap55. Olntnrat 55 a 50. Talrtm 15 j aipl each frso of "OMlo.ra, Det. S, Za.Ua." The Horrible Handicap of Poisoned Blood The Innocent Suffer Even Unto the Third and Fourth Genera tions, But Relief Is Now in Sight. It has long been accepted as a matter of course tnal tne sins of the fathers must be suffered by innocent posterity, yet it is hard to become reconciled to this condition. The heritage of physical infirmity is a handicap under which thousands must face the battle of life. Scrofula is probably the most no ticeable of the transmitted bloof disorders, though there are othei more severe diseases of the blood that pass from one generation to another. No matter what inherited blood taint you may be laboring Become a Member of Our CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB You Will Be Surprised to Learn How Fast and How Easy You Can Save Money WEEKLY PAYMENTS 25c starts an account that pays $12.50 50c starts an account that pays $25.50 ■ $l.OO starts an account that pays $50.00 $2.00 starts an account that pays $lOO.OO We also have 'a number of other classes — join one, or as many as you like. Take out membership for yourself, your .wife and the children. You can enroll for jyi,. employe or a friend, a society or a charity. You get back every cent you pay in. If you make your deposits reg ularly you will also get interest. Write or Call for Full Particulars—Join Now Everybody Welcome /. UNION TRUST COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA i. NERVES ALL ON TENSION? A mother in the home* or a man or woman at busi ness, with nerves undone and the system generally feeling the strain, should find wonaerful help in scorn ENVISION Powerful sedatives or strong medicines are habit forming and dangerous. The logical help is a form fof nourishment abundant in tonic properties. Scott** brings strength to the body, through nourish ment that is felt in every part. If inclined to b* nervoss, the logical anawer ia—Scott'a Emulator* •cott ft Bowne, ttloom field. N, J. I*o JMMa Ahtalntoly Hf latest fcssmwt applft. X MMt% litlsllii as attM. A EXAMINApOH FREE x a\VT ....... w i^jSevc^S mm XwV XL.°r~ J^Vro^X.A*r-.a , te!sv > w JB; ....... x V'Vjißmk X X • X son noun o / y / 120 Marint Si F X (•■ Ck H ARSISBURQ, PA. n m*mn hn • M* ' FRIDAY EVENING. corrections are contained. • •'A)n© n & these appears the name of Jacob A. Nonas, 2036 Kensington street, Har rlsburg, previously reported missing in action, but now reported Killed in action, and Sergeant Lawrence L. Chambers, of Steelton, previously reported missing in action .but now reported wounded, degree unde termined. The summary is: . Killed in action 128 Died of Wounds 58 Died of accident and, other cajjses ... . f 7 Died'.from aeroplane accident. 1 Died.'of disease ". 50 Wounded severely 1 17® Wounded, degree -undeterm ined 2 Wounded slightly 5 Missing in action 24 Total • <*o Pennsylvanians mentioned are: KILLED IN ACTION, Serge apt. Ernest Anderson, Warren. under, S. S. S. offers hope. This remedy has been In general Use for more than fifty years. It is purely vegetable, and contains not a par ticle of any chemical, and acts promptly on the blood by routing all traces of the taint, and restoring it to übsoluto purity. Some of the lhost distressing cases of transmitted blood poison have yielded to the treatment of S. S. S., and no case should be considered 'n ourable until this great reijaedy hus been given a thorough trial. S. S. S. act? as an antidote to every impur ity in the blood. ' You can obtain it at any drug store. Our chief medi cal adviser will tske pleasure in giv ing you without cost any advice rhat your individual case requires. Write to-day to Swift Specific Co., 433 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga. - .' m xrt William E. Spratle.v. Rochester- U DIED OF WOUNDS. Sergeant. Frank Skelly, Norristown. Mechanic. N Lloyd Aionzo Millen, Springboro. Private. Morris Thai, Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE. Corporal. Elwood C. llause, Driftwood. Private, James Stacfcfleld, Carlisle, 'v , WOUNDED SEVERELY. IJeutenant;- • '[ *"<• ■ ' >'l , Joseph W. Gray, Tltusville. * Private. • I' - • Harvey Bierley, Alden Station. I Wesley OoLdsbdro, Philadelphia; j Milton Ilenry Gunsallls, Lock Ha ven. j Albert Nicholas, Scranton. I Maynard C. Tanner, Brookland. MISSING IN AGtrfO*. Privates, v Elmer R. Ledflon. Philadelphia. Daniel Me.Culla, MahOney'tity.V : KILLED Y-V ACTION. CorporalsV •. Kdwnrd Cantleld " Powers. BJtcie nixvllle. ,• 'fy* Edgar A. Weaver, Malevp. Prijafes., *5 Lloyd A. Rotliermel, Womelsdo r rf., Ralph C. Bpalde, Beavertown. '■ James A. Ward, Philadelphia. Joseph Dombrowskl, Dunmore. Philip Glashofer, Philadelphia, Louis Gotz, Coalridge. Antonl Nowak, Carnegie. DIED OF WOUNDS,. Corporals. Owen Frederick Jones, East Bra dy. ' ■ 1 i Paul G. Schneider. Pottsville. Michael Stephen Lukisli,. Kings- ij ! ton. DIED O FDISF.ASE. • j Privates. ; Win. Fleming, Jr.; Philadelphia.. Charles Stewart, Duquespe. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. Peter Baruitski, Shamokin. I Clietwin S. Cooke, Riverside. | John Lamanski, Morris Run. I Charles I. Lengle, Lebanon. I John W. Mackowski, Erie. | Robert C. Seggie, Garrett. AVilliam Stevenovitch, Pittston. MISSING IN ACTION. Private. Nazareno Primerano, Johnson burg. I REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION. Private. I William S. Sarver, Johnstown. Wounded in Action (Degree Unde termined), Previously Reported Killed in Action. Lieutenant. Alfred H. Loney, Philadelphia. Wounded In Action, l*rcvionsly Reported Died in Aeroplane Ac cident. \ nontenant. George B. Merrill, Northeast. Returned to Duty, Previously Re ported Killed in Action. Corporal. Charles R. Steifel, Freetnansburg. Killed in Action Prevlouslyl Report ed Missing in Action, Sergeant. , Ervin C. Miller, Hanover. , Corporal. Jacob A. Nauss, Kensington Street, HatTishurg. Frank Jf.-Reese, Nazareth. Paul George Snuderinann, Pitts burgh. Privates. Lewis E. Buhcock, Tunkhannock. John H. BfoWn, Johnsonburg. > Morgair L. -Carter, Oannonsburg. Joseph Francis Cusic, Broughton. Hugh B. Donaldson, Gallitzin. Harry P, Falkmer, New Salem. WUHAm Jfc Gilbert. Pittsburgh. Edward R. McLaughlin. Derry. l't- McPaul, McDonald* WT3TOI Morrison, Finleyville. • Albert E. Mortensen, Erie. Wincentry Piclulis, Pittsburgh. Dane! L. Pond, Athens. Thomas J. Prendergast, New Sa lem. James J. Roach, Jermyn. Charlhs 11. Simmons. Philadelphia Andrew F. Trella, Brisbin. Mlchele Vetrona. Philadelphia.'. Allan J. Wampler, Me.Kecspbrt&j. Francis Marion Waychoff, Way nesburg. Alonza L. Wcigel, Allegheny. Uriah Woodley, Cardington.' , Died of.Wounds, Previously Report ed Missing in Action. Privates. •Ivan K. Sloppy, New Milport. , Michael Snee, Kittanlng. Angelo Stinella, Pittsburgh. Wounded Severely, Previously Re ported Missing In Action., Privates. i Nathan Ptashkan, Philadelphia. I Lloyd E. Strayef, York. , ... Ignatius L. Woods, Marlenvllfef' Wounded Slightly, Previously Re ported Missing in Action. 1 Sergeants. , Joseph Chraska, Pittsburgh. Wilson U. Murphy, Woodbine. Albert Perzybsz, Philadelphia. Alfred E. Smith. HolUdoysburg., Walter S. Htaliowski, Morris ffuA'," William H. Werner, Philadelphia. Ralph H. Wltmer, Gratz. ' < Wounded (Degree Undetermined) Previously Reported Missing in Action. Sergeant. Lawrence L. Chambers, Steelton. Corporals. John 1,. Miller, Cleonax. Charles W. Miller, Lebanon. Harry J'alskowitz, Philadelphia. Mechanic. Privates. Privates. Edward Ugker, • Port Alleghany. William Hi Bartholomew, Tatamy ilomiriie ,F. Carreno, Pittsburgh. Frank J. CheJ-ny, Vandling. Tobio Di-Pietro, Philadelphia. Ilenry B. Godqhatl, Telford. Lawrence F. Mails. Philadelphia. Samuel Hermarw'Phlladelphla. Louis I. Kaufman. Philadelphia. Arable Kittle;' Bradford. Tootsle Miller,' Philadelphia. Bttore Mi?chiantk Old Forge.- Harry Jones MOrgan, Duqiiegrre. Fabane New Salenr. Joe Newkolwiez, Scranton. ,Clyde Palmer, BlalrsviUe. Joseph L. Qulnn, Scranton. 1 Howard M. Smith, Berwick.' • John-Ventura, peckvllle. Sick In Hdspltal, Previously Report r ' _ ed Missing. ; Private. *"> , k Antonio Brida, Philadelphia. Returned to Duty, Previously Re pored Missing In Action. Lieutenant. William Warren Shatzer, Lewis tow*. Corporal. Arthur B. IXoOpes, Grove City. Privates. Richard Barnes, Venetla. Max H. P>arnett, Monaca. John J. Blrney, Philadelphia. John J. Brown, Philadelphia. George L. Hasson, Philadelphia. Charles Wesley Johnson, Oil City* John Jubic, Pittsburgh. Hueston Koontz, Johnstown. (Chester R. Leeper, Petersburg, f'etar Perzyblski, Dickson City_ <'< Warren R. Rementer, Philacttel-"' phla. • .George B. Sandoe, Bethlehem. George J. Stabb, Pittsburgh. Willigjn J, Starr,, Tower City.,, „ : Piete Suchelsky. Philadelphia. R oyt- We URi r, ■. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. harrjsburo ufiS&l telegraph "The Live Store" , "Always Reliable" , x - ' • . ' ) . J'? Doutrichs • % "Big" Shirt-Sale Our shirt department has its "fighting clothes" on and V you call look for big things from this end of the store during this exceptional / Semi-annual "Shirt Sale" every shirt in our entire stock is reduced—The most beautiful "Silk I , Shirts" of crepe-de-chine, Tub and Fiber Silk, that your eyes have ever looked at. There are thousands and thousands of fine Mercerized, Madras and Percale Shirts as well as our immense stock of "BATES STREET" MANCHESTER and . "• • T'" u •'* " ' •■' - ' -.J- .... ' "Manhattan Shirts" " • • - * . > * t * j Tomorrow "Saturday" will bring ouf the customers who have been waiting for just such an opportunity as this so you can expect this "Live Store" to have its usual crbwds for if there is "anything doing" in Harrisburg you are always sure Doutrichs are getting their share—and then some, for our ever increasing business proves conclusively that this "Live Store" must be getting a part of some one else's share also. U '• ' '•"> . 1 . ' *, S- SV 'iJ jf Si ■■■ ' : T • • ' - ' Gome to the "Shirt Sale" Tomorrow J* ??•■( J *!i i*\' I i. : ' .• , % All $2.50 Shirts $ \ ,80 All $2.50 Shirts IS S"j&JFS 8 £bk# sl !• -v* •' : - • . ■ See our window display of mercerized madras shirts in £|.?. striped patterns that are very much better and different than any , you have bought for a long while at the price This window display is so complete with every style range that you'd wonder how the designers could think of so manv beautiful patterns.— All sizes. Every Shirt in Our Entire Stock Reduced All $1.50 Shirts $1.19 AH $2.00 Shirts * h.......... '.A .. .$1 £9 ' fff+X. AH $2.50 Shirts . . ■. v $1 89 WgiL ' : Alls3.soShirty s2.ft9 |^. All $8.85 "Silk Shirts" gg h. An $10.00"Silk Shirts" . v v' V - • ,>• , , . . :%r - ■ / ' Boys' 9§c Kaynee Shifts 79c Boys' $1.50 Kaynee Shirts $1.19 .y.- ,v . iJ "v: i" • . JANUARY 10, 1919.
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