IT TT T V F VVVY'T>^ R 9RY*'^ , 'TTY4R^^^9R , T. R R T ADVERTISE TEAT PROPERTY-PROSPECTIVE BUYEtS AIE ALERT < < " A A A *1 * * A A A A A A A A. A * * A * A A A A. A A A A A- A AAA* *..AA*AA*AIIAA-*. 4..* • Aa-a.a.a.a.a.a S. S. -a. a--,4-A. a. a. A ..a a.-^4 I SDeatbs AOODM Thomas A. Woods died,, January 7. 191#. aged 91 years. , Funeral Friday, January 10. 1919. | at 2 I*. M., front his residence, 91# . North Sixth street. Friends Invited. 1 Interment private. _ j HKTTI\(.I3II James R. Rettinger, of Lykens. died in D°" " I ville. Kentucky, on January 6. 19 , at the age of 19 years. I months . FuueVlMcM viceg from his late home, j •MBO Reel streft. on af ternoon, at 2 ocloFk. o'|a"ivcs r d a n s K i3;va cr r j funeral services without furtnci tlce. IX MKMOUIAM January 6 ®! j LUIS. JO has left our a c nt ao 1U never can be'mied. Ills WIFE AND TilltKK SONS. _ LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch of hey?, 18I ? | Sixth and Harris and loa j ilarket byway of HellJ sixth itreets. Return to lulJ Not 111 01. 1 o S. C. Shull. , nsT _ in "Camp Hill, 'ast l-TidaV; I in nfgersoll Radiollte Watch' with ; IX STKUCTIONS KLL. YlfiAH. Enter any time. 194 H. Dial 4016. , FS COL.DEGB. 1 img? k """"Aa gyp***l HELD WANTED—MALE I I ► j j t\ AM 11" AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. MAC'S GARAGE. INC., 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are eli ihle for Government {; all "'f/„. m\Ys Merits. $92 month. Examinations oon. For free particulars, write J. L. .eonard (former Civil Service .L* miner). -lUtl Ketiois Building. W ash uglon. WANTED Boy, 14 or 15 years old, ho can ride bicycle, for '''f'Yulyl ry for downtown store. Must hate chool certlticate. Easy work,, and ood chance for advancement. LePIM u own handwriting. B-. 1116, cale | 'olcgraph. i TWO MEN WANTED To lake rders. Experience unnecessary. ( Ml.on per week for an average of *' x i rders per day. Call Room 410, la-, riot Building. ] DRAFTSMEN • Technical High School men j preferred. Excellent chance for advancement. Apply by letter, giving age. education and experience, it any. Chief Draftsman, BELL-TELEPHONE COMPANY. Harrlsburg, Pa. — r WANTED* Bright boy. 10 years or over, to uct as copy and proof mes senger in advertising depart ment. Apply to I AD V ERTISING MAN AG Eli. llarrlsburg Telegraph. WANTED Men wishing positions j iretneti. BraKemen, Electric Motor- j ten, Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl aitiu, Uliio and New York roads. No I xpeiienee necessary. $IoO-$l5O perl iontlt. Quick promotion $2OO-S3OU er month positions. Name position . anted. Inter Railway Dept. (74). In- Lanapolis. Jnd. • j ( WANTED District and local j i gents in every city -and town in: eniis"ivania. Automobile Insurance. |- xcellcnt policy. 40 per cent, more | jverage, 50 per cent, .less cost. Big : j reposition. Address Y., 6594. care of) , elagraph. I J WANTED Experienced, outside i ' loe cutler, on misses' and children's " igh grade shoes, ideal location and >od wages. Apply lieide Shoe Mfg. j., Palmyra, Pa. WANTED A good blacksmith and horse- j slioer for our shop gt Pax lang. Apply RUTHERFORD BROS., Paxtang, Pa. | f WANTED j , YOUNG MAX, 18 ' r O 20 A'EARS | OLD. TO LEARN SIGN PAINTING. i TIIOS. CUSACK CO.. |f JLEVENTH AND MULBERRY STS. i =y Riverside j" Residence i FOR SALE—The 2%-story brick ' louse, located at No. 2213 North ! '"font street, with eight rooms, lied bathroom and sleeping porcli. !_ )ak finish. Large cement floor torches. Electric light. Hot water !, lent. Cemented cellar witli hot i nd cold water. An ideal residence. 1 ionsull us about the price. Wilier Brothers & Co. j; Men I EStntr iisiirniiee Surety llonds \ l.ocijsl and t'ourt Mreets j , ■embers tllm. Ileal Estate Hoard ' WEDNESDAY EVENING | HELP WANTED —MALB ; WANTED Driver for motor | truck and wagon. Good wages. Ap •l ply Fink Brewing Company. Forsier I street. | THE services of a bookkeeper and ! ofiiee manager; one who can dictate ' good business letters dictaphone I used. A young man preferred; one who wants to get into a good manu ' factoring business. A permanent po i sition for the right man. Address H., I 1838 Belleville, Pa. WANTED Five good Linotype Opeiators. Good working conditions. Apply to HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. I SEVERAL SALESMEN , for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir- : able. Address [ M.. 6541. Care of Telegraph. I i i HELP WANTED—FEMALE j j J A PERSONAL PROBLEM ! ANSWERED . for young women who are seeking a good place to work, it n for your interest before making a decision to ! ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS Js the position permanent? Is the pay satisfactory? is there chance for ad vancement? Am 1 going to be happy in my work? THESE ARE ADVANTAGES \\ E OFFER TO AMBITIOUS YOUNG WOMEN Permanent employment. Good salary—Periodic increases. Excellent opportunity for promo- | tion. , t Delightful homelike rest room. | inexpensive hot lunches. Carefully chosen associates. . Y Apply to Miss Kline, j Operators' Employment Ddpt.,' 208 Walnut St. THE BELL TELEPHONE i COMPANY OF PENNA. j j . SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. j Positions are j permanent, witl* regular work and good pay. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Reily and Fulton Streets. WANTED Girl to assist in office work. Must come well recommended. Good chance for advancement. Address G., 7119, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Flrs and second maid, ' white preferred, for small family. Ap ply 2138 North Third street. j WANTED A girl, for general of- • (ice work. Must know how to tile I and also lo operate a typewriter. Ad dress P. O. Box No. 221. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS I Harrlsburg. December 7. 12 000' | women clerks needed. Salary. $1,200 ! | Experience unnecessary. Women de- i siring government positions write for! tree particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 467 1 Columbian Building, Washington. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To learn shoemaUing. Learners are well, paid and earn good wages when pro- ! licient. Harrlsburg shoe Manufaciur- ' ing Co.. 1402 Vernon street. YOUNG LADY • For office wark. j One with some knowledge of si nog raphy and typewriting. Call at Room! 110, Patriot Building. LADY CANVASSERS WANTED • For Harrlsburg and vicinity. We pay I $22.00 per week for only 4 orders per' day. Call Room 410, Patriot Build-I ing. WANTED EXPERIENCED LOOPERS ' AT HARRIS HOSIERY CO. CALDER AND MARION STS. ! -| WANTED Reliable woman for general housework in small family. Call Bell phone 67251. WANTED Sktiied stenographer, college trained or- the equivalent In education and experience. Knowledge of the state desirable. Address, i or interview. Box R, 7113, care of Tele graph. WANTED Y'oung girl, experienced, to assist in general housework in small I' family- Apply 326 SENECA STREET. Or cull bell phone 4029 R. EX PERIENCED SA LESLA DIES wanted for Hosiery Depart- i meat. Permanent positions. Apply at ASTRICIIS, |' 308 Market Stre"\, WANTED Reliable girl for g n-! eral housework. Call Bell phone' 1662 R. | WANTED j- A colored girl for gen- ' eral .housework. No washing No Sunday work. Apply J6U3 Green street. WIDOWER Desires middle-aged white woman for housekeeper. Good wages. Steady position. Call 1221 owdeu street Harrisburg, p tt . ! UICI.P WAX'TEl) —r.jule anil Female 1 BANKING INSTITUTION WANTS STENOGRAPHER Man or woman. ! Must be competent. • I'- ll' Apply, j n own handwrit i | "'g. stating salary expected and references, addressing communication to , | P. O. BOX 167. Harrlsburg. j THE GI-OBE 50 extra Salesmen and Sales ladies. also 20 boys and girls for wrapping, wanted at once for our big sale. Call at rear entrance. Ask 'or Mr. Deck man. THE GI-OBE, 322-324 Market Street. ! I■* ' I |— 1 WANTED i Boys and girl to assist in tl>e I big sale at The Globe by mak ing themselves generally use ful thfoughout the store. * Apply at once at THE GLOBE, 322 Market Street. ' ' ' j OPERATORS WANTED —ln addi- i ; tion to paving the best prices in the j I city on piecework, we will pay. be- | ginning January 2. a bonus of 20 per' cent. Call at Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Third Floor of City Star Laundry Building, Sixth and Herr streets. Learners paid while under instruc tion. WANTED Middie-agod woman to] do housework and help sick lady. Ad j dress Box 51. 7221, care of Telegraph, ' WANTED Girl for general | | housework. Apply 1904 North Second! | street, in evenings. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ! ] WANTED —Chief clerkship or as- I sistant manager by young man with j { executive ability to handle and keep i i up organization. Statistician two ! .t ears' experience along tins line. Four j I years other work, which includes]' | stenography and typewriting, real es- | i tate collections, express business, pay i rolls and government work. High and business school education. Reference! furnished. Address I-., 7117, care of i j Telegraph, I ' j WANTED Y'oung college gradu- j ' ate, who can operate typewriter and j keep books, double entry, desires po- |. I sition with reliable firm where brains | ! and perseverance insure advancement. | | References furnished. Address P. O. ! • Box 47. Carlisle. Bell 160-W Carlisle. J SITUATIONS WANTED —FemaIe 1 WANTED Y'oung woman, with ! ! child four years old, wishes position | las liousekeper. Address Box N., 7198, I care of Telegraph. I | WANTED Y'oung woman would j j like to ha ve stenographic work in j office; three years' experience; furnish ! best of references. Address M„ care ] of Telegraph. : WANTED A widow dslres to keep j house for an elderly gentleman, or be ' a companion for an eiederly lady. Ad- | Idress H„ 7118, care of Telegraph. , WANTED Young woman wishes ' I position as stenographer; has com j pleted High school course and course ]in commercial business college. Ad- i ! dress B. K., care of Telegraph. — ■■ | i WANTED Plain sewing to do at [ i home. Children's sewing a specialty. ! Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bel) | I phone 1505 R. j ROOMS FOR RENT : FOR RENT One furnished, one j I large front room, all conveniences and [ i use of phone. Cail Bell 369-IJ, or call] ! at 308 South Second. J ! WILL RENT—A lovely front room. 8 i large windows, steam heat, use of ] ! bath and phone; no other roomers; re- | spectable gentleman only. D„ 7115, i | care of Telegraph. | | FOR RENT 181 Ilerr street, two | furnished front rooms, on second and; | third floors; use of hatli. ; for RENT Third lloor front ■ ' room, on State street. Call Bell phone | 675 W. ' FOR RENT Furnished room, with use of bath, for gentleman. Rental. ;$3 weekly. Apply to slrs. Owens. • ' Potts Apartments. Third and llerr I streets. FOR RENT Furnished apartment j on second lloor. Heat, light, gas and j I use of bath. Apply 327 South Front. M ! FOR RENT Three large, unfur- j nislied rooms, oil Second floor; use of, I both; corner location. In good lieigh i boyhood. Also a large storeroom at ! Hie sunie address. Call Bell phone) j 4965 J. i LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT ! —At 609 North Front street, over- • i looking River Park. Call after SP. 51. i UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING , ROOMS Single or communicating; ! kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free, j- I Strictly private. I-aundry. phone and i listhroom privileges. Inquire 429 I Broad street. / > FOR RENT One lurge bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason j able. Apply 876 ruiggs street TWO UNFURNISHED and one fur nished rooma in best part of city; steam heat and all modern con- [ venicuces. Apply in person. 916 North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j $2.60 per week and up; warm rooms. I running hot and cold water; light L housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. APARTMENTS WANTED T I 1 FURNISHED APARTSIENT WANT-I ] ED 1 am desirous of locating a fur- \ i nislied apartment of about 3 rooms) ; with bath for light housekeeping for r 1 myself and wIM; must be centrally lo- j i cated. excellent references can be fur- i' nislied. Write fully, giving location. . rent etc. Address Box K, 7112. care ' | of Telegraph. ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE : I BUY YOUR HOME on our rental I payment plan. Small cash or Liberty, 'Bond Hrst payment required, balance I as rent. We have houses In every ' i part of the city and suburbs. Apply | j p. Doranz. 1225 Nortli Sixth Street. 413 KELKER STREET Vacant; ' 5 rooms; all Improvements. Price. Is 2 300. D. A. Cuiey. iO7 Kunkel Bids. Bell. 559. FOR SALE Sixth Street. 2332, 10- room house; all Improvements; 119 ft.! lot; Turner street on rear; space to 1 build extra house or two garages. ' Ai big bargain. Apply Lehman & Klirige-, man, 8 North Maiket Square. ' HARRISBURG tm&e. telegraph ! f "*■! I ' ! I ' ' i , .. ! - NEED A GOOD STENOGRAPH- , j E.R? Once upon a time that need was rather readily met —but it is a differ ent story, for the competent t steno graphers are in urgent demand. They earn more money than formerly— j. and they are worth more. Tell what you have to offer through a classified ad. I A' ' •' \ | . • / / \ * j HEAL ESTATE I Qll SALE | SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES FOR ] SALE Close to all-night street car | service; all improvements. Prices, I $3,100 to $3,600. Bell Realty Co., Berg i ner Building. | THREE BRICK DWELLINGS ON SOUTH CAMERON STREET FOR I SALE At $1,700 each. Particulars from Bell Really Co., Bergner Build ing. 1 GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY--! Four brick houses •—• each with six ] rooms and bath; all other improve-] meats. Income from rent, $768 annu ally. Price, $6,600. Bell Realty Co., | Bergner Bqilding. J 1 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE For ! I $2,650; 8 rooms, bath, gas, furnace. ! porch front, cemented cellar; drive ' alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building.* ! TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All I j improvements; in city; front porch; j j hay window; nice yard to drive alley, j i $lOO down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER, j 1722 Green Street. Bell 560J ! ! Real Esntc for Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT " j We are having a number of appll- ] j cations at thia time for furnished ] , houses, apartments and rooms. What ' do you have to offer? Address Mil- I ler Brothers & Company, Locust and ; Court streets, ] ——_____ i Real Estate lor Sale—Suburban FACTORY SITE Suburban of Ilarrisburg. One of the best in tho coun try, on two railroads, the j Pennsylvania and the Read- 1 ing. Tracks laid direct to the j site. Contains about 3 acres, with several buildings there- i on. Sewered, and paved streets on three sides. One block to trolley line. For Information inquire of C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. . i r 1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ! ____________ 1 ! FOR RENT Furnished house. ] Steam heat, electric and gas. Posses sion at once. Address J. 11. llolton,! ] 2305 Holler street, Ilarrisburg, Pa. ] FOR RENT Large, 3-story brick i ! building, central location, suitable for I I garage. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkoi 1 j Building. Bell 589. ; FOR RENT—No. 2000 State street' 'corner brick house with all impiove ! ments; store room and large garage I j Good poolroom location. Kent, s3o!i !J. E. uipple, 1251 Market street! j I FOR RENT Two private garages I rear lOui Swatara street. Rent. $.oo ! each. J- E. Gipple. i.ul Market street. j REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rem I HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth' I and Cui tin Streets; possession of sonic i of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Second. lieli phone 307 J. , REAL ESTATE WANTED TWO TO 25 ACRES, near Harris burg, with or without buildings. Ad dress P., 7199. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED i We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to offer. LINCOLN RE ALT T CO 1129 North Seventh-Street. LIFELONG FARMER wants to rent a farm for cash rent; best of refer ence. Box 191, Middletown, Pa. Bell phone 14R3. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to -offer? CHAS. ADLER. 1003 N. Third Street. Offices nnd Storerooms Tor Rent ' I FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, ! For meetings, conventions. Banquets, Dances and parties. Uso of piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street. STOREROOM 1202 North Third street; shelved ready for business 96 feet In depth; skylight; fitted for anv kind of business in best block; s hanks and largest market. Call and let me show you its advantages. J S. Sible, 256 Heir street. MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. • CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street FARMS 40 acres, good buildings, $l,BOO ' 69 acres, good buildings. $3,500. 20 acres, good buildings. $2,600 ; 12 acres, good . buildings. $1,700. 150 acres, good buildings. $4,500. I 109 acres, good buildings. $3,700. 75 acres, good buildings. $2 500 <-all at 101 Chestnut St. t FARMS ! FOR RENT The Oreenawalt Farm. 4 miles north of Harrisburg. 165 acres. Good opportunity. Inquire ! A. S. Thompson. Chambersburg. or j 51auk & Ilai tman, Seventh and Finer- ! | aid. Bell Phone. i I 551A1.1. FA R5l FOR SALE Local- i |ed within one car fare limit. Apply j A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR .s.YI.Iv —MISCELLANEOUS i - , COAL ALL SIZES CHARCOAL COKE WOOD McCREATH BROS.. 5.67 RACE STREET. !__ _! I 1 OR SALE - Two rolltop desks ! and other office furniture. Apply The 1 ) Courier. 21U North Third street. j j FOR SALE 600 Bushels of Pepn- 1 sylvania Potatoes at 1336 North Sixth street, close to Broad Street Market ! Fine Cooking Potatoes at $1.76 ami' $1.85 per bushel. Fine Seed Potatoes 1 90 lbs., in sack. $2.85 and $3.00 per ' sack. Will deliver 10 Bushels and i over on Tuesday and Friuav of each week. j FOR SALE One large Hotel ' I range, one hand-power freight eleva- i I tor, one laundry dry room, one 24- ! I plate Static X-ltay machine, complete j sterilizing and operating room outfit. I i Apply No. 1700 North Second street. ! I FOR SALE A number of slightly i used typewriters. Have been return- 1 .ed to us. Now is the time to get a i , practically new machine at a rea , sonable price. Remington Typewriter | Co., 119-121 Walnut street. j HOMERS FOR SALE Large ! Squab-breed ing Belgium Homing ' Pigeons. $2.00 per pair. Henry Hiegei ! New Bloomfield. Pa. * ' | FOR SALE One American Radi- i | ator Company 900-foot furnace, used 1 two years, practically new. Apply i Chas. S. 8011, Room 65, Union Trust i Building'. FOR SALE YVhite enamel baby ! carriage. Cheap to quick buyer. Bell ' ! TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT • Foil ! CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TIEEUTSON. i 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES | FOR SALE one brand new eler j trie furnace blower for sale cheat." i ( Apply 8006 North Sixth street or Limi | phone 4667. -' UJ ueu CANNEL COAL $8 85 J. B. SIONTGOMERY Just Phone. FOR SALE slagazines for No. .1 Linotvt,,., A rare bargain lor a pia.n \ n u No. 1 machine. 11 Address THE TELEGRAPH PIUNTiV.- COMPANY, >(j Harrisburg, Pa. ! SIMON MICIILOVITZ offers the machinery and contents of in,. Pennsylvania Reduction Company or Harrisburg Pennsylvania, wliicii' h bofight some time ago. |f anybody is Interested i i any ol the material in or a said plant lo apply tt L his office. Paxton street and Pennsylvania U. lE. Harrlsburg. P a . y J 'ia SIORUIS SAYS save money buvine new and second-liand furniture here High prices puid for furniture. Morris Seluner'z, lO.'iU Market. Bell 3971 K. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ~ The Store across from Y. YV. C A offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwe.r | Hats, Caps and Shoes. We ure fam ous for Low Prices. Give Us a trial OUTLET CLOTHING CO 83 North Fourth Street.' \\ ANTED—M IstH.LAN EULs I WANTLD. TO BUY player piano. >tate price, condition I anu wliele :i can be seen. Addreau c.. 6555. care ..I Telegraph. 8 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID fur Second-liand T'urnlture. T'rompt at tention. Newniark & Cown. 308 Broad Street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 336, or drop us a poatal anu our wagon will call Keystone ron & Aietai Lo.. Broad and Currant streeta. PARTr OWNING ~ well-located vacam property In the city, would like to- get in loucli with a responsible contractor and builder. One vt--> would he interested in developing the property. For particulars address U.. 8211. Csre or Telerrrsnh, MAX l-MELTJSs Second-hand furniture buugnt and ■ sold. Highest cash price* paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a poa tal to Max Smaiiz. 1016 Uarkat atraak Will call, city or country / J WAMiiu—;j w.i:i.ux f;ouS ALGllEtol PR ICKto PAID tuf nil 1 h.uuo ul empty Dmitris unci JUUK. Call j 11 Phone 42i6. U A brums oc toon. I >:H-h3Z Norm Seventh street. WANTED 1 Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. Apply I FEDERAL, MACHINE SHOP Cranberry St., near Second.' Harrisburg. Pa, ELECTRICIANS ' Will And an opportunity i n the i sale Ol profitable News Agency In thriving suburban town. ' lnfluenze has depriveu the town 1 of Its only electrician. No Elec- ! trical Supply Store in town. Start a business here. The f Newspaper Agency will get you I acquainted with the people. BOX R. 7474, I. Care of Telegraph. 1,. COHEN & COMPANY. York and t Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for' rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and ! metal and old machines. Send postal ' or call 11221 W Bell and Dial 6225. i Money to I.oan WE LEND MONEY in compliance! j with Act oi June 17. HUG, to Xndlvidu- j I als In need of ready cash; small loans I ; a specialty, business con Aden tial, pay- ! ' uienls to suit borrower's convenience, j | positively lowest rates In city, i PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. I 132 Walnut Street ; j I I . MONEY If >o.i are pressed for ready | cash to meet uny emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws ! of the Stale. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, i ROOM 2U6 BERGNER BLDG.. ! THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. i LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. I Musical IF your Talking Muchine needs re pairs. just cull Bell Phone 3242 J. An 1 expert will be at your service at once. Ul oring muchine to 1213 North Third street. BUSINESS PERSONALS j PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Lobby j of Hotel Columbus. UPHOLSTERING Of the beat I kind Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 3l'S Broad street. Dial phone j 4S2C. . ! RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED i Single edge, 25c Uoz; double edge, 35c I doz; razors. 25c. Gorgus Drug Store. ! ! i)i \MjDNDS oought to.* cash—P. H. | Caplan Co.. 206 Market street QUININE—Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this i changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE ! PHOSPHO-QUININB will stave It off !if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. ! lib Market s.reet | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j ■ LLAVE five to six thousand dollars! ! to invest in a good, clean, legitimate I business, with position. Address B. ! I oave of Harrisburg Telegraph. i !" FOR SALE Millinery Shop, good j ' will stock and fixtures. Old. reliable I i stand, doing good business. 1306 j ! Market street. | i FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery 1 and cigar store. Reasonable price. | Roasting coffee and peanut machine. I i Good scales. Inquire at 514 Market! i street. ______ ' !• 7 HAULING AND MOVING ! WE MOVE Anything —anywhere—auy time. Dial 4990. i DAYTON CYCLE CO., Sl2 North Third Street. City. ' ~ ..... AND LONG-DISTANCE ; HAITI ING—Furniture moving. Prompt l i iiwicp* Ernest Corbin, 650 Calder I street. Both phones. Bell 36'J3J, Dial 3083. __ HEAVY HAULING— Fully equipped i ft; Htitfw. 8.1 l phone 15R6. ___________________________ j mcKS —Local and long-distance' balding- 424 Rcily. Both phones. | MTTO HAULING —Local or long! distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 camtal street. Both phones. j v i "TO TRUCK SERVICE —Local and long distance. F. J. Marter. Bell 39-J. Steolton. \ UTO HAULING— Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. r <?V; r, ea .".°,T pt service. Call Bell 6..3 J. LOCAL AND IX)NO - DISTANCE 1 HAULING Prompt service. A & B. ' Motor Express, 917 Capital Street, j Bell phone lp35J. lall kinds of hauling AND MOVING DONE . CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. I ! "GENERAL HAULING AND FAST ' FXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns • with autd trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. ; or Dial 2265. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. I THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. I STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and , latdles In separate diningrooms. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, houae- I hold goods. merchandise. Private ro.iiri* at reasonable rates. Alao haul ,mg of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co ! Both phones. j 1 STORAGE—In brick building, rear j 408 Market. Household goods in clean, nrtvnte rooms. Reasonable rates, p. G. Diener. 4liB Market street. i STORAGE Private rooms for! household goods In fireproof ware house. 93 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. j 1 UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICKR. Funeral Director and Elnbalmsr. i ill North Second Street. BELL 2(1. DIAL 2145. ; JANUARY 8, 1919. j CEMETERY LOTS FOB SALE t PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Htuuiifully situated on Market street j east of '1 wenty-sixth, and on the | noi 1.1 and east faces the uew park > way. Th prices of lota are moderate. | Miner biuu. Co.. Agents. Cleaners unci v Djer ' IX PAYS to nave Clothes Cleaned. : Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the beat ; place In town. Call and deliver j Goodman's, 13U614 North sixth. Both I Phoneß. | * AUTOMOBILES i FOR SALE 5-passfenger Cadillac Eight, late 1916; condition first class; i newly painted In spring of 1918; 5i good tires; two nearly new; one extra' rim, one extra tube. Address 1042 Rolleston street. Phone 1691 R. j AUTO FOR SALE Late 1916 Max- ! 'well. 6-passenger touring car. fully I equipped, demountable rim, in A 1 con- j | dition. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap- j DIV Edward W. Evans. 36 North Third street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573, MAXWELL. 1916, in first-class con- j dition throughout, light economical • ' car Owner wants larger machine, I ! demonstration at Hoffman's Garage, i ' Seneca and Camp streets. Cheap to ! ! immediate buyer. ! ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour ' Ing Cur, In good condition, has been I used about three months, to be sold 'on account of death, inquire at Gard : ner A iiapusti. Third and Chestnut i streets. t—j ; FOR SALE Reo Touring car. I I Looks and runs like new. Bargain to I quick buyer. Bulck Roadster. A 1 I shape. Baigatn for some one. A. Schiffman, 32-24-26 North Cameron. j j SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks. Auto-Cur 2-ton trucks and one 7- passenger Huyues Touring Car. All cheap to quick buyers. International Harvester Co. Truck Department. No, Cl.i v> ,ul street. I FOR SALE Ford truck, pannel j body; two-horse wagon, good as new. '■ I Both equipped for baker. F. J. Nov j Ingc-r. Mlllersburg. Pa. | j SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto ra- I ' pairing by expert. Road jobs a' j specialty. Charge reasonable. Both j I Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. ONE CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL ROADSTER Beaver's Garage, 632 North street. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. vv e nay highest cash prices. 1 No Junk. XL Esterbro-v. 912 North Third street. Dial 4090. I FOR SALE —5-ton Standard truck, price reasonable; mechanical work in 'AI condition. Guaranteed 30 days. Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cam- I eron street. i„ . t FOR SALE 1917-1914 Ford Tour ings, $425.09, 5326.00, to settle estates. Address Box H 6561, cure of Tele graph. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— Covered body; 1,000 lbs. capacity; a bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. WM. PKNN GARAGE I 304-6 Muench street. Limousines tor I funeral, parti" and balls; careful ; drivers; open day and ulghL Bell [ 4664. i KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron Street. USED FORDS—FORDS —FORDS 1917-1918 MODELS . TOURING CAR 5....5900 TO 5500 ROADSTERS 5275 TO 5150 SEDANS 5500 TO SGOO DELIVERY $375 TO 5150 I COUPE' 1500 ' | ALSO ROADSTER AND TOURING j i BODIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. I ONE SPECIAL SPEEDSTER WITH DISC WHEELS. SCHUTTE BODY—A.REAL SPORT CAR. THESE CARS HAVE BEEN OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED AND ARE SPLENDID VALUES. CONVENIENT TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. MAC'S GARAGE. INC.. 117 S. THIRD ST. 377 BELL 4213 DIAL.# i YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY' • PAYMENTS ' 1 '/j and 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. • 1 U-l 1 /4-2U and 2%-tort Hethlehcms, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons, in cluding Bulcks, Overlands and Vims. "■ THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. OLD AUTO Wanted, used, wreckrd or oidtlmers. In sny condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wracking. A. Schlffman. 52, 24. 25. North Cameron street. BU 3553. . Mlf 1 Ml | AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT , Good used cars are scarce. It Is difficult to maintain an assortment varied enough to advertise them, they move so quickly. These cars deserve special * mention: . Saxon Six touring, almost new. All tires good, one ex tra. Equipment includes spot light, new chains and radiator cover. Priced attractively. Late Model Chandler Coupe, j equipped with practically new Silvertown Cord tires. An op portunity to purchase at sub stantial saving over the new car price. 1916 Ford touring. Motor and mechanical condition ex cellent, all tires good. Willys-ICnlght flve-passen ger touring, completely and thoroughly overhauled and j repainted. I j THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.* Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones* , FORD DELIVERY CARS FOR HIRE, ALSO 2 -TON FORD j TRUCKS BY THE DAY OR TRIP, WITH OR WITHOUT DRIY'ER. MAC'S GARAGE, INC., 117 S. THIRD ST. j 377 BELL: 4213 DIAL. I J MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 1918 lIARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP Three speed, twin cylinder, electric equipped. Run 600 miles. Inquire 2121 Swatara, street. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new. i Bargain at $95.00. Hdrst, Llnglea | town. Pa. BICYCLE REPAIRING ' BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. Garages, Accessories and Repairs SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAINS 28x3 $3.65 30x3 $3.75 30x3 'A $3.95 I 32x314 54.13 31x4 $4.40 32x4 $4.50 33x4 24.60 34x4 54.80 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North 'FI44.U street. ! MAGNETOS —AH types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Elshmann, Dixey, Sp.itdorf, Mea, Itemy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. Schiltman, 22-24-26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds ra fiaired by specialists. Also fendera. amps, etc. Best service In town. Har j risburg Auto Radiator Works, 605 North Third street. '■ WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO* 1538 Logan SL BELL 4396 J. i PUBLIC SALE ; ■ || i PUBLIC SALE —Of Factory Build ing 42 ft. by 80 ft., brick, one story j and basement, recently built, will be held at MarysvlUe, January 11, 1919. at 1 P. M. Formerly used as hosiery mill. LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE Miscellaneous unserviceable articles of police equipment will be exposed, j for sale on January 30, 1919, at the : store room of the Department of State | Police. Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa. List of articles may be had on ; aplication to Department of State Po lice. Bids should be submitted In writing on the entire lot. Address Superintendent State Police, P. o. Box 266, Harrisburg, Pa. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLING HOUSE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. HARRISBURG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived uy the Superintendent of Pub-, lie Grounds and Buildings at his of fice In the Capitol Building, Harris burg, Pa., until two (2) o'clock P. M., January 14, 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials for the recon struction of a dwelling house for the Department of Fisheries at Union City, Erie County, Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and speci fications prepared by pffice of Super intendent of Public Grounds and Build<"-s. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders Dy applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg. ' Pennsylvania. Proposals must be marked "PRO i POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF I DWELLING HOUSE. UNION CITY. I PENNSYLVANIA, on outside cover. I GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. L W. MITCHELL Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, HARRISBURG, PA. ■ Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Publlo I Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., until two (2) o'clock P. M. January 14th. 1919. for furnishing all labor and materials for the construction of a two-span reinforced concrete arch bridge over Penns Creek, at Monroe Mills, Snyder County. Penn sylvania. as indicated fully In the plans and specifications prepared by G. A. Flink, of Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania, Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commfselonera of Publlo Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to tha Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PENNS CREEK BRIDGE" on outside cover. GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. L W. MITCHELL Secretary 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers