BELI, 1001—23.1(1 L'MTF.D Saturday Piece U\f BLOUJGfr I ■ Goods Specials J[^ t / Special Silk Sale Offering J - lTOrt?ml-y^ h ifouTwJ 1U :! Scores Of Fine Silks ' Here's;, sale that no man hi town, can af ... . , . _ , r f >,„ • . _ . , r I- iord to pass up! it embraces hundreds of manv I,m,LltraTve offerings. Innumer- ill At FSpeCialy LOW I ahirts from our cm. stock of high grade . , * . . . . ... ... • , shirts at reductions that must appeal to every able other stvles are here, so smart they -will , Tj /+ nc .. . , r • • . . .. * . . , , „ I ; • man, or the women who buv for men. i lus is add particular charm to a dark suit, and they , x / , will accompanv th e lovely new skirts with dis- , , „ , onc ° f m ° s ' '™P°rt*nt fh.rt sa es we have tinction. Among the many for to-morrow are: 36-illch failCV Kliakl Kool, yard, $1.50. announced. Ihe broad ranches, the excellent J . styles, the superior qualities pronounce this Vgr, New white lingerie waists crisp, fresh dl 24-inch fancy velveteens, yard, II event as of first importance to every man 'yy voiles, dotted swiss. and other soft white ma- ■ i -ii ' J nloirh Vflld 42Uc wishing to supply his immediate needs in 'Jzf terials; lace and embroidery trimmed; high or AHk .iO-mCll k.llK ailU COttO J ,y 9 /2 • shirts or recognizing the advantage in an- jIF3 low collars. Special, $1.98. and 36-incll silk and cotton shirtings, ticipating future requirements. ijjj/ Crepe georgette and crepe de chine blouses \ yard, 59c. Colored negligee shirts, soft and starch VI SI I**!®* I in dark suit shades, flesh, white and combina- AMp. )L\ * . ' ji • cuffs in cotton, 75c, $1.05 and $1.45. '4lk tion of colors: lace embroidery and beading ; \ jOT *• 32-illcll TOlcigll aild Allieiicail hllC glllg- • ~ . . e ■ / (#fW\ . v/fto ' Silk Fibre Shirts at $3.55 and $4.35. \\W VfWAiFX:^■! trimmed new line, cojnplete range of sizes /Irl. WO _ liam Zepliyi*, yard, 69c. \\h and styles. Special, $5.79. A J /I'/ 1 * r l * •* l Silk at $7.85. I\ll ft w 7 ' A L n W\ \i\ 36-mch finest grade American percales, . . i Sweaters in all wool; knitted coat style apd iW] JJJ \\J/\ fcl ® r . Better bargains in Mens Shirts cannot be slip-on In the sleeveless styles. Special, $3.50. jig ; [JU yard, 39c. had. Convince vourself by an inspection of n' |[_ WWIMoBW 50-inch black silk plush, yard, $6.50. _ | lhis ijNSpf® l\ A 54-inch Velour de Laine—superb quality * FTij ( \ W —big assortment of colors, yard, $3.95. ill \fi 11'$ II II Remnants of all wool fabrics in light and v I ' '! ui {[ "ill dark colors, ONE-HALF PRICE. jj [i[)l BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's Shoes Priced 95 IVarm All- JVool Men s, I lannelette Special For Saturday Nightshirts Women's tan calf laced boots with French heels. Special, m M vWlf } J I |f B new shipment of men's flannelette night shirts just re I (/ I * * I I I ll ceived. Owing to the scarcity of this grade of merchandise Women's grey and fawn suede laced boots, French heels. j IJ )f vIQ t{? ■ ff\ 1/ //} we are fortunate to obtain them. Special, $7.00. j \J b • J U(Yj W I Prepare now for the "frosty" nights; make your selection Women's high laccd boots of various colors, with high . \ A . \ f lLc\ n ' while assortment is new. They will not last long, hiels. Special, $6.00. /f l * / /I i Cf* /t f\ C /\ /ill It/ ' s ' ze garments with neat colored stripings. $2.50 and kirouing girls black and tail calf skocs, ssf)o and $6.00. //J fWI OtCd CI IA t M?• 5U M// /l \\ omen s patent vamp shoes with cloth and kid tops. * / I I \ /v] JL , I t I I \ Special, $1.98. '/ I \ [l I ] < I I H ' pr\ Rnr W mp I weather - Materials are all wool velours, Bolivia I | Tonight, chestnut street Auditorium. ilOlSery ror women I I / I cloths, silver tones, crystal cords and plushes. These / • T! P t f)ht hi 1 /I are w ith straight lines, belted models, loose flare and 11 J I By rLfHpIoyCCS of atna e ' LAK y n semi-belted, large fur collars of natural racoon, Hud- HjUfJ | Moorhead Knitting Co. A comprehensive stock of the finest qualities and best ATA \ SOll ea b OppOSUlll and JNutna SiZeS 16 tO 44. ° styles. .7 i • j dP/in cn I By employes of Moorhead Knitting Company. These are the three axioms of our ladies' hosiery; complete \A Vrreatly UUClerpriCefl at - tier* • 1*• 1 e • • e assortments. Qualities arc the best and styles up to the 1 H JJf ! tntire proceeds benefit of Associated Aid Societies of minute. Harrisburg. /-v it- - 1 . • * BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. One of our good numbers is 4261. All silk with lisle top in . Your money's worth for a worthy cause, black and white, $2.20. . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 1 Choice Of Beautiful Hats At $5 Yes, it was a special purchase, one of those fortunate opportunities which makes it possible to sell the entire lot at a price so surprisingly low that there is hardly a woman in Harrisburg or vicinity who will not wish to pur chase one of these hats at this exceptionally low price. * \/ Large, medium and small hats. Large satin hats, trimmed with silk flowers. Medium size with satin crown 4s| jfc AjjTe and straw brim, and some in reverse order, trimmed with flowers and ribbon. Others with Georgette top with ''WjkJKr \ straw facing trimmed with ribbon, flowers and fruit. Also turbans with silk rim and floral crown. All Geor- \ gette turban, trimmed with steel beads. Every hat the newest shade, navy, a new brown, henna, taupe and black. And every hat in the lot your f choice at $5.00. | fffe Clearance Of Winter Hats At $3 JtinT FRIDAY EVENING. Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six HARRISBTJRO TELEG2QPH JSjoam&nZ HAnniSBL'RG. Fr-r>AY. JANUARY 8, 1... JANUARY 3, 1919 Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six 3 FOUNDED 1871
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