12 MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville To-night George Hall, comedian; "The Corner Store," lively comedy offering; Mary Haynes and Company; AVhlte's Ani mal Circus; the Dancing Cronins. Change of program to-morrow Emma Francis and Company In Ori ental Dances; Claud and Marion Cleveland, llarrisburg favorites; Townsend-AVilbur and Co., in "The Smart Aleck;" Helen Harrington, singing comedienne; the Cycling Brunettes. Also second episode of "The Lure of the Circus." ORPHEUM To-night Al. H. Woods offers "Par lor, Bedroom and Bath." Three days, starting to-morrow, with daily matinees —"Hearts of the World." "Wednesday, matinee and night, Janu ary B—"My Soldier Girl." Thursday night and Friday, matinee and night, January it and 10—Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels. REGENT To-day and to-morrow Douglas Fairbanks in "He Comes Up Smil ing," and Flagg comedy, "Perfectly Fiendish Flanagan." January 4 "Mirandy Smiles," with Vivian Martin. January li-8 "Private • I'eate" and Sennett comedy. "Sleuths." VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow Theda Bara REGENT THEATER First Presentations of Paramount-Artcra ft Productions HAPPY NEW YEAH! TODAY, TOMORROW, FRIDAY Special Holiday Feature DOUGLAS FA IRRAN KS in the breeziest of comedies. "HE COMES UP SMILING" an invigorating, laughter-provok ing tale that chases gloom away FLAGG COMEDY "Perfectly Fiendish Flanagan" ! SATURDAY The Adorable VIVIAN MARTIN in "MIRANDY SMILES" sparkling comedy of life and love ami ROSCOE ARBUUKLE in "MOONSHINE" Admission, 10c V- 20r & War Tax | J MAJESTIC THEATER SHOW TONIGHT—6 to 11 An ciilire new liill to-morrow with EMMA FRANCES i \ HL: I t COMING v m MONDAY | & *ls vjf JIMMIE HODGES DANCES AND CO. OF 25 - Orpheum - Tonight —LAST TIME! AL. 11. W'PODS OFFERS The Season's Screaming Farce PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH SEATS 25c to $1.50 OUR PRESIDENT Sees Historic Spots in Europe So Vividly Shown in the New Peace Edition of "Hearts of the World." ORPH BUM Beginning To-morrow Matinee—January 2 3 Matinees ct 2 o'clock. 3 Nights at 8 o'clock A Large Symphony Orchestra SEATS ON SALE NOW FOR THE ENTIRE E., , i IKMENT PRIPF\ MATINEES 25c > soc . 7Sc > s lo ° *NIGHTS 25c, 50c, 75c, $l.OO, $1.50 Aetna-Essick-—"lt's Insurance" 1918 \ 1919 Our Heartiest .l/oy T'oii/- union Trustßuilding WEDNESDAY EVENING. in "When a Woman Slnr." Thursduy and Friday—George AValsh in "I'll Say So." To-day Ruth Roland in "Hands Up." To-morrow "The Hand of Ven geance." Friday and Saturday Houdlnl, tho Great, in "The Master Mystery.' One of the conspicuous dramatic successes of last season ls'tho attrac tion at the Oenheum tn "l'nrlor, night. A. H. Woods pra lledrooin seating "Parlor, oeul'.o.il and Hath" and Bath." "Parlor, Bed room and Bath" is said to have scored more laughs than any other comedy on the boards last year. It is certainly one of the very few plays that survived the sweltering New York heat, und ran well into the summer. The pluy is the work of C. W. Bell and Mark Swan, und Is de scribed as a farce frolic in three acts. "Hearts of the World," tile D. W. Griffith superproduction, presented With the accompani "Hcnrta of ment of a special sym tlie World" phony orchestra, will be the attraction at the Orpheum for three days, starting to morrow, with dully matinees. of the World" Is a simple love story unfolded in France, where Mr. Griffith spent eighteen months in puroductng it. In the latter part of the story this master dramatic genius brings before his public a vivid panorama of war such as never has been revealed before, and in the se curing of which he had the hearty co-operation of David l.loyd George, Prime Minister of England, and other British and French officials. The grim background of war is, however, merely incidental to the development of the romance, the scenes of which tire laid in a small village in France. A com pany, headed by .Lillian Gish and Dorothy Gish, Robert Harron, George Siegmann, Robert Anderson, George Fawcett and Master Ben Alexander, interpret this latest of the Griffith masterpieces, said to far surpass his former triumph, "The Birth of a Na tion." When the military musical spec tacle, ".My Soldier Girl." is presented at the Orpheum "My Soldier Girl" next Wednesday, matinee and night, theatergoers will readily appreciate why this new play was so instantly acclaimed the triumph it has since confirmed. "My Soldier Girl" is a veritable exposition of the modern showman's tasks and lavish outlays. Its first act is a glittering whirl of costume and scenery, a "Winter Gar den" beauty show de lux, and meas ures well up to tho highest standards of anything New York has sent forth in many a day. The second scene re- COLONIAL HAROLD LOCKWOOD In a drama of love and loyalty PALS FIRST Thursday—Friday BERT LYTELL in Hitting the High Spots V IC TO R I A TODAY AM) TOMORROW William Fox Presents THEDA IIAHA in "WHKN A WOMAN SIN'S" Also Today, "HANDS UP" Tomorrow "THE HAND OF VFN GRAN OR" Friday and Saturday lIOL'DINI in another episode of "THE MASTER MYSTERY" GEO. W ALSH in "FIX SAY SO" Admission, 10c & 2tlc At War Tax SCENE FROM D. W. GRIFFITH'S "HEARTS OF THE WORLD" v„._ .. %<m& f* The advance mail orders already received for the oominir ™i,. ~ production, "Hearts of the World," in dicates a widespread intefest fn lhTi ™,^ re of D ' W Orlfnth s tremendous at t he Orpheum to-morrow. "Hearts of the World" Isthe "torv ofa lute r ® tdrn n S"*ni*nt. which will open in the latter part of the production were taken on the actual battlefields tin .'i, ' n Franc e. and the scenes Lloyd George and other high British and French war officials. ,ds un dpr ll l e auspices and co-operation of produces a picturesque estate in I Florida, close by an aviation field. A grand fete is tendered the newly ar rived instructors. Topi Lawson and | Teddy Carter, former members of the ! Winter Garden company, who, having | graduated in aviation, are assigned i to this station. The night is a gala one and many .novelties are introduc ed by the assembled ex-Winter Gard eners. The final act. in two scenes, offers the culminating- surprises of the play. The opening scene, a battle field "Somewhere in France,"/ vividly portrays those regions of devastation and then dissolves into its very anti thesis, the Goddess of Liberty in our own United States. These transitions are intensely heightened by the big ensemble action in living "Did Glory" formation, the while, singing the pa triotic composition of the score "Lib erty Forever." An exceptionally clever cast has been engaged and is ably supported by u bewitching beauty chorus of thirty-odd "soldierettes." There is 110 better way to start the New I ear off than by going to the Majestic and having a good At tlie laugh, for the bill there is Majestic one of the best of the sea son. Comedy reigns su preme and there isn't a dull moment during the entire performance. "The Corner Store" is a hilarious comedy offering, presented by seven clever en tertainers, and is a scream front start to finish. Mary Haynes, pretty and talented, has a repertoire of splendid comedy songs, all exclusive, which she puts over to big applause. George Hall is a well-known comedian, and has a lot of funny stories, good com edy and a patriotic recitation which „ a decided hit. The Dancing Cronins 0 . vul '*'ty of pleasing dances, while \\ liite's Animal Circus furnishes line entertainment for young and old alike. The second episode of what promises to be a thr'lling serial—"The Lure ot the Circus," will be shown to-mor row, Friday and Saturday afternoon. The vaudeville show will include such attractions as Emma Francis and Company in Oriental Dances; Claude and Marion Cleveland, the Hnrrlsburg favorites, in comedy, songs and non sense; Townaend-Wilbur und Com pany, presenting a comedy skit en titled, "The Smart Aleck;" Helen Har rington, singing comedienne, and the Cycling Brunettes, in a bicycle offer ing. Douglas Fairbanks holds his title as j king of laughmukers in the delicious j comedy unfolded at the He- j At tlie Kent to-day, to-morrow and 1 ItrKcnt Friday. Blues, KloOni and ! the sadness of life, melt in i the sun of his good-humored acting, j Imagine Douglas Fairbanks taking the role of valet to a pet canary bird. Imagine him pursuing the bird. When the latter has escaped from captivity. I And then it is he harkens to the call ] of the open road. Eager to catch the canary, lie becomes a hobo, living ! among these ragamuffin tribes. By a I rare streak of fortune, he is given | the clothes and money of a stock broker, is mistaken for one of those 1 fortunate individuals and finally ! through his fldelty to the chase after | the canary, becomes heir to a huge I fortune Such is tile story of "He! Comes Fp Smiling." It is a delight ful comedy, one of those that make you forget the dour days and remem ber the sunshine alone. Theda Hara, as a siren, who is re generated through love for a young divinity student, is the star At the at the Victoria Theater to- Vlctorln day and to-morrow in "When a Woman Sins," a Theda Hara superproduction. In this production. Miss Hara gives I a performance of telling power and poignant appeal. The picture relates an absorbing story of a young nurse, j who, unjustly accused, becomes a no- j torlous woman of many loves. But through all her devious career she continues to love Michael, the young cleric, even though he rebuffs her again and again. At last, despairing of ever winning his respect, she is about to commit suicide at a sensa tional dinner party, when he sends lier his forgiveness in a bunch of lilies. PRESIDENT LEAVES FOR ITALY TONIGHT [Continued from First I'ttgc.] saying: "This system appears to be condemned liy some very high au thorities. Nevertheless, 1 will re mark that if such a balance had preceded the war—that if America, England, France and Italy had got together in declaring that whoever attacked one of them expect to see the three others take up the common defense ." Cleinenccati Interrupted The premier was interrupted here by applause and disorder in the chamber, but later resumed: "There is in this system of alli ances which I do not renounce, 1 say it most distinctly, my guiding thought at the conference, if your body permits me to go there, and I believe fhut nothing should sepa rate after the war the four great powers that the war has united. To | tills entcte I will make all sacrlfl i e.es." The statement of the French pre mier is looked upon as foreign to ' the stutement made a few hours later, at Manchester by President I Wilson, when the President said:' "If the future had nothing for us but a new attempt to keep the world HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH at a right poise by a balance of power the United States would take no interest, because she would join no combination of which is not a combination of all of us." Press Thrust at Premier The French papers have refrain ed from discussing the difference of the viewpoints, resulting from M. Clemenceau's speech, except the So cialist organ Humanite, which says: "As to Clemenceau—he repudia tes with tranquillity the Wilsonian conceptions. To-morrow it will bo necessary to arm again, to con struct fortresses and cannon and forge alliances against third powers. To tho Society of Nations there is not even a discreet bow." LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BU.uvjj uF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC UiiUUAFo AM) IAjILDLNUS, SPATE CAPPiui BUILDING, HARRISBURG. PA SPARED PROPOSALS wnl be re ceived by the Superintendent ot Pub lic Grounus and Buildings at his of fice, in the Capitol Bunuing, Huiuis burg, Pa., until two tio'clock p At January 14, 1919, for furnisiung' an labor and materials for tile cutiairuc tion of a three span reinforced con erele arch bridge over tiio Tionesiu Ci eelt, on the edge of Tionesta Bor ough, 'iionesta Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania, ,as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared by John Farris, of Pitta burgh, Pennsylvania, Consulting En gineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Publte Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building. Jlarrisburg Pennsylvania. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION' OF TIONESTA CREEK BRIDGE" on out side cover. GEORGE A. SHREINIJR, Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL, Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLING HOUSE OFFICE OF BOARD DF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GrvOuNDS AND BUILDINGS, STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, HARKISBURG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings lit his of fice in the Capitol Building, liarris burg, Pa., until two (J) o'clock P. M.. January 14, liili), for furnishing all labor and materials for the recon struction of a dwelling house for the Department of Fisheries at Union City, Erie County, Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and speci fications prepared by Office of Super intendent of Public Grounds and Buildines, llarrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders oy applying to the Sui n tendent Grounds and I tngs, Capitol Building, Harrisbuii Pennsylvania. Proposals must he marked "PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLING HOUSE. UNION CITY, PENNSYLVANIA, on outside cover. GEORGE A. SHREINER. Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING HARRISBURG, l'A. Scaled proposals will be by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa., until two (J) o'clock P. M. January 14th, liltii, for fin lushing all tabor and materials for the construction of a two-span reinforced concrete arch bridge over Penns Creek, at Monroe Mills, Snyder County, Penn sylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared by G. A. Flink, of Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania, Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, llarrisburg. Pennsylvania, Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL ■ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 'I'LNNS CHEEK BRIDGE" on outside cover. GEORGE A. SH REINER, Superintendent. L W. MITCHELL. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, HARRISBURG. PA. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Cupttol Building. Hurrishurg. Pa., until two (J) o'clock P. M., January I 14th, 191'-', for furnishing all labor and materials for the erection of new 1 piers and repairs to damaged piers of | bridge over the North Brunch of the Susquehanna River, at Luceyvllit, | Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, as I indicated fully in the piuns and speci fications prepared by William B. Pax ! son, of Wllkesbarre, Pennsylvania, Consulting Engineer for the Board of I Commissioners of Public Grounds ami I Buildings of the Commonwealth of I Pennsylvania. Plans , specifications and bidding | blanks will he furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and ; Buildings. Capitol Building, Harris burg, Pennsylvania. Proposals must oc marked "PRO POSAL FOR ERECTION OF PIERS ! OF LACEY VILLE BRIDGE" on out i side cover. | GEORGE A. SHRKINEK. Superintendent. i L. W. MITCHELL. I Secretary. I.F.GAL NOTICES Estate of Harry J. Miller. Sr de ceased. LETT ERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate having been grunted to the undersigned, all persons indebt el to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the sunie without delay, to HARRY J. MILLER. JR., , Administrator, Or to 247 14 Hummel St. W. JUSTIN CARTER, ESQ.. Attorney for Administrator 221 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Adnßnistra~ tion on the Estute of Lydia A Ham mond, late of llarrisburg. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons owing the said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment and those having cluims against tne snipe will present them without delay JOHN W. HAMMOND, Administrator, No. 225 Pelfer Street. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that tiie annual meeting of the policv-liolders of the Retailers' Mutual Fire insur ance Company of Pennsylvania will be held at No. 7 Walnut Street (Webb Terminal Building), Philadelphia Pa at 3 P. M„ on Thursday, January i>! 1919, for the election of nine Direc tors ,aiui tor the transaction of such other business as may eoine before said meeting. WILMER CROW. Secretary. Estate of Sarah A. Fiese, deceased ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been issued bv the Register of Wills of Dauphin County in the above named Estate to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said Estate will make payment at once, and persons having claims against said Estate will present them promptly to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Steelton, Pa.. Or to Administrator WICKER SHAM & METZGEII, Attorneys, Fourth Floor Rorgner Building, _ • Harrisburg, Pa. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: 'ln the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 42 March Term. 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin culo matrimonii, Carlotta B. Knepp vs James A. Knepp The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, James A. Knepp are therefore directed to appear in the Court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the sec ond Monday of January, A. D. 19(9 t o answer the complaint therein filed' * W. W. CALDWELL, ' .. . ~ Sheriff, Harrisburg. Pa.. December 17. 19tg. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss-. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 285 June ■'l'm, 1918. Libel in divorce—-a vin- V! 'fiatiTmonii, Clias. A. Dennis vs. Maggie Dennis. The subpoena and . I'.i subpoena in the ahove-stuted " returned "non est in ventus. i on, Maggie Dennis, are therefore diiected to appear in the Court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the sec ond -rondo y of January. A. D. 1919 to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W CALDWELL, , _ Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., December 17. 1918. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa., No. 330 June Term, 191 S. Libel in divorce—a vi". cula matrimonii, Anna M. Schcifer vs Henry Schcffer. The subpoena and alms subpoena in tlie above staled ease have hoen returned "non est in ventus." You. Henry SehefTer. are therefore directed to appear in the Court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the sec ond Monday of January. A. D uifi to unswer the complaint therein liicd' W. W. CALDWELL. ' Harrisburg, VS.. December 17. 'l9lB. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 123, Janu ary term 1918, Libel In divorce a vinculo Matrimonii, Anna 31. Gilbert vs. Leroy Gilbert. The subpoena and alias subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Lerov Gilbert, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the sec ond Monday qf January. A. D„ 1919 to answer the complaint therein ni„V W. W. CALDWELL. „ Sheriff, • Harrisburg, l'a„ Dec. 17. 1918. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 383 June term 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin culo Matrimonii, Emma E. Callahan vs. James F. Callahan. The subpoena and alias subp'oena In the above stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You. James F. Calla han, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, p a ., on the second Monday of January A D„ 1919, to answer the comulaini therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg, .Paw, Dec. 17, 1918, Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 349, June term, 1918. Libel In dlvoree— a vin culo matrimonii Charles L. Wilson vs. Cora Wilson. The subpoenn and ! alias subpoena tn the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You. Cora Wilson, are there fore directed to appear In the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the second Monday of January, A. D.. 1919, to answer the complaint therein filed W. W. CAILDWELL, __ _ I Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa;, Dec. U7, 1918. *' ' A jk' iJ)(iAI; NOTICES Proclamation in Divorce ! Dauphin County, ss: In the Couri of Common Pleas of i Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 464 June term 1918. Libel In divorce—a vin culo matrimonii, Paul Kozler vs ' Helen Kozler. The subpoena and alias i subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You. Helen Kozler, are therefore directed to' appear In the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the sec ond Monday of January, A. D 1919 to answer the rotnplalnt therein niert' W. W. CALDWELL. .... _ _ Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa.. Dec. 17, 191s. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 509. June Term, 1918. l.ibel in divorce a vinculo matrimonii Josephine Cuck ovic vs. George Cuckovic. The sub poena and alius subpoena in the übove-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You. George Cuckovic. are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg Pa., on the second Monday of Janu ary, A. D„ 1919, to answer the com plaint therein tiled. w. W. CALDWELL, Harrisburg. Pa., December IVI' 1918. ! Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, s s: iv ln i! 16 £ 01 "' 1 of Common Pleas of I Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 134, March I term, 1918. Dibel in divorce—a vin- I culo matrimonii Clura M. Markel vs ! Churles P. Markel. The subpoena i and ulias subpoena in the above-stat- I ed case have been returned "non est 1 inventus. You, Charles P. Markel are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa on the I Mon,ln Y °t January. A. D | In liied° unswt ' r tlle complaint there- W. W. CALDWELL. Harrisburg. Pa., December 17, VdlB. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: r Jn il* e Court of Common Pleas of 1 Dauphin County, Pa., No 4 lune i Term 1918. Libel In divorce - I vL nt A°oL" a A Pll S onil . Mabe J '• Cassel vs Amos C. Cassel. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stat inventns V \*r, l returned "non est Inventus. Vou, Amos C. Cassel are therefore directed to appear in the couft at Harrisburg, Pu., on the sec ond Monday of January, A. 1)., 1919 to answer the complaint therein tiled! W. W. CALDWKLL, Harrisburg. Pa., December 1?[ 1918. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Term ' Td l s ° "'fM' . Pa ." N °' ™ i leini, 1918. Libel in divorce a ' Snyder 1 r , i !! u "', i 1 Verna Altressa • nn>uer vs. Charles Kston Snvder I ihe subyoena and alias subpoena in ( turned ° V "noi? ted been"re-! T , nori est inventus." You, Chailes Eaton Snyder, arc therefore Harrisburg 1?" eUr in . the cowt nt iiari Isburg, in on the second Mon day of January, A. D„ 1919 to ans wer the compiaint therein died i W. W. CALUWKLI. Harrisburg, Pa., December' 17.' Vo'l 8. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss; In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 331 Line I Term, 1918. Libel in divorce—a vin- ' culo matrimonii, Anna L. Taylor vs. George \. la., lor. The subpoena audi alias subpoena in the abovo-statod i case have liecn returned "uon est in ventus.' You. George V. Taylor, arc therefore directed to appear in the Court at Harrishur"- rn„ on the sec ond Monday of January, A. D. 1919 to answer the complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. December 17. 1918. Sheriff Sales By virtue of certain writs of fieri facias, levari facias, liberal'! facias, venuuioiii, exponas and alias ve.idi l tioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court' of Dauphin County, Pa., ana to me di rected, 1 will expose at Public Bale or Outcry, at the Court House, in the City of 1 litmsburg, Dauphin County, Pu„ on Thursday, January 9, 1919, ut 3 o'clock P. Al.. oie loliowiug real es tate, to wit: (WiCKELSHAM & METZGEIt, At torneys) No. 1 All that certain lot or piece of ground, situated in tiie Second i Ward of the City of Harrisburg, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begrnning at a point on South River avenue at ilie corner of property of William J.'Bergstresser; thence west wardly along River uvenue thirteen l'eet 113) to other property late of I J oil it Merkley, now aeceuued, to a point; thence northwardly by a line parallel With Mulberry sircet ninety tU) feet to a point; thence eastwaru ly by a line parallel with Kiver ave nue aforesaid, thirteen (13) feet to property of • ; thence southwardly by a line parallel with Mulberry street uforesuid, ninety (90) feet to ltiver avenue, the piuce of beginning. lor title see Deed Book "K." Volume 8. page 896. Bold as the property of David W. Walters, Mortgagor, and Samuel S. Wallers and Jacob H. Wallers, real owners, aud J. O. Miller, party in possession, defend ants. (REED. Attorney) No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the Thirteenth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, with (he improvements thereon erected, bound ed and described us follows, to wit. Beginning ul a point on the north ern line of hwatara street, which point is forty (40) feet distant in an east erly direction from the northeast cor ner of Twenty-first and Swatara stieets. at line of property No. cluz Swatara street; thence in a northerly diieetion along the line of said last mentioned property and parallel with Twenty-first street one hundred (100) feet to Long avenue; > e in an east erly direction along the south line of Long avenue twenty <2O) feet, more • i I less, to a point; their southwardly along Be at sight angles to Swatara street and tliiough the cenlet of a partition wail b.-tw • 1 n this und adjoining house, yu>. hundred (100) feet to Swatara str, mid thenm westwardly along the north, rn lin. o; j Swatara street-twenty 1201 leet to the place ot beginning. I Having thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house. Known und numbered 2104 Hwatara street, llar- I risburg, Pennsylvania, i It being part of the same premises which Claudius D. Behney and wife, by their deed ot November 17. 1916, and recorded in Deed Book "P," Vol. 16, puge 653, granted and conveyed to James VV. Lloyd, defendant. Sold as the property of James W. Lloyd, de fendant. (STPCKER. Attorney) No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of lund. situate In the Thirteenth Warn ■ ' H"i'nsbiiig. Coun ty of Dauphin and State of Pennsyl vania. with the .I,> . Clients llieie on erected, bounded and described us follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the north ern line of Swatara street, which point is slxry (60) feet distant In an easterly direction from the northeast corner of Twenty-first nnd Swatara streets, at line of property No. 21U4 | Swatara street; thence In a northerly I direction uldrg the line of said last mentloncd property und through llie center of the partition wall between this und adjoining house and beyond one hundred (130) feet to 1-ong ave nue; thence In an easterly direction along the south aide of Long avenue twenty (20) feet, more or less, to a point; thence southwardly along a line at right angles to Swatara street one hundred (100) feet to Swatara street, and thence westwurdly along the northern line of Swutaru street twenty "(20) feet to the place of beginning. 'Having thereon erected a three (3) story brick dwelling house known and numbered 2106 Swatura street. Har risburg. Pennsylvania. It being part of the same premises which Claudius D. Behney and wife, hy their deed dated November 17. 1916. and to be herewith recorded In the office of the recording of deeds, &c., ln and for Dauphin county. DECEMBER 21, 1918. grunted and conveyed onto James W Lloyd. tlit Mortgngor herein. hlsi heirs and assigns, reference being had u ill more fully snrl at large appear Sold as the i roperty of James w. Lloyd, defendant (STROUP & FOX. Attorneys) No. 4. All that messuage and tract of land, situate in Washington Town ship. Dauphira County. Pennsylvania, bounded, limited und descijbed as fol lows. viz.: Beginning at stone by a deail black oak tree; thence by lund of Reu ben l<easier north 53(4 degrees west 49.5 perches to a stone heap; thence by lands of Jonathan Zerbe and Eliza beth Welker. deceased, due north 24.12 perches to a stone; thence by lands of John D. Row. south 53(4 degrees east 49 v perches to a stone; thence hv a private road due south 24 3-25 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 6 acres of land. It being the same premises which Charles A." Row. by indenture dated April 12 1912. for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant and con- , firm to the snld Milton I. Bufdngton, . his heirs and nsslgns forever. <Seo | Deed Book "V," Vol. 14. page 135 etc.). , Fold.as the property of Milton L Bur-| flngton and Maud E. Bufdngton. de- j fendants. , I CI. P. BOWMAN, Attorney) No 5. All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the City of Har- ! rlsburg. Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia, bounded und described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western line of North Sixth street, two hui. dred ninety-eight feet nnd four inches northwardly from the north west corner of Mahantongo and Sixth streets, at line of property No. 2632 Nortli Sixth street; thence westward ly along said line through tile center of a brick partition wall one hundred feet and six Inches, more or less, to a dfteen feet wide alley; thence north wardly along the eastern line of said alley nineteen feet and two Inches, more or less, to line of land, now or late, of C. F. Copetiliaver; tlience east wnrdly along said line one hundred three feet and two inches, more or less, to Sixth street; thence south wrrdly aiong the western line ot Sixth street nineteen feet and two inches to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a thrce-stor.v ones dwelling house. No. 263 1 North Sixth street. For title see Deed Book \. Vol. 16, page 599. Sold as the property of Frank C. Smith and Annie B. Smith, defendants. (CARTER. Attorney) No. 6. All that certain messuage, ; tenement and tract of land, situate )n j West Hanover Township. Dauphin ( County, Pennsylvania, bounded anu described as follows, to wit: Beginning ut a hemlock; thence t>> I land of Adam Brightbtll south nfteeu and one-half (15(4) degrees, easi seven (7) perches to a hickory stump, thence bv same soutli twenty and three-fourths <2o*4 > degrees, west one hundred twenty-one und seven : tenths (121.7) perches to a post, thence by sume north eigbty-sev en ' (87) degrees, west eleven (11) •to a post; thence' by the Burring, I ground south three (3) degrees, oast I tour >nd six-tenths (4.6) perches to a I posi, : lenre north eighty-seven (87) degree.-, west eight and seven-tenths (8 , ) perches to a post; thence by land of the heirs of John Fox. deceased, south three (3) degrees, east six rid four-tenths (76.4) percnes to a post; thence by land of John Itauch north eighty-three and ono • half (83(4) degrees, east ninety-eight and four-tenths (98.4) P er^'. post; thence by same aoutn thirty seven and three-fourths (37%) de grees. east thirteen (13) perches to a I post; thence south sixty-three and one-half (63(4) degrees, east forty and four-tennis < 40.41 perches to a ! hickory; thence by bind of Catharine ! By ilia und Nellie ITiiokle and George • liunkle north one and tliroe-tourtns i'l-U) degrees, west one hundred eighty-four and five-tenths l 184.u) ; perches to a stone;, thence by land loi'G irge Runkle south twenty-six (26) irgrces, east twenty-eight and three-tenths (23.3) perches to a post; thonee by same south eighty-five and one-nail' (85(4) degrees, east twenty nine and live-tenths (29.5) perchea to a hemlock; tlience by land of same north seventy-till < • "3) degrees, west thirty-six and se\- -tenths (36.7) perelies. to the p!a of beginning. Containing one hundred and thirty - six (136) acres and lifty-four (ol) perches, strict measure, with the ex ception of the trac,.s granted and con veyed by suid Annie M. Bongeueckcr and Samuel, her husband, to T. U. I Dingle by deed bearing date the 31st day of August, 131u. containing one (1) acre and one hundred and fifty-live ( 55) perches, and deed to Hurry Sellers bearing date the 2bth dav of .September, lull), containing two (2) acres and forty-iivo (4u) I perches. Being the same premises which Annie M. Dongenocker and ■ Samuel Doiigenccker, her husband, by | their deed dated tlie 19th day of I March. 1915, grunted and conveyed to Charles J. Beck and Elizabeth Bock, his wife, Mortgagors herein. Said deed recorded ill 1 Recorder s Uf- Itce, in and for Dauphin County, in Deed Book , Vol. page . Sold as the property of Charles J. Beck and Elizabeth Beck, defendants. (EDWIN W. JACK ->ON, Attorney) No. 7. No. 1 All that certain piece or purcel of land, situate in the I City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County I und State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; D- ginning lat lite southeast corner ot Wallace land Cumberland streets, und running I thence southwardly ulong \\ aliace I street 14 feet, more or less, to oilier land of the said defendants; tlience I east wardly along said land 68 feel. I more or less,.to a private alley; thence northwardly along said alley II leet, more or less to Cumberland street; tlience westwardly ulong Cumberland street 68 feet to the place of begin ning, having thereon erected the build ing now known as No. 1135 Wallace street, said building being a fwo-and one-half-story frame dwelling house 14x22 feet in size, with- two-story back building annexed 14x22 feet in size; all in good repair. For title see deed recorded in Deed Book "B," Vol. 16. page 285. &e. No. 2—All that certain piece or par cel of land, situate in the City of Harrisburg. Dauplim County. Penn sylvania. uounded and described us ! follows: Beginning on the eastern i line of Wallace street fourteen (14) | foot distani southwardly from Cum berland street, and running tlience eastwardly along said lund 68 feet, ' defendants 63 feet, more or less, to a ! private alley; thence southwardly along said alley II feet to a point; ' tlience westwardly 68 feet, more or I less, to said Wallace street; thence 1 northwardly along said Walluoe street I 14 feet to the place of beginning; huv ) ing thereon erected the building now i known as No. 1133 street, said building being a two-and-one-halt- I story frame dwelling house 14x22 feet in size witli two-story buck building annexed 10x14 in size. For title see deed recorded in Deed Book "L," Vol. 16. page 285, &c. Sold as the property of Jaeoo Wiener and Annie Wiener, his wife, defendants. (EDWIN W. JACKSON. Attorney) No. 8. No. I—All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Hurrisburg Dauphin County, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded anu described as follows; Beginning at the corner of land, now or late, of V\ u liam C. Kirby. on the western side ot Sixth street, and running thence westwardly along the line of suid lund 84 feet to other land of the suid Annie Wiener; thence northwardly along the rear of suid last-mentioned land in a parallel witii said Sixth street 15 feel. nlo re or less, to land late of 1 atriek McNlff. afterward Caroline F. Melir iiig- thenee eastwardly along the line of said land 84 feet to said Sixth street; tlience southwardly along tha western side of said Sixth street 10 feel more or less, to the place ot be ginning. with the right to the use of the three leet wide alley extending from the rear of the land herein de scribed to Wyeth street, formerly-call ed Wyetli alley. Having thereon erected the building now known as No. 1408 North Sixth street, said building being a three-story frame dwelling house 16x36 feet In size with back building 12x12 feet in size annexed, all in good repair.' For title Bee deed recorded In Deed Book "D." Vol. 16. page 236, ftc. No. 2—All that certain piece or par cel of land, situate In the City of Har risburg. Dauphin County, and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at the corner of land, now or late, of William C. Kirby. on the eustern side of Wyeth street (formerly called Wyeth alley) and running thence northwardly along the eastern side of said Wyeth atreet 13 feet and 9 Inches to a three feet wide alley; thenoe eastwardly along xald alley TO feet to line of land, now ] or late, of said AJinie Wiener, sitdate at No. 1408 North Sixth street; thence i southwardly along: said land 13 feet I and 9 Inches, more or less, to land, | now or late, of William C. Kirby; thence westwarilly along: tho lino of said land 68 feet, more or less, to the . place of beginning. For title see dfed recorded In Deed Book "L," Vol 16, page, 236, &c. Sold as the property of Jacob Wiener anl Annie Wiener, his wife. (JACKSON. Attorney) No. 9. No. I—All that certain lot or piece of land situate In the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. State of Pennsylvania, bounded and dew scribed as follows: Beginning at 4 point on the northern line of Markeg street 96 feet and 8 inches, more of less. Eastward from the northeaster corner of Market and Fourteenth streets, at the center of the partltiffl wall between houses Nos._ 1410 antp 1412 Market street, arid running thence Northwardly along the center line, of said partition wall and the sume extended 62 feet, more or less to an alley; thence Eastwardiv' along the southern line of said alle'y 16 feet and 6 Inches more or less to another alley, running to said Mar ket street; thence southwardly along the western line of said last mention ed alley. 62 feet, more or less, to said Market street; thence westwardly along the northern line of said Mar- ' ket street, 16 feet nnd 6 Inches, more or less, to the place of beginning Having thereon erected the building now known as No. 1412 Market street, said building being a three story brick dwelling house and tailor shop, with two-story back building annexed; all in good repair. For title see deed recorded in Deed Book "C •• Vol. 13. Page 257, etc. ' No. 2—All that certain lot or piece of land situate in the City of Harrls tburg. Dauphin county. State of Penn sylvania. bounded and described as follows; Beginning on the western side of North Fourteenth street, at line of land of Board of Control and runhing thence westwardly, along the line of said land 120 feet to Bradyi street; thence southwardly, along tlifl eastern line of said Brady street. fl feet to land now or late of Ada Storey; thence eastwnrdly along of said Storey lund 120 feet to salff I'ourteenth street; thence northwafd ly, along said Fourteenth street, 20 feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 140, in a plan laid out by M. B Cowden for Charles 11. Doclier. For f'tle see deed recorded in Deed Book ,f, !• P n Ke 7. The interest of the defendants being the undivided 1 one-fourth part of said land, subject! Ito a life estate in the widow oil j Jsaac BumbuuKh, deceased. Improve! ments: A 3-story frame dwelling! ) house front on said FourteentiJ street, now known as No. 28 Northfl !!• ourteenth street, and a 2-stofy : frame dwelling house fronting oil said Brady street. Both in good I ; repair. J .Sold as the property of William Jv.' Buinbaugh und Mary £. Bumbauglij his wife, defendants. 1 (PATTERSON. Attorney) *1 No. 10. All that land situate lnj Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., ginning on the western line of North third street 45 feet northward fron the northern line of Granite street thence westwardly along the line o lot No. 52, 94 feet to land now or laC of Christian Houseman; thence north wardly along said land parallel witl Third street 20 feet to land now o; lute of fl. Frickman; thence east wardly a >ng said Frickman land 10 feet to a corner; thence northward! ly along the sume land 1 foot to land now or late of Theresa E. BaulTe; thence eastwardly along said Baufle land 84 feet t.o Third street; und thence southwardly along the west ern line of Third street 21 feet to the place of beginning; thereon being j erected a three-story brick dwelling j house and storeroom. No. 1724 Norm I Third street. Sold as the property uf John A. Bentz, defendant. (ROSENBERG & ROSENBERG, Attorneys) | No. 11. All that certain lot or piece of land situate in the City of Harris burg aforesaid, bounded and describ-, ed as follows; Beginning at a point on the westeVl side of Seventh street, seventy-sevtß (i i) feet from the corner of Verbefl or Broad street; tlience along street fourteen (14) feet to line or fl late of Samuel Gallagher; along said Gullaglier'lot (71) feet and nine (9) inches tour (4) feel wide alley; thence we?l erly along said alley to line or lot" j late of Susan Palmatary; thence along the line of said lot seventy-one (71) feet and nine (9) inches, more or less, to the place of beginning. There on being erected house number 1226 North Seventh street. Being the same premises which Hannah Hickok by Indenture bearing date November 4. 1909. granted and conveyed unto Jacob Weiner in lee. ] Sold as the property of Jacob Weiner, 1 and Annie Weiner, defendants. (NEIFFER & SAUSSAMAN. Attorneys) No. 12. All that certain house and lot numbered 1535 North Fourtli street, Harrisburg, Pa„ more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on said Fourth street, lifty-two (52) feet from the southeast corner of Harris and Fourth streets; tlience southwardly along said Fourth street. thirteen (13) feet to line of lot formerly No. 12 in Plun of Dots laid out by Dr. Bather Reily's heirs; thence east wardly along the said line, seventy eight (78) feet to a three-feet wide private alley; tlience north wardly along the line of said alley thirteen t!3) feet to u point, the line of prop erty now or lately owned by John W. .Smith; thence westwardly along the line of said John W Smith's property seventy-eight (78) feet to a point the place of beginning. The said three (3) feet wide private alley is to be used in common with all property owners abutting on the same, and this use is extended nnd given to Sarali A, Minler, her heirs und as signs. , For title see deed of Arthur C. \ oung and Pauline AI. Young, his wife, to Christian Nuuss, duted the Ist day of November A. D., 1915, and recorded in tile office for the record ing of deed, etc., in and for the County of Dauphin in Deed Book "O, Vol. 16, page 575. Sold as the prop erty of Christian Nuuss, defendant. (HEED, Attorney) No. 13. All that certain lot or oiece of land, witli the buildings thereon erected, situate at the southeastern corner ol North Second street and iirlggs street, in the Fourth ward of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southeastern cor ner of North Second and Briggs streets, thence southwardly alomr tho eastern lino of North Second street, thirty-six (36) l'eot, more or less, to the line where the brick front wall of house No. 717 Vi North Second street is built against the southern wall of house herein described; thence east-4 wardly along the outside lino >f the southern wal) of house erected on lend herein described, forty-one (41) feet, more or less. In a lino parallel with Briggs street, to line of property now or lormerly of Rev. Samuel A. Hol man; thence northwardly along sa'd line thirty-six (36) feet, more or lets, to the southern line of Briggs street; tlience westwardly along the southern line of Briggs street forty-one (41) feet, more or less, to the place of be ginning. Being a rectangular piece of land, and having thereon erected a three (3) story brick dwelling house known and numbered 719 North Sec ond street nnd 203 Briggs street. Together with the right to use fl common with the owners and piers of premises No. 71714 North Sec ond street all alleys now used by said premises and premises herein co scribed. For title, see Deed Book "T," Vol. 16, Page 372. Sold as the property of Martha Gerhart Sober. Defendant. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold by W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg. December Conditions of Sale The highest and best bidder to be the buyer. Terms—The purchaser shall.be re quired to pay 150.00 of the amount df his bid when the property shall have been knocked off to hint utidar $500.00; above thai amount ten per cent, on 'he purchase money, and the residue before the confirmation of sale by the Court. If the purchaser fafls to •comply with the terms' of sales the property will be resold at his cost. ■ *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers