HARRISBURG ifSflifill TELEGRAPH dIF \ \ ®k ; / ' 1 I.XXXYIII—■ 14 PAGES Da " Matter p t Wro* o"nc7 "t'JuftiSbSrf HARRISBURG. PA.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1919. on^ E WSPAPBH n'Sxliwuvn'™*' "TWO cents" HOME EDITION 1I(- TROOP SHIP DRIVEN AGROUND AT FIRE ISLAND WITH 2480 YANKS lutlicrlv Wind Blows Xorlli-1 }ern Pacific Harder Into I ■ Sand; Wounded Soldiers lordcred Taken Off ft AST GUARD CAS IS J LINES FROM SHORE! Jttlcships Go to R <cue of American Transpo in Dis-; tress; Not Expect" l{ to Be 1 Released Until IV lorrow By Associated fi i >ow York. Jan. I.—Th American Inspect Northern Pa tic which ft Brest, France, on CI stmas day It 2.480 wounded nd ell Amer- M' soldiers, sailors d nurses, '.Sit aground at Fire Is nd. one'of . B most dangerous r ts'oti the ■lantic coast, in tiie n argl fog I 3.30 a. in. to-day. v< n hours ■er, with weather i t>.on |mii-, *vo ruble--rain and sn< f.ilbig ir.- rmittently. and n lierlyJwindt llowing the vessel li cr int* the! land—navy officials s •> prispect' .Lat.the ship would 1 ' eased un- 5 'II to-morrow, and a fast guard row began casting lines from the horc. The v essel was iollir s- heavily in sen which appeared be getting ougher, and while no 'Prehension vas expressed by navy i ticiais as to tie safety of those on ird, it was fcgarded advisable to move the I roops immediately. I'scs 'jjfrccclios uoy IJn the bu the unin-; \red men wore to be 1) :ght ashore | ftiile the wounded an- . iraes were! I be removed in tu • and small j eats to a rescue tie which, in- ! Riling cruisers and <1 yers, was I from tho tu ny barkatlon j (urt, Hoboken. i. rc se to a j tireless message cocci from the Landed transport. These rescue vessels luded the' !"niterl States cruisers 1 mbia and I >rs Moines, the trans Mallory, I e hospital ship Solac c destroy s and the lugs Itcsol Calumet, ipple. Spray and Koa The tngs I ,;ent alongside the No • in Pacific! liok aboard the trnoi >nd trans ported the sick to the . ace and the! (iallory, and the well 1 ilie cruisers nd destroyers. on the Northern Pn •. which is Navy transport of 8.: tons gross, ere 1,67f troops win e wounded r sick, (125 troops wco are well, jventcen navy nurses. 75 sailors. 3 army casual officer' and eleven pvy casual officers —in all 2.480 itn end women. peui. Richard Miller Returns From France t I.i • utenant Itichard ler, after i.gving been wounded .cruras and] lieated L for months In hospitals in France and Englati s visiting his father. H. O. Mill .521 North Sf'conJ street, on afo dght-hour \ furlough. fie was ded four' times by bursting sli 1 on Sep- I (rerrrht"' 4. He enlist.-. the M"d- i leal Corps of the Amer . i Army and j i upon his arrival ovei r his com | Imand was attaehed t u.e British ( forces. ' I **- ' -- L I Benjamin Demmiiu Is 111 With Pneumonia Benjamin Demmlnp, chief clerk in the Adjutant Gene il'ss Depart ment. is seriously ill with Influenza at his home. 1518 Stai reef. Mr. hemming'* illness foil • cuf closely upon t,hai of his wlf* who is In* Tremont, Schuylkill or. ntv. at the home ->of lier father ai d is unable to be moved at this time. Mrs. Demniing recc My went to Tremont on account be serious condition of her broti who was sick with the infltlenm. , ter brother later died, and her fa r next be -1 came a victim of the uisease. Mr. D'emining soon joined'wife, who became ill following at tack, and i;-. in such state that she cannot W rH|> ed to her in Mi- ' After Air. Dcnimlrws return to Tic was taken ill with the disease, and his condi tion is considered rather serious. Ward Tiflany, Noted Actress, Dies Syrm ii!*'. X. Y., J I.—Annie jWard Tiffany, famou ress, died i yesterday after years suffering. ■Hfcirn Annie lteady, sh' q been on ■lie stage more than 11 . \enrs. She with the elder S n , i >e tser Lawrence B an) j ot h_ |V* famous actors, M al one " line leading woman wi -eph Jef- Ryson. POI.ICE RECOVER Ml I H OF GOODS STOLEN The police departm t recovered! $77,170.50 worth of th.- >2.Site worth ' of goods reported stolen during lilis and made a total of 2,2 i:, in rests. T'a- ' irolinen responded to* "2 (ir> s. raid-I ted fourteen disorderly n j re . . 'covered fifty-nine of 'dxty-eight 1 automobiles stolen. 1 irdice court 1.895 persons were x . e j sen tenced and lined, whlli -51 were dis charged. .1 I FORMAL OPENING OF CITY'S MAGNIFICENT NEW HOTEL IS MARKED BY CARNIVAL SPIRIT New Penn-Harris| Blaze of Light and Music GAIETY MARKS BIG BALLROOM Hundreds Attend First Banquet of Season Brilliant, diverting, home-like, and altogether democratic was the historic gathering last night to celebrate the opening of the Penn-liarris Hotel, marking a distinct epoch in the life of the city and introducing a new, uncom mon and most attractive atmosphere in the Capital of Pennsylvania. So keen and zestful was the apprecia tion of the more than 400 repre sentative citizens, men and women, that they felt duly grateful when Mayor Keister, in his response, told how Senator Penrose some since was responsible for the state government being retained here when others would have moved it. "Decidedly, the most fascinating time Harrisburg ever saw," was the consensus of sentiment, when 12 o'clock banged and the lights dim med in the spaciovgi ballroom to gi\e place to myriad sparklers which crackled and scintillated like a whole tloek of planets making up time in the celestial sphere. The keynote was to eliminate selfconsciousness, banish fear and depression and have a general rejoicing in the return of peace, winning of the war and in the good fortune associated with the coming of a regular hotel. Plenty of Enthusiasm The scheme of entertainment in some measure guided itself and va riety Jetted so lively that Mercer D. Tate, sailing about with a fed bon net and streamers, confessed that though he had handled a thousand parades in his day this affair was "past him." Certainly, the hotel management shou'd be credited with keeping the moments from get ting heavy, fur immediately after the speeches, representative Harris burg "broke loose" with ail the abandon of the husky Tech hoys when their Jazz leaders call for ac tion. Two orchestras, the Updegrove and 13lumenstein's. never failed to [Continued on Page 7.] i A Man in a Million ____________ f IT'S LUCKY THAT FELLOW 1 - —. j WAS Bv THE "YEAR,; ° F Pl£C ° RK ' I I i im''' France Looks to U. S. By Associated Press I'iy-is, Jan. I.—ln sending his greeting to the people of the I'nited States, through The Associated Press, to-day, President Poincare said: "1 am very glad that President Wilson will take part in the important work of the peace conference. France has full confidence in his enlightened Judgment and his lofty conscience. She has suffered long and terribly for the sake of Justice. She knows the United States will not forget the sacrifices she has made. "Fiance is ready to prepare, side by side and In unison with the great sister republic, a better and brighter future for humanity." PRESIDENT LEAVES FOR ITALY TO-NIGHT Wilson Back in Paris After Leaving British Capitol Rests Before Resuming Journey to Rome By Associated Press J Paris. Jan. I.—President Wilson ! arrived in Paris last night. He spent j i New Year's Day resting. To-night lie leaves for Italy. The President 'expressed himself as exceedingly, I pleased with his reception and the 1 j conferences he had in England. | j There seems to be no doubt that' ! many questions were settled in the j j conferences held with Premier Lloyd ; George. Tho conviction is expressed , ihere that there is not likely to be any serious differences on the issues to he determined upon at the com ing peace congress so far as Great! I Britain and America is concerned.! j There is a mutual understanding on' | the great problem of insuring the! I world's peace. j Regards Speech as Rejoinder The speech of President Wilson ! against the balance of power, de ! livered at Manchester on Monday lis regarded in high American quar-! | ters here as a direct rejoinder to the , ■speech of the French premier Cle- j j nienceau In the Chamber of Depu- J • ties in which the French leader de : elared his support of the "balance [ of power" idea and his purpose to 1 | make it his guiding thought in the! ' peace negotiations. Whether it was intended to be so. | it is not known, but the President's speech, coming within twenty-four' hours after that of the premier, has i led to a contrast between the two declarations as sharply defining two; .'opposing viewpoints on the subject: j of balance of power among the na- | ! tions. i The textual copy of the premier's I I speech oti Sunday night now is avail- ' able and gives the following refer ' ence on this subject: j "There is an old system which up- ; i pears condemned to-day and to i I which 1 do not fear to say that 1! remain faithful at this moment. | 1 Countries have organized the de- ! i tense of their frontiers with the nec essary elements and the balance of ■ powers—" Great disorder broke out in the • j chamber at this point ind Pierre Prizon, a Socialist deputy, exclaim ' cd: "This is the system which has gone into bankruptcy." Premier Clemcnceau continued. I [Continued on Page 12.j Frail Girl Puts Shot Through Heart of Man Who Attempts Assault New York. Jan. 1.- -A frail, tear stained girl of 12 years walked into I Urn Mercer street police station early [ to-day, handed the lieutenant a re | volver and said she had Just killed a "bad man" who Iwd attempted to I assault her at her home during the , absence of her parents. Investigation by the police appar ; ently proved the glri's story. To ' masso Troia, a peddler, who lived in , the same house, was found upon the floor with a bullet through his heart, i The girl, Filomena Gambina, said ! that after she ha 1 fired the fatal ' shot she got a olo: nasline, intending to strangle the idler After wait ' ing three hours ' man to move, she said, she o the police I station. She i a ciiarge of Juvenile delinqucr CHAS. A. KUNKEL, BANKER, DIES OF j HEART ATTACK Prominent in Financial and Religious Circles For Many Years Took Active Part in Business Activities and Church Work CHARLES A. KI'NKEI, Charles A. Kunkel, president of the Mechanics Trusi Company and for many years a prominent figure in the civic, financial and religious activi ties of Harrisburg. died at 1.45 o'clock this morning at his residence, i 221 North Front street. He was aged 71 years. Death was due to an; attack of heart disease. He had not. ; been in good health for some time. | Air. Kunkel was born in Shippcua | burg June 10. 1547. He was the son! of Samuel Kunkel. He cunie to Har- I risburg more than fifty years ago, J accepting a position as clerk in the ! Mechanics Bank, then owned by his | uncle, .). C. Bomberger. In 1897. fo!- J loy|n the deu,tlj <of Iris uncle, he he-.! cable the cashlez of, the bonk. In *914 tbe hank was reorganized i under the name of the Mechanics . Trust Company. Mr. Kunkel was, elected as president, holding that po- ! sition tyitil the time of his death. , He was associated in the bank wil't j his brother, the lute S.imuel Kunkel.! | Mr. Kunkel was active in the busi- | I ntss life of the city for many years. ! I He was a member of the old Board of I [ Trade and of tile Chamber of Com- | j merce. As president of the V. M. C. ; A. for many years, he was very well | known among the men of the city. I Because of ill health, he resigned | that position last year and was made j president emeritus. ! Be was superintendent and a | j teacher in the Zton Lutheran Hun- ( ' day school for about thirty-five years, j ; taking an active part in the affairs: of the church ahd holding various of- { ! Ilces in the vestry. He was also a I I member of the Board of Foreign S Missions of the Lutheran Church, vice-president of the hoard of trus j tees of the Harrisburg Academy, a | member o fthe board of trustees of i the Gettysburg Theological Semi nary, treasurer -of the Tressler Or ! phans' Home nt Lovsville. a director J of the State Y. M. C. A., a member | of the American Bunkers' Associa tion, former president of the Penn- I sylvania Bankers Association, presi [G'otttinucd on I'agc 2.] CANDIDATES FOR POLICE MATRON | BEING SOUGHT j Council Holds Up Vote on Mayor Keister's Ap pointment Because members of Council can ! not agree upon the appointment of a woman as police matron, Mayor ' Daniel L. Keister said to-duy he will. ' ask the civil service hoard to ron ! duct examinations again in order to get additional names for the eligible i li-t. i It has been known in city official i circles for months that tho commis- I sioners could not vote unanimously on an appointment from the present eligible list. First names on the list , are Mrs. Edith E. Hergstrcsser, 317 Walnut street, and Miss Clara Mona ' smith, 1606 Hunter street. The gal ! ary is S96(J a yer. At the special meeting of Council • held August 9, Mayor Keister recom ; mended the appointment of Mrs. BergstresseY. Before a vote was tak en Commissioners Gross and Lynch ; moved and seconded that tho appoint j ment should be delayed one week. , Since that time no other action was j token in Council. Mayor Keister said he favored the : appointment of Mrs. Bergstresser and intimated that one other mem ber of Council would vote for her also. The other Commissioners, how ever. have not assured him of their support, it was said to-day, and for I.this reason, ho said, he will endeavor to have the civil service board hold another examination^ FIRE LOSS FOR YEAR IS FIXED AT $341,855; RATES CRITICISED Firemen's Union A sk Reduction of Fire Underwriters TWO FATALITIES ARE RECORDED Last January Worst Month of Year For Losses The fire loss in Harrisburg during 1918 was $341,855, according to the figures of John H. Kindlcr, chief of the fire department. Of this nniount, $302,21 G represents damage to the contents of the properties in which tires occurred. The amount of real estate destroyed was $39,640. ' Two persons lost their lives in dis astrous tiros, several others wer. i injured and a number of firemen ! sustained minor injuries fighting ! the flames. Those who lost their I lives were Mrs. I .aura 1-ockhart, ! who was suffocated in the fire I which partiully destroyed the home lot' 11. M. Witnian, 2101 North Sec ond street, September 10, and Al ! Bert E. Burkholder, a brake in an on ! the Pennsylvania railroad, who sus tained fatal injuries in the Muclay street yards of the Pennsylvania railroad when he was drenched 'with blazing naphtha early in tlio 1 morning of August 3. Six Kig Fires The >ear was featured by six I fires where the losses were large, j Previous years have seen a greater j number of disastrous fires. The J Firemen's Union recently passed j resolutions calling upon the Under- writers' Association to reduce the j fire premiums because of tho effi- j ciency of the motorized department. [ The greatest damage reported was j the second day of January, 1918, ! when the cyiinder-finlshing and j rough-turning plants, electric ; transformer and paint shed of the j Harrisburg Plpfi and Pipe Rending I Company's plant were destroyed at! a loss of more than $210,000. I The greatest fire loss for any one ! I month was $214,510, in January, j 1 The second greatest loss was in i j March, when $90,900 damage was ! | caused by lire. In October no dam- J ! ago was caused, although firemen ! responded to a number of alarms, j Firemen responded to 119 alarms, I twenty-six of which were false. At a number of other places where fires were reported, no damage was caused. Twice local companies were sent to the West Shore to com , bat disastrous blazes which had , passed beyond the control of the j local Ore fighting facilities. I The six tires which caused the | greatest damage were nt the Har j risburg Pipe and Pipe Rending Company, the City garage at Walnut anil River streets: Central Iron and ! Steel Company, the home of H. M. Witmer, 2101 North Second street, Jn the Pennsylvania > ards at Muclay street, again ,at tho Pipe Bending Company in September, and at tho Smith and Keffer warehouse, 441 South Cameron street. The fire at the Pipe Bending Com pany last January, which caused property damage aggregating more than $210,000, was caused by a workman dropping a cigaret into a [Continued on Page 5.] POLICE ARREST PANHANDLER AS I.W.W. SUSPECT j May Send Photograph to ! Philadelphia.in Connection Willi the Bomb Outrage An investigation will be made by . j the local police department to ascer , tain whether Samuel Hurley, who gave his home as Boston, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, is connected with •j the bombing outrages perpetrated ! in Philadelphia this week. ' Hurley was arrested and will re ceive a hearing on the technical • charge of panhandling for food in a | Market street restaurant. If he can not account for his recent actions, ] Chief Wetzel said, his photograph I will be sent to the Philadelphia nu, thorities to sec if he is connected with agitators there. Patrolman Lowery made the ar rest. He declared that he did not j tell Hurley why lie was arrested, but i on the way to tho police headquar ' ters, Hurley said; "What have you arrested ine for? ; J. W. W. talk?" j Hurley attracted attention when j he went into a cigar store in Market | Square, and began to udvocate I. ! W. AY. activities, bomb outrages and ! sufo blowing, according to the pro , prietor of the store. Lowery was told about the occur ! renee, and went to the Market street i restaurant to make the arrest. Low ! ery declared he found Hurley beg ! ging his food, and arrested him on I the panhandling charge. He told tho officer he was from Pittsburgh. At the po ice station ho said lie was from Boston. Mass., und a tittle latv, j in a cell, he declared his home was In Phlindolphia. He said he was wandering all over | the country, as a railroad man for many years. He was the first person I arrested in the New Year. OUR HUN U-BOATS i ON THE WAY OVER I.ondon, Jan. I.—Surrendered German submarines are being di- , vided among the Allies, says the i Mail. The newspaper says fifteen i go to France, ten to Italy, seven I to Japan and four to the United j States. The U-boats turned over to the United States are said to be ; on their way across. FIRST FIRE OF NEW YEAR DOES i $5,000 DAMAGE! Stock of Globe Clothing Store Suffers Heavily in Early Morning Blaze More than $5,000 damage to slock and fixtures in the Globe clothing .store, 322-321 Market street, was i caused by the first fire of the New i Year, which broke out in tlie front jof the cellar at 2.30 o'clock this , ; morning. Smoke and water caused ! (the greatest damage to the clothing 1 stock. Benjamin Strouse. proprietor of . • the store, and owner of the four | story building in which it is situat ed, is unable to state tho origin of the file. He declared that in the portion of the ce'lar where it had its I inception, the firm's waste paper is i baled and the lire might have I been started from the heating pipes 1 in that part of the cellar, j The efficiency of the firemen in j confining the flames to the cellar was i the subject of much commendation by Mr. Strouse. They fought the fire | from 2.30 until 4 o'clock, when it j was finally under control. The fire was first discovered by | Mr. Slitzer. the night watchman, [Continued on Page 2.] ® 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4- 44 4 ,4 4 ,1'4r ®( •?. X X T ? • .cl f t - * ? 4 * i T ? i -1 ! J ! *** T 4' *£ 4* 2 ** T * 4 X ; . TTunt- a {/ K 1 4 A * X * 5 ; 14* , 4* . * 4* 4 * r * 4* * "k * 5 I ! "Z* 4* * X :•■ >i! lr 'tmrnt a;d . | *r j *4* '• * > i ■* 14 j * i' 14 j I? *"£• * i -j % 4 : 4 --■ • ■ - * 1 CARRIAGE LICENSES ;7 *. Uewter 11. Mount, I rcmon, .V J., untl Kathryn B. Van Sinilnirv; Knljili UavidNuii ami Bert hit Miller, llnrrfoburs; JncoWt I llolleithacli, I'vHnluuii, iiuil MaMUtreta Berber, Steel ton; Corporw r i - * %nron S. link and (icrtudr M. Hell, llarrlMliurjn Inmiic A, *■ i , ler and Amlollii 1.. Miller, llnrrlsbtirm ..lolm S. Feeatr and Susie : -£* /Itch, llnrrlMhuras llnyford Jiifkson tinl Basle 11. Hull, Harris- * burnt John I*. W liulotv, l ump Hitrltnn, Hew Jersey. unl llnrgue- * f " <c .V* Knolni Clayton in re look and Llllis Monroe, -Jt Steolton. . H 4 s 4 >4.4^.4.4^,4.4., NOISY WELCOME USHERS IN 1919 IN HARRISBURG Whistles and Bells Signal Passing of Old and Begin ning of New Year Y. M. C. A. ENTERTAINS Holiday Spirit Is Dampened by the Rain and Mist There was a noisy transition from litis to 1019 at midnight last night, it seemed that every whistle in city and suburb and on engine and fac tory shrieked out a welcome to the year newly born and every bell joined in the din. There was noise aplenty, and of sleep there was llt ! tie. A half hour before the midnight ' hour impatient signalers gave out small toots as though hailing 1919 through the gloom a/id darkness of . he rainy night. An inconsiderate government weather bureau made a general cel . ebrution out of the question. Instead of hoisting windows to listen to the ; formal greeting the. great majority of Harrisburg's population stayed under the covers and let the whistles ami bells do the work. Hut they knew 1018 had passed on. i The hands nt the signals attended to that and when a half hour had , passed and the gauges on steam boil ■ ers showed signs of weariness, the | aroused citizen turned over to snooze . until the good housewife's voice : sounded the breakfast warning and ; the start of another day of toil. Mr. P.urleson, who holds on to the i helm of post office, telegraph arid telephone activities, was regarded . witii special favor, for during the i Honrs in which 1018 grasped for : breath lie had announced a wage in , crease for the employes of the tele ; graph systems. Employes of both the Western Union and Postal Tele | graph companies in the city ex : pressed their pleasure at the action of the Postmater General. Those who | had been in the service of the com ■ punles for less than a year and a I half were, to be sure, not as happy as their fellow workers who had given longer service. The first j named class were given a five per Continued on Page 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers