8 FATE OF RUSSIA RESTS WITH THE PEACECONGRESS Washington Believes Stephen Pichon Statement Voices Only Own Opinion By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 28. Officials f the American government here txpressed the belief yesterday that Stephen Pichon, the French foreign minister, wus voicing his own opin ion and not the policy of the French government when he said there would be no immediate intervention In Russia by the allied governments. The Russian situation has been CATARRH 0, For head or throat Catarrh try the vapor treatment— Hfflgr ) "'fcilllifl NEW PRICES—3Oc, 60c, $1.20 MOTHERS, DO THIS— When the' Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats and Chests No telling how soon the symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're (;iad you have a jar of Musterole at hand to me prompt, sure relief. It does r.ot blister. As lirst aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent. Thousands of mothers know it. You should keep *>. jar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, irosted feet and colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). t 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. m "a pi ne wit bo Ml n roof t* Wih dfKKu iio< iuifr!tfp viltb ff(e or iwc€lkj| / VI Plates Repaired SWi, Vou fc£Af*lf's dental KflAvA v OFFICES am u \i<KI:I Maioiii' EFFICIENCY SPELLS SUCCESS 1 Take a lliialncna C?uur> I lulvr Specinllata. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE J t llnrilnliurK'i I.culling ami Act reililril Mualueiia College F Troup Holloing 15 S. Murkct Square ,wl t; Bell 485—DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL—DiaI 4393 Write, Flione. or Call. Send For Catalog. pH A liepreeentative Will Call U | SIOO Reward | !; For information regarding the finding of Mrs. Rosa !j Grand, dead or alive. Disappeared from her home jj <! on the evening of December 19. !> ABE GRAND, ' j; 438 Cumberland St. MM VMtVWMMWVWtVAM^iVMMWtWHWWMMMVMVW }i\uwwMWwiw'/twitww'4iwvw%*twHwm%wtwvm>*vwivv>twMww>WM< NEW CIGAR FACTORY !; TO BE OPENED BY * j The San Telmo Mfg. Co. Tenth and Hemlock Sts. ij J | 11 There are good trolley con- j! nections both local and out of town. # J Main Offices and Plant 540 r 550 Forest Ave., E. Detroit, Mich. '! ' No. a—DETROIT. MICH. No. C—HANOWBR, PA. No. B—ADAMSTOWN, PA. |! No 3 CINCINNATI, O. No. O—KEI) I.ION. PA. No. O—NEWARK, N. J. ! iNo. 4—VORK, PA. No. 7—REAMSTOWN, PA. No. 10—IIARRISIHJRG, PA i The factory will be thrown open for inspection on Wednesday, January 1, 1919, on which day our local manager, Mr. I. N. Ansel, will be pleased to show all cigar and tobacco workers and their friends through the building from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., when appli cations for employment will be received. I. N. ANSEL SAN TELMO MFG. CO. | Local Mgr. , Detroit, Mich. il SATURDAY EVENING HARRISBURQ TELEGRAPH - DECEMBER 28, 1918. the subject of earnest discussion by tho representatives at Paris of the associated nations, but so far as Is known here, none of the govern ments has put forward any definite plans. Tho understanding, hero is the wholo subject will bo left to the peace conference. It was reiterated yesterday that the allied powors havo no deslro to lnterfero with the Internal affairs of Russia and that If any aggressive action is determined upon, the ob ject will bo solely to curb a menace to the peace of, the world. Advices reaching tho State De partment from Bucharest said the main force of the Bolshevik army in Russia consisted of 600,000 Rus sian soldiers, forced to Join the Bol shytki because of fear of starva tion, former Austro-Hungarlan pris oners of war, 60,000 tnen from tho Balkan provinces and 40,000 Chinese workmen. PEXBROOK BOY HOME Pcnbrook, Pa., Dec. 28. —Herman. J. Weiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Weiser, of 36 Banks street, is spending part of the holiday sea son at his home here. He is the first from this section to return from France. He served as an am bulance driver, being attached to Ambulance Company No. 5, Third Division, and was wounded in ac tion at Chateau Thierry on, July 15. "Weiser arrived at Newport News October 19 and was transferred to Cape May and later to General Hos pital No. 2, at Fort McHenry, Bal timore, Md„ to which place he "will return on Monday for further treat ment. YOUTH CONFESSES K 11.1,1 \< OI.D WOMAN Rockville, .Mil.. Dec. 28.—Ralph • Bowling, eighteen years old, told State's Attorney Alfred M. Bouic to day how he had killed Mrs. Elizabeth Beckwlth, aged sixty-eight, at Coles ville. Bowling says Mrs Beckwith plead ed with him to inasry her and said she did not wnnt to live without him. "I hit her on tho head with an ax handle on Friday afternoon," Bowl ing said. I I hJf | Oaiaty Maidens Prefer Cuticura | jTo clear the skin and keep it clear. jJn purity, delicate Cuticura medica tion, refreshing fragrance, conven- I ience and economy, Cuticura Soap I with touches of Ointment now and then as needed meet with the ap proval of the most discriminating. Ideal for every-day toilet uses. snp) IMb Fr* by 11*11. *Addr*M poet oird ' woilcura, Dtpl. 23A, Boiton " Sold rvoryw hrr* Soap 2bo. Oiutmont 2Ti and 600. Talcum 2f>c. SOCIALIST AIM IN GERMANY IS TO BUILD ANEW Herr Lnndsburg Snys Alsnce Lorraine Provinces Arc Lost to Huns Forever Pnrls, Dec. 28.—Ilorr Lands-1 berg, one of the former majority : Socialist members in the German I Reichstag, esterday made a dec-j. laration to the correspondent of j the Temps at Bern® that no thought of revenge would ever come to tha'majority Socialists, whose only aim was to establish or der in the country and rebuild a new Germany. 1 The memoers of the German gov ernment, Ilerr Landsberg added, be lieved It would bo criminal to go against tho will of the people of Alsace-Lorraine, who had been en tirely estranged by the execrable politics tf the former regime in Germiyiy . Ho said these provinces were lost forever for Germany and, although : pained him very much • to sa> it, he must admit the fact. Concerning the present situation in Germany, Herr Landsberg de clared that the danger of anarchy depended in great measure on the great question of revictualing. He added that Bolshevism never would take root in Germany and that mil itary reaction would not spread to any great extent. Geneva, Dec. 28. —Reports re ceived from Germany Indicate that the present government there is to constitute a federal republic on virtuaiy tho same plan, as the United States. There would be a congress composed of two cham bers, a volkshaus, or popular chamber, which would be the cham ber of representatives, and a stadt enhause, or chamber of states, which would take the part of a sen ate. The president would be elect ed by the people and would not bo responsible before congress. The border stales would be completely modified, the privileges of the no bility abolished and Germany would annex German Austria. Copenhagen, Dec. 28. —The Workmen's and Soldiers' Central Council has been summoned to meet, with a view to reconstruct ing the government, according to a Berlin dispatch to the Berlingske Tidende. This action tupposedly is taken for the purpose of includ- I ing George Ledebour and Dr., Karl Lkfbknecht in the government. Poles Demand Right on ( Rail Lines Held by Huns Warsaw, Dec. 28.—The Polish gov ernment has issued an ultimatum to Germany demanding the right of pas sage by Polish troops over German held railways to Vilna, which city is threatened by the Bolshevlki. - Have yott . a bottle to Your boose? XeL l\ l A th x )\sSj easan * t - n to take ffifcwh ii? fjfswT Preiilte I/COIJI (out tous : toils A RCSUII* I^DrthsiCeuflh andSoreThrcst'] feed, "M VATICAN APPEALS 1 TO THE PRESIDENT By Associated Press Rome Dec. 28. Monzlgnor Cerrettl, the papal undereocre tnry of State. asked President Wilson to medlato with a view to settling: the Vatican situation dur ing: their interview In Paris, no- I cording: to newspapers here. He also submitted to Mr. Wil son documents Justifying the Vat ican's attitude of neutrality dur ing the war and set forth the hu manitarian work donp by the Vatican In favor of prisoners, de ported persons and others who n were similarly affected by the struggle. ( ■'; COPPER MINING ; COMPANIES SUE : FOR BIG TAXES Seek to Recover $384,000 Paid to Government Between 1913 and 1915 By Associated Pftss Boston, Dec. 28.—Suits were be gun in the federal court here yester day by fifteen copper mining com panies to recover a total of $384,000 which it is claimed the government illegally assessed C 3 income taxes be tween the years 1913 and 1913. Attorney Charles A. Snow icpro | seats all tho plaintiffs and papers |have been served on Internal Jtev-j enue Collector Malley. The suits are the results of differences between' the government and officers of the | corporations as to what is cipitc.ij and what is income as applied to j copper mines. Mr. Snow declared j to-day that the cases would bo taken | to the United Stales Supreme Court j for a final determination of the ques- ■ lien. It also is tinderstet d tluit the | principle involve! will afTo.'t far] larger sums which tho government collected for last jear and tho 'ear before. The biggest suit Is for $123,000, f.ltd on behalf of the Calumet and Htc'.a Mining Company of this city. The cases will .on.e up in tho March term of the federal court. Standing of the Crews HAIIRISBLRG SIDE! Philadelphia Division The 1.28 crew first to go after 1 o'clock: 105, 107, 302, 123, 125, 122, 117. Engineers for 100, 128. Firemen for 122, 123. Brakemen for 105. 106, 117, 122(2), 125, 123. Engineers up: Bast on, Andrews, Miller, Steffy, Shue, Houseal, Ander- | son, Wiker, Rennard, Brown, Binklcy. ] Firemen up: Straub, Johns, West- ! fall, Myers, Vogelsong, Sheets, An- I derson, Kintz, Beyer, Herr, Heckman, j Fry, Stewart, Barclay, Leach, Wen zel. Conductor up: Bitner, Brakemen up: Horner, Cross, Clay, ] Killtan, Smith, Lnrk, Hughes, Hack- ) man, Alteman, Haney, Hoffman, Lutz, | Dare. Middle Division —The 31 crew first , to go after 2.30 o'clock: 38, 37, 22, j 804, 233, 222, 257. Engineers for 38, 37. Firemen for 38. 37, 22. Conductor for 37. Flagmen for 31, 38. Brakemen for 38, 37, 22, 257. Rowe, Leib, Rathefon, Shelly, Leiter, Smith, Uladhill, Lope-r, Helsey, Hawk, Snyder. Firemen up: Fry, IClner, Ulsh. Turn baugh, Bower, Crane, Bankes, Reeser, Jones, Sevlck, Hertzler, Mc • Murtrle, Smith. Conductors up: Lower, Bennett, Hoffnagle, Corl. Brakemen up: Manning, Lentz, Lauver, Young, Ylngst, Deckard, Young, Dennis, Rumberger, Hoffman, Beers. Yard Hoard Engineers for 6C, 8-7 C, 4-7 C, 10C, 1-14 C, 32C. Firemen for IC, 6C, 10C, 2-14 C, 18C, 51C. Engineers up? Miller, Riffert, Mc artney, Eyde, Waltz, Hall, Desch, Gr&ham, Fry, Dougherty. Ewlng. Firemen up: Manning, Bolan, Neitli, Shoeman, Lower, Eekcnrode, Sheets, Graham, Barnhart, Miller, Boyer, EN OLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 211 crew first to go after 11.60 o'clock: 212, 237, 232. 206, 245, 203, 231, 250, 242, 234, 210, 223, 216, 205, 208. Engineers for 210, 284, 236, 237. Firemen for 206, 210, 250. Conductors for 218, 250, 210. Brakemen for 240 (2), 212 (2), 237, 232, 245, 250, 210 (2), 223, 215, 205, 208. Brakemen up: Eshleman, Spence, Voglesong. Middle Division —The 253 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock: 258, 125, 104, 124, 113, 103, 105, 118, 115, 102, 101. Engineers for 113, 103, 102. Firemen for 125, 124, 105. 118, 102. Brakemen for 113, 106 (2), 118, 101. Yard Hoard Engineers for 145. Ist 26. 3d 26, 3d 129, 40. Firemen for Ist 126, 3d 126, 2d 102. Engineers up: Brown. Qulgley, Barnhart, Brown. Sellers, Fenlcle, Blckhart, Lutz, Balr. Firemen up: Eichelbefger, Pierce, Frank, Chapman, Lightner, Hender son, McCann. PASSENGER SKRVICfc Philadelphia Division Firemen up: Everhart, Cover, Gllllums. Middle Division Engineers up: Reiser, Crane, Kelley, Keane, Jas. Heane, Crlmtnel, Graham, Keane, Mil ler, Smith. Firemen up: Snyder, Olewine, Orr, Derick. Ltnsenbach, Prlmm, * Tlppery, Snyder, Kunkle, Horning. Pennsyl, Howard. Melllnger, Hummer, Rum berger, Shcats, Peterman, Raincy. . THE READING The 53 crew first to go after 12.15 o'clock: 69, 61, 16, 8, 63, 71, 18, 64, 59, 11, 21, 20, 1, 67, 19. Engineers for 53, 54. 61, 63, 67, 69. Firemen for 53, 54, 61, 63, 71, 8, 21. Conductor for 21. Flagman for 61. Brakemen for 63, 54, 69, 61, 63, 67, 7, 11, 16. 18J 19, 20. Engineers'up: Haminersteln, Barn hart, Linn, Dlttow, Billlg, Little, Moyer, Lackey, Glass, Boyer, Dow hower. Firemen up: Fitzgerald, Deckert, Stoufter, Stone, Solhenour, Parmer, gpeck, Deardorff, Schwartz, Saul, Helm, Davidson. Conductors up: Phelabaum, Base- Wore, Shover. Flagmen'up: Stahl, Blttle, Lutery, MiLanghlln, Pottelger, Keener, Mll- Brakemen up: Burtnett, Hendricks, Ylngst, Berry. Lehman, Ryan, Heagy, I Nessel, Welgel. Wolfe, Lehman. Um McNeil's Pain Estermlnator-Ad. | ANGRY SAILORS LURED TO JAIL BY POLICE RUSE Invited to Talk to New Jersey Safety Director, Then Held by Law Hnltoken. N. J., Dec. 28. —Police re serves and two detachments of naval guards, with rifles, wore called . late laet night to disperse a crowd of sevoral hundred sailors and civi lians who gathered when seamen from ships now in the Hudson threatened to rescue three of their mynber ar rested by the police on charges of disorderly conduct. Finally, when more threats of an attempted rescue were made by the crowd in front of police headquar Jjk Everything's In The Right Finish <S With food standards up to the highest, notch— \ *1 With sanitary conditions among the best manufac turers of foodstuffs strictly adhered to With prices in most things to eat above normal— With the tastes of American people at the same / high pitch as always— / V With the desire of Harrisburgers for a delicious, / vj pure and nourishing dessert as keen as ever — * * *1 T here is only one answer to the finishing touch of ''our New Year's dinner— /€\ M\ Hershey Creamery Co. J V 401 South Cameron Street, Harrisburg, Pa. MAC'S GARAGE Rebuilding Ford Motors Farts and Service Our repair shops are especially equipped with all the latest appliances endorsed by the Ford Motor Car Co, of Detroit, for the rebuilding 1 and overhauling of Ford motors and rear axles. We make a specialty of this work. We have service motors and axles that we can place in your car while we arc working on your motor or axle. This enables you to use your car while this work is being done. We carry a complete stock of all parts for Ford cars. This means that there will % be no delay in doing your work v We malge an estimate 011 your job and tell you just what it will cost before we touch it. And, furthermore, we give you a guaranteed job. v Save time, money and worry by bringing your car to GARAGE, Inc. Let us estimate the cost of rebuilding your car now. ANCHOR TOPS EMPIRE TIRES GENAMOTORS HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS ■ SERVICE 9 j, BOTH 1 /oilslncorporated. 'PHONES N Dial 24138e1l 3777 MACS ' ' • oAiuoe "■"■"■"■J- "" 1 V - ters, Director of Public Safety Mc- Feeley sent out word that he desired to interview a committee of 24 sail ors regarding their version of the troublei When they entered the building, the doors were Immediately looked and the seamen informed they were under arrest. When the naval guard arrived on the double quick, they soon dispersed the civilians and drove the sailors back to tho piers. Then they con tinued to patrol tho streets to pre vent any attempt at fescue. CLOTHING TO BE CHEAPER Chicago, Dec. 28.—George Lytton, of Chicago, one of the largest retail dealers In men's clothing and fur nishings in the country, believes that a recession in prices from the war maximum, is already under wify- EX-KAISER THREATENED The Hague, Doj. 28.—Queen Wll helmlna has received an anonymous ' letter threatening death to the ox kaiser if he does not leave Holland within eight days. TO KIIKCR OFFICERS Now Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 28. — Next Monday evening the Citizen's HOBO Company will hold a meeting an delect officers. , FRENCH NOTES FOR YANKS Pnrls, Dec. 28,-—Tho American —. Army of Occupation in Germany will Moose Mlnntrcls, Orpneum Th*. be paid in French notes of denomi-atrc, night of January 23, 1919. adT. I Can't sleepl Can't eatl Can't even digest what little you do eat! One or two dotes 8 \Bkn ARMY & NAVY I Jim TOmi dyspepsia TABLETS 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the > I U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. NT. nations approximating, 10, tO a ad. 40 cents. It Is the first time the French government has issued such small notes, the smallest up to this time having been (or 6 francs, whlcti Is approximately sl,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers