j§§ 44 When a Girl " By ANN LISLE 1 A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER I.XXX (Copyright. 1918, King Features, Inc.) "By crickety! You're a regular butter-Angers, Barbara Anne don t you think you better let me cut that string?" asked Father Andrew, "Go on! Hurry up, dear —I'm anx ious to see what Virginia is sending you," urged Jim in actual excitement. "I'm getting . the knot wait a minute!" I insisted. _ We three had come in from our evening at the theater, and after tossing my coat across a chair, I was standing at the refectory tablestrug gling with the wrappings of the little box from Virginia. At last I got it open and there it lay what had feared all along I would And. Without a word, 1 laid it in the palm of my hand and held it up for Jim and Father to see. "By Jove —that a a pretty thing. Jim exclaimed. "Mighty of lennle but what B the occasion. His voice trailed off suddenly and j he stared a bit uneasily from ha™*' , to me. Father Andrew s big, gnat led Angers were holding my wrist and his steady hands were tixea on the circlet of diamonds Phoebe had worn the night before the ring Neal had K '"Open er the letter, Barbara Anne." said dear Father Andrew", very B< "w¥iat is it Anne?" asked Jim. "What is it, dear?" Somehow t couldn t speak. T ather Andrew closed my hand over the T, ? and held my strained little ttrst against his heart for a second. Then lie turned to answer Jim. "It's the ring 1 gave her dear mother when she plighted he vows to me," he began in a voice that was misted with feeling. Then he went on heartily, "By crickety. my Neal cave it to your Phoebe, saw it on her little hand last night! Must be some thing wrong. Read us the letter. Bar bara Anne, so we 11 know what this 1,1 So"I gave the ring to Father, turn ed my eyes resolutely away from his face and read Virginia's letter aloud: "Dear Anne: Bast night your father and I both noticed this ring on Phoebe's hand. I think he was fully as anxious as I to know what it meant. And I feci that he will agree with me that what it meant won't do. BttUe Phoebe fancies she is engaged to Neal. They are both young— ridiculously young. That in it self would make an engagement i between them quite absurd. But the waiting and uncertainty will mean real suffering for Phoebe. Marriage at best isn't—easy, and I mean to use my own experience to save Phoebe pain. So I am sending Neal's ling to you—this way we will save the boy the hurt of having Phoebe return it to him. I think it best that the children should just forget each other for the time. "I'm getting into the apartment to-day. To show that there Is no misunderstanding between us, will you and Mr. Hyland and Jimmie dine with mo at seven Saturday? "Affectionately yours, "VIRGINIA." I looked up from the letter with my heart ablaze, and as I crunched Its crackling sheets in my hand I cried furiously: "Of all the cold-blooded, heartless women! I hate her I hate her. Just because she couldn't make a success of her own marriage she needn't sheer at love and fling Neal's ring back as if it were a soiled glove. Poor little Phoebe—no wonder she's timid and cowefi!" Vaguely, through a mist, I saw j|jg||| coid.. * r* <fcj up tit brid ul tUawi free bruthiaj. Call al (1* George A. Gorgus Drug Store, llnirisluirg Pn. at once for ■ box of it. Wonderful results— Kill, serine and hralt sore membranes. Use this fragrant healing antiseptic cresm to slop sneer ing and break up a cold in a hurry. 25c a box. I "That House on Wheels" \ Every Day Is Moving . Day With Goldsmith's Van <> Persons who are compelled to move need not be 5 fearful of weather conditions if they have GOLD- * J SMITH'S take care of their moving. . ;! Our big, padded, covered auto van protects your furniture and household effects from snow, sleet, j! rain or hail. We move every day in the year. | We can move the average household in one load. To insure having our van on the day you want it ;[ make your reservation NOW. | GOLDSMITH'S j ;; North Market Square ); 5 , t SATURDAY EVENING. HAHBISBURG &&&■ TELEGRAPH • DECEMBER 28, 1918. Jim's face go ash-gray and his eyes seemed to burn out at me like coals through a blanket. I wanted to scream out again that I nated his cold-blooded, scornful Jeanie, but be fore I could speak a word, I- ather s voice interrupted me. "Gently, daughter, gently; Mrs. Dalton's more than three-quarters right—and there's no use your being the other quarter wrong." "She forgets." interrupted Jim. sneeringly. "that she is talking about my sister." , .. "Well, now, folks, you both seem to forget, what might be called the important evidence in the case, said father, gently still, but with an air of authority that couldn't be gain said. "You see, this boy Neal happens to be my son. I'm more concerned with having him happy than with anything else in the world ex cept having him right. And I kinda think he let his love l'or little Phoebe run awav with him so fast that he didn't take a very good look at the scenery as he went, along." "Father!" I ran over and tooK his dear, gnarled hand in mine. "She's hurt you, too —— and poor Phoebe and Neal—l could clioke ■ "You can choke off tbose hasty words, Barbara Anne. These two voting lovers are babies, and Neal s : going into the biggest Job the world , ever Paw. He needs about all he s got for that. And he can't be sweet hearting very well, or asking a little girl of sixteen or so to turn an old woman sitting and waiting for him. "And, besides, there's some evi dence that Neal ain't, known his own mind very long there's that l'.vvy girl thinking that he'd been courting her a little, too. No, sirree, Mrs. Dalton ain't wrong—not by long sights" "Father, you're a wonder!" exulted Jim. "There never was a fairer, squarer view than v the one you ve just expressed. Phoebe's not eigh teen yet; she shouldn't be tied down. Jeanie's right, and I'm glad you see I cut in on Jim's words: "Are you both going to take sides against Neal? Are you going to let Virginia spoil things for him? Isn t anyone going to think what having his ring and his love thrown back at him may mean to the boy? "I've been a-thtnking, replied Father Andrew, smiling slowly, "and I kinda think I m going out home to morrow. No use trusting—our ring and "Swamp Doodle Band" Livens Up Elizabethtown Elizabethtown, Pa., Dec. 28. The "Swamp Doodle Band" was out on Christmas eve, serenading the different business places of the bor ough, for which they were amply repaid. They presented a very amusing appearance and were fol lowed by the young folks. Comic costumes, comic antics, comic songs and comics galore formed an enter taining and appropriate program for such an occasion as this. R. D. Smith, of Harrisburg, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. eorge H. Smith, in East High street. Charles H. Wormley was at Philadelphia this week. The Rev. R. W. Schlosser and family at tended the funeral of Mr. Sclilos ser's mother, Mrs. Emma Schlosser, at Schoeneck, on Tuesday after noon. Miss Ella Brehm is on the sick list. C. L. Heisey, of Hyner, j several days with his parets Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hersey.—Clarence Kray -1)111 has been appointed a teacher of the Newville school to succeed Miss Ida Charleston .who resigned, j •—H. W. Wagner was the guest of , relatives at Mount Joy on Tuesday. —S. J. King, of Wilmington, Del., was the guest of J. W. Heisey and family—Miss Anna Foreman, a ! student at Millersville Normal | School Is spending the holidays with her parents.—David Espenshado and | daughter, were guests of relatives at, Philadelphia.—U C. Helshey was the guest of his mother at Union | Deposit.—Mrs. J. F. Smith and! Mrs. Minnie Smith, of Bainbridge, | were guests of relatives here. —Miss j Laura Brinsor and brother, Elles worth, of Middletown were guests j |of relatives here.—Benjamin F. j Wormley, of Green Loch, N. J., Is, the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Wormley.—Miss Mary j Rber, of Richland, is the guest of I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. | Hess, of North Market street — Harry Heisey, of Washington, is the , guest of his mother and sisters, in I Park street Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service -* m - By McManus LIFE'S PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED — i A nightmare childhood! Left moterless at birth; until she was thirtene years of age a drudge in a racetrack boardhouse, where the rough talk and actions of "swipes" and stable helpers were her dally portion; then "on her won," a subject for all those unwel come experiences which fall to the lot of a young and unprotected girl. No wonder she has few illusions left in regard to either life or men. At an age when most children are learning kindergarten songs she was a sophisticated woman of the I world, listening wide-eared to the Rabelaisian jests and broad allu sions of the stablemen as she ran errands and saved steps for the overworked mistress of the board inghouse. In the years when pink and white girlhood awakens to ro mance and dreams of a possible Prince Charming she was strug gling for a living, repulsing the attentions of would-be mashers, face to face with crude, hard, ugly facts of existence. "I found my way up," she writes. "Life became easier for me and I graduated into a better environment but on every hand there were men, men, men. There were times when nothing saved me but my steady nerve and cool insolence. I hate every man—almost — that I have ever known." "No, she has no illusions. Or, rather, perhaps, she is the victim of a very great illusion when she believes that all men are vicious. Even she herself is compelled to make one exception; for, as if by way of compensation for her early hardships, the story she relates nds in a happy marriage, with a hus band whom she regards as little less than perfection. And so. like a second Pilgrim, having after many trials and tribu- I iations attained Paradise, like a I second Eve, she promptly proceeds to llnd her Garden of Eden some thing to fret and worry about. "My dear Mrs. Woodrow," she writes, "my husband and I are con -1 fronted with a problem that we our- I selves are unable to solve and which we desire to submit to you. We have a little daughter who is five months old to-day, and are anx ious if possible to save her from any I such experiences and insults as I 1 was called upon to endure in my | growing years. I "We want to bring into her life I only beautiful and noble things and so help her to become a fine, . sweet type of womanhood, who | will be able to choose for herself ■ when the time comes a man worthy lof her —one whom she can love I with all her heart and who will j love and cherish her' in return. ' We want to see her a happy wife I and mother. We want to insure her . a favorable destiny. "But the question is. How to ac complish this. My husband sug -1 gests going to the country in order to give her a simpler and more healthful environment; yet I hesi tate to take this step on account of the superior school advantages which town life offers for we want to educate her in the best possible way. "We hope you will be able to help us, because wo can't feel sure in our own hearts Just what is the wisest course to follow to attain our purpose." And I am supposed to be a sort | of a fairy godmother, who, by the mere wave of my magic wand, can endow this baby girl with all the blessings that humanity yearns for —a Cinderella coach with horseg and footmen and at the end of her Journey a Prince of Dreams to claim her! I only wish I could. Parents have always made the mistake of thinking that if they wero able to control circumstances they could make certain tho well being of their children. Napoleon, who was the master of the world, tried It; and the son for whose sake he divorced the one love of his life and plunged Europe into a succes l slon of bloody wars, whom he pic tured ns a mighty monarch wield j ing universal dominion,' died a piti ful little exile, a dependant In an alien Court. No one can govern the happenings or destiny of another person. Each child born into the world is an in- I dividual, with just a little different Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours —is all the pre scription you need to avoid Influenza-—unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take —at once CASCARAC? QUININE W Standard cold remedy for 30 year*—ln tablet form—safe, eure, no opiatee—breaks up a cold In 24 hours—relieves grip in 3 days. Money backifitfeils. The genuine bog baa a Red top | with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. slant toward men and things from that of any other person; and our happiness consists in expressing our own individuality In the espe cial way that most appeals to us. You cannot make a child happy by building his house of blocks for him, no matter how perfectly you may do it. He wants to build that house for himself according to his own particular ideas. And circumstances also have lit tle to do with either happiness or obstacles to be overcome and so provide the joy of winning. Hap piness does not come from a life in either the city or the country, neither from height nor depth, nor any other creature. It comes from i freedom to express one's self and | from the inner power to enjoy. Naturally this mother wishes to protect her daughter from such a seamy, sordid youth as she knew; yet may It not be that her own present happiness is based upon her ability to appreciate by con trast the love and home she now enjoys. All we can hope for the children is to keep their bodies sound and their minds flexible, give them ' freedom to follow their bent and teach them to see not the evil of men. but the good. For the rest, as the Scotch say, they must "dree their weird." Daily Dot Puzzle !" 13 ? u • i • 10 *•' \ V '. e I 5 J * 7 \ 3 6 ife-M, 7 ' • *5 . si 57 ,7 • 55 19 • *53 /-"** 5o . 4-8 I ' 21 , 5 * 49 * X 2a • . *47 z . 4 XX ** N * 45 26 4| 24 ' * 4z 44 3o 28 • • 43 • 27 3d • • 38 5, # 7A ,/ i' 36 34 3,5 •33 to the end. What has Willie drawn T British Premier's Wife Who Aided His Campaign ( IMmi■->, m 0 MRS-UOYO ocorce * Great Britain's Premier had the very effective aid of his wife, Mrs. David Dloyd George, in his recent campaign for his return to Parlia ment. While touring Wales she made a numbor of speeches from her auto mobile. At Treharrls she addressed a big meeting of miners. 0 MAKING THE MOST OF OUR CHILDREN U N*—ammmmmmmmmrnmmtmm mmmmmmrnrn* i A Series of Plain Talks to Parents wHr T Ray C. Beery, A.8., y y President of the Parents Association. (Copyrighted, 1918, by The Parents Association, Inc.) I (Copyright, 1918, by the Parents Asso-i elation, Inc.) I A child whose cries have always' i been awarded with attention is most unfortunate. Such a child has to, realize at some time or other that: everyone in society is not going to! cater to his every selAsh whim, and the earlier in life he realizes this the easier it will be for him. We And children of all ages being catered to by their parents in the most unreasonable ways. Cases like the following arc not uncommon: | "My 3-year-old daughter has been, unusually slow about getting her! teeth. Even after a tooth appears, it] takes so long to come through the gum that she naturally has been fret ful most of the time. Certain others in the household go to pieces when daughter cries and the only way I could ever quiet her at times was to let her nurse. I knew at this time the milk was of no nourishment to her, but I could quiet her this way. Now the problem facing me is to wean her after I have been nursing her all this time. Please advise me the Dest time." See that your daughter has plenty of minerals In her food, so that her teeth may develop more rapidly. The following foods contain much mineral matter: Soda crackers, oatmeal, peanut butter, shredded wheat, oy sters and salt cod Ash gravy. You can hardly expect to wean a child of 3 years without having her cry at all. yet your daughter should be weaned at once, even If she does cry a little. You can make it easier for her by preparing her mind beforehand in a proper way. Begin to praise her for little things that she does fob you, suggesting that she is getting to be I such a big girl now. Perhaps it would be well not to deprive her of nursing until a day or two after you have be gun lodging these suggestions. Just before she goes to sleep at night impress upon her mind in a quiet way that she is getting io big , that she does just like mother in so Illness Among Children Prevents Church Exercises Kll/.ill)otlivillc, Pa., Dec. 28. —Sick- ness among the children of the United Brethren church caused them to cancel their Christmas exercises, the remaining churches, however, rendered their programs to well filled houses.—Ralph H. Whitman has purchased the electrical outfit of A. B. Collier, and will continue the wiring of houses.—Mrs. F. N. Rieglo returned on Saturday even ing from the Ilarrisburg Hospital, where she underwent an operation. She is some what improved.—Mrs. Silas Cooper has returned from a several weeks' visit at Baltimore. — | Miss Beulah Shutt, a school teach- ; er of Johnsonburg, is the guest of j her sister, Miss Ella Shutt. —Visitors j here during the Christmas week : were the following: Lieutenants Ed- j tyin and Jessie Zciglor at the home ' of their father, L. H. Zeigler.—Ser- I geant Howard Fctterliof, of an avia- | tlon camp in Texas, with his parents, j Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Fetterhof; Lieut. Laurence Zerfing, of Fortress Mon- j roe; Corporal Miles Stroup and father, Dr. C. B. Stroup, of Allen town, at the home of Isaac Bona- ] wits; Private Edwin Bechtel, of j Chicago, and his brother, Isaac, of j Rending, at the home of Alfred , Bechtel; Private Ellsworth Grove, of ! the Wireless Training School, at ; Brooklyn, N. Y., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Grove; Private 1 Lester A. Harner, of Camp Meade, j Md., with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Har- | ner.—Miss Hannah Swab returned j to her home after sponding several | weeks at Herndon. —Miss Elvena i Zerfing, of Harrlsburg. spent sev eral days with her parents.—'Paul Stroup, of Jefferson Medical School, | Philadelphia, and Harold Swab, of j Camden, N. J., are visiting relatives here. —Mr. and Mrs. Emery Shoop spent Christmas with relatives at . Millersburg.—Edwin H. Zeigler left I on Tuesday for Laurel, Miss., where he will become director of physical I culture in Y. M. C. A. work. —Miss Mildred Swab, of Peirce Business School, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Swab. —W. E. Buf fington, superintendent of finance of the post office department, at- Wash ington, and Mrs. Bulflngton, are guests of I. T. Buffington.—Miss Arlene Snyder, at Millersvllle State Normal, Is visiting her parentcs in Main street. —Dr. Gordlnler, presi dent of Millersvllle Normal school, I many ways. The second evening you can suggest that she is no longer a, ! little baby that has to be nursed and] I that, starting In the morning, she will! ! eat Just like mother and certain other j ! persons whom she admires, j Beginning with the third morning,! • then, do not nurse her a single time, j Having plenty of attractive play-] things to occupy her mind. At the! time she generally nurseiUoccupy her mind with some new doll clothes which you want to try on dolly. Stay with her as long as she is happy, hut the moment she starts to cry leave her I and do not let her crying bring you | back. | When your child is not crying and she asks directly to be nursed, treat her in the following manner: Take hold of her hand and start over to another part of the room or perhaps into another room where there is a comfortable chair. Sit down, having her sit on your left knee. By this time her mind will be somewhat di verted. Now begin to talk very slowly—let a pause come between al most every word spoken, because words spoken slowly, Armly and Im -' pressively will not be so nearly liable, to antagonize the child. Say. "You' are now getting to be a very big girl. I You are growing bigger every day. I Little, tiny babies nurse, but big lit-1 tie girls do not nurse. Mother is go ing to play with you and we will have lots of fun together, but I will not nurse you any more. Won't we have lots of fun? I'll tell you what we can do now. Let's make a big doll. You wait till I get some clothes and some pins." Start immediately to go into a closet to search for materials to make a doll. Just assume that she will fall in line with your ideas. If she should start a scene, say. "Oh. I can't play with you if you cry," and just leave her without playing tny more unless she acts in a proper way. Re calm and cheerful, but do not nurse the daughter any more. The habit will simply become worse unless you break It at onee. By being friendly ,and very Arm it will not take but a fejv days to cure her habit. and family, is visiting at D. M. Stlne and family.—The following Harrlsburg people are spending their Christmas vacations here. —Miss Helen Riegle, Miss Irene Bressler, Miss Verna Mattis, Evan Matter, Charles Fetterhof, Alvin and How ard Enders. —Miss Sarah Swartz, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Collins. Revival Services Start at Linglestown U. B. Churchi LluKleHtoun, Pa., Dec. 28. Church services will be held in the Church of God to-morrow - morning by the Rev. James Wagner. Revival services have been started in the United Brethren Church by the Rev. J. D. Gottschall and will be continued throughout the week, at least. Mr. | and Mrs. Paul Getz, of Mount Joy, •spent Christmas Day with Mr. and j Mrs. Miles Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. | Amos Lingle, sons Lester Linglc and I Charles Lingle, and Mrs. Maria Zim ! merman, of Pjeasant View, motored i to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin | i Schnner, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. | William Feeser, of Halnton, spent , Thursday with the former's mother, j I Mrs. Mary E Feeser. Dr. William i j Baker, of Philadelphia, spent some I j time with his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Iff Are You A Young Woman Who Desires Steady Employment In a Modern Growing Buisness? We have a number of vacancies in our establishment for young women to Help manu facture TRIANGLE MJNTS. The work is not only refined and simple but the PAY IS EXCELLENT AND THE POSITION WILL RE PERMANENT. * TRIANGLE MINTS ARE MADE IN HARRISBURG BY HARRISBURG PEOPLE—SOLD HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE—AND THE SALE OF THEM IS INCREASING RAPIDLY DAILY. * I Four Distinct Flavors: ;m Peppermint Wintergreen Clove Cinnamon COME OUT AND SEE THE FACTORY AND GET FIRST HAND INFORMATION ON HOW THE WORK IS DONE AND THE SURROUNDINGS OF THE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE EMPLOYED HERE. The Wintermints Co. Twelfth and Herr Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. Baker. Paul Kreider and Miss Pearl Kaufman, of Harrisburg, spent Christ- ' mas with Miss Hilda ivtixell. Mr. | and Mrs. Roger Care and son, Ross j Care, of Steelton, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooke Care. — Mrs. Weakley, of Harrisburg, spent ] Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter | Mixell. Mr. and Mrs. John Geyer | and daughter, Ruth Ueyer, of Middle- \ town: Dr. Harry Blianer and family, ! of Harrisburg, and Dr. and Mis. John] Buker, of Lykens, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Rebecca Baker and ! family. Mrs. William Ball and Miss Eliza Buck spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laudmesser, at Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Holland, of Paxtang, spent Wednes day with Mrs. Holland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gottschall an- ! nounce the birth of a daughter, I Doras Lorralile Gottschall, December | 22, 1918. Miss Sara Shriner, of] Philadelphia, is spending the Christ- ; mas holidays with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. George Shriner. Private ; Harry Rhein, who was stationed at | Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, was] ] mustered out of service and has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. John ! Crum and son, Rosa Crum, Mr. and | ] Mrs. John Fox and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. J | Saylor nnd daughter, Kutli Saylor, ! spent Christmas Day at the home of; I Mr. and Mrs. John Raber, of Shecsley- ; J town. Miss Vera Care, of Progress, spent Wednesday as the guest of Miss I Jane Care. Mr. and Mrs. Frances; Wagner and family spent Christmas i with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- [ liam Reed, at Penbrook.—O. C. Feeser, I of Grantvllle, spent, Christmas with] friends here. Mrs. Frank Bals baugh. Miss Mabel Feeser and Miss! Anna Feeser were recent visitors at j the home of Mr. and Mrs. William E. i Feeser, at Hainton. Homer Heller, , of Allentown, is spending some time with friends here. Dauphin Homes Filled With Christmas Visitors Danpliin, Pa., Dec. 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lutz, of Oberlin, Pa., are the guests of Mrs. George Gil day.—Mr. and Mrs. Warner spent ; Christmas at Philadelphia, with Mr. I Warner's sister. —Miss Bertha Sel- | Greater food value —increased palatability L In making chocolate cakes use BAKER'S CHOCOLATE twith barley and buckwheat 'i The chocolate covers the S color and taste of the dark J flour so it is practically as good as when made with all white flour. RKG. U.s. PAT. err. J' This use of cocoa or chocolate in creases the food value of the pre j| pared dish. IBooklet of Choice Recipes sent free WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Established 1780 MASS# Ilers, of Ardmore, Pn., spent Christ mas with her mother, Mrs. Charles ; Sellers. —Howard Bell Hummel, ot j Philadelphia, is spending the Christ mas vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. Sabra M. Bell.—Miss Alice -Mlnsker, who holds a government po-. |sition in Washington, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William • Minsker. —David NoVinski, of Phil jadelphia, is spending the vacation J with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I George W. Heck. —Miss Clara Berg i stresser is spending the holidays at j Harrlsburg.—Miss Mildred F. Ly f barger, a student at Obcrlin College, I Oberlin, Ohio, spent several days in town.—Mrs. Sarah Spansler has gone to York,.where she is spending scvernl weeks with her cousin, Mrs. | Fred Schneider.—Charles Garman, a | member of the U. S. Marines, now lo 'catvd in New York harbor; John |Garman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koons iand daughter, Helen Lucille, of Al toona, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey '• Lo;,g, of Erie, spent the Christmas I holidays with Mrs. Clara Garman.— .'Miss Anno Miller left on Monday : for Pottsville, where she will spend ; several weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 1 M. Reed left Thursday for Philadel- Iphia for a short visit.—Miss Sabra j Clark, a student at Goucher College, | Baltimore, Md., is spending the Christmas vacation with her par 'ents. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark. | —Mr. and Mrs. William Rodenhaver, 'of Harrlsburg, and the Rev. C. A. I Bergen, of Middletown, ware the 'guests of Mrs. Charles Sellers on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Dou glass, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of Mf. and Mrs. John Dou glass.—Charles S. Gerberich return* ed home from Camp Wadsworth, S. C., where he was a member of the Sixtieth Pioneer band. Charles Waddell, of Now York City, has returned home after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George I Kline. —Mrs. Bertha Henninger, of jjohnsburg, is spending several | weeks with her parents, Mr, anf I Mrs. George Kinter. ' * - 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers