Store Closes Regularly /Qs\. <rTf3t TJ~C~-C IT ff ' Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six Saturdays at Six _ HARRISIII'IIH. ■rIIt'RAIIAV. IIUIUUIIEH M, .111-. POIAUED Sll^ BEIAIA 1001—awe UNITED Friday 1 * Motion Specials 3estyctte veil—no tieing --stays in place for motor ing, golfing and general out door use in assorted colors. Friday sale, 19c Good Hope hair nets j cap and fringe. Friday sale, 90c Novelties. Friday sale. One-half Price Remnants of elastic and belting. Friday sale. One-third off Belt hose supporters lor ladies; two strap white. Fri day sale, 19c The "Airie" sanitary belts. Friday sale, 19c Shoe strings. Friday sale, pair, 5c Comfort Kits. Friday sale, 19c Kick rack braids. Friday sale. 8c and 13c BOWMAN'S —Main Fl.'i.r Stamped Dresses Children's and infants' stamped dresses. Fridav sale. I One-third off Regular Prices Novelties Consisting of garters, satchet. lingerie bows. Fri day sale. One-third off BOWMAN'S —Second Floor Gloves Two-clasp cbamoisette gloves .in black, white, brown and grey—every size in lot. but not every size in every color. Friday sale, pair. 75c Wash Goods .16-inch percales in light and medium colors with best printings. Friday sale, vard, 25c .36-inch silk stripe shirt ings. Friday sale, yard, 65c 36-inch Eider-down kimono patterns; medium colors. Frdiay sale, yard, i 29c 364nch silk and cotton crcpc. Friday sale, yard, 55c 32-inch American ging hams. Friday sale, yard, 39c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor • Final Clearance Prices On the Gilbert Stock of I Beautiful Novelties r # Prices in many instances less than cost prices would be to-day, and quality and design of the finest. See complete ad on page two of BOWMAN'S ANNEX Gilbert Building—Opposite Court Mouse • . 1 — THURSDAY EVENING. harrisbttou dSSftl TELEGRAPH ufiLliMßt-K 26. 1918. bargains • Domestics Clean up of remnants dress and apron ginghams, calico, shirtings, tickings and cretonnes. Friday sale, One-fourth off Regular Price Duckling fleeces in pink and blue, floral designs—36 inches wide; useful length suitable for comfort linings. Friday sale, yard, 27c Outing flannel in light and dark patterns; cut from the piece—good quality and heavy nap. Friday sale, yd., 25c Unbleached muslin —36 inches wide. Smooth, even, round thread, will bleach easily. Friday sale, yard, 18c Flannelettes in Scotch plaid effect —36 inches wide, ctit from the piece; suitable for waists or children's dresses. Friday sale, yard, 4714 c Unbleached canton flan nel—27 inches wide; cut from the piece; good heavy quality. Friday sale, yard, 30c 'BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Draperies Remnants of cretonne, scrim, marquisette in desir able lengths. Friday sale. One-half Price Figured Swiss for sash curtains —36 inches wide. Friday sale, yard. 25c Filet net in ecru —36 inches wide, neat designs. Friday sale. yard. 25c Curtain lace in white and ecru; several widths. Fri day sale. yard. 5c BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor White Goods Special Hemmed crochet bed spreads ; size 68x80. These bedspreads contain very lit tle dressing and will launder closer. Friday sale, each $1.50 Heavy cotton crash; 18 inches wide—the very thing for hard service. Friday sale, per yd., 17c Colonial long cloth; 30 inches wide; good service able quality; 10 yards to a piece. Friday sale, per piece, $2.29 Fancy martex Turkish towels —a few left over from Christmas selling. Friday sale, each 39c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor I Take Early Advantage of This | si if! I After - Holiday Clearance | jyP ' 1 v • fjnl This sale is prompted by the necessity of reducing all stocks of winter goods. Desir- ijf| able and seasonable merchandise is now offered at substantially less than its real worth tyi m ~ a great deal less than the prices that would have prevailed had the war continued, ffl ,T. Suits, Coats, Dresses, Furs, Skirts and Waists that reflect the Bowman quality. In p fact, the entire stock to choose from at remarkable reductions. m | A Winter Coat is a Good Investment | I Especially at the Low I ft Prices we are Quoting 1 Sh All our winter coats, including even the latest arrivals, are now on sale at sharply reduced prices. There is no rfjl tO longer a need for the stringent economy of war-times. Hence, you can easily buy one of these coats now, and which- |f| yrj ever one you select, you may be sure that you have a splendid investment. ijfs Arranged in four lots, $17.75, $23.50, $38.75, $49.50. J&jj AH coats of the exclusive models that range in price from $75 to $265 at one-fourth oif. yj gg AN ."^ T And you certainly have a range of prices I -I jW S'i '\ to choose from. Beautiful suits in most j .jfiaraSr: y gfcralplß every favored style and material from ; ■" / - -fffiip I' 1 I t0 ours to choose front at | j| Skirts At Fourth 1 j L\,F AU Furs R educcd ' \\ f/ | £QV J Ten, Per Cent * . . , I^>^r,lC^N ' B^'rh,r4 1 All Dark Suit / Blouses At One— I ! (f> \ ' Thirdoff I \ tiULW\ I ' Consider that these waists are in the | / |TwX™l|i\ 1 PJ \ p : imm W / newest and prettiest fashions, well I |l i? W 11' \ I Hhj \ )£■■+ \jjuWdf / made of good materials. 1 \ I |s| tjjfl fi&L White voile, batiste, linen, dimities \ Vj'NJTPu \J }s|y > hyA. with lace and embroidery trimmed, 7v ® / |\ also frilled, high and low necks; large fffl m • S<^ UarC tUXCt '° co " ars ' cc ' a ' at •. *" At very special reductions we offer m {p one lot of voile waists that have .be- \ BOWMAN'3—Tntrd Floor ® Friday I Shoes Women's tan calf laced ( boots with French heels, j | Friday sale, pair, SIO.OO - Women's grey kid laced | hoots with perforated tip, j turn sole. Friday sale. pair. $9.50 Women's iield mouse kid ! laced boots with perforated tip, French heels. Friday sale, pair, $9.50 Women's grey suede laced boots, F'rench heels. Friday sale, pair, $7.50 Women's black patent vamp and button shoes, medium and high heels. Fri day sale, pair, $1.98 BO W M AN' S—''l'll Ii d Floor Union Suits . Boys cotton ribbed fleece lined union suits—size, 24 to 1 32, . Friday sale, 85c i ... 1 \\ omen s union suits; t high neck, long sleeves, 1 fleeced lined cotton ribbed, j Friday sale, $1.35 Women's stockings in lisle, double toe and heel; black only. Friday sale, pair, 39c Men's Shirts Silk fiber shirts; newest color combinations in fancy stripings, soft cuffs. Friday ; sale, $3.98 . An attractive lot of men's ! j printed madras shirts in beautiful stripings, soft cuffs. Friday sale, $1.25 Dress Goods 54-inch black and white I Shepherd checks—2 sizes. J Friday sale, yard, 89c 40-inch colored plaids, check and stripes; a good assortment. Friday sale, yd., ' 89c 36-inch fine twill serge all colors. F'riday sale, yd., 69c 36-inch batiste in light and dark colors. Friday sale, yard, 69c 36-inch striped mohair self tones in black or gun metal. Friday sale, yard, W M 0 75c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 1 | SILKS Manufacturers' short ends and also many good service able lengths taken from our regular stocks —as crepes, fancy silks, printed foulards, fancy voiles, etc. All at the astonishing price, of [ SI.OO Yard BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. • ifi h 3 Bargains Children's Wear Children's hats of velvet, plush and felt; a clean up lot. Friday sale. 50c Small lot of children's coats of cloth, corduroy and velveteen : ftir trimmed ; 2 tQ 6 years. Friday sale, $5.00 Corsets Good quality satin finish ed corsets in white; medium bust, long hip, strong hose supporters; all sizes. Fri dav sale, $2.49 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Banks Registering banks; regis ters pennies, nickels, dimes, etc. Friday sale, $1.98 Flat iron building—metal bank, Friday *ala 5c Statue of Liberty metal bank. Friday sale, 15c Tanks Tanks that look like the .. real thing. Friday sale, JOc Large,size tank. Friday sale, 50c Doll Hammock Dolls' porch hammocks- Friday sale, 89c, $1.75, $2.25' Navy U. S. navy with men of war and marines. FYiday sale. 75c Oil Stove Oil heater; tank holds one gallon of oil. Friday sale, $5.25 Percolater Aluminum coffee perco later; holds about two. quarts. Friday sale, sl.lO Dinner Set 100 pieces Decorated porcelain with three meat platters. Friday sale, per set, $21.00 BOWMAN'S—BasenionJV Women's Stockings In lisle, double toes and heel; black only. Friday sale, pair, 39c BOWMAN'S—Main Floon. Muff Forms Muff forms in black ana brown ; fdled with down and floss. Friday sale, 39c to $3.00 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
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