4 473 DEATHS ON WAR LIST FROM OVERSEAS ZONE 15 Pennsylvanians Killed in Action; 4,745 Named by Pershing WnxbinKton, Dec. 17.—The War De partment reports a total of 4,745 casuals to-day. Two hundred and thirty-nine of these were killed in action, and of this number IB were "Lennsylvanlans. The summary fol lows Kilied in 'action -Jjj Died of wounds 66 Died of accident and other causes ® Died of airplane accident J Died of diseaso fjj® Wounded severely 2.089 Wounded (degree undeter mined! Wounded slightly *522 Missing in action 300 Total U Those reported this afternoon fol low : KILLED IN ACTION Corporals Martin M. Babb. Lebanon. Walter S. Eborsole, Mount Joy. Malvern W. Means. ConneautvlUe. John C. Tile v. Brookvllle. Charles E. Welmer, Frays Landing. Privates Leo J. Gallagher. Pittsburgh. Cvrli L. Heller; Barnesboro. Harry Plosky. Philadelphia. I1IEI) OF WOUNDS Sergeant Peter Comlnsk-y, Seranton. Corporal Joseph Miller. Hanover. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Corporal Donald T. Shenton, Philadelphia. Sergeant* Frank Fulton, McKeesport. Paul Wolf. Nantleoke. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeanta William M. Cunningham, Philadel phia. Edward J. Carter. Wilkinsburg. John C. Nocitra, Philadelphia. Earl'Quldort. Philadelphia. Corporals Charles M. Kldd, Freedom. Lean J. Kolankiewicz, Philadelphia. Robert M. Lindemuth, Elizabeth town. Patrick H. McKearney, Philadel phia. Harold W. Stevens, Lake Ariol. * Frank Stoner. Chnmbersburg. Harry G. C. Williams. Philadelphia. Abraham L. Young. Lancaster. Frank Beaver. Chambersburg. Maurice O. Dunkle, New Cumber land. Cecil D. Beels. Wilkes-Barre. | Piano and Talking Machine Sale 1 I 317 Chestnut St. 1 [ Victrolas priced as low as $55.00 [Victor Machines as low as SIO.OO 1 Sonora and Columbia Grafonolas M like new at greatly reduced prices | Above Victor Victrolas, Sonora and Columbia I Grafonolas were taken in exchange for | The Wonderful Empire Phonograph 9 I The machine tliat plays all records and plays them Call today or evening. Select your choice of instruments. We will make de- ra | livery to your home any time that suits you best. |j H m Machines from. Choice Nw Our floors are stocked with a variety of magnificent Pianos and Player Pianos, j|j c | including several of the Winter & Co.'s stock which we recently purchased. 13 c | Good Used Piano $85.00 (Easy Terms) I.' j 10 per cent added to your Christmas Savings Fund Check when applied 011 pur-1 chase. Liberty Bonds accepted same as cash. Store open evenings. Special inducements good at all branch stores: Lewistown, York, Dillsburg 11 ■ and Martinsburg, W. Va. | Troup Bros., 317 Chestnut St. oul of DutS h Rent I < * TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 17, 1913. Mlchelc Pole, Philadelphia., Richard P. Loefller, Pittsburgh. Privates Charles H. Berie, Pittsburgh. Alexander J. Bernosky, Shenan doah. Joseph Casciottl, Pittsburgh. I William Fiorick, Philadelphia. Earl J. Helmbreck, Saegerstown. John Huduk, Coaldale. William H. Hunter, Philadelphia. Chaunccy F. Scliade, Eric. 1 Raymond F. Wickcl. Heading. George R. Wllburn, Summerfleld. Roland Wilson, Neauon. Edward R. Cameron,. Edenburg. Adam Donay. Pittsburgh. Herman B. Eves. Warriors Mark. Samuel Feurra, Berwick. Alexander W. Hamilton, Pittsburgh. Leland B. Jones, Little Meadows. 1 Frank Muncusi, Philadelphia. John D. Reiter, Red Hill. 1 Paul G. Schneider, Pottsville. Wilbcrt Smith, Pittsburgh. Frederick Snook. Marsh wood. Mathew W. Sfern, Pittsburgh. ' ✓ Itarry C. Stllwell, Masontown. Frank Zaklzewski, Glen Lyon. Frank L. Bell, Punxsutawney. John Carroll, Philadelphia. ! Raymond T. Cence, Hastings. Lloyd T. Gillette. Canoe Camp, i Jacob P. Goshorn. Spring Run. , Elmer E. McKitriek, Benwood. ■ Edward McLaughlin, Jr., Phlladel . t>hla. ; Frank A; Earley, Beaver Meadow. Andrew Hastings. Pittsburgh. Edgnr T. Hearn, Burnham. Lloyd L. Ilertzog, Allentown. Salvatore Inzerman, Altman. John Kleffer, Pittsburgh. John E. Lehman, Ashley. / Ernest Loughman, Deerllck. Maurice J. Mahoney, Philadelphia. Norman Qutnn, Pittston. Herman A. Rehele, Pittsburgh. Samuel V. Rodgers, Philadelphia. Harvey S. ?pory, Boswtll. Maurice Waldman, Philadelphia. Harry C. Hechtel, Millersburg. Amato Pellapolla, Philadelphia. Christopher Hannon, Philadelphia. Elvln M. Hanselman, Millersvtlle. George E. Koval, Hastings. Curtis Lewln. -PerrJ'sville. George J. McLaren, Philadelphia. James J. McMonigle, Philadelphia. Steve Surba, McDonald. John Banner. Bedford. Gulseppa Campl, Tdnmar. Edwin E. Schmaudcr. Wind Gap. John E. Smith, Center Hall. Frank Thomas. Plymouth. Carle B. Hazen. Union City. Raymond Howard, WesU Philadel phia. Arthur Johrtsoi), Ludlow. Jacob F. Painter, Greensburgr Fred J. Stout, New Stanton. John H. Marquet, RirtUboro. Charles Wicker. Philadelphia. , Edward Hepp, Phoeiiixville. Herman F. Price, Connellsvllle. William A. Anderson, Bellevue. Harris S. Brown. Berwick. Cornelius J. Mcßride.' Philadelphia. Samuel M. Rettew, Marietta. Lloyd E. Shenfeld, Midtlletown. George Morros, South Bethlehem. Paolo Mastropiece, Philadelphia. James G. O'Neil, Kutztown. Joseph H. Randolph, Pittsburgh. John R. Stross, Millvale. Virgil Wagner, Reading. John M. Wallace, Philadelphia. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant Norbert McCaffrey, Philadelphia. Sergeanta Adolph Denzel, Philadelphia. Edgar H. Harris. West Philadel phia. Fiahcls A. McCloskey, Philadel phia. Frank McNeil, Philadelphia. Frederick M. Young, Pittsburgh. Joseph H. McGreal, Philadelphia. Laiudr D. Rico, Philadelphia. C'orporala Loudowick M. Denormandle, Wash ington. William J. Flockensteln, Columbia. Cloyd W. Hadden, Curwenovllle. Augustus I*. Lord, Jr., Philadelphia, James Redmond, Philadelphia. Waller L. Yeager, Yeagertown. John W. Cassldy. Philadelphia, 'i'lisodoslos Dcmetrls, Philadelphia. Edwin A, Kllheiler, New Cumber land. Elner M. Krause, Blrdsboro. Carl A. Oesterle, Philadelphia. Cook Chafles Kostcndules, South Bethle hem. Wagoner Michael Melntok, Philadelphia." Privates Robert Greer. Philadelphia. John W. Hertzog. Topton. Guy E. Kauffman, Orwigsburg. Adam A. Knocum, Philadelphia. George Lucas. Philadelphia. James W. McH&ln, Philadelphia. Antonio Moscufo, Philadelphia. Singular E. Nichols, Philadelphia. Herbert A. Smith, Williamsburg. Julius J. Steinhart, Shainokin. Clarence R. Bucy, Braddock. John Conners, Pittsburgh. Walter A. Donohue. Philadelphia. Herbert G. Fritz. Tobyhanna. Michael J. Qulnn, Philadelphia. Sam Susson, Philadelphia. Nicola Varano, Shamoktn. Oscar L. Conrad, Hop Bottom. Thomas Price. Carnegie. Arthur W. Reinert, Alburtls. Herman P. Saylor, Philadelphia. Louis H. Schwftntes, Philadelphia. Harry It. Smith, Philadelphia. Luigi Bermabel, Morgan. Pietro Borella, Pittsburgh. Joseph A. DriscoH, Ardmore. James P. Funk, New Stanton. John P. Hummel, Pittsburgh. William l£. Herto, Milroy. William E. Jago, Pen Argyl. John W. Klump, Lancaster. * Orvis S. Knarr, Mlllheim. Eugene Kostelnock, Mount FJeas ant. Hunter Leaf, Pottstown. Edward D. Lemley. Mount Morris. Richard Light, Philadelphia. Sherman Mason, Clellandtown. Howard McClellan, Philadelphia. Bryon I. Moyer, Sunbury. Clarence Page, Catasauqua. Christy Smith, Sayre. Lewis K. Stahlman, Sigel. Eric H. Swlngler, Philadelphia. Stephen Tarkon, Philadelphia Charles F. Fossler, Roelyn. Andy Handza, Clarence. Michael .1. MclCeown, Philadelphia. Jack Polin, Philadelphia. Earl E. Teaman, Bellefonte. Edward Whalin, Philadelphia. Ralph Champlain, Elkland. Edward S. Deemer, Philadelphia. David H. Dickson, Plii.ildelphia, Samuel J. Goodwin, Philadelphia. Richard G. Helwig, Philadelphia. 11c i act E. Kclley, Philadelphia. LibovatO Lucldoni.i. Clil'ton. James McDermott, Philadelphia. Thomas H. Morris, Scranton. Loyd Myers,, Alverton. . ' Joseph Parltnskl, Wattsburg. Lulgi AIOIBO, Philadelphia. I Charles A. Bennett, Humcstead. Robert J. Hunter, Philadelphia. Harold \V. Lsuchle, Montoursville. Earl Kauffman, Runville. Clarence A. Littlelicld, Spring City. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lirntennst Philip S. Fischer. Philadelphia. Sergei) nla Alfred Davis, Unlontown. John Helnauer, McKees Rocks. r Eugene M. Buckley, Philadelphia. Norman C. Armstrong, Waynesboro. Paul S. Detwiler, Lansdale. Henry King, Creeps burg. Joseph Leopold, Philadelphia. Ralph S. Myers, Terre Hill. Harris Peters, Jr., Carlisle; Charles Shay, Terbium. Elwood Carjnean, Philadelphia. , Herbert Logue, Philadelphia. Elmer G Relnhurt, Mlllvillo. CorpnrnfW Patrick McCabe, Republic. Harvey W. Miller, Pittsburgh. Frederick Pain, Philadelphia. Louis M. Redman, Pittsburgh. Frank B. Schnffer, Emaus. Charles S. Scaton, New Salem. Ernest A. Steudle, Philadelphia. Bernard M. Viehman, Washington. Harry T. Weir, Corapolis. John P. Whitcford, Pittsburgh. -Charles Puckett, Meadsville. Joe Cavalcante, Edenborn. Turney A. Garland, Greensburg. David I. Scanion, Philadelphia. Charles R. Eekert, Corapolis. Hugh F. Heid. New Brighton. Ernest F. Miller, Tarentum. James 1". Qulnn, Philadelphia. Charles J. Hayden, Latrobe. Wayne C, Klser, Shippenvtlle. Bugler MiXhele Benclvengo, Philadelphia. Mechanic Edwin E. Buehler, Philadelphia. Cooks Charles A. McKelvey, Saltsburg. Alfred D. Carson. Jr., Philadelphia. \\ iiguncrs Robert H. Davis, Philadelphia. Michael L. Rowah, West Moor. Privates 1 Thomas Aspell, Philadelphia, drval F. Beetle, Alum Bank. t Enos W. Burke. Shclton. Conrad L. Koehler, Philadelphia. Charles H. Leib, Philadelphia. Durant Melvin, Greenville. Leslie P. Steele, West Monterey. John Bctak, Johnstown. Joseph Donofsky, Nantyglo. Charles A. Dougherty, Philadelphia. John R. Harlan, Lewistown. Daniel A. Hartel. Snydersburg. Joseph Ostrowskl, Parnassus. Alfred A. Price, Meadvllle. Mike Rutkofslti, Cdnnortown. Albert F. Ryan, Philadelphia. Frank J. Sobkowiak. Dickson City. Lester H. Strawbridge, Lebanon. Clyde E. Bailey. Sharpsville. , Saunders Burrell, Philadelphia. Paul D. Eberhart. Bellefonte. Irvln A. Heisey, Lebanon. , John Kennedy, Carnegie. John Lugos, Lloydell. Andrew Palewltz. Dickson City. Joseph E. Pikus, Lilly. Tgmacy V. Adamczak, Pittsburgh. Clare E. Brlghtliaupt. MlfUlnvllle. John M. Groff, Philadelphia. George W. McClatn, Canonsburg. Joseph /D. Mulrenan, Philadelphia. David C. Myers, Beaver Falls. Gohn M. Coleman, Republic. Harry E. Dankelmann, Philadel phia. Andrew D. Dannelter, Dubolstown. Arthur , Hlggins, Beaver Falls. Allen J. Loomis, Glenmoore. Albert W. Lord, Jr., Philadelphia. James Lelghton, Smokerun. Frank Mason, Verona. George Master, Swissvale. John A. Newman, Pittsburgh. Sante Plermani, Lawrence. Peter Sallnka. Shenandoah. Howard Council, West Philadel phia. Trimo Brnzelli, Black Lick. Caclftw Cicsllcki, Erie. Patrick T. Collins. McKecsport. William H. Fraln. New BorllnvlUe. Earl Goldsboro, Chester. Roda Radoso'vac, Farrell. Dava Roberts, Smoke Rum William H. Sunderinann, I'htladel phia. Crls Wlckham, Philadelphia. George \V. Franck, Philadelphia. Charles Krump. Pittsburgh. Charles F. Lleb. Philadelphia. Harold B. Cornmesser. Bellwood. Austin G. Hoffman, Elton. Hermon L. Hoffman. Philadelphia. MISSING IN' ACTION Privates Pomenlck Condoleo, Erie. Craig M. Thorn, New Bethlehem. Tony Pemarcho, Elizabeth. Earl T. Kautz, Elizabethtown. Anthony Lnganella, Philadelphia. Raymond E. Louden. Philadelphia. • Martin J. O'Leary. Eddystone. Frank E. Pechulls, Ashley. John Osterrieder, Allison Park. George B. Sandoe, Bethlehem. Frank T. Yost, Pottsvllle. Joseph Brzezinsky. Philadelphia. Those reported this morning are. KILLED IN ACTION Scrfconnt Charles Stafford, Meadvllle. Privates Dopienico Crono, Bristol. Frank Pusatcrl, Clearfield. Giuseppe Sallese. Philadelphia. Anthony Samkavttz, Barnesvllle. Charles L. Gaugler, Northumber ln'charles H. Mansberger, Middle-' town. DIED OF WOUND* Privates Raymond It Naylor. North Wales. Albert J. Porambo, Summit Hill. Frederick Metz, Pittsburgh. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Sergeant Paul Henkels. Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE Lieutenant Thomas G. Kadlec. Pittsburgh. Sergeant Arthur S. Bray, Riegelsvllle. Privates Charles Harris, Pottstowiv Arthur A. MagNeal, Philadelphia. Hurry E. Wheatley, Scranton. Clyde E. Appleman, Roaring i Springs. Ira A. Brown, Corsica. Domenico Colleo, Philadelphia. WOUND ED SKY EIIELY Lieutenants Charles J. Erickson, Philadelphia. | Maurice O. Woodrow, Wilkes-Barre. Sergeants Charles C. Patterson. Pittsburgh. Wilbert M. Stillwagon, Connells vllle. _.... I Monroe-K. Witmer, Litltz. William K. Fields, Smlthfleld. William H. Ruby, Philadelphia. Corporals Stormonth Pollock, Philadelphia. Marion B. Sheppard, Mount Pleas ""Edward McWilllams. Pittsburgh. Sebastian F. Jenkintown. Harold F,. Jones. Colwyn. Stephen Mandircno, Pittsburgh. John Mazor, New Kensington. Paul E. Sandel. Lewlsburg. Joseph J. Schlauer, Philadelphia. Howard J. Smiley, Parnassus. Wilbur H. Smith, Cornwells. Ernest W. Bwan S on, Washington. Joseph Adelman. Philadelphia. Benjamin F. Cook, Grassflat. James W. Fnger, Columbia. Herbert Ofroerer, Aliquippa. Sadler Fred Sperling. Philadelphia. Claude H. Conklin, Susquehanna. Cook Patrick F. Shea, Philadelphia. Privates Daniel A. Morris, West Consho hocken. _ . Hugh Patterson, Darby. Howard Reppert, Connellsville. Michael Stoyak, Throop. Anthony Tomkiel, Shamokln. Tullio Deangilis, Mahanoy City. John B. Elder, Dußols. Andrew J. Forberger, Hastings. Price Jones. Delta. Grovcr Knight. New Brighton. Joseph A, Lye, White Mills. William Jamleson. Philadelphia. Peter Lavtflle, Philadelphia. Howard Lutz, R. F. IX 1. Oley. Enoch McCloskey, Shenandoah. John Martocci. Jr.. ltoseto. Stanly Matuszak, Morris Run. Zygmunt Milczarek, Philadelphia. Russell Albert, Strnudsburg. Pietro Bonfiglio, Philadelphia. Samuel M. Clark, Lancaster. Francis R. Coyne. Phoenixville. Stane Danelewyo, Dixon City. Andrew Dubrawsky, Smock. William C. Eckman, Cochranville. Garrett H. Fullom, Corry. Samuel Grove. New Freedom. John "J. McLaughlin, Philadelphia. Roy R. Monn, Waynesboro. Earl D. Rhods, Athol. Oarinelo Alo, Starford. 'James Clements, Providence. Arthur E. Dalaba, R. F. D. 5, Mans field. Elmer M. Fahs, York. Luther B. Francis, Birdsboro. Joseph R. Konrad. Philadelphia. Joseph McCage, Point Marion. Bruce R. Warn, Barbours. Joseph W. Wilby, Philadelphia. Edward F. Boyle, McKees Rocks. Howard N. Keller, Media. Jacob R. Kline. Enhaut. George A. McCurdy, Hillside. Bernard J. Muckian. Pittsburgh. William Reid, Morris Run., Clarence B. Rupp. R. F. D. 1, Den ver. Frank H. Shank. Elizabethtown. Louis .staskel, Gleniyon. Steve Brlneheck, Martin. Axl E. Dahl, Warren. George D. Dttchburnf Johnstown. Edmond Fuhry, Pittsburgh. Cloyd L. Hearn. Huntington. Howard J. (Hoffman. Philadelphia. John La whence, Clarence. John Lubatti, Wickhaven. John Mortis, Jr.. CbeU-ton. Peter Meckhlomis. Mnhoney City. Sam Notarioi Molntyre. . Tliomas Dean, Federal. Chester I. Hamilton, Wllliamsport. Samuel F. Mllllgnn, Philadelphia. Paul J. Qulmby, Philadelphia. Earl H. Ruth, Collegevllle. Jeremiah E. Scanion, Norrlstown. William F. Sherlock. R. F. D. Fid dlersßreen. Leslie A. Schultz, Nordmont. Mike Sinknvieh, Easton. Walter E. Stabley. York. Albert Steele. Mtddletown. Abe Berman. Philadelphia. Dominlck Cassarella, Huzleton. Elmer E. Detrick, Northampton. Walter Francis Uumavtgo. T^ma- Hlnes. Pittsburgh. John H. Klinestever, R. F. D. 2, Columbia. , r , William C. Lewis, York county. Robert C. Jackson, State College. Robert R. Snyder,.R. F. D. I, Red Hill. , . „ Lawrence Tnmanini, Crowl. Robert-H. Thompson, Bcllevue. Calvin Toth. NlcAdoo. Walter J. Naslohn, Oil^City. Harry J. Walter, Philadelphia. > John J. Wiegand, Lancaster. Wilbert J. Moore, Milton. Simon J. Naglf. Philadelphia. Thomas J. O'Brien. Philadelphia. Francesco Pasqulnl. Chester. Ezekiel Plnmmer. Philadelphia. Amsey A. Reed. Scranton. John \Villlam Smith. Acosta. Charles A. Crtsman, It. F. D. 2, Montoursville. William J. Hamilton. Norton. Geoilfe Justice Kehr. Pltlladelphia. * William E. Kump, Cashtown. WOUNDED (DEGREE I N UKTUR ,IIIN ED Cnptnlns Clyde M. Smith. Sunbury. James McK. nelley. Ilnrrlsburg. Uvutenants Donald'G. Enoch. Washington." Thomas E. Orr, Pittsburgh. Sergeants Raymond Edgnr Beyler. Bradford. Charles M. Housel, Philadelphia. I William J. Lyshon, Philadelphia. Thomas O. llader, Audenried, Car bon county. Howard J. Schtnack, Duboistown. John Schultz, Media, Delaware county. Charles F. Wahl, Philadelphia. Harry F. Wlnkolspecht, MclClnley. Augusta W. Wunderrllch, East Pittsburgh. William L. Eijhardt, Elmhurst. Joseph T. Heenan, Carbondale. Doyle E. Hess, Berwick. Alfred N. Rugcr, Philadelphia. Corporals Fred Belts-, Derry. William E. Cawsedy, Philadelphia. Charles M. Nevln, Narberth. William Knighton, Churchvlllo, Bucks county. Joseph Ryan Murphy, Tunnelhill. Samuel T. Routter, Philadelphia. Ira E. Simpson, Hollidaysbuig. Nelson J. Beyer, Erie. Wesley S. Davis, Philadelphia. Donald M. Gilmore, Bellwood. Francis Henry Hauer, Philadelphia. Isaac Householder, Coral. Joseph Francis Ivamor, Wyoming. Harry Krapp, Hnalcton. Emerson Roy Neiswender, Pitman, Schuylkill county. Robert W. Peters, State College. Albert J. Smith, lionesdale. Ituglers Herbert Cressman, Philadelphia. Frank B. Crissman, Bellefonte. Edwin A. Harris, Seranton. t Leonardo Massettl, Philadelphia. Mechanic* James F. McEvoy, Conshohocken. James P. Cullen, Philadelphia. Cook* Charles E. Gross, Laurelton. Clayton Mull, Lancaster. Clarence Page, Sayro. Privates John L. Ackloy, Philadelphia. George Biuman, Seelyville. Earl H. Brown, Slatington. John Henry Grown, Allentown. Ernest F. Johnson, Warren. Charles Reeves, Philadelphia. Bronislaw Rochowlcz, Philadelphia. Thomas Warwick, Philadelphia. Harold E. Smith, Union City. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenant* Justus C. Martin, Lansdowne. Francis Michael Ginley, Dunmoro. Sergeant* George L. Ilepford, Hnrrlsliurg. James G. Munce, Swarthmore. Nicholas J. Wagner, Wilkes-Barre. George T. Ball, Ambler. Howard S. McCord, Philadelphia. John Mularslci, Farrell. , —Hm. &trmtsr^^r . v * *. - J|l Nothing. Keeps Men |p Away From Our Super-Value \rfm OVERCOAT EVENT ji WW There wouldn't be any logical /, 'B D yji reason why a jjian would pass up an 1\ IBf opportunity like this. Our big stock Jpflif • \\ Fne overcoat s including the most WWM \ \V. '} 1 fashionable models and materials, '-Til \ \yF/ wR 'Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Waistline Over iT W \ \ \fe wF> coats ' conservative models reduced i j\ v j'y \ til I for this sale. And every overcoat I I \v I backed by the reputation of Wm. f j Strouse Store for value. flip Mm \ I® £ 1 •PU were $25.00 MkAl 1111 At $ / Jfc Cf} Overcoats that W| ; , 40.DU were $30.00 <fll r At $ / JQ zn Overcoats that JiP were $35.00 V: " llfcAU, At $o C C/l Overcoats that > 00.01/ • were $40.00 At $ 'IQ f) Overcoats that Oc/mOKJ were $45.00 At sj4 7 £/} Overcoats that were $50.00 ,t _____ WM. STROUSE STORE, 310 MARKET STREET. Super-Value !§ Boys' Clothing Event The Boys Share Like The Men $0 *7 C For Suits and Overcoats that were SIO.OO. $ i J C For Suits and Overcoats that were $12.50. $ 1 P For Suits and * Overcoats that were $l 5.00. SIA 7% For Suits and > j $■ Jf j'M Overcoats that were SIB.OO. li MI m SIR 7 % For Suits and j * Overcoats that were $20.00. j II $8.50 Mackinaws, $6.75 J $12.50 Mackinaw slo.7s . j $15.00 Mackinaws , $12.75 Ellis Free Robinson, Grove Ctty. Edward K. Ketcham, Philadelphia. Nicholas Essington Musgravt, Franklin. Jacob C. Radel, Elizabethville. Floyd Ross, Wilkinsburg. Corporals Everett W. Wanner. Philadelphia. Leo F. Walsh, Old Forge. John L. Carr, Philadelphia. John Nathan Hill, Stony Creek Mills. Gvorge A. Harrington, Phlladel phia. Fay A. Holman, Erie. Dewey Matheny, Leechburg. Oscar Rciningcr, R. F. D. 1, Alum Bank. Edgar 'P. Weaver, South Bethle hem. Walter S. \#hlte, Honey Brook. Ernest Marfin Anderson, Duquesne. Harry P. Cyrus, Phlladelplsla. John Dunkerley.Ml. F. D. 6. Mercer. Spencer H. Suuor, Philadelphia. . Walter J. Stoyle, Philadelphia. Fred B. Uhrlch, Ephrata. Philip B. White, Philadelphia. I Francis C. Nolan, Philadelphia. Charles W. Roth, Philadelphia. Perry Stanley Allen, Brush Valley. \\ llllnni llcrmnn ltcniiett, Hrrrls burg. Sylvester A. Bowe, Philadelphia. MECHANICS Frank Charles Moon, South Oil City. Anthony J. De Paul's Philadelphia. 111 Huuon Luther G. Smith, Hnrrisburg. WAGONER Louis A. McCann, Philadelphia. Privates Sanley Arasn.v, Pittsburgh. Edward J. Bullock. Philadelphia. Jesse Carrara, Lewis Run. Nugino Creshlo, Chester. Charles Di Cenzo, Stowe township. John F. Hood, Philadelphia. Carl J. Albrecht, Philadelphia. Adam Hoffmayer, Philadelphia. John llawn, Philadelphia. Robert A. Relth, Pottsville. Harry W. Senderling, Piiiiadolphia. Max George, Philadelphia. Wilbur C. Minnlch, Shippensburg. Jacob Rubenstein, Piiiiadolphia. Elwood Stremmol, Philadelphia. Harold Crowe, I'hiladelphia. ~~ Charles W. Curtis, i'hiladelphia. Harry F. Ford. Philadelphia.' Charles J. Kane, Philadelphia.* Joseph A. Kinkier, Emporium. Reuben Kohen, Philadelphia. Wusko Kotzer, Simpson. , Antonio Laudanski, Philadelphia. William J. Laux, Sayre. William P. McWllltams, Vanoort. Francis A. Madlgan, Huntlngdol Alberto Mattallotti, Klttannlug Frank W. Mohr. Oil City. Frederick Munford, Pittsburgh. Joseph P. Pets, Wilmerdlng. Truman C. Reinert, Copley. William Stlllwagon, Connellsvllle. William E. Young, Pittsburgh. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeants John H. Deitrich, Wiconlsco. James F. McCormlck, Bryn Maw* Privates John Emll Anderson. Monessen. Frank J. Cherny.^'andllng. Morris Kridermail; Phlladolphla. Jacob Sulkes, Now Kensington. Clarence E. McGowen, R. F. D. 2, New Alexander. George F. Smith, Juniata. John W. Swurtx, Ilarrisbnrg. Frank 11. Williams, Albion. Harry W. Witman, Adamstown. Clark C. Berwager, Hanover. , John T. Bradshaw, Pittsburgh. John L. Cahlll, Shickshlnny. Maurice E. Leaser, R. F. D. 1, Ors fleld. Arthur L. Loesch. State College. MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES The following casualties are re ported by tlie commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action 2 Died of wounds received in ac tion 2 Died of disease 2 Wounded in action (severely), 76 Wounded in action (slightly). I In hands of enemy 1 Total 01 WOUNDED IN ACTION, SEVERELY Corporal Edgar F. Archer, North East. Privates Arthur Hoover, Philadelphia. Jacob S. Ivovalchek, Wllkes-Barre. Francis J. Morgan, Curtisvllle. William C. Rankin, Fayette City. Fred D. liegeman, Carnegie. Francis A. Ward. Miners Mills. RETURNED TO FRANCE, PRE VIOUSLY IN IIYNDS OF ENEMY Private Alban B. Lewis, Philadelphia, WIIX ADVISE LIQUOR RAW London. Walter Hume Long, secretary for the colonies, in a speech at Holloway, said he would advise the government to prohibit the sale of liquor In the United King dom. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers