16 If : if I Olliwifiif IIAIffICMI joil IJME IjSMPM'cMM' iieaibs 31AHTIX —Greta McFudden Martin, j on December 12. ut Sun Antonio. I 'uxus. Funeral on M'ednesuay morning ut 11.80 o'clock from tne j Home of net' parents, 1511 Green | street, Burial at, Columbia. Pa. | VVAI.TI'.HS t>n December IS. 1015. | Harolu Herbert Walters, used 2 : years. . , | Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at : 1 30 o clock, from his late residence. 321" Derry street. The relatives I and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment l'axtuug Cemetery. WALTON —Carrie L. Walton, wife of ltobert J. Walton. December la. at lluninielstown. Pa. Furteral serv ices Wednesday. December 15, at. 3 o'clock T. M. from the house. . ltelatlves and friends are invited I to attend without further • notice. IN MEMORIAM IN* loving remembrance of Miss Murtina llhine. who departed this Hie one year ago to-day. December li.j 1017. * P.VKKVI>. SISTER* AND BROTHER. I LOST AN D FOUND ir w T An oval pearl brooch of sma?r pearls, terming a lateheeinceit ter. with two rows afound outside A toward of iv it returned to 113 iseiiy i street. __ j WALLET COST - Vuk- | of money and chetk. l f not), l J a. street. INSTRUCTIONS ■ A rtIUHT START 13 ftftgoUUH BAT I'LL ..... in Harris bTANOA KU vou e sinea4 Col buig AGCKEDIfED J*™ Troup lege. School 01 .J"°2nrket Square. Building. lo So" 1 ,' 1 AlaiKei Bell 460, D,ai 4393. " INDIVI DUALPKuMOTION ln GrBf Shorthand. Typewriting. boukku. p.ns. f u"!l I"aCUOOU ALL ICE XUAUNINU SCHOOL i3i M jj r .v it asirNyAv. __ 11t.1.r WA-Nicll —AlALB BUYS OVER 16 YEARS. IN FINISHING ROOM. PERMANENT POSITIONS OPEN. APPLY DEYINE & YUNC.EL SHOE MEG. CO.. SIXTEENTH AND STATE STS. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M.. 6541, Care of Telegraph. MEN WANTED —To load stone. 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to ss6per week. Apply I'axtang Quarries. Pax taiig. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. .MAC'S GARAGE. INC., 1 IT SOUTH THIRD ST. SALESMEN —All industries, rail roads, streetcar lines, etc., must have cotton wiping waste, wool waste, wiping rags, cheesecloth, etc., to keep going. We have the supply, as well as „ high grade line of pol ishing cloths, cleaner, etc., for hotels, jobbers, hardware stores, etc. Our men average big commissions, pay able weekly. Exclusive territory to hustlers. Address "Dewaco" Co., West 70th St, at Big Pour R. K., Cleveland. Ohio. \ Two Bargains In Farms 33 acre farm, lurl ironstone soil, 3 miles from rnllroad and trol ley. Improved with n lirlfk house, frame bunk barn anil mailing slrenui of nnter. A very desirable property for r.3,00. 75 acre poultry nad fruit farm of 2,1H)0 good , hearing apple, peach and cherry treea, rolling Ironstone soil In a good state of cultivation—brick house, frame linnk barn Price, SKSOO. Fur further particulars see- Miller Brothers & Co. Ileal Estate Insurance Surety Uonds l ocust and Court Streets Member* Mbg. Kesi Itaisir i.oard . , , 'I ' ■ . Li v TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG eSSSs TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 17, 1918. ! HEM' WANTED—MALE WANTED First-class coacli I paintei. Apply \V. U. HlClvUiv I'uli'G. CO., 41u> risburg. Pu. WANTED—Two good, strong boys, to leant trade. Apply siupuriiileiid- I cut. Tne Teicgrapu I'riotlllg Co., I narnsburg. I LAYEIt OUT r— Man experienced in j large tank works, wanted lor immedi ate permanent position. Appiy uy j mail. The Atlantic Keftniug Coai ! puny. Employment Department. 3114 ! I'ussyuiiK Avenue, Philadelphia. Pa. ! WANTED District and local ugents in every city unu town in ( Pennsylvania. Automobile insurance, i Excellent policy. 10 per cent, more coverage, aU per cent., less cost, lllg ! proposition. Address Y„ bSSI, care ot I Tel .'graph. ! WANTED A young man for ofllce j work. Salary, 512.00 per week, with ! rapid advancement for one WHO can | make good. Apply 501 Telegraph liuilding. MEN WANTED lor accurate Count nig and Weighing work. Good wages. Apply al U. S. Employment Service Bureau. Third and North streets. Industrial concern. Elliutt | Fisher Co.. South Cameron street, Uar- I risburg. I AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD REPAIRMEN APPLY MAC'S GARAGE. 117 SUUTH THIRD ST. WANTED Three capable men to j I connect themselves witn tne Singer Sewing Machine Company. Good op- i portuiutles, with goou compensation, j lor u litelong position. Appiy at once to the Singer Sewing Machine Co.. E. F. Grove. Supervisor. Room HUB I Peiina. Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. _ I ———. WANTED I Five good Linotype Opeiators. tauod working conditions. Apply to ; HARRY A. FRY. ' j Telegraph Composing Room. " i ■—■ HELP WANTED— FEMALE ' I WANTED Uirl for general house work. No washing. Small taimiy Cull ifbll phone 3b\L Call 3532 Bnsbuu street, Paxtang. WANTED—Colored girl tor general housework. No washing, no Sunday Ivors. Apply 160S Green street. STENOGRAPHER WANTED For ( local ofltce. Must have experieliee. None others need uppiy. Good wages to right party. Aduress Box H. 6566. i care of Telegraph. j WANTED—Capable white woman 1 tor geueial housework. Small tain- I l ily; no washing. Wages $6. Address , dux 2, llarrisburg, l a. WANTED A good reliable wash woman. Apply Airs. Frauds J. Hail, 1601 North front street. WANTED Stenographer. Apply ; Room 103 Telegraph Bunding, 6 to 6 I o'clock P.. M. to-day. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY. guaranteed for three years. Knit urg- j entiy-needed socks for us on the fast, simple auto-knitters. Full particulars, to-day. 3c stamp. Auto-Knitter Co., Dept. 146-C, 621 Jeltersoii, Buffalo, X. V. e WANTEU Clerk for general of- ; flee work. Experience not uecessury J so much as ability to learn, salary, *lO pei >,cek. Apply inn t'e.eg.upu 1 j Building. i WANTED—AIan wishes middle- i ; aged woman to Keep house. Can at ■ j 035 Suuui Nineteenth street alter t 6 P. Af. ! GIRL WANTED To work in Film I | Exchange. Apply at once at South ; 1 niru street, oecuitu floor. Universal ! : Film Exchange. I WANTED Young lady to clerk n: j I Alusie Store. One v. no can piay aim | read music at Bigiit pieleu'eu. Apply t at Uylei s. It SoUtU Fourth street. WANTED—A giri oter io years of age. .vppi y tuauu Uhioh reu Co., svd iNOl'vlt cCUOI.U Oli'CCi. ' \Ut\u yiUJiL.s AsN'it!.D l'o . jleas* 4Uueif.uKiUe< L.v.aiii*;ia arc Wtii alio tit..i fauvu Y, uetd Wllcu pru- UCiC'lii. huiildifiite &;lbv .iluilUtUL tUi - nio L.u., veiiiuii street# A GUUD PLACK TU WUKlil W E OFFER TO YOUNG WOMEN | . Pieasahl surrouilaihga. Uuuu u&ftUCiuUuaJ. Uuua pa>. Uctu ut.a lUACiUiiUug work. A ciialiww to uciciup y*_4 ottiiallty. WE NEED YuU IF YOU ARE Alert Cheerful YY Itiihg. Meals at less than cost; sick bene-!' tils, anniversary payments; vacations tv lib pay. Apply 6:02 A. M. to S;JO P. Al. to I Alisa feline. Operators' Empluyuieiit ! department, 2t viajuut street. ' "HE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY i OF PENNSYLVANIA. WANTED —Two young women for i I waiLiesses. Alual give references. Ay- j 1 i piy stouifers itestauraul, t North'' Court. ' VvoAlEN—Wanted Immediately, for scruooing and general work. Apply sluuitei's fiestauraut. 4 Noi tft coui I street. YVANTED —Women grocery clerk*. Appo flivvilutl sluic Co., dlttuUuu, i'n. ■ CIVIE SERVICE EXAMINATION'S I Hai risburg, December 7. 12,0uu l women clerks needed, salary. $1,200. > < Experience unneeessary. YY'omen Ce- 1 ~..ng goverumeul position* write tor tree particulars. ftay uioiiu Terry Dormer Civil service EXaiiiiuery, 46,' Columbian BuiiUiug, Yv asuington. UKLP WANTED—MuIe ami Female' ! WANTED —Young men and girls. ! with or without ottice experience, for j , I cluneal positions. Apply at U. S. , Employment Service Bureau, Third J i ; and North streets. Industrial eon- i cern, Elliott-Fisher Company, South! I Cameron street. Harrisburg. j I WANT a good, honest boy or girl, " I to sell uuart cans of a wonderful vai- , I nish. There Is a protit of 25 cents in I , I each quart. Alake $6 extra for Christ- | , 1 mas. Pnone 2622R, or Box 524, Hur- . j risburg Post Oftlee. ; SILK MILL " ~ Expet'enced help wanted. Experl ! encer weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 per day. other departments propor tionately. „ . . Beginners wanted liso. Beat pay. Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wagua Apply hakkisburu SILK MILL, |\ Second and North Streets. SITUATION'S WANTED—MA Ma 1 WANTED Stenographic Work by - young man who has n.e years ex perience in general otlico Woik; eau lurmsh of references. Auumsi • Box H. 7101, care of Telegraph. WINDOW TRIMMER And eard wriler, with departinelil store expen i nee unu nest ut rvlerence, ucsireg tu locate in an eastern city. Address M„ '/ c 'ire of Harrishurg Telegiuph. 4 SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe ' WANTED Woman wishes day * work to uo. Call Bell phone Iju, • after 6 P. Al. . ' , ANTED Housework, by refined, ; young woman, in small, private luiu ily; can iuitiisii best ot reterences. , ; Address Box C, 7ioa. care of Xele . ; graph. ' l WANTED—Young hlgli school girl | wishes clerical wont to do. Address I Box 1. A. 'A'., care of the Teiegrapu. | ! WANTED A woman wishes posl | tlon us housekeeper, tor widower pre 'ilerreu. Address E. V., care of 'lele ' 1 gruph. WANTED Plain sewing to do at home, inquire lai2 llunter street, or cuu 'Bell puune ludolt. WANTED Young woman desires to keep douse for a widower; reter ences exchanged. Address Box Z, 6563, care of Telegraph. j _ HOOMS EOH KENT j FuR RENT Two nice rooms, for | light housekeeping, on second lioor; I heat, gus and use of bath. 32i touth Front street. _ HOOMS EOH KENT ! FOR KENT Large, elegantly furnished warm room, pnvule family; rehneu lietgtiborhouu; ail conveniences and use ul plioue, reasonable rales. In quire 28 North Eignieenth street. Bell niiuue 3842 M. FOR RENT—Four furnished rooms, suitable lor man and wife. Bell pnone 531. No. 1527 Norm Third | street. ; FOR REN'T —One spare large front I room, niwly lutnishea uud w ell heat ed; all conveniences; use of phone. | Call Bell 3684-J. FOR REN'T Furnished second ! floor front room lor gentleman in | private laiiiuy. All conveniences. 315 Briggs street. Call between 8 .and 5.30 p. in. | i I'OR RENT Furnished bedroom; ail convenience*; city steam; electric lights. inqune 12U0 North Sixth ! street, 'l'hiru i- loor Apartment, or can Bell phone 1153 J. | TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR | RENT Use of bath, at 815 North j Front street. Steelton. Inquire of J. !A. Nissley ut above address. Price, ' SB.OO per month. e FOR RENT Three unfurnished : rooms, for light housekeeping; heat. light and use of bath. Address L., ! 6575, cure of Telegraph. ! WILL REN'T —To respectable gen j tk-nian lovely front room, three large ; vvindoOs, in steam-heated house, use of bath, private family. No other . roomers. Fine neighborhood. Ad .! dress It.. 6576, care of Telegraph. ; FOR REN'T One nicely-furnished I second Moor front room, in private family, for gentleman only. Call 1607 , ! Market street, or 2348W Bell phone. ! FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j , $2.5u per week a..d up; warm rooms, i running hot and cold water; light, i housekeeping and private bath. Wil- | srn Apartments. No. 142 South Third. l ■ ' FOR RENT One iarge bedroom, i able. Apply 276 Briggs street i for gentlemen only. Rent reason- : I ROOMS WANTED [ WANTED Two or three furnish- ! | ed rooms for light housekeeping. Ad : dress A. M. L*, 1618 Penn street. . i APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' | FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR 1 RENT For light housekeeping, all i I modern conveniences, ut 1101 North I sixth. Apply Louis, 111 North Third.; FOR RENT Six-room apartment. I 1 Apply 1031 North Sixth. ! 1 APARTMENTS WANTED SMALH MODERN APARTMENT j WANTED —ln good location. Call I | Bell 3556R, or address A.. 6570. care ! of Telegraph. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' I 3 lots at Oak Lane, close to trolley. < 1 lots at Kiverview facing river. 1 lot at RiveisiUe, fruit trees on. ; 1 lot on bchuylkiil street. ! A bargain it soiu at once. C. H. CUBDER, i 1'722 Green street. Bell 560J I FOR SALE Three properties at | i a bargain it sold before December 3U. (Will sacrifice 5600 —1356 Vernon j street, 1350 and laol Mayflower ave-' nue. Inquire Geo. F. Eberly, Six-! j leeiitli street. New Cumberland. Pa. FOR SALE Three vacant brick i houses. Good location. Easy pay-! nients. D. A. Caley. 71)7 KunKei Biag i Bell 580. i FOiv SALE Only SO7O for 6-ruom dwelling and stable. No. 1713 Norm Twelfth Street. Only S2OO cash re- ! qulied. Chus. Adler, 1003 North Third Street. FOR SALE No. 71S North Eighteenth Street — 1 New Hi-story" brick and stucco'; house steam heat, electric light and! side entrance. Price, $4,500. I No. 2130 Derry Street Modern 10-; j room brick house, with steam heat and ! electric light. A reasonable priced ; home at 83.650. No. 2131 Derry Street Modern; brick house having steam heat, elec-' trie light, front porc,h, side entrance! and convenient ear service to all parts !of city. A good buy at |3,800. Revere Street Cloverly Two' detached brick and stucco dwellings, ! well built and modern in every re- ■ spect. The kind of home buyers will! seek next spring. Buy* now und save; money. J. E. GIPPLE. I 1251 Market Street. 1221 MULBERRY STREET Just! ofT the bridge 82,800.00. Easy terms, lof payment. Ready for immediate oc-j cupancy- Warren Vandyke. 820 North' I Sixteenth street. Bell 1357 M. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII I improvements, front porch, bay win dow. 7 rooms, nice yard, drive alley. I room for garage; SIOO down, pay as rent. Also several 3-story bricks I Al) improvements. I Three small houses, suburbs of Steelton; tluO down, balance aa rent; or will exchange on small farm or city property maccepted. 1722 Green St. Bell 560J, ,f ——> :j i :! YOU MAY SELL YOUR SERV ICES IN THE BEST MARKET through advertising in the classified columns. If you are efficient, ca b; pable, ambitious if you want to work at YOUR WORK—tell your - j story in a small ad. There is a busi '."i 1 nessman in the city looking for you, with a place to offer you. Get his J! , attention. Ui * • ' tj ■ j rr=Lr— ■: _ >' | - J liEAL ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT S REAL ESTATE. H SEE SANDEULIN :i ' I JEFFERSON ST.. 2130—3-story brick. | I 8 rooms and bath, all improve- j ments. cemented cellar. newly papered throughout. Same as rent. :| r I j JEFFERSON ST.. 2215—2-story brick. | I 7 rooms and bath, all Improvements, I j front poich. very cozy home. Suite I 1 as rent. | - • i SCHUYLKILL ST.. 622 3-story buff j i ] brick front. 8 rooms and bath, all | improvements, front porch, rear en- ' trance, a very good home. Same as j rent. [ | SIXTH ST.. N.. 2633 3-story brick. 8 rooms and bath, all Improvements, ' front porch, a house that Is bound to increase in vulue. Same as rent. j SEVENTEENTH ST.. S., 532 3-story . brick, 8 rooms, bath and laundry, ' all improvements, cemented cellar. front porch, a home in AX condi -1 tion. Same as rent. j D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY-TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. I BELL 1330. DIAL 3573. 32,500 WILL PURCHASE a brick ' house with six rooms and bath, gas J land furnace. Bell Realty Co.. Berg | her Building. J | THAT most desirable vacant house, I I SO3 North Seventeenth street; brick I land stucco; most modernly equipped. Inspect it at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. . 1 FOR SALE 1 HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES " ; Two frame houses, six rooms. I gas and wuter, situated on Pcnn street. PRICE. *1,500 EACH. j EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. Open Evenings Till 8 O'clock. ! . ! *2.200 WILL PURCHASE a semi- j ' bungalow, with six rooms and bath; j 1 gas light; hot wuter lieut. Bell Realty j Co.. Bergi'.er Building. 'SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE—i lOn easy terms, liel particulars at ' j once, as the opportunity will not last ; long. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ' ing. I ; 2-STORY BRICK HOUSES, all lm- ! 1 i provements. in city; front porch; buy | j window; nice yard to drive alley.' |*loo down, balance as rent. Liberty 1 . Bonds uccepied. ALSO j Several fine suburoun homes, with 1 ; to 3 acres of land. Possession at once. Several 3-story bricks in all parts 1 of the city from *3.000 to *25.000 each Vac nt, possession at once, i-room cottage near Camp Hill; improve ments, garage; front and back , i porches. Also 3-rooni cottage near \ j Kockville, now vacant, improvements, : i ' large porches; beautiful \ lew; 25 fruit I I trees; spring water piped in house I ' ! 5 minutes walk trolley; 2)4 acres I of land. Apply to C. H. CORDEP, 1 1722 Green St. Bell 560J ' | j j FOR SA,LE Attractive ten-room I" residence in lentil tVard. Desirable ' neighborhood. All improvements I witn trom porch, side and rear en- I trances. Possession April Ist. Prtce ! $5,700. *SOO cush and instalments 1 monthly. Address, J. A. U„ 1825 , ! Derry street. . j j BUY YOUR Home on our rental I I payment plan. Small cash or Liberty 1 ! Bond first payment required, balance I ;as rent. We have houses in every ' part of the city and suburbs. Apply 1 j A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. |™ ! ~ " j f Ileal Estate For Sale or Exchange ' 1 | |< WANTED—TO RENT We are naviug a uunibei of appii- ' cations at tins limu lor turuisneu I ' nouses, apartments alia room*. vYhat 1 do you have to oiler; AUUresa Mil- - icr Brothels at Company, Eocust auu court streets. J f— ■ i Him*L ESTATE FOR HENT i . FOR RENT Frame dwelling 1 house, 320 South Fourth street, atee* ! ton; 1 rooms; batn; back yura. Rem reasonable. Apply 316 South Fourth | street, ateellou. FOR RENT—NO. 2000 Slate strJIT ! comer Prick House wito all improve- <i , ments. sloio room and large , cioovl pooirooui location. uei.i. Id. E. Clippie. 12ak Market eireec 3 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE With bath and electric lights, for rent, located at " 339 Granite street. Call Bell "i: 1373 M. Keys at 211 North street. ' >.ENT—One-half mile south of .'tw Cur md; along i a street; nl' dices except 6 as; steulo heat Inquire y loliow, New mnheriand. FOR RENT Two private garages rem l"7 Swetara street. Rent. *5.00 each. J. E. Glppls, 1251 Market atreet. £ nEAL EsiAl'E— £ur Sale or Rout HOUSES AND GARAGES—AI Flttn ana Curtln streets, possessiou ox - some Of tne nouses uu uui ty jays notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 Norm sec ond. Bell phone 3U7J. HEAL ESTATE WANTED I I HOUSE WANTED Occupancy De- ! ! ccmber 16 to 23, city or suuuroau a |to 8 rooms. All improvements. Ad-1 dress Box H, 60i6. cure of Telegraph, I FARM WANTED 2 to 2a acres ! with or without buildings. State low- I est price. Address Box D. 6ot j cure " ol Telegraph. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting lor prop- ' erty 111 any section of tne city u I cheap. Vv ual have you to otter' 11 e-RAa. AUuiih, 1002 N. iniiu au'eet. I 1 . j- OFFICKS AND STUItEHUOAIb I | OFFICES FOR RENT Furuisiieu 1 ' or fciilurnisheu, single or eiisuuo ol ' two or three rooms. Apply ri. m e I Loweiiguru. 210 Nurlli luird street. ( Oliices mill bloieruouia—lur Kent MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beautut.. •'uy.fe.ii .store. 604 Market Street. CHAS. ADLEK, 1002 Nurtli Third Street. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE 100 Acres—Frame buildings, fruit and 11 timber *3,00u 1 60 Acres—Fruit, truck, good build- | i ings and soil *3,800 | I•> Acres —Tobacco, truck, grain, itood j - buildings *lo,oou | 190 Acres—Stock, grain, tobacco, fine building *26,uou I 27 Acres—Good buildings and soil, ' fruit *2,800 6 Acres—Good buildings, truck una ' fruit *BSO Have 3 2-acre places near city, i *1,650 to *2,300. I Liberty Bonus taken, and terms to suit. : CHARLES DA VIES, i City, Suburban and Farm Properties. - 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. 40 Acres. *I,BOO. j' I 3 Acres, *5uU. j _ 60 Acres, *3,suu. 110 Acres, *3, i 00. < Call at 10. CHESTNUT ST. j] FARM FOR SALE—CHEAP j" 30A. Farm, good house unu barn, ! truit, 2 miles to station. Horse, cow, ' 100 chickens inciuueu. *l,soo. Easy;' terms. iUoa. stock Turin. 10A., *voo. > 1 Tarms uu sizes, write lor catalog.!' a.. B. Figgs, autisbury, aid. 20-A. farm, near Llnglestown, *2,800. ! 30-A. lailn, ileal Euoia, *3,500. 30-A. Turin, near rtockvLie, *2,800. ' * 161 -A. lurin. near Linglestovvm *ll,- j 4 000. . I" 150-A. larm, near Linglestown, *9,000. | , 116-A. lurm. near RoekviUa, *B,uoo. I j 122-A. farm, near Lewisberry, *B,ooU. ! ' 140-A. farm, near Lewisoeiry. *6,500. I ' 11-A. farm, near oewisberry, *2,700. 4-A. place. 7 Ml. S. Humsburg. *ooo. 7-A. place, 7 Ml. S. Hurrisburg, *ioo. | ' 3-A. larm. 7 Ml. S. Hurrisburg, *1,600 j Several more Farms. 40 to 100 acres. ! Also 1 have severul small places, </, to j 3 acres each, close to trolley, on Stale Road, all improvements, tee me be fore you buy. Respectfully yours. C. ii. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Harrlsburg. Bell Phone 560 J. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS , t FOR SALE. CHEAP Landis Har- j | ucss sewing machine anu Randall ci easing machine. Bert F. tliiitu, t>, ■ Lincoln Way. West. Chainbersburg, Pa. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT C .earn hoisting tiff ieg derrick ft' sale. Apply to S. S. Johnson. 312 Chestnut. CANXEL COAL L DELIVERED ANYWHERE. J NO RESTRICTIONS. J. B. MONTGOMERY, J THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE Patents, domestic and foreign, on Auto Jack, which raises the four wheels simultaneously. Ad dress W. Y.. ihl -Madison avenue, - Yolk. Pa. ' FOR SALE— Few cheap, used Sew- I Init Alacntues. Also iietv Singers, i Inquire Mr. Hart, n2u Curtin St. — . ( SCREENED CANAL COAL ( 1 *8.85 1 J. B. MONTGOMERY s / 3rd and Chestnut Streets C a I I ri. .i .a i si l * Looeht t s CA SB - AU & - ,t6.t U b b GEL. T. i ILLu iOIIN, , 206 LOCUrd STREET. UPPOsI a, _ 01-Prll. iHEAIer BOTH phones FOR SALE * 1919 CALENDARS £ Big Bargain* in Samples and Job ci Lots. Orders promptly filled. First come, first served. _ MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. p Third and Cumberland Sta. a Ball phone 1677 R. (Abova Shoe Store), si FOR SAIJv—MIBCGLLANEUCB j FOR SAL.iI I Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes. I A rare bargain for a plant i Willi a No. 1 machine. Address •f IE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY, Harrlsburg, Pa. APPLES full sALIi Grime* cl ol _ aeu, Willi a Cuiiauu flavor, otuyiuuu t, ein*up. jonutiiuiis, Yoik liupc.it,,. utc. aolne ol iließe apples ure vi j lino! j V.VUH* and see thoui ul If, A. \V u-kui - . sbulit * UlcliuNi. uiie-iiuil in lit, cttb, ui ; Mtcnanicsburg. Pa., iiuilcy uai stop* u. uicmud. ___ BARGAINS: BARGAINS' The stoi e a crone from Y. vv. u a I Mill's you till uiggm-l uilU Ken, Liu I :guiua m Moos ana Hoys bans, over iuu.b. uteouiliaw l_uu.s. oiiucit, em, 11uui i-aps aud Shoes. We . , ulll . ops lot I ,oW Prices- One us u triu. OU i LET Clklilil.su Cu.. 23 Norlh fourth Slfuei FOR SALE —The Penn-llurris Ho tel lias einpiy barrels ami oio crock ery casks lor sale. MORRIS aAla sate uiolley uuy ami secoud-huiid luriitiure hele I ll.gh pi ices paid lor turiiiluie. .lluiiu J Schmert*. 1 030 Market. Ueii 3I'IR ! ROLL.-TOP. FLAT-TOP and eombl -1 nation bookcase und writing desk foi rule. Call Bell phone 4721 R. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small sine preferred. . Apply I I M. MACHINE SHOP. I p..--'?rry St.. nenr Second Hprriaburg. Pa. I — . i \\ A.N ii'.b—;,i ibCi.ld.AN LUIS If 1 V Eli COAL AND SsAN D f EEET * Will pay cu-iii. UcscilUe fully. Give locution and price. P. o. i u x 13, Hur nsburg. Pa. L COHEN A: COMPANY, Yolk ami Asn Avenues. Highest prices puid lei lug , pupn. iruii, uuueis. ruOOci ullu metals and old nfacliincs. bend pustui ul' cuil .1311W Bell and Uiul 632 a. ELECT RICIANS Will find an oppoiiuuny in the su.e ol p.uniuoie Nevts Agency in thriving suburban tovt u. lulluciise has uepritcd the town of us only electrician. No Elec iricai suppiy aiuie in iciwu. Slarl u business neie. The Netvspupei Agency will get, you acquainted with the people. BOX R. 7474. Care of telegraph. DESK ROOM WANTED with serV ices ol stenographer in downtown of lice by suiesiuan culling on manufac turers anu contractors. U66i3. MAX SMELTE Second-huud lurniture Dought and sola, liighcsl cksn prices puid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 384 7, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeiu, 1016 .Market street. Will call, city or country. XMAS PRESENT for a small boy. ' Pure-bred Airedale Pup. Easy dog to i house nam. Inquire M. K. Ruther-I lord. Harrisburg. Pa., Routo No. 1, Box : 73 Bell phone 341J-3. FOR SALE Solid mahogany Rv- j ingruuiu suite, two-pedeulul Colonial I table, with drawer; rocker, chair and I seated, also slip covers. $45.00. Apply | at 1533 Cedar street. WANTED. TO BUY Second-hand j victrola. State price, couduioii unu : where it can oe seen. Address C.. 605 a. j cure of Telegraph. ———■—- i HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for , Second-hand Furniture Prompt at tention. Newmurk A Cown, 308 Broad I street. Dial phone 4826. HIUHES'I PRICES PAID for all ; kinds ot Junk. Gel our prices betors selling. Cull Bell phone 336. or drop 1 us a postal and our wagon will call. 1 Keystone Iron .■ .uetai Co.. Broad unu j Currant streets. DESIRE TO BORROW $3,000 Sc- • cured by lirst uiol tgugc on suburban j property. Write M., <l.u7, cure of Tele-! graph. lllultEai PRICKS PAID lui uli ■ kinus ui eiup.y oxiieis ami junk, can, Bell phoile 137 5. U Abruius at Sou. 1 834• 8.,2 NuITU Seventh slieeL PARTY OWNING • ' j well-located vacant properly in th city, would like to get In touch with a responsible j contractor and builder. One v. i i woulu be interested in j 1 developing the properly. For i 1 partieuiurs undress M„ 3211, Care ol Telegraph. Money to l,oail WE IJSND MONEY in compliance j with Act ul Julie 17. 1310, to inuividu- | I als in need of reudy cusu, small loans a specialty, UUSII.CBS cunhdentiui, puy lueiiLs to suit borrower's convenience, positively iuWis. rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVe.St.MENT CO., 132 Wainul Street. INDUSTRIAL LOANS—SI 6to S3OO I On Personal Property. Reul Estate or ; Guaraiiteeu Notes. THE ENTIRE COST OF S2O lor lour mouths Is +2.50 840, tor lour Mouths is 41.00 S6O lor (our mourns is 6.60 j ' SIOO lor four uioiiths is sj.i>o I ' based on (out equal liloiillily pay- " inenls one month apart, other amounts in proportion. Long or sliort time ! coiiirucls. Interest charged only lor the actual time money is in your possession. Business established 111 1303 and conduced under Stale super vision. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN 61 INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. Hours: 8 to 6. Saturdays until 3. Open two Evenings betore Xinas. Musical VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS BANJOS. Band and orchestra Instru ments piuiuptiy auu cuiclully .pair ed UYLKIts. 14 south Fourth siieet. WANTED A used Victor Phono graph, loU model or over preterred. Must be in good condition, at cash prire. Address Box 11ea73. FOR SALE Lai ge Cubinet Kishcll , Alaehine, piays ail makes of records. Also a lot ot the latest V iclor records. Can try tliein before uuyiug. Address S„ 1103, cure of Telegraph. FOU SALE Victrola and a nice ! selection 01 music. Cun try oeiore! ' buying A party with reference cun - arruitge payments, 3u to 30 uays. Ad dress Box it, 7102, care ol Teiegruph. , FOR SALE Victrola and 20 pieces J of latest music. A party with refer ence .an at range payment to suit, or will exchange on Liberty Bond. Ad dress Box V, 7101. care of Telegraph. - TALKING MACHINES promptly und carefully repaired by an expert oniy t/Y Lr.. .1 14 south Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pans, just call Bell Phone J242J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. ■ -T, ■! ■ "I VT t'ku BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIIW ' CASH GROCERY STORE FOR sAU 1 —Good location lor reliable person. Cheap. If sold to a ijuick buyer. Can Dial 0232. BUSINESS PERSONALS UPHOLSTERING Of the best KIIIU. V% Ul Kfc UUi UlllVttd. Wc cull UilU uuuver. avb uiuua iiitci. Uiui pnonc -462*. IDEAS. INVK.VHi.IS, PAi'aN'l'.i pi loled. Send purlieu la IS. Hurst Pi/looting Agency. uiualestuwn. Pa. EXPEKT AUDITOR AND ACCOUNT ANT Efficiency Meliiuu* and Cost Sys tems insiaiieu. iiiuouie aim r-xcess Protit lux Siuiciiteiils prepared. Books opened, ciosed or auuiled. C. K. AlucCiosKey, -iu3 souih mil tveliui street. HAZOIi I.LADEo SHARPFJNED Single cage, 2vc uo2; douule cuge, 25c dux, raxui s. 2/t. Uoigu* Drug Store, PlililloAOt livuslu It. essil—P. rt. cupiun Co. 200 Market stieeC i/UlNlNc. —uook oul lor .liut giipv. lecillig, IlKeiy lo eaten )uu mis euuiiaeuble neutliei. utS laaV I'JV i I'hl.Oi'lll' Will Siai e It oil 11 eukeli In tlll.e. Gloss Drug stole, lit Ma. net Street. CO-OPERATION "The l'irst Principle of Success" The following Representative Concerns have taken purt in the CO-UPitltA'r'l'Vt. C u m p u i it n conducted by tne Federated IL'udes Council, ihey WISH to be classed as friendly lo the cause and we ask for nielli your Co-operation and Hecipioca tion. "Buy War Savings Stamps" BANKS Commercial Trust Company of Harrisburg, mi .V Third. .BUSINESS COLLEGE School ol Commerce and Har risburg Business College. 15 a. Matket Si|. EN'UlNh.i.ilS AND CoNSTKI CTQUS Central Construction Corpor ation. FUIS'tST Sclimuit, Florist, ;ii;t Market St. KUNii.itAL. DIRECTORS Itudolpb K. Spicer, 511 N. Sec ond St. Fnckler's, 1312 Derry. FURNITURE Fackler's. 1312 Derry. FURNACES Caloric Pipeiess Furnace, The Carlisle Plumbing and Heat ing Co.. 32 N. Court St. GARAGE Rex Garage & Supply Co.. 1917 S. Third. GROCERIES. WHOLESALE The Witman Schwurx Corp'n. Evatis-Rurtnett Co. GROCFjRI ES. RUTAH, Polleck's Cash and Carry Stores. Harrisburg and Steel ton. HARDWARE, WHOLESALE Henry Gilbert & Son. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES Dean F. Walker. 4fll) N. Second. KNITTING MILLS M< e-head Knitting Company. Inc. New Idea Hosiery Company, inc. LAUNDRIES Sanitary Family Washing Co. City Star Laundry. LUMBER Harrisburg Lumber Co., 17th and Naudain. PLANING MILL E. C. Snyder. 18th and Holly. MILK DEALERS Penna. Mi'k Products Company. MANUFACTURERS pjorrUhurg Shoe Mfg. Co. Harrisburg Silk Mill. y| r >-r'-burg Pipe & Pipe Bend ing Co. Harrisburg tanufacturing & P- 1 ' -o. „ Devine & YunT t shoe Mfg. Co. Nniiss Nianufacturing Co.. iMfg. of Band Instruments and Re pairers of Ante Ritiiators). SEEDS Walter S. Schell. 1307 Market. MIDDLFTOWN V -oft Stove Works. A. S. Is.i ider Co. "Ruy War c a,vin'. , '' Stamps." BALLING ANO MOVING AUi'U tlAo 1-1-SG Local ol long distance. Fuiilituiu aiiu i'iwiio liiuviii* u specialty. Blue uii.e iriinLi, si, ewp.-wi . i.idt. uulu pliunea. AUTO HAULING Local una lung distance. I'uiuiluu oti.ig a spe ; visit/. Rates teaooi., ole. i'lumpi SCI t ice. Call tieil e-dj. 11 LAVI L VULl.NO—Fully etiuippeu 1 Ivi id.uituie, Height una pia.. v iuu\-| nig 'No distance 100 far. CuicluiJ U...C1. ....... a.a liuslploot UOUy. J.) L. Grubber's i'rucit Seivice. irvin rtungst. .tiuuugt ilerstiet Ua. lici, 1 pliune ibK-6. LOCAL A?tD LONG • DisTAN L HawLi.NG Prompt service. A. m 1 B. /lutui LxpicSw. JI. capita, slioet. ; Uell pnolie ibdsJ. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAcLi.tci- -1* uiuncie uiutiiig. Prompt service. Ernest C'orbui, bi.b Canlei St. t. t. cut.. ,/uu..cs. cell .Odd/, t/ia. 3C83. GENERAL HAULING AND "FAST EXPREoS sKRVIUr. lu lieuii... lottus with auto/trucks, only expc/ins.ed alio cuivtUl Olivers. cull llcil SJ2U, ui Dial 2265. VUT'J XTtUCK SERVICE Local anu long-distance. F. J. Mcrier, lleli asi-J. sieelton. WE MOVE Anything —any ttnere—any tune. Dial 4990. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. IH2 North Third Street, City. ALL KINDS Oh HAULING AND MOVING DUNE CONRAD BROS, 841 KELKEK ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHtINE 3518. HICKS Local and Long-distance Hauling 424 Reily Both "hone*. Win-re to Ulue ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT -HE HOME OF SATIcFACTION. ST( JUFFER'S R ESTAU R A NT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and I.sdiev in d.-narate dlnlngroom. Storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also baui- Ing of all kinds. D. Cooper At Cu Both phones. STORAGE ln brick building, real 408 Market. Household goods lo clean, prlv tie roums. Reasonable rates. P U. Diener. 408 Market street. Storage STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In ttreproof ware house. f3 per month und up. Lower storage rates in nun-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437- 44f- South Second street. < Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLUK FUNERAL DIKKCToiC 1312 Derry St. it BELL 1856. DIAL 2138. I KUDULPH K. SPICER, F-inerai Director and Emualmsr, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2148. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY —I Beautifully situated on Market street - easl of Twenty-sixth, and on the ni'i t.i and easl laces the new park way. The prices of lots ure moderate. Miliel Bros, e- Co., Agents. 1 I Cleaners mid Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Blessed. Dyed oi Repaired al lh best 'pn.ee In town Call and deliver. Goodmans, l/obia North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure una tor sale, i'oru Lou trucks. Auto-Cur 2-ton tiucks and one 7-y paoociigei lluyncs i. ./nig Cur. All ' tncup io uuick unyers. intei uulioual Hurt ester Co. UN. k Depuitiiteiit, No. b I ) street. 2V BETHLEHEM TRUCK Newly painted and overhauled. In best of running condition. Address K. T.. cure ot Telegraph. FOR SALE Ford truck, pannel body; two-horse wagon, good us new. Both euuipped for uaker. F. J. Nov inger, Millersburg, Pa. NEW 2-lon International Truck, useu a Weeks. Willi express body and ■ cab. Price reasonable. Address K. I\, cal'e of Telegraph. WANTED All kinds of used auto inco. e.ty highest cash prices. No Junk. 11. Eslerbro- •' 912 North 3 Thou street. Dial 4990. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing b, expert. Road Jobs a specialty. Charge reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street- OLD AUTO Wanted, used, wrecked or Oidtimers, In any condition See me before suc rilicuig elsewhere. Chelsea Auto \\ rec..ing. A. schitl'man. 22. 24, 26. North Cuineron street. P.ail u 3.13. I ' BARGAIN SALE 60—81XT.Y—60 i USED FORDS " ) 1914-1915-1917-1918 MODELS A Including Touring Cars, Roadsters, Sedans, Trucks. Light Delivery, Also 1 Racer and Speedster. These cars have been over hauled and rebuilt In our Re-' pair Department and aVe in fine mechanical condition. > ! The Paint Department have reflnlshcd them in many at tractive color combinations. The paint and tarnish are the best Valentine grade. Prices from 3250 to 3500. • ' •' ' ' ' 1 ' Convenient terms may be arranged. V Open Evenings. MAC'S OARAGE, Inc. 117-19-21 SOUTH THIRD ST. FOR SALE —6-ton Standard truck. Price reu.-<u!iub!e. Mechanical work in i Al condition. Guaranteed 30 days. ' Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cam eron street. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Select One of These P'crfect Cars for a Christmas Present. Overland Country Club, color brown with cream wire wheels and Khaki top. Driven 4,000 miles, runs and looks < like new. Overland small four road ster Coupe. An Ideal small enclosed car for two or three * people. Handsomely llnlshed. Willys-Knight snger touring, thoroughly overhauled and retlnlshed In French gray with maroon wheels. A splendid family car good for years of hard ser vice. Chandler Six Coupe. A late model In splendid condition. THE / OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., 212-214 North Second Street. Open Evenings. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Pagt ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers