SOLDIERS ARE TOBECAREDFOR State and National Authorities Are Arranging For the Places For Them Pennsylvania soldiers or sailors wounded or disabled in the great war will have over 50,000 employ ment opportunities open to them when they return and steps will be taken during tho coming week to bring about co-operation between national and stato agencies having such matters in charge. The subject as taken Walter McNichols, acting commission of Labor and In dustry, and Jacob Lightner, director of the State Employment Bureau, with federal agents of the new board just created by Congress. The Penn sylvania officials submitted the of- J WHY HAIR FALLS \ Dandruff causes a feverish Irriga tion of tho scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop fulling hair at occo and rid the scalp ot every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug otore for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub well into tho sculp. After several applications ail dandruff disappears and tho hair stops coming out An Easy Way to Apply Medicine Catarrh and Colds Relieved by Smoking a Certain Combina nation of Medicinal Herbs, 'Leaves and Flowers Smoking is a very simple method by which medicine may be Introduced Into the air passages of the head, nose, throat and lungs, yet no other means can so easily reach many of these inaccessible places. Dr. Blosser is the originator of a combination of medicinal herbs. leaves and flow ®rs k^ vhicb are which he Vv \j"\~ manufactures, PS®'' Remedy are in gCy haled into the the nos tr i thereby applying a warm, penetrat ing medication directly to the In flamed mucous membranes, produc ing a stimulating yet soothing effect. It Contains No Tobacco Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Remedy is absolutely harmless to man, woman or child. It is pleasant to use, and not sickening to those who have never smoked. There may be some doubt in ••vjb your mind thaif easily done eveii'f when a case is S J (.ft an old chronic Xps: /iy\ one, but you can satisfy 1/kUI FRsJ* yourself by sending your name and address with ten cents (in coin or stamps) for a Trial Supply to THE BLOSSER COMPANY, Box 4448, Atlanta, Ga. This Trial Outfit con tains some of the ready prepared cigarettes; a bag of the Remedy for smoking in a pipe, and a dainty new pipe. A regular package of Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Remedy costs $1.25 by mail (either one hundred cigarettes or a thirty-day supply for pipe Use). If you suffer from Catarrh, you should order a regular package to-day. or send ten cents for the Trial Outfit. H. D. Koons & Sons Will arrive at the Harris burg Stock Yards, Decem ber 18, right at the weßt end of Mulberry Street Bridge. Everybody knows where we have sold our Turkeys for the past five years, as you all know, that we always have the turkeys and sell them cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. We have 1600 head, in weight from 8 to 35 pounds. Remember we start sell# ing on Thursday morning at each place. "Do not wait this time till wet are sold out. COME IN TIME. A plat* without it roof which does Dot Interior* with tuate or epeech. $5 Plates Repaired While Yon Walt iiAMf'C dental IyIHVIY 0 OFFICES SlO MARKET STREET Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! . . One or two dbMC UIJW ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS wUI nuke yon fed ten years younfar. Beat fW known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach ■oob and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Drus&ists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the u.s. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CQ. 260 Weat Broadway. N.Y. Saturday irvENrrctf, fers of places from 800 Pennsylva nia employers. A statement Issued at the Cap itol says: "It Is estimated that not more than 1,000 Pennsylvania soldiers are so disabled as to noed educational training tor a new occupation un der the federal board for vocational education. Consequently, less than one-fiftieth of the places offered by Pennsylvania employers for disabled veterarts will be filled. "The vast number of employ ment opportunities available for such disabled men In Pennsylvania will, however, give wide range of choice for the disabled veterans ready to enter the task for which he has been 'reducated.' "The 60,000 employment oppor tunities for disabled soldiers throughout Pennsylvania are classi fied and card Indexed In. the Bureau of Employment in the Department of Labor and Industry at Harrls burg. Classification is made as to lo cation of plant offering employ ment, occupation or task offered and disability of worker who could per form the task. All this data will be constantly available to the federal board for vocational education and through co-openitlve action of the officials of thaflboard with the of ficials of the Bureau of Employ ment of the Department of Labor and Industry, every disabled soldier returning to Pennsylvania will, aft er educational training by the fed eral board, obtain remunerative em ployment, at a task for which he Is trained, at or near his home lo cality. "Opportunities for employment for disabled soldiers are still being re ceived at the Bureau of Employment. Within the last few days a request came to the Bureau of Employment for a rotucned, disabled soldier ca pable of doing prescription work In a drug store. Tho request stated that the loss of one arm or one or both legs would not bo considered too great a handicap for this position." COMMISSIONED LIEUTENANT ElizabdtJitown, Pa., Dec. 14.—Mrs. O. H. Hoistand, of Orange street, was notified on Wodnesday that her son, J. Thomas Heistand, a sergeant in the 305 th Field Battalion Signal Corps In France, has been awarded a commission as a lieutenant in the Signal Corps.—Curtis Good was visiting relatives at Milton Grove. —Mrs. Edward Sheaffer and Mrs. Kathryn Land is were guests of relatives at Highspice.—The ReV. and Mrs. Charles Houston, of New Cumberland, formerly of this place, announce the arrival of a son, Charles Edgar Orvllle Houston. — Mrs. William Gruber attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. David Stauffer, at Middletown.—J. V. Binkley and W. L. Heln were at Lancaster and Columbia.—Roy Fry was the guest of friends at Manhelm. —Miss Mury K. Carter is visiting relatives at Columbia.—Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Crosier were visitors at Lan caster Monday.—Miss Eileen Hess is recovering from a spell of sick ness.—M. B. Brandt, of Conewago, was the guest of friends in the borough. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shenk were guests of relatives at Bellaire.—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bak er, of Bellaire, were guests of rela tives here.—Miss Elizabeth Arndt, of Falmouth, is spending some .time with friends here. Mrs. C. K. Sheaffer and two daughters. Mrs. Harry Sheaffer and son Charles, of Harrlsburg, and Mrs. Ed Falling er of Middletown, were the guests of David Zerbe and family.—Misses Mary Meckley and Jessie Wltman were the guests of relatives at Bain bridge.—Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Landis and daughter Anna and Marian Alexander, of South Hanover, were the guests olj. H. Brandt and fam y- "V fOLDS Head or chest— are best treated ' IfaMjrK NEW PRICES—3Oc. 60c. SI .20 , jfSjilfk Haveyoq four . house? > I Pleasant j' Forth*t Cough and SoreThraet j teed. IKBI * n Daw rn iht hod ud !!* free httitkuf. Ctl M 111 George A. Gorgtis Drug Store, Harrlsburg. I'u., tf n ne * k*r e be* of k. Wonderful reaulta— Kill. germ, and heal..ore membrane*. Uaethia hasrant healing anliaeplic cream to atop aneez tug and break up a cold in a hurry. 25a a boat Don't Catch Cold or the Influenza may got you yet. At tho first sniffle, sneeze, gore throat or headache, take some "Solof-Quinine" tablets to break up your cold right at the start Don't let it get the best of you. No bad head effects as when quinine is taken alone. Geo. A. Gorges Drug Stores. Har rlsburg. Pa. WOODS'OFFICE IS | BIG MONEY MAKER Interesting Report Made by Secretary of the Common wealth to Governor ment of the Sec vVs\\O/ Com monwealth, vyyvygy which is not often considered as one ° ' the b >S revenue jfnßQfiQK protuclng branch- I jjjfH BQ1 government, paid two-year period ending with No vember 30. or over $700,000 more than in the preceding two-year re port period, according to the bien nial report Just made by Secretary of the Commonwealth .Cyrus E. Woods. Tho fees for the year ending No vember 30 were $128,615.62 and $133,480.95 In the previous year, whllo the bonus received by the Commonwealth from Incorporations and increases of capital aggrgeat ed $561,176.90 in the year ending November 30 and $1,040,155.11 In the previous year, the decline being due to the movement for control of capital issues by the national authorities. A new feature of the work of the department was registration of the names of concerns doing business until assumed or fictitious names, re quired by act of 1917. There have been 6,036 names registered, pro ducing a revonue of $34,701.25. The commissions issued aggregat ed 24,449, of which 13.579 were for volunteer policemen, but even de ducting this number the total issued for officers of all kinds, including notorles and magistrates was over 2,500 beyond tho previous two-year period. The charters issued in' tho two years numbered 2,929 against 2,707, while notices of increases In stock or debt were considerably be yond the previous period, except on railroads of which only two were chartered in two years and new In* suranee companies which fell from 13 to 7. The number of bottles registered also, declined, going from 83 to 71, while trademark registrations fell from 329 to 248. Small Covnad Plan—Governor elect William C. Sproul yesterday consulted with Mayor E. V. Babcock, of Pittsburgh, about the small coun cil proposition for the cities of the state. The new governor Is believed to have something like that in mind for Philadelphia. Mr. Kccphort 111—According to Phlladelpmu newspapers State Trea-s urer H. M. Kephart is ill In Phila delphia.' Mr. Dowiing Makes Strong Appeal at Ohev Sholom For Crippled Soldiers At the regular service of the Ohev Sholom congregation last evening, Michael J. Dowiing, president of the State bank of Olivia, Minn, spoke in behalf of the returning disabled sol dier. Mr. Dowiing, who recently spoke In Harrlsburg under the au spices of the reconstruction division of the Home Service Committee of the Red Cross, is recognized as one of the leading citizens of the Central Northwest, although he lacks both legs, his left arm and the Angers of his right hand. Mr. Dowiing gave a brief account of the struggles of the early period of his life, citing many of the ob stacles and handicaps which he had to overcome. He spoke strongly again/t making the disabled soldier a subject of public charity, and be lieves in giving them a chance rather than placing their welfare upon the community. The speaker character ized soldiers' homes, as "camouflaged poor houses." Another interesting phase of Mr. Dowling's address was his delineation of the similarity between the Irish and the Hebrew. He showed how both had for generations been ridi culed and made the subject of, bur lesque on the stage and by the press. He said tnht the difficulties of both races had to be met and were over come. He attributes the success of the Jewish race to the teachings handed down from generation to generation in Jewish families. The average alien, the speaker stated, had "made good" and has proved himself to be 100 per cent. American. Rabbi Louis J. Haas, made a strong appeal for the Red Cross at the meeting, suggesting that the very young as well as the aged enroll. "Let the 'Greatest Mother In the World' embrace all of you, young and old, men, women and children," the rabbi. He also offered a prayer of thanks for the safe landing of President Wilson, and asked the di vine guidance and wisdom in his de liberations at the peace table. INFLUENZA AT STATE HOSPITAL Danville, Pa., Dec. 14.—Accord ing to the. quarterly report of Dr. R. B. Meredith, superintendent of the Danville State Hospital for the .In sane, 470 patients were sufferers from Influenza during the recent epidemic. Twen.ty-flve deaths oc curred. There were incarcerated in the institution, 1,(96 patients, which Indicates that ond-fourth the popu lation of the big asylum had the dis ease. The epidemic is now abated and no new cases huve developed during the last few days. SERGEANT RETURNS HOME York Haven, Pa.. Dec. 11.—Sergeant William J. Ensmlnger. In the aviation department of the National Army and stationed at Wichita, Tex., for the past year and half, has been honor ably discharged from the service and has returned here. Sergeant Ens mlnger will resume his former posi tion as switchboard operator at tho York Haven Water and Power Com pany's plant. CLUB ENTERTAINS GUESTS York Haven, Pa., Dec. 14.—Tho Twenty-three Club entertained a number of guests Rt its monthly so cial laat night in the Pythian Park pavilion. Dancing and cards featured the function. Music for the occasion was furnished by Spangler Brothers' orchestra. Thirty-five members and gueats attended. Refreshments were served. CRUSHED BY ROCK PALL Slinmokin, Pa., 14,—Caught under a fall of top rock at the Sterling Colliery, of the Philadelphia A Read. Ing Coal & Iron Company, Joseph Pltlnakie, aged 4 5 yeara, a contract miner, was crushed to-day. He Was unmarried. Use McNeil's Pain Extermlnator-Ad ROtfUSBURG QSHflg TELEGRAPH CENTRAL PA. NEWS OLD SOLDIER'S PREMONITION Juniata County Civil War Veteran Arranges For His Own Burial Mifnintown, Pa., Dec. 14. —Filled entirely by the premonition that he has but a short time to remain on Mother Earth and desiring a decent and respectable burial after death, Levi Durkis, 80 years old, a Civil War veteran, of near here, is busily engaged in arranging the many de tails for his funeral. Living on the farm of Ex-Sheriff Zimmerman near here, Mr. Durkis walked Into Miitlintown . this week and went to the undertaking estab lishment of R. H.'Brown & Son. There he selected the casket that is to encase his body after death and made some other necessary arrange ments with the undertakers. Com pleting this end of the arrangement he got In touch with tho Mlffllntown cemetery officials and purchased a plot of ground that i 3 to be his final resting place. Appearing hale and hearty, Mr. Durkis says that he feels no ills, but that the premonition of a death in the near future has caused him to these steps. Without any near rela tives and desiring a decent and re spectable burial ufter death, he does not wish tho matter left to civil au thorities and run the risk of being interred like a tramp or paupor. Possessing quite a good memory for his age, he can remember quite vividly many Civil War events. Mr. Durkis was wounded at Eraser's Schoolhouse in Virginia. Big Christmas Checks Are Given Employes Four hundred employes of the Moorhead Knitting Company don't believe in a hoodoo around Friday, the thirteenth. This unlucky date brought for them luck instead and they're inclined to side with Presi dent Wilson who calls the thirteenth his lucky date. A check for $27,538 was divided among the Moorhead employes yes terday when President R. W. Moor head, of tho Employes' Savings So ciety, split the nest egg and distrib uted the money. During the past year the employes saved the amount of money given and in announcing the figures yesterday William C. Alex ander, sales manager of the com pany who is also the treasurer, cited figures to show that the percentage of savings is constantly Increasing by leaps and bounds in tjie Moorhead plant, in 1916 there was a total sav ings of $5,352; 1917, $17,604 and 1918, $27,533. The total payroll for mill and local office for 1918 was $193,180. The percentage of savings to the payroll as given by Mr. Alex ander is: 1916, 1 per cent; 1917, 3.29 per cent.; 1918, 5.14 per cent. Suburban Notes YORK HAVEN A daughter was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. George Renoll and daughter, Rena Renoll, returned to Harrisburg after spending a week here with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew F. Harro. Elwood Heiss, a student at Lebanon Valley College, Annvllle, was a recent guest of Clarence Arnold. Bernard McLaughlin has returned to Camp Leech after spending a few days' furlough with relatives here. Dr. J. C. Murphy, who had been con fined to his home, suffering from in fluenza, is able to be about again. The. Rev. and Mrs. George A' Heiss and ■ daughter, Anna Heiss, of Sh?e mansdale, Cumberland county. wer< recent guests- of friends in York I Haven. Dale Gerber, son of Mr. and Mrs C. L. Gerber, has gone to Akron, O. where he has accepted a position In ar Industrial plant. MOUNT WOLF Joseph Arnold, Pennsylvania rail road track foreman, spent severa days at Woodsboro, Md., where he vis ited his nephew, Alfred Arnold. William Duering, son of Benjamh Duerlng, has recovered from an at tack of influenza. Jesse Dlohl, of Camden. N. T„ I spending a fifteen days' vacation wltl his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diehl Miss Sarena Hoft, of York, spen several days in Mount Wolf as th< guest of Miss Rena Hoff, her cousin Both Mr. and Mrs. D. J. May are con fined to bed, suffering from influenza Miss Bertha BKre. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Bare, is critically il with pneumonia, superinduced by in fluenza. , Mrs. George Diehl and Jacob Fitz- Kfce, the latter a driver foi George A Wolf & Sons, are additional local In fluenza victims. Mrs. Jesse Frysinger, of Steelton spent the weekend with friends In th vicinity of Saginaw. The Rev. E. J. Knaub spent th( week at Jefferson, where he conduct ed a series of evangelistic services. Mrs. Harry Mltzel, York, paid ,l e --eent visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Krebs. LIVERPOOL Recent visitors hero with George C. Charles and family were Mrs. George Roush, Mrs. William Douty and daughter, and Carl Hoffman, of Millersburg. Walter Rumberger, Miss Mary Rigler and Misses Clara and Anna Frick, all of Millersburg, were vis itors here with Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Shaeffer. Mrs. Martha Hartzell and daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Williams, of Har risburg, were recent visitors with Mrs. J. N. Rltter. Mrs. R. H. Wlngert and son, Ru dolph, of Summerdale, spent several days this week with G. Mi. Deckard and family.. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Richards, of Philadelphia, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Relf snyder. Mrs. Ell Hammakor and son, of Duncannon, are visiting at Landin Ebhe'rts. Mrs. George Zellers and Barner spent several days with relatives at Harrisburg. UTLLIAMSTOWN JJr. and Mrs. Henry Wert have re ceived official notice from Wash ington that their son, lrvln Wert, a member of Rvjatlo'n corps was kill ed November 2S in a flight in Eng land two days before he was to sail for America. B. W. Williams and Mrs. Alverta Donley were married at the Luth eran parsonage -by the Rev. M. E. Smith. They left on a trip to Phila delphia. Albert Becker, of Philadelphia, was a visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs. James Bottomley. Mrs. William Welman, of Leban- OP, was a visitor with relatives here. Thomas Doyle, of Waterbury, Conn., Is spending the week with his parents here. PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD CLOSES Important Church Work Ac complished by State Body The thirty-seventh annual sessiort of the Pennsylvania Synod of the < Presbyterian Church, meeting in the J Pine Street Church in this city, came j to a close at 3.15 o'clock yesterday j afternoon. Tho afternoon session was taken up with miscellaneous j business and resolutions were passed i extending thanks to Harrisburg citl- J zens, churches, ministers and the press for their co-operation and kindness. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge, pas tor of the Pine Street Church, made a closing address as the official host of the Synod. Dr. George Montgomery, of Pitts burgh, tho nowly-elected moderator, in closing the Synod, expressed his thanks for the honor conferred upon him and his personal gratitude for the close attention to all delibera tions of the body. Ho declared, more over, that ho was delighted at the wonderful extension of the circle of his acquaintances, and extended a warm Invitation for all commission ers to visit him in Pittsburgh. Dr. Mudge, stating that the Synod had met in Harrisburg every eighteen years since 1882, expressed the hope that it will meet here again in less than eighteen years. Following the close of the Synod, the members were escorted through tffe Capitol building, through a spe cial invitation of the Public Service Commissioner, William D. B. Ainey. Several commissioners will remain ■ in Harrisburg over Sunday to fill va | rious pulpits in the city. The thirty ; eighth annual session will be held in the First Presbyterian Church, Ger mantown, in October, 1919. Shamokin Soldiers Took Part in Closing Battle Shamokin, Pa., Dec. ' 14.—That Shamokin's soldier boys took a most I important part in the great battle that marked the closing days of the war, is indicated more and more each day as the reports of casualties trickle in by wire and letter. War Department reports- to-day show the I following^ Sergeant Arthur School, son of j Phillip School, is reported missing I in action on November 9, two days j before the armistice was signed. He i was in the Three Hundred and Four- I teenth Infantry. A telegram to Mrs. Ralph Scholl says that her husband, a member of an artillery unit, had been wounded on October 1, and is now in a hospital. Private Raymond Wertman, son of Jesse Wertman, is reported wounded, degree undetermined, on October 3. Corporal Frank Sickiwicz, son of John Sickiwicz, is reported wounded in action on October 3. STRIPPING TOBACCO CROP Marietta, Pa„ Dec. 14.—The 'weather of .the past few days has enabled farmers to take down a,nd begin stripping their last season's crop of tobacco. It is very heavy and from what can be learned the quality is good. There is but little hail cut tobacco in the county. Many sections suffered from rain, but in hanging in the sheds it has "cured" i fully. Those who sold have secured a high figure. The greater part of the i tobacco throughout the Donegals ; has not been sold. OUTBREAK OF INFLUENZA Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 14.—Health i Officer George Joseph, reports that there are over 100 cases of influenza in the town. It had about died out and the new outbreak here is causing much alarm. I In the Seven Mountain region the • disease has broken out among the hunters, there being thirteen cases i in one camp. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY i Marietta, Pa., Dec. 14.—John W. i Espenshled, was busy yesterday rc . ceiving congratulations upon his t birthday. Mr. Espenshied is custo j dian of the old town hall bell and assessor of the Second ward. Mr. ! Espenshied has worked at the bar ber business longer than any other \ man in Marietta, and is among the 1 pioneer flrcmon of the borough. ROYAL ARCANUM ELECTION Maricttu, Pa., Dec. 14. On Thursday evening next. Chiqucs Council No. 1825, Royal Arcanum, will hold their annual December meeting and elect officers for tho ensuing yeur. Following tho business of the council, a smoker will be held and refreshments served. MUDRDERER FEIGNS INSANITY Snnbury, Pa., Dec. 14.—Petor Smollak, Kuipmont, confessed murderer of his wife, is said to be feigning Insanity. at the Norhtumberland county ja'il Smollak will be sentenced noxti Monday by President Judge Herbert W. Cummings, to be electrocuted at the Rockview Penitentiary, at a date to be set by the Governor. Two Deaths in Kansas -Accident on Trolley Line; Car Jumps From Track Kansns City, Mo., Dec. 14.—Limited sesvlce throughout the daylight hours, with little violence reported, was maintained yesterday, the third of Kansas City's street car strike. Efforts by James Dahm, representing the Federal Department of Labor, to bring about a conference between tho ccmpany anil the union with city of , fleers, were unavailing. Resumption of service with police protection on 100 cars was attended with an accident, resulting in two deaths and the injury of a dozen. A car got out of control on the in cline the Twelfth street viaduct, leaving the rails and demolishing it self against a trolley pole and a building. At the company offices It was said tho motorman of the wrecked car had a good record of ten years. The motorman said he ap plied the air brakes and tr|ed to sand the rail, but could not stop the increasing speed of the car. P.ain fell iiitermlttenly all day. tfOWN DRY BY If. . ORDER Seranton, Pa., Dec. 14.—Upon an order made by government agent* here,, saloonkeepers, hotel men and clubs selling liquor in Berwick are given 14 day* to close up. On De cember 21 tfle town is to become dry by Federal authority. RUSSIAN JUMPS INTO BRICK KILN Worrying Over Family in Home Country, Ends Life in Horrible Way Mount Union, Pa., Doc. 14. —Paul Mazur, a Russian, 30 years old, era -1 loyed at the Harbison-Walker "brick plant here, committed suicide Aiy jumping into a fiery kiln stack yes terday. Mazur had been worried for some time over lack of Information | about his wife and children in Rus ! sia and. It ia • believed, became de | spondent. A negro workmen saw the net. and reported to the foreman, but ! only a few charred bones were found. According to the story of the negro, ' Mazur crawled into the kiln through I a door about two and a half feet I square, used to govern the draft of I the kiln and which is about thirty feet from the ground. At the time It was heated to a white-hot tempera ture and the bricks w&re ready to be removed. lIP.HF.ARING Foil CHRISTMAS York Haven, Dec. 14.—Christmas will be observed in the usual elabor ate manner in the York Haven churches. Yuletide programs are be ing rehearsed. Both congregations will have observances of the Nativity with Yuletide exercises on Sunday evening, December 22. A beautiful cantata entitled, "Santa's Wishing Box," will be rendered by a large cast of characters at the United Brethren Church, while St. Paul's Lutheran Sunony school will offer a varied pro gram of exercises and music. Tho commltteo in charge at the latter church is composed of Emanuel Shepp, choir director; Mrs. D. G. Cassell. Mrs. C. J. Cassel, Mrs. Ira Warner, Mrs. L. H. Swartz and Miss Rosa Lentz. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY Berwick, Pa., Dec. 14.—Herbert Gensil Espy, a member of Company G. Eleventh Infantry, at Camp Leo, Petersburg, Va„ was committed to Jail by Justice Carey, In default of bail, on a charge of forgery. It is nlleged that he passed a check (or sls on C. L. Zanor, a merchant at Espy. Justice Carey found that the name of the drawer and the payee were written with the same ink by the same person.- The check was drawn on the First National Bank, of Berwick, and signed by Joseph Myers. The bank said that no such a person had an account there. $5,000 GIFT FOR Y. M. C. A. , Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 14. —The Rev. and Mrs. Reld S. Dickson have made another contribution to the Lewistown Y. M. C. A., handing over their check for $5,000. This is their second contribution to the new Y. M. C. A. in course of construction. The Rev. Mr. Dickson, is the pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, but has been doing Y. M. C. A. work among the soldiers in France. I \ H "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" 1 Open Tonight | Big Display of I "Bath Robes" and "House Coats" I I Just Arrived—An Unusual Assortment I $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 I to $20.00 I The Store Everybody Is Talking About I I 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. I * im. DECEMBER 14, 1918. ' BANDITS BOLDLY ROB BANK; SLAY TWO; WOUND ONE Get $13,000 From East Brook lyn Cavings Institution; Make Their Escape By Associated Press New York, Dec. 14. —Two officers of the East Brooklyn Savings finnk | were killed late yesterday by two! daring highwaymen who escaped in | a taxicab with $13,000 after shooting j a detective who tried to stop them j and holding a crowd ht bay with their revolvers. The robbers chose the busiest time of the day for their purpose. Enter ing as if to make a deposit, one ad vanced to the paying teller's window j and suddenly thrust a revolver through tho- bars, while his com panion "covered" other persons in the bank. When Daniel C. Peal, the teller, failed to "come across as ordered he was shot through the heart. His slayer then took his turn at "cover ing" the crowd, while his companion ran to another window, forced a clerk to retreat to the rear of his cage and then crawled through the small opening. From that cage he hastened to the one where the murdered teller lay Hastily he thrust rolls of bills into a linen bag and when Henry W. Coons, assistant treasurer of the bank, ran forward to guard the money, he, too, was shot. He died later at a hospital. Then both robbers made a dash for the street and when Detective Sibert Doody tried to block their path, he received a wound in tho left arm. Outside, the pair waved the crowd back with their revolvers and en tered a taxicab. Hater the chauffeur, who said his name was George W. McCullough, gave himself up to the police. He claimed that he was not implicated in the robbery, but that he had had a pistol pressed to his head and had been threatened with death if ho did not obey orders. fi.ACht'ld iwhshrdl taun taun tah Extradition of Kaiser a Treaty Right of U. S. Pittsburgh, Dec. 14.—"1t Is within the power of the United States to extradite the former Kaiser of the German empire." This was the declaration mnde yes terday by Dr. Francis Newton Thorpe, professor of international law of the University of Pittsburgh. Doctor Thorpe bases his assertion on a treaty signed between Holland and the United States in 1887. Avoid Coughs and Coughers Your health and aooiety demand that you take something lof that cough. Coughing spreads disease. Good, old reliable SHILOH Is guar anteed to relieve the worst cougb In twenty-four hours. SHILOH Stops Coughs Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they, cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly, in fluenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Will cure catarrh. It is taken internally and ects through the Blood on the* Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect com, binatlon of the ingredients In HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is what pro duces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Druggists 7Sc. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. WIY?U,HTBE People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablet* a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there s no sickness or pain alter taking them, i Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets Is ever cftrsed with "a dark brown taste" [ a bad breath, a dull, listless, no good* feeling, constipation, torpid liver, Dad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. 4 ) -*—- a Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. >- Take one or two nightly for la week. See how much better you feel and look. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. f ——— < After K fleets of Influenza Influenza, as well as other ill ness, cuuses falling and lifeless hair. MAE'S BCAI.P TREATMENT. will restore the life of the hair and promote its growth. MAE'S HAin DRESSING PAI.ORS :M N. 3d St. Entire 2nd Floor 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers