Store Closes Regularly re d° ses Regularly On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six iIKI.L 1001 23.1*1 UNITED * HARRIIBURO. FIUDAY, JKCHM llKll 13, 1018. FOUNDED 18T1 •#l|| CfossMembership '.. <m Dainty Neckwear For I" your quest for suitable gifts, do not over-look a Red '*£©ojjkSl /". 'r, /- • # iK Cross Membership to some relative or friend. It costs only ''i-wj) VjllL whwWthT one dol'lar, and it enrolls the name in one of the greatest or- ft® ir X§ L$J thousands of heroes who have cared for you by placing them- kW/ 3 " v yKA malra ,u n i,i d,.., i i ri . i 7. * Uit)*?lir<l<Hc| i<m -*-ftiT(ii> . . , i i r i • FWi \ twT makes an old dress look like a truly new one. Our vestees frtiii ■i i . w.ftju- . selves as a barrier against the encroachment of a domineering fpjjy- - T T 1 1* -'/ Ml ml! are „f „..,i I.cnJ ■■■CteWHM, a s^eAS on and a tas arc prcscn,cd to every new 1 • Dainty Underouslins II *££.£. ™ c - • p q ■ tmcmb.l next week. X"TT 1 •/• *1 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Sta 0" - "—77 —-t; 1. Are Welcome Gifts 1 G7,. , ——Jabfe bor Women who We are making a special display of undermuslins that are 9 KIDDQI ! S JVIRIS.C A LQVCIy j&l especially desirable for Christmas giving. They are intimate V* , TTor Men Jw and when chosen carefully carry a real feeling of friend- *& Ci-ft- OCCK. VJIILj X U1 ship. Useful, too, and therefore fine gifts to give this Christ- jjrj| Glit . mas. The assortment comprises fine silk garments as well as wjt W u\V Men's heavy ribbed Lnion Suits, fleece lined, in all sizes, those of cottons, all well made in bright workrooms where sail- Jjj bcn wc think of Christmas and the kiddies, the thought Ift \\\\ $2.00. i • ii i *l-1 itary conditions are assured. Undermuslins comjng from this ri •toirs foremostin our minds, as to what shall we give that Men's Hose, high spliced heels, double soles, in black, cor- u=3 ctore nrr enrp nf i mil urolr>rmi n 1 will appreciate. A ribbon would please her immensely. AaJs^xjß dovan and gray. Pair. 29c. . O Sl ° rC aFt SUre 01 a rCal welconie - M A fecial in hair bow ribbons, just the ribbon lcngth-1 1-8 Men's outing flannel Pajamas, $2.00 to $3-00. w=| Crepe de chine envelope chemise $2.98 to $7.98 LI * X 3' ard . ' n eacb P' ccc - Moire, satin, warp prints, and .p. 5 ( Men's wool top shirts, $2.00 to $7.00. Crepe de chine and satin gowns $4.98 to $14.98 pfcids, sto 7 inches wide, 39c to 75c a bow. k Men's wool shirts and drawers, $2.50 to $3.50 each. ||3r Kayser Italian silk vests , $2.50 to $5.98 J|j BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 5 "STnj Munsing wool union suits, $4.00 and $4.50. |gjp Kayser Italian silk bloomers ....$2.98 to $8.50 Tpf Munsing cotton union suits, $2.00 and $2.50. $$ Kayser Italian silk envelope chemise $-3.98 to $6.98 T? , / ~p * * Men's dress shirts, starched and soft cuffs, $1.50 to $2.00. W Kayser Italian silk camisoles $1.25 to $2.25 1 TIIXIIIIIII2[S jSL • Men's Sweaters, $1.98 to $10.50. M. D , ... ■ TT , , ~ ~ , , ~ . fd?' ——— Pnvc- Curpntprc ci Qs tn 98 Philippine Underwear beautifully hand embroidered in a l# r. * • • . j- IB Bojs Sweaters, $1.98 to so.yß. cnlpnHiH nssnrtmpni ' id! trimmings can he used in numerous ways. On coats, BW Men's Dress Gloves, $2.00 to $3.75. dresses, suits to make them look entirely different. Men's Auto Gloves, $2.00 to $13.50. Rpniififul XJArvl a White coney ar.d ermine fur for children's coats and bon- Paris and Brighton Garters, 25c to 50c. JJCT<ILI Lli Lt I IN SSjtk m nets, 1, 2 and 3 inches wide, yard, 75c to $2.50. ,M£2£a J? Men's Suspenders, 50c and 59c. jvj tAji' The fine art of gift-making also finds expression Black, brown and kit concy—l inch to 8 inches wide, 75c Men's Belts, 59c, 79c, SI.OO and $1.50. Hi in a beautiful'negligee. Here arc assembled to $6.00. >|Z Men's and Boys' Woolen Gloves, 59c, 75c, 79c and $1.50. 3 JfW ff\ t) le practical and necessary at-liomc (\ One and three inch nutria trimming, yard, $2.75 to $11.50. Men's Leather Gloves, 69c, 75c, $1.25, $1.39 and $2.00. nfSr Jl 1 sacques and robes, with the added 1 \tdtf SeaI ' 1 inch to 0 i,lches widc SL7S to s l2 -95. \ R 7 \ / BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Ljw J| \<v\ \ charm of beautiful fabrics and Coney, nutria a.d seal collars, $6.50 to $21.50. A, I : \ \ exquisite stvles making Fur buttons in ;oney, nutria and seal, each, 20c to 50c. "D J Il rtt , J true Christmas gifts. m Tailor braid in dack, brown, green, navy, white and taupe, M M XSCadCQ ±l3.ncl DSS[$ Ifeßil U \ /il-2 inch to 3 inches wide, yard, 15c to SI.OO. . . 1 / • sacques and negligees, $7.98 to $22.50 /MIP howman s-m.,. fioov. 1 p d? 1A 4- <£CA I3oudoir caps, in all colors, beautifully / - from vP 1U to vPoU m-!' trimmed in handsome laces and' / r> • , tt ribbons 50c to $3.98 /g Satm and Fur Hats —^=s Exquisite in design and coloring, beautifully made, and in i BOWMANS— second Floor. / mM lk an assortment of pretty stvles that hardly knows a duplicate, - JgT. . , . . . N they offer selection without equal in Harrisburg. ' ) Completely covered with fine beads; with shell, or =\vk ®k v," ;-v- —r' „,. . . , , , . , .* , . r d&sltJ ytrm beaded frames; in many unique and handsome effects. Apr A P? Medium sized and the large, satin hats trimmed in plumes. [ i ! ' propriate gifts to women who appreciate the distinctive and J? \ W Y\ L 1 rans P arcnt bnm hats with satin crowns. Small (lower- \ \ pretty dress accessories. j 1 j trimmed turbans, $7.50, $8.50, $9.50, SIO.OO. il. Furs For Christmas I Hosiery of Better Grades I . Red , Stri " s Beads _ While furs arc perhaps more expensive this season than a j. /"* * / n • neu dcmand - Come in different styles O A they have been for years, there is no outlook for a decrease *1- \-Toou Kjrljt TO kjIVC dTICI I\6CCIV6 a sizes, .ioe to s_.oo. f \ •iftv / pricc - T he y stiU maintain their pre-eminence as gifts. Every one is glad to receive hosiery for Christmas—provided it is GOOD bqwman-S-m-ir Floor. W 7/WJ ■ Wc liave a choice collection which includes the following hosiery. It's a safe, satisfactory present to K ive, especially if it is bought here. j .. T ~ VTW \ S / You would not care to present any oae with inferior hosiery, any more than 1 rililKS 311(1 HaildbagS \Mi / Taupe fox sets—large scarf, muff trimmed with head and you would want to receive it. So it is wise to buy your hosiery gifts at THIS ®— pi / v \m / * a *'' SCt ' store, where you are SURE of getting a satisfactory quality no matter what This department in our basement is among the largest \IB / \m / Kamhctaka brown fox sets, $55.00, Gray fox, $29.50. the price. ' ' and most complete in the city. High-class luggage of every \l \Si ' * 1* >+i i'ii i • . . kind is to be found here. The dependable kind that you are _ V \yi ® Gray fox sets, $45.00. w ,.. ~ Gaclies tlireatl silk Stockings, in V bite stockings with black not ashamed to carry on your holiday vacation and the kind \ Beautiful scarfs and muffs sold separately, $19.50 to $125.00 ° PenWOrk cl ° cks; pair > clo T ck f. "' : ? 2 ' 50 and $4.50 that will give long service. Just think for a moment of the 1 ' $4.50. Italian silk hosiery in plain black relatives or dear, friends who would appreciate something We have fox, wolf, beaver, nutria, raccoon, kolinsky seal, Black stockings with white cm- and white' also fancv black brown of this .®P r , t as a ? sft " .„ Then , c T e hcre fo1 ! y°V flection and , —TliiaT irreh,Bd m,nk ' broidered clocks $2.50 and gray .'. .$3.50 y ° u K '" kBOW " C ' BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main'Floor V Serviceable Gloves Interesting Items From The kind that will give long wear and entire satisfaction. •' f ' Art Linen Department *' ' If they come from this store, the recipient knows how good * match furs, dresses, or shoes or All sizes in every I r y Fancy Fruit Baskets, in varied color designs and all sizes, iIVvV \ >tyfe at a> wide Tange of reasonable prices to insure satisfac- y - Below are some of the fine gloves we are d IV9LI V \_J LI l Fancy Jap, Lunch Baskets,,in various colored decorations, I J*JrM \ yßr s "7 iDß ' ~ , i a : Leather Department Fancy Sewing Baskets, in plain grass and Oriental colors, ' \ gj/ White, white fancv, olack. black contrast, tan, brown, jig-,® SB r 75c t $lO 50 iSpV *?{' 05 t a^^ iainpasnc in ° ne CIaSP and tWO Klf If >' 0U have ' th f er f, is no that *Y?y • ' Flower and IVm Jardincres, made in basket styles and |n Ga,p sl.Po to $-UO. If' saw one or so of the many things you wanted fbr • ZZgT handsomely decorated, $5.00 to $6.00. * IKKI, \\'ash capes in one-elasp, twc-clasp gauntlet and slip-on; | derful and ' C<v u 1 manv u u A complete line of Sweet Grass Baskets at prices ranging e\civ ck ii, o Photo frames, both traveling and case style; card M roni L t(> ' ' BOWMAN'S— second Floor. Driving gloves of every description. $1.95 to $7.95. cases, shopping bags, cigar cases, bill folds, pass ui ig| A . „ I ... ii, j • • -ii cards, strap purses, coin purses, cigarette cases, to iL/\ cashmcrcttc dm.Mc and sm g ,e, MjJM bacco pouches, letter hooks, etc. . JgP*" RllV PJfFc M IvWn .'c to $,./ -. . Pin seal pocket books will, back strap and top strap, ■ tl\' vjlTlS (IT IOIiIIIkCTS / |\ V ■ NfeJ J BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. nicSely lined with different color linings, fitted with H ~~~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ /I |i*BL [ i/T H mirror and coin purse, $1.50 to, SIB.OO. A - T t P. 1 K | \~2l TT 11 I • c * . I Morocco purses beautifully lined with different col- *df"V * : S -M L 1 LllS iJLOrC Vg) I hp AIWiIVS ore d linings, fitted with mirrors and coin purse with , \C TB/ Jm&\ A 7 y 3 back and top Strap, $1.50 to SIO.OO. - f . . . . , ~.* , TW. \Y wla 'Satisfactory Gift S? .*! _ big , cks o( the; St .ki,idso( bl.n tett. and they are all ▼ .■''VBB&Gtfl sL W 1 .! -a* a a • . , • , . ' marked at attract ve prices. Blankets bought here are sure *• acllcl,e witli '"I 1 stra P' ™ c 'y lined with to be satisfactory because their quality and serviceability are Handkerchiefs are classed among the most— MmrjJ q| —|fl) different colored lining, $2.00 to $6.98. assured, popular with the gift-buyer and always welcomed by the (raveling Bags, Suit Cases and J runks—an unex- JRmflli?®' ... > . . A ... , , . , • . x T .. i , ii i• c . vE -La rpllnH vnriftv in ln*>mpn rPWjffitSSSiwr All wool bed i lankcts in white with colored borders, in recipient. iSio matter how many handkerchiefs you may have imm E_a ceuea varietj in oasement. ~ , ,•. , • . . ... . a.,-™ . a-ninn W. l i; i , • i . „ . i . / c • blue and white, tad pink and white, pair, $1.1.00 to $39.00. - i 1 Vu,, will always be glad to get more. We have plenty of fine BOWMANS— Main Floor. ~ . . . .. v . , . . . j .-j • . 1 'r\T \ \ j. ,•, J , c, - *- . j * W 1 art wool in w lite, assorted colored borders, plaid in tan, • I •&&%£££*) haiidlccrchieis for everyone. Some are so dainty and lacey £*aJf "1 blue pink and gt y pair $9 00 to sls 00 CfS arC S ° reaS ° l,a ' > pr ' ced ' tbat y° u can a T°rd to give a /jjp | Woolnap and <otton in large variety of patterns in white, . . W ? have thcm scalloped edges, embroidered corners, and 1 § I . Cloth a " shadcS ' 1 jffiffi- Ullt, als, lor men, women and children, lOc'up to $2.00. | Blanket with fringe—plaid effect in a large range of colors, t ■ V k If ' ? J SATURDAY EVENING, HAJRRISBUTIG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 14, 1918. 3
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